Humans are meant to have and experience a full range of emotions. There's a lot of pressure put on people especially women to always appear smiling and happy. This is not realistic. You have the right to feel angry, sad, annoyed and any other emotions. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also if someone is putting unrealistic demans on you tell them so. Someone guilting you over something you can't change is not cool. It doesn't matter who it is. Expect more of them like them being understanding of your work schedule. Everyone has their issues but the only ones you're responsible for are your own so don't let anyone else put their crap on you. You can be a good and reliable person without being a people pleaser. It's not your responsibility to please others or make them happy. I say all this because I've been there and I can say life is a lot easier when you are not putting unrealistic expectations on yourself.
This comment stuck with me more than any other. Thank you for taking time to write it, I really appreciate it and can not thank you enough because your words really came in the right time
Your lifestyle is very hectic and exciting at the same time to be able to travel the world and wear pretty clothes and bags but life is unpredictable try to spend time with your loved ones. Memories spent with your loved ones are much more meaningful than anything else. I love your vlogs and style and appreciate your honesty😊
I love your personality sooooo much , you're such a hard worker and sooo smart a funny girl , you're not disappointing anyone , you can't have time for everyone when you're working
Tamara the moment you cry. I cried!!! Because i know how you feel!!!!! It literally hit me. Thank you so much for opening up. I felt alone with this feelings. I always look up how successful you are. You are definitely an inspiration.
It’s always good to say things out loud. It releases stress, letting things die inside can get you sick. You really are always positive. Traveling is fun but looks exhausting! We appreciate all you do and all the content you provide! I’m a stay at home mom and look to you for inspiration frequently! Thank you so much!
Woman, if I did what you did and travelled and had your schedule, I def would feel the way you too. It’s def a combination of jet lag and tiredness. Don’t worry about it, let it all out, we all have these days. Continue your work ethic and don’t worry about sharing your emotions with us or just your loved ones. We all love you Tamara ❤️❤️❤️
Don't be too hard on yourself. Sure your mum loves you and understand, it just that mums always like to see their babies around them. Chin up and make the best use of time when you see her.
Takvi dani dođu, ali već sutra nestanu. Ti si veoma uspešna devojka i verujem da tvoji nabliži i najdraži su izuzetno ponosni na tebe! Sigurno im puno nedostaješ i onda se to reflektuje kroz ljutnju, međutim sigurna sam da razumeju sve na kraju dana i da znaju da bi ti s njima sigurno provodila mnogo više vremena da ti obaveze to dozvoljavaju. Budi ponosna na sebe kao što sam sigurna da su svi oni i osmeh na lice jer ti jako lepo stoji ❤️
I love you so much ,I perceive you as my friend,because you inspire me and share your thoughts and advice,so when I saw you crying,I literally began to cry with you ,you touched my heart and I can’t see people that I love being upset. Tamara,you are incredible,your Mom loves you ,appreciates you and you know it,everybody has fights with their parents and it’s normal,because they are the same people as we are,I want to see you crying only because you are happy ❤️wish you good luck ,strong health and easy delivery for your sister🤓 Never never be upset!!!!!Love
My mom lives also very far away from me (other end of the continent), so when I do get to see her and the rest of the family I cherish the moments. Don‘t let work get into the way of the most important thing in life. Money and all those designer things cannot hug you or tell you they love you. Take it easy and enjoy life. I also must say that I am hugely disappointed and heartbroken seeing you wearing fur, where is the limit in animal exploitation for human consumption, profit and vanity? I cannot support this, but I wish you all the best.
We all have problems, what sets us apart is how we face them. I noticed something sad in this video and I hope that the bad in your life happens quickly. Those hugs and talks with your nephew are all worthwhile in this life. You are very professional, you have a special angel and you transmit much more than fashion. I send you the best vibes that are what you deserve. Hug
I hope by now you are feeling much better Tamara. It's never nice to let loved ones down & I'm sure you wouldn't have if it was down to you - after all you are only human & there are only so many hours in a day, so try not to be too hard on yourself. You work so hard & with all the travel & different time zones it's bound to take it's toll. Make sure to take some time for yourself. Sending lots of love Adele x
Never Never can't even think to see tears in your made me cried blessed tum tum...Always want to see you happy happy nd wish to make you smiley forever....You are a star Angel....Lots of love
I have it the same every time I visit Serbia and I completely understand you and your feelings at the moment. Our parents always make us the most vulnerable. It’s all normal
Fenomenalna si!!!!potrudicu se da moju bebu Tamaru vaspitam na nacin na koji su Tebe vaspitali roditelji!!!Ti si Tamara najbolji primer devojkama u Srbiji i sirom sveta!!!skidam kapu pred Tobom!!!Bravo devojko!!!❤👍👍
Please talk more about this. I really need help on this level. I really appreciate your work ethics and the way you think and I am such a big fan. I learned so much about positivity from you and I hope you will talk more about this because it is a real help.
