Alavi Bohras: Huzoor e 'Aali Saiyedna saheb TUS Honorary Doctorate - 17th Rabi' ul Awwal 1445

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2023
  • Alavi Bohra Community witnessed a Historic Event today at al Masjid an Nooraani where the 45th Spiritual Head of the Alavi Bohra Community Saiyedna Haatim Zakiyuddin Saheb TUS was conferred an Honorary Doctorate for the research and studies on Islamic subjects specially on Shi'i Isma'ili literary works from al-Mustafaa International University.
    Indian representative of Iranian Spiritual Leader Aghaa Mahdi Mahdawipur saheb and Indian representative of al-Mustafaa International University Aghaa Ali Shaakeri saheb graced the event. They invited Aqaa Maulaa TUS to visit Iran and assured to arrange a private audience with the Supreme religious leader of Iran along with the high Dignitaries of the educational field.
    Saiyedna saheb TUS in his speech emphasized that relations between India and Iran are more at the level of Religious cooperation, Human Upliftment, Literature and Culture. The Indian Isma'ili Bohra missionaries were trained by Iranian and Egyptian scholars before a millennium during the time of Fatimid rule in Cairo between 360-520 AH/970-1126 AD. These scholars were Saiyedna Naasir Khusru al-Qabaadiyani, Saiyedna Abu Haatim Ahmad ar-Raazi, Saiyedna Abu Ya'qoob Ishaaq as-Sijistaani, Saiyedna Shaheryaar bin Hasan, Saiyedna Ahmad Hamiduddin al-Kirmaani, Saiyedna Hebatullaah al-Mo'ayyad fid-Deen ash-Shiraazi, Saiyedna Ahmad bin Mohammad an-Nishaapuri RA etc.
    Aqaa Maulaa said that, "Before 40 years I took admission for PhD in St. Xavier's College in Mumbai. But due to Da'wat responsibilities and social commitments I couldn't complete it. Now by the blessings of my Du'aat today my wish has been fulfilled and this is the ne'mat for the Khidmaat of the holy teachings of Ahl ul Bayt AS."
    Maulaa further added that, "We have to remember the Nikaah between Maulaana Imaam Husain AS and Shahr e Baanu AS. This beautiful union was accomplished on the hands of Maulaana Ali Ameer ul Mumineen AS. Our beloved Imaam Husain AS was from Banu Haashim Arabi clan and his zawjah was from the elite royal Haram of Shaah e Kusraa Faarsi. This means our A'immat e Faatemiyeen AS is the eternal unification of 'Arab and 'Ajam."
    Iranian Dignitaries said that, O Saiyedna saheb!
    1. Your status of Da'i e Mutlaq is above all institutional PhD or Doctorate degrees.
    2. Your services for Shi'i studies are far more majestic than this Degree.
    3. We feel honoured to be a part of this delegation and witness of this extraordinary event.
    4. Your community is very much fortunate to have a noble, learned, just and generous leader like you.
    5. Let's join hands together to make Qur'an and Ahl ul Bayt AS the key of our Mahabbat.
    6. Learning and Knowledge will be our wings to fly high in the multi-religious horizon of the world.
    7. Let's make our people realise and believe that they are the precious gems of the mazhab of Ahl ul Bayt AS.
    8. Our language and culture are our heritage and pride. It should never be lost in the name of development, education and technology.
    9. Our branches are from the same stem of Maulaana Ali Ameer ul Mumineen AS and Maulaatona Faatemah az-Zahraa AS. Let's share the taste of the delicious fruits of 'Ilm o Hikmat and make it the greatest pure food of our souls.
    10. Your zabaan does the Zikraa of Maulaana Imaam Husain AS who gave us the supreme lesson of Sacrifice and Patience. You have devotedly exhibited and sincerely followed this beautiful Payghaam e Husaini till now. We feel special to honour you with this excellent moral Husaini values.
    For the first time:
    1. The distinguished guests stayed for the whole day at Daar us Salaam.
    2. Only saheb e Darajaat accompanied Aqaa Maulaa TUS from Devdi Mubaarak to Nooraani Masjid.
    3. Keeping in mind the purity and sacredness of the Masjid, it was decorated with fresh exotic flowers.
    4. Aqaa Maulaa TUS gave permission to recite Surat ul Faatehah, Aayat ul Kursi and "Balaghal 'Olaa be-Kamaalehi" to the chief Qaari of al-Mustafaa University.
    5. Mumineen witnessed the bouquet of Languages viz. Arabic, Persian, Urdu, English and the most beautiful and charming Lisaan ud Da'wat
    6. Only Abyaat were recited, "Toobaa lakum, Toobaa lakum", "Khayr ul Anaam", "Zindaabaad Zindaabaad", "Sad Marhaba Sad Marhaba".
    7. RUclips live streaming was executed.
    8. Jamaa'at Teaching Fraternity comprising of around 140 Teachers were invited for this exclusive event.
    9. Mazoon Maulaa DM translated the entire bayaan of Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS in Persian language.
    In this Historic and Distinguished Event, Aqaa Maulaa TUS presented a unique gift to be offered to the Supreme Spiritual Leader of Iran. This was the poem-bayt composed by the 31st Da'i e Mutlaq Saiyedna Hasan Badruddin saheb AQ in Ahmedabad in Persian language in Shaan of Maulaana Ali Ameer ul Mumineen AS in 1080 AH. The most memorable and unique feature of this graceful gift was that Aqaa Maulaa TUS himself wrote this bayt on paper that was imprinted on an antique canvas.

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