Hey Kavos, I'd just like to say that the document was actually leaked. It was not released with his consent. He never wanted any of this drama since they had (allegedly) resolved all of this privately.
@Turquoise Cheetah I bet you’re fun at parties , let people vibe . Obviously it’s a person who shouldn’t care about something like this, enjoying the tea
@Turquoise Cheetah Oh it’s just the fact that a man is so innocent to what the real drama is here. Plus it’s wholesome that he didn’t have to know who these toxic people are lol.
@@missbeaussie Oh FED is no shining beacon of goodness, but that don't change what Poki was doing to him. The one thing is at least FED owned up to his shitty actions and his career is basically over because of it. Poki tried to miss direct any blame for her actions by really underplaying just how close she and Fed where.
shes mentally abusive and did a real manipulation tactic called ‘’bread crumbing” look it up. its when u give someone enough attention to keep them around but never enough to have an actual relationship with them :/
@@gus9351 Yea. It's stupid that people need to keep reaffirming that he's done bad things, because while I think they are correct, I believe people can change. It seems like Fed would let his feelings control his actions and that is completely a valuable experience he can learn from.
@@fungling7982 Yeah he's done bad things, but he's done it right after he experienced this psychological abuse. Looks like this shit has been on since 2018. Looks like the fed everyone knows on stream is actually not that far to fed off camera. Poki literally blamed fed for the shit that she actually had done. Turns out the manipulator and pathological liar was actually her. Then again, if fed wasn't such a big simp for poki this wouldn't have gone that far
Don't expect anything that comes out of Pokimane's mouth. She deserves to be cancelled more than Fed because she created this Fragile ego and building up a Toxic environment in her Community.
Why people think leafy is joking 😂, yes he is milking the past drama but he got so many points that prove pokimane is fake and act like she is the innocent one
Fed came out him self and said he wrote that months ago. And he was very upset and that a lot of it was written with anger and NOT what he currently believes. Someone leaked it.
@@quemzzy7397 Obviously he says that because he doesn't want the drama to come back. And I think he obviously still has feelings for poki and this would really burn the bridge between them,
She's pure leading him on. She knows she can have him whenever she wants and that's not exciting for her at all. As long as she keeps him on a short lead and keeps him thinking something may happen in the end she can look and flirt with whoever. He'd get what he wanted a lot faster by just suddenly ignoring her. If he started to get close to another girl or she found out another girl liked him she'd probably freak out. Having this smitten guy close by makes her feel empowered and really good about herself.
It seemed like she lead him on without any end result but when he tries to push it more romantic or make them more official to others and himself then Pokimane has a problem with it.
Honestly just looks like she was stringing him along. She didn’t have any real feelings toward him, he was just an orbiter. She loved the attention he gave her and his worship
The problem is fed laid all of his eggs in one basket. He s a nice looking dude and well off. He could have dated multiple women and have his own option but instead he chose himself to be the option and stick with one girl. He lives in friggin LA. There ought to be lots of nice lookinf women there. And if i were him, pokimane isnt a good choice because in my experience, women who crave public attention got lot of fucked up issues.
@@vonmatterhorn6656 Nah fed had other girls and poki let him bring ppl into his room bc they were never officially together. i think anyone who craves attention to an extreme is fucked up
@@vonmatterhorn6656 exactly bro, she wanted to play the field and he constantly trying to tie her down while she getting piped in the next room. By that point he should of started chasing abundance
I mean that’s what SO MANY girls do, along with some guys, let’s be honest a lot of us have done this for attention.. you just gotta keep your options open. What I’m mad about is that she’s not apologizing to fed for leading him on and placing the blame on him. That’s not ok. Leading someone on is bad, but it’s understandable and human. Making him look bad for your own benefit isnt, that’s just being a jerk
She was not expecting Fed to come out with this because he loved her. Great to see he still has some self-respect left. I went through a similar situation few years back. It really drains you emotionally.
Unfortunately it was his friend that put this out but I really do hope he comes around to understand and appreciate his boys for this because fucking hell he was thrown under the bus.
Same here, I don't think people really understand what she has done unless they've gone through something similar and boyyy what she has done is WAY worse than any of his actions. Poki screwed with his mental health and self esteem for years, that shit leaves you with some serious scars, and on top of that she then painted him like a predator in front of millions of people because she knew people would blindly believe her at that point. He owns up to his mistakes while she deflects and projects everything she has done onto him AND YET she'll still come out ungrazed because she's a woman.
I don't follow any of those twitch ppl but heard about this story and was intrigued to look into it because I went through nearly the exact same thing last year, its crazy how similar it is.
I don't think that will happen because PewDiePie has played many times with poki now and also has defended her on his streams , he is a nice bloke, and most probably will not interfere in this personal matter . Pokimane is definitely in the wrong here and has always been , she just backstabs people and shutdown people who she doesn't likes and the people who are on higher level than she is , she will then make friends with them until she has gained enough form them and the cycle will start again , so yeah most probably PewDiePie will not respond to this and I don't think pokimane will get cancelled after this too . The tweet she made where she compared boys and girls on this platform should have been reversed cause that's what happens in real; allinity , pokimane , Valkyrie (different one) , badbunny all got clout and famous from their mistakes not cancelled or their channel terminated, but whatever I will say will not change this so it is what it is
No Pokimane, this isn't an intrusion into your private life. This is you destroying someone else's career, and letting him get labeled as a predator to benefit you.
