I've heard Ahuvah Gray speak in person and her presence is magnetizing. This talk she gives presents her coming to to Judaism and moreso the questions at the end reveal how she found the truth. I'm glad I found this video and hope that it is widely shared.
Wonderful story...I shared it with a friend who sends me videos of Jonathan Cahn...who is out to tear down Torah Judaism and blend it with Christianity and Messianic Jews...I am a Kohanim and he does not understand that we as Jews convert no one...it is not our job..it is people like yourself that must read and learn and make a decision for themselves...to convert to Torah Judaism...I am a Jew from Birth all the way back...my soul is Jewish and no matter how much a Christian reads the Torah they find their narative for me to I guess recognize their saviour and I cannot do that in my heart...thank you for your talk...
"We're all looking for the emes" YES! I started reading the Christian "Old Testament" starting from Genesis 1:1 and baruch Hashem I saw the emet of Torah and Judaism and converted 2 years ago. I didn't go looking for Judaism and Hashem, I was looking for the Truth and G-d's true identity and I found it in Torah ❤❤❤
Same. I found it on my own as an adult. Adopted from another country, loosely raised a Catholic, then truly studied the N.T. and came to the conclusion, that it is a false book. By 2014 it was only Tanakh for me. Went to my first Orthodox shul at 2017, and moved, but began going back in 2023, became a member on July, 2023. I've become more observant everyday, but my first Yom Kippur was life hanging and davening with kavanah is life changing. Torah gave me a different purpose for being on earth, and the more study I do the more I know my soul. I understand when she mentions her first Siddur. Mine changed my life forever. BH
I too was born in Chicago...my parents were Westside Jews 1922 to World War 2...they moved to Albany Park...that was I was brought home from Mt. Sinai Hospital...grew up there and in Rogers Park...attended Hebrew School in Rogers Park - Bar Mitzvahed at the Jewish Blind Peoples Home in Albany Park where my Great Grandma lived out her life...Lived in Skokie Illinois till 1978 and then in DesPlaines...and what transformed my life was Being Bar Mitzvahed and coming back to regular attendance after my first Heart Attack...
Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:1,2), to a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), called “Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:5,6), dies for the sins of the people (Isaiah 53), rises from the dead (Psalm 16:10), receives worship from all the peoples (Daniel 7:13,14). Sounds like Jesus to me.
the only mention of JESUS in the entire Old Testament is when Moses warns his Jewish people to not worship the false G-ds of wood (Christian cross) and stone (islamic Ka'aba stone)
I so appreciate your story! I will get your book! I do have one question however; you, as a former Minister of the Bible, how did you come to believe/accept reincarnation vs. a scripture that states we only die once, then the judgement. Can you elaborate on that please? That struck me. Thank you!
Even if that is your belief, why would you put this comment on this JEWISH woman's video? You need to learn more about the Torah and its Jewish commentaries before you form any opinion. You are ignorant of the original sources. I suggest you look into them before making a religious ruling. Ahuvah Grey is as Jewish as I am.
are you talking about the 40 years of walking in the desert? because that was a punishment for the ox made of gold and was a punishment for all of them together
You are mistaken. The Rambam was the greatest scholar of his time, living in Spain and Egypt. He actually codified the law. He spoke and wrote in Arabic because Egypt was his home. He had an Arabic name, but that was his slave name.
My poor misinformed Carmine:Jacob's quote was "I have seen the Divine face to face" after his confrontation with a "man" form (Genesis 32:25) "Jacob was left alone&a "man"(Angel") wrestled with him until dawn" (32:29) "for you have striven with the Divine (e.g., the Angel)&men (e.g., Laban) and have overcome".Exodus (33:20) "You will not be able to see My face, for NO human can see My face and live." Carmine, your heart is in the right place but you need to learn from those who know the Source.
I have spent a number of years studying Torah in the original Hebrew and haven't been able to see this at all. It would be great if you could take the time to point to me where the Torah says that YAHUSHUA IS MASHIACH [sic]. You can even do it in a PM so that you aren't constrained at all by space.
Psalm 55:18Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 18 (17) Evening, morning and noon I complain and moan; but he hears my voice. Seems like David prayed 3 times a day from this verse, don't you agree? What is prayer but calling, crying out to God?
Thank you for the correction. I really do appreciate it. Indeed both Ahuva Gray & you were correct & I was mistaken. In fact Rashi notes the following on the verse... "The evening prayer, the morning prayer, and the afternoon prayer, three prayers."
Pontius Pilate did write the Name of Jesus, in three languages, Aramaic, Latin and Greek, and nailed that on the cross. So Jesus was known in circles of Greeks and Romans as Jesus, and would be called Yeshua or Yahushua , by strict Hebrews. But in public the Jews did not speak Hebrew, but on the Day of Pentecost, Peter did speak loudly in public in the Hebrew, thus the miracle of many ethnic Jews from many lands able to hear Peter addressing them in a strange language in public.
Do you understandf how to interpret the scriptues. The verse I am black but comely has nothing to do with a persons skin color. It refers to the fact that we Jews have been persecuted and in spite of the fact that we have been been burned black by the sun(the nations)we are still comely in G-ds eyes. In true Judaism there is no room for racism or hate. Haven't we all one father. Hasn't one G-d created us all? Malachi 2:10
Are you capable of realizing that you're just reading random thing into the verses that it doesn't actually say? You're just making it up. None of the verses actually say any of these things. You're just wasting a lot of posts on the comment section of this video to rant.
they believe in the Old Testament, not in the New Testament! they don't in Jesus! so who do they believe in? well here is something from the Old Testament Isaiah 9:6 who is this Child or Son? He is called Great things! Jesus is His Name! God With us! His Name means Savior!
