My husband and I went to Iceland last summer for 2 weeks. We rented a camper van and had access to a camping stove and small fridge. I got instant oatmeal on sale weeks before we left and brought it with. That was my breakfast every morning for 2 weeks, and only cost me $4. I also brought with protein bars, drink mixes, hot sauce packets, small containers of spices, zip lock bags (which I then used to bring home black sand). Then all the extra space in my hiking pack I filled with goodies to bring home like chocolates and volcanic salts and spices. Going to restaurants is very expensive in Iceland. We were able to eat very well in our camper van shopping at the more affordable grocery stores (including beer from the airport shop) for less than $250 for 2 adults for 2 weeks.
@@victoriasamadi8729No - it just takes time to stock up. We saw here that Christine stocks up when there are sales. She has a bunch of pounds of ground beef that will last a few months and if she freezes the milk, it will last as well. She shows through her videos how she stocks up and how her budget is real. Learn from her! Keep your eyes open for deals!
I get tomatoes cut the top off so they stand up and put them under the broiler for a few minutes, let them cool down the peel just pulls right off then put the tray in the freezer.
Let’s face it, the industry takes advantage of people that have special needs, so most of the time these people are paying way over regular items. For instance like lactose free items. Also, I refuse to use Kroger stores anymore in my area! Found blood floating in water in produce are just weeks ago! I followed up on if it had been reported and girl said yes and that all she got was a response of “gross”. The bathrooms are totally not functioning and sink was literally just hanging off of wall. Another employee was spited in restroom scratching himself by my son in his private area and walked out without washing his hands…then went back to restocking the produce! The freezers always seem to on the fritz and stores are trying to sell grey hams! The main butcher in one store was fussing at me over asking if they had any better looking hams in the back and then was insulting! I use to love shopping at Kroger, but they are in desperate need of managers from when they open until when they close! I would rather pay more than eat someone’s DNA! 🤨
@@nancyculp6968This is so sad. We have 3 Dillions (Kroger) stores in a 25 mile square town. One store is old. All are well kept. Everyone is very friendly. Guess we are lucky. Did you contact Kroger main offices?
So true about Florida prices so while we are about to leave for 10 days at the beach I am making several of Christine’s Aug 9 casseroles to freeze and take - all are easy quick and inexpensive- thanks Christine
Ground Sausage was on clearance at a local IGA store for $2.99/ pound. So I bought 3 one lb packages, took it home and cooked it all up. To the first pound I added Purple Cabbage, Onion, Yellow and Red Peppers, can of diced Tomatos, Broccoli, Cauliflower ,Carrots and seasoning. To the second and third pounds I added an Onion, a Tomato a d seasoning. A four ounce serving of just the meat was $.75. By adding veggies I can stretch the meat to 6/8 portions thus making it around $.50/ portion. What a great savings ! 😊 Christine, your channel has really helped me to find these bargains - I greatly appreciate all you do.
Ah, my local store was selling boxes of fish at $1.60 each! I HAD to buy them!!! That's 36 pieces of crumbed fish for $9.60! (Yes, i did leave some for other shoppers.) It makes economical sense to stock up when the deals are good!!! Happy bargain hunting, everyone 🎉
I live within walking distance of two regular grocery stores (not Aldi's or a discount store). I walk the aisles several times a week and have found that even the "expensive" grocery stores have unadvertised clearance and mark down items. You have to shop regularly to spot them. Most recently I found boneless, skinless chicken breasts for 99 cents a pound. I have also scored Italian sausage at $1.00 a lb and canned goods at 30 cents a can. I love pickles but the price got too high, so I make them from scratch with fresh cukes that I found on sale.
Me making my husband listen to Christine say " I can't do it. I don't know how to say no to the stickers." Then looking at him to say "She gets me." Because SAME!!! It's how I feel as well. 😂😂
September was the highest amount on the budget I have spent this year. A LOT of stock-ups happened this month! But our freezers are full and pantry if full.
Your videos have helped me so much! Thank you for sharing. I love that you live in Tulsa too. It was fun to see the owasso high school football field in the background. I graduated from there in 2010. You’re doing a great job! 👏🏻
I got an awesome deal at my local store. Nescafe simply Creamy coffee sleeves (16 per box) on sale for 4.39 then a rebate with checkout 51 which made them 1.39 each.
I have been watching you for such a long time! Our family truly appreciates you :) The amount of times I buy a clearance salad kit at Kroger and do "hot meat+cold salad" ;)
Thought of you at Aldi, they had 50% off organic chicken breast because they were alnost at the sell by date. I bought all of the packages and put them in the chest freezer!
My zucchini refused to grow this year! Sad! However I have not bought any tomatoes in months and my neighbors and family have totally enjoyed my surplus!! Thanks for all the tips you give us on being frugal!!
We clear out our food in the spring so we don’t have to have our deep freezer running in our garage in the 115 degree weather all summer. So in May we spent $300 on our family of six (4 boys). We don’t eat many processed foods so that budget was entirely produce and dairy.
Hi, I'm from Australia. I once grew a zucchini that was 47 inches!! I knew no one would believe me so I had to take photos. It was a few years ago and I can't find the pics. We enjoyed it for 2 or so weeks.
Term life insurance is the best route I went. The life insurance, if available through work, is null and void if you change jobs. I did the math and pay barely more than I was via my paycheck- and immensely larger payout “if life happens.” Thank you for reminding people of this.
