LeL here was me thinking your 195% pierce was silly and now this?! I bet Kabuki is like "This isn't even my final form!!!" 😂🤣 good show my dude keep it up
I literally thought about trying the same exact team this morning but i didn't have SR pendants for my weak ass chef dryfus. I'm really glad that you tried it for me since i couldn't. 😂
Nag already did this vid a while ago but the way u react to shit is soooo fucking awesome and entertain i cant help it but watch....its so addicting keep it up.
I cracked the code, Kabuki is TwiGOD... Think about it, that's why he's not on camera! Kabuki, just let it go, man, no point in trying to hide it any more...
If you use Weinhiedt with his passive you can get an extra 40% pierce rate after 5 turns. If you use Simon with his passive you can get an extra 15% to your entire teams damage.
Does this actualy work or is it like 1 out of 10 games that works and you just press those into the video? the idea makes sense and i want to try it, but it sounds kinda... weird... not sure if its worth to invest into dreyfus
What if your enemy have escanor, meli, and lilia? He can straight attack your Meli with 2 escanor attack and 1 meli. Or if hes lucky, the enemy will get 3 escanor card and go all out on your Meli and its GG. But the team you build has a potential and really fun to watch. Very creative though :) never realize you can do that with Elizabeth and don’t level her up to die easily.
kabuki ascended another level of godly what will he do next find out on the next lamb sauce
Tomorrow: ¡Vivían Beats PVP! YA BOYS
Normal person: oh Dreifus..
Its not building... Its "Buhuildingggg"😂
I knew this video was coming. CHEF DREYFUS IS BACK IN THE BUILDING
Chef Dreyfus in the bac behind THEWAllU
When he said: "why you gotta take chef Dreyfus out the building", I don't know why but I lost it
Kabuki: Chef Dreyfus IN THE BUILDING!!
Me : FINALLY The Return Of The King
I can't express how happy is makes me to see chef Dreyfus back in da building
"you really tryna take CHEF DREYFUS OUT THE BUILDING?? you'll pay with your life for that"
kabuki best 7ds commentator
13:06 Imagine spamming stickers and then getting obliterated afterwards
Imagine playing against Kabuki and not spam stickers
thats just a greeting bruh not everyone wants to be salty with stickers
@@maji112 request attack sticker isn't a greeting where i come from, idk about you
@@mounir5166 he used ban handshake sticker and eli hurray/happy sticker though not a request attack sticker
@@maji112 do you even watch the video he used request attack sticker on 13:14
Legend say his still in the building finding the lamb sauce with his trusty rolling pin and chef hat
When you so early there are no comments to enjoy...
You madman, You finally did it.
Natural balance down the sink.
Demon Meli shredding Valenti rips apart time-space continuity...
This is the kabuki i was waiting for, i wasn't really feeling the last couple vids but it's obvious that he's having fun here
Everyone's a pro till chef Dreyfus loses the whereabouts of his lamb sauce...
As always, big brain kabuki with chef dreyfus in da building lets goo
Summary of today's video:
Chef Dreyfus finally finds his lamb sauce
Now THIS is creative, nice video man
I love this guy he comes up with funniest and most clever ideas
There is no video better than this one. Kabuki has won RUclips
I swear this man gives me the humor i need for the day
Alternate title: Dreyfus finally finds the lamb sauce
I cant wait for the day when his neighbors knock on the door from from his shouting XD, keep up the good work BTW
CHEF DREYFUS IN DA BUiLDiNg love ur content
This is what we all have been waiting for
Kabuki Got The Win Chef Dreyfus In The Building
I am the hype
My friends : oh chief dreyfus
Lets get cooking
Today we are making a Spicy a victory la pie
LeL here was me thinking your 195% pierce was silly and now this?! I bet Kabuki is like "This isn't even my final form!!!" 😂🤣 good show my dude keep it up
Forgot lvl 6 blue Elisabeth !!! Great vidéo bro !!!
Ft chef dreyfus lmfao he knows what we want
Chef Dreyfus in the BUILDING!!
I literally thought about trying the same exact team this morning but i didn't have SR pendants for my weak ass chef dryfus. I'm really glad that you tried it for me since i couldn't. 😂
That last dude underestimates kabuki by spamming emoticons, and then he shocked when he got hit by meliodas single card lol. He thought he win, chill.
Kabukis thought process in this video lol
damn kabuki chill , my man is pvp farming right now
This team is actually legit. Omg Kabuki u crazy my dude.
