Ok very nice vid! Just some friendly feedback from someone who JUST switched from Bash to Flay. As a Bash I was ez farming Pit 110. As Flay with suboptimal and non full Masterworked gear, I struggle currently at 95 (on mobs) . Boss fights are fairly easy but yes you MUST kite with flay-o-fish 1. Health. Most people who post flay absolutely ignore paragon +health nodes and you see them going thru Pit 110 with like 49k health. Well that's because these guys are dedicated and have 2-3 GA gear on everything. I personally skip the last glyph board (so 6 out of 7 total glyphs) IOT boost my health. I don't like getting one shotted. 2. Armor. When we Steel Grasp bad guys and you aren't maxed (9230 cap) all that unmitigated damage goes straight to your face. I'd rather respec into armor and be at 50% lighting res. I take into account you tried and RNG god's were not on your side. Stun on Steel grasp will def help if below armor cap. 3. Shouts. With bold chief aspect and and hectic aspect I am able to constantly War Cry and Challenge Shout. They lower my other CD on skills. Marshal Glyph is a must as well. 4. Weapons. I put Rapid on my 2h Polearm cause I want fast fast fast. Faster I hit faster they bleed. In Pit boss fights I immediately rupture for 40% increase attack speed the try to lay on the bleeds 5. Boots. I have no idea why Gamers don't want 3x Evade Charges. In Pit I constantly have to evade to SG and pull bad guys and with only CC breaker as Rallying cry I got to stay on my toes. 6. Gear. Unfortunately you will brick sweet 2 or even 3 GA weapons to get flay duration (20% chance to get) and Rogue Crit Strike Damage (25% to get) so BPT farm (obol dumping works well here) As a Bash, I had max res (78% Tyreals Might) and over 144k health. Boss fights were the only issue as all. This build only works as smooth if you have the proper gear and at least MW level 2. Weapons require MW 3. Note I did have Shako, Doombringer (+44.2% health)
Great summary! I couldn't agree more with these points. In the vid after this I got to 120 pit, realized 2 glyphs weren't 21 as well. I've been looking for war cry boots with +3 evade... expensive!!!
I've always got my max resistances by rolling +element on a couple items and then use royal gem colors in jewelry to hit the ones you're missing. I run a scuffed build too, but you can hit your armor cap not too hard. Amethysts in armor slots gives strength(+armor). I have also used iron barb potions to make sure I'm capped. With full master working you eventually get there on all fronts and also over cap.
I rocked a double swing Barb to level 100 it was surprisingly fun but after 100 levels I needed to change it up and whirlwind was fun in season 1 so I switched for a few days it’s still my favorite I think but the damage particularly against bosses is just not there at least for my setup so I switched to “the push build” flay yesterday and the damage is there no doubt but at least on controller it feels a bit clunky to play against mobs and it’s terrible in the helltides. Steele grasp is inconsistent and only feels good when it gets a clump of enemies and if you miss your rupture which happens a lot it’s really annoying needing to wait for it’s cooldown instead of registering that you didn’t hit anything and just giving it back to you. Only good for bossing in my opinion. My version of the flay was unkillable though and I used the melted heart amulet.
I love the build but the only thing different but important thing I would do is run Aspect of Iron Warrior over Might on your legs because of the unstoppable. Can't rely only on rallying cry to break out of CC's and it heals for so much.. Also, running pits, you mainly want to group multiple groups together with steel grasp and mostly only use rupture over using flay at all. It takes long to clear aoe packs but that boss damage is unparalleled. The reason for spamming rupture on aoe packs is that the more enemies it hits the lower the cooldown. You shouldn't rupture if there is little to no enemies. So keep the packs big and grouped up tightly and spam your rupture, shouts and iron skin. Also, Polearm is BIS if you got a good one for the slashing item and you want generally a 3 to 1 ratio of crit damage to vulnerable. 3 being the crit damage and 1 being the vulnerable. Got to 137 in the pits before I switched to whirlwind to farm mats for my other classes.
I've heard so many different ratios crit vs vul...3 to 1 for this build is a first. I've heard 2 to 1 and 0.6. I'm 2 to 1 approximately now. I agree when I can pull in two elite packs my cooldowns are always up and I can continuously spam rupture and it just feels like the build is working...DMG numbers are just popping off.
Created an alt for flay barb, had some decent 1ga items with crit dmg that i used on weapons. My flay barb could solo tormented duriel at level 80, this was after the nerf tho. I also have a whirldwind barb, average gear but I do have starless, shako (both dropped at same time) craft a grandpa, whirlwind barb can do pit 101 in 2 mins. it is crazy.
