this song feels like cleaning up after a new year's party. As your picking up beer bottles and other new year party items, you just sit down and stare outside through a window and thinking about what's next in life for you. And you just start to wonder on about what are you going to do this year: Do the exact same thing as last year or do something that's new for you. Then you get back to cleaning.
This song makes me think of life so heavy I imagine this is what you hear when you die reflecting on everything your own life life in general humanity it makes me wanna cry
i got out of my depression a few days ago listening to this track. the first time you cry happy tears marks the end of depression. riot is the exact feeling that exiting a depression feels like. you just imagine the whole world and realize, theres still so much more to do in life.
This song makes me feel like when you look out the window just after a storm and it’s still raining a little but you can see the blue skies in the distance and you know the rain will be over soon.
and thats what earl meant by this song. solace has this riff in it. the "rain" or the deep depression earl was in is now over, and hes accepted the passing of his grandmother
This song feels like that reflection over you’re life & you realized that you haven’t grown at all but now it finally hit you that your all alone on this journey and no one is here to help you
ill put that umbrella where the sun don't shine. L take, pagan,pussio. opposition behaviour, YT shorts activity. PagaN. L take once again. on guard pagan- evan Taylor xxxx
An essential “watching the sun set in a foreign place with a joint in hand after not thinking you’ll make it there” song for me. Watched the sun set in the Bahamas while this played after almost losing my whole life man. It evokes a feeling I can’t get over sometimes
This song to me sounds like a completely black “GAME OVER” screen after completing a game. You’re satisfied that you’ve done it, but there’s a sense of eerie dread that this thing you’ve made so many memories with has come to an end, and you’ll never experience it the same way again. The next chapter of your life is going to be one where that game is in the past, rather than something you can look forward to. Was it even worth it?
Just found out this video has been copyright somethingmawhatte and now it can't be monetized lol, I have 3 subscribers and don't really care about money anyways so I'm not gonna trim out the ending or something :P EDIT: The 1 and 10 hour versions have been taken down :(
Thus song feels like the final day of school when the bell rings and you and your classmates yell in excitement and you all run out the school with all the memories you've had with your friends and everything you've did and you look back at you school with a tear in your eye but that's in the past and now your looking forward to your future
Would love to share this song with anyone who ever been through any I'll childhood vibe's this song got me through some times the horn & saxophone section is the ❤ of it all wish I could get a clearer version of RIOT THANK YOU EARL PLEASE tell me how can I get a disk of this one song on the 45 version
thanks mate, my girlfriend died in the dunes. dunes be dangerous, watch out pagan. sounding like the opposition. ocean dwelling cretin. pussio L take pagan. U have no right to bear arms foo, go back to schoo. pagan.
Mark Toia!!! This is the greatest gift I could ever give you, thank you, you got me out of bed Niggah!!! My Gawd, I simply can’t believe it. I know you would love this track Bro. I can’t believe it Brov.
this song makes me feel like i just burnt my waffle and burnt my toast but still went to play golf on an empty stomach and when i got home i found my wife with another man but left her and won the lottery and now im in a beach in costa rica just thinking its all gonna be ok now
This song invokes a feeling within me that makes me feel as though I've just triumphed throug something very difficult and better days are coming
Exactly what I’m feeling rn
That’s why I love the role this plays in SRS
nothing is perfect right now, but everything is ok, that's enough
@@eduardoeliasramirezcanales7767yep. thats why riot is glitchy. not perfect, but better than how it was
can't wait for the 10 hours version
Trying to make the 1 hour version first 🙏🏾
this song feels like cleaning up after a new year's party. As your picking up beer bottles and other new year party items, you just sit down and stare outside through a window and thinking about what's next in life for you. And you just start to wonder on about what are you going to do this year: Do the exact same thing as last year or do something that's new for you. Then you get back to cleaning.
reading this reminded me of that one scene in Queen's Gambit
true king
they gf😅
Holy shii man why you gotta brain ra** me like that , that imagery was too vivid 😂
You can legit put shattered dream on this and it’s gold
This song makes me think of life so heavy I imagine this is what you hear when you die reflecting on everything your own life life in general humanity it makes me wanna cry
cry, pagan.
i got out of my depression a few days ago listening to this track. the first time you cry happy tears marks the end of depression. riot is the exact feeling that exiting a depression feels like. you just imagine the whole world and realize, theres still so much more to do in life.
this song feels like the summer beach vibes
This song makes me feel like when you look out the window just after a storm and it’s still raining a little but you can see the blue skies in the distance and you know the rain will be over soon.
Needed this
This quote isn't about rain
and thats what earl meant by this song. solace has this riff in it. the "rain" or the deep depression earl was in is now over, and hes accepted the passing of his grandmother
This song feels like that reflection over you’re life & you realized that you haven’t grown at all but now it finally hit you that your all alone on this journey and no one is here to help you
This song feels like the healing part after a nasty break up- like the first morning you wake up actually feeling happy 😊
This song is like a song man
Same bro
Song feels like when you wake up on your first day of summer vacation
and last
@@KURO-yz2cu more accurate
Just feels like the last day of school too
L take, ill wake up next to ur little brother on the first day of summer vacation. finneas ahhhhhh ferby ahhhh, pagan.
I've never seen a thumbnail so perfectly blurred that its actually able to haunt my nightmares.
This song feels like walking in the rain, and someone's holding an umbrella for you. 🌧 🌂
ill put that umbrella where the sun don't shine. L take, pagan,pussio. opposition behaviour, YT shorts activity. PagaN. L take once again. on guard pagan- evan Taylor xxxx
this song gives me an eternal feeling of existential dread
This song just sounds like waking up early in the morning, sick, not being able to go to school and realising you can just chill today.