@@YaBoyNino No he inappropriately touched Yvonne, which she did not consent to when he was drunk, if thats predator, then go to a night club and then they must be pedophiles and rapists using your logic. As for Lily he tried to initiate and did something bad and she rejected him. Here are everything that involved Fed and Poki, it is not arrange but both of them have many of these thing going on, although Poki is much worse psychologically speaking, she has caused him to have ptsd after having to hear her and some dude next door, while he was used as a yoyo, he still also has Stockholm syndrome for that witch: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abusive_power_and_control en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resentment en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intimate_partner_violence en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadistic_personality_disorder en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_sadism_disorder en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_abuse en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_manipulation en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathological_lying en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimisation_(psychology) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Denialism#:~:text=In%20the%20psychology%20of%20human,accept%20an%20empirically%20verifiable%20reality. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abusive_power_and_control 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@@arkuler7973 don’t listen to idiots like this even tho I agree what he did was weird going on the internet and calling someone a predator or a rapist for hugging and kissing the hand of a girl who let you sleep on her bed isn’t rape or predetory behavior
she smear campaigned the dude she knew for over 5 years and had a relationship with while resenting him because he was honest about their relationship while she was trying to fuck other guys, shes belongs to the streets
Watching pokimane explain herself is like listening to those girls who would do anything to be popular in high school and all they do is gossip about those said girls
@@fauna5328 that actually depends on where she looks. If you notice her eyes dart to the same spot everytime, she is probably just recalling information.
I'm still trying to understand how anyone thought the character she plays online is a real person... The fantasy girlfriend she plays online has been a hussle that has brought her an entire career - it's not shocking she used some tricks from her business playbook IRL.
Turns out Pokimane is a just an abusive, control-freak of a woman that after teasing that guy for years threw him under the bus a few months later. Pathetic.
Just looking at her videos and the way she reacts to things she clearly thinks she can’t be touched so when she gets in drama she honestly has no idea what to do
@@happytobehere4752 To be honest, everything Fed did was hug a friend and kiss her hand while he was black out drunk, idk, I think the whole thing was blown the fuck out of proportion. It's not like he's a stranger to them, they're fucking friends, and they throw him under the bus like that, what the fuck
@@rerdak4334 usually when you make a mistake while being black out drunk, you don’t do it again, he did it twice and then acted like nothing happened even after she showed obvious signs of discomfort, also he literally owned up to being in the wrong so that’s the end of the story, also if you don’t hold your friends accountable for their actions then they will never stop being shitty people and they will never change, fed is sober and he is healthy but if they didn’t hold him accountable he would still be a drunk idiot running around and groping his “friends”
@@konvincing3472 giving a hug or holding a hand is 100% different from groping. Everything was blown out of proportion and portrayed wrongly and sexually by the so called "victims". Of course you shouldn't make people uncomfortable on purpose or on several occasions, but I adamantly and strongly believe that what Fed did isn't even a hundredth of what they made it out to be
But it will be because the embarrassment coming from these texts lol. She was talking about pleasuring herself in the first text. Her chat would be filled with wet emojis lmao
I’m glad to see people aren’t accepting this manipulative behaviour anymore, Responsibility makes the world a better place, people like this woman who purposely cause drama are the ones who need help and to be called out and forced to take responsibility 💙😇🙏🏼
She honestly looks like she's lying with her eye movements as if she's trying to remember things, but if she had her story straight and she was really angry she'd me more passionate with getting her truth out. Also, she has a very blocky head.
Def sus body language. Avoids eye contact w/ camera, keeps looking up, down, and to the side. Very detached tone despite using emotion words like "frustrated." She's a sociopath
I've had a pal that got played like this and it destroyed him. What she did to Fed is the same as my pal and I can fully empathize with how he felt. i feel sorry for the dude a lot now
It's disgusting. The second I saw her blah blah through the first few paragraphs I immediately knew she was not going to be serious about this or address it truthfully
Man, I didn't even mind Poki before this crap. Fed probably was pretty inappropriate but there are far better ways to deal with stuff than whatever Poki tried to do.
This is exactly it. Thank you for saying it because I was the instigator of a similar dynamic. I ended it but it's tough. Any other advice would be appreciated
Ex tried to do his to me, I ended it, I meet her randomly with my female cousin while shopping, later that night, got a shit tonne of messages, asking who I was with, I blocked her ass.
@@hamzakhusro5970 been there my friend but these experiences can either break you or make you... it all comes down to how you take it... as you said is tough but not impossible specially now that you passed the hardest part *recognizing and taking actions*... from now i suggest taking some time off from any sort of relationship until you reflect, learn and most important get over it. Best wishes to you
SilverFox JXT honestly the whole hand kissing thing I don’t even see as a “HORRIBLE ACT” like everyone in the movement says it was. You all lived in a house together, I’m sure in that environment and with that many people it’s easy to get some signals crossed along the way, and when. You mix alcohol with addictive personalities and someone always ends up to drunk. I’ve had sex with my friends near blackout and we all remained, and still are very close, friends in our own respective relationships. Idk I just actually feel bad for the dude because we’ve all had a poki person in our life’s at one point (m/f) and it sucks that he may have done something’s wrong, but he didn’t deserve the person who he cared about the most and manipulated by to stab in the back with false narratives
god, i feel so terrible for him. i’ll never understand why people purposely screw others over and feel the need to publicly embarrass them by using false claims. did poki not think he wouldn’t defend himself with proof? poor dude, his entire online career was screwed over because she was conflicted within herself. i wish she could have just talked to him honestly instead of painting him as a sexual predator???
So fucked if a guy turned gay and I asked why and he told me cause of women like this I’d be like far! I can’t argue with your logic even if I don’t want hot dogs down my drive way
I saw her on a PEWDS stream in among us. She literally cried and screamed when she was voted out and made PEWDS feel bad. And turns out she was an imposter. PEWDS was literally cringing tf out
Bruh this whole situation feels like what happened to me around two years ago. Liked a girl and we flirted like crazy, went on dates and all but never dated because she "didn't wanna be in a relationship" at the time and wanted to wait for the right time. Not too long after she got back with her ex
I can relate with fed when he talks about the on and off thing with Poki, that on and off cycle thing happened to me once with a girl I was interested in, left me gutted. She would occasionally send messages just to keep me interested and I latched on until my phone was stolen and I lost her number, BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
I think a lot of girls do that... I had the same situation with a girl i liked, she pretented to be so innocent kinda like pokimane is pretending but she was keeping me in that cycle of me finnaly giving up on her and she starts being flirty again and it was like that for a year and that messed me up. Atleast i got laid that one time, BUT ONLY AS A FRIEND!! :D
She genuinely believes, just cause she sleeps with the guy and talks to him like a BF That doesn't mean anything, not unless she says so Typical and manipulative
@@nappen8855 I think she's the type that is so self centred, she subconsciously acts like people aren't equal to her. Otherwise she would have learnt not to act like she does, after being called out for it all the time. She has drank the coolaid from the simps, a lot of it, and thinks she's better than other people and only her emotions matter. Either way she's still the definition of a c**t
ah pokimane being manipulative and leaving out context while making everyone believe her... never seen that before. something tells me she’s going to come out with another BS deflecting video and everyone will forgive her as usual.
