I would rather hear the perspectives about war from men who've actually been in war, than from a bunch of politicians with agendas, and talking heads concerned with pushing a narrative in between a Huggies commercial and a fluff piece on a celebrity getting a bikini wax.
AP's top two headlines today: -CIA admits they totally undermined democracy in the '50s when they secretly installed Iran's government -Will Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce last forever? Oh and I must correct you: less Huggies, more Pfizer.
Anyone person, man or woman that has been through war will tell you, we're fighting a politicians fight. It's rarely our fight. No person in their right mind wants the fight unless their personally invested. But just as the start of the podcast says it's a comparison of wills and who's will is greater. By design as humans, we are wired to destroy each other. Don't be so surprised by this, it's writen in our history and repeats its self, it's in our nature. Be honest with yourself, ask yourself have you ever met someone without ever speaking to them or knowing who they are and immediately disliked, feared or even hated them? Ofcourse you have and those feeling will always breed hate.
I'm an Israeli and I wanted to thank you for this interesting analysis. I've been a big fan for a long time and wanted to hear your thoughts about our condition in Israel.
Quality always on point. Quick question: is the 'Jocko Unraveling' sub-series to discuss modern conflicts? If so, can you also discuss the following: 1. America's northern and southern border situation (i.e. how to protect the borders of a country effectively). 2. Criminal violence in Mexico with the drug cartel (should drug-selling be legalized in the country and/or should Americans stop buying drugs to eliminate demand). 3. Instability in Haiti (how to stop gangs from overrunning the political control of the country). 4. Venezuela instability (how can the country bounce back through taking extreme ownership). 5. Libya conflict (how can civil wars and civil disagreements in general be mitigated like how the U.S. solved its civil conflict in 1865). 6. Niger coup (how can African countries prevent coups from happening and developed better systems that are more organized and better for the people). 7. Sudan conflict (same issue - how can coups be mitigated in countries that will benefit greatly from great leadership). 8. DRC instability (again, how can countries like this one take extreme ownership and solve their problems, which will inevitably make the world more stable and prosperous). 7. ROC instability (same here as number 8). 9. Yemen civil war (same here as number 5). 10 Conflict in Lebanon, Syria, and other middle eastern countries (obviously these countries have borders that were not effectively created, but with the disadvantage, how can these countries bounce back and solve their 'forever wars' 11. China and Taiwan (how can the U.S. navigate the situation with Taiwan - the best solution I've heard is from Vivek Ramaswamy in which he stated that America needs to gain semiconductor independence before China thinks about taking any military action. Then he said Taiwan should employ the porcupine strategy). 12. Political instability in Pakistan and interstate conflict with India. 13. Transnational terrorism in Sahel region of Africa. 14. Political instability in Ethiopia. 15. Territorial dispute in South China Sea. 16. Confrontation with North Korea. 17. Conflict In Myanmar. 18. Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia and Azerbaijan. How can extreme ownership and leadership strategies and tactics solve these conflicts. Would appreciate if you covered these in the 'Unraveling' series.
I'm an Israeli infantryman in active duty, respect Jocko very much and love this podcast. Loved hearing about the situation from your perspectives. Not sure who the other guys but he's extremely knowledgeable. Read extreme ownership, loved it. Would love to hear more advice towards how to prepare for combat.
ive banged my head to the wall for a long time trying to figure out a solution to this, if neither parts want to sit down and talk, and both parts are all or nothing on the land situation, and the current world state doesnt seem to have a mediator figure that will step in and help solve this, what other solutions do you think there is, ones that the people can take cuz the governments will def not , i have to assume you're a decent human and despite your military obligations deep down you have a moral compass that wants peace for all the innocent people. im interested to know what you think is the long term solution , and a long term solution ultimately means a palestinian kid playing with an israeli kid as neighbors and both going to the same school same college and dying as best friends. cuz if one country pushes the other its not a solution its just relocating the problem a couple miles away.
@@achrafsalimi-np9js I 100% wish for peace for everyone, unfortunately as I'm sure you know the situation here is so complicated that peace just doesn't seem realistic at the moment. I wish I had a peaceful solution to offer, unfortunately I don't see one. I also believe we're an extremely moral army, we go above and beyond not to harm civilians. Not to say there aren't individuals who do things that are wrong, but as an army we do our best not to kill civilians. Unfortunately in war civilians die, hamas isn't letting them evacuate, they're using them as human shields which is absolutely tragic.
We don't have an all or nothing approach, the Palestinians have a very large amount of land. We handed over the control over Gaza but they didn't do anything good with the place and as a result both Israeli's and the innocent Palestinians suffer. We've learned that the answer to peace is not giving away more land.
@@giladmoriber709 thanks for the response , i appreciate your honesty and it gives me hope to know there are still moral people even within the parties holding the guns, i have known and worked with jewish people both from israel and the US over a long time to the point where we feel like brothers now, we've met and traveled together and i have yet to meet a jewish people who didnt have a normal peaceful human view on this (not to say there arent extremists on both sides) , and i couldnt link how bad the situation is to neither religion, nationality , or ethnicity, this is sadly not a muslim-jewish problem, neither is it a palestinian-israeli problem because i know overwhelming majorities from both sides want peace, the only thing i could link this to is politics, right now netanyahu got himself stuck in a situation where the only move is forward, he was already in a bad political state, what happened when hamas attacked further put him in desperate need for action to hold on to his power, the only way he can stay prime minister is to show he is actively seeking revenge , the bombardment of gaza achieves irrelevant military success since even bunker buster bombs have an effective depth of 10-20m when know hamas has tunnels as deep as 70-80m and thats where they're hiding and keeping the hostages, i think hamas didnt commit just an act of terrorism, it was a very carefully planned operation with a clear objective, disrupt the peace talks , bring global attention to the situation, and lure netanyahu to a reactive state where they knew the first military move was going to be bombing civilians, this is all fucked up on both sides because innocent people pay the highest price here but this is the only clear piecing of events i could find that made sense to me, hamas knew killing innocent israeli people would get the emotional reaction that would push israel to war , and they knew civilians would die on the top in gaza while they hid in tunnels which served the international opinion, netanyahu knew he had to make a move otherwise he was going to lose his position immediatly , and my guess is that the IDF isnt too thrilled about the idea of going head first into an urban environment full of surprises and fighting in an underground tunnel environment that negated their air superiority and technological edge , its also not a good allocation of resources given hizbullah is always watching up north , neither the US, Iran, or hizbullah want a war given the current state and the tolls on their economies and the dangers of escalation which is why we've seen the full scale ground invasion delayed and the smaller ground incursions instead to keep the popular opinion happy that there's ongoing action and active revenge but the reality is nothing major has happened yet , drafting reservists and sending them head on to unknown underground tunnel warfare is very dangerous for them but this is what hamas was hoping for as an outraged reaction and we have to assume hamas knows the tunnels better than the IDF and it will take heavy casualties from the IDF to completly wipe out hamas there, sadly thats what netanyahu wants to do to stay prime minister at the moment, correct me if i'm wrong on any of the informations i just mentioned but i tried as best as i can to look at it from an objective perspective , i would never agree with innocent people or children dying anywhere on any side but in today's world its just a speed bump for politicians who also use media propaganda as a tool to support their actions (still objectively speaking) , i think netanyahu in his support to hamas years ago has created the kind of neighbor that would make this inevitable and now he's cornered and making a plan as it unfolds, and so far i believe its playing right into what hamas wants and ultimately hamas is winning the strategic war with how this is unfolding, this can go 2 ways : 1- i hope from the bottom of my heart that this stops, the world gets a chance to breath , a 2 state solution is agreed upon that kicks hamas out of power, netanyahu also gets kicked out of power , avoiding everyone anymore losses, and starting the real progress towards peace 2- with the way its going right now, if a full offensive is in place, there willbe alot of casualties, the war will drag on for a long time, certainly longer than a couple months, the more innocent people die the more likely intervention from other parties mainly hizbullah is likely, if that happens then its only a matter of months before we land ourselves into ww3 and god knows what happens then
Your army spits on the people you occupy and harass any journalists who try to report on it. Your government commits apartheid in the name of fanaticism- oh sorry “zionism”. Hamas are animals, but they are absolutely the consequence of what happens when you treat people like animals.
