I think you don't have diversity culture in your vessel you don't have proper training how to respect others .if you find lazy bastard and taking youre stuff report it or fired them.not to make a vlog like this to insult them . And get crew not a filipino bring greek can clean your mess , wash your dirty clothes and what Soo ever .I'm working too on a cruise ship .but I'm glad coz greek crew here are not like you
I think you dont have humor and self sarcasm and proper training how to accept the truth about some things.... Thoose things i talk about in my video they are real they are dont cover all filipino they are not the rule they are the exeotions but still they are True!!! As greeks have bad habbits so do you accept it laugh with it and try to dont take it personal... OK supergirl?
Ok then if it is true why they are still working on the vessels where you are working too ? Why still patronizing to hired them back and do same stupid things ? Let's say all you say are true then mention only who you are working with .but not pinpoint all filipino crew & All marino's ?
because you are cheap you have good Agenses and we cooexist together very good!!! every nationality have good and bad things i repeat dont take it personal and dont speak for all filipino where is everyone else only you i see have problem with the video!!!
@@BotheMastoras you should be more specific with how you utter every word from your "vlog" 3rd engineer. It's funny how you proudly say that you have a proficient command in english yet you can't even construct, pronounce and deliver every word in one phrase. Really? 🙄🤣 coming from you? You are a joke re.
@@BotheMastoras re what you state in this "vlog" is a rear fact, but, there is a big but, you were not specific re. You are not in the position to broadcast this online. Work related issues should be discussed in work vesinities. Are you aware of that 3rd? And reeeee, don't talk about how "SOME" Filipinos work because I know for a fact that not all of you Greeks knows how to hustle on board! "SOME" of you too don't even know how to speak even a tiny bit english! Duh! Ante re skase!
Dear Filipino reading this It's important to note that *not all Filipinos are like this* , these are just some behaviors that have been observed to repeat between vessels. This video's focus is humor, so everything explained here has been exaggerated for a comedic effect. Take everything with a big grain of salt, and have some fun while at it
Well i think the problem with the Philipino crew is that they dont have proper training specially the stewards for example when i was an assintant steward they did to me a familiarization and training for about 1 week in order to learn some important things about cleaning !But its vital from our side to teach them with a good manner how to behave in a vessel not just giving to them commands !
Sir don't address to all filipino this issue if you will come to our country and ask how the agency hired them ..must be 3 yrs experience at 3 to 5 star hotel with fully training .please don't judge all filipino coz we don't judge all greek. Have you been working on a cruise ship ? Come and visit see how the filipino manage the restaurant the bar and etc. One more thing we as a filipinos more than 3 times brushing our teeth more than 2 times a day taking a shower coz highgen are basic practice . How much more to work we came to the luxurious ship and empress the management to keep us working for a decade until now. We are just brown or dark color but you can't judge us interns of our job.
Really? Coming from you? Well let me inform you that before we go on board we must surpass ton of trainings and medical exams for us to be fit to join the ship. F.Y.I
I think you don't have diversity culture in your vessel you don't have proper training how to respect others .if you find lazy bastard and taking youre stuff report it or fired them.not to make a vlog like this to insult them . And get crew not a filipino bring greek can clean your mess , wash your dirty clothes and what Soo ever .I'm working too on a cruise ship .but I'm glad coz greek crew here are not like you
I think you dont have humor and self sarcasm and proper training how to accept the truth about some things.... Thoose things i talk about in my video they are real they are dont cover all filipino they are not the rule they are the exeotions but still they are True!!! As greeks have bad habbits so do you accept it laugh with it and try to dont take it personal... OK supergirl?
Ok then if it is true why they are still working on the vessels where you are working too ? Why still patronizing to hired them back and do same stupid things ? Let's say all you say are true then mention only who you are working with .but not pinpoint all filipino crew & All marino's ?
because you are cheap you have good Agenses and we cooexist together very good!!! every nationality have good and bad things i repeat dont take it personal and dont speak for all filipino where is everyone else only you i see have problem with the video!!!
@@BotheMastoras you should be more specific with how you utter every word from your "vlog" 3rd engineer. It's funny how you proudly say that you have a proficient command in english yet you can't even construct, pronounce and deliver every word in one phrase. Really? 🙄🤣 coming from you? You are a joke re.
@@BotheMastoras re what you state in this "vlog" is a rear fact, but, there is a big but, you were not specific re. You are not in the position to broadcast this online. Work related issues should be discussed in work vesinities. Are you aware of that 3rd? And reeeee, don't talk about how "SOME" Filipinos work because I know for a fact that not all of you Greeks knows how to hustle on board! "SOME" of you too don't even know how to speak even a tiny bit english! Duh! Ante re skase!