Hi Christine, you are the only American on RUclips who I have heard pronounce the word 'cauliflower' the same as we do in Australia! Have been eating through my stockpile for a few weeks and trying not to spend, except to replace items used up. September was my lowest spend month in a while. TY. for the inspiration.
Christine, you could make Zucchini Cobbler from that monster zucchini. It sounds crazy, but it's delicious. It tastes like apple cinnamon. All recipes has a decent recipe. I highly recommend it.
HEB had leg quarters .47 cents a pound. 10 pound bag $4.70 and chicken breast .97 cent per pound. Wild caught large 21-25 gulf shrimp $6.97 Score!!! OMG they are delicious. Fresh hot Butter flour tortillas $2.49. (To die for) Asparagus .97 pound and seedless cucumbers .97 pound. Cosmic crisp apples .77 pound. And the sales keep on happening. Thanks Christine for the challenges.
@@dustinmccarey1959 HEB Waxahachie ad last week for chicken and ad for this week shrimp, apples. asparagus, and cucumber 10-2 thru 10-8. HEB ad. Also do you have a Smart Shop, Joe V's in your area. That is and HEB store.
Its really hard to shop for one person and save money at times. I buy family packs of various products and freeze some of it and dehydrate different products. I keep a garden growing year round that helps to offset my grocery expenses.
I just happened to go on Amazon Fresh yesterday. They had three packs of 80/20 ground beef for $5.97! Do I need ground beef no, did I buy ground beef YES!!
When you said $100 I told my son I would never be able to do that without using up the stuff in the pantry and freezer. And I have a hard time saying no to the stickers too. Just did a grocery haul away from our little town. Any time we have medical appointments they become medical/shopping appointments...cuz I mean we have already spent the fuel. Today we will be processing for the freezer all the great finds from yesterday. My trunk was full and the back seat even had some...but the deals!!!!!
If that's a black beauty zucchini, it will still taste great at that size. Thank you so much for your recent video about the discount grocery stores that sell past-BB food. I had no idea how idea how I was manage a $30 food budget this month. Found there's a discount store on my route! For $9.55, I got lunch for 12 days and breakfast for 6 days. I have $20.45 left for the month.
@@bethmichaels8410 When you pressure can ground beef it’s best to precook it some first so it doesn’t pack together so you will start with raw meat not frozen. Rose Red Homestead has a great video on how to can it.
My budget is $212 for only myself but I have allergies so foods without them cost more. I also refuse to be poisoned so I eat organic. I barely stay in budget.
I thought of you this weekend. I got 4 (the limit) classico sauce for .40 cent each by using store rewards card and ibotta. And just stocked up on gain and dawn dishsoap at DG with coupons. Paying 1 dollar for large squeeze bottles of dawn and large gain squeeze for free. It stressed me out buying non essentials but reminded myself of your method to stock up when sales hit and reminded myself I have food storage to pull from for the week/month.
That is awesome! I would struggle with produce withdrawal! But I am planning on not buying any shelf stable and Freezer items for October and November so that I can reduce my freezer, pantry, and canned goods. Thanks for the inspiration!
I’m careful with discount meat from Kroger. After buying chicken on clearance on multiple occasions (still within date) my family got sick several times. I stopped buying chicken on clearance and just buy when it’s on sale and stock up then.
I had a similar bad experience with some ground chicken at Kroger. Chicken is already so iffy and cheap, better to just buy it on sale and not roll the dice!
In September I spent around $200 on groceries and its usually just me I’m buying food for. Did buy some extra on sale and ended up spending way less than August groceries. Aiming for that or less in October. Spent $27 on groceries this morning and should be good now for another week at least since I have a lot in fridge/freezer pantry from sales. I’m with you it’s so hard not to buy the deals. Between now and the end of the year I want to use up more of what I already have instead of buying/spending more weekly.
I grocery shop for my father in law periodically and I saw chopped tomatoes and tomato sauce on clearance at Walmart. They were marked down to $1.75 for 32oz but when I went to check out they rang up $0.75! I grabbed six at the time but when I went to get more they were all gone 😂 I can't say no to the clearance deals either 😅
Where I live in Texas there is a Wally World and a United…that’s it…no great couponing, no great clearance/markdowns. One has horrible fresh fruits and veggies…the other is waaayyyy overpriced even when on ‘sale’. Instead I’ll drive the 100+ mile round trip to Costco and Winco in Ft. Worth.
I quit buying meat in the tubes, because I have came home with bad meat and not knowing it. I prefer the see through packages. And in my opinion my Krogers doesn't have any good deals on their meat in the clearance area.