The reason I would know anything is because I can read Hebrew. If G-d didn't say it, then YOU did. As for my circumcised heart. Since I fear G-d, love Him, follow in His ways, keep his commandments and laws (per Deut. 10:16)
Jacob never saw G-d's face. The word there is Elohim which in this case refers to an angel. If you don't say that then you will have a problem: 1. This man says that Jacob fought with "Elohim" and with men and won 2. Jacob asks for the man's name and is denied it 3. Jacob names the place Peniel. The man just told him that he fought Elohim, now unless this wasn't the first time he fought Elohim, he should have realized who the man was. Unless the man was an angel and he wanted to know which one
You forgot to take your analogy comparing G-d's Law to all laws to the end of your statement. I don't need to be saved from stealing from the supermarket. Likewise I don't need to be saved from breaking the Sabbath. All I have to do is follow them.
Your logic is flawed. If G-d knew that we couldn't keep the whole law to begin with He could have either: 1- Not given it 2- Sent an inesessor [sic] right from the start 3- given a law that we could keep Since He did none of these things, it must be that G-d is not looking for perfection but for people to strive to do their best. This idea is mirrored in Prov. 24:16 - true righteousness is found by those that keep trying.
I'm a little confused. Abraham came from Mesopotamia which is a Middle Eastern area. His wife was a relative of his and both his son (Isaac) and grandson (Jacob) married girls from the Mesopotamian area. So chances are they all looked Middle Eastern, not African. The Ashkenazic\European look that many Jews have today is a result of being exiled to European lands for 2000 years. However many Jews were also exiled to Middle Eastern lands and retain that look. DNA proves this as well.
Okay, good insults. I never said you were not jewish but you are not a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Yacob. But you are fullfilling the scriptures because the gentiles and/or esau are suppose be in the land and claiming to be Yahudah. I don't recall saying I hate anyone. Again, you have the land and claim to be YAHS' people. I can't do anything to you or anyone else. I just spoke the truth, which is YAHWEHS' law and prophets. YAH is going to settle this matter. Your traditions are not law.
Than how can God speak to Moses if he is Moses. As if Moses would say "I have spoken to me". And you also say God spoke to Moses which doesn't match with the last thing you said. And how can you believe in Moses but call the torah fake? Don't you know the torah consists of the five books of Moses and nothing else? The rest of the old testament plus the torah is what they call the tanach. And if you think it's fake, then why are you a christian? Don't christians have to live by the bible which contains the tanach i.e. the old testament? But you probably don't even care about the truth, all you want to do is proof that Jesus is the messias. So you are willing to twist reality to do so. I'm ok with christianity though. I really felt the presence of God in church when I was a christian so God is with you people. But all I want to worship is God. Peace. God bless.
Deuteronomy 32:43 is not the Tanach but the Torah Law of Moses. And Moses said in "The Song of Moses" Deut. 32:39 "See now that I myself am He !" So in speaking in God's Place, Moses was telling the Jews, to look at him, and see what they see ,that what they saw was God. You deny a man can be God. Thus you have rebelled from Moses' Law ,and rejected Messiah as God come in the flesh. Then Moses said " LET ALL GOD"S ANGELS WORSHIP HIM" with respect to the coming of Anointed One.
I wish sometimes that comments could be disabled. The more you read what a person says the more you realize some people are parrots. They repeat but do not know or understand. However, everyone has an opinion.
First, the Children of Israel made a golden calf not an ox. Second, the scriptures do not reference anything about the strangers being punished, but Exodus 32:24-29 chronicle that 3000 of the people, the Israelites, were killed at the hand of the sons of Levi per Moshe's order. The strangers were not punished per se. But in Numbers 11:4-35 tells us the strangers among my fathers lusted for egypt, and they caused the Israelites to complain for meat. The people who lusted (the mixed multitude)
Judging from Exodus 20 synoptically with Deut. 5 Moses, was the Anointed One, and interchangeable with God as the speaker of the Law in the Place where the Anointed stood in God's Place. Deut. 32:43 shows why Jesus as Messiah must be worshiped as God, due to the Mystery of God. God told Moses, "You will be as if Yahweh to him" (Exodus 4:16) and so God gave Moses the Law, Moses put the word in Aaron's mouth, showing a systemic fact of the Holy Trinity to produce the Oral Law. 3=1
Jesus (God saves) is mentioned many various times in what people today call the "old testament" which is of course a continuation of time from one period to another. God is indeed a good, wanting a relationship with us and not just sitting up there waiting to punish us as some people think. Messiah would be born of a virgin. (Isaiah 7:14) (Luke 1:26-31) His throne will be anointed and eternal. (Psalm 45:6-7) (Luke 1:33) Messiah to be mocked and ridiculed. (Psalm 22:7-8) (Luke 23:35)
One of the most difficult of these conversion accounts to watch. Just like Ahuvah says, the stories are the same just different faces. There is a clear pattern, which culminates in a rejection of the God of Israel. When the Israelites were in the desert they would move with the cloud, which symbolized God's presence. At Sinai God introduced the Law and gave the commandments. The cloud(metaphorically) was there. The cloud has now moved but sadly Israel(Orthodox Judaism) is still camped at Sinai. Jeremiah 2:13 addresses the unbelieving(rejecters of God's Son) Jews today" my people have commited two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cistern, broken cisterns that can not hold water"
as a wrapped meal I mean in the Seder, the 10th Rhyme of the Kosher Passover, the Sandwich ,the Meal , taking the unleaven bread, the bitter herbs the Lamb in the Matzos , the wrapped up mean , is the Messiah , giving His LIfe to feed the life to the people about to go on the Exodus to the Promise Land. Jesus came as the stranger ,the lamb of God, taken in as "Only Son" only to be rejected and be the Meal that sustains the people , that they would not die. that sort of wrap.