Thank you, friend. I’m a long time listener, I have learned a lot from you. Thank you for an objective, battle-learned analysis of the devil my nation is facing. Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱
As a conscientious objector of all mainstream media outlets, it is very helpful hearing this analysis. Thank you both for sharing your time and energy with us.
Thank you Darryl and Jocko. Your time is appreciated as you work through the recent events and possibilities up and coming. It's refreshing to take a break from the political theatrics and listen in here with you both.
I still have hope and faith you, Jocko, will be called for a higher purpose of leadership! President of the US. Thank you for your time and support for us all.
Arguably the best pound for pound intelligence agency and military in the whole world, with a known enemy, was caught completely off guard. As far as I know there were no high level firings of anyone, despite the fact that being surprised is the number one cardinal sin for high level military men. Now that these attacks happened, or were ALLOWED to happen, Israel mounts a siege against the Palestinian people. Starving them of food, water, and electricity. If they had done this without the right pretext, the world would not be cheering them on. Which makes you wonder if that was the plan all along.
@@KaththeeYou are totally ignorant of history if you think this needed to be "allowed" to happen. The Muslims surrounding Israel try *_daily_* to kill Israelis. Intelligence failures happen and it's not a good time for emotional reactions such as yours. The people responsible for the intelligence failures have been and will be removed, but that can't be the focus right now. Military operations must carry on, and not a hysterical emotional need for you to see fingers pointed.
I think the Egyptian's had the best strategy against the tunnels, just flood them with sea water. Don't give them that hiding place. You still have to find the entrances and secure the mouth of the tunnel but that's probably the best way.
@@paulpena5040 Lol if they already did it then where did all of Hamas' weapons come from? They can say they did a bunch of things but that doesn't mean they were effective or that they put in effort
There can be no peace with jihad. They're committed to the death or Isreal and America. Nothing will change their mind. This stretches all the way to Iran.
Quality always on point. Quick question: is the 'Jocko Unraveling' sub-series to discuss modern conflicts? If so, can you also discuss the following: 1. America's northern and southern border situation (i.e. how to protect the borders of a country effectively). 2. Criminal violence in Mexico with the drug cartel (should drug-selling be legalized in the country and/or should Americans stop buying drugs to eliminate demand). 3. Instability in Haiti (how to stop gangs from overrunning the political control of the country). 4. Venezuela instability (how can the country bounce back through taking extreme ownership). 5. Libya conflict (how can civil wars and civil disagreements in general be mitigated like how the U.S. solved its civil conflict in 1865). 6. Niger coup (how can African countries prevent coups from happening and developed better systems that are more organized and better for the people). 7. Sudan conflict (same issue - how can coups be mitigated in countries that will benefit greatly from great leadership). 8. DRC instability (again, how can countries like this one take extreme ownership and solve their problems, which will inevitably make the world more stable and prosperous). 7. ROC instability (same here as number 8). 9. Yemen civil war (same here as number 5). 10 Conflict in Lebanon, Syria, and other middle eastern countries (obviously these countries have borders that were not effectively created, but with the disadvantage, how can these countries bounce back and solve their 'forever wars' 11. China and Taiwan (how can the U.S. navigate the situation with Taiwan - the best solution I've heard is from Vivek Ramaswamy in which he stated that America needs to gain semiconductor independence before China thinks about taking any military action. Then he said Taiwan should employ the porcupine strategy). 12. Political instability in Pakistan and interstate conflict with India. 13. Transnational terrorism in Sahel region of Africa. 14. Political instability in Ethiopia. 15. Territorial dispute in South China Sea. 16. Confrontation with North Korea. 17. Conflict In Myanmar. 18. Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia and Azerbaijan. How can extreme ownership and leadership strategies and tactics solve these conflicts. Would appreciate if you covered these in the 'Unraveling' series.
By far, the most powerful, educational video I've watched in a long time. Much Gratitude in a time where discernment is imperative for my newfound passion of geopolitics.
I sent Jocko a DM 2 years ago saying "We need a man like you to be our President" he sent back "No Way" I said "that's exactly why you would be a great President"
These guys definitely pull this complicated shit sandwich apart in a calculated and sensible manner. Why this type of dialogue doesn't exist in the world's governments is the biggest problem we have. Thanks for your service, men. ⚡️♥️🙏🏼
Ive been waiting for you fellas to return. Thank you both for everything you guys do. And thank you Darryl for your fear and loathing in new Jerusalem series. It really has helped me have a better understanding of whats happening in the holy land.
I have a hard time sympathising with israel after listening to martyr made. I can sympathise with the civilians on both side but intentionally scheming to steal land just doesnt sit right with me
@@patient_6925 yeah I hear what your saying. Whenever I hear people dismiss that whole "great replacement" conspiracy theory I tell them to listen to Martyr made because that's basically what happened to Palestine. Opened their borders to Jewish migrants from Europe until eventually there were enough Jews to conquer the area. That of course is a drastic simplification but pretty much what happened.
Thank you for this Jocko. This whole thing hurts and all I see going to happen is people piggybacking off this for political points, so it's so refreshing and such a blessing to have someone who UNDERSTANDS what's going on explain everything for people like me. Just very much wanted to thank you for helping me and others understand more of what's going on.
Thank you both for your analysis of this subject . Jocko , your insight on these matters is more valuable than all the shows hashing this out put together . Im all ears .
Darryl's a good voice to hear on this topic since he doesn't carry the bias that a lot of media members have towards one side of the conflict. It would be nice if he could be a guest on some of the bigger online shows, if he is willing.
My father was off duty from his recon unit during the 1979 Nahariyya attack, he ended up capturing Samir Kuntar as he headed back towards the dinghy. 30 years later kuntar was released in a prison exchange for the bodies of 2 Israeli soldiers.
Thank fuck for this… Just 2 people having a totally level headed discussion on the topic, and not a bunch of emotional opinion-slinging.. Refreshing to listen to.
I have a very optimistic outlook on life but the realist in me comes out from time to time. I oftentimes tell others that people are the cause of ALL the problems and also the solutions! Thanks for what you’re doing
Historically, there would be an alert and response prepped if a *cat* touched the fence at gaza. How it was breached in 15 places and there was not a response for hours is something that really, really needs to be answered.