Can’t wait to see pokis reaction to this bombshell, no way she can defend herself from this. Surprised ur not getting eaten up by simps rn, but hey only an hour and a half the vid’s up. Lmao nice vid
@@Reese_-zo4uk pretty much, it’s a term used specifically for girls to shame them for exploring their sexuality. don’t call her a hoe, that’s just spreading the normality of it. call her what she is: a bad person
wtf every 3 months everybody talks about “Poki’s secret boyfriend” was he the same all those times or did people actually find like 3 secret boyfriends of her this year?
What Fed did to Yvonne and Lily was gross and awful, and I'm glad he acknowledges that. However, Poki backing off it just makes it harder for real victims to be believed. What Poki did was disgusting and manipulative. Her and Fed both have a lot of issues they need to figure out.
I agree with this completely. Fed is gross, I can respect he’s getting help with that. Poki most likely won’t. It took her a LONG TIME to actually apologize to Bowblax. That first one was quite bad.
First. He was drunk, and second since when is a simple kiss on a hand harassment? She didn’t even say she was uncomfortable. I don’t understand why people act like a kiss on a hand is equivalent to rape. Like tf?
@@kylekawolski5174 yeah, I feel like calling him gross and all that is a bit too far, but what he did was undoubtedly wrong. It was really creepy and definitely made them uncomfortable.
@@koji5384 yeah but we live in this world where tik tok stars are rich and famous for waving their arms around for 30-60 seconds and looking kinda decent and where twitch favors wah men
This teaches one lesson. Never make secret relationships cause it will cause controversy and break the relationship and friendships across the board. If you're dating somebody just say it, don't hide it.
This story hits home... being with someone who just wants the benefits of what you provide without giving much back. The “boyfriend experience” until they don’t need you anymore.
I was about to comment this, I agree 100% as soon as he said that she played games on stream alot with him but didn't know she wanted to get to know him, I remember myth and fed getting real close at a party , and poki didn't really play with that many male streamers until recently
*Leafy was right* Fed was absolutely wrong for his actions between the women in OTV, _a thousand times, yes_ - *BUT* I do feel like Poki was dragging him through the coals. Shits kinda weird..
At the start of this drama I thought fed was the bad guy but the more I read into this, he basically relived all the issues I had in 2017. Dating a girl in secret, the relationship being on and off, people noticing and the girl blaming me for saying something. And lastly being the fall guy when like arguments happen
@@danuzz2842 Simping means it's unbalanced, and not in the favor of the man. Never simp. I mean if you want to celebrate your wife's boyfriend's birthday too, be my guest.
She is good at acting fake, look how many simps following her 😂. Idk why people getting baited by her innocent char( the no thot streaming) when you clearly see how fake she is
@@dogman6063 it does shock me that no one can see the act... I only know of her from Jacksepticeyes streams on among us and the second I seen her and her past I knew what type of woman she was. Actually disgusting and makes me sick.
Leave a like on the video if you enjoyed and subscribe!! It really helps out the channel
Hey Kavos, I'd just like to say that the document was actually leaked. It was not released with his consent. He never wanted any of this drama since they had (allegedly) resolved all of this privately.
Respond to hour dms mate! Also Belle. D's channel was brought back
You should just rub one out and get over her, bro.
This situation is fucked
So what specs do u have in your pc?
They're in their mid 20's and still texting like 13 year olds
It’s weird
Don’t text like that I text normal
But it’s hella wierd tho lmao
True but that was in 2018 so they were probably 20 or 21
@@razvicool00 Is that... Is that supposed to be better?
I'm a 30 year old man with three kids. I have no idea who these people are, but this is amazing.
Lmao the tea is for everyone my friend
This comment itself is just wholesome 😂😂
@Turquoise Cheetah I bet you’re fun at parties , let people vibe . Obviously it’s a person who shouldn’t care about something like this, enjoying the tea
@Turquoise Cheetah Oh it’s just the fact that a man is so innocent to what the real drama is here. Plus it’s wholesome that he didn’t have to know who these toxic people are lol.
Lol Ik this is intriguing to be honest
She is just going to cry and everyone is going to forgive her
"guys i was going through a lot and i *felt like i didnt control my body* so forgive me and donate POOOOOOKKKKKIIIIIIII SQUAD
the control of my body thing is a katerino meme btw
Not this time. .
@@yellowflash2455 i hope
Well yea she's a girl the internet always aid to the side of women
pokimane literally played with his heart then tried to act like the victim. smh.
You know those things aren't mutually exclusive? He even said he broke her trust and privacy aka: snuck into her room and groped her.
@@missbeaussie i never said what he did was okay to yvonne- but poki didn’t do good either.
Getting Amber Heard deja vu
@@missbeaussie Oh FED is no shining beacon of goodness, but that don't change what Poki was doing to him. The one thing is at least FED owned up to his shitty actions and his career is basically over because of it. Poki tried to miss direct any blame for her actions by really underplaying just how close she and Fed where.
shes mentally abusive and did a real manipulation tactic called ‘’bread crumbing” look it up. its when u give someone enough attention to keep them around but never enough to have an actual relationship with them :/
No wonder she’s so good at among us
Looks like ImAllexx has competition
Nah she has liar voice
Hmm... Where have I seen this comment from?
Hahahahha this one is gold
Leafy was right, she did have a boyfriend
Well yeah of course he was.
Poki that girl in high school who pretends to like you until the dude she’s actually interested in shows her even a little attention lmaoooooo
Then when the guy doesn’t pay attention she goes back to pretending to like you until the next big thing comes around.
