Azadi Mojtaba: Mojtaba's bitter fate in separation from Zeinab
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- A love story: In this video, we see the nomadic love between Zainab and Mojtaba, who are trying hard to reach each other, but this traditional love faces strong opposition. In this true story, we find out that love is real? The boundless love of Mojtaba and Zainab teaches us that you should fall in love with a pure heart, the story of the forbidden love of these two people is very complicated because there are strong objections and Zainab's family, according to tradition, wants their daughter to marry her cousin. But Zeinab stubbornly wants Mojtabi and is against traditional marriages. In this video, we see Mojtabi and Zainab running away to the love hut, but they are found by the relatives of the tribe and.....
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To know about the war of love and tradition and fate of Mojtaba and Zainab and to support love, please like our video and subscribe to our channel.🙏🙏❤❤
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Он уже и хана перещеголял в своих действиях😱 Молодец отец Зайнеб❤
Sătenii după ce au fost plătiți și la închis pe Mojtaba au plecat și au arestat pe Zainab si Ismael ca să mai facă bani de la ei.
Sau poate au fost agenții lui khan .dar cred ca sătenii aia criminali a pus mana pe ei ca să facă bani de la familia lor.
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Отец Маджабы он не человек его нужно запереть и сходить в его дом и проверить где Маджаба и зайнаб. Если там нет нужно вызвать полицию. У вас хоть чуть чуть жалость есть к детям вы много страданий причинили детям а сейчас зайнаб беременная. Этот урод отец не дает им покоя. Я думаю они с тётей все это придумали. Нет детей нет тети Я писала не общайтесь с ней и отца не надо было жалеть Маджибе, вот и последствия.
O Pai de Zainab sim ama a filha e o genro e o irmão de Mojtab parabéns 👏👏👏 👏 Cinegrafista parabéns também pela sua ajuda ❣️
Какой жестокий отец, по отношению к своему сыну
This is the best comedy show 😂😂i have ever watched. Keep up the great work 😂😂😂😂
Hijole dios mio que ah echo este sñor con mojtabi su propio hijo pobresito mi niño cuanto a sufrido dios quiera que mi niña este bien con mu niño ismail❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Boze czy ten koszmar sie nigdy nie skonczy biedni mlodzi ludzie co to za zycie 😢😢😢
@@helenar3763 A czy nie uważa pani że to ich cyrk niestety ale nic ciekawego się nie dzieje wkolko i to samo tatusiowe ciocie itd tu chodzi o kasę niech dalej karmią kury kozy i w te ich bajeczki nie wierzę to jest wszystko celowe przejrzałam cwaniaki 👎😡👎👎😡👎😡👎
C'est de cinéma. Meilleurs acteurs
Não entendo esse povo! Por que não mostram p polícia a filmagem de como Mojtaba foi espancado e preso? Por que ninguém faz nada? E o dono do jardim? Ninguém pede ajuda p ele? Nada disso faz sentido
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Gracias sñor operador por transmitir todo esto❤
Stepmother has no loyalty to her husband or family. It's all about herself, very selfish, greedy, cruel stepmother
Как им сложно вызвать полицию!
They should
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
ამ კაცს მამა არ ეწოდება რა ბედნიერი სახით რომ აწვალებს მის გაზრდილ შვილს რა საზიზღარი შურიანი და ბოროტი ადამიანია პატიება არ აქვს ყველაზე ცუდუც რომ იყოს ამ ქვეყანაზე შვილი მისი სისხლი და ხორცია ცუდი მაინც არ უნდა უნდოდეს შვილუსთვის მშობელს
აქედან დასკვნა რა ქვეყანაც არის ირანი მათი ვიდეოები დან კარგად ჩანს. ფული გადაუხადა ბანდიტების მისი შვილი რომ ასეთ დღეში ჩაეგდოთ. ფუუ შენს კაცობას, ნამდვილი სატანა ხარ.
Самый адекватный человек отец Зейнаб ему посталю лайк
Rendőrséget kell hívni!!!! Most,!!! és nem később!!! Minden perc számít, hogy kiderüljön hol van Zainab és Ismail! Nagyon féltik a nézők őket, nehogy történjen velük valami! Ezt csak a rendőrség tudja helyére tenni. Egy apának szeretni kell a gyermekeit, védeni, óvni! De ez az apának nevezett szörny pénzt és aranyat adott a khán embereinek, hogy verjék meg Mojtabát!!! Ez szerintünk nagyon nagy bűn, amit nem lehet szó nélkül hagyni. ezért mi nézők elítéljük az apát és várjuk a megérdemelt büntetését, ami legalább egy akasztás lesz, mert mást nem érdemel !!!!
Za jaja
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bravo ,tatălui lui Zeina și grădinarului că lați arestat pe sadicul lui Mojtaba ,acum chemați poliția. Vă rog să chemați poliția urgent....