Biggest tip I can suggest is temper steel grasp stuns enemies on your legs, once you have this you can kite the enemies and then steel grasp a huge mob who will all now be stunned. I did this and managed to masterwork it for 2.4 seconds of stun to each enemy grasped. Absolutely huge advantage for running pits because those couple of seconds lets me get off a rupture before the mob can hit me, I then move away and the bleed explosion usually wipes the screen. I now easily farm 101 pits in 3-4 mins (not perfect) without dying and my gear isn't much better than yours.
@@michaelkilduff8843 I did risk the reroll and got the max stun duration on steel grasp... you're very right it helps a lot in pit. 101 I hit boss at 12min mark on avg and boss dead in 10sec. I'm also running 101 pits with boots that have 27 movement speed not including temper...but resistances are dropped to 50s and I still don't die. Won't be able to use these for high pit pushing later this weekend. Almost done masterworking all my gear. No d4 yesterday or today though :)
@@chrisarksey I struggled with resistances too. I capped them by rolling specific resistance stats rather than resist all. Shadow on boots, Lightning on legs and then royal gems on jewellery for poison, cold and fire. That combined with paragon and jewellery base stats got me to 70 across the board.
This is great for pit tiers below 120. However in high pits, trash mobs don't die in one or two ruptures anymore. When you stun an enemy, they become harder to pull with steel grasp for 7 seconds. This will cost you precious time in high tier pit pushes. The optimal temper option is barrier generation for stronger iron skin. This is used by kingpig and pxx, players who have completed tiers 150+. TLDR: if you plan to push high tier pits, temper barrier generation. Stun effects are a crutch and will hold you back in the long run.
During the rift you should barely be flaying, pull packs and rupture over and over. Each rupture that hits a lot of enemies resets all your cooldowns. Rupture the pit, flay the boss
You’re not using enough vulnerable damage, unless you’re using grandfather, and even then you have to focus on vulnerable, hemorrhage is the biggest damage multiplier we have. You also need to make sure you’re getting enough damage while Berserking bonus to get the 30x multiplier. And steel grasp is to apply berserking, not vulnerable. We get that from flay.
I want understand ”not using enough vulnerable damage", my vulnerable DMG is 1600%+ and crit DMG is 800%+. Looks like flay gives 30 percent chance to make enemies vulnerable with two handed weapon...steel grasp applies vulnerable too but you're right more importantly berserking. This is the problem about copying a build guide without investing a couple hours into understanding it...I don't fully understand how all the pieces synergize. I do know when I have a wrong aspect imprinted...when the pit boss doesn't melt something is wrong.
@brettforecast2268 this is correct. I'm currently at 1250% vuln and 2400% crit and pushing 141.......just got a great amulet so hoping to push up towards 150......wish me luck....🎉
Wouldn't you be better off taking out those diamonds and using at least a fire and lightning resist gem so those are maxed? They are typically the most dangerous. Maybe poison as the third one. Fire and lightning are usually the ones that one shot. Cold is annoying if you get frozen of course but as long as you have cc breaks you shouldn't die to it. Poison is not going to one shot you either but it can do crazy high damage over time. Not sure on shadow...
Wouldn't the result be a couple dropped to 30s or 40s? With masterworking now and two affixes on res all...I have a couple in low 60s and others maxed using diamonds in jewelry. I'll take another look! Thx
@@chrisarksey Well I was just going by your stats in this video of course :) If they're closer to max now maybe it's not needed. Diamonds are good when you need all your resists to come up a little bit and the other gems would cause you to waste a lot of it by going far over 70. But a diamond will only give 5 x 8 = 40 resist, while the other ones will give 45 for that one resist. If you can move things around so you can get close to 70 with the other gems it's usually more efficient. And like I said fire and lightning are usually the most dangerous elements and those are your lowest (at least in the video), that's why I wondered if it wouldn't be better to focus on getting at least those two maxed.
Just do direct bash barb, change hota and extra point in bash in what ever you want, iron skin sucks imo and use leap for extra speed im farming 110 pits in minutes and roll dmg to close instead of making a rouge. F that crap. Dont use gushing wounds instead take the berserk duration and dmg increse 100% × rob has hota pit farm bash build, if you dont want a gear dependant build use that with what iv just said, it will smash through 100s as long as you got lvl 15 glyphs
Ok very nice vid! Just some friendly feedback from someone who JUST switched from Bash to Flay. As a Bash I was ez farming Pit 110. As Flay with suboptimal and non full Masterworked gear, I struggle currently at 95 (on mobs) . Boss fights are fairly easy but yes you MUST kite with flay-o-fish
1. Health. Most people who post flay absolutely ignore paragon +health nodes and you see them going thru Pit 110 with like 49k health. Well that's because these guys are dedicated and have 2-3 GA gear on everything. I personally skip the last glyph board (so 6 out of 7 total glyphs) IOT boost my health. I don't like getting one shotted.
