2020 LEDGESTONE | FINALF9 | McBeth, Wysocki, K. Jones, Barela | Jomez Disc Golf

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 297

  • @JomezPro
    @JomezPro  4 года назад +50

    Good morning! We hope you've enjoyed our coverage from Ledgestone this week! If so, give the vid a thumbs up and remember you can always check out our coverage schedule at www.jomezpro.com

    • @nickdagamer
      @nickdagamer 4 года назад +4

      Thank you for making it possible to enjoy these tournaments without the awful commentary at DGPT.

    • @cashcat4lyfe822
      @cashcat4lyfe822 4 года назад +3

      Yeah boi!!! Go Ricky!! Honestly I want them all to do great but I'm rooting for Socki bomb lol

    • @kenniebundgaard9310
      @kenniebundgaard9310 4 года назад

      Poor picture quality!

    • @skurkela
      @skurkela 4 года назад

      Good coverage as always. But what’s up with the masks? Players are taking them off, putting back on. Touching it with hands, some even licking fingers before a throw. Ridiculous!

  • @bustedrav
    @bustedrav 4 года назад +175

    I would love to see drive distances being incorporated into the coverage, just to get an idea.

    • @subspaceanomaly
      @subspaceanomaly 4 года назад +12

      The central cost disc golf radar speed gun is a great feature

    • @matthewbolden1276
      @matthewbolden1276 4 года назад

      Unfortunately, there is no official range finder made for disc golf. Just generic range finders that you could point at objects on the course, nothing that could be used to measure distance to a disc on the ground.

    • @matthewbolden1276
      @matthewbolden1276 4 года назад

      I agree though, that would be awesome.

    • @roebaservant
      @roebaservant 4 года назад

      If it's the lead card then it's just really really really effin far. A lot of assumptions can be made. The putting distance is usually referenced. That's all that matters really. C2 in regulation on a par 3 means 300+ drives. Usually.

    • @shizachico1063
      @shizachico1063 4 года назад +1

      I second this

  • @KW-qd8gu
    @KW-qd8gu 4 года назад +10

    My favorite thing about Ricky might be that no matter how dialed in and focused he is, he still gives the crowd a big smile and a wave when he’s introduced. Seems to really care about and appreciate his fans.

  • @joshuawaddell6640
    @joshuawaddell6640 4 года назад +85

    11:14 "Not perfect, but that'll do pig."
    C'mon Paul, that was a good line. Big Jerm deserved props for that one. 😉

    • @micah_lee
      @micah_lee 4 года назад +3

      The silence made it so much better

    • @bsarued
      @bsarued 4 года назад +2

      Lmao I paused it just to comment. I clocked it at 11:18 and Uli freezes him out for 19 seconds! Cmon Uli! You got to at least acknowledge he said something! It’s not like he went to broadcasting school so I don’t know why I would expect better. I feel like they could use some 101 lessons like, dont leave your partner on an island for 20 seconds after he makes a joke

    • @joshuawaddell6640
      @joshuawaddell6640 4 года назад +2

      @@bsarued Uli seems like a cool guy and can be humorous sometimes being as dry as he is, but I feel like Jerm could use a little more help in the broadcast booth 😊

    • @micah_lee
      @micah_lee 4 года назад +2

      skb ben Doesn’t it make it funnier and better that they let it sit for so long? I laughed harder. Makes it more ironic. If they just laughed it off it wouldn’t be as iconic.

  • @liamjones7040
    @liamjones7040 4 года назад +143

    Anyone else excited for disc golf related Arby’s sandwiches? The Paul McBeef, Eagle McManwich, Turkey Wysocki, KJUSABLT? I know I am!

    • @liamjones7040
      @liamjones7040 4 года назад +1

      Comment some more disc golf sandwiches! I’d love to hear your ideas.

    • @eeor
      @eeor 4 года назад +7

      @@liamjones7040 Robot Chicken Sandwich

    • @DetroitBrendan
      @DetroitBrendan 4 года назад +10

      Big Jerm 6 foot sub

    • @eeor
      @eeor 4 года назад +15

      Nikko Locastrami

    • @fakejamaican6890
      @fakejamaican6890 4 года назад +23

      The Calvin Heimburger

  • @justingreenwell698
    @justingreenwell698 4 года назад +4

    Just want to thank arby's. It has been great to watch this tournament add free

  • @alexbromley9384
    @alexbromley9384 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Arby’s for no commercials! I’m going to eat there tomorrow just bc I appreciate the “no commercials for 24 hours”.

