We have to understand, every knowledge we discover, it from very basic, notice and discover. Which is awareness = understanding = knowing = experience = knowledge = application.
Have you ever notice, when we are anxious, our breath is very s shallow, very short, and never get into the abdominal, but stay on very top of the king max, but not in the lower point.
We have to understand, every knowledge we discover, it from very basic, notice and discover. Which is awareness = understanding = knowing = experience = knowledge = application.
Thanks Eve 簡單易明slow down放鬆方法 🙏🙏🙏
Have you ever notice, when we are anxious, our breath is very s shallow, very short, and never get into the abdominal, but stay on very top of the king max, but not in the lower point.
六字大明咒是六種不同呼吸的方法,的vow of A E I O U, 在不同的共鳴共振的方法,由上至下,由頂輪到底輪,-字-吸五秒,可以是-種呼吸方法。
我直覺中心有色,57 44 50 32 28 都有色閘門,感覺很爆燈😂😂
對我嚟講直覺係剎那之間靈光一閃 同心情壓力一啲關係都冇
我家的牆和鐵閘都被惡鄰居砸爛了。天天靈性這種破事怎麼解決呢。被噪音搞到崩潰了 空談靈性實際生活都沒法過了 被欺負 一點辦法沒有。
節目內裏所提及的方法是可以實踐的,是否只是停留於談論階段也是我們每人的選擇,祝福你早日找到出路 🙏🏻