This feels like the last day of a summer holiday
An essential “watching the sun set in a foreign place with a joint in hand after not thinking you’ll make it there” song for me. Watched the sun set in the Bahamas while this played after almost losing my whole life man. It evokes a feeling I can’t get over sometimes
This was my most listened to song last year. I just found this extended version
This song makes me feel like I want back in the past and I had a life there, it feels like I was there when they played this song for the first time.
This song to me sounds like a completely black “GAME OVER” screen after completing a game. You’re satisfied that you’ve done it, but there’s a sense of eerie dread that this thing you’ve made so many memories with has come to an end, and you’ll never experience it the same way again. The next chapter of your life is going to be one where that game is in the past, rather than something you can look forward to. Was it even worth it?
Just found out this video has been copyright somethingmawhatte and now it can't be monetized lol, I have 3 subscribers and don't really care about money anyways so I'm not gonna trim out the ending or something :P
EDIT: The 1 and 10 hour versions have been taken down :(
I mean it’s literally earl’s material so you shouldn’t be making money off it, sorry if I sound rude
@@4Rbabi No but you're right!
@Franklin Josue yup, been watching on flixzone} for since december myself :)
@Franklin Josue Yea, been using flixzone} for since december myself :D
Nah I prefer not having a virus on my phone
Thanks for this bro the original is criminally short 🤣
I was jamming to this song at the end of the last day of school
Thus song feels like the final day of school when the bell rings and you and your classmates yell in excitement and you all run out the school with all the memories you've had with your friends and everything you've did and you look back at you school with a tear in your eye but that's in the past and now your looking forward to your future
Thank you so much for this
Ive been wanting to find something like this for ages
Much love to you!
Thank you much love to you back! 😄
This feels like the last scene in superbad at the mall ❤
1 hour version i beg 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️
Working on getting enough storage for it 🙃
It's on my channel right now! :D
@@yspt thank you bro!
Damn this one is edited well too. The 1 hour one out rn is just the original on repeat.
This song feels like a outro to a long movie zooming out while the main character talks about what happend to the ppl in the future
Noice keep your ideas to yourself you never know when someone can steal them my g this is great
Or a simple goodbye
This is very well made, thank you😢
ts is the typa song to gimme goosebumps and make think a ton bruh
You're very kind. Thank you.
Thanks for making this. Perfect loop
hits different if you just sit down after a ruff day in your dark room look out your widow and watch the twilight
Jesus loves you and died for your sin’s repent God Bless
I am so glad you made this, what about an hour long version?
Want to make other stuff first but, definitely wrote it down! :)
Yeah an hour long version would be amazing. I have to press restart every 4 minutes lol.
@@LankyWx I got good news for you ;D
It's up! :D
@@yspt HAHA! YES!
this song feels like the last day of school. even tho i’m in grade 11
itll be lifechanging. Dont regret a moment of it
much love brotha
i cannot thank you enough for this.
Would love to share this song with anyone who ever been through any I'll childhood vibe's this song got me through some times the horn & saxophone section is the ❤ of it all wish I could get a clearer version of RIOT THANK YOU EARL PLEASE tell me how can I get a disk of this one song on the 45 version
This song feels like like feels
my life’s anthem
This is just Hugh Masekelas riot , Earl Sweatshirt sampled it , this is the original
This feels like walking with your girl through the dunes under a clear, sunny sky to an empty beach and a blue ocean..
thanks mate, my girlfriend died in the dunes. dunes be dangerous, watch out pagan. sounding like the opposition. ocean dwelling cretin. pussio L take pagan. U have no right to bear arms foo, go back to schoo. pagan.
Absolutely beautiful my guy
Thank you so much
Thank you
Hey man this is sick!
Mark Toia!!! This is the greatest gift I could ever give you, thank you, you got me out of bed Niggah!!! My Gawd, I simply can’t believe it. I know you would love this track Bro. I can’t believe it Brov.
makes me feel like im gonna do good on my chem exam
good luck g
Did you do good?
get this man more subs
Appreciate it ❤😭🙏🏾
@@yspt you get what ya f*ckin' deserve
This is mad fire bro.
is that you in the picture? (lookin like a cutie😈)
nah thats earl lol
he lyin its him
I need earl to make this an actual song and sing on it.
Bad Fruit* - Jean Dawson WE GOT ONE NOW LMAOO
Thank you so much for this soda-sama
the like - dislike ratio satisfies me:)
Same here, it makes me so happy 200 people enjoyed something I made 😊
@@yspt correction 498
One of the best compositions i've heard in many years I have goosebumps all the way up my asshole
Today is this video's 2 year anniversary
Ima get in my bag on this beat close ur eyes n let ur mind guide you to a place your subconscious has been waiting to take u
it sounds like end credits of a good ass movie
Please, i just want to sleep vs please, I just want to sleep
End of a bipolar depressive episode type of song
My little sister showed me this 🥺
When is the 1 hour version coming out
1 hour ?
Was thinking of it but I think that might get a little annoying to listen to, but idk if enough people want it I could try
@@yspt definitely do it, this song never gets old!
I'll write it down, thanks for the suggestion guys
It's up!
@@cameronsmiley4233 I made it! :D
This beat feels like farcry 5
this song reminds me of me and ur mom damn good times
alright bro
this song makes me feel like i just burnt my waffle and burnt my toast but still went to play golf on an empty stomach and when i got home i found my wife with another man but left her and won the lottery and now im in a beach in costa rica just thinking its all gonna be ok now
You fucking genius
Where’s the music
wait did it get muted
bruh its right there turn up your volume
got me scared
Lol sorry
But there is no lyics
thank you