  • @Lolp821
    @Lolp821 3 года назад

    Only got into watching disc golf recently, and between the graphics and commentary JomezPro is without a doubt the standard setters. Never thought I'd enjoy watching this as much as I do!

  • @andrewklaudt8080
    @andrewklaudt8080 4 года назад +16

    These keep getting uploaded earlier and earlier. Great work guys!

    • @kieferw
      @kieferw 4 года назад

      the same time every day brrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • @klove2966
    @klove2966 4 года назад

    Woah, the new hole markers on the time bar are an awesome addition. Little things like that shows how much work and attention to detail Jomez puts into their content. Thanks for bringing quality content the disc golf community.

  • @beaifulut
    @beaifulut 4 года назад +2

    I want Big Perm I mean Big Jerm and Uli on the desk 24/7. The commentary now is just so fluid funny and good.

  • @jomarmanosa123
    @jomarmanosa123 4 года назад +6

    Finally! This gets uploaded on primetime viewing hours in the Philippines.

    • @torycaswell4204
      @torycaswell4204 4 года назад

      How is the disc golf in the Philippines?

  • @Todis51
    @Todis51 4 года назад

    Ahhhh one year ago discovering this wonderful disc golf coverage! Fantastic as always ladies & gentlemen

  • @kylenorman5250
    @kylenorman5250 4 года назад +2

    If anyone from Arby's marketing department checks these comments, know that your advertising worked on me. Always fun to see a Ricky/Paul lead card.

  • @aileengibson3486
    @aileengibson3486 4 года назад +54

    “That’ll do pig”, “Spider Pig”, Big Jerm is an icon

    • @JordanEnr
      @JordanEnr 4 года назад +5

      Dont forget "Pond-le" on hole 8

    • @emusam
      @emusam 4 года назад +3

      I love how there was just no response to the Babe reference. You could almost hear his smirk, and then it was met with silence...

  • @DrFrisb
    @DrFrisb 4 года назад

    I love how Jerm has his notes in front of him. That's commitment to bringing us the best commentary 👏

  • @brendenkoontz4614
    @brendenkoontz4614 4 года назад +9

    It's been a while before I've got to the final coverage without spoilers. Excited for this rollercoaster!

    • @JomezPro
      @JomezPro  4 года назад +2


    • @stephenrosenthal5252
      @stephenrosenthal5252 4 года назад +1

      I thought the exact same thing. Then I hit play and see Ricky up by double digits.
      Oh well still cool.
      P.s. I'm just finishing up the front 9. So if some one other than him wins I'll be back to erase this comment 😆

  • @martti7363
    @martti7363 4 года назад +3

    Big Barry commentary is sooo much better than the live commentary

  • @alexbromley9384
    @alexbromley9384 4 года назад

    I love watching barela. Well I love watching all these guys, but I’m long and lanky like him. I learn a lot watching him throw. His form is soooooo clean.

  • @oxBuixo
    @oxBuixo 4 года назад +3

    Love the Big Barri commentating!

  • @liquidlars1965
    @liquidlars1965 4 года назад

    Holy smoke! JomezPro has a quarter million subscribers. Good for you!

  • @gtg888h
    @gtg888h 4 года назад +36

    If Dickerson started tournaments like he finished them, he would win all of them in a landslide.

    • @micah_lee
      @micah_lee 4 года назад

      I think he already has the highest win percentage.

    • @timothyheimbach3260
      @timothyheimbach3260 4 года назад

      @@micah_lee he does play a lot more small local though. Not that he isn't insanely good, just that Paul, Ricky, Eagle etc stick to the bigger tournaments so they aren't winning a bunch against local pros. Which makes those percentages a bit offm

    • @micah_lee
      @micah_lee 4 года назад

      Timothy Heimbach I am well aware, however it shows you how consistently he shows up to his 1040 rated mark. He is always winning with a commanding victory. Take tennessee states, he shot a course record at cherokee park (-18? something like that) and then shot the course record at panther creek.

    • @micah_lee
      @micah_lee 4 года назад +1

      Yup in 2019 he shot 1050 rated -15 at Panther (a course that is a long mountainous wooded course, tour level.) and then a 1067 rated -18 at Cherokee. Mind you the rating system is not good when comparing lower level tournaments to the protour.

    • @mikewest712
      @mikewest712 4 года назад

      Chris dick is a world beater on the right day.

  • @haraldslusis6693
    @haraldslusis6693 4 года назад +3

    ahh i was waiting all the day!!!! Thank you!! love your coverages!!!

  • @bakerman10
    @bakerman10 4 года назад

    Love this course. One of my favorites to watch. A little bit of everything.