Spot on buddy👌🏽👌🏽
So damn true.
@@Articxs this was to real for me
This hurt lol
@Harry Hastings Yes, he did learn a thing or two, but im pretty sure he was aiming for a general relationship, not just sex.
The reason poki didn’t want to go public wit fed is bc she would lose a lot of simps n money🤷♂️
Tomato Mafia not anymore 😳
The tier 3’s aint gonna be too happy about this...
let them cry
Tear 3 lol
Tier 3's are twisted, they ain't stopping there left-hand shame.
They really need to seek help
@@joshsg6525 Tear 3 Sounds like a jojo character
Bruh in Offlinetv there was a running joke that Fed will never get a girlfriend and it mostly came from Poki, this feel really different now
Cuz she kept him from talking to other girls, then had the audacity to say he was cockblocking her, i feel so bad for fed smh
@@astweiss Lotta people will accept him if he ever comes back because of this leak now, whoever leaked that document is truly poggers
@@gus9351 Yea. It's stupid that people need to keep reaffirming that he's done bad things, because while I think they are correct, I believe people can change. It seems like Fed would let his feelings control his actions and that is completely a valuable experience he can learn from.
@@fungling7982 Yeah he's done bad things, but he's done it right after he experienced this psychological abuse. Looks like this shit has been on since 2018. Looks like the fed everyone knows on stream is actually not that far to fed off camera.
Poki literally blamed fed for the shit that she actually had done. Turns out the manipulator and pathological liar was actually her.
Then again, if fed wasn't such a big simp for poki this wouldn't have gone that far
Don't expect anything that comes out of Pokimane's mouth. She deserves to be cancelled more than Fed because she created this Fragile ego and building up a Toxic environment in her Community.
"It's insane how the best of people can turn out to be massive snakes 🐍" Pokimane
Ksi in a nutshell
@@Sonic11o5 Yes
Got this from Pegasus's new video
Bruv, sorry to disappoint your world view but a lot of people in streaming and youtube communities do shitty things to others.
Wow lmao duh Bruhh , but yeah it's worse when they try to play off if they're innocent
Those texts make me so uncomfortable, there are actual people with brains that text like that lmao
yeah that was weird af
That what I was thinking like I though she did that for her stream 😂
That would consider sexual harassment of you feel uncomfortable about this video. Lol
Fr I was having trouble understanding their conversation
She’s so egotistical. And literally is lying at every spot. Bun her man
Yes terminate her
The fact that she had the balls to lie knowing damn well there’s still texts between them boggles me
*B U N H E R*
@@jxn4th4n yes burger bun her
Didn’t even apologize
And leafy was right now he is gone...she should be banned out you tube, she is trying get everyone dirty.
He's not gone he's had a new channel for around 2 months search leafyishere bois
@@punkrockstarz2 thats fake leafy
@@punkrockstarz2 read the youtuber's description, thats not leafy
Why people think leafy is joking 😂, yes he is milking the past drama but he got so many points that prove pokimane is fake and act like she is the innocent one
U know it's a bad relationship when there are 25 pages of pure truth
Fed came out him self and said he wrote that months ago. And he was very upset and that a lot of it was written with anger and NOT what he currently believes. Someone leaked it.
trust issues. can't blame the guy
@@quemzzy7397 And that suddenly negates the dozens of messages that prove Pokimane is a manipulative, pathological liar?
@@MrLanGT what part exactly?
@@quemzzy7397 Obviously he says that because he doesn't want the drama to come back. And I think he obviously still has feelings for poki and this would really burn the bridge between them,
Fed needs a beer with the boys, he’s had enough.
I think beers is what got him in hot water in the first place.
Pokimane I have something to show you🖕
She’s trying so hard to make the simps still think they have a chance LOOL
She needs the simp money
I mean she gotta get the bag somehow LOL aint no shame in her game
Simping ain’t easy...... she needs to keep her simp hand strong
She's pure leading him on. She knows she can have him whenever she wants and that's not exciting for her at all. As long as she keeps him on a short lead and keeps him thinking something may happen in the end she can look and flirt with whoever. He'd get what he wanted a lot faster by just suddenly ignoring her. If he started to get close to another girl or she found out another girl liked him she'd probably freak out. Having this smitten guy close by makes her feel empowered and really good about herself.
Yea she's a narcissist. Her mannerisms when she explains shit makes it so obvious that she lies/exaggerates.
It seemed like she lead him on without any end result but when he tries to push it more romantic or make them more official to others and himself then Pokimane has a problem with it.
Did that happened to yiu
exactly brotha
So basically she kept him as a backup but
ended up using him as the scapegoat.
pretty smart ngl.
@@rll1236 some death note shit
@@otirik4350 🤣
@@otirik4350 lmao so true
Honestly just looks like she was stringing him along. She didn’t have any real feelings toward him, he was just an orbiter. She loved the attention he gave her and his worship
The problem is fed laid all of his eggs in one basket. He s a nice looking dude and well off. He could have dated multiple women and have his own option but instead he chose himself to be the option and stick with one girl. He lives in friggin LA. There ought to be lots of nice lookinf women there. And if i were him, pokimane isnt a good choice because in my experience, women who crave public attention got lot of fucked up issues.
@@vonmatterhorn6656 Nah fed had other girls and poki let him bring ppl into his room bc they were never officially together. i think anyone who craves attention to an extreme is fucked up
@@vonmatterhorn6656 exactly bro, she wanted to play the field and he constantly trying to tie her down while she getting piped in the next room. By that point he should of started chasing abundance
I mean that’s what SO MANY girls do, along with some guys, let’s be honest a lot of us have done this for attention.. you just gotta keep your options open. What I’m mad about is that she’s not apologizing to fed for leading him on and placing the blame on him. That’s not ok. Leading someone on is bad, but it’s understandable and human. Making him look bad for your own benefit isnt, that’s just being a jerk
poki has got a lot to answer for
Bowblax are you my father?
