NEW Maserati Ghibli Trofeo 2021 review: Italy’s answer to the BMW M5

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @ducatikawasaki1290
    @ducatikawasaki1290 3 года назад +16

    The ultimate sleeper...this thing would destroy almost everything that pulled up beside it

  • @ilyasjobrani8866
    @ilyasjobrani8866 3 года назад +8

    Underrated car

  • @oscarsundevall7281
    @oscarsundevall7281 3 года назад +12

    Subtle is good! Performance saloons should be ”stealthy”. Ie like old M cars, not the new ones with extra plastic bits and over designed front ends.

  • @alanwayte432
    @alanwayte432 3 года назад +20

    I had a Ghibli S from 17/19 prior I had an M4 then from 19 a C63 ..the two Germans were superior to Ghibli in ever every area except engine noise...yet of the three the Ghibli was the only car I would walk away from and look back at and smile...and the quality of the leather seats were amazing..all my friends whilst owning German cars would love the car when having been driven...

    • @pikende
      @pikende 2 года назад

      They are not the same horse power. I still don't believe the Germans are better than a ghibli s... ... Maybe you could make a comparison between this ghibli and those German vehicles...

  • @pax.ultimas5537
    @pax.ultimas5537 3 года назад +13

    Absolutly love it, what a great car.

  • @dgreen002
    @dgreen002 3 года назад +6

    No exhaust clips? That's the main selling point of the Maserati... German cars are boring, the exhaust is what makes this a great daily driver.

  • @Mikea6972
    @Mikea6972 3 года назад +5

    I'm confused, he said 0-60 in 4.3 seconds? But I'm looking this up online and I'm getting 0-60 in 3.7 seconds. I assume he means 0 - 100? Either way, a true Maserati is the granturismo. Everything else is just fluff.

  • @charlie7921
    @charlie7921 2 года назад +2

    I don't think the BMW can do 3 seconds flat. No way . Only car around the 3 second mark is the Alfa Guila QV . Just my opinion

  • @camtait
    @camtait 3 года назад +8

    Hi everyone! Had a lot of fun driving this, as you can probably tell. Not nearly as refined or agile as an M5, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. What do you think of the Trofeo? Would you go for one over an M car?

    • @whispercars306
      @whispercars306 3 года назад +3

      It sounds good from the outside. I have the 15 Quattroporte GTS version with the same engine as this car. With the windows down in sport mode and the paddles its alot of fun and fast.

    • @gonzagacalvo-sotelo892
      @gonzagacalvo-sotelo892 3 года назад +9

      The trofeo is the kind of car i would turn my head in the street. So maserati is my choice between these two beasts.

  • @pikende
    @pikende 2 года назад +2

    The analog dials are much better than the digital shit on an LCD monitor...........! Shit talking again against the Italians.

  • @pikende
    @pikende 2 года назад +2

    The interviewer guy (again) was paid to talk shit against the Italians....

  • @1caapali61
    @1caapali61 7 месяцев назад

    Imádom ezt az autót!😂

  • @wonderram234
    @wonderram234 2 года назад

    I was deciding either a Ghibli 2018 or M2…guess what I got?

  • @mrporsche4236
    @mrporsche4236 Год назад +1

    This has better styling then any german car and is much more exciting to drive.

    • @lolkevandewitte1713
      @lolkevandewitte1713 Год назад

      True! The Italians master that art at a level the Germans never will. By the way, big words from someone name mrporsche….. 😉..

  • @DTF2009
    @DTF2009 3 года назад +1

    Went from a 17 Ghibli to a 21 M5 and haven’t regretted it for a second.

  • @lolkevandewitte1713
    @lolkevandewitte1713 Год назад

    Ah, ok, the dashboard… of course, It is much more beautiful to look at a big iPad in stad of classic dails… and there are so many brands that have much more parts from other cars than the Ghibli. The Lambo Urus is basically an Audi q8 (fine car, by the way), and in Aston’s can a lot of Ford and Volvo parts be found (but what beauties those Aston’s are..). And the list goes on… but you never here someone talk about that in reviews.