Clearance meat at most grocery stores is not worth it. The discounts are usually fairly slight and meat can be questionable. This refers to meat that is discounted because it is at or near the sell by date. Kroger does have excellent sales on meat though. Their half price sales on Boston pork butts and pork loins are fairly common. They almost always include a meat on the front page of their adds. These are usually at a price much lower than their regular prices. That being said, they still aren't necessarily something I would buy. Examples from this week: 1) Purdue boneless skinless chicken breasts, 50% off. The problem is that they normally cost between $5.50 and $6.00 per pound. That makes them under $3/lb, but that price is regularly available at many stores (as long as you don't use a brand name) 2) Boneless Pork Tenderloin. $2.99/lb. That is a great price for a Pork Tenderloin, but I have regular pork loins in my freezer that I bought for $1.49/lb. Now, the tenderloin is a more tender cut, but not double the price tender (at least for me) 3) Boneless chuck roast. $4.99/lb. To expensive for me, but if you absolutely need it, this is a better price than most other places. The one exception to clearance meat at Kroger is when they are clearing out processed meats, like smoked sausage. When a grocery store stops carrying a product, the store often reduces that product sharply to clear up the shelf space. Also, It is easier to overstock on processed meats. Fresh meat doesn't last long, so they they only buy a little at a time. Processed meats last a lot longer and and can be bought in larger quantities and farther in advance. Because of this, you occasionally end up with a larger amount of close dated meats that have to be sold in a hurry, It is a far rarer occurrence, but the prices are far better, available in larger quantities, and the meats are often in better shape (1-3 months away from expiration, rather than 1-3 hours).
@@theethicalostrich1388 I am a bargain hunter, so always looking for good deals. I have mainly found better deals at Albertsons than at Kroger. I shop both of them mainly for their weekly sales ad specials. And have came across better pricing at Albertsons, on their meat. I just recently bought the bottom round roasts and boneless chuck roasts for 3.99lb, at Albertsons. I cut the bottom round roast up for steaks and the chuck roast for chili meat. It's a lot cheaper for me doing it this way. I then vacuum seal them to go in the freezer to use at a later time. I do love the idea that Krogers weekly digital coupons can be used up to 5 items in a single transaction. It has helped tremendously on saving money on items that our family uses.
@@theethicalostrich1388 I am a bargain hunter, so always looking for good deals. I have mainly found better deals at Albertsons than at Kroger. I shop both of them mainly for their weekly sales ad specials. And have came across better pricing at Albertsons, on their meat. I just recently bought the bottom round roasts and boneless chuck roasts for 3.99lb, at Albertsons. I cut the bottom round roast up for steaks and the chuck roast for chili meat. It's a lot cheaper for me doing it this way. I then vacuum seal them to go in the freezer to use at a later time. I do love the idea that Krogers weekly digital coupons can be used up to 5 items in a single transaction. It has helped tremendously on saving money on items that our family uses.
I kind of do this in tiny scale, as I don't have as much as a stockpile and freezer space. But I can't go without buying fruit. How do you do about it? You have a lot of it frozen/canned? Obrigada.
That’s what we do. I buy whatever fruit is in season on sale and always try to have frozen fruit for smoothies for kids especially. Bananas are always so cheap.
Where do you live?? I live in small town Georgia, and no grocery store has these prices. I shop at Dollar General and their prices are way, way more than this!
I love your content, the only thing I have a differing opinion on (and this goes for many frugal cooking youtubers) is not including pantry item(s) $$ within the budget. Those items were purchased (previously, yes, but still paid for and were left unconsumed), and are not freebees. If you used $90 worth of new grocery items, and $20 on older pantry/freezer purchases, I personally would have included that in the overall cost because it was still money spent, and now is the time it is being used. It just makes it seem like grocery costs are lower, but they aren't. The cost of the food being used is more than just $91, it's $91, plus the previously purchased items. For example: If I'm throwing away $20 worth of food, that's $20 gone; so why doesn't it work the other way around? $20 spend on food that is being defrosted and used towards this month's meals should be included in the overall food budget. That's how I view it.
I included the items purchased in previous months where I only spend $400 a month for a family of 6, so I didn't include the cost twice. I've kept my grocery budget low for over 15 years so it probably averages out to $350 a month? I feel like that is pretty spectacular these days.
@@FrugalFitMom Okay, that makes sense! I was just thinking it was getting left out, and I's not exactly free, but if you already included it in previous costs, it makes sense that you wouldn't include it again. Thanks for clarifying!
I have to ask, how do you not buy anything for a whole month??????😮😮😮😮 Fresh fruit and vegetables are a must in our house. Some things can last a long time, pumpkins and onions, but tomatoes, lettuce, spinach fruit!!!! I wouldn't be able to do it. I got lots of fresh home grown tomatoes from my parents garden during summer, some of which I froze, so when I make a tomato based pasta sauce I just grab them from the freezer, they are so delicious 🤤. We also have enough pumpkins and butternut squash to last us ages 😂. I also like to buy my favourite food items when they are discounted 😊 my daughter can't understand why we have so much pasta 😂😂😂😂 because when it's discounted I buy it and save 😊
I have no idea how much I spend on groceries each month because I have 7 cats! I buy their food plus my family of 3 food altogether. I mainly feed all canned food, twice a day, so it is upwards of $400 a month j7st for cat food (not cat litter). Cat food is very expensive these days. All I know is everything adds up to a high number!!! 😞
You couldn't pass up the discount on the ground beef!! My mother-in-law recently passed away at the age of 96 and we are going to get her house. Things are crazy for sure, but I have 2 upright freezers full of food, I have many shelves of home canned food and store bought food. I'm really working at making sure I use what I have and only buy things that I actually need like milk and potatoes when I run out. My husband told me please...if you see a deal...let it pass, don't stock because we would have to move it lol. So far I have passed...but I do have a running list of what to watch for deals on when we get moved.
