the battery for the clock could have died, too. That's always a possibility. Also this isn't surprising---if you went on Ebay and did this repeatedly this would happen over and over again. It's still intriguing, though!
Flash memory ftw! Look up the dream explorer VMU tool by speud blue swirl You can use it to unlock another 41 blocks of space on your VMU, its a must for me because PSOv2 download quests eat up space FAST!
I know if I could go back I would have done that. I honestly didn't think this video would have gotten the views it did. If I knew I would have tried harder. Lol
the battery for the clock could have died, too. That's always a possibility. Also this isn't surprising---if you went on Ebay and did this repeatedly this would happen over and over again. It's still intriguing, though!
The batteries were dead! I actually made a follow up video where I replace them. You should check it out. :)
@@eddiespaghetti5042 figured :)
You can always get another vmu and put the old save files on there and keep ur files
Flash memory ftw!
Look up the dream explorer VMU tool by speud blue swirl
You can use it to unlock another 41 blocks of space on your VMU, its a must for me because PSOv2 download quests eat up space FAST!
You should have gotten a new VMU and the games so you could see what the player last saw.
I know if I could go back I would have done that. I honestly didn't think this video would have gotten the views it did. If I knew I would have tried harder. Lol