  • @alanwayte432
    @alanwayte432 3 года назад +2

    I had a Ghibli S from 17/19 prior to that an M4, I now drive a every measurable way the German cars are superior. Yet it the Ghibli I still smile about, I would always walk away and look back and grin, and the engine noise from the engine, I mean 450bhp is actually more than sufficient for U.K. friends always wanted to be driven in quality and tech not on a par, but the quality leather seats and steering wheel meant perceived quality was high...I would certainly look at a Trofeo when a demonstrator for £75k with service pack and extended warranty..

  • @janstaes2172
    @janstaes2172 2 года назад +1

    unfortunately these V8 will be the last maserati will be putting in a car. the end of an era

  • @DavidM-mb1vx
    @DavidM-mb1vx 2 года назад +3

    Ugh. The worst comment was the lack of digital dash vs the analog gauges. He starts by saying he expected it be more sporting because of the Trofeo tag. Then he says it should have a digital dash. Lol. This e analog gauges are much nicer than digital crap. I’m so tired of these ‘experts’ talking about the borrowed parts from Stelantis. So FN what? Guess what, all companies do it. That’s how they save money and why they buy other companies. Access to markets and tech. Read a book.

    • @camtait
      @camtait 2 года назад +2

      I get that part sharing happens all the time, but when half the touch points on a £107,000 car look dated and feel cheap it’s disappointing. And analogue dials are great when done well, but in the Trofeo they don’t look all that special and the screen is basic. Just because you don’t agree with what I’m saying, doesn’t mean what I’m saying isn’t valid. Let’s keep things civilised here.

    • @martinsimek
      @martinsimek 2 года назад +2

      The touch points on a Porsche are directly from VW and no one says anything. Same goes for Lamborghini where those are straight out of an Audi. but I take it that is ok. and yes those analogue dials are nice. Much nicer than any digital dash out there. Digital dash = lazy designers. Simple. Let’s just slap a screen there and go from there. No craftsmanship or design. That’s where it’s all heading these days.

  • @EmmaLouise105
    @EmmaLouise105 6 месяцев назад

    The ultimate "Q" car????
    Whatever, like it's sister the Quatroporte,it IS;

  • @pikende
    @pikende 2 года назад +1

    The Italians are pure luxury car producers... You think they can't make a good interior out of luxury materials? This is paid shit talk against the Italians..!!

  • @Under_Construction100
    @Under_Construction100 3 года назад +1

    I love Masers. It's like they're at home in this game, they're not trying to prove a point. Having said that, for me an M5 over the Ghibli Trofeo any day.

  • @lolkevandewitte1713
    @lolkevandewitte1713 Год назад

    ‘The Italians can do it too’…..? They created it in the first place…

  • @spagbowlsparmacheese629
    @spagbowlsparmacheese629 3 года назад +2

    I bet the Alfa Romeo QV is better and faster.

    • @alfisti93
      @alfisti93 3 года назад +6

      Different class mate - it's like comparing an M3 to an M5
      (i.e. Giulia Q vs Ghibli T)

    • @martinsimek
      @martinsimek 2 года назад

      No it’s not.

  • @HooMeye
    @HooMeye 3 года назад

    The number of times you mention BMW M5 is almost as much as Trofeo. Are you a fan?

  • @carmelosaia1583
    @carmelosaia1583 2 года назад +1


  • @andy-james-
    @andy-james- Год назад

    I don't think this guy is a fan of Italian cars.

  • @basharathussain5999
    @basharathussain5999 2 года назад

    Big failure

  • @basharathussain5999
    @basharathussain5999 2 года назад

    Over priced

  • @MrSunnyBhoy
    @MrSunnyBhoy 3 года назад

    It's ok looking car but the price is a joke.