The outposts that normally react to the fence incursions were overrun by terrorists coming from boats, tunnels and paragliders. It was also done on a major holiday when some places were manned more thinly than usual. It's really not that complicated
Unraveling!! Yesss! I thought you guys were done doing this project. What an awesome surprise. On a more somber note, much love, condolences and full support for Israel in this tragic time. Godspeed IDF! 56:00
I’m a black man. This is one of the most confusing conflicts I’ve ever seen. I’m trying to gather more information because I don’t know much about it. But I know not every Muslim person is bad and not every Israeli is bad. It’s so sad. I hate this feeling. I hate it. Such horrible times.
It's really not that confusing. If every Muslim were to lay down their arms, there would be peace. If every Israeli were to lay down their arms, they would all be dead.
@@RonniePTexanif every Palestian 0:04 wasn't driven from their homes , their houses bulldozed to make Israeli settlements and then blockaded into a tiny 5*25sq mile strip with complete economic blockade and zero freedom of movement; losing everything they ever knew and the homes their fathers and grandfathers lived in bulldozed, yes there would be peace.
Look at it from an occupation perspective. When native Americans revolted for the US settlers mass murdering and occupying their land, would you have supported the US or Native Americans? The Israel palestine situation is not a Muslim jew fight, it's a land issue. It's hard, I know
@@blackjack8857 That wasn't very logical. The land that Israel "occupies" is only 9 miles wide. Arabs have 99.99% of the land, and Israel has its tiny "reservation" and somehow it's still a land issue? Native Americans have massive reservations and can freely go anywhere in the United States. Have you thought any of this through?
@ronniep4791 I maybe am not aware for the 99.9% statistic. Are you including the entire Middle East? Don't get me wrong I'm all for Israel existing within its UN sanctioned boundaries, jews have had a troubled past. I'm referring to when Israel encroaches onto UN sanctioned Palestinian land removing its original inhabitants from their homes. I think the native American logic still stands, If Arabs (all of middle east) arrived in a Jewish state and exterminated them, then Israelis deserve reservations. But it's Israeli population that migrated from Europe to an existing Arab land
Thank you both for breaking down what is an extraordinarily complex situation! Praying this does not spiral and take more Israelis and Palestinian civilian lives!
At 0500 saturday I learned of events transpiring in Israel. At that very moment I was hoping and waiting for Jocko and DC to begin the unraveling. Thank you both for valued time in discussing this matter.
I have literally been looking all over the internet for an unbiased objective sincere take on the whole Israel Palestine situation and have been lucky enough to find this gem of a podcast. Thank you so much
This is a very deep and technical conversation about the mechanics of modern warfare and all of the dimensions thereof. I'm surprised that this only has 160k views after two weeks. These considerations need to be brought back to the forefront.
I understand that the video and pictures were released to elicit an emotional response and I know they want the attention but I am really struggling with what was done. I don't want to give them the satisfaction but I have babies and I'm just on the brink of tears constantly because I know that if we were simply born in a different part of the world, this could happen to us. I'm struggling to handle my fear over the situation. I'm having a hard time at work worrying that this will all bring us into World War and I just want to be with my babies if something happens. My heart is crushed for those people.
@@respond2meifudareyou really don’t understand how much of a pawn you are when you say things like that. You have to stop the mimetic violence that has been warped you and billions before you. Be better.
Dear Jocko - and the brave men who have risked their life so that I can be a religious Jew in America without fear or danger - Thank you. You have no idea how much respect and admiration we have for you.
I am an Israeli and a long time fan. I will add two points to the discussion. 1. Hamas wants to eradicate the state of Israel. They say that openly and it is written in there declaration. It's not just about getting some land back. 2. Israel can't fight a siege war. Most Israel wars are fast and short. We are a small country with limited resources. Thank you and the American people for your support.
Something really stinks too much to ignore on the initial attack. I think it's easy to get stuck on the atrocities, what's next, how much to retaliate, but dammit how did this go on for hours live streamed without an immediate response? Great job discussing how hard it is to keep something like the initial attack quiet, I wish we would all pause for a hot second and think about who and what benefits from this.
I thought the same thing, something isn’t right, but who can we believe, what is the truth? Regardless, Hamas’ actions can not stand and Israel will end them. Benjamin Netanyahu presents a map at the UN meeting in the last week of September 2023 showing an annexed West Bank and Gaza Strip. (Pierce Morgan interview with Mustafa Barghouti) Egypt warns Israel that something big is going on but Israeli intelligence does not take the warning seriously. (Multiple news sources) The attack by Hamas comes as a big surprise to not only the Israeli people, but to Israeli intelligence and the world. (Makes no sense they knew nothing, unless they knew everything, multiple news sources)
We need you back on Rogan to discuss this since I know he’s been into this I think you and him could really get a solid message and information out ! Much respect
As an Israeli who have lost friends in this terror attack and know people who are still missing (hopefully they will be found safe and sound and not kidnapped) I cant express in words what we are going through at the moment, Its been the worst week for my family and me. It breaks my heart to see people around the world who support Hamas's atrocities and even are now attacking (physical and verbal) jews around the world because of the escalation (especially in Europe), Sometimes I think that humanity has lost the values that separates us from the animals. The people who support these atrocities and the people who do not condemn these acts of evil are as evil as the people who committed the atrocities.
There was indeed a general failure in the issue of alerting and intelligence The problem is not in the information but in the analysis of the information and the identification of the dangers The concept was that Hamas was not interested in an attack because there was a calm period and dozens of laborers entered the State of Israel Therefore, the results of the information analysis did not show an attack
Remember 9/11? How about The Battle at San Jacinto? How about Pearl Harbor? Nobody launching an attack wants to be predicted. Putin could care less about his failure and his loss of soldiers since we did find him out before his invasion. But rag tag Hamas definitely wanted a lull and peaceful atmosphere to be in place.
Jocko, great as always. Two corrections: The Antifada that ruined Oslo was Arafat driven. He learned to talk peace in English but still spoke jihad in Arabic. Also and more importantly, he was groomed and installed by the Soviets for the express purpose of wreaking havoc to serve their interests. The plan had always been for him to talk peace, get to the table and say no, over and over. You can read about this as one of the Soviet blok architects defected and wrote about it for decades. Start here: "Russian Footprints", in 'the national review'. His name is Ion Mihai Pacepa. Finally the second Antifada killed over 1000 Israelis. It was then they shut the borders and built the wall- they'd been open for 30 years prior and except for Arafat driven escalating violence and radicalization they otherwise got along fine. It's important for people to realize the Soviets did this to both the Israelis and the Palestinians. (That started in 64 btw, while the Palestinians were still called Arabs within Egypt and Jordan. The violence from Arafat began before the Israeli occupation.) Thanks again for everything you do.
Hi. Hope you are well. Thank you again for your service. Sir. We really realllly need some strong voices such as yours...scary...firm...rebuking this international Jihad day with very Gulf war experience style explanation to the Kids what Jihad actually means. This country needs to hear from vets. They have no clue what's being planned.
In World War II General Patton never commanded more than 350k men in his army. We now have roughly that amount coming across our boarder illegally *_every single month_* . The future attacks will make this attack in Israel look like child's play.