I'm in swfl and my grocery stores don't do discounts /clearance very much at all. I shop the only outlet I have which is bread outlet but no other stores have discount grocery . It's so frustrating . I do shop sales and not brand loyal on very much at all but . I do all I can to save but the stores here just have no sticker deals
You can use the shredding attachment if you have a food processor or use a mandolin very carefully. Or use a sharp knife by hand. Look it up on google. Hope that helps.
You got zuked!! :-D Hee hee hee I just went to Aldi today, and spend 195. But, that included 2 things of tp, a big pack of paper towels, ttwo boxes of garbage bags, two silicone dish brushes, and the very important pumpkin cat scratching house. 😀 So, probably around 145 on actual food. We were out of everything, it seems like!
This doesn’t work for everyone. I only have one sad Walmart and zero discount grocery stores around. Aldi and other fancy stores are almost 2 hours away.
I found Walmart also has discounted products that are left in with regular priced items. One of the employees told me you have to get there early to get them.
I’d love to find ground beef 90/10 for under $4. And the milk! Wow. I’m stocking up on things. I think food will keep going up and there will be shortages. Trying to eat up the items that have been in my freezer the longest but still buying new stock as long as I have the space. Good video.
It doesn't exist. I find Walmart and Aldi to be the most affordable. You can shop the flyers but I find my savings is better just shopping for the budget recipes I've accumulated that my family will eat. I reduce my meat intake as much as possible. Shop fruits and veggies only in season or frozen.
I never got any of the emails for the membership I was in. I canceled a few days ago because I never got emails or info. I hated losing that money I’ve spent. I was trying to keep the membership.
Never buy shredded cheese! It has cellulite in it, which is wood shavings. Buy block cheese and shred it yourself. To only is it cheaper, it doesn’t have wood shavings in it!
Cauliflower, (according to all major dictionaries😐) is pronounced as "call (a=uh) flower". But you do you...I love all your content, no matter how you pronounce your veggies🤣
My husband and I went to Iceland last summer for 2 weeks. We rented a camper van and had access to a camping stove and small fridge. I got instant oatmeal on sale weeks before we left and brought it with. That was my breakfast every morning for 2 weeks, and only cost me $4. I also brought with protein bars, drink mixes, hot sauce packets, small containers of spices, zip lock bags (which I then used to bring home black sand). Then all the extra space in my hiking pack I filled with goodies to bring home like chocolates and volcanic salts and spices.
Going to restaurants is very expensive in Iceland. We were able to eat very well in our camper van shopping at the more affordable grocery stores (including beer from the airport shop) for less than $250 for 2 adults for 2 weeks.
"I dont know how to say no to the stickers!"
Girl! I feel that!
Can you show the meals you made during months like this!! That would be awesome
I wish you'd stop assuming everyone has a fully and crazy stocked pantry! You gotta be rich in order to save money your way😂😅
@@victoriasamadi8729No - it just takes time to stock up. We saw here that Christine stocks up when there are sales. She has a bunch of pounds of ground beef that will last a few months and if she freezes the milk, it will last as well. She shows through her videos how she stocks up and how her budget is real. Learn from her! Keep your eyes open for deals!
@@victoriasamadi8729 but she shows how she has stocked up this pantry very inexpensively over a long time. 🤔
She normally does it in a separate video 😊. Fingers crossed for another Christine cooking video soon🤞🤞
@@victoriasamadi8729maybe her extreme budget videos would be more your jam 👍👍
I struggle with not stocking up when things are cheap as well. I cleaned out recently and was able to donate for our work food drive.
Same. I hit Smith's this morning for zucchini but they had a bunch of good stock up deals so I kinda loaded up 😅
You can freeze whole tomatoes as long as you turn them into sauce or other liquid product when you thaw them. It's really easy to peel.😊
I freeze mine until I have enough to can. Then when I have around 50 lb, I thaw and can the puree and the juice
I get tomatoes cut the top off so they stand up and put them under the broiler for a few minutes, let them cool down the peel just pulls right off then put the tray in the freezer.
@@DragonQueenx1 I peel them as they thaw.
Let’s face it, the industry takes advantage of people that have special needs, so most of the time these people are paying way over regular items. For instance like lactose free items. Also, I refuse to use Kroger stores anymore in my area! Found blood floating in water in produce are just weeks ago! I followed up on if it had been reported and girl said yes and that all she got was a response of “gross”. The bathrooms are totally not functioning and sink was literally just hanging off of wall. Another employee was spited in restroom scratching himself by my son in his private area and walked out without washing his hands…then went back to restocking the produce! The freezers always seem to on the fritz and stores are trying to sell grey hams! The main butcher in one store was fussing at me over asking if they had any better looking hams in the back and then was insulting! I use to love shopping at Kroger, but they are in desperate need of managers from when they open until when they close! I would rather pay more than eat someone’s DNA! 🤨
@@nancyculp6968This is so sad. We have 3 Dillions (Kroger) stores in a 25 mile square town. One store is old. All are well kept. Everyone is very friendly. Guess we are lucky. Did you contact Kroger main offices?
So true about Florida prices so while we are about to leave for 10 days at the beach I am making several of Christine’s Aug 9 casseroles to freeze and take - all are easy quick and inexpensive- thanks Christine
Ground Sausage was on clearance at a local IGA store for $2.99/ pound. So I bought 3 one lb packages, took it home and cooked it all up.