2. Armor. When we Steel Grasp bad guys and you aren't maxed (9230 cap) all that unmitigated damage goes straight to your face. I'd rather respec into armor and be at 50% lighting res. I take into account you tried and RNG god's were not on your side. Stun on Steel grasp will def help if below armor cap.
3. Shouts. With bold chief aspect and and hectic aspect I am able to constantly War Cry and Challenge Shout. They lower my other CD on skills. Marshal Glyph is a must as well.
4. Weapons. I put Rapid on my 2h Polearm cause I want fast fast fast. Faster I hit faster they bleed. In Pit boss fights I immediately rupture for 40% increase attack speed the try to lay on the bleeds
5. Boots. I have no idea why Gamers don't want 3x Evade Charges. In Pit I constantly have to evade to SG and pull bad guys and with only CC breaker as Rallying cry I got to stay on my toes.
6. Gear. Unfortunately you will brick sweet 2 or even 3 GA weapons to get flay duration (20% chance to get) and Rogue Crit Strike Damage (25% to get) so BPT farm (obol dumping works well here)
As a Bash, I had max res (78% Tyreals Might) and over 144k health. Boss fights were the only issue as all. This build only works as smooth if you have the proper gear and at least MW level 2. Weapons require MW 3.
Note I did have Shako, Doombringer (+44.2% health)
Great summary! I couldn't agree more with these points. In the vid after this I got to 120 pit, realized 2 glyphs weren't 21 as well.
I've been looking for war cry boots with +3 evade... expensive!!!
I've always got my max resistances by rolling +element on a couple items and then use royal gem colors in jewelry to hit the ones you're missing. I run a scuffed build too, but you can hit your armor cap not too hard.
Amethysts in armor slots gives strength(+armor). I have also used iron barb potions to make sure I'm capped. With full master working you eventually get there on all fronts and also over cap.
Best D4 content creator on RUclips. Hands down.
I rocked a double swing Barb to level 100 it was surprisingly fun but after 100 levels I needed to change it up and whirlwind was fun in season 1 so I switched for a few days it’s still my favorite I think but the damage particularly against bosses is just not there at least for my setup so I switched to “the push build” flay yesterday and the damage is there no doubt but at least on controller it feels a bit clunky to play against mobs and it’s terrible in the helltides. Steele grasp is inconsistent and only feels good when it gets a clump of enemies and if you miss your rupture which happens a lot it’s really annoying needing to wait for it’s cooldown instead of registering that you didn’t hit anything and just giving it back to you. Only good for bossing in my opinion. My version of the flay was unkillable though and I used the melted heart amulet.
I love the build but the only thing different but important thing I would do is run Aspect of Iron Warrior over Might on your legs because of the unstoppable. Can't rely only on rallying cry to break out of CC's and it heals for so much.. Also, running pits, you mainly want to group multiple groups together with steel grasp and mostly only use rupture over using flay at all. It takes long to clear aoe packs but that boss damage is unparalleled. The reason for spamming rupture on aoe packs is that the more enemies it hits the lower the cooldown. You shouldn't rupture if there is little to no enemies. So keep the packs big and grouped up tightly and spam your rupture, shouts and iron skin.
Also, Polearm is BIS if you got a good one for the slashing item and you want generally a 3 to 1 ratio of crit damage to vulnerable. 3 being the crit damage and 1 being the vulnerable. Got to 137 in the pits before I switched to whirlwind to farm mats for my other classes.
I've heard so many different ratios crit vs vul...3 to 1 for this build is a first. I've heard 2 to 1 and 0.6.
I'm 2 to 1 approximately now.
I agree when I can pull in two elite packs my cooldowns are always up and I can continuously spam rupture and it just feels like the build is working...DMG numbers are just popping off.
Created an alt for flay barb, had some decent 1ga items with crit dmg that i used on weapons. My flay barb could solo tormented duriel at level 80, this was after the nerf tho. I also have a whirldwind barb, average gear but I do have starless, shako (both dropped at same time) craft a grandpa, whirlwind barb can do pit 101 in 2 mins. it is crazy.
@@hoseaesp6309 ww spin to win seems to be the clear winner for season 4 farming.
Biggest tip I can suggest is temper steel grasp stuns enemies on your legs, once you have this you can kite the enemies and then steel grasp a huge mob who will all now be stunned. I did this and managed to masterwork it for 2.4 seconds of stun to each enemy grasped. Absolutely huge advantage for running pits because those couple of seconds lets me get off a rupture before the mob can hit me, I then move away and the bleed explosion usually wipes the screen. I now easily farm 101 pits in 3-4 mins (not perfect) without dying and my gear isn't much better than yours.
