  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 337

  • @Greatwizard
    @Greatwizard  4 года назад +24

    2005 vibe streams:

    • @user-yf1ut7mi6v
      @user-yf1ut7mi6v 4 года назад

      WHAT UI U USE?

    • @hassnk
      @hassnk 4 года назад

      how far from R14 you are

    • @boxforusa8970
      @boxforusa8970 4 года назад

      Hey, I hope you or someone who knows the answer to the following question sees this. What add on are you using for your floating combat text. That looks way cleaner

    • @Csm259
      @Csm259 4 года назад


  • @ryanhyerdall6789
    @ryanhyerdall6789 4 года назад +19

    Yeah, this is by far the most skilled mage pvp ive seen. Keep up the good work!

  • @Emporer860
    @Emporer860 4 года назад +31

    This is art.
    you deserve r14 more than anyone else.

  • @Alexandros.Mograine
    @Alexandros.Mograine 4 года назад +83

    "melees hate this guy, see how he 4v1 with one simple trick"

    • @MaseIce
      @MaseIce 3 года назад

      AHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT IS SO GOOD! and Dumbass Suco de Fruta didnt get it LOOOOL

    • @remyboivin4137
      @remyboivin4137 3 года назад

      @assassin 24 It does. Not catching a popular reference makes you a bit dumber than the average person.

  • @lianwirring7476
    @lianwirring7476 4 года назад +25

    When a clip starts with "numb", you know it's gonna be good

    • @kevinklein4497
      @kevinklein4497 4 года назад +1

      Haha was thinking the same. The cover is awesome too

  • @rVesperialGaming
    @rVesperialGaming 4 года назад +24

    Props man! This how vanilla gods in world PvP in classic.

  • @IntooleranceRieg
    @IntooleranceRieg 4 года назад +6

    Jeez, this is the kind of video clip that hooked me into the game back then. Music & game play I'm having a smile watching this. Great video, greatwizard

  • @Snithers
    @Snithers 4 года назад +3

    This might be the first PvP video I've fully watched in 13 years of playing WoW, you're a God

  • @robj4078
    @robj4078 4 года назад +47

    The music... classic wow... it really is 2005.

    • @Spacemonkeymojo
      @Spacemonkeymojo 11 дней назад

      Except for all the Retail players who infest the game and just run through dungeons without waiting for casters to mana up.

  • @AshbringerOnyxia
    @AshbringerOnyxia 4 года назад +18

    Reminded me of Vurtne's playstil..
    That's how it's down, you truly masterd the Class!

    • @thundie
      @thundie 4 года назад +3

      Same. Some actually Vanilla vibes

  • @kevinklein4497
    @kevinklein4497 4 года назад +3

    Awesome... When numb was kicking in i was like yeah... Good old PvP vid to honor... But this pushs it to a new level. It is great to watch and makes hungry for more :)

  • @davidfonetti2159
    @davidfonetti2159 4 года назад +28

    One problem with the video: it's not long enough.

  • @guillermowijdemans1587
    @guillermowijdemans1587 4 года назад +37

    Jesus lol, this is another dimension of skill.

    • @foxmulder8955
      @foxmulder8955 4 года назад +6

      meh, good player for sure, but the pple he's facing in the 4v1s are utter noobs

    • @fmls8266
      @fmls8266 4 года назад +12

      It's impossible to pull of a 1vs4, or even a 1vs2, if you are facing very good opponents, so what's your point?
      You can't deny this dude is good as fuck, if you deny that you are either jealous or hating.

    • @lyricahm3370
      @lyricahm3370 4 года назад +1

      he actually makes classic WoW look like it has fun late game

    • @foxmulder8955
      @foxmulder8955 4 года назад

      @@fmls8266 i never denied he's a good player (read my comment). I just think it's more interesting when both sides are playing well

    • @fmls8266
      @fmls8266 4 года назад

      @@foxmulder8955 If they both play well you won't see 1vs2+.
      1vs2+ has always been very fun to most.

  • @Evasionx
    @Evasionx 4 года назад +3

    Excellent song choices my guy! THIS VIDEO IS FIRE! Love your content :) I know you must of been screaming out loud when you got that first clip!

  • @MrMcSnuffyFluffy
    @MrMcSnuffyFluffy 4 года назад +51

    You're like a character in a fantasy novel. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

      @GTFOIMAO 4 года назад +3

      He learned through training. Also from weddings and vurtne's videos ofc :)

  • @brisbanetim
    @brisbanetim 3 года назад +3

    Great work mate. I've played mage for years and this is solid experience. That first fight is everything that a mage should learn. Prioritise spells and enemies. You are a machine.