Drago mi je sto si podijelila i jedan ovakav video s nama, u kojem nisi najsrecnija i u kojem nije sve idealno. Srecna sam sto sve vise vidjam da ljudi postaju iskreniji na internetu i da ce se, nadam se, oduprijeti trendu koji je aktuelan, a to je da se zivot prikazuje savrsenim i da je samo prihvatljivo biti srecan, u odlicnom raspolozenju. Prva sam za pozitivan pristup zivotu i medjusobno inspirisanje za napredak, rad i pozitivne vrijednosti, ali isto tako za iskrenost u tome kako se osjecamo, sta govorimo, prije svega prema sebi pa i drugim ljudima. Mislim da se tako pomaze i drugima, posebno najmladjim korisnicima interneta, koji nece misliti da nisu dobri ili da njihovi zivoti nisu vrijedni ako nisu srecni i savrseni. Radujem se tvojim vlogovima i novim videima, sve si bolja i bolja! I da, Kris je ok ali Dusan ima posebnu energiju sa svojom iskrenoscu u onome sto jeste. Pozdrav za sve troje ;)
Hey Tamara, Love your luxury content & following you on your travels. Cristina and Dusan are both fun, strong and interesting personalities. You are blessed to have them in your life. Kindest regards xxx
I hope everything will be good, I don't want to be boring but I want to tell you, that you are the most inspiring girl, the most down to earth person I have ever seen and you always seem so honest. I adore you! ❤️
Stressed out and unable to make good decisions it will pass because in the cold light of day you should have cancelled the facial saw your mother or invited her to breakfast with you, she could take an hour from work too, it’s called compromise. Easy to see when calm and relaxed...
You and Christina are so gorgeous, with makeup and without! Also, maybe so much of the mood swings is the season. I have been the same way, and it took me a few weeks to figure out what was "wrong" was probably a bit of seasonal depression or something like it. Hope you're feeling better soon!
The retrogrades, man. They can get you. If you need to rest and take a break, I'm sure everyone will understand, and if they don't, don't mind them. You'll well-being is important and it's important not to neglect that.
The thing is..... Do you have to take up every single job offered to you? Surely, by now, and with your status, you have the luxury to say no to some jobs and prioritise.... I don't know, just my thoughts.... I know you are a hard worker and definitely not a lazy one, that's why i thought that by now you can pick and choose (hope it makes sense)... Don't stress, tomorrow is always a new day, and everything passess eventually.... Take care xxx
Family means emotions .))) Since I moved to Belgium and my father stays in Saint-Petersburg every time I go there I have emotional moments when I am crazy happy or crazy sad.))) Don't make me choose between two cool persons !)) Dusan is too charming but Kristina is smart, real and reminds me my best friend so...they can both stay.😂❤️
Razdrazljivost ume da stisne kada smo neispavani i iscrpljeni ...I to prodje. Drago mi je da se otvaras malo vise pred publikom kako god to da ljudi shvataju. Iskreno mislim da niko , ama bas niko , nema prava da bilo sta ocekuje od tebe ( vise vremena , svetliju boju kose , vise kilograma....) Trenutno si bas angazovana i treba imati za to razumevanja...bas bi mi bilo drago da se upoznamo jednom i naravno.....puno uspeha ti zelim , ne zaboravi da ipak u svakom trenutku radis onako kako mislis da je najbolje! kada budes znala bolje - radices bolje! :) p.s mnogo ti je sladak sestric! ljubim te
Darling please take time to rest, I’m sure your parents are extremely proud of everything you do and your mum just wanted to spend time with you while you were there. Don’t run yourself into the ground trying to do everything, take some time to relax 💕
Its sad to see you cry but as you said you're quite positive and you will figure it out as always and don't need 5c input from viewers. However, I have to say I love that you're showing your sister a bit. I love it and hope she's included more but can understand if she prefers to stay out of it :)
You can control it if you take on less work xx try it xx the more a person takes on they will stress I know I run my own business the bigger you get the more stress 🤷🏻♀️
Jao neee ,nemoj da places.Ljudi moraju da razumeju tvoj posao I ono sta si ti postigla.TI SI POSEBNA,TI SI USPJELA,TI VREDIS MNOGO .Samo ti se skupilo sve ,umor ..❤
It happens even though you are 99.9 positive,the other 0.1 takes the toll.... Same feeling over here...even though the ships are different....keep up and go on.wish me the same....too
Kris&Dusan, oboje su specificni, svako na svoj nacin, Kris me podseca ponekad na mene, tako je odgovorna i ozbiljna, a kad se sali, sarkasticna je, (jarac?), a Dusan je tako cista dusa, da to svet nije video 😆 Imas divan tim, naravno bez tebe nista 😆😗😍
Ne znam, skroz si drugacija osoba kad snimas na engleskom a skroz drugacija kad pricas na srpskom. Nekako si toplija i pozitivnija kad snimas na engleskom...