Thank you for your support and companionship, my good friend. Your opinion is respectful and very informative for us. Please support these two young people. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹
They need to change the script , it makes no sense , always the same thing , fighting and fighting , to much , I am getting tiered .
Бедный Моджтаба у него нервный стрессовый шок 😢😢😢
Operador se que esto es una seri de hechos reales , pero estas vivencias son muy crueles y demuestran como algunas tradiciones convierten a las personas en demonios olvidando del amor filial. Ayer algunas hermanas no pudieron dormir y yo les dije que eso ya había sucedido y dudaron por favor expliquen para que los televidentes no sufran tanto. Bendiciones
Buen trabajo,si quiera encerraron a ese viejo loco.entreguenselo a la policía y no lo suelten hasta q diga dónde están los hijos y zainab.
Mugataba's father is a big devil, full of hatred for his children, it hurts my stomach to see what they do to family members there.
Esa jente no bregan con policías por eso es que le pasan tantas cosas
Поэтому говорили же что надо было уехать далеко ! Вот теперь результат полюбуйтесь
Зачем тянете резину!? Зачем не вызываете полицию?! Сколько можно мучить молодых!? Вы жестокие люди!!!
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Они его напичкали наркотиками,поэтому он в таком состоянии и сильно избили ,отца надо арестовать за нанесение вреда здоровью и похощение
Tutti in gabbia
خدا نکنه مجتبی را معتاد کرده باشند کتکش زده اند، آب و غذا نخورده از حال رفته مجتبی از پس همشون برمیای، شما مقاوم و محکم هستی، تو میتونی به خودت بیا زینب و داداش بهت نیاز دارند
Ужас. Надоело все. Когда закончится эта Санта Барбара
This evil man because of him. Zainab and Ismail are missing. What a cruel and selfish idiot. Blames Mojtaba because of his loneliness. That’s your fault believing your stupid traditions. Arrest him. His poor kids can’t even live in peace. Very sad 😢
OMG cant wait for tomorrow
Chalon Sr.operador porfavor call Police que aparezca Mojtaba y Zainah e Ismail. Dios mioo que as echo este hombre con sus hijos tan cruel es no le quiere a sus hijos 😢😢😢
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Това човек ли е или не знам с какво да го сравня бащата на Можтаба.❤
Father god help him tofind his child
Дети очень хорошие,но отец падлец.
Gracias a Dios bueno ya hay una esperanza de buscar a zainab y A ismael
Youl are doing more talking than calling d police ..what language must we d viewers must talk to youl
Tjey are useless
Ses fous ne veulent rien entendre de se qu'on leurs dit 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬
هذا سيناريو لمسلسل مكتوب وهم يتبعوه ومهما تحدث المتابعين فلا يجيبون
Why is She the boss?
ამ მახინჯი კაცის ბრალია ყველაფერ ამან დაურბია ცხოვრება ახალგაზდებს გადაასხა მდუღარე და დაწვა უნდა ჩაალპონ ციხეში
يا للة❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
O pai de mojbar não ama eles porque quem ama não prejudica manda prender esse velho
Бащата на Можтаба разиграва бащата на Зайнаб.той е направил тази бъркотия. Бащата н Зайнаб да го предаде на полицията.❤
@@krasimirakusheva бащата на Зейнеп даго предаде на полиция той несе сря даги търмози тоее лош баща за децатаси 🇧🇬
Were is the owner for the garden
Ojciec Moitabiego to zdrajca i tchórz na policję z nim szybko , to jego sprawka , Zainab moze stracić dziecko ❤️
Some viewers get way too emotionally invested in this Drama.
Pra mim e tudo combinado. Porque nem você operador não chama a polícia já tá cançativo ver isso. Aí.
اختفاء مجتبي. من أفعال والده المريض
Wah ils me font rire les deux pères et surtout le père de Zaineb avec sa femme 😂
Cómo son las leyes de ahí secuestrar a tu hijo alejado de su familia,por odio,este hombre debería estar preso,los convence a todos con sus mentiras.presoo hombre malvado
Hmm wickedness will never done witch
From day one u never like zinbab witch
Играют как маленькие дети то звонить полиции то не звонить ничего не понимаю 😮😮 звоните сразу и по быстрее
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@@jlaleh الناس المشغل ليس كذلك. إنه على حق. لا. اتصل بالشرطة. إنها امرأة حامل ويجب علينا جميعًا إلقاء القبض عليها وهي جريمة خطيرة للغاية. جريمة خطف الناس كتبت لك بالعربية
Porque no le denuncia a este viejo malvado? Que clase de Padre es este monstruo " gracias padre de Sahinah eres un buen hombre y Padre" apesar de que tu esposa te aya prohibido demuestra que eres buen Padre "👏👏👏
Thank you for your support and companionship, my good friend. Your opinion is respectful and very informative for us. Please support these two young people. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹
Your father is guilty he first needed to lock you up then move Ismael out of the farm in order to get control of him. also your wife separating the both of you and also not to have trouble being left alone.