  • @fabiandrawz8172
    @fabiandrawz8172 3 года назад +2

    my mom was with you once in battlefield she told me ''u want to be an ice mage pvp watch him'' :D

  • @bakeraus
    @bakeraus 4 года назад +3

    Love it! Beast mode Mage power!
    Brings back memories of my own mage carnage. Thank you

  • @VernlerKDB
    @VernlerKDB 4 года назад +2

    Dude I watched this as soon as I saw it pop up on my suggested videos, it's been too long since your last clip!. Absolutely love your content man. Most people just put up a bunch of clips of berserking criting people over and over, but you put up highly skilled play of 1 vs 2, 3, 4 people lol. You should put out more content man, you're one of the best mages out there for sure!!

    • @Greatwizard
      @Greatwizard  4 года назад +1

      yeah well it always takes a bit time to get 1v3 clips :/ a lot about luck too, I can some times play many sessions and get 0 clips

    • @VernlerKDB
      @VernlerKDB 4 года назад

      @@Greatwizard you know I gotta apologize because I thought this was your first video in a while but then I see that you've put out two recent videos but RUclips didn't notify me! Keep on doing what you're doing bro! Love it.

  • @kkthxbai
    @kkthxbai 4 года назад +15

    You are like Otherguy or Vurtne, seriously Ive got the vibes. Great job.

  • @Ebbnflow
    @Ebbnflow 4 года назад +3

    My favorite pvp videos come from you. Just so good!! Keep it up

  • @stefangeibla3824
    @stefangeibla3824 4 года назад +8

    Holy shit! Those are next lvl plays! No sad rank 14 warrior vid killing low hp guys... those 1v4 plays vs different classes is godlike skills! 😳

  • @skayopp8517
    @skayopp8517 4 года назад +3

    I thoroughly enjoyed this video. 1 because you see how broken mages are and 2 because nothing better than expecting some bunk ass mage video and seeing a bunch of gnarly 1v3 and 1v4's... my man u made this look easy. You are a master of your craft. 10/10 will do u a solid and give it a few shares where it might get some views for you

  • @JSalonsky
    @JSalonsky 4 года назад +9

    Don’t see many mages play off their grenade. Awesome. He’s like a rogue mage

  • @aaronm3416
    @aaronm3416 4 года назад +1

    Once again fucking amazing clean PVP. You made me pick a mage in classic this go round from your vids before release. And every time you release a video I have to take a moment, take a hit, get prepared and I know I'm gonna have to rewind a few times to watch wtf just happened in that 6 sec window... Also I usually respec to PVP spec immediately after watching. Keep it up and don't stop. More more more.

  • @RoyRoyOnes
    @RoyRoyOnes 4 года назад +3

    1:56 how do you /Strong or /roar while casting?

  • @Sweetguy1821
    @Sweetguy1821 4 года назад +1

    Nice to see pvp clips with out 50 adds ons making UI clutter the entire screen. Good stuff

  • @Jeebizz101
    @Jeebizz101 4 года назад +9

    Im beginning to think GM actually stands for Greatwizard's Mine

  • @user-yf1ut7mi6v
    @user-yf1ut7mi6v 4 года назад +6

    dude for real i havent see this kind the mage 15 years

  • @Alexandros.Mograine
    @Alexandros.Mograine 4 года назад +5

    been waiting for this so hard.

  • @Sillen95
    @Sillen95 4 года назад +3

    This. Is. Madness.
    You're a God.

  • @dadlife8289
    @dadlife8289 4 года назад +1

    This video gave me the feels. Sorrow Hill inspired most definitely. Even the music.

  • @derda9075
    @derda9075 4 года назад +3

    Love it. Definition of wow classic.

  • @indelkoindelkhore9889
    @indelkoindelkhore9889 4 года назад +2

    Always a pleasure watching you bro!

  • @curtisasdasdasdasd7169
    @curtisasdasdasdasd7169 4 года назад +3

    You are my favorite mage since FaxMonkey back in '05

  • @daiblaze1396
    @daiblaze1396 4 года назад +2

    For once such a title is not overrated!
    Great clips 🤯

  • @hawkicelol
    @hawkicelol Год назад

    the blink bait off the roof is so epic dude lmaoooo

  • @Zycoxy
    @Zycoxy 4 года назад +1

    A Master at work. You rock as always. Nice Music .

  • @somekidnamedkyle
    @somekidnamedkyle 4 года назад +4

    Awesome clips, great mechanics and outplays! Mr. GreatWiz does it again : D

  • @shadypoison
    @shadypoison 4 года назад +1

    Really good video dude, wicked plays in there!