  • @Fingermanant1234
    @Fingermanant1234 3 года назад

    This is a really great modern day course layout in my opinion. Awesome par 4’s. Love the baseball field hole and the old bridge.

  • @bonnyarmstrong6213
    @bonnyarmstrong6213 4 года назад +1

    So excited to start my week off watching the Final Round.
    Let's see how it plays out...

  • @kigge3529
    @kigge3529 4 года назад +1

    It has to be said, Uli doing great commentary and he is a handsome man! More Uli!

  • @jeffabercrombie167
    @jeffabercrombie167 4 года назад +24

    I was wondering when Mcbeth was going to show up, been a crazy ride so far, thanks jomez

    • @Papa-ey8dp
      @Papa-ey8dp 4 года назад +2

      Brian H I think Brodie is a distraction. I also hate how they shove discs in your face on their IG stories. It’s like they are selling a Ponzi scheme to you.

    • @subspaceanomaly
      @subspaceanomaly 4 года назад +1

      @Bennybass that's all true, it's just also depressing to have something as zen as disc golf being so aggressively harvested by people trying to make money. Sure, money makes the world go round for right or wrong, but one of the joys of disc golf is to get away from that kind of relentless capitalism.

    • @JonReid01
      @JonReid01 4 года назад

      @@subspaceanomaly keep speaking the truth bother. Galatians 4:16

    • @JonReid01
      @JonReid01 4 года назад

      @Bennybass this is Brodie's alt account isn't it.

  • @cadmando18
    @cadmando18 4 года назад

    Always great coverage from you guys, I really appreciate the commentary and the takes. I've been following you guys for a long time now and I'm so glad I was turned on to this channel by a friend and fellow disc golfer. See you on the B9

  • @orbitros
    @orbitros 4 года назад +2

    First time I've been up for the upload. This round should be awesome. Can't wait.

  • @calebtennison9353
    @calebtennison9353 4 года назад +3

    Watched it live. It was an awesome finish. Boys came to play. Ricky was possessed this weekend.

  • @daveryding550
    @daveryding550 4 года назад +2

    If I see McBeth on a feature card my juices are flowing!! Lets gooooooooo!

    • @HoldenCameras
      @HoldenCameras 4 года назад +1

      @Bennybass yall need to keep your pants on! he's married!

  • @zachkielb4975
    @zachkielb4975 4 года назад +1

    Jomez, I'm ready this time. Thanks for another amazing weekend of excellent coverage. Keep being awesome!

  • @jgray928
    @jgray928 4 года назад +2

    Thanks Arbys!!

  • @theclassicalcraftsman
    @theclassicalcraftsman 4 года назад +10

    So here I am on Hole 3. Er, I mean my house drinking some coffee and watching Jomez.

  • @oneopinion6806
    @oneopinion6806 4 года назад +1

    Excellent coverage! PDGA and disc brands making it difficult to watch without knowing how it ends, but great to see how it happened either way.

  • @dustman96
    @dustman96 4 года назад +2

    Crazy, Dickerson sneaking up again at the end.

  • @shiftonephoto
    @shiftonephoto 4 года назад +7

    AB definitely in the top 10 distance, he can throw a mini farther than most people can drive

  • @kellyperry8020
    @kellyperry8020 4 года назад +6

    Thanks again Jomez crew for getting this coverage out to us. Spoilers are everywhere with love coverage happening so i have to hide my eyes until I see the jomez notification.

  • @junkiexl86
    @junkiexl86 4 года назад

    This is one of my favorite courses to watch. Lots of big hyzers

  • @jeffchauvin4591
    @jeffchauvin4591 4 года назад +1

    This is sssoooo good! I love a good Ricky Paul battle. Plus how many times has Paul had to chase down Ricky! On to the back 9

  • @nathangoodson7390
    @nathangoodson7390 4 года назад

    Great stuffs, Jomez Productions!

  • @dvsmike
    @dvsmike 4 года назад +2

    What's the deal with the mic pack on kevin?

  • @sneakerwizards454
    @sneakerwizards454 4 года назад +1

    I will now be going to Arby’s at least once a week

  • @nomadicivories
    @nomadicivories 4 года назад

    In Newfoundland they call HUGE lakes puddles.

  • @glenrussell6562
    @glenrussell6562 4 года назад +3

    Hey all! I've been wondering why KJUSA is mic'ed up. Anyone know? It has been several tourneys now that he has had it.

    • @masonhughes3977
      @masonhughes3977 4 года назад

      I remember watching a video from some disc golf Channel that did a Kevin Jones Mic'd Up at DGLO, I believe.