Probably true, but you see Kristina's job is to deal with emails and help with stuff like that, whereas Dusan does shooting and filming, so its different roles
I have nothing against make up really, but... 24:29 nobody should be ever offended by someone else’s face without make up 🙂 and I hate the increasing amount of workplaces that demand their female employees to wear it, it’s just wrong.
Watching you tear up broke my heart! Tamara, we all understand and appreciate your success cos we know how hard you've worked for it... but we all love you and your energy-your vibe so much that we tend to get a bit selfish! We love u unconditionally though! Mwaaahhh! xx
You’re exhausted! I understand you don’t want to lose momentum, but remember, you have control over your hamster wheel. Your mom wants to see you, but you’re working. Try to devote some time to your mom without anyone else some time soon. Also, give yourself a break! You’re my favorite, dear! 😘
Humans are meant to have and experience a full range of emotions. There's a lot of pressure put on people especially women to always appear smiling and happy. This is not realistic. You have the right to feel angry, sad, annoyed and any other emotions. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also if someone is putting unrealistic demans on you tell them so. Someone guilting you over something you can't change is not cool. It doesn't matter who it is. Expect more of them like them being understanding of your work schedule. Everyone has their issues but the only ones you're responsible for are your own so don't let anyone else put their crap on you. You can be a good and reliable person without being a people pleaser. It's not your responsibility to please others or make them happy. I say all this because I've been there and I can say life is a lot easier when you are not putting unrealistic expectations on yourself.
This comment stuck with me more than any other. Thank you for taking time to write it, I really appreciate it and can not thank you enough because your words really came in the right time
@@TamaraKalinic Glad I could help.
Your lifestyle is very hectic and exciting at the same time to be able to travel the world and wear pretty clothes and bags but life is unpredictable try to spend time with your loved ones. Memories spent with your loved ones are much more meaningful than anything else. I love your vlogs and style and appreciate your honesty😊
I love your personality sooooo much , you're such a hard worker and sooo smart a funny girl , you're not disappointing anyone , you can't have time for everyone when you're working
Tamara the moment you cry. I cried!!! Because i know how you feel!!!!! It literally hit me. Thank you so much for opening up. I felt alone with this feelings. I always look up how successful you are. You are definitely an inspiration.
Ah your sweet comment made me really feel happier than ever. I love being close and helping you guys
Thank you tamara, your reply meant world. Keep on shining. Love always. 💕💕
Your mom misses you try to prioritize time with her, we only get one mom. Other people can be disappointed they will have to be understanding.
It’s always good to say things out loud. It releases stress, letting things die inside can get you sick. You really are always positive. Traveling is fun but looks exhausting! We appreciate all you do and all the content you provide! I’m a stay at home mom and look to you for inspiration frequently! Thank you so much!
Christina - she’s lovely !!