Dear Filipino reading this
It's important to note that *not all Filipinos are like this* , these are just some behaviors that have been observed to repeat between vessels.
This video's focus is humor, so everything explained here has been exaggerated for a comedic effect.
Take everything with a big grain of salt, and have some fun while at it
Αυτό το βίντεο πρέπει να παίξει όλα τα safety meetings σε όλα τα καράβια κ πάλι δεν θα το εμπεδώσουν 😂
17:13 *Marpol wants to know your location*
πωωωωω μαλακα χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα
"12 μίλια από τις ακτές επιτρέπεται η ρίψη φαγητού στην θάλασσα 🤓" -δοκιμι με 2 βδομάδες υπηρεσία
@Οὖτις μην δίνεις σημασία
μλκ ο Μιχαλης ειναι ο ορισμος του προφισενσι στα φιλιπινεζο αγγλικα. Τι ευφράδεια λόγου χριστέ μου
Πραγματικα γελασα απο την ψυχιμου πολυ καλο βιντεο μπραβω
πεθανα στα γελια με τη σουπα και το rolling
Θέλουμε και παρτ του μπο
προσοχη στους καφεδες,για την εξτρα γευση μεσα....
the most interesting and correct video..the filipino guys must learn to respect to have a better life on board all of us
Κλαίω απλά 😂😂😂
ποσό ισχύουν όλα όμως και παρόλα αυτά καταφέρνουμε και συνυπάρχουμε
παιδιά είμαι καπετάνιος. είστε απίθανοι. συνεχίστε 😁😁😁😁😁
Ευχαριστούμε καπτεν καλά ταξίδια ❤️
Αγγλικά μαθενεις στην aen
Ναι ναυτικά αγγλικά
Κάτσε επιτέλους να δω πόσους έχω στο μεσετζερ από Φιλιππίνες να βοηθήσω να φτάσει πιο γρήγορα το μήνυμα 🤣🤣 κλαίω απλά 😝
Ξέρεις ότι ο Bo έχει πολλά να πει όταν το βίντεο είναι σε πρεμιέρα 😂
Ναι ακριβως
Γαμησέτα 🤣
Well i think the problem with the Philipino crew is that they dont have proper training specially the stewards for example when i was an assintant steward they did to me a familiarization and training for about 1 week in order to learn some important things about cleaning !But its vital from our side to teach them with a good manner how to behave in a vessel not just giving to them commands !
Sir don't address to all filipino this issue if you will come to our country and ask how the agency hired them ..must be 3 yrs experience at 3 to 5 star hotel with fully training .please don't judge all filipino coz we don't judge all greek. Have you been working on a cruise ship ? Come and visit see how the filipino manage the restaurant the bar and etc. One more thing we as a filipinos more than 3 times brushing our teeth more than 2 times a day taking a shower coz highgen are basic practice . How much more to work we came to the luxurious ship and empress the management to keep us working for a decade until now. We are just brown or dark color but you can't judge us interns of our job.
Really? Coming from you? Well let me inform you that before we go on board we must surpass ton of trainings and medical exams for us to be fit to join the ship. F.Y.I
Οι καλύτεροι 😂😂😂❤❤
Θέλουμε και άλλα βίντεο
Ερώτηση είμαι 20 και λέω να δώσω για αεν αξιζει επειδή έχω χάσει 3 χρονάκια?
ναι εχω φιλους που ειναι 27 και μολις μπηκαν
Το καλύτερο σε όλο το βίντεο είναι ο πρόεδρος του συλλόγου πίσω από τη κάμερα
1 2 3 Παμε; αντε.
Τανγκαλονκ παρακαλω.
Ναι σαν να πηρατε βαρος.
Βρε παιδια τα πραγματα εδω ειναι ΤΡΑΓΙΚΑ.
Βρε παλικαρια τα προβληματα στο Μανιλα 2000 και στα αφεντικα.
Απο Φηλ. Τι λετε ρε σεις;
Χα χα σηγουρα λαμαρινιαση.
Σε περιπτωση πειρατειας πανω στο καραβι υπαρχουν μισθοφοροι; και υπαρχει πειρατεια;
αναλογα την εταιρια
Νο οχι μπος ωρα για φαγητο 😈👿😈👿👹👺
Μην το φανταζεστε αυτο δεν ειναι γραμενο στον σκληρο.
Μαλακα στα Φιλ ειναι δυνατος.
Φιλε εχω μια απορια ασχετη με το βιντεο οταν εισαι μεσα 6 μηνες πως κουρευεσε μονος;
με μηχανη κουρεματος