The Intermediate State

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 9

  • @raywright1
    @raywright1 2 года назад +1

    Interesting that we will exist as spirit/soul in the intermediate state but Chist in a body, then after the resurrection we will have a body like Christ but Father and Holy Spirit remain spirit.

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord 2 года назад

    Very interesting

  • @JoshuaPaulKing
    @JoshuaPaulKing 5 лет назад +1

    I believe it is Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, not Excellent Adventure. Party on dudes!

  • @alil6547
    @alil6547 2 года назад

    Would someone explain to me if people feel physical pain being disembodied from their physical body? If you want to cite the Lazarus and rich man parable, it also says the people in hell can see others in heaven, so you would then have to admit heaven and hell are next to each other if you want to take everything in that parable literally, or at least the current heaven and hell are next to each other. Heaven is hinted at being in the spiritual realm but located in the sky, and hell being in the lower parts of the earth, so if you want to take the parable literally you would contradict this.

    • @bobbyfischersays1262
      @bobbyfischersays1262 Год назад +1

      It seems that neither heaven nor hell are in view in that parable. The rich man is in Hades/Sheol, which is the intermediate state for unbelievers, while Lazarus is in "Abraham's Bosum", AKA Paradise, a section of Hades/Sheol acting as the intermediate state for the OT believers. Obviously the former doesn't sound like much fun, while the latter seems much better. Jesus' resurrection brought everyone from Paradise to heaven, which is the new intermediate state for believers (he set the captives free). At the final judgment, everyone is bodily resurrected, the unbelievers (along with Hades itself) will be thrown into the lake of fire (hell) and consumed. Believers will inherit the new heavens and new earth. This is my current understanding of the afterlife, but I'm still learning, Hope this helps.

    • @alil6547
      @alil6547 Год назад

      @@bobbyfischersays1262 that makes sense because people in the Old Testament were in dwelt with the Holy Spirit while people after Pentecost were sealed with Him. And maybe even some before that right after Christ’s resurrection. But there was a John MacArthur sermon that appeared to change my mind and made me think that there was never a place that wasn’t heaven where saints go after death. It also made sense what he was saying I’m gonna have to find it again. Maybe in the spiritual realm they’re right next to each other even though ones in the sky and ones below the earth, because distance works differently there? So that would be an even farther dimension than where the demons and angels fight maybe.

  • @jborg980
    @jborg980 3 года назад +1

    What about Tabitha who was resurrected by Peter

  • @ernestedgar7928
    @ernestedgar7928 Год назад

    There is no life after death nor interim waiting place. Correct there is no place for purity of the soul. Man was created for the earth we are assured that there are 2 phases of God's kingdom Revelation 21 speaks of a new heaven and new earth after the passing away of the 1st earth. And the holy city Jerusalem. Verse 3 speaks of the tabernacle of God where He will dwell with them. The eschatology ends in Revelation 22 the last chapter of the bible in verse 2 speaks of the tree of life (which was typical of the one in the Garden of Eden where Adam was prevented to eat to enable him live forever). Yielding 12 fruits to heal the land. Verse 3 speaks of the throne of God and of the Lamb in this new city. These are the events of the 2nd coming of Christ Jesus to reign in the new heaven and earth coming to confirm the 2 phases of God's kingdom promised to Abraham and fulfilled by Jesus Christ.