Ho pianto, guardando questa crudelta'! Poveri ragazzi.😢
الجاسوس و الفاعل واضح وضوح الشمس لكن الأسف مهزله💔💔
Ya pongan el capitulo final
لقد دمرتهم ، أي نوع من الأب أنت ، أنت لا تستحق هؤلاء الأطفال الحقيقيين ، أنت أب
Admiro la noblesa del papá de zainab,Dios lo bendiga y que siga así.cuando este mas de edad sus dos hijas lo van a cuidar.un saludo desde COLOMBIA ❤️
Mojtabi father is demon 😈 how any father can hurt his child this much.i think this is done by father and the uncles wife she didn’t like when she ask to live with them and Zainab said she would have to talk about it with Mojtabi.i pray Zainab is ok and her unborn child and can anyone separate them there married and expecting their first child I’m worry about the stress this will have on her . Mr operator please complain to the police you have evidence to show what his father did . I pray they will be found safely 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for your support and companionship, my good friend. Your opinion is respectful and very informative for us. Please support these two young people. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹
@ I support them with all my heart 💓 I wish they find Zainab and ismail soon inshallah 💓💓
Что вы показываете свой народ позорить что это за такое насилие над людьми Боже мой просто уже нету сил отвратительно
Czego sie tak bawicie z tym okropnym czlowiekiem dzwoncie w koncu na policje a nie on robi co chce gra wam na nosie
@@wandaszymczyk697 Pani Wanda to tak ma być udają grę aby była większa oglądalność tu nic się nie dzieje cwaniactwo taka prawda pozdrawiam 👎👎👎👎
@@mariaorlinska9724 Prosze Pana wiem ze to gra ale czasem zlosc bierz\e ze tak sie moze dzic z ludzmi .Takie traktowanie siebie wzajem nie w rodzinach to zlosc narasta ..DZIEKUJE ZA ODPOWIEDZ POZDRAWIAM SERDECZNIE
@@wandaszymczyk697 Pani Wando tak u nich jest a najgorsze jest to że Arabki są okropne nie mają uczucia a zwłaszcza w tych wioskach .Mojtaba i Zinab nie są szczerzy wszystko sztuczne nagle UFO ich porwało bajki ja już przestałam oglądać niech się za robotę wezmą taka cała prawda dobranoc 🌜⭐🌝
Пусть это постановка, но мне жалко Моджтаби , Зайнаб и Исмаила 😢 , я с нетерпением буду ждать их встречи ❤ , а такого отца надо наказать 😮
Thank you for your support and companionship, my good friend. Your opinion is respectful and very informative for us. Please support these two young people. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹
Operador esta novela está muito cansativa . Começou tudo de novo. Muda o enrredo desta novela ou da um fim é come-se outra . Nós não podemos ficar vendo uma coisa que já vimos tesdeo começo, pelo amor de Deus não tem cabimento.
What have that girl done to u witch look how uhave her father😢😢😢😢😢
Operator, tell to Father of Zainab. Jamila is in danger to his husband.
Wie kann ein Vater mit seinem Sohn so etwas machen wegen irgend welcher Traditionen so primitiv grauenhaft 😢😢😢 feu Teufel
No meu entender todos são suspeito do sequestro da Zainab e do Ismail.
Tia de Zainab.
Pai do Mojtabi
Khan e seus agentes.😮
Todos nunca aceitaram o casamento dos dois, essa quadrilha tem que ir presos para eles terem uma lição.
Querido cinegrafista ajuda o Mojtabi a em contrar a Zainab e o Ismail.
Mojtabi eu sei que é seu pai , mais não tenha pena e nem dó dele denuncia ele para a polícia 🚔 assim ele vai confessar aonde está o Ismail e a Zainab. Seu pai é muito cruel denuncia ele para ele falar a verdade.😮
😢😢 Zainab e o Ismail vai ser em contrados , Deus vai ajudar o Mojtabi nessa. situação tão difícil.😕
Claudete 🇧🇷
Thank you for your support and companionship, my good friend. Your opinion is respectful and very informative for us. Please support these two young people. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹
يارب كن معهم وانقذهم 😢 قلبي اوجعني عليهم ...😢 زينب حامل وإسماعيل مريض يارب ساعدهم ...مجتبى كن قويا هم بحاجة إليك لتجدهم ياعزيزي السيد المشغل ساعدهم رجاءااا😢😢 اتمنى ان يجتمعوا مرة أخرى ويكون درسا قاسيا للاب وللسراق معه ..