  • @jacoboshins1618
    @jacoboshins1618 4 года назад +3

    for me, the difference is that a puddle is transient and a pond always has water in it so the question becomes is the pondle always wet?

  • @WolfpacMaster
    @WolfpacMaster 4 года назад +1

    always a great coverage

  • @joekearns1
    @joekearns1 4 года назад +2

    My game needs a Big Jerm signature Indiana Jones hat, because that hat obviously is crushing it more then me right now.

  • @FritzTheCat1030
    @FritzTheCat1030 4 года назад +1

    I think "puddle throw" is now officially part of the disc golf lexicon 🤣

  • @josephhale8924
    @josephhale8924 4 года назад +1

    Just bought lunch at Arby's. Haven't been there for years.

  • @Bricklock
    @Bricklock 4 года назад +18

    I'm so excited
    Edit: shout-out to the map of NZ on every udisc preview

    • @Bricklock
      @Bricklock 4 года назад +3

      Also first for the culture

    • @dereklewis4321
      @dereklewis4321 4 года назад +2

      @@Bricklock Here to verify this first place comment.

    • @Bricklock
      @Bricklock 4 года назад +3

      @@dereklewis4321 much appreciated

    • @Triton_Secure
      @Triton_Secure 4 года назад +1

      GO RPM discs!! NZ's own...

    • @bonnyarmstrong6213
      @bonnyarmstrong6213 4 года назад +1

      I visited NZ in February and played several courses on both islands. Some of the most beautiful courses anywhere and really great signage! Te Anu was my favorite.

  • @kellyperry8020
    @kellyperry8020 4 года назад +1

    Hole 7 really shows the difference between 2x WC Love and 5x WC Love 😎

  • @chemdent421
    @chemdent421 4 года назад

    Just saying, it's great seeing Ricky and Paul on final round lead card again.

  • @topnotchtsi
    @topnotchtsi 4 года назад

    Ulibarri would argue with a rock.

  • @disscostu9
    @disscostu9 4 года назад +7

    "negative 23 under par" a LITERAL double negative

  • @Justnothankyou132
    @Justnothankyou132 4 года назад +4

    Shout out to Arby's!!

  • @dustman96
    @dustman96 4 года назад +2

    Could we finally have someone in Barela that can match Eagle's forehand distance?

  • @Chris.Davies
    @Chris.Davies 4 года назад

    Thanks, as always, Jomez! I think I am right in saying that in events with 4 rounds, the lead only changes about 7% of the time in the 4th round, and for events with 5 rounds, it drops to about 4%. To me, this makes 4th and 5th rounds fairly boring, as the scoring separations are normally getting larger, and the lead changes very infrequently. I guess when a TD thinks about 4 or 5 rounds in a tournament it's for sponsorship money and the extra money from additional coverage. It hasn't got a lot to do with deciding a winner.

  • @C.A.D.
    @C.A.D. 4 года назад +1

    Damn they were on that Beastie Boys back and forth commenting on hole 6

  • @danielmharding
    @danielmharding 4 года назад

    29:10 A puddle is like ... exactly what it says in a name ... a puddle! This is why I'm here on a Monday morning

  • @ClaytonVau
    @ClaytonVau 4 года назад

    Video timestamped by holes! Yes please! Thank you!!!

  • @TheNephis
    @TheNephis 4 года назад +1

    I've missed something. Why is Nate not commentaring these anymore?

    • @HoldenCameras
      @HoldenCameras 4 года назад +1

      yeah you did

    • @TheNephis
      @TheNephis 4 года назад

      @@HoldenCameras Well... Can you tell me?

    • @HoldenCameras
      @HoldenCameras 4 года назад

      @@TheNephis i can tell you, that you missed the comment that already explains this

  • @3prefan
    @3prefan 4 года назад

    Dickerson has been making some SERIOUS moves this season. Holy crap

  • @mattsnyder4754
    @mattsnyder4754 4 года назад +6

    A puddle is temporary. It’s only there if it rains.
    A pond is there even if it hasn’t rained.

  • @bedbeard333
    @bedbeard333 4 года назад +2

    why does KJ always wear a mic pack?

  • @isaacherold8262
    @isaacherold8262 4 года назад

    The 20 seconds of silence at 11:16 after Big Jerk says "that'll do pig" is a shame to how great that reference is.

  • @longway2pro
    @longway2pro 4 года назад

    I just played doubles with the guy who MC'ed the introductions... Small world!

  • @kujalla1396
    @kujalla1396 4 года назад +4

    Not again, I have work to do!!