These are my favorite podcasts episodes. Horrible as the subject material usually is. I love to hear you guy's opinions and insights. Please keep the Unraveling podcasts going. Thanks. 👍
Maybe this is incorrect, but I would imagine if the equipment was used then it wouldn’t be used for long. Eg, how are they getting replacement parts to keep humvee’s operational etc Regardless, insane indeed
We should've never been the Middle East that long. We should've kept in brief and efficient. Trump said this and I agree. We've destabilized the Middle East even more than the British already has, and now left high-tech weaponry with the enemy and think that's a good idea.
@@x9x9690Nobody I know thinks that leaving our arms and equipment and allies in the hands of the terrorist fanatics in Afghanistan was a good idea. It was an utter debacle, a disgrace and clearly showed the wretchedness of this administration.
I listened to MartyrMade years ago, and I need to listen again. Still, I’m not familiar with this podcast, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Thank you both for giving us the facts, something many people either don’t have or don’t understand. I admit to feeling especially upset over the rise in open antisemitism. My heart is heavy when I see students on campuses and people in our government telling us how awful Israel is and that Jews are the problem. I do feel for the Palestinians who are trapped in a no-win situation, while being aware that others have been indoctrinated by Hamas. You’ve done a good job of explaining this. But, thank you, Darryl, for being able to voice the horror it is to see what was done to Israeli civilians, and that it IS different. Hamas doesn’t care about the Palestinians; they are useful tools.
As a long-time fan of the channel, I appreciate the perspectives offered here. That being said, it was disheartening to see these completely unsubstantiated claims of beheadings and rape being talked about as if they were cold hard facts. It is also important to point out that even in the West Bank, where the government recognizes Israel and the civilians are overwhelmingly peaceful and unarmed; Israel has been continuing to subjugate and displace the residents while also increasing the number of illegal settlements being built on Palestinian land that is beyond the Israeli border.
hi jocko. im liat from israel. exhausted from going to shelter and back in tel aviv. thankful that my friends parents weren't burned alive although the house is gone - and two kibbutses were burned to the ground in the most horrifying of ways. most of us cant look at the pictures and videos. i wish no harm on the innocents on the other side. we desperately want our women men elderly and children captivated - back! we pray non-stop. if you want to apeak with someone in israel about the situation please let me know. Follow and admire your work.
No one wants to say that out loud, but that is the conclusion I've come to. Maybe they didn't foresee the attack being SO vicious, or SO successful...but I cannot believe no one knew. It doesn't jive.
Exactly. Americans literally don't understand the potential for escalation here. We think "out of sight, out of mind" but no. Just like we didn't see 9/11 happening, the same could happen with this conflict.
We have no border. It is only a matter of time. We have no protection from our government. The world is falling apart DUE TO weak, criminal US leadership. America is the glue.
@@mmss3199 Assisting Israel has nothing to do with the US being attacked by Muslims AGAIN. They're already in the country waiting on the command from their masters Iran.
I would encourage everyone to a podcast named CONFLICTED. The episode: What was Hamas thinking. The one of the presenters was a jihadist with Osama Bin Laden and an MI 6 spy at 5he same time. He presents a much bigger picture of the chess board of that area of the world. Well worth a listen!
38:20 This could have been resolved SO MANY TIMES since the 1917 Balfour Declaration, WW I & II, etc. In a 2002 poll conducted by PIPA, 72% of both Palestinians and Israelis supported at that time a peace settlement based on the 1967 borders, so long as each group could be reassured that the other side would be cooperative in making the necessary concessions for such a settlement. Yet peace and cooperation just never seem to make it to the table...and all these "peace" organizations - UN, League of Nations, etc. What exactly are they doing? This fiat financial system is pushing currency in the wrong hands. No sane people wants to see family & friends die.
What does "remembering the USS Liberty" accomplish? It was a friendly fire incident, the Israelis apologized and paid reparations to the families. Crying about it now just shows what kind of scumbags Israel has to deal with
It's a win win situation for Hamas because the United States is weak. We abandoned our allies in Afghanistan to torture and death, we gave six billion dollars to a terrorist nation and we left billions of dollars of military hardware in the hands of terrorists in Afghanistan And we never avenged the Americans killed in Afghanistan during the retreat. And Hamas was paying attention
Not enough people remember this. Not only was Hamas watching. The entire world was watching. This administration is a joke when they try to talk tough. It’s all bs and everyone knows it except the people who vote for them and refuse to see the truth.
In any situation when pressures become too great without an outlet an explosion will occur. Analogy, a physics example: An explosion happens when some substance undergoes a chemical or nuclear reaction that releases a lot of energy very fast. That energy blasts outward from the source of the explosion in the form of heat and expanding gas.
Hamas are literally baby killing terrorists who deserve the sword. Do you really think Jocko, a guy who fought and killed terrorists for like 15 years, is going to advocate for an "unbiased" approach
This is a great conversation. Can I get a citation on the survey of Gaza school children with regards to what they want to be when they grow up please?
Gun control democrats: Red Dawn is a fiction film. No way would that ever happen in real life. No one needs assault-weapons-of-war!! Hamas/ ISIS: "Hold my tea." Preps parachutes. 2A supporters: Pretty sure Israeli Gun-control failed and didnt make anyone safer.
@@Horsemanrayonly if Israel keeps disarming their civilian population like Democrats in the US are all about making people more vulnerable. Maybe if Israel would allow firearm ownership and so called assault-weapons. Civilians could be proficient, competent and educated in self defense with their privately owned firearms. And they'd be successful in defending their lives and families with guns. Exactly like the US constituition 2nd Amendment said so.
@lucion511 I must say I agree with you. Every Israeli serves in the military at 18. They are trained...or they SHOULD receive weapons training. If Israeli civilians were armed & able to protect themselves in civilian life....this massacre could have been avoided, or at least diminished. The world knows that Americans are armed & ready.
@@djholliday5132yup. If Israelis had more firearms in their possession before the invasion/attack. I guarantee there would be a lot more Israelis alive today. And far less of them captured and taken hostage.
@@Horsemanray The rave...that's a different story. Hamas going house to house and breaking into safe rooms is a situation where being armed could save your life. Especially if you also have a substantial caliber of weapon. I can promise if someone enters my home, it will be defended. I might die fighting for the lives of my husband & children...but I'm taking some bad guys with me and my kids have a chance. An unarmed population has no solution but to hide. An ARMED population can resist in a major way, especially a population in which people over 18 have military experience. 🙏 🇮🇱
I would rather hear the perspectives about war from men who've actually been in war, than from a bunch of politicians with agendas, and talking heads concerned with pushing a narrative in between a Huggies commercial and a fluff piece on a celebrity getting a bikini wax.
AP's top two headlines today:
-CIA admits they totally undermined democracy in the '50s when they secretly installed Iran's government
-Will Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce last forever?
Oh and I must correct you: less Huggies, more Pfizer.
That why we're here. I can't imagine wanting to fight and being willing to die for any of the conflicts now a days... Completely not appealing.
@@brendon3605you would if you saw your best friends murdered.
Some of our politicians should actually be wearing huggies.