Thank you for your support and companionship, my good friend. Your opinion is respectful and very informative for us. Please support these two young people. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹
@jlaleh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
If I was their he would have to go get my zinbab and Ishmael
Don't make me come back tomorrow and not see my brother and sister witch
هل لايوجد اخبار. عن زينب وإسماعيل. يا حضره المشغل
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
❤ Мджтаба немного переиграл😂❤❤❤
busquen con la esposa del tio ella tambien es sospechosa
Hívjatok orvost azonnal Mojtabához! orvost!!!!! rendőrt!!!! ezt nem lehet bűntelenül hagyni!!!!!!
Por favor quiero traducción en español gracias
Ya Allah selamat zainab mujtaba, Ismail dalam musibah ini ya Rab Malaysia.
برجاء نحن في غايه الحزن والألم. لعدم ظهور زينب
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Tem que entregar o pai de mojbar a policia ele têm que parar de ecomodar os filhos 😢
He also had them took asmail lock up father hus. He also had ziba lock up she mite b auntie lock up .. STOP BEEN STUPID CALL POLICE HAVE BOYS FATHER PUT JAIL.
Ese que dice ser el papá de Mojtaba que tipo tan cruel no se acordara cuando estuvo enfermo que ellos lo cuidaron que tipo tan curel
Пустомелят одно и тоже освободите моджтабу он найдет их отец специально тянет не отпускает сына какой противный
Какая жестокость и тупость-- первобытный строй!!!!?¿??
Оператор,почему неидете в полицию, у вас есть сьемка,доказательства, почему подвергаете опасности жизни молодых людей, вы тоже соучастник если не пойдете в полицию, что за такие законы в этой стране где правят ханы?
Stare tradycje są nieludzkie, Iran powinien się wstydzić za Khanow I innych dziadów
U dam lucky
Das ist kein Vater, das ist der 😈. Hoffe sie verzeihen ihm nie wieder
É melhor prender o pai do Mojtabi ele está louco 😮
O Mojtabi cuidou dele quando estava doente e em troca ele maltrata os filhos , esse velho não tem amor pelos filhos porque pai que é pai não faz isso com os filhos.
Mojtabi prenda seu pai ele sabe aonde está a Zainab e o Ismail. Ele sendo preso ele vai confessar aonde está a Zainab e o Ismail , a polícia 🚔 vai a forçar ele a contar aonde escondeu Zainab e o Ismail.
Que Deus abençoe vcs e ajuda o Mojtabi a encontrar Zainab e o Ismail 😢😢😢 estamos muito tristes com está situação.
Gente cruel até o pai do Mojtabi é muito cruel prisão para ele .
Kelly 🇧🇷
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Esto es obra del malvado padre y del criminal de khan quiere que liberen a los guardias por eso apreso a zainab e ismail asta cuando acudiran a la policia? Estoy arta de ver como juegan
А скорую или полицию почему не вызывают
Now u will talk
Зачем закончили снимать😢 как спать сегодня до завтра?
Bom dia 🙏 coloca o Pai na cadeia🇧🇷
Father of zanab is great man please help him camra man go to polisce
Why don't you call the police and put him in jail? You're so kind.😊
Ese hombre es un demonic 😂😂😂 😊😊
Мне кажется Зайнаб и Исмаила надо искать у тётки-ведьмы.
Hello my good friend, I am doing my best for the freedom and health of the youth. Please be patient and stay with us. We are also working for the freedom of the youth. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bom dia como podi ter um pai tão Ruim com seu próprio filho mas eles dois vão aguentar u velho e elevar dar de conta dus trezentos muinto obrigado por mandar us vidios obrigada mesmo mande sempre us vidius até manhã
Ele vai acabar prendendo. o pai de zanai.tambem.😢😮
انشالله مجتبى يلكة زينب واسماعيل خما اذو زينب واسماعيل وطفل الف الحمدلله انو مجتبى طلع مسجن واتمنى مجتبى يلكة زينب واسماعيل خما اذو زينب واسماعيل وطفل 😢
Русский перевод значения пожалуйста
Señor camarografo porque tantos videos de agresividada hay la gente y no hacen nada por evitar tanto dolor y tristeza ya paren nosotros los espectadores ya nos estamos cansando de ver tanta violencia por favor hable con la policia no se quede callado usted sabe todo hable y no gane popularidad con el sufrimiento ajeno ponga todo los videos que tiene a la policia y que ellos se encarguen de toda esa gente que solo hace daño por favor no se calle hable
Policja jest nieudolna
The Man sleeping peacefully he don’t care he knows what he did go and report him to the police Zenida is pregnant get her back she could
Lose the baby from stress
You think after this Mojitaba and Ishmael will have nothing to do with him he. If he could do this to his own children what would he do to zenida get the police on him he put khan people on them tell them to move away and don’t let them know if it’s not him it is.the uncle wife she came there begging them for her to stay there In this little spaces and she did not get the answer she wanted to hear