To the first pound I added Purple Cabbage, Onion, Yellow and Red Peppers, can of diced Tomatos, Broccoli, Cauliflower ,Carrots and seasoning.
To the second and third pounds I added an Onion, a Tomato a d seasoning.
A four ounce serving of just the meat was $.75. By adding veggies I can stretch the meat to 6/8 portions thus making it around $.50/ portion. What a great savings !
😊 Christine, your channel has really helped me to find these bargains - I greatly appreciate all you do.
ah, homegrown zucchini... you have them either very small an not worth the hassle or you drown in them. there is no in between
So true. I remember playing zucchini Base ball with Dad's veggie used as bat and ball.
Ah, my local store was selling boxes of fish at $1.60 each! I HAD to buy them!!! That's 36 pieces of crumbed fish for $9.60! (Yes, i did leave some for other shoppers.)
It makes economical sense to stock up when the deals are good!!!
Happy bargain hunting, everyone
I live within walking distance of two regular grocery stores (not Aldi's or a discount store). I walk the aisles several times a week and have found that even the "expensive" grocery stores have unadvertised clearance and mark down items. You have to shop regularly to spot them. Most recently I found boneless, skinless chicken breasts for 99 cents a pound. I have also scored Italian sausage at $1.00 a lb and canned goods at 30 cents a can. I love pickles but the price got too high, so I make them from scratch with fresh cukes that I found on sale.
Me making my husband listen to Christine say " I can't do it. I don't know how to say no to the stickers." Then looking at him to say "She gets me." Because SAME!!! It's how I feel as well. 😂😂
September was the highest amount on the budget I have spent this year. A LOT of stock-ups happened this month! But our freezers are full and pantry if full.
I stocked heavily in September. I started canning meat as my freezer is full and I am concerned with what will happen in the future 🔮.
Have to say your hair looks amazing. So flattering.
Love the hair! ❤
I was going to say the same thing. You look beautiful ❤
Your videos have helped me so much! Thank you for sharing. I love that you live in Tulsa too. It was fun to see the owasso high school football field in the background. I graduated from there in 2010.
You’re doing a great job! 👏🏻
Going cheaper is not always the best nutritional way to go; however, getting as much as you can for a dollar is how many moms just have to go.
I got an awesome deal at my local store. Nescafe simply Creamy coffee sleeves (16 per box) on sale for 4.39 then a rebate with checkout 51 which made them 1.39 each.
I have been watching you for such a long time! Our family truly appreciates you :) The amount of times I buy a clearance salad kit at Kroger and do "hot meat+cold salad" ;)
I've never been this early
I love these videos, really showcases how being prepared helps in more then just a worst case scenario
Thought of you at Aldi, they had 50% off organic chicken breast because they were alnost at the sell by date. I bought all of the packages and put them in the chest freezer!
I wish I would run into that. I try to only eat organic meat
Love this, we are currently eating through the freezer also before Christmas. Love how creative we can be. Love all your tips and recipes too.
I need to eat through my freezer and pantry, we are moving soon. The less in there the better!!
My zucchini refused to grow this year! Sad! However I have not bought any tomatoes in months and my neighbors and family have totally enjoyed my surplus!! Thanks for all the tips you give us on being frugal!!
We clear out our food in the spring so we don’t have to have our deep freezer running in our garage in the 115 degree weather all summer. So in May we spent $300 on our family of six (4 boys). We don’t eat many processed foods so that budget was entirely produce and dairy.
Hi, I'm from Australia. I once grew a zucchini that was 47 inches!! I knew no one would believe me so I had to take photos. It was a few years ago and I can't find the pics. We enjoyed it for 2 or so weeks.
Wow! How cool is that?!
I love your content!! You are realistic about all you do and very inspiring. Thank you for all you do!!
Term life insurance is the best route I went. The life insurance, if available through work, is null and void if you change jobs. I did the math and pay barely more than I was via my paycheck- and immensely larger payout “if life happens.” Thank you for reminding people of this.
When courgettes get that big we call them Marrows in the UK. Stuffing them is a good way to use those huge ones!
And remove all the big seeds!
Hi Christine, you are the only American on RUclips who I have heard pronounce the word 'cauliflower' the same as we do in Australia! Have been eating through my stockpile for a few weeks and trying not to spend, except to replace items used up. September was my lowest spend month in a while. TY. for the inspiration.
Oh snap, I laughed soooo hard at Almond Flour. I have it sitting too, guess it's my sign to use it for something, lol 😆
Great job. I have learned so much from you Thank You!!
Andrew is my favorite. Can't believe how grown up he looks.
Christine, you could make Zucchini Cobbler from that monster zucchini. It sounds crazy, but it's delicious. It tastes like apple cinnamon. All recipes has a decent recipe. I highly recommend it.
Mock apple pie!
We are going to have Hurricane #4 in FL so this time of year we don’t overstock the freezer
HEB had leg quarters .47 cents a pound. 10 pound bag $4.70 and chicken breast .97 cent per pound. Wild caught large 21-25 gulf shrimp $6.97 Score!!! OMG they are delicious.
Fresh hot Butter flour tortillas $2.49. (To die for) Asparagus .97 pound and seedless cucumbers .97 pound. Cosmic crisp apples .77 pound. And the sales keep on happening.
Thanks Christine for the challenges.