  • @Rakyr
    @Rakyr 4 месяца назад

    Amazing video, can I ask why you use scorch for damage?

  • @americanhero9403
    @americanhero9403 4 года назад +4

    U are a legend. I wish to be atleast 10% of the player u are. Good shit bro

  • @WeWereOnline
    @WeWereOnline 4 года назад +3

    Grand Marshal Psykos, alliance mage, from vanilla here, have not played in years, but this right here, made me nostalgic. Good stuff, thanks.

  • @marcel1535
    @marcel1535 4 года назад +2

    Beautiful as always, how can you emote-casting? It doesn’t seem to work for me 😭

  • @Steakboy420
    @Steakboy420 4 года назад +3

    Can someone tell me how his bar switches like that mid fight

    • @muthaphukkin_H8
      @muthaphukkin_H8 4 года назад

      Yes... how do the bars switch mid fight?

  • @homeostasis1103
    @homeostasis1103 4 года назад +1

    Oh God, brilliant as usual man, thanks sooo much. Love you and your content! ^•^

  • @dnb888
    @dnb888 4 года назад +2

    This is one of the most skilled players I've seen

  • @ChirtyPoundsOfBoost
    @ChirtyPoundsOfBoost 4 года назад +1

    Amazing skill as always, you set the bar satellite high for mages! What mouse and keyboard are you using?

    • @Greatwizard
      @Greatwizard  4 года назад +1

      Razer Deathadder Essential + 10€ logitech office keyboard (I like oldschool keyboards)

  • @josephford9270
    @josephford9270 4 года назад

    Hi greatwizard. Awesome video man. Can you please tell me who is doing the cover of numb by linken park in this video?

  • @chromff9261
    @chromff9261 4 года назад +4

    Insane mage skills keep it up my man! Reminds me of vanilla ( kinda :-)

  • @homeostasis1103
    @homeostasis1103 4 года назад +5

    DAMN BOY, I waited for this so long, I haven't watched yet, but I'm sure that's INSANE!

    • @VernlerKDB
      @VernlerKDB 4 года назад

      Same man, love this content, he needs to do more!

  • @moarkish6739
    @moarkish6739 4 года назад +1

    Hey man big fan! Can i ask which program you use to edit videos? thanks cheers

  • @ragecage1177
    @ragecage1177 4 года назад +1

    just saw that you had your last montage out and I didn't see it thank you YT! Then you drop this my lucky day!!

  • @bamjam1
    @bamjam1 4 года назад

    Damn boy that sick juke at the forst wsg clip wow

  • @cooperdabest
    @cooperdabest 4 года назад +1

    Good work man keep them coming!!!

  • @Sham_Daddy
    @Sham_Daddy 4 года назад +4

    yo dope video you got a playlist of ur music ? ::D

  • @J-MAYA
    @J-MAYA 4 года назад +1

    Friggin love this! You're the best.

  • @martinklc7162
    @martinklc7162 4 года назад +3

    Again Top video my friend like Always Cheers from Vesuva ;)

  • @pashis3130
    @pashis3130 Год назад

    Hey bro which addons do you use?
    Fantastic video btw keep it up!!!

  • @KnotxD
    @KnotxD 4 года назад

    Was a relief when I saw that you also fat finger windows key at times like me. Great vid :D

  • @Shummtrout
    @Shummtrout 28 дней назад

    GREAT clips, hope it was as fun to make as it was to watch :P

  • @K9InCaniVeritas
    @K9InCaniVeritas 4 года назад

    Do you often use rank1 of some spells? Which one in any case?

  • @Knetterkoekje
    @Knetterkoekje 4 года назад

    Does anyone have a download link to the addon showing the nearby pvp targets?

  • @stertothetop
    @stertothetop Год назад

    what version of numb did you use in this video?

  • @Sannosuke01
    @Sannosuke01 4 года назад +1

    bro you're insane! just got my pvp mount on the mage lol very make engineering look ..well..more than worth it LOL

  • @bojangler357
    @bojangler357 Год назад

    What is the addon / weakaura called that shows the stealth detection?

  • @85990433
    @85990433 4 года назад +1

    Nice video and skill , really good reflection.

  • @SuperDynaZty
    @SuperDynaZty 4 года назад

    This video was sick as hell man. what is the second song you used?

  • @Mixwell1983
    @Mixwell1983 4 года назад

    That blink juke on the roof was pretty fucking dope..