Lmao i knew this day would come
@@SrCarlo20 He's keem's autistic son
This girl is like a bad story that won't go away and i only hear about her from this channel
She was not expecting Fed to come out with this because he loved her. Great to see he still has some self-respect left. I went through a similar situation few years back. It really drains you emotionally.
Unfortunately it was his friend that put this out but I really do hope he comes around to understand and appreciate his boys for this because fucking hell he was thrown under the bus.
Same here, I don't think people really understand what she has done unless they've gone through something similar and boyyy what she has done is WAY worse than any of his actions. Poki screwed with his mental health and self esteem for years, that shit leaves you with some serious scars, and on top of that she then painted him like a predator in front of millions of people because she knew people would blindly believe her at that point. He owns up to his mistakes while she deflects and projects everything she has done onto him AND YET she'll still come out ungrazed because she's a woman.
It's clear from Fed's latest statement that he still loves her, even after all of that...
I don't follow any of those twitch ppl but heard about this story and was intrigued to look into it because I went through nearly the exact same thing last year, its crazy how similar it is.
he didn’t release this, his friend did.
and it sucks because you can tell he still loves her and is still wrapped around her finger.
Pokimane aint gonna “own up“ for her mistakes until pewdiepie calls her put on her bs 😂
If pewdiepie does this, even to anyone they have to apologise or else the wrath of pewds views will be heard across RUclips and Twitch
I don't think that will happen because PewDiePie has played many times with poki now and also has defended her on his streams , he is a nice bloke, and most probably will not interfere in this personal matter . Pokimane is definitely in the wrong here and has always been , she just backstabs people and shutdown people who she doesn't likes and the people who are on higher level than she is , she will then make friends with them until she has gained enough form them and the cycle will start again , so yeah most probably PewDiePie will not respond to this and I don't think pokimane will get cancelled after this too . The tweet she made where she compared boys and girls on this platform should have been reversed cause that's what happens in real; allinity , pokimane , Valkyrie (different one) , badbunny all got clout and famous from their mistakes not cancelled or their channel terminated, but whatever I will say will not change this so it is what it is
@@harshvardhanmehrotra3862 agreed
Pew won’t call her out.
@@harshvardhanmehrotra3862 I don't think Pewds involves himself in such dramas anymore, him responding in any way is highly unlikely in my eyes.
Damn that’s really some toxic manipulation she was throwing at him
I really do feel bad for Fed.
Lol 404 is here too
I feel bad for him and but he was a Alcoholic how did some wired things when drunk that are borderline rape
@@goldenxper8167 its not borderline rape, not even close to borderline rape. huge difference
he is just a simp after all.
The fuck is wrong with you people? He is as bad as her!
Pokimane will be like : " I wasnt mentally at the best place at that the time of my life"
katerino headass
@@rainyengg7601 arent katerino atleast had the decency(if you can call that) to fuck behind carson's back why poki did it in the next room?xDDD
@@mattg2298 katerino piped guys.pokimane piped twitch staff
Go check she already did say it
She already said that lol
“I’m sorry for being emotional” as she does a fake Sigh
No Pokimane, this isn't an intrusion into your private life. This is you destroying someone else's career, and letting him get labeled as a predator to benefit you.
Considering you saying this, ig that backfired
Uhhhh no, he's still a predator, he still sexually harassed Yvonne and Lily😅 he's just not as fucked up as Pokimane paints him out to be
@@YaBoyNino oh I see
@@YaBoyNino No he inappropriately touched Yvonne, which she did not consent to when he was drunk, if thats predator, then go to a night club and then they must be pedophiles and rapists using your logic. As for Lily he tried to initiate and did something bad and she rejected him.
Here are everything that involved Fed and Poki, it is not arrange but both of them have many of these thing going on, although Poki is much worse psychologically speaking, she has caused him to have ptsd after having to hear her and some dude next door, while he was used as a yoyo, he still also has Stockholm syndrome for that witch:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Denialism#:~:text=In%20the%20psychology%20of%20human,accept%20an%20empirically%20verifiable%20reality.
She set fire to her own house, the only problem is Fed can make the finishing blow with everyone, he should and is still withholding info.
@@arkuler7973 don’t listen to idiots like this even tho I agree what he did was weird going on the internet and calling someone a predator or a rapist for hugging and kissing the hand of a girl who let you sleep on her bed isn’t rape or predetory behavior
I mean, this is just textbook gaslighting. Abuse isn't always physical
Watch her downplay the fuck out of these when she gets caught. Text book shit.
she smear campaigned the dude she knew for over 5 years and had a relationship with while resenting him because he was honest about their relationship while she was trying to fuck other guys, shes belongs to the streets
@@lightzpy8049 They were not in a relationship though
*he still abused Yvonne ♥ don't forget that*
Watching pokimane explain herself is like listening to those girls who would do anything to be popular in high school and all they do is gossip about those said girls
Yep. All of this.
מדוע אשתי עזבה אותי
Jup, exsctly.
Major props to Fed for putting this out there. Man that’s some painful shite. Great video and well done in your explanation bro.
“Innocent uwu poggers girl” lmao
@@AngelRodriguez-ne7tt Nothing, just spamming to get views good or bad.
i called MumKey Jones after i saw a person double my age at the time for them saying honeybun and emojis every text
Funny how she hate when people do baby voice and then she is like : omegiiiiii loooool "
I shit my pants when he said that LMAO
Just look at her u can tell she’s lying
When explaining any story/situation she can't say it confidently into the camera. She has to look around a lot which is a clear sign of lying.
im not suprize
@@fauna5328 that actually depends on where she looks. If you notice her eyes dart to the same spot everytime, she is probably just recalling information.
Aella Faun ikr
Pokimane: I wish I had a guy like you
Fed: I'm a guy like me
Pokimane: :/
Treat her like a Queen, she’ll treat you like a pawn.
This comment. 😹😹😹
I'm still trying to understand how anyone thought the character she plays online is a real person... The fantasy girlfriend she plays online has been a hussle that has brought her an entire career - it's not shocking she used some tricks from her business playbook IRL.