You need to understand the Medium by which Invisible Glory of Yahweh made himself seen face to face. Proverbs 30:4 Solomon tells us that God cloaks Himself, in the Waters and the Wind, to conceal the Glory , as Wind lifting up the Tent , and causing it to move as alive. God came as Jesus Christ the Son, in a body of flesh and blood the CLOAKING of the WAY of YAHWEH GOD by the Priest, and the Prophet and the King and the Judge. God is with the People , So God is with Jesus
then join the Jewish people who believe in Moshe and the phrophets as well as the oral torah. Because with out the oral torah it is impossible to understand the written torah. How would you understand the verse in Deuternomy "and they shall be for boxes between your eyes . How do you know how to make those boxes (tephilim)Every product comes with instructions. The tanach is the product. the oral torah is the instructional manual how to keep the torah correctly
Even someone who doesn't understand Hebrew can see the quote is "For you have striven with the Divine.." If you knew Hebrew it uses the word Elokim (which is plural for powers the Creator places in the world), not limited to the name of Gd. There are many such examples. You would also know that Peniel is in Hebrew the contraction of Pnie-Kal (my face is toward Gd), not face of Gd. You would also understand that immediately after it is written Penuel which is the imperative in Hebrew grammar.
Elokim does not mean multiple God's. You are extremely ignorant. Go learn about why so many names of God are in the torah and why different names are used in each place. All the information is awaiting you
The argument that there are other Jews that believe therefore it must be true is not a very intellectual argument. Yes you are correct in that you can believe that a cow created you this morning and still be 100% Jewish. However, you will also 100% not be following the religion of the Jewish people. I understand Torah quite well and am quite fluent in Hebrew. So I would love to hear how it all appoints [sic] to YAHUSHUA. PS YAHUSHUA is not a real name. Its Y'shua (Aramaic) or Y'hoshua (Hebrew)
Read the Dead Seas Scroll for Deuteronomy 32:43 It translates, " Rejoice , O Heavens, together with him, and bow down to him all you gods , for he will avenge the blood of his sons, and will render vengeance to his enemies, and will recompense those who hate him, and will Atone for the land of his people" Masorete Hebrew Bible changes "Heavens" to "Nations" Masorete changes "sons" to "servants" then the Jews removed totally the rest of the identity of Messiah as God
The Way that Jacob became Israel, is that God made Himself visible to Jacob, and Jacob saw God appearing as a man whom Jacob wrestled with , until he realized he had seen God face to face and yet was permitted to live. So, God Himself renamed Jacob, the Hebrew , to be ISRAEL , no man gave Jacob this Name Israel, God appeared Himself and DUBBED Jacob to be Named ISRAEL. No man who has never seen God, can take this Name Israel upon himself, God must appear to the man and Name him ISRAEL
Well ,they say Jesus had the common language of the Aramaic , still spoken by Christians in Syria , who happen today to be persecuted by the Jihadists . But Jesus would also speak Hebrew , in Synagogue worship. but the point is Isaiah shown Messiah as the Child , even then as EL Gibbor, because Jesus was rejected by the Elders, no Bar Mitzvah for 1. did not wash his hands 2. worked on Sabbath. So Jesus was Israelite Chattel , as a child, but never a "Man of Judah" as Messiah.
Just wondering. Since there are not vowel marks how do you know that it is pronounced "YAHUVEH"? Maybe its "YOHOVOHO"? Or "YIHIVIHI". Maybe "YAHAVAHA". And before you argue that when the YHO ends in someones name it is pronounced YAHU, I would point out the name EL is written with the tzeirei vowel while ELOHIM has a segol mark. Clearly pronunciation changes when the name is changed.
While the adult men of Judah were titled "men" and all other human males were not so titled, the idea was that a "man of Judah" thus a literal man , could not be God. BUT ,in the Chattel Law of the Firstborn of Israel , be it a Child , then God 's Name covered the Chattel Israel as Virgin, and the Land, the Firstborn ,and so exclusively belonged to Yahweh God, and thus God would be with as One in a child named Jesus or Yeshua, but if Jesus was Bar Mitzvah , then as a man , not so God.
You misunderstand me obviously. One I know who am, praise YAH. Two, the people you call jewish are not the descendants of Israel and are converts. These converts practice a religion known as judiasm and central to that religion is the talmud, which is not ordained of YAH. You do not understand the spirit of the law and the prophets and the Messiah. These things are given only to his people. You are part of the conspirators that Dawid spoke of who want our heritage, but YAH is our Elohim.
You have not read the Torah very carefully. The mixed-multitude did not cross the jordan with the Israelites. They were killed off. The sad thing here is this sister is a Hebrew of Israelite by birth of the House of Yahudah, and still does not know who she is, but that's okay. YAH is actually waking his people up.
