Just to let you know that the extra bit is not smartcard reader/t-cards TRIAL, back in the days there was paper tickets for public transport and every older buses has the paper ticket machine fitted which was where you put the ticket in and it will pop out automatically to show if its valid/not. I remember when opal started rolling out nearly 10 years ago now, the last paper ticket to be sold were the pension excursion ticket, and that's when the paper tickets end on public transport I guess.
Whoops... I believe I did cover the fact that the white boxes were covering the old green AES Prodata magstripe readers in an earlier video but this being one of my older unpublished videos I must have forgotten to update it! Thanks for letting me know.
Hop On Only (Jump On Only) Includes Normal Buses (Non Single Buses) for Normal Weekdays and Weekends Returns (Back to Normal) before School Holidays Towards Wynyard (Stop at Wynyard) before All the Passengers Kids gets taken
Just to let you know that the extra bit is not smartcard reader/t-cards TRIAL, back in the days there was paper tickets for public transport and every older buses has the paper ticket machine fitted which was where you put the ticket in and it will pop out automatically to show if its valid/not.
I remember when opal started rolling out nearly 10 years ago now, the last paper ticket to be sold were the pension excursion ticket, and that's when the paper tickets end on public transport I guess.
I believe I did cover the fact that the white boxes were covering the old green AES Prodata magstripe readers in an earlier video but this being one of my older unpublished videos I must have forgotten to update it! Thanks for letting me know.
Hop On Only (Jump On Only) Includes Normal Buses (Non Single Buses) for Normal Weekdays and Weekends Returns (Back to Normal) before School Holidays Towards Wynyard (Stop at Wynyard) before All the Passengers Kids gets taken
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