kwang2015 if tou really want to know it’s literally just pressing db after the stance, you can even immediately hold db after the stance. im sure he dropped some cool applications and tips in there though so im hoping it gets translated too.
The fastest way to cancel to while standing is qcb, i did that in matches and it worked. But the question is HOW do we cancel it so damn fast that you can use his while standing moves to do different combos.
3:34 로피셜 : 샤힌 캔슬 (나는)어렵지 않다
4:39 로하이아재...
That infinite water stage has the best tekken soundtrack, love it!
Any chance of English subtitles?
Not likely.
kwang2015 if tou really want to know it’s literally just pressing db after the stance, you can even immediately hold db after the stance. im sure he dropped some cool applications and tips in there though so im hoping it gets translated too.
Sebastian G thanks!
Recovery Mail thanks!
더블시그널 1타맞추고 최속으로 기상킥해도 모든발악 다이기나요?
궁금했던건데 알려줘서감사합니다
English subtitles pleeeeeeeeeaaase 🙏🙏🙏
2:20 ??? 짠손이 지는데 횡신으로 피해지네요??
진 짠손은 10프레임 발동이고
횡으로 피하는건 기술마다 다르겠지만
5~6프레임정도 여유만 있어도 다 피합니다
The fastest way to cancel to while standing is qcb, i did that in matches and it worked. But the question is HOW do we cancel it so damn fast that you can use his while standing moves to do different combos.
4:45 정의....아재?
캔슬은 어떤키로 하는건가요?
왼쪽 기준 자세이행후 1
3으로 자세 잡은다음에 n1인가요 21해도 되나요
2lk3~1n인데 21n으로 해도되요 3->1로 비비듯이 해도 ㄱㅊ
임성열 감사합니다!
샤힌을 잘아는 남자...
오늘은 화랑하시려나
하하.. 나같은 똥손은 샤힌은 하면 안되겠다
스크류후 대쉬lk 요령도.....
We need English captions
샤힌 연습 많이 해야겠다
추천안할 수 없는 팁이네
우승자의 비법..
웨캔기어랑 비슷한건가
랭크가 왜 낮아요? 초기화하셨나
헤네미 오프라인모드랑 온라인이랑 계급달라요
ㅋ 정의아재님 바지안입고하시나보네 ㅋ ㅋ
자타공인 ㄴㅊ방송..
프로 스트리퍼..
실패 실패 실패 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