Xarabank - L-frame up ta' Anthony MIfsud

  • Опубликовано: 9 янв 2025

Комментарии • 26

  • @rrrose1000
    @rrrose1000 5 лет назад +6

    Gew arestati il pulizija l?

  • @darleneazzopardi999
    @darleneazzopardi999 5 лет назад +4

    Dawn bis serjeta 😔.Veru tal biki u tal misthija.

  • @djhero115
    @djhero115 4 года назад +4

    Where is the justice for the police?

  • @thatspartofmyplan3056
    @thatspartofmyplan3056 8 лет назад +6

    The god you believe in is so powerful, the he let all this happen to you Mr. Anthony Mifsud. There is no god, but I understand since what you went through.
    I hope those who framed you and those who beat you, had their life destroyed as they did to you, and I hope you were given loads of money (millions) for what you went through.

    • @RyanPenza
      @RyanPenza 8 лет назад +4

      Christ was crucified.... God let his son die... but God Himself brought Him back to life. Our faith would be useless if there was no resurrection. If one doesn't believe in God, it doesn't mean there is no God.
      Even you are 'part of His Plan' ;) God bless.

    • @thatspartofmyplan3056
      @thatspartofmyplan3056 8 лет назад +4

      Likewise, believing there is a god does not mean that there is a god. Many believe in Santa Clause. Does not mean there is a Santa Clause. No I'm not part of a plan of your imaginary god. You won't be going to Heaven either. There's no such thing. It's all made up. I won't be going to your imaginary hell either. Your faith tells you nothing. Faith is gullibility.

    • @RyanPenza
      @RyanPenza 8 лет назад +3

      Prove to me there is no God... one could make hell for another even from this earth... If I fire you from your job, kill your children, steal your house...I would make living a hell for you even from this earth but it's useless confabulating with a non-believer. Many people have their hair long, even men, that doesn't mean there are no hairdressers, likewise with God, it's up to people to turn to Him.

    • @aaronchetcuti7766
      @aaronchetcuti7766 6 лет назад +3

      ThatsPart OfMyPlan My friend just because there is evil in the world doesn't mean that there is no GOD. HE,the almighty makes us pass through certain episodes so that we enlarge our faith in HIM. God Bless You.

    • @anthonysultana6059
      @anthonysultana6059 5 лет назад +1

      God is bull shit , god don't exist ,insane people yes exist . What they did to Anthony they did to lots of people .Some of them died in the cell. UN ENEXCEPTABLE.

  • @Kelly14UK
    @Kelly14UK 3 года назад

    Scozia, Glasgow. That my Mum's beautiful country can be REDUCED to this BARBARISM depresses me.

  • @royalstarfish17
    @royalstarfish17 4 года назад +5

    il-gvernijiet Laburisti is-sehta ta' dan il-pajjiz. Puluzija tal-misthija.

    • @clairetabone5457
      @clairetabone5457 4 года назад +2

      Din grat taht gvern nazjonalisti

    • @royalstarfish17
      @royalstarfish17 4 года назад +2

      @@clairetabone5457 ehe ? ma kontx naf li lorry sant kien ministru nazzjonalist......

    • @PhantomProMalta
      @PhantomProMalta Год назад

      @@clairetabone5457 hekk ghidlu lil lorry sant li kien ministru nazzjonalist ha jqum mil qabar ghalik

    • @PhantomProMalta
      @PhantomProMalta Год назад

      @@clairetabone5457 u fin 1982 il-labour kien hemm fil gvern, in nazzjonalisti fl 87 telghu fil gvern

  • @cristinalewis9182
    @cristinalewis9182 4 года назад +2

    vera kienu jiegru dak iz zmien

  • @newayanb3097
    @newayanb3097 9 лет назад +2

    Interisanti pep

  • @rominashepherd3457
    @rominashepherd3457 2 года назад

    Povra bniedem min xiex ghadda X gharukaza ta pajjiz

  • @nwobikersandriders8089
    @nwobikersandriders8089 3 месяца назад

    Il-Korp wettaq hafna ingustizzji tul is-snin. Jiena eks pulizija b'hames snin servizz, gejt iddiskriminat ukoll mill-korp.

  • @Kelly14UK
    @Kelly14UK 3 года назад

    That MALTA has gone down the hara toilet. FUCK!!!

  • @mtmlt0513
    @mtmlt0513 3 года назад

    Affarijiet li jsiru fiċ-Ċina Kommunista ta Mao ul-Korea ta' Fuq tal-Kims... mhux Malta Kattolika.

  • @noelmangion2157
    @noelmangion2157 6 лет назад +2

    politika soltu program tan nejk

    • @JeremyBercow
      @JeremyBercow 5 лет назад +7

      Kemm int injurant. Gustizzja ma bniedem innocenti din. Ja gahan malti

    • @Hey77777
      @Hey77777 11 месяцев назад

      Mela bhalekk

  • @user-jx7uy7xy1o
    @user-jx7uy7xy1o 4 года назад +1

    Ma nemminx dan il feature kien kollu veru...u mhux inflated u drammatizzat.!!

    • @mtmlt0513
      @mtmlt0513 3 года назад +2

      Il-Feature huwa re-enactment... serraħ rasek... imma l-istorja, jew insomma ġrajja veru.