Turns out Pokimane is a just an abusive, control-freak of a woman that after teasing that guy for years threw him under the bus a few months later. Pathetic.
Just looking at her videos and the way she reacts to things she clearly thinks she can’t be touched so when she gets in drama she honestly has no idea what to do
Al I can say after watching Poki Among Us... She is a self center girl...
She is probably the main reason leafy got banned with her connection in RUclips she always takes down videos as well
My 1st and only problem, is a grown woman acting like a child. Despicable!
well, u could see that at many places now.. at my place, there are a few neighbors who act kinda like this.. annoying:/
honestly this how my old 14 year old girlfriend acted
@@taliesinlabrie9591 fbi
Alot of grown women act like children now a days
She wanted the benefits of a relationship without the commitment, she liked the things he offered without liking him.
That shit hits too close to home
@Harry Hastings ??? They had multiple sleepover opportunities where she clearly didn’t give him a chance
Boyz b4 hoez
@Harry Hastings maybe he didn't want to fuck? lmao
@Harry Hastings sounds more like "give me attention until I found someone else for myself" from her
Yeah this "Steve" guy is definitely Myth
I feel bad for Fed
Well he was wrong as well, sexual assault isn't a joke
He deserves all for being a giga SIMP
@@happytobehere4752 To be honest, everything Fed did was hug a friend and kiss her hand while he was black out drunk, idk, I think the whole thing was blown the fuck out of proportion. It's not like he's a stranger to them, they're fucking friends, and they throw him under the bus like that, what the fuck
@@rerdak4334 usually when you make a mistake while being black out drunk, you don’t do it again, he did it twice and then acted like nothing happened even after she showed obvious signs of discomfort, also he literally owned up to being in the wrong so that’s the end of the story, also if you don’t hold your friends accountable for their actions then they will never stop being shitty people and they will never change, fed is sober and he is healthy but if they didn’t hold him accountable he would still be a drunk idiot running around and groping his “friends”
@@konvincing3472 giving a hug or holding a hand is 100% different from groping. Everything was blown out of proportion and portrayed wrongly and sexually by the so called "victims". Of course you shouldn't make people uncomfortable on purpose or on several occasions, but I adamantly and strongly believe that what Fed did isn't even a hundredth of what they made it out to be
Pokemane's a rat, say no more, say no less. Just a rat.
Female version of 69
@@ultrabird5130 think you mean keemstsr
POKI be looking kinda thicc and juicy tho
Sir you are legally blind , and you need glasses
She always cring the hell out of me
Pokimanes career has gone down the drain
Unfortunately it won’t because her simp army is too big.
But it will be because the embarrassment coming from these texts lol. She was talking about pleasuring herself in the first text. Her chat would be filled with wet emojis lmao
@@Adrien1x we found a simp here
Hope so
I’m glad to see people aren’t accepting this manipulative behaviour anymore, Responsibility makes the world a better place, people like this woman who purposely cause drama are the ones who need help and to be called out and forced to take responsibility 💙😇🙏🏼
Pokimane: clearly has a boyfriend
Simps: that sign wont stop me because i cant read
I swear 😂
Fed got his nut they just aint talkin about it
@RandomName I ain't reading that but facts💯
@Alfred Muhamed indeed I did 💯
@@PercNowitzki701 king
Pokimane literally toyed with this guy
She want guys close to her to even simp for her.....sad
That's what she's doing in every simps she had
@@chloe-hi5on it's almost like a habit for her probably
Dated a girl like this, never again
Same brother, same
We out here
She's the worst person to ever exist
Poki : Baby is reserved for bodyfriends only
Also poki : you get an allowance to call me that twice a week
She honestly looks like she's lying with her eye movements as if she's trying to remember things, but if she had her story straight and she was really angry she'd me more passionate with getting her truth out. Also, she has a very blocky head.
She’s gotta very blocky nosr
Def sus body language. Avoids eye contact w/ camera, keeps looking up, down, and to the side. Very detached tone despite using emotion words like "frustrated." She's a sociopath
blocky head 🤣🤣 but yea exactly, everytime she lies she looks at the ceiling lmaoo
Bro who writes a 25 page document with no intent to expose. Hahaha 😂
Yea dude fr.... Correct me if I'm wrong but when someone lying they tend to look left ....and thats what poki did.....
I've had a pal that got played like this and it destroyed him. What she did to Fed is the same as my pal and I can fully empathize with how he felt. i feel sorry for the dude a lot now
Poki’s simps get manipulated so quickly she dodged everything in her response by laughing it off and belittling everything
It's disgusting. The second I saw her blah blah through the first few paragraphs I immediately knew she was not going to be serious about this or address it truthfully
Man, I didn't even mind Poki before this crap. Fed probably was pretty inappropriate but there are far better ways to deal with stuff than whatever Poki tried to do.
She keeps averting eye contact and not looking at the camera,, common signs that someones lying or making up lies on the spot
That is actually not true
Averting eye contact is a lot of things, you can never connect it to someone lying as it can also be people with anxiety and insecurities.
I just have trouble holding eye contact with people
@@marsh_820 most people do..
@@bagelwithcreamcheese no shit sherlock
That sounded like "I want your attention while I find someone better" insecure female edition
This is exactly it. Thank you for saying it because I was the instigator of a similar dynamic. I ended it but it's tough. Any other advice would be appreciated
"Yvonne cant have her cake an eat it too" funny coming from someone who is trying to do the same
Ex tried to do his to me, I ended it, I meet her randomly with my female cousin while shopping, later that night, got a shit tonne of messages, asking who I was with, I blocked her ass.
