Paying Tribute To My Dad

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @angusmcnaughton4570
    @angusmcnaughton4570 27 дней назад +2

    You have been very blessed John.

  • @garydavidson8273
    @garydavidson8273 27 дней назад +1

    John that was truly a very respectful and thoughtful way to express your love and feelings for your father. I’m sure he was proud of you and your accomplishments you’ve made throughout your life. I know every time I’m out fishing or hunting and even though my dad and uncle have passed on, they are always right there with me in spirit. Keep him close to your heart and you will keep him alive, maybe with only memories, but he’ll always be there