Kiruv media: are you aware that it is forbidden in the Thora to be a proselyte?! Please stop making yourself feeling good by showing how people are interested in your religion! you're endangering Thora! that 's all you do...
Sister you felt at home because Israel is the home of your ancestors, therefore you could not help yourself. May the Most High Yah Alohim of Y'srael take you to the greater truth of your hebrew heritage.
If you really believed God with a Circumcised Heart, God would have held an open channel from Heaven to your Mind and Heart, and thus you would be counted among the Prophets. But you read books and believe Idols, mere men , who claim a "Collective Divinity" though they have not ever seen God ( though Jacob and Moses did so) and they have never heard God speak to them, but they claim they can overrule God, and so you obey Devils, Idols of Man Made Religions , posing with Mysticism.
The Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 Moses is revealing the transfiguration of the anointed deliverer, Moses the Levite in this case, as head of state in Israel , to be interchangeable with Yahweh God. So in the clutch of his office. Moses is God. But the Jews began to rebel against Moses and his successor, Joshua or Yeshua, ( Jesus) and tried to claim their own divinity as Jews, and God slew them all. The Shema is about how the Messiah is God, Adonai , Elihenu, Yahweh is One.
If only you could read what you quote in Hebrew... then maybe you could have see for yourself that however hard , you want to hold onto your narrative, there is simply no way, absolutely no way it can be done! I have read it just now, all of the chapter, and honestly i felt sorry for you, because it seems to me that you have been misled for you are after all blind on the context of having the important ability to read the bible in the original language it was written in the first place, Hebrew! and if you are a follower and a believer then you must know that: (Before the blind, do not put a stumbling block" (Leviticus 19:14" So i recommend you, as you have been misled, don't do that among others and go and dig harder on your search for understanding the bible. Good luck!
God came from Heaven into the Medium of the Anointed Messiah and so God cloaked with wind and wrapped in waters, ( Proverbs 30:4) came as the Son of God, "What is his name and the name of his son ?" Jesus then was a covering up cloaking of El Gibbor, and Adoni Zedek appearing as Melchizedek Lord on Earth , but Jesus is God Almighty, El Gibbor. God gave Favor to wrap up the Glory that we beheld the Only Begotten Son of God, and He is the Wrap of Father, Son , Holy Ghost, as a Meal.
God spoke to the Anointed Chosen of God, and they wrote the Bible for the Temple and the Saints. Being able to be read Hebrew, does not give you the Holy Spirit, that you have the Circumcision of the Heart to BELIEVE GOD and pour out your soul to Yahweh , from Bet to Taw, from the Temple LIfe to the Death of the Righteous to be then seated at the Right Hand of God. You presume Knowledge is greater than Love, and so you have the Spirit of King Saul, who murdered the High Priest
If any Jew can challenge me, show me a single verse in Moses' Law where Moses credits anything as "The God of Judah" Moses teaches of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, whom God appeared to and renamed Jacob as ISRAEL. The Men of Judah were intermarried with the Canaanites, they sold Joseph as a slave and lied about it to Israel, causing Israel to suffer. The Men of Judah rejected Elijah and all the Gentile Israelites, for their own Tradition and made War with Israel
Okay, support what you just said scriptually in the law and the prophets. In fact, support, your assertion in gospels and the epistles. You are caught up in mythology. The Children of Israel are nation unto themselves and have always have been. When you can't support what you believe you revert to ad homien attacks such as I belong to a cult. How about reading the law and the prophets. I got a feeling that it does not corroborate your belief.
What a beautiful and wise woman.
She has truly found her home in Torah.
An inspiration to us all.
I've heard Ahuvah Gray speak in person and her presence is magnetizing. This talk she gives presents her coming to to Judaism and moreso the questions at the end reveal how she found the truth. I'm glad I found this video and hope that it is widely shared.
Wonderful story...I shared it with a friend who sends me videos of Jonathan Cahn...who is out to tear down Torah Judaism and blend it with Christianity and Messianic Jews...I am a Kohanim and he does not understand that we as Jews convert no one...it is not our job..it is people like yourself that must read and learn and make a decision for themselves...to convert to Torah Judaism...I am a Jew from Birth all the way back...my soul is Jewish and no matter how much a Christian reads the Torah they find their narative for me to I guess recognize their saviour and I cannot do that in my heart...thank you for your talk...
I Love this woman, a truly Great human being. She has a Jewish soul
"We're all looking for the emes" YES! I started reading the Christian "Old Testament" starting from Genesis 1:1 and baruch Hashem I saw the emet of Torah and Judaism and converted 2 years ago. I didn't go looking for Judaism and Hashem, I was looking for the Truth and G-d's true identity and I found it in Torah ❤❤❤
Same. I found it on my own as an adult. Adopted from another country, loosely raised a Catholic, then truly studied the N.T. and came to the conclusion, that it is a false book. By 2014 it was only Tanakh for me. Went to my first Orthodox shul at 2017, and moved, but began going back in 2023, became a member on July, 2023. I've become more observant everyday, but my first Yom Kippur was life hanging and davening with kavanah is life changing. Torah gave me a different purpose for being on earth, and the more study I do the more I know my soul. I understand when she mentions her first Siddur. Mine changed my life forever. BH
She has a strong Jewish heart :)
This is amazing, I’m a recent convert to Judaism. She is right, because of my studying Torah, it made me convert from Christianity.