Anyone person, man or woman that has been through war will tell you, we're fighting a politicians fight. It's rarely our fight. No person in their right mind wants the fight unless their personally invested. But just as the start of the podcast says it's a comparison of wills and who's will is greater. By design as humans, we are wired to destroy each other. Don't be so surprised by this, it's writen in our history and repeats its self, it's in our nature. Be honest with yourself, ask yourself have you ever met someone without ever speaking to them or knowing who they are and immediately disliked, feared or even hated them? Ofcourse you have and those feeling will always breed hate.
I'm an Israeli and I wanted to thank you for this interesting analysis. I've been a big fan for a long time and wanted to hear your thoughts about our condition in Israel.
May Yahoweh bless and keep you
As an Israeli IDF soldier, I want to bless you and America from the bottom of my heart ❤️.
May our Lord be with you guys. Do what needs doing, sir.
Why our government caused this problem by abandoning our allies in Afghanistan to torture and death and Hamas was paying attention.
Quality always on point. Quick question: is the 'Jocko Unraveling' sub-series to discuss modern conflicts? If so, can you also discuss the following:
1. America's northern and southern border situation (i.e. how to protect the borders of a country effectively).
2. Criminal violence in Mexico with the drug cartel (should drug-selling be legalized in the country and/or should Americans stop buying drugs to eliminate demand).
3. Instability in Haiti (how to stop gangs from overrunning the political control of the country).
4. Venezuela instability (how can the country bounce back through taking extreme ownership).
5. Libya conflict (how can civil wars and civil disagreements in general be mitigated like how the U.S. solved its civil conflict in 1865).
6. Niger coup (how can African countries prevent coups from happening and developed better systems that are more organized and better for the people).
7. Sudan conflict (same issue - how can coups be mitigated in countries that will benefit greatly from great leadership).
8. DRC instability (again, how can countries like this one take extreme ownership and solve their problems, which will inevitably make the world more stable and prosperous).
7. ROC instability (same here as number 8).
9. Yemen civil war (same here as number 5).
10 Conflict in Lebanon, Syria, and other middle eastern countries (obviously these countries have borders that were not effectively created, but with the disadvantage, how can these countries bounce back and solve their 'forever wars'
11. China and Taiwan (how can the U.S. navigate the situation with Taiwan - the best solution I've heard is from Vivek Ramaswamy in which he stated that America needs to gain semiconductor independence before China thinks about taking any military action. Then he said Taiwan should employ the porcupine strategy).
12. Political instability in Pakistan and interstate conflict with India.
13. Transnational terrorism in Sahel region of Africa.
14. Political instability in Ethiopia.
15. Territorial dispute in South China Sea.
16. Confrontation with North Korea.
17. Conflict In Myanmar.
18. Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
How can extreme ownership and leadership strategies and tactics solve these conflicts. Would appreciate if you covered these in the 'Unraveling' series.
May G✡D Bless you and yours for all your days, I hope you find Shalom.
I'm an Israeli infantryman in active duty, respect Jocko very much and love this podcast. Loved hearing about the situation from your perspectives. Not sure who the other guys but he's extremely knowledgeable. Read extreme ownership, loved it. Would love to hear more advice towards how to prepare for combat.
ive banged my head to the wall for a long time trying to figure out a solution to this, if neither parts want to sit down and talk, and both parts are all or nothing on the land situation, and the current world state doesnt seem to have a mediator figure that will step in and help solve this, what other solutions do you think there is, ones that the people can take cuz the governments will def not , i have to assume you're a decent human and despite your military obligations deep down you have a moral compass that wants peace for all the innocent people. im interested to know what you think is the long term solution , and a long term solution ultimately means a palestinian kid playing with an israeli kid as neighbors and both going to the same school same college and dying as best friends. cuz if one country pushes the other its not a solution its just relocating the problem a couple miles away.
@@achrafsalimi-np9js I 100% wish for peace for everyone, unfortunately as I'm sure you know the situation here is so complicated that peace just doesn't seem realistic at the moment. I wish I had a peaceful solution to offer, unfortunately I don't see one. I also believe we're an extremely moral army, we go above and beyond not to harm civilians. Not to say there aren't individuals who do things that are wrong, but as an army we do our best not to kill civilians. Unfortunately in war civilians die, hamas isn't letting them evacuate, they're using them as human shields which is absolutely tragic.
We don't have an all or nothing approach, the Palestinians have a very large amount of land. We handed over the control over Gaza but they didn't do anything good with the place and as a result both Israeli's and the innocent Palestinians suffer. We've learned that the answer to peace is not giving away more land.
@@giladmoriber709 thanks for the response , i appreciate your honesty and it gives me hope to know there are still moral people even within the parties holding the guns, i have known and worked with jewish people both from israel and the US over a long time to the point where we feel like brothers now, we've met and traveled together and i have yet to meet a jewish people who didnt have a normal peaceful human view on this (not to say there arent extremists on both sides) , and i couldnt link how bad the situation is to neither religion, nationality , or ethnicity, this is sadly not a muslim-jewish problem, neither is it a palestinian-israeli problem because i know overwhelming majorities from both sides want peace, the only thing i could link this to is politics, right now netanyahu got himself stuck in a situation where the only move is forward, he was already in a bad political state, what happened when hamas attacked further put him in desperate need for action to hold on to his power, the only way he can stay prime minister is to show he is actively seeking revenge , the bombardment of gaza achieves irrelevant military success since even bunker buster bombs have an effective depth of 10-20m when know hamas has tunnels as deep as 70-80m and thats where they're hiding and keeping the hostages, i think hamas didnt commit just an act of terrorism, it was a very carefully planned operation with a clear objective, disrupt the peace talks , bring global attention to the situation, and lure netanyahu to a reactive state where they knew the first military move was going to be bombing civilians, this is all fucked up on both sides because innocent people pay the highest price here but this is the only clear piecing of events i could find that made sense to me, hamas knew killing innocent israeli people would get the emotional reaction that would push israel to war , and they knew civilians would die on the top in gaza while they hid in tunnels which served the international opinion, netanyahu knew he had to make a move otherwise he was going to lose his position immediatly , and my guess is that the IDF isnt too thrilled about the idea of going head first into an urban environment full of surprises and fighting in an underground tunnel environment that negated their air superiority and technological edge , its also not a good allocation of resources given hizbullah is always watching up north , neither the US, Iran, or hizbullah want a war given the current state and the tolls on their economies and the dangers of escalation which is why we've seen the full scale ground invasion delayed and the smaller ground incursions instead to keep the popular opinion happy that there's ongoing action and active revenge but the reality is nothing major has happened yet , drafting reservists and sending them head on to unknown underground tunnel warfare is very dangerous for them but this is what hamas was hoping for as an outraged reaction and we have to assume hamas knows the tunnels better than the IDF and it will take heavy casualties from the IDF to completly wipe out hamas there, sadly thats what netanyahu wants to do to stay prime minister at the moment, correct me if i'm wrong on any of the informations i just mentioned but i tried as best as i can to look at it from an objective perspective , i would never agree with innocent people or children dying anywhere on any side but in today's world its just a speed bump for politicians who also use media propaganda as a tool to support their actions (still objectively speaking) , i think netanyahu in his support to hamas years ago has created the kind of neighbor that would make this inevitable and now he's cornered and making a plan as it unfolds, and so far i believe its playing right into what hamas wants and ultimately hamas is winning the strategic war with how this is unfolding, this can go 2 ways :
1- i hope from the bottom of my heart that this stops, the world gets a chance to breath , a 2 state solution is agreed upon that kicks hamas out of power, netanyahu also gets kicked out of power , avoiding everyone anymore losses, and starting the real progress towards peace
2- with the way its going right now, if a full offensive is in place, there willbe alot of casualties, the war will drag on for a long time, certainly longer than a couple months, the more innocent people die the more likely intervention from other parties mainly hizbullah is likely, if that happens then its only a matter of months before we land ourselves into ww3 and god knows what happens then
Your army spits on the people you occupy and harass any journalists who try to report on it. Your government commits apartheid in the name of fanaticism- oh sorry “zionism”. Hamas are animals, but they are absolutely the consequence of what happens when you treat people like animals.