@@michaelkilduff8843 I did risk the reroll and got the max stun duration on steel grasp... you're very right it helps a lot in pit.
101 I hit boss at 12min mark on avg and boss dead in 10sec.
I'm also running 101 pits with boots that have 27 movement speed not including temper...but resistances are dropped to 50s and I still don't die. Won't be able to use these for high pit pushing later this weekend.
Almost done masterworking all my gear. No d4 yesterday or today though :)
@@chrisarksey I struggled with resistances too. I capped them by rolling specific resistance stats rather than resist all. Shadow on boots, Lightning on legs and then royal gems on jewellery for poison, cold and fire. That combined with paragon and jewellery base stats got me to 70 across the board.
Also damage while beserking tempers are good to get that 30% cap on the blood rage node.
@@michaelkilduff8843 I did these tempers on my new rings in the video after this one. You're on point!
This is great for pit tiers below 120. However in high pits, trash mobs don't die in one or two ruptures anymore. When you stun an enemy, they become harder to pull with steel grasp for 7 seconds. This will cost you precious time in high tier pit pushes. The optimal temper option is barrier generation for stronger iron skin. This is used by kingpig and pxx, players who have completed tiers 150+.
TLDR: if you plan to push high tier pits, temper barrier generation. Stun effects are a crutch and will hold you back in the long run.
During the rift you should barely be flaying, pull packs and rupture over and over. Each rupture that hits a lot of enemies resets all your cooldowns. Rupture the pit, flay the boss
You’re not using enough vulnerable damage, unless you’re using grandfather, and even then you have to focus on vulnerable, hemorrhage is the biggest damage multiplier we have. You also need to make sure you’re getting enough damage while Berserking bonus to get the 30x multiplier. And steel grasp is to apply berserking, not vulnerable. We get that from flay.
I want understand ”not using enough vulnerable damage", my vulnerable DMG is 1600%+ and crit DMG is 800%+. Looks like flay gives 30 percent chance to make enemies vulnerable with two handed weapon...steel grasp applies vulnerable too but you're right more importantly berserking.
This is the problem about copying a build guide without investing a couple hours into understanding it...I don't fully understand how all the pieces synergize.
I do know when I have a wrong aspect imprinted...when the pit boss doesn't melt something is wrong.
I would be pushing for 2000% crit damage and 1000% vulnerable. Because gushing wound scales with crit chance and crit damage
@brettforecast2268 this is correct. I'm currently at 1250% vuln and 2400% crit and pushing 141.......just got a great amulet so hoping to push up towards 150......wish me luck....🎉
@chrisarksey you want a ratio of 0.6 vul dmg for every crit damage for maximum output
Rule no.1 never listen to chatters
Rob showcased this build and what he thought they were running, he didn’t play it.
Wouldn't you be better off taking out those diamonds and using at least a fire and lightning resist gem so those are maxed? They are typically the most dangerous. Maybe poison as the third one. Fire and lightning are usually the ones that one shot. Cold is annoying if you get frozen of course but as long as you have cc breaks you shouldn't die to it. Poison is not going to one shot you either but it can do crazy high damage over time. Not sure on shadow...
Wouldn't the result be a couple dropped to 30s or 40s? With masterworking now and two affixes on res all...I have a couple in low 60s and others maxed using diamonds in jewelry. I'll take another look! Thx
@@chrisarksey Well I was just going by your stats in this video of course :) If they're closer to max now maybe it's not needed.
Diamonds are good when you need all your resists to come up a little bit and the other gems would cause you to waste a lot of it by going far over 70. But a diamond will only give 5 x 8 = 40 resist, while the other ones will give 45 for that one resist. If you can move things around so you can get close to 70 with the other gems it's usually more efficient.
And like I said fire and lightning are usually the most dangerous elements and those are your lowest (at least in the video), that's why I wondered if it wouldn't be better to focus on getting at least those two maxed.
Just do direct bash barb, change hota and extra point in bash in what ever you want, iron skin sucks imo and use leap for extra speed im farming 110 pits in minutes and roll dmg to close instead of making a rouge. F that crap. Dont use gushing wounds instead take the berserk duration and dmg increse 100% × rob has hota pit farm bash build, if you dont want a gear dependant build use that with what iv just said, it will smash through 100s as long as you got lvl 15 glyphs
u should use elixirs
For res? Right now I'm farming 101 pit with plans to push to 130 pit on the weekend.