PARTY SHARK - Ep.80 ft. Jerrod & Travis (@Bleak_Shore)

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Baltimore's most famous bartender Jerrod and Travis (former Iron Price, many other bands) came through and did the Bleak Shore hangs in the shed.
    LES Thugs - Still Angry, Still Hungry
    Hammerhead - Ethereal Killer
    De La Soul - Buhloone Mindstate
    Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare
    Whispers - Narok Bon Din
    Elder - Inate Passage
    Kenny Deforest - Don't You Know Who I Am
    Devourment - Molesting the Decapitated
    Ron White - If You Quit Listening I'll Shut Up
    One Second Thought - Self Inflicted

Комментарии • 2

  • @LegNine
    @LegNine 4 месяца назад +1

    RJD2. Deadringer. Oh, wow. All right. An hour of this? Ready as I'll ever be... * * *ahem* * * Wull... that was fun. I love an album of just beats. Too bad this wasn't those.
    Mukilteo Fairies. Special Rites. Six songs in five minutes. (So THIS is what Larry, so mad at Blazing Tomb and Goetia for having songs over three minutes long, wants from a release.) Vocalist sounds inhuman. Like a Little Person, maybe. So very angry, this little elf. So angry, this little release.
    Agenda of Swine. Waves of Human Suffering. Fifteen years old and on Relapse? I think I know what I'm in for. Pointless intro? Check. Oh wait, this's got more in common with hardcore than anything. I WASn't expecting that. But then the vocals drop out and it's straight up grinding thrash. This is going to be a trip. Did Relapse commission one graphic artist to do their entire release calendar's album art for a decade or so? This looks so 20Aught8. Satisfying riffs but the drummer shines here.
    Pissed Jeans. Half-Divorced. Oh, Sub Pop, you at it again. Drunk Corduroys are really hollerin' their way over, around, and through these noisy rockers, ain't they? Urined Slacks are really sprinting, rolling, and barreling their way to the finish line on this one, eh? Undependable Depends are really bouncing, pushing, jumping, and windmilling their way to a house party vibe, yeah? Angry Daisy Dukes are having a whole lotta fun, for sure. Even when "Everything Is Bad".
    Spectral Voice. Sparagmos. I knew I was going to love this when Greg said "It's about forty-five minutes. It's four songs." Doom is at the root of my music fandom, planted in my youth with those sad, sad church hymns, so nothing is more spiritually comfortable for me than to swaddle myself in the sonic darkness of a 30 bpm funeral dirge. It's boring as shit to see live, but damn do I find myself craving it when I go without for long. This? No notes. When it's doom, it's top tier. When it's blasting death, it's top tier. Dark Descent Records are a solid follow.
    I Am the Intimidator. I Am the Intimidator. A friend of mine sent me the bandcamp link a few days after this was assigned here, so I figured the universe was trying to tell me how awesome it'd be. I was not prepared. Not for how awesome it was but for just how bonkers it is. He's clearly having a helluva good time. He's clearly very talented. He's clearly a NASCAR fan. He's clearly listened to a lot of Demons and Wizards. I didn't love any of this, but I'm curious to see what he does next.
    Terminator. Demo. Why is this album cover, though? I really dig this. Nice and ferocious. Bit of a Sabbath guitar tone in there, yeah? (While searching for this, I found another demo from 2023 by a different Terminator. Out of California. Six killer minutes of low-fi grind with samples from Ahnuld. Recommended.)
    David Lucas. Uncancellable. I’m halfway through and so far I’m thinking the challenge he’s presented by calling it uncancellable is only a win for him because in order to be canceled, first you have to be relevant. And to be relevant you have to do more than move your edgelord ragebait from the Kill Tony stage to the Mothership, a lateral move at best. To be relevant, you have to be funny. And so far, he’s not. And that’s the thing with attempting to be shocking just for shock’s sake, it’s a gimmick. And a gimmick is fine, as long as it serves the comedy. Shock sans comedy is just gonzo radio in front of a camera and it’s lazy and forgettable… Okay, the shaved pussy bit was all right, but the best part was Danny Brown’s. So there’s that. Also, holding your vape like it’s a cigarette doesn’t mean you’re not inhaling metal shavings, dumb-dumb. Moving on.
    Mike Recine. I'm Normal. Italian-bashing? No wonder Dennis likes this guy. Yuck-yuck. The showering with his parents bit was delightfully wrong. The whole bit about cunnilingus is gold. Shots fired at Big Tits Irwin. I was wondering if he was ever gonna mop his brow. Shameless commercial for yourself in the third act is a whole vibe, but as much as the audience laughed, they should’ve laughed more-he was great.
    Dan Soder. On the Road. SILLY GOOSE. "Usually in a third world country, when a drone shows up at a wedding..." First of Soder's standup I've seen. I've always liked his pod appearances, so it was nice to see he was fun up there too. His scroll-reading and grandad looking at TikTok voices are hilarious and I'll never not laugh at this man's weird register. "You ever love on your dog and catch them being annoyed with you?" Never felt more seen. "I was just eight years old, out having a cuss."
    Greg Stone. Nobody Presents. Okay, well, we already know that babies ruin their father's favorite sex toys--bobs and vajeens--, but apparently you don't know that smelling mosquitos is not one of Logan's abilities. I do like how the mosquito bit ended, though. "When am I gonna get skinny? We're both bad at our jobs." Justified applause. The good sex/bad sex bit is the smartest thing I've heard in a minute, and his use of "procrastination" and "Pedialyte" is how this special keeps getting better. Could see the reveal of the closer coming, but this is still a really solid special. Well done.

    • @LegNine
      @LegNine 4 месяца назад

      1:22:55 Dennis, if you’ve been reading my homework reviews right along, I’ve been slipping “gotdamn” into your noodle for about five months now. Sworry?
      1:33:45 LOLOLOL Tommy’s reaction made me spit-laugh.