Did you catch this in an In store sale? I don’t ever find good deals at heb
@@dustinmccarey1959 HEB Waxahachie ad last week for chicken and ad for this week shrimp, apples. asparagus, and cucumber 10-2 thru 10-8. HEB ad.
Also do you have a Smart Shop, Joe V's in your area. That is and HEB store.
@@dustinmccarey1959 Ad. 10-2 thru 10-8.
chicken was last week at Waxahachie customer appreciation.
Its really hard to shop for one person and save money at times.
I buy family packs of various products and freeze some of it and dehydrate different products.
I keep a garden growing year round that helps to offset my grocery expenses.
Yes yes Christine monthly grocery hauls🎉🎉🎉🎉
I just happened to go on Amazon Fresh yesterday. They had three packs of 80/20 ground beef for $5.97! Do I need ground beef no, did I buy ground beef YES!!
When you said $100 I told my son I would never be able to do that without using up the stuff in the pantry and freezer. And I have a hard time saying no to the stickers too. Just did a grocery haul away from our little town. Any time we have medical appointments they become medical/shopping appointments...cuz I mean we have already spent the fuel. Today we will be processing for the freezer all the great finds from yesterday. My trunk was full and the back seat even had some...but the deals!!!!!
If that's a black beauty zucchini, it will still taste great at that size.
Thank you so much for your recent video about the discount grocery stores that sell past-BB food. I had no idea how idea how I was manage a $30 food budget this month. Found there's a discount store on my route! For $9.55, I got lunch for 12 days and breakfast for 6 days. I have $20.45 left for the month.
Love your videos...and can I just sat I am LOVING the modest dresses the girls are wearing in the dance pictures!
I noticed that too! Such a refreshing change from most pics I see these days. 😵💫
If you find a good deal ask yourself “can I freeze or can this”, then buy it, because you can freeze or can just about anything.
If you have the freezer space.
Or dehydrate! 😉
Aloha from Hawaii, where Costco’s avocados were $9.99 today
Pressure can the ground beef. It keeps it out of your freezer and is ready when you need a really quick meal.
Raw or frozen?
@@bethmichaels8410 When you pressure can ground beef it’s best to precook it some first so it doesn’t pack together so you will start with raw meat not frozen. Rose Red Homestead has a great video on how to can it.
@@jhwilliams6550 Thank you!
My budget is $212 for only myself but I have allergies so foods without them cost more. I also refuse to be poisoned so I eat organic. I barely stay in budget.
Organic foods use pesticides, too. fyi. Buy conventional.
@@KJDogluvthey use different pesticides and they are non GMO. GMOs are terrible for you. I will stick with organic.
I thought of you this weekend. I got 4 (the limit) classico sauce for .40 cent each by using store rewards card and ibotta. And just stocked up on gain and dawn dishsoap at DG with coupons. Paying 1 dollar for large squeeze bottles of dawn and large gain squeeze for free. It stressed me out buying non essentials but reminded myself of your method to stock up when sales hit and reminded myself I have food storage to pull from for the week/month.
That is awesome! I would struggle with produce withdrawal! But I am planning on not buying any shelf stable and Freezer items for October and November so that I can reduce my freezer, pantry, and canned goods. Thanks for the inspiration!
I’m careful with discount meat from Kroger. After buying chicken on clearance on multiple occasions (still within date) my family got sick several times. I stopped buying chicken on clearance and just buy when it’s on sale and stock up then.
I had a similar bad experience with some ground chicken at Kroger. Chicken is already so iffy and cheap, better to just buy it on sale and not roll the dice!
Awe Andrew! Too cute.
In September I spent around $200 on groceries and its usually just me I’m buying food for. Did buy some extra on sale and ended up spending way less than August groceries. Aiming for that or less in October. Spent $27 on groceries this morning and should be good now for another week at least since I have a lot in fridge/freezer pantry from sales. I’m with you it’s so hard not to buy the deals. Between now and the end of the year I want to use up more of what I already have instead of buying/spending more weekly.
I grocery shop for my father in law periodically and I saw chopped tomatoes and tomato sauce on clearance at Walmart. They were marked down to $1.75 for 32oz but when I went to check out they rang up $0.75! I grabbed six at the time but when I went to get more they were all gone 😂 I can't say no to the clearance deals either 😅
You must be snatching up all the good clearance at Fred Meyer because I live in your area and …. 😅
at 7:09 all I could think of was, I apologize in advance, "That's what she said". I said I was sorry.
Where I live in Texas there is a Wally World and a United…that’s it…no great couponing, no great clearance/markdowns. One has horrible fresh fruits and veggies…the other is waaayyyy overpriced even when on ‘sale’. Instead I’ll drive the 100+ mile round trip to Costco and Winco in Ft. Worth.
And you save a fortune.
We always get zucchini from my roommate’s aunt and it’s chopped up for salad. 2 donated to us every time. Yes, they are that huge.
Interesting fact!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your own spit will remove your own blood from fabric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truth!!!!!!!!!!!
My goal for October is under $100! I went slightly over budget in September 😅
I quit buying meat in the tubes, because I have came home with bad meat and not knowing it. I prefer the see through packages. And in my opinion my Krogers doesn't have any good deals on their meat in the clearance area.
Clearance meat at most grocery stores is not worth it. The discounts are usually fairly slight and meat can be questionable. This refers to meat that is discounted because it is at or near the sell by date.