@@hamzakhusro5970 been there my friend but these experiences can either break you or make you... it all comes down to how you take it... as you said is tough but not impossible specially now that you passed the hardest part *recognizing and taking actions*... from now i suggest taking some time off from any sort of relationship until you reflect, learn and most important get over it. Best wishes to you
Ik fed did some bad things but he didn’t do anything wrong here, he was literally answering about his relationship honestly
SilverFox JXT honestly the whole hand kissing thing I don’t even see as a “HORRIBLE ACT” like everyone in the movement says it was. You all lived in a house together, I’m sure in that environment and with that many people it’s easy to get some signals crossed along the way, and when. You mix alcohol with addictive personalities and someone always ends up to drunk. I’ve had sex with my friends near blackout and we all remained, and still are very close, friends in our own respective relationships. Idk I just actually feel bad for the dude because we’ve all had a poki person in our life’s at one point (m/f) and it sucks that he may have done something’s wrong, but he didn’t deserve the person who he cared about the most and manipulated by to stab in the back with false narratives
@@discreet6951 turns out he wasn’t manipulated look at polis response she proved fed wrong
@@wanderingmind1930 link
Yeah he kissed a girls hand drunkly, send him to the gulags
@@azzaker556 Watch Destiny's new vid
She can’t even look at the camera😂 Big Sign that shes lying
that's what I was thinking lol
She is the mastermind and manipulator but she has to use somebody to put the blame on 😂, what a dangerous woman to be with
god, i feel so terrible for him. i’ll never understand why people purposely screw others over and feel the need to publicly embarrass them by using false claims. did poki not think he wouldn’t defend himself with proof? poor dude, his entire online career was screwed over because she was conflicted within herself. i wish she could have just talked to him honestly instead of painting him as a sexual predator???
I bet since it's a GURL and it's poki it's gonna be the "she's going through a phase" card. Sad.
Yes, it's always like rhat
katerino response laughing in the corner
@@rainyengg7601 lmao
She try to keeps her relationship secret so all her simps don’t get jealous and keep giving her money
So fucked if a guy turned gay and I asked why and he told me cause of women like this I’d be like far! I can’t argue with your logic even if I don’t want hot dogs down my drive way
Wait people actually believed her story in the first place? She's a horrible liar and a sociopath.
Yes i get the feeling that she's a sociopath as well.
She a terrible person but yall throw the word sociopath around too easy
Narcissistic yeah sociopathic no. She honestly just seems like a Narcissist and completely full of her self
@@ethanwilliams7706 people use the word sociopath for anyone they dont like. Its gross.
You can tell she's lying by the fact she is looking around so much. That's one of the first things they teach you about in psychology lol.
Pokimaine: **Gets EXPOSED**
Pewdiepie: I’ll ignore that
the reason she won't reveal who her boyfriend is, is because she's probably secretly lowkey Katarino v2
"my names poki,i have the whole lakers team as my boyfriends.this is so rofl poggers guys."
I saw her on a PEWDS stream in among us. She literally cried and screamed when she was voted out and made PEWDS feel bad. And turns out she was an imposter. PEWDS was literally cringing tf out
There are also screenshots of Pokimane getting jelly of other streamer girls talking fondly about Fed... come on girllll
69 .... nice
Where at?
She’s disgusting
In the name document I believe. Specifically Poki had an issue with QuarterJade talking with Fed in baby voice
@@Un1234l for real XD
Bruh this whole situation feels like what happened to me around two years ago. Liked a girl and we flirted like crazy, went on dates and all but never dated because she "didn't wanna be in a relationship" at the time and wanted to wait for the right time. Not too long after she got back with her ex
I can relate with fed when he talks about the on and off thing with Poki, that on and off cycle thing happened to me once with a girl I was interested in, left me gutted.
She would occasionally send messages just to keep me interested and I latched on until my phone was stolen and I lost her number, BLESSING IN DISGUISE.
Bro sameeee. Makes me wary of moves in the future.
I think a lot of girls do that... I had the same situation with a girl i liked, she pretented to be so innocent kinda like pokimane is pretending but she was keeping me in that cycle of me finnaly giving up on her and she starts being flirty again and it was like that for a year and that messed me up. Atleast i got laid that one time, BUT ONLY AS A FRIEND!! :D
She genuinely believes, just cause she sleeps with the guy and talks to him like a BF
That doesn't mean anything, not unless she says so
Typical and manipulative
Nah bro, she knows it, she just won’t admit it
It was only a relationship if she wanted it to be, otherwise “close friend (who sleep together and flirt)”
@@nappen8855 I think she's the type that is so self centred, she subconsciously acts like people aren't equal to her.
Otherwise she would have learnt not to act like she does, after being called out for it all the time. She has drank the coolaid from the simps, a lot of it, and thinks she's better than other people and only her emotions matter.
Either way she's still the definition of a c**t
@@vibrationrising As long as the simps aren't leaving, she wins
She even admitted these were real messages on her stream then laughed it off like some sort of sociopath, she even sounded proud of it I swear.
This the type of sht that taught me too always hear both sides of the story its like the tati and james charles situation
She not even looking at the camera. That’s how you can tell she was hiding something.
That sus
Yep I had the same thought,
And she's not even good at being the Impostor. Liar Liar pants on fire.
Nah it's cuz she's too embarrassed to address the real truth, shame got to her :D
Ok mr. Reddit detective
ah pokimane being manipulative and leaving out context while making everyone believe her... never seen that before.
something tells me she’s going to come out with another BS deflecting video and everyone will forgive her as usual.
"im always on the black and white side,what you want?"
“I’m so sorry for being emotional, sigh..” I’m cringing so hard
Bruh I don't understand how anybody can watch pokimane it's just literally like watching paint dry
I wouldn't doubt it
True lol
michael,toast.and scarra are the only reasons i watch otv tbh
Hey that's offensive to paint, it probably has more personality than her 😏
Can’t wait to see pokis reaction to this bombshell, no way she can defend herself from this. Surprised ur not getting eaten up by simps rn, but hey only an hour and a half the vid’s up. Lmao nice vid
She made a response yesterday on her stream. She basically laughed at the entire thing and dodged a lot of serious questions
She will have her avatar on stream the entire day. Wait for it.
@@bongzilla4172 she already had the stream yesterday. Check out her channel
Her simps definitely hate her after this shit 😂
@@m0xtana nah they’ll downplay it
Say the line future. “She belongs to the streets”
Always has been
No, she just did a bad thing and is a bad person. Don’t call her a hoe, that’s sexist.
@@Alexa-so4jh calling a girl a hoe is sexist now?