And don’t worry Tamara - we all have those crazy sad days❤️❤️😘
Woman, if I did what you did and travelled and had your schedule, I def would feel the way you too. It’s def a combination of jet lag and tiredness. Don’t worry about it, let it all out, we all have these days. Continue your work ethic and don’t worry about sharing your emotions with us or just your loved ones. We all love you Tamara ❤️❤️❤️
Don't be too hard on yourself. Sure your mum loves you and understand, it just that mums always like to see their babies around them. Chin up and make the best use of time when you see her.
Takvi dani dođu, ali već sutra nestanu. Ti si veoma uspešna devojka i verujem da tvoji nabliži i najdraži su izuzetno ponosni na tebe! Sigurno im puno nedostaješ i onda se to reflektuje kroz ljutnju, međutim sigurna sam da razumeju sve na kraju dana i da znaju da bi ti s njima sigurno provodila mnogo više vremena da ti obaveze to dozvoljavaju. Budi ponosna na sebe kao što sam sigurna da su svi oni i osmeh na lice jer ti jako lepo stoji ❤️
I love you so much ,I perceive you as my friend,because you inspire me and share your thoughts and advice,so when I saw you crying,I literally began to cry with you ,you touched my heart and I can’t see people that I love being upset.
Tamara,you are incredible,your Mom loves you ,appreciates you and you know it,everybody has fights with their parents and it’s normal,because they are the same people as we are,I want to see you crying only because you are happy ❤️wish you good luck ,strong health and easy delivery for your sister🤓
Never never be upset!!!!!Love
My mom lives also very far away from me (other end of the continent), so when I do get to see her and the rest of the family I cherish the moments. Don‘t let work get into the way of the most important thing in life. Money and all those designer things cannot hug you or tell you they love you. Take it easy and enjoy life. I also must say that I am hugely disappointed and heartbroken seeing you wearing fur, where is the limit in animal exploitation for human consumption, profit and vanity? I cannot support this, but I wish you all the best.
We all have problems, what sets us apart is how we face them. I noticed something sad in this video and I hope that the bad in your life happens quickly. Those hugs and talks with your nephew are all worthwhile in this life. You are very professional, you have a special angel and you transmit much more than fashion. I send you the best vibes that are what you deserve. Hug
I hope by now you are feeling much better Tamara. It's never nice to let loved ones down & I'm sure you wouldn't have if it was down to you - after all you are only human & there are only so many hours in a day, so try not to be too hard on yourself. You work so hard & with all the travel & different time zones it's bound to take it's toll. Make sure to take some time for yourself. Sending lots of love Adele x
Never Never can't even think to see tears in your made me cried blessed tum tum...Always want to see you happy happy nd wish to make you smiley forever....You are a star Angel....Lots of love
I have it the same every time I visit Serbia and I completely understand you and your feelings at the moment. Our parents always make us the most vulnerable. It’s all normal
I need to look into this on psychology level, because I am so vulnerable around my parents and I can't quite figure out why :/
Fenomenalna si!!!!potrudicu se da moju bebu Tamaru vaspitam na nacin na koji su Tebe vaspitali roditelji!!!Ti si Tamara najbolji primer devojkama u Srbiji i sirom sveta!!!skidam kapu pred Tobom!!!Bravo devojko!!!❤👍👍
Please talk more about this. I really need help on this level. I really appreciate your work ethics and the way you think and I am such a big fan. I learned so much about positivity from you and I hope you will talk more about this because it is a real help.
Drago mi je sto si podijelila i jedan ovakav video s nama, u kojem nisi najsrecnija i u kojem nije sve idealno. Srecna sam sto sve vise vidjam da ljudi postaju iskreniji na internetu i da ce se, nadam se, oduprijeti trendu koji je aktuelan, a to je da se zivot prikazuje savrsenim i da je samo prihvatljivo biti srecan, u odlicnom raspolozenju. Prva sam za pozitivan pristup zivotu i medjusobno inspirisanje za napredak, rad i pozitivne vrijednosti, ali isto tako za iskrenost u tome kako se osjecamo, sta govorimo, prije svega prema sebi pa i drugim ljudima. Mislim da se tako pomaze i drugima, posebno najmladjim korisnicima interneta, koji nece misliti da nisu dobri ili da njihovi zivoti nisu vrijedni ako nisu srecni i savrseni. Radujem se tvojim vlogovima i novim videima, sve si bolja i bolja! I da, Kris je ok ali Dusan ima posebnu energiju sa svojom iskrenoscu u onome sto jeste. Pozdrav za sve troje ;)
Hey Tamara,
Love your luxury content & following you on your travels. Cristina and Dusan are both fun, strong and interesting personalities. You are blessed to have them in your life. Kindest regards xxx
We’re here for you Tamara. I know it gets rough sometimes. Just know that you’re loved and all the hard work you do is appreciated.