Five months for me. ❤✡️
Mazel Tov🎉
as a minister myself, I needed to hear this. Thank you
She is so so so awesome. How lucky we are that she found her way home
This story brings tears to my eyes
Fascinating. I love all the familiar Jewish expressions you use. ❤
I too was born in Chicago...my parents were Westside Jews 1922 to World War 2...they moved to Albany Park...that was I was brought home from Mt. Sinai Hospital...grew up there and in Rogers Park...attended Hebrew School in Rogers Park - Bar Mitzvahed at the Jewish Blind Peoples Home in Albany Park where my Great Grandma lived out her life...Lived in Skokie Illinois till 1978 and then in DesPlaines...and what transformed my life was Being Bar Mitzvahed and coming back to regular attendance after my first Heart Attack...
Beautiful Jewish African woman.
she is not african
She's not from Africa bro...
@@davidbrown-no6mdShe’s of African ancestry.
May you strengthen many Jewish souls closer to Hashem and may you be blessed as well!!!.
I have so many questions is there a way I can speak with you, Ahuva Gray?
Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:1,2), to a virgin (Isaiah 7:14),
called “Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:5,6), dies for the sins of the people
(Isaiah 53), rises from the dead (Psalm 16:10), receives worship
from all the peoples (Daniel 7:13,14). Sounds like Jesus to me.
the only mention of JESUS in the entire Old Testament is when Moses warns his Jewish people to not worship the false G-ds of wood (Christian cross) and stone (islamic Ka'aba stone)
Give me the references please
( verse/ chapter)
I so appreciate your story! I will get your book! I do have one question however; you, as a former Minister of the Bible, how did you come to believe/accept reincarnation vs. a scripture that states we only die once, then the judgement. Can you elaborate on that please? That struck me. Thank you!
THE MOST HIGH Knows who belongs to HIM.
She converted to Judaism. She is a Jew. Black people are not Israelites. She converted though, she us fully jewish
I believe it was Daniel rather than King David whom Scripture refers to as praying three times a day.(Daniel 6:11)
Psalm 55:18Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
18 (17) Evening, morning and noon I complain
and moan; but he hears my voice.
Even if that is your belief, why would you put this comment on this JEWISH woman's
video? You need to learn more about the Torah and its Jewish commentaries before you form any opinion. You are ignorant of the original sources. I suggest you look into them before making a religious ruling. Ahuvah Grey is as Jewish as I am.
Habbakah 2 and not Micah 2. About 7 mins into video
Wonderful, fascinating story!
are you talking about the 40 years of walking in the desert? because that was a punishment for the ox made of gold and was a punishment for all of them together
Welcome home, Baruch HaShem! You're so beautiful!
You are mistaken. The Rambam was the
greatest scholar of his time, living in Spain
and Egypt. He actually codified the law.
He spoke and wrote in Arabic because
Egypt was his home. He had an Arabic
name, but that was his slave name.
Yahweh protect this woman at all costs
Nice face, express wisdom and spirituality, definitely she knows what she is doing.
Can you please quote the verse in Scriptures that said that if you believe in G-d with a circumcised heart that you become a prophet?
אישה מדהימה! An amazing woman
Exodus (33:20) "You will not be able to see My face, for NO human can see My face and live."
go and study what ger tsedek stand for..she is ger tsedek more power to her
As a non Jew, I only understand half of what she's saying. Maybe sub-titles(of explanations)?
Such a wonderful story.
the nefarious New Testicle is indeed a work of historical fiction
My poor misinformed Carmine:Jacob's quote was "I have seen the Divine face to face" after his confrontation with a "man" form (Genesis 32:25) "Jacob was left alone&a "man"(Angel") wrestled with him until dawn" (32:29) "for you have striven with the Divine (e.g., the Angel)&men (e.g., Laban) and have overcome".Exodus (33:20) "You will not be able to see My face, for NO human can see My face and live." Carmine, your heart is in the right place but you need to learn from those who know the Source.
I have spent a number of years studying Torah in the original Hebrew and haven't been able to see this at all. It would be great if you could take the time to point to me where the Torah says that YAHUSHUA IS MASHIACH [sic].
You can even do it in a PM so that you aren't constrained at all by space.
Happy to hear thise, i also to go to Israel.
Psalm 55:18Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
18 (17) Evening, morning and noon I complain
and moan; but he hears my voice.
Seems like David prayed 3 times a day from this verse, don't you agree? What is prayer but calling, crying out to God?
Thank you for the correction. I really do appreciate it. Indeed both Ahuva Gray & you were correct & I was mistaken. In fact Rashi notes the following on the verse... "The evening prayer, the morning prayer, and the afternoon prayer, three prayers."
why not? read the bible when the israelites came out of egypt, many people came with them, they were accepted into the people
Pontius Pilate did write the Name of Jesus, in three languages, Aramaic, Latin and Greek, and nailed that on the cross. So Jesus was known in circles of Greeks and Romans as Jesus, and would be called Yeshua or Yahushua , by strict Hebrews. But in public the Jews did not speak Hebrew, but on the Day of Pentecost, Peter did speak loudly in public in the Hebrew, thus the miracle of many ethnic Jews from many lands able to hear Peter addressing them in a strange language in public.
woooo what a neshama. you rock, mama!!
This is a very beutyfull jewish woman.