@@Reese_-zo4uk pretty much, it’s a term used specifically for girls to shame them for exploring their sexuality. don’t call her a hoe, that’s just spreading the normality of it. call her what she is: a bad person
@@Alexa-so4jh anyone can be a hoe it’s not only used for females. Any living person can be a hoe
l like how Karvos is like "*inhales deeply* l love the smell of drama."
Calling it now. She gonna take another "break" from socials.
I'm putting 100$ down
I mean she already tweeted that she was in a “rough headspace” 😅
If she considers acting like this being good friends then I wonder how many good friends she has
Good for her then
Why am I watching this when I don’t even watch pokimanes vids or anything😂😂😂🤦🏽♂️
Same, just good juicy drama ig
Same...I’m actually really sick of seeing her name everywhere on commentary/drama channels yet I still click and watch lol...🤷♀️
"q-quick question.."
I couldn't help but notice her stuttering through texts
wtf every 3 months everybody talks about “Poki’s secret boyfriend”
was he the same all those times or did people actually find like 3 secret boyfriends of her this year?
The deeper you look the more questions are raised
The "Steve" person is Myth btw.
@@antxy OH SHIT, that makes so much sense
@@antxy Myth is a massive SIMP no wonder.
@@antxy omg i never noticed bra
Kavos talking about the situation in the intro made it sound like an ancient work of art
it is :')
What Fed did to Yvonne and Lily was gross and awful, and I'm glad he acknowledges that. However, Poki backing off it just makes it harder for real victims to be believed. What Poki did was disgusting and manipulative. Her and Fed both have a lot of issues they need to figure out.
The way they made him look was bad, but I got a 20 that says he and Yvonne were doing it as well.
I agree with this completely. Fed is gross, I can respect he’s getting help with that. Poki most likely won’t. It took her a LONG TIME to actually apologize to Bowblax. That first one was quite bad.
First. He was drunk, and second since when is a simple kiss on a hand harassment? She didn’t even say she was uncomfortable.
I don’t understand why people act like a kiss on a hand is equivalent to rape. Like tf?
@@kylekawolski5174 yeah, I feel like calling him gross and all that is a bit too far, but what he did was undoubtedly wrong. It was really creepy and definitely made them uncomfortable.
so this is why shes so good at among us
Dreamyy she gets caught a lot which matched irl and how she is exposed
I watched her explanation stream yesterday and honestly, she didn't made me change my opinion about her. She's cancelled!
Don't be silly, she could start going around killing people and heir tier 3s would still worship her and take out second mortgages to pay her bail
@@mikesnapper9001 In a good world, she'd be cancelled for real
@@koji5384 yeah but we live in this world where tik tok stars are rich and famous for waving their arms around for 30-60 seconds and looking kinda decent and where twitch favors wah men
Hear that guys
It’s the cries of all of pokimane’s simps
@Moji PSX 😳😳😳👁👄👁
Loud and clear
This teaches one lesson.
Never make secret relationships cause it will cause controversy and break the relationship and friendships across the board. If you're dating somebody just say it, don't hide it.
if you’re any form of influencer, dating is bad in general,
Sounds like she was a tease. He should have returned her to the streets.
Her body language says it all. She never genuinely looks at the camera when shes talking. Shes always looking away.
Yeah I noticed after I read this comment she barely looking in the camera... she looking at the floor or the corner of the ceiling mostly 🤣
Either she lying or she is uncomfortable talking about it cuz she knows she fucked up lol
The texts reminds me of middle schoolers UWUing the shit out of each other while flirting
Aren’t you a middle schooler lol
@@TheHDGamerr im in senior high
@@jirouhanz2 ohhh we have a big boy here
Fed: *Lives with her, Calling out romantic names to each other, Flirting & everyday texting*
Pokimane: "nO, wE'Re jUsT fRieNDs!"
Attention seeking manipulative FAKE asf
This story hits home... being with someone who just wants the benefits of what you provide without giving much back. The “boyfriend experience” until they don’t need you anymore.
Btw, The "Steve" character fed was referring to was undoubtedly and obviously TSM Myth because that same house party was on stream.
She wanted to smash myth?
(a new challenger approaches!)
I was about to comment this, I agree 100% as soon as he said that she played games on stream alot with him but didn't know she wanted to get to know him, I remember myth and fed getting real close at a party , and poki didn't really play with that many male streamers until recently
She expected him to take the blame again but he said “Nah Bro”
hilariously enough, he was going to again, but his friend leaked the document without his knowledge.
@@fraydizs7302 damn
*Leafy was right*
Fed was absolutely wrong for his actions between the women in OTV, _a thousand times, yes_ - *BUT* I do feel like Poki was dragging him through the coals. Shits kinda weird..
At the start of this drama I thought fed was the bad guy but the more I read into this, he basically relived all the issues I had in 2017.
Dating a girl in secret, the relationship being on and off, people noticing and the girl blaming me for saying something. And lastly being the fall guy when like arguments happen
Moral of the story: don’t simp
@Leak3611 moral of the story: dont open up to girls
No. Simp wisely, simp to the right woman
Never simp. Find reciprocation
@@Un1234l false, simp, but for the right girl
Simping means it's unbalanced, and not in the favor of the man. Never simp.
I mean if you want to celebrate your wife's boyfriend's birthday too, be my guest.
Why does Pokimane still have friends if she is such a snitch i dont get it 😂
She is good at acting fake, look how many simps following her 😂. Idk why people getting baited by her innocent char( the no thot streaming) when you clearly see how fake she is
Because she's pretty. If you're a girl and you see your pretty female classmate, I'm sure you gonna be her friend
@@MintyMiku you should see that gremlin without a make up...make my skin crawl
@@Cfishies just like a lot of the popular pretty girls at school. cake it on till we make it.
@@dogman6063 it does shock me that no one can see the act... I only know of her from Jacksepticeyes streams on among us and the second I seen her and her past I knew what type of woman she was. Actually disgusting and makes me sick.
Let this story remind you of one important thing... *_always_* keep your receipts
"too gay" - Pokimane