Showing your realness and your rawness and proving that it’s not perfect all the time
I hope everything will be good, I don't want to be boring but I want to tell you, that you are the most inspiring girl, the most down to earth person I have ever seen and you always seem so honest. I adore you! ❤️
Stressed out and unable to make good decisions it will pass because in the cold light of day you should have cancelled the facial saw your mother or invited her to breakfast with you, she could take an hour from work too, it’s called compromise. Easy to see when calm and relaxed...
You and Christina are so gorgeous, with makeup and without! Also, maybe so much of the mood swings is the season. I have been the same way, and it took me a few weeks to figure out what was "wrong" was probably a bit of seasonal depression or something like it. Hope you're feeling better soon!
The retrogrades, man. They can get you. If you need to rest and take a break, I'm sure everyone will understand, and if they don't, don't mind them. You'll well-being is important and it's important not to neglect that.
dusan of course
This video feels like vlogmas, and i am lovinggggg it ❤
Dusan!!!👍 he is so funny. You and him make my day every time
Jadore you, T! Be who you are, moody, happy, emotios, sad..... who cares, we love you just the way you are ❤️
The thing is..... Do you have to take up every single job offered to you? Surely, by now, and with your status, you have the luxury to say no to some jobs and prioritise.... I don't know, just my thoughts.... I know you are a hard worker and definitely not a lazy one, that's why i thought that by now you can pick and choose (hope it makes sense)... Don't stress, tomorrow is always a new day, and everything passess eventually.... Take care xxx
Family means emotions .))) Since I moved to Belgium and my father stays in Saint-Petersburg every time I go there I have emotional moments when I am crazy happy or crazy sad.))) Don't make me choose between two cool persons !)) Dusan is too charming but Kristina is smart, real and reminds me my best friend so...they can both stay.😂❤️
Žao mi je što nemaš više vremena za tvoju porodicu.
Love your vlogs ! I feel The same about your stress speech, but we are here to support you!!
Kris boots are AMAZING, Im so crying
Forget kristina or dusan..i love your nephew. Hes the sweetest thing. My heart melted when i saw him
Razdrazljivost ume da stisne kada smo neispavani i iscrpljeni ...I to prodje.
Drago mi je da se otvaras malo vise pred publikom kako god to da ljudi shvataju.
Iskreno mislim da niko , ama bas niko , nema prava da bilo sta ocekuje od tebe ( vise vremena , svetliju boju kose , vise kilograma....) Trenutno si bas angazovana i treba imati za to razumevanja...bas bi mi bilo drago da se upoznamo jednom i naravno.....puno uspeha ti zelim , ne zaboravi da ipak u svakom trenutku radis onako kako mislis da je najbolje! kada budes znala bolje - radices bolje! :) p.s mnogo ti je sladak sestric! ljubim te
Aww sweetheart you’re overwhelmed 😪take time to take care of you ♥️
Love your vlogs now days ,,are so real at the moment ❤️
Mood swings , eat and you will feel better and good about ur self 👍
You are only human...And we love you!!!keep going my sunshine and...take care!
Darling please take time to rest, I’m sure your parents are extremely proud of everything you do and your mum just wanted to spend time with you while you were there. Don’t run yourself into the ground trying to do everything, take some time to relax 💕
It’s crazy how real you are with your followers ❤️ Sending lots of love your way!
Its sad to see you cry but as you said you're quite positive and you will figure it out as always and don't need 5c input from viewers. However, I have to say I love that you're showing your sister a bit. I love it and hope she's included more but can understand if she prefers to stay out of it :)
So so happy that you upload so many vlogs...can't wait for the next you
Love such real content from you ❤️
Tamara I really believe you need to rest before you burn yourself out. Give some time to yourself, and your family. Work can always wait! Good luck 😊
Tamara love your videos! I was wondering which brand your watch is? its beauttiful x
You have a beautiful soul ❤️💕
I always love your vlogs ❤️❤️, but you and Kristina have frenemy vibes .