Thank you, friend.
I’m a long time listener, I have learned a lot from you.
Thank you for an objective, battle-learned analysis of the devil my nation is facing.
Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱
You two should get together more often. The content is outstanding.
They have 10 podcasts on this channel all solid
As a conscientious objector of all mainstream media outlets, it is very helpful hearing this analysis. Thank you both for sharing your time and energy with us.
Thank you Darryl and Jocko. Your time is appreciated as you work through the recent events and possibilities up and coming. It's refreshing to take a break from the political theatrics and listen in here with you both.
I still have hope and faith you, Jocko, will be called for a higher purpose of leadership! President of the US. Thank you for your time and support for us all.
As a Muslim and a human I condemn Hamas and their cowardly attack on the innocent civilians of Israel. May God bless their souls.
God bless you brother
Arguably the best pound for pound intelligence agency and military in the whole world, with a known enemy, was caught completely off guard. As far as I know there were no high level firings of anyone, despite the fact that being surprised is the number one cardinal sin for high level military men. Now that these attacks happened, or were ALLOWED to happen, Israel mounts a siege against the Palestinian people. Starving them of food, water, and electricity. If they had done this without the right pretext, the world would not be cheering them on. Which makes you wonder if that was the plan all along.
@@thehim2990May God bless you too Brother.
@@KaththeeYou are totally ignorant of history if you think this needed to be "allowed" to happen. The Muslims surrounding Israel try *_daily_* to kill Israelis. Intelligence failures happen and it's not a good time for emotional reactions such as yours. The people responsible for the intelligence failures have been and will be removed, but that can't be the focus right now. Military operations must carry on, and not a hysterical emotional need for you to see fingers pointed.
you are NOT a muslim
I think the Egyptian's had the best strategy against the tunnels, just flood them with sea water. Don't give them that hiding place. You still have to find the entrances and secure the mouth of the tunnel but that's probably the best way.
Or concrete?
@@mommalisa52560- cost prohibitive.
Seawater is cheap, plentiful, and readily available.
sea water doesnt work, it would just seep into the dirt, what are you even saying lol
@@ArchesBro Right millions of gallons just seeping into the dirt. Amazing the intellect on youtube. Btw the Egyptians ALREADY DID IT.
@@paulpena5040 Lol if they already did it then where did all of Hamas' weapons come from? They can say they did a bunch of things but that doesn't mean they were effective or that they put in effort
Thanks to both men for a deeper understanding of the turmoil brewing for both Israel and Palestine . Am praying for a peaceful outcome for both sides.
There can be no peace with jihad. They're committed to the death or Isreal and America. Nothing will change their mind. This stretches all the way to Iran.
you don t bomb mexico because of the cartel action or chicago during the prohibition ...
@@jessicalacasse6205 Mexico hasn't viewed death to America. Least not overtly.
Its good to see another Unraveling after nine months. By far the most insightful podcast I have ever listened to. Thank you!
You should listen to Darryls martyr made podcast, makes these look shallow in comparison
Start with Fear and Loathing In Jerusalem.
Quality always on point. Quick question: is the 'Jocko Unraveling' sub-series to discuss modern conflicts? If so, can you also discuss the following:
1. America's northern and southern border situation (i.e. how to protect the borders of a country effectively).
2. Criminal violence in Mexico with the drug cartel (should drug-selling be legalized in the country and/or should Americans stop buying drugs to eliminate demand).
3. Instability in Haiti (how to stop gangs from overrunning the political control of the country).
4. Venezuela instability (how can the country bounce back through taking extreme ownership).
5. Libya conflict (how can civil wars and civil disagreements in general be mitigated like how the U.S. solved its civil conflict in 1865).
6. Niger coup (how can African countries prevent coups from happening and developed better systems that are more organized and better for the people).
7. Sudan conflict (same issue - how can coups be mitigated in countries that will benefit greatly from great leadership).
8. DRC instability (again, how can countries like this one take extreme ownership and solve their problems, which will inevitably make the world more stable and prosperous).
7. ROC instability (same here as number 8).
9. Yemen civil war (same here as number 5).
10 Conflict in Lebanon, Syria, and other middle eastern countries (obviously these countries have borders that were not effectively created, but with the disadvantage, how can these countries bounce back and solve their 'forever wars'
11. China and Taiwan (how can the U.S. navigate the situation with Taiwan - the best solution I've heard is from Vivek Ramaswamy in which he stated that America needs to gain semiconductor independence before China thinks about taking any military action. Then he said Taiwan should employ the porcupine strategy).
12. Political instability in Pakistan and interstate conflict with India.
13. Transnational terrorism in Sahel region of Africa.
14. Political instability in Ethiopia.
15. Territorial dispute in South China Sea.
16. Confrontation with North Korea.
17. Conflict In Myanmar.
18. Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
How can extreme ownership and leadership strategies and tactics solve these conflicts. Would appreciate if you covered these in the 'Unraveling' series.
By far, the most powerful, educational video I've watched in a long time. Much Gratitude in a time where discernment is imperative for my newfound passion of geopolitics.
I sent Jocko a DM 2 years ago saying "We need a man like you to be our President" he sent back "No Way" I said "that's exactly why you would be a great President"
I love it 👍😂
Cincinnatus, bro.
Bro. I admit, I had to look this up. Spot On
I asked him for the first time in 2015 and asked again in 2019...no response....congrats on your response 😂
These guys definitely pull this complicated shit sandwich apart in a calculated and sensible manner. Why this type of dialogue doesn't exist in the world's governments is the biggest problem we have. Thanks for your service, men. ⚡️♥️🙏🏼
I think Jackos cohost doubles as his Mossad handler.
unfortunatly spreading a lot of the same propaganda as the MSM.
This is absolutely the best and most informative conversation I’ve heard as an information and truth seeker. Thank you both!
Love the quote from Cormac McCarthy. Blood Meridian is a quintessential American novel. I love these Unraveling podcasts.
Ive been waiting for you fellas to return. Thank you both for everything you guys do. And thank you Darryl for your fear and loathing in new Jerusalem series. It really has helped me have a better understanding of whats happening in the holy land.
What podcast are you talking about, thank you?