Do you understandf how to interpret the scriptues. The verse I am black but comely has nothing to do with a persons skin color. It refers to the fact that we Jews have been persecuted and in spite of the fact that we have been been burned black by the sun(the nations)we are still comely in G-ds eyes. In true Judaism there is no room for racism or hate. Haven't we all one father. Hasn't one G-d created us all? Malachi 2:10
This thread appears to be owned by missionary comments.
They are triggered 🤣
Are you capable of realizing that you're just reading random thing into the verses that it doesn't actually say?
You're just making it up. None of the verses actually say any of these things. You're just wasting a lot of posts on the comment section of this video to rant.
whoa quoting the Goan! Gishmak!
they believe in the Old Testament, not in the New Testament! they don't in Jesus! so who do they believe in? well here is something from the Old Testament Isaiah 9:6 who is this Child or Son? He is called Great things! Jesus is His Name! God With us! His Name means Savior!
The reason I would know anything is because I can read Hebrew. If G-d didn't say it, then YOU did.
As for my circumcised heart. Since I fear G-d, love Him, follow in His ways, keep his commandments and laws (per Deut. 10:16)
Jacob never saw G-d's face. The word there is Elohim which in this case refers to an angel. If you don't say that then you will have a problem:
1. This man says that Jacob fought with "Elohim" and with men and won
2. Jacob asks for the man's name and is denied it
3. Jacob names the place Peniel.
The man just told him that he fought Elohim, now unless this wasn't the first time he fought Elohim, he should have realized who the man was. Unless the man was an angel and he wanted to know which one
You forgot to take your analogy comparing G-d's Law to all laws to the end of your statement. I don't need to be saved from stealing from the supermarket. Likewise I don't need to be saved from breaking the Sabbath. All I have to do is follow them.
ברוך בואך לעולם האמת
Beautiful woman inside and out!
Once again, learn the sources.
Your logic is flawed. If G-d knew that we couldn't keep the whole law to begin with He could have either:
1- Not given it
2- Sent an inesessor [sic] right from the start
3- given a law that we could keep
Since He did none of these things, it must be that G-d is not looking for perfection but for people to strive to do their best. This idea is mirrored in Prov. 24:16 - true righteousness is found by those that keep trying.
Like a dream in the night.!
I'm a little confused. Abraham came from Mesopotamia which is a Middle Eastern area. His wife was a relative of his and both his son (Isaac) and grandson (Jacob) married girls from the Mesopotamian area. So chances are they all looked Middle Eastern, not African.
The Ashkenazic\European look that many Jews have today is a result of being exiled to European lands for 2000 years. However many Jews were also exiled to Middle Eastern lands and retain that look. DNA proves this as well.
Yeah... The VERY Same people that the Us Bombed out, Including Babylon And Ur! So much for Abraham's origin.
Very great encouragements
Okay, good insults. I never said you were not jewish but you are not a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Yacob. But you are fullfilling the scriptures because the gentiles and/or esau are suppose be in the land and claiming to be Yahudah. I don't recall saying I hate anyone. Again, you have the land and claim to be YAHS' people. I can't do anything to you or anyone else. I just spoke the truth, which is YAHWEHS' law and prophets. YAH is going to settle this matter. Your traditions are not law.
Than how can God speak to Moses if he is Moses. As if Moses would say "I have spoken to me". And you also say God spoke to Moses which doesn't match with the last thing you said.
And how can you believe in Moses but call the torah fake? Don't you know the torah consists of the five books of Moses and nothing else? The rest of the old testament plus the torah is what they call the tanach.
And if you think it's fake, then why are you a christian? Don't christians have to live by the bible which contains the tanach i.e. the old testament?
But you probably don't even care about the truth, all you want to do is proof that Jesus is the messias. So you are willing to twist reality to do so.
I'm ok with christianity though. I really felt the presence of God in church when I was a christian so God is with you people. But all I want to worship is God.
Peace. God bless.
Deuteronomy 32:43 is not the Tanach but the Torah Law of Moses. And Moses said in "The Song of Moses" Deut. 32:39 "See now that I myself am He !" So in speaking in God's Place, Moses was telling the Jews, to look at him, and see what they see ,that what they saw was God. You deny a man can be God. Thus you have rebelled from Moses' Law ,and rejected Messiah as God come in the flesh. Then Moses said " LET ALL GOD"S ANGELS WORSHIP HIM" with respect to the coming of Anointed One.
do you have a picture of the isrealites? there are evidance they were not black, read the song of songs
Jewish soul who found her way home.
I wish sometimes that comments could be disabled. The more you read what a person says the more you realize some people are parrots. They repeat but do not know or understand. However, everyone has an opinion.
First, the Children of Israel made a golden calf not an ox. Second, the scriptures do not reference anything about the strangers being punished, but Exodus 32:24-29 chronicle that 3000 of the people, the Israelites, were killed at the hand of the sons of Levi per Moshe's order. The strangers were not punished per se. But in Numbers 11:4-35 tells us the strangers among my fathers lusted for egypt, and they caused the Israelites to complain for meat. The people who lusted (the mixed multitude)
Judging from Exodus 20 synoptically with Deut. 5 Moses, was the Anointed One, and interchangeable with God as the speaker of the Law in the Place where the Anointed stood in God's Place. Deut. 32:43 shows why Jesus as Messiah must be worshiped as God, due to the Mystery of God. God told Moses, "You will be as if Yahweh to him" (Exodus 4:16) and so God gave Moses the Law, Moses put the word in Aaron's mouth, showing a systemic fact of the Holy Trinity to produce the Oral Law. 3=1
pick cherries much
Jesus (God saves) is mentioned many various times in what people today call the "old testament" which is of course a continuation of time from one period to another. God is indeed a good, wanting a relationship with us and not just sitting up there waiting to punish us as some people think.