  • @eladcohen8305
    @eladcohen8305 4 года назад

    Hey, what rank of arcane intellect are you using in bgs? I've noticed it doesnt cost you as much mana so it cant be max rank right?

    • @Greatwizard
      @Greatwizard  4 года назад +1

      I use R1 most of the time, only buff maxrank if I go for the leaf to make new mana gems

  • @Gvegas223
    @Gvegas223 4 года назад

    Excellent video as always!! Which editing software do you use?

  • @bobi2267
    @bobi2267 Год назад

    how he is having all spell in one bar? how he change frostbolt and scorch at same spot? any add on? thanks

  • @Jpitko
    @Jpitko 4 года назад

    What is your frostbolt/scorch change macro? Or how do you keep that in one button?

  • @pogboss420
    @pogboss420 4 года назад +1

    Damn, came here a bit late but this is amazing man keep up the great work

  • @SolheimGaming
    @SolheimGaming 4 года назад +3

    Okay this was epic!

  • @Stachu1221
    @Stachu1221 4 года назад +1

    good vid, keep it going. gz on 12

  • @kevinvdb6
    @kevinvdb6 4 года назад +1

    Holy shit this guy's breaking ankles! Love the mage skills and nice music keep it up!

  • @George-xl5jq
    @George-xl5jq 4 года назад

    Awesome as always! Never miss your videos.
    What spec are you usually running?

    • @Greatwizard
      @Greatwizard  4 года назад +1

      link to spec in video desc :)

  • @CorHor
    @CorHor 4 года назад

    This video was fun as hell, great work!

  • @matt8372
    @matt8372 4 года назад

    What's causing your spell in slot 2 to keep changing from frostbolt and scorch?

    • @Greatwizard
      @Greatwizard  4 года назад

      modifier macro to save action bar slots (2 = frostbolt, shift + 2 = scorch, ctrl + 2 = r1 scorch)

  • @Jarppispecial
    @Jarppispecial 3 года назад

    Nice bate topic, Insane in fact! only because of that I watched the full show and was not dissapointed 😁👍

  • @jqn88
    @jqn88 2 года назад

    what font are you using??

  • @MrTimmeh33
    @MrTimmeh33 4 года назад

    which cover of numb is this?

  • @JoshHolden-Aka-evani
    @JoshHolden-Aka-evani Год назад

    Who does the numb cover?

  • @Cheesite
    @Cheesite 4 года назад +1

    This was a pleasure to watch

  • @Ninyth
    @Ninyth 4 года назад +1

    one lol for the classic linking park music

  • @Hastenx
    @Hastenx 4 года назад +3

    The Vurtne of Classic wow! Love ur montages!

  • @GIRO1989LOL
    @GIRO1989LOL 4 года назад

    Played against you this morning with a small Ashbringer premade. We won but you sure gave us a run for our money! You rock!

    • @Greatwizard
      @Greatwizard  4 года назад

      Hey, you were that 2 hunter def? :D Too bad our pugs gave up before the game started just because they saw it's a premade :( ggs

    • @GIRO1989LOL
      @GIRO1989LOL 4 года назад

      @@Greatwizard Yeah, was us! Hope to see more of you in action!

  • @Bibi87777
    @Bibi87777 4 года назад

    Skills! Talent build up?

  • @DrHouse146
    @DrHouse146 4 года назад

    Title of the second song, please?

  • @jarlfisk
    @jarlfisk 2 года назад

    Master of the master :) everlook hype !

  • @hentaiman5153
    @hentaiman5153 4 года назад

    Very cool. Mages are insane in classic wow. Gj

  • @billyray9925
    @billyray9925 4 года назад

    Fucking amazing.
    That jump/blink feint with the flag. The ice block timing...and all the rest.
    Holy shit

  • @jesterfungaming699
    @jesterfungaming699 3 года назад +1

    Sure looks easy :) But this is hardcore skill - fast fingers - and insane timing, most of this would not work with just 0,5 sec or even less delay. awesome video :)

  • @Soulboundx1
    @Soulboundx1 4 года назад +10

    Amazing video my bro!! Bring back emote-casting :/

  • @slavaviking_1
    @slavaviking_1 4 года назад

    what was that 6.07 ?

  • @tojogamer1733
    @tojogamer1733 4 года назад

    Good old pvp montage, gj man

  • @pastzeey369
    @pastzeey369 4 года назад

    Maybe the first song?

  • @MaliceEightEight
    @MaliceEightEight 4 года назад

    Love this dudes gameplay. The timing is fucking incredible!!

  • @Marycore
    @Marycore 3 года назад

    i love the music and this pvp