This is a really great set up! Possibly try setting up 20 solar panels going into the void miner. If you put down the panels 1 at a time 1 second apart beginning nearest the miner then you will create a cycle that produces 1 ore every second. The solar panels produces 1 energy every 20 seconds. This would avoid getting duplicate ores produced and combining then going through the furnace ruining the output. I haven’t tested it but just thought through it while watching this. Love your content btw
The furnace also produces steam which can be used to generate mor electricity. I am not sure but possibly it can power itself. Even if it can't, this electricity can be ysed to generate more ores
I think the steam generator is the best starter system. If you use a condenser and feed the output back into the generator you can put in one bucket of water and the system will be self-contained.
Also on a separate topic your voice is very calming and brings a comfort level to watching your videos. Keep up the great work
This is a really great set up! Possibly try setting up 20 solar panels going into the void miner. If you put down the panels 1 at a time 1 second apart beginning nearest the miner then you will create a cycle that produces 1 ore every second. The solar panels produces 1 energy every 20 seconds. This would avoid getting duplicate ores produced and combining then going through the furnace ruining the output.
I haven’t tested it but just thought through it while watching this. Love your content btw
The furnace also produces steam which can be used to generate mor electricity. I am not sure but possibly it can power itself. Even if it can't, this electricity can be ysed to generate more ores
So expontialy growing stream of ores?
I hope you get a million subs :)
Love new skin
Does this still work? I tried it and it did not work. It seems that the condenser has a new purpose now. It turns gasses into items?
@@michaeljiang2314 He has changed a bunch of things so I would check out the new docs on the add-on.
That pretty good i will probably no come out with a better machine
Check Discord I think the simple design I made would be better
I will look at it.
@@RickClark58 it's in Media channel
Excellent design. Works a treat.
@@dakshshah2099 if you can give me the link i keep scrolling through the channel yet i cant find it
For starters what's the best generator
I think the steam generator is the best starter system. If you use a condenser and feed the output back into the generator you can put in one bucket of water and the system will be self-contained.
Thanks my modded realm will be fast growing
How does steam generator works?
Check his vid on the website. The link is in the description.
Hello bro