Messiah would be born of a virgin. (Isaiah 7:14) (Luke 1:26-31)
His throne will be anointed and eternal. (Psalm 45:6-7) (Luke 1:33)
Messiah to be mocked and ridiculed. (Psalm 22:7-8) (Luke 23:35)
Imagine what that first pesach was like 😍
One of the most difficult of these conversion accounts to watch. Just like Ahuvah says, the stories are the same just different faces. There is a clear pattern, which culminates in a rejection of the God of Israel. When the Israelites were in the desert they would move with the cloud, which symbolized God's presence. At Sinai God introduced the Law and gave the commandments. The cloud(metaphorically) was there. The cloud has now moved but sadly Israel(Orthodox Judaism) is still camped at Sinai. Jeremiah 2:13 addresses the unbelieving(rejecters of God's Son) Jews today" my people have commited two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cistern, broken cisterns that can not hold water"
where in your old testament does it say G-d will become His son and come down to save people from sins?
That is false.
Jew's don't pray in anyone's name. We pray directly to G-d.
Bless u
as a wrapped meal I mean in the Seder, the 10th Rhyme of the Kosher Passover, the Sandwich ,the Meal , taking the unleaven bread, the bitter herbs the Lamb in the Matzos , the wrapped up mean , is the Messiah , giving His LIfe to feed the life to the people about to go on the Exodus to the Promise Land. Jesus came as the stranger ,the lamb of God, taken in as "Only Son" only to be rejected and be the Meal that sustains the people , that they would not die. that sort of wrap.
You need to understand the Medium by which Invisible Glory of Yahweh made himself seen face to face. Proverbs 30:4 Solomon tells us that God cloaks Himself, in the Waters and the Wind, to conceal the Glory , as Wind lifting up the Tent , and causing it to move as alive. God came as Jesus Christ the Son, in a body of flesh and blood the CLOAKING of the WAY of YAHWEH GOD by the Priest, and the Prophet and the King and the Judge. God is with the People , So God is with Jesus
bless u and may go-d will help u in uor ne way!
then join the Jewish people who believe in Moshe and the phrophets as well as the oral torah. Because with out the oral torah it is impossible to understand the written torah. How would you understand the verse in Deuternomy "and they shall be for boxes between your eyes . How do you know how to make those boxes (tephilim)Every product comes with instructions. The tanach is the product. the oral torah is the instructional manual how to keep the torah correctly
Even someone who doesn't understand Hebrew can see the quote is "For you have striven with the Divine.." If you knew Hebrew it uses the word Elokim (which is plural for powers the Creator places in the world), not limited to the name of Gd. There are many such examples. You would also know that Peniel is in Hebrew the contraction of Pnie-Kal (my face is toward Gd), not face of Gd. You would also understand that immediately after it is written Penuel which is the imperative in Hebrew grammar.
Elokim does not mean multiple God's. You are extremely ignorant. Go learn about why so many names of God are in the torah and why different names are used in each place. All the information is awaiting you
Never mind please ignore my other comments. I can see why everyone else chose to ignore you now.
The argument that there are other Jews that believe therefore it must be true is not a very intellectual argument. Yes you are correct in that you can believe that a cow created you this morning and still be 100% Jewish. However, you will also 100% not be following the religion of the Jewish people.
I understand Torah quite well and am quite fluent in Hebrew. So I would love to hear how it all appoints [sic] to YAHUSHUA.
PS YAHUSHUA is not a real name. Its Y'shua (Aramaic) or Y'hoshua (Hebrew)
This doesn't make sense. David is from the tribe of Judah. The Messiah will come from David. Hence the Messiah is from Judah.
Read the Dead Seas Scroll for Deuteronomy 32:43 It translates,
" Rejoice , O Heavens, together with him, and bow down to him all you gods , for he will avenge the blood of his sons, and will render vengeance to his enemies, and will recompense those who hate him, and will Atone for the land of his people"
Masorete Hebrew Bible changes "Heavens" to "Nations"
Masorete changes "sons" to "servants" then the Jews removed totally the rest of the identity of Messiah as God
The Way that Jacob became Israel, is that God made Himself visible to Jacob, and Jacob saw God appearing as a man whom Jacob wrestled with , until he realized he had seen God face to face and yet was permitted to live. So, God Himself renamed Jacob, the Hebrew , to be ISRAEL , no man gave Jacob this Name Israel, God appeared Himself and DUBBED Jacob to be Named ISRAEL. No man who has never seen God, can take this Name Israel upon himself, God must appear to the man and Name him ISRAEL
Well ,they say Jesus had the common language of the Aramaic , still spoken by Christians in Syria , who happen today to be persecuted by the Jihadists . But Jesus would also speak Hebrew , in Synagogue worship. but the point is Isaiah shown Messiah as the Child , even then as EL Gibbor, because Jesus was rejected by the Elders, no Bar Mitzvah for 1. did not wash his hands 2. worked on Sabbath. So Jesus was Israelite Chattel , as a child, but never a "Man of Judah" as Messiah.
wow you've got problems, spiritual
Just wondering. Since there are not vowel marks how do you know that it is pronounced "YAHUVEH"? Maybe its "YOHOVOHO"? Or "YIHIVIHI". Maybe "YAHAVAHA".
