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  • @JonDanzig
    @JonDanzig Месяц назад +11

    → “The Government time after time has taken the wrong decision”
    𝟭𝟰 𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗦 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 𝗖𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗨𝗣𝗦 - 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝟳-𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼
    “The 7 million-plus NHS waiting list, the 2 million-plus fall in the labour force, the world-beating rate of inflation and spiralling mortgage rates are all the result of a succession of bad policy choices made by Conservative Ministers at crucial times in the past 13 years.”
    Words of truth and wisdom spoken by a Labour member of the House of Lords this time last year that you won’t see mentioned in the mainstream media. But the words need to be heard and heeded, which is why you can hear them here.
    Professor Lord John Eatwell is an economist with a PHD from Harvard. He was until recently president of Queens’ College Cambridge and Professor Emeritus of Financial Policy in the Judge Business School.
    He entered the House of Lords in 1992 where he was Labour’s frontbench spokesperson for Treasury and Economic Affairs.
    So, Professor Eatwell knows his stuff on economics.
    And this is his conclusion of what’s happened during the years of Tory rule since 2010:
    “In the face of every major shock suffered by the economy over the past 13 years, the Government have time after time taken the wrong decision. In every case, misguided government policies damaged investment, growth and productivity.”
    The government is continuing to make policy mistakes, said Lord Eatwell.
    “This string of bad decisions, from austerity to EU trade, to fiscal incontinence, to squeezing the economy, has undermined investment and growth for the past 13 years”

    Now it’s one year later, so we have 14 years of Tory mistakes. But unlike last year, this year we have a choice: we can end Tory rule on 4 July 2024, the date of the general election.
    Watch the 7-minute extract of Lord Eatwell’s speech. And just as importantly, please share, share, share.
    This is a seminal lecture on the enormous damage caused to Britain by the Conservatives since they entered office in 2010, and it is so vital that everyone in the country understands.
    ▪ Link to Lord Eatwell’s full speech:
    © Report and video production by Jon Danzig

  • @philipsmith7913
    @philipsmith7913 Месяц назад +13

    Should be required viewing

  • @StuartMiles74
    @StuartMiles74 Месяц назад +12

    In other words Cameron and Osborne were economically illiterate and here we are in the disaster of 2024.

    • @johnpoile1451
      @johnpoile1451 Месяц назад +1

      They needed Lib/Dems to get a foot in the door. Remember Clegg? no me neither.

  • @plerpplerp5599
    @plerpplerp5599 Месяц назад +20

    The Tories' repeated failures at competent economic management over the past 14 years is an indisputable fact.
    Their decisions were not misguided; they were deliberate.
    They have deliberately pursued ideological policies that have undermined growth, public services, and Britain's economic standing.
    It is a fact that their policies like deregulation, dismantling international economic cooperation (Brexit), and prioritizing profits over investment have hampered growth, trade balance, and economic efficiency compared to other European nations.
    The government's disastrous mini-budget inflicted by Liz Truss has caused financial market turmoil, forcing the Bank of England to intervene and increase borrowing costs for the whole country due to unbelievable financial "incompetence".
    The Bank of England was then obligated to prevent excessive pound weakness or volatility by raising interest rates, despite forecasting economic stagnation. Supporting sterling's valuation and meeting market expectations was obviously a priority, although they may have stated otherwise.

    • @daftgowk1
      @daftgowk1 Месяц назад

      And, they let thousands die while stealing billions, but, the sheep down south keep voting for them. There is no comparison with any other party that bears up to any scrutiny, yet that's all i hear