@@thewrightoknow martyrmade on Darryl Cooper youtube page
@@thewrightoknow Martyr made
I have a hard time sympathising with israel after listening to martyr made. I can sympathise with the civilians on both side but intentionally scheming to steal land just doesnt sit right with me
@@patient_6925 yeah I hear what your saying. Whenever I hear people dismiss that whole "great replacement" conspiracy theory I tell them to listen to Martyr made because that's basically what happened to Palestine. Opened their borders to Jewish migrants from Europe until eventually there were enough Jews to conquer the area. That of course is a drastic simplification but pretty much what happened.
I have been losing fights my whole life, but I fight not to win, but for those who can’t fight for themselves…appreciate you boss
Shannon Nunn
I love these. You should be releasing these often. Great history and character lessons
Jocko and Darryl are the best. Love this podcast
We could use a president like you Jocko. Still holding out hope.
Jocko will run in 2028.
I mean he'll ya he can have canada too if he's not to busy . Lol
@@x9x9690if we’re still here
No southern border invasion and no wars with trump
Trump is back. All good man. Trump will bring peace to the Middle East and Asia.
Thank you for this Jocko. This whole thing hurts and all I see going to happen is people piggybacking off this for political points, so it's so refreshing and such a blessing to have someone who UNDERSTANDS what's going on explain everything for people like me.
Just very much wanted to thank you for helping me and others understand more of what's going on.
I’ve never seen Jocko listen so well. I like this guy as well.
I was thinking the same
Does anyone remember the Palestinian reaction to September 11th, 2001?
I can never forget that.
@@hussamassad4512 ruclips.net/video/UucjbGmJILk/видео.htmlsi=TjeLPfXl4nUMYuka
who cares
Yeah, they burned American flags in the street.
That was fake, the footage was from after a soccer match celebration you mediavictim
Thank you both for your analysis of this subject .
Jocko , your insight on these matters is more valuable than all the shows hashing this out put together .
Im all ears .
Jocko appreciate your support, Israeli here thank you
Darryl's a good voice to hear on this topic since he doesn't carry the bias that a lot of media members have towards one side of the conflict. It would be nice if he could be a guest on some of the bigger online shows, if he is willing.
Are you ok? He's anti-Semite
He's a right wing whacko.
When Russia attacked Ukraine he was more pro putin than 99.999% of Americans.
He talks too much.
I’ve been waiting so long for these shows man. We need these more often💪
Just yesterday I was thinking we needed a new unraveling podcast! Here it is!
Thank you for doing this, looking forward to part 2-5
I find it very reassuring in these unsettled times to hear calm measured conversations like these between people who know what they’re talking about.
My father was off duty from his recon unit during the 1979 Nahariyya attack, he ended up capturing Samir Kuntar as he headed back towards the dinghy. 30 years later kuntar was released in a prison exchange for the bodies of 2 Israeli soldiers.
Based on that story that guy was a complete sociopath
Intelligent, knowledgeable, considered, nuanced. Everybody should watch this conversation from start to finish.
Thank fuck for this… Just 2 people having a totally level headed discussion on the topic, and not a bunch of emotional opinion-slinging.. Refreshing to listen to.
I have a very optimistic outlook on life but the realist in me comes out from time to time. I oftentimes tell others that people are the cause of ALL the problems and also the solutions! Thanks for what you’re doing
Historically, there would be an alert and response prepped if a *cat* touched the fence at gaza. How it was breached in 15 places and there was not a response for hours is something that really, really needs to be answered.
1. Most of the news is fake.
2. It wasn’t a surprise.
It's not a conspiracy.
The outposts that normally react to the fence incursions were overrun by terrorists coming from boats, tunnels and paragliders. It was also done on a major holiday when some places were manned more thinly than usual. It's really not that complicated
They took out the barrier's 4G network towers with explosive drones so they were also blind.
TY Jocko. Appreciate a voice(s) that I can trust in this.
Unraveling!! Yesss! I thought you guys were done doing this project. What an awesome surprise. On a more somber note, much love, condolences and full support for Israel in this tragic time. Godspeed IDF!
Thank you for a humane and fair conversation.
I’m a black man. This is one of the most confusing conflicts I’ve ever seen. I’m trying to gather more information because I don’t know much about it. But I know not every Muslim person is bad and not every Israeli is bad. It’s so sad. I hate this feeling. I hate it. Such horrible times.
It's really not that confusing. If every Muslim were to lay down their arms, there would be peace. If every Israeli were to lay down their arms, they would all be dead.
@@RonniePTexanif every Palestian 0:04 wasn't driven from their homes , their houses bulldozed to make Israeli settlements and then blockaded into a tiny 5*25sq mile strip with complete economic blockade and zero freedom of movement; losing everything they ever knew and the homes their fathers and grandfathers lived in bulldozed, yes there would be peace.
Look at it from an occupation perspective. When native Americans revolted for the US settlers mass murdering and occupying their land, would you have supported the US or Native Americans? The Israel palestine situation is not a Muslim jew fight, it's a land issue. It's hard, I know
@@blackjack8857 That wasn't very logical. The land that Israel "occupies" is only 9 miles wide. Arabs have 99.99% of the land, and Israel has its tiny "reservation" and somehow it's still a land issue? Native Americans have massive reservations and can freely go anywhere in the United States. Have you thought any of this through?
@ronniep4791 I maybe am not aware for the 99.9% statistic. Are you including the entire Middle East? Don't get me wrong I'm all for Israel existing within its UN sanctioned boundaries, jews have had a troubled past. I'm referring to when Israel encroaches onto UN sanctioned Palestinian land removing its original inhabitants from their homes. I think the native American logic still stands, If Arabs (all of middle east) arrived in a Jewish state and exterminated them, then Israelis deserve reservations. But it's Israeli population that migrated from Europe to an existing Arab land
Thank you both for breaking down what is an extraordinarily complex situation! Praying this does not spiral and take more Israelis and Palestinian civilian lives!
At 0500 saturday I learned of events transpiring in Israel. At that very moment I was hoping and waiting for Jocko and DC to begin the unraveling.
Thank you both for valued time in discussing this matter.
I have literally been looking all over the internet for an unbiased objective sincere take on the whole Israel Palestine situation and have been lucky enough to find this gem of a podcast. Thank you so much
I always enjoy The Unraveling, but this one is particularly good.
This is a very deep and technical conversation about the mechanics of modern warfare and all of the dimensions thereof. I'm surprised that this only has 160k views after two weeks. These considerations need to be brought back to the forefront.
I understand that the video and pictures were released to elicit an emotional response and I know they want the attention but I am really struggling with what was done. I don't want to give them the satisfaction but I have babies and I'm just on the brink of tears constantly because I know that if we were simply born in a different part of the world, this could happen to us. I'm struggling to handle my fear over the situation. I'm having a hard time at work worrying that this will all bring us into World War and I just want to be with my babies if something happens. My heart is crushed for those people.
I feel your pain. Just focus on your family. We’ve been through harder times. God bless
@@josephmelton4721 sorry I did not mean to report your comment just the one that someone put on both your and my comment!
@@respond2meifudareyou really don’t understand how much of a pawn you are when you say things like that. You have to stop the mimetic violence that has been warped you and billions before you. Be better.
@@josephmelton4721 lol what did i say that was even remotely violent 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️💀. i was condemning israel's violence. you okay bud?