Kroger does have excellent sales on meat though. Their half price sales on Boston pork butts and pork loins are fairly common. They almost always include a meat on the front page of their adds. These are usually at a price much lower than their regular prices. That being said, they still aren't necessarily something I would buy. Examples from this week:
1) Purdue boneless skinless chicken breasts, 50% off. The problem is that they normally cost between $5.50 and $6.00 per pound. That makes them under $3/lb, but that price is regularly available at many stores (as long as you don't use a brand name)
2) Boneless Pork Tenderloin. $2.99/lb. That is a great price for a Pork Tenderloin, but I have regular pork loins in my freezer that I bought for $1.49/lb. Now, the tenderloin is a more tender cut, but not double the price tender (at least for me)
3) Boneless chuck roast. $4.99/lb. To expensive for me, but if you absolutely need it, this is a better price than most other places.
The one exception to clearance meat at Kroger is when they are clearing out processed meats, like smoked sausage. When a grocery store stops carrying a product, the store often reduces that product sharply to clear up the shelf space. Also, It is easier to overstock on processed meats. Fresh meat doesn't last long, so they they only buy a little at a time. Processed meats last a lot longer and and can be bought in larger quantities and farther in advance. Because of this, you occasionally end up with a larger amount of close dated meats that have to be sold in a hurry, It is a far rarer occurrence, but the prices are far better, available in larger quantities, and the meats are often in better shape (1-3 months away from expiration, rather than 1-3 hours).
@@theethicalostrich1388 I am a bargain hunter, so always looking for good deals. I have mainly found better deals at Albertsons than at Kroger. I shop both of them mainly for their weekly sales ad specials. And have came across better pricing at Albertsons, on their meat. I just recently bought the bottom round roasts and boneless chuck roasts for 3.99lb, at Albertsons. I cut the bottom round roast up for steaks and the chuck roast for chili meat. It's a lot cheaper for me doing it this way. I then vacuum seal them to go in the freezer to use at a later time. I do love the idea that Krogers weekly digital coupons can be used up to 5 items in a single transaction. It has helped tremendously on saving money on items that our family uses.
@@theethicalostrich1388 I am a bargain hunter, so always looking for good deals. I have mainly found better deals at Albertsons than at Kroger. I shop both of them mainly for their weekly sales ad specials. And have came across better pricing at Albertsons, on their meat. I just recently bought the bottom round roasts and boneless chuck roasts for 3.99lb, at Albertsons. I cut the bottom round roast up for steaks and the chuck roast for chili meat. It's a lot cheaper for me doing it this way. I then vacuum seal them to go in the freezer to use at a later time. I do love the idea that Krogers weekly digital coupons can be used up to 5 items in a single transaction. It has helped tremendously on saving money on items that our family uses.
I love sales and clearance stuff…. Never seen milk on sale in California 😢
Do you keep a pantry/freezer inventory list or just dig through to meal plan?
The cinnamon oatmeal makes great cookies
Love this video.
I kind of do this in tiny scale, as I don't have as much as a stockpile and freezer space. But I can't go without buying fruit. How do you do about it? You have a lot of it frozen/canned? Obrigada.
I started buying frozen fruit or canned fruit. I still buy fresh but a lot less of it. Bananas are cheap so I always buy them.
That’s what we do. I buy whatever fruit is in season on sale and always try to have frozen fruit for smoothies for kids especially. Bananas are always so cheap.
Can you do a keto and paleo version?
Where do you live?? I live in small town Georgia, and no grocery store has these prices. I shop at Dollar General and their prices are way, way more than this!
I don’t live near Kroger anymore.I miss the markdowns.Do all grocery stores(like Walmart ) have markdowns? Which days? 😊
I love your content, the only thing I have a differing opinion on (and this goes for many frugal cooking youtubers) is not including pantry item(s) $$ within the budget. Those items were purchased (previously, yes, but still paid for and were left unconsumed), and are not freebees. If you used $90 worth of new grocery items, and $20 on older pantry/freezer purchases, I personally would have included that in the overall cost because it was still money spent, and now is the time it is being used. It just makes it seem like grocery costs are lower, but they aren't. The cost of the food being used is more than just $91, it's $91, plus the previously purchased items. For example: If I'm throwing away $20 worth of food, that's $20 gone; so why doesn't it work the other way around? $20 spend on food that is being defrosted and used towards this month's meals should be included in the overall food budget. That's how I view it.
I included the items purchased in previous months where I only spend $400 a month for a family of 6, so I didn't include the cost twice. I've kept my grocery budget low for over 15 years so it probably averages out to $350 a month? I feel like that is pretty spectacular these days.
@@FrugalFitMom Okay, that makes sense! I was just thinking it was getting left out, and I's not exactly free, but if you already included it in previous costs, it makes sense that you wouldn't include it again. Thanks for clarifying!
Hard nope😊 $35 per week on eggs here and not a sale sticker to be found in my local store. Small loss-leads yes, true sales never.