And before you argue that when the YHO ends in someones name it is pronounced YAHU, I would point out the name EL is written with the tzeirei vowel while ELOHIM has a segol mark. Clearly pronunciation changes when the name is changed.
While the adult men of Judah were titled "men" and all other human males were not so titled, the idea was that a "man of Judah" thus a literal man , could not be God. BUT ,in the Chattel Law of the Firstborn of Israel , be it a Child , then God 's Name covered the Chattel Israel as Virgin, and the Land, the Firstborn ,and so exclusively belonged to Yahweh God, and thus God would be with as One in a child named Jesus or Yeshua, but if Jesus was Bar Mitzvah , then as a man , not so God.
She needs to get the " Vernacular Down " ( Hebrew @ Yiddish )better.
I think she's doing a great job.
You see, you just made that up again.
Israel is G-d's firstborn son. See Exodus 4:22 and 23.
You misunderstand me obviously. One I know who am, praise YAH. Two, the people you call jewish are not the descendants of Israel and are converts. These converts practice a religion known as judiasm and central to that religion is the talmud, which is not ordained of YAH. You do not understand the spirit of the law and the prophets and the Messiah. These things are given only to his people. You are part of the conspirators that Dawid spoke of who want our heritage, but YAH is our Elohim.
You have not read the Torah very carefully. The mixed-multitude did not cross the jordan with the Israelites. They were killed off. The sad thing here is this sister is a Hebrew of Israelite by birth of the House of Yahudah, and still does not know who she is, but that's okay. YAH is actually waking his people up.
Kiruv media: are you aware that it is forbidden in the Thora to be a proselyte?! Please stop making yourself feeling good by showing how people are interested in your religion! you're endangering Thora! that 's all you do...
chassidic Jewish people do.....
You can convert to Judaism. He isn’t proselytizing, he’s just posting about a convert
That's a pretty ignorant statement. You obviously know ||
Sister you felt at home because Israel is the home of your ancestors, therefore you could not help yourself.
May the Most High Yah Alohim of Y'srael take you to the greater truth of your hebrew heritage.
@free citizen01 amein
If you really believed God with a Circumcised Heart, God would have held an open channel from Heaven to your Mind and Heart, and thus you would be counted among the Prophets. But you read books and believe Idols, mere men , who claim a "Collective Divinity" though they have not ever seen God ( though Jacob and Moses did so) and they have never heard God speak to them, but they claim they can overrule God, and so you obey Devils, Idols of Man Made Religions , posing with Mysticism.
So cool!
The Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 Moses is revealing the transfiguration of the anointed deliverer, Moses the Levite in this case, as head of state in Israel , to be interchangeable with Yahweh God. So in the clutch of his office. Moses is God. But the Jews began to rebel against Moses and his successor, Joshua or Yeshua, ( Jesus) and tried to claim their own divinity as Jews, and God slew them all. The Shema is about how the Messiah is God, Adonai , Elihenu, Yahweh is One.
If only you could read what you quote in Hebrew... then maybe you could have see for yourself that however hard ,
you want to hold onto your narrative, there is simply no way, absolutely no way it can be done!
I have read it just now, all of the chapter, and honestly i felt sorry for you, because it seems to me that you have been misled for you are after all blind on the context of having the important ability to read the bible in the original language it was written in the first place, Hebrew! and if you are a follower and a believer then you must know that:
(Before the blind, do not put a stumbling block" (Leviticus 19:14"
So i recommend you, as you have been misled, don't do that among others and go and dig harder on your search for understanding the bible.
Good luck!
God came from Heaven into the Medium of the Anointed Messiah and so God cloaked with wind and wrapped in waters, ( Proverbs 30:4) came as the Son of God, "What is his name and the name of his son ?" Jesus then was a covering up cloaking of El Gibbor, and Adoni Zedek appearing as Melchizedek Lord on Earth , but Jesus is God Almighty, El Gibbor. God gave Favor to wrap up the Glory that we beheld the Only Begotten Son of God, and He is the Wrap of Father, Son , Holy Ghost, as a Meal.
God spoke to the Anointed Chosen of God, and they wrote the Bible for the Temple and the Saints. Being able to be read Hebrew, does not give you the Holy Spirit, that you have the Circumcision of the Heart to BELIEVE GOD and pour out your soul to Yahweh , from Bet to Taw, from the Temple LIfe to the Death of the Righteous to be then seated at the Right Hand of God. You presume Knowledge is greater than Love, and so you have the Spirit of King Saul, who murdered the High Priest
Anointed ones and saints are the same thing.
If any Jew can challenge me, show me a single verse in Moses' Law where Moses credits anything as "The God of Judah" Moses teaches of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, whom God appeared to and renamed Jacob as ISRAEL. The Men of Judah were intermarried with the Canaanites, they sold Joseph as a slave and lied about it to Israel, causing Israel to suffer. The Men of Judah rejected Elijah and all the Gentile Israelites, for their own Tradition and made War with Israel
Okay, support what you just said scriptually in the law and the prophets. In fact, support, your assertion in gospels and the epistles. You are caught up in mythology. The Children of Israel are nation unto themselves and have always have been. When you can't support what you believe you revert to ad homien attacks such as I belong to a cult. How about reading the law and the prophets. I got a feeling that it does not corroborate your belief.