How to make Breakable Tiles from a Player Attack in Godot 4

  • Опубликовано: 22 июл 2024
  • CODE:
    extends Area2D
    var tilePos = Vector2i(0,0)
    func _ready():
    tilePos = Global.tileSet.local_to_map(global_position)
    func on_area_entered(area):
    if area.is_in_group("PlayerHitbox"):
    $Part.emitting = true
    await get_tree().create_timer($Part.lifetime,false).timeout
    Basic Steps:
    1. Create your tileset and player attack (use other tutorials for these)
    2. Create a new Area2D scene with a Collision Shape 2D bit bigger than your tiles.
    3. Add the code
    4. Save the Area2D scene and add it as a scene in a scenes collection tileset*
    5. Paint that scene on anything you want to be breakable
    *Go to TileSet at the bottom of the screen when selecting your TileMap, click the + button in the bottom left and select Scenes Collection, and then click the other + on the right to add your Area2D scene
    0:00 Intro
    0:18 Explanation
    0:55 Scene layout
    1:17 Code
    2:07 Adding scene to tilemap
    2:53 Demonstration

Комментарии • 3

  • @Whhatt
    @Whhatt 25 дней назад

    Woah this prototype seems very Interesting I'm I hope you'll perhaps show more of it

  • @hughzon1042
    @hughzon1042 25 дней назад +2

    I didn't need this but I watched the whole thing because that is a really cool idea/implementation...additionally I appreciate you putting the code in the description.