    • @phoenixorion5427
      @phoenixorion5427 Месяц назад +3

      Absolutely spot on.
      The Tories have got it wrong, for everyday people, every single time.
      Not for their billionaire and corporate donors though.
      They've had a beano( at our expense).
      As a teen, I became interested in politics and in particular Prof Sheldon Wolin, who taught at Oxford, Cornell, Princeton etc, Prof Richard Wolff, who taught and studied at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and prof Noam Chomsky, who needs no introduction.
      While it's quite grim reading, it's an eye opener, an explains the fix perfectly.
      Wolff, an economic Professor, has always dissected Tory policies, with evidence and mathematical equations, and on a year by year basis (over a 45 year period) showing, every single time, how detrimental their policies are to the general population, yet extremely beneficial to billionaires and corporations.
      Professor Sheldon Wolin, a political theorist, and a political professor and Princeton, coined the phrase "inverted totalitarianism", explaining that these detrimental policies are enacted on everyday people because our Government has undergone a corporate coup detat.
      It( our Government) is now under the complete control of billionaire and corporate donors, and as a result, serves them only.
      This is blatantly obvious, to anyone who remotely looks into politics, and it's ubiquitous. It's now, " all parties."
      Professor Noam Chomsky explains how this economic disaster, and corporate coup detat has been allowed to happen, in a book called " manufacturing consent ".
      This book explains how our entire Main Stream Media is billionaire owned( the very same billionaire cabal that own our Government), and their job is , not to inform the British public, but to manufacture consent for their owners, and their billionaires and corporate cohorts, who are the ones pulling the strings and shafting us, year in year out.
      We can't vote our way out of this anymore, because all Parties are now co opted.
      We actually need a revolution.

    • @federicoprice2687
      @federicoprice2687 Месяц назад

      100% spot on. I'd add that their deliberate and meticulously planned debilitation of the UK was done to weaken the entire nation and make it ripe for exploitation. Wars, earthquakes and tsunamis generate money for disaster capitalists. So too can creating an economic disaster - and then exploit, buy up, privatise, 'Freeport' and continue weakening the rest. Profit flows....OUT.

  • @petrichor649
    @petrichor649 Месяц назад +7

    That's about it.

  • @shaun906
    @shaun906 Месяц назад +6

    to use a football analogy, tory brexit was like deciding you no long want to pay for your season ticket, but end up never going to or watching a football match again. they just threw the baby out with the bath water!

    • @shaun906
      @shaun906 Месяц назад

      @RemoanersRtossers you mean we end up getting Nigel Farage!

  • @spikefawkes5152
    @spikefawkes5152 Месяц назад +8

    Lord eatwell sums it up.

  • @scoates9910
    @scoates9910 Месяц назад +2

    Great summary but with one error, they didn't choose the wrong policies, they choose the right ones to enrich themselves.❤

  • @Mr-Foad
    @Mr-Foad Месяц назад +2

    Why do people in England keep voting for them? I really hope the people of England get something better, not only are the tories awful but the the Uk gov, royals, Westminster etc is a total clown show that belongs in the history books. At least we (Scotland) will leave all this behind eventually but what will those in England do about their future? they deserve better too.

    • @AxGerm756
      @AxGerm756 6 дней назад

      Because they are the party of the Super rich upper class who wants to stay super rich and become richer.
      And the ordinary people are jealous of the super rich and vote for the super rich upper class party, think they will make them richer as well 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @jonharris1654
    @jonharris1654 Месяц назад +1

    Really looking forward to Labour winning the next election and erm doing absolutely nothing different.

  • @pansepot1490
    @pansepot1490 Месяц назад +8

    Less classics more math.
    The US economy is booming thanks to massive government investments. Keynes must be rolling in his grave at seeing the state of his country’s economy.

  • @jonathanwetherell3609
    @jonathanwetherell3609 Месяц назад +8

    Not a bad summary. The question remains, Why? Was austerity a purely fiscal choice or was it about the dismantling of the state? Was BRexit just a fantasy without grounding in the real world or a plot to protect a few super rich?

    • @michaelfoy
      @michaelfoy Месяц назад

      Cameron more or less admitted that Austerity and the policy they followed for FAR too long....was MORE about 'Shrinking the State' ( and with it Public Services) and We ALL know why! Outsource EVERYTHING.....Nice Fat Contract anyone? VIP lane? Be a TORY donor....and you can have some of it!

    • @federicoprice2687
      @federicoprice2687 Месяц назад

      The deliberate and meticulously planned debilitation of the UK was done to weaken the entire nation and make it ripe for exploitation. Wars, earthquakes and tsunamis generate money for disaster capitalists. So too can creating an economic disaster - and then exploit, buy up, privatise, 'Freeport' and continue weakening the rest. Profit flows....OUT.

    • @AxGerm756
      @AxGerm756 6 дней назад +1

      The latter

  • @tonyharpur8383
    @tonyharpur8383 Месяц назад

    Excellent summary of Tory incompetence in economic management. 😒🙄 The PPE degree from Oxford isn't worth th paper it's written on.