Sunny B I thought the same. Perhaps this vibes make Tamara feel not herself and somehow depressed
Cutest vlog ending eveeerrr 😍
This video helped me so much❤️
Your heart knows the way,run in that direction.
Omg where’s your shirt from in the beginning?!
"Happy birthday" :D haha your nephew is so sweet :)
we all have bad times! you need to rest n alot of sleep! good luck 🤗🤗
Girl! That black outfit is fantastic! Hang in there!
You can control it if you take on less work xx try it xx the more a person takes on they will stress I know I run my own business the bigger you get the more stress 🤷🏻♀️
Jao neee ,nemoj da places.Ljudi moraju da razumeju tvoj posao I ono sta si ti postigla.TI SI POSEBNA,TI SI USPJELA,TI VREDIS MNOGO .Samo ti se skupilo sve ,umor ..❤
Sorry Cristina... I prefer Dusan ❤️
Previse obaveza, donosi i previse stresa. Pusti nesto niz vodu. I bice ti lakse. Svedi svoje ciljeve na razumnu meru. 🌹
It happens even though you are 99.9 positive,the other 0.1 takes the toll....
Same feeling over here...even though the ships are different....keep up and go on.wish me the same....too
both i love them
Happy Birthday 😂! He's so cute ☺️
Love both Dusan and Kris
the hotel is amazing.
Kris&Dusan, oboje su specificni, svako na svoj nacin, Kris me podseca ponekad na mene, tako je odgovorna i ozbiljna, a kad se sali, sarkasticna je, (jarac?), a Dusan je tako cista dusa, da to svet nije video 😆 Imas divan tim, naravno bez tebe nista 😆😗😍
such a feel good sweet ending❣️ He is a much better vloger .. lol
"Happy birthday" 😍😍😭❤
I love this vlog.
I wish you strength and happy moments :)
Támara don’t pay attention of haters. Take vitamin b12 for your nerves. And if you come to Mexico I’ll spoil you
I find Chris rude.
We all need a day off so try to rest !
Ne znam, skroz si drugacija osoba kad snimas na engleskom a skroz drugacija kad pricas na srpskom. Nekako si toplija i pozitivnija kad snimas na engleskom...
Cristina is always on her phone!! Where is Dusan???
Probably true, but you see Kristina's job is to deal with emails and help with stuff like that, whereas Dusan does shooting and filming, so its different roles
Tamara Kalinic
Thank you
I can’t believe you have actually replied!! 😘
Your blogs are the best!! 👍🏻🙈
I always try to reply to as many as I can lovely! Sometimes only things get out of control hehehe
I have nothing against make up really, but... 24:29 nobody should be ever offended by someone else’s face without make up 🙂 and I hate the increasing amount of workplaces that demand their female employees to wear it, it’s just wrong.
I don’t know if it’s Kris with a K or Chris with a C but she’s my fav!
They are both my fave❤️
Watching you tear up broke my heart! Tamara, we all understand and appreciate your success cos we know how hard you've worked for it... but we all love you and your energy-your vibe so much that we tend to get a bit selfish! We love u unconditionally though! Mwaaahhh! xx
You’re exhausted! I understand you don’t want to lose momentum, but remember, you have control over your hamster wheel. Your mom wants to see you, but you’re working. Try to devote some time to your mom without anyone else some time soon. Also, give yourself a break! You’re my favorite, dear! 😘
You are stunning! Always have been... Try to take your time off and spend time with your mum.. I think its very important.
Glavu gore , ti si predivno bice!
Dusan and Christina ❤️❤️
Dusan ofcourse
Dušan 😁😁😁
Sorry cristinaa, DUSAAAAAN 💗💗💗
#fridaynight and Tamara's vlog🤗
Mali je presmesan!😆 Snimaj nam ga vise
You are stunning...can you do your current make up in front of the camera
One of most expensive hotels in London
Dusan naravno 😁❤️
Kristina reminds me a bit of Whitney for the Hills :D
Dusan ♥️
Dusan ✌🏼
Aaaa je l' to Tamara izjavila da nema jaknu koju bi ukombinovala sa svojim stajlingom? Pa moj orman je defitnitvno prazan... 🤣💕
You need to talk more about your problems, just if you want. Sometimes it's good to let everything out
omg he's soooo cute