My time has come and im BACK in da BUILDIN!!! Where da lamb Sauce!!!!??? 😎
Kabuki next video: 570% pierce rate with blue demon meliodas ft. Druid hendrickson and snoop dogg
190 pierce rate is not enough we NEED MORE!
Then kabuki"ok then we will do 260 pierce rate"
Oh my god! Genius plan.
kabuki, is it every week you need to reach challenger from champion 1 ? or it's once for ever ?
Bro these thumbnails are godly.
This is what happens when the opponent doesn't find the LAMB SAUCE
Hooked up in ur videos mate..ur the best
Red Slater and melim works pretty well , I gave my red Slater crit chance gear and defense and melim is criting all the time.
Kabuki basically is on the teir of Thanos now
Chef Dreyfus is asking Meli to help him cook the lamb sauce
this is quality content
god I love your videos and miss chef Dreyfus. You got the best commentary your there
i saw this coming ever since i daw dreyfus passive and with the pierce team meta..
Where’s the lamb sauce 🧐
bet you most of them was like "wait, what just happened?"
Can see it now in the upcoming patch: Dreifus passive ability has been reduced from 200% to 100%.
naruto naruto please read the passive before making a comment like that :)
you got it now man, 4 thousand likes. UR chef dreyfus?
Ah, so this is the legendary chef Dreyfus!
Chef cooking up a 1 turn wipe
Que sub stads tienes bro???
Nag already did this vid a while ago but the way u react to shit is soooo fucking awesome and entertain i cant help it but watch....its so addicting keep it up.
You make this game 10x better then wat it is
Oh hell no UR chef dreyfus is coming
You’re insane man 😂😂
Ultimate level of sweatiness bro this is what I like to see. Just not against me 😂
hope you dont regrets this because you going to get that 4k likes
Ur gears here we come
Hey its the team i said lol ty so much for doing this team ( except for Elizabeth)
What do you feed your melo??? Thats insane
No 🧢 kabuki is the best grand cross RUclipsr
Kabuki SHILLL with that meliodas
That crit sound is so satisfying
It’s basically the LV’s meliodas super move
I like really like your gameplay so funny!!
Kabuki fried rice with chef drayfus lamb sauce and enchant hellblaze rare steak
Where the LAMB SAUCE!!!!
It would have been funny if the other player realized that was what KubukiXLs plan and attacked everyone else but Princess Elizabeth to the very end
@7 mins, when he finally runs into a smart player LMAO
im actuallly terified from 160- 190 - 260. my heart cant take it
chef drayfus in da behehel-ding
3.5k in the first 40 mins, get ready for that UR lamb sauce
I cracked the code, Kabuki is TwiGOD... Think about it, that's why he's not on camera!
Kabuki, just let it go, man, no point in trying to hide it any more...
Che e e ef fff Dreyfuss in da build d ding!!! Where's the LAMB sauce?!?
If you use Weinhiedt with his passive you can get an extra 40% pierce rate after 5 turns. If you use Simon with his passive you can get an extra 15% to your entire teams damage.
5 turn? Lol
Life is fun,Kabuki needs pierce rate
Ngl this comp is supa hot fire
Cheif dreyfus in DA BUILDING !!!!!!!!
Does this actualy work or is it like 1 out of 10 games that works and you just press those into the video?
the idea makes sense and i want to try it, but it sounds kinda... weird... not sure if its worth to invest into dreyfus
What if your enemy have escanor, meli, and lilia? He can straight attack your Meli with 2 escanor attack and 1 meli. Or if hes lucky, the enemy will get 3 escanor card and go all out on your Meli and its GG. But the team you build has a potential and really fun to watch. Very creative though :) never realize you can do that with Elizabeth and don’t level her up to die easily.
I never clicked so fast on video before
Using their weapon against them. Kabuki's actually a 5head
Now we need marmas in da building
Come on dude, this insane lol
Ohhh someone tried running Kabuki’s team against me and I slaughtered him not knowing why he brought Chef Dreyfus😂
Next video demon meliodas over 9000 pierce rate is unstoppable
How do you get equipment with high pierce rate???
All the Dislikes are the people that got shafted on The Meli Banner
Wait how I wanted to suggest a dreyfus team next time you upload and the next video almost the team I was thinking about how how idk anymore
Come on dude, this insane xD
Gordan Ramsay been real quite lately