I have to ask, how do you not buy anything for a whole month??????😮😮😮😮 Fresh fruit and vegetables are a must in our house. Some things can last a long time, pumpkins and onions, but tomatoes, lettuce, spinach fruit!!!! I wouldn't be able to do it. I got lots of fresh home grown tomatoes from my parents garden during summer, some of which I froze, so when I make a tomato based pasta sauce I just grab them from the freezer, they are so delicious 🤤. We also have enough pumpkins and butternut squash to last us ages 😂. I also like to buy my favourite food items when they are discounted 😊 my daughter can't understand why we have so much pasta 😂😂😂😂 because when it's discounted I buy it and save 😊
Miss your cooking videos
I have no idea how much I spend on groceries each month because I have 7 cats! I buy their food plus my family of 3 food altogether. I mainly feed all canned food, twice a day, so it is upwards of $400 a month j7st for cat food (not cat litter). Cat food is very expensive these days. All I know is everything adds up to a high number!!! 😞
Sam and costco have the best avacado beacuse they only get them from mexico. Check the label.
So interesting. The meat deal!
I’m doing that October, November, and December because I’m currently pregnant
I was 425 for a family of 4 for the month of September... Canada is hurting for prices 😢
If only….no deals like that herein SW Missouri!
You couldn't pass up the discount on the ground beef!! My mother-in-law recently passed away at the age of 96 and we are going to get her house. Things are crazy for sure, but I have 2 upright freezers full of food, I have many shelves of home canned food and store bought food. I'm really working at making sure I use what I have and only buy things that I actually need like milk and potatoes when I run out. My husband told me please...if you see a deal...let it pass, don't stock because we would have to move it lol. So far I have passed...but I do have a running list of what to watch for deals on when we get moved.
I can’t find any of your recipes or your shopping list how do we find them
I'm in swfl and my grocery stores don't do discounts /clearance very much at all. I shop the only outlet I have which is bread outlet but no other stores have discount grocery . It's so frustrating . I do shop sales and not brand loyal on very much at all but . I do all I can to save but the stores here just have no sticker deals
That sounds so good. Chicken and salad 🥗 with cheese 😊
Tell me more about shredding the brussle sprouts! Inquiring minds want to know.
You can use the shredding attachment if you have a food processor or use a mandolin very carefully. Or use a sharp knife by hand. Look it up on google. Hope that helps.
You got zuked!! :-D Hee hee hee
I just went to Aldi today, and spend 195. But, that included 2 things of tp, a big pack of paper towels, ttwo boxes of garbage bags, two silicone dish brushes, and the very important pumpkin cat scratching house. 😀 So, probably around 145 on actual food. We were out of everything, it seems like!
Short i like in it, not long e like the dog collie.
This doesn’t work for everyone. I only have one sad Walmart and zero discount grocery stores around. Aldi and other fancy stores are almost 2 hours away.
I found Walmart also has discounted products that are left in with regular priced items. One of the employees told me you have to get there early to get them.
Do you freeze the entire 3pounds of ground beef? Or break it down. That’s a great deal!
I’d love to find ground beef 90/10 for under $4. And the milk! Wow. I’m stocking up on things. I think food will keep going up and there will be shortages. Trying to eat up the items that have been in my freezer the longest but still buying new stock as long as I have the space. Good video.
I got the organic 95/5 (or whatever it is) for $3.99 a lb. at Aldi a couple months back. I wish I could have bought more than the 5 I took!
I get organic grass fed beef on sale for $4!! I can't imagine paying more than $4 for conventional!
@@Leslie-wb8cbyep I got that sale too. I think it was more fat than that but more fat is healthier anyway
"Did you just say cawleeflower to me?"
I haven't yet figured out how to do the digital coupon thing. It is probably easy. I need a simple tutorial. I am perplexed?!?
I need to do a clean out and make room for more some stuff. It’s a delicious and viscous cycle. 😂
It really is!
Anyone here from south Florida Broward county? Is there anywhere you’re finding good clearance markdowns like she does?
It doesn't exist. I find Walmart and Aldi to be the most affordable. You can shop the flyers but I find my savings is better just shopping for the budget recipes I've accumulated that my family will eat. I reduce my meat intake as much as possible. Shop fruits and veggies only in season or frozen.
Barton Circle
me--one man--600 dollars in a month for groceries. los angeles/ traders joes etc.
That’s literally insane. You can certainly do better than that
I never got any of the emails for the membership I was in. I canceled a few days ago because I never got emails or info. I hated losing that money I’ve spent. I was trying to keep the membership.
Freezing everything will not help you in a power outage. Better to dehydrate and can your food.
It does as long as you have a generator
Not unless you have power outages weekly, for days at a time. Food stays fine in a shut off freezer for at least two days. Mine did 4.
My aunt managed 2 weeks. She never opened the freezer and insulated it with blankets before the power went out
Christine do you have a Goodreads account? I'm curious what you're reading recently 😊
Never buy shredded cheese! It has cellulite in it, which is wood shavings. Buy block cheese and shred it yourself. To only is it cheaper, it doesn’t have wood shavings in it!
It’s not cellulite 😂. It’s cellulose! Big difference. That’s an anti clumping agent!
@@susanmolnar9606 argh, stupid autocorrect!! Yes, I tried typing cellulose 🤪
@@BulldogLady347fun fact Aldi shredded cheese doesn't have cellulose in it.
Cauliflower, (according to all major dictionaries😐) is pronounced as "call (a=uh) flower". But you do you...I love all your content, no matter how you pronounce your veggies🤣
Yes, it’s call a flower.
How do you feel about bioengineered food? The cheapest food is not healthy. Have you heard about glysophate ? Monsanto?
This video fave me a good laugh.
How much of your pantry and freezer have you used
wicked movie..