  • @shaunjp2211
    @shaunjp2211 Месяц назад +4

    I couldn't have said it better, the Tories have been incompetent and the decision to leave the EU has only made things worse.
    Hopefully a new government a Labour government can begin to put things right . Although they have a job on when the country is broke.

    • @maureenstarr5744
      @maureenstarr5744 Месяц назад

      Look at Labour's history no different Blair for example the same

    • @shaunjp2211
      @shaunjp2211 Месяц назад +2

      @@maureenstarr5744 A Blair like Labour time in government wouldn't be a bad thing as was the best government in recent years. It was only tarnished by the war on terror after 9/11
      Though here are some highlights..
      NHS working
      National minimum wage introduced
      Good Friday Agreement
      Freedom of information act
      Human rights act
      Reform of the House of Lords
      and a working economy
      Not bad , don't you think
      14 years of Tory government
      Law breaking
      Economy utterly destroyed
      Illegal migrants uncontrollable
      NHS on its knees
      Highest tax burden since the end of WW2
      5 Prime ministers
      Which government did a better job ? It's not the Tory government!

  • @paulsmith2442
    @paulsmith2442 Месяц назад +9

    Torys hate this country

    • @gillianpope9039
      @gillianpope9039 Месяц назад +9

      No they hate anything and everyone that they can't make money from !!! Ie people who need help and every nationalised industry or anything run for the good of the population.

  • @buzzukfiftythree
    @buzzukfiftythree Месяц назад +1

    Absolutely - spot on. Yet it amazes me that a section of the electorate still says they trust the Tories on the economy.

  • @hughcaskey9542
    @hughcaskey9542 Месяц назад

    Yes same as Teflon tony Blair’s time in office

  • @enawilson3210
    @enawilson3210 Месяц назад

    This should be shown as Election warning truth hurts Tories ❤

  • @l33jcm
    @l33jcm Месяц назад

    And Brexit is the nexus for this, in leading up to the Referendum and in all (directly or indirectly) our decisions subsequently. Common sense (if there's any left in our country) says that undoing the effects of Brexit has to be a necessity if we are to stand a chance of recovery. But it has to be done right, so that a future Tory Government cannot easily (or with difficulty) undo any future European partnership with the us.

  • @DW-indeed
    @DW-indeed Месяц назад

    And that is why i will not be voting tory, and why labour will not he "more of the same"
    History, track record, observable reality.

  • @buzzukfiftythree
    @buzzukfiftythree Месяц назад

    The Tories have made such an incredible mess of just about every single aspect of our economy and infrastructure, it always surprises me that some of the electorate are still willing to vote for them. But they repeatedly toddle off down to the polling stations and put their cross against the Tory candidate.

  • @cyberkraut5139
    @cyberkraut5139 Месяц назад +1

    Nothing of what he said is surprising. It is in fact common knowledge, the political as well as the economical facts.
    But it is NOT about doing something for the COMMON good. Tories, namely the blonde criminal habitual liar, Dis Trust, Ultra-Richie, and all the others in these years, were not interested in getting the economy going for everyone or making life better for lower and middle class. They intended to feed the ultra-rich and nobility. That’s what they did and that’s where they were successful. And they did this sll these years.
    They supported their actions by lies and fake facts. But people WANTED to believe. So there we are now.
    In this „postfactual age“ facts are fighting back for their devine position, don’t they.

  • @PC1974
    @PC1974 Месяц назад

    And your video is only 7 minutes long???

  • @pansepot1490
    @pansepot1490 Месяц назад +2

    Less classics more math.
    The US economy is booming thanks to massive government investments. Keynes must be rolling in his grave at seeing the state of his country’s economy.

  • @cyberkraut5139
    @cyberkraut5139 Месяц назад +1

    Nothing of what he said is surprising. It is in fact common knowledge, the political as well as the economical facts.
    But it is NOT about doing something for the COMMON good. Tories, namely the blonde criminal habitual liar, Dis Trust, Ultra-Richie, and all the others in these years, were not interested in getting the economy going for everyone or making life better for lower and middle class. They intended to feed the ultra-rich and nobility. That’s what they did and that’s where they were successful. And they did this sll these years.
    They supported their actions by lies and fake facts. But people WANTED to believe. So there we are now.
    In this „postfactual age“ facts are fighting back for their devine position, don’t they.