  • @stephencarmickle
    @stephencarmickle 4 года назад +3

    Rick is on a tear.

  • @arcanavarrofashedwoodard5040
    @arcanavarrofashedwoodard5040 4 года назад

    hola!!! la verdad imprecionante video lo disfrute bastante necesito el siguiente material me despido les dejo besitos agradecido

  • @jasongreen4646
    @jasongreen4646 4 года назад +3

    "Wow this is a puddle. You can tell it's a puddle because of the way it is..... Wow"

  • @danacoleman4007
    @danacoleman4007 4 года назад +1

    "pondle" is my new favorite word

  • @James-xl3ev
    @James-xl3ev 4 года назад +8

    Debating on skipping work just so I can watch the back 9.

    • @martti7363
      @martti7363 4 года назад

      Do it, skip it! Then go play a round

  • @Postermaestro
    @Postermaestro 4 года назад

    Let’s see how it plays out!

  • @trevorreniger5670
    @trevorreniger5670 4 года назад +2

    Somebody get me some Mozz Sticks! STAT! Gotta watch people try to take Redemption Rick's unstoppable return!

  • @joreycmc
    @joreycmc 4 года назад

    Hahaha, Jerm with the 'Babe' quote, "That'll do pig."

  • @LandonGlover25
    @LandonGlover25 4 года назад +1

    Why does Kev wear a mic if we never hear him?

  • @everydaywithanthonyj.2537
    @everydaywithanthonyj.2537 4 года назад

    17:47 "spider pig" Great reference Jerm

  • @christopherhenke5545
    @christopherhenke5545 4 года назад +1

    I want Arby's to know that every one of these videos has made me want to go get their food.

  • @111-w6c
    @111-w6c 4 года назад

    Why are the prize purses so small in disc golf?

  • @joconnell8145
    @joconnell8145 4 года назад

    Paul's treedirection on 4, epic!

  • @Nick_Tippett
    @Nick_Tippett 4 года назад

    What are the payouts for an event like this?

  • @Theaddekalk
    @Theaddekalk 4 года назад

    why is it different course on the two last rounds?

  • @kapteenikalsari6101
    @kapteenikalsari6101 4 года назад +2

    Finally I'm in time in here.

  • @KimiiiRaikkonen
    @KimiiiRaikkonen 4 года назад

    Commentators talking like you should give up if you can't win. Bet there's good money up for grabs at that 2nd place too :D Worth fighting for!

  • @ayoOo_chill
    @ayoOo_chill 4 года назад +2


  • @tomdalyphoto
    @tomdalyphoto 4 года назад

    Anyone know why Kevin Jones is wearing a microphone again? Is something happening with him -- documentary?

  • @jeffabercrombie167
    @jeffabercrombie167 4 года назад

    Loving it jomez,

  • @RobDobDattle
    @RobDobDattle 4 года назад +1

    11:15 hes been waiting to make that joke his whole life

  • @geps3108
    @geps3108 4 года назад

    24:26 Glad to see the pros also have to occasionally fish their discs out of poison ivy right next to the pin

  • @Hisa1shi
    @Hisa1shi 3 года назад

    Uncanny... Was this footage sped up 10% ?

  • @evanmeyer4209
    @evanmeyer4209 3 года назад

    Thank you arbys

  • @autonakku6439
    @autonakku6439 4 года назад +5

    Yes LETS GOOOOO!!!

  • @jdude4jwood
    @jdude4jwood 4 года назад +3

    23:43 how are these two guys drinking through their masks!?

    • @HoldenCameras
      @HoldenCameras 4 года назад +1

      you just wear two (black) masks with a gap in between and paint your mouth black...

  • @Javier78654321
    @Javier78654321 4 года назад

    Good stuff!

  • @kjetilfrustl7451
    @kjetilfrustl7451 4 года назад

    What disk is the pig??

  • @danmacq94
    @danmacq94 4 года назад

    i love uli but i really miss sexton where did he go

    • @goaliepro6887
      @goaliepro6887 4 года назад +1

      Sexton isn’t doing anything with the pro tour this year because of COVID. He said he was going to skip the year because he didn’t have anyone to watch his daughter because he didn’t want to put his parents and his wife’s parents at risk

    • @HoldenCameras
      @HoldenCameras 4 года назад +1

      @@goaliepro6887 at least someone pays attention!!!

  • @jmwalls73
    @jmwalls73 4 года назад

    Please make commentary mics sound like Uli's mic when he is doing the hole preview bits...

  • @yojimboliferow
    @yojimboliferow 4 года назад

    Emerson smiling ear to ear watching the first hole.