@@respond2meifudare hellfire for cross worshippers? You got issues bud
“For me, I’m an optimistic person I guess I might say” that is perfect, Jocko.
Dear Jocko - and the brave men who have risked their life so that I can be a religious Jew in America without fear or danger - Thank you. You have no idea how much respect and admiration we have for you.
I just found these podcasts. Life changing
Run for office Jocko. Instability is coming and we need a real one in charge.
The problem with politics is that the good people are just voters
@@jejuislandtrekker8113 Trump isn't good, he is just the least bad
@@jejuislandtrekker8113lol trump
I’ve been waiting for this. Thanks.
Bro is wicked smart. Watch the mannerisms with the pen. The guy knows how to access multiple areas of his brain. Super cool to see when he talks.
“Nobody is minding the store right now.” You got that right.
I am an Israeli and a long time fan.
I will add two points to the discussion.
1. Hamas wants to eradicate the state of Israel. They say that openly and it is written in there declaration. It's not just about getting some land back.
2. Israel can't fight a siege war. Most Israel wars are fast and short. We are a small country with limited resources.
Thank you and the American people for your support.
thank you both. please keep them coming!
Was really hoping for a new ep. The fear and loathing in new jerusalem series was incredible so was curious about Darryls thoughts on this
Love the dynamic angles cooper brings
Something really stinks too much to ignore on the initial attack. I think it's easy to get stuck on the atrocities, what's next, how much to retaliate, but dammit how did this go on for hours live streamed without an immediate response? Great job discussing how hard it is to keep something like the initial attack quiet, I wish we would all pause for a hot second and think about who and what benefits from this.
I thought the same thing, something isn’t right, but who can we believe, what is the truth? Regardless, Hamas’ actions can not stand and Israel will end them.
Benjamin Netanyahu presents a map at the UN meeting in the last week of September 2023 showing an annexed West Bank and Gaza Strip. (Pierce Morgan interview with Mustafa Barghouti)
Egypt warns Israel that something big is going on but Israeli intelligence does not take the warning seriously. (Multiple news sources)
The attack by Hamas comes as a big surprise to not only the Israeli people, but to Israeli intelligence and the world. (Makes no sense they knew nothing, unless they knew everything, multiple news sources)
Most reasonable discussion I’ve heard on the subject. Jocko for president dammit
We need you back on Rogan to discuss this since I know he’s been into this I think you and him could really get a solid message and information out ! Much respect
The two most rational takes on this conflict I have heard yet. Breaking Points and Jacko.
As an Israeli who have lost friends in this terror attack and know people who are still missing (hopefully they will be found safe and sound and not kidnapped) I cant express in words what we are going through at the moment, Its been the worst week for my family and me.
It breaks my heart to see people around the world who support Hamas's atrocities and even are now attacking (physical and verbal) jews around the world because of the escalation (especially in Europe), Sometimes I think that humanity has lost the values that separates us from the animals.
The people who support these atrocities and the people who do not condemn these acts of evil are as evil as the people who committed the atrocities.
Be strong dear brother
We will win because we have no other choice
We will not forget, we will not forgive
Sober, objective, expert analysis of a conflict that nobody seems to understand.
There was indeed a general failure in the issue of alerting and intelligence
The problem is not in the information but in the analysis of the information and the identification of the dangers
The concept was that Hamas was not interested in an attack because there was a calm period and dozens of laborers entered the State of Israel
Therefore, the results of the information analysis did not show an attack
Remember 9/11? How about The Battle at San Jacinto? How about Pearl Harbor? Nobody launching an attack wants to be predicted. Putin could care less about his failure and his loss of soldiers since we did find him out before his invasion. But rag tag Hamas definitely wanted a lull and peaceful atmosphere to be in place.
On point as usual sir. Ty
Jocko, great as always. Two corrections:
The Antifada that ruined Oslo was Arafat driven. He learned to talk peace in English but still spoke jihad in Arabic.
Also and more importantly, he was groomed and installed by the Soviets for the express purpose of wreaking havoc to serve their interests.
The plan had always been for him to talk peace, get to the table and say no, over and over.
You can read about this as one of the Soviet blok architects defected and wrote about it for decades.
Start here: "Russian Footprints", in 'the national review'. His name is Ion Mihai Pacepa.
Finally the second Antifada killed over 1000 Israelis.
It was then they shut the borders and built the wall- they'd been open for 30 years prior and except for Arafat driven escalating violence and radicalization they otherwise got along fine.
It's important for people to realize the Soviets did this to both the Israelis and the Palestinians.
(That started in 64 btw, while the Palestinians were still called Arabs within Egypt and Jordan. The violence from Arafat began before the Israeli occupation.)
Thanks again for everything you do.
Great podcast - so many moving parts, so many possible versions of the future. I appreciate both men in their expertise.
Hi. Hope you are well.
Thank you again for your service. Sir.
We really realllly need some strong voices such as yours...scary...firm...rebuking this international Jihad day with very Gulf war experience style explanation to the Kids what Jihad actually means.
This country needs to hear from vets. They have no clue what's being planned.
They think it's some antifa style protest.
We really need you to serve your nation right now all over the Media!!!!!
In World War II General Patton never commanded more than 350k men in his army. We now have roughly that amount coming across our boarder illegally *_every single month_* . The future attacks will make this attack in Israel look like child's play.
These are my favorite podcasts episodes. Horrible as the subject material usually is. I love to hear you guy's opinions and insights. Please keep the Unraveling podcasts going. Thanks. 👍
Will our old equipment left behind for Taliban get used against Israel? that would be insane.
Maybe this is incorrect, but I would imagine if the equipment was used then it wouldn’t be used for long. Eg, how are they getting replacement parts to keep humvee’s operational etc
Regardless, insane indeed
We should've never been the Middle East that long. We should've kept in brief and efficient. Trump said this and I agree. We've destabilized the Middle East even more than the British already has, and now left high-tech weaponry with the enemy and think that's a good idea.
@@x9x9690Nobody I know thinks that leaving our arms and equipment and allies in the hands of the terrorist fanatics in Afghanistan was a good idea. It was an utter debacle, a disgrace and clearly showed the wretchedness of this administration.
I listened to MartyrMade years ago, and I need to listen again. Still, I’m not familiar with this podcast, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Thank you both for giving us the facts, something many people either don’t have or don’t understand. I admit to feeling especially upset over the rise in open antisemitism. My heart is heavy when I see students on campuses and people in our government telling us how awful Israel is and that Jews are the problem. I do feel for the Palestinians who are trapped in a no-win situation, while being aware that others have been indoctrinated by Hamas. You’ve done a good job of explaining this. But, thank you, Darryl, for being able to voice the horror it is to see what was done to Israeli civilians, and that it IS different. Hamas doesn’t care about the Palestinians; they are useful tools.
As a long-time fan of the channel, I appreciate the perspectives offered here. That being said, it was disheartening to see these completely unsubstantiated claims of beheadings and rape being talked about as if they were cold hard facts. It is also important to point out that even in the West Bank, where the government recognizes Israel and the civilians are overwhelmingly peaceful and unarmed; Israel has been continuing to subjugate and displace the residents while also increasing the number of illegal settlements being built on Palestinian land that is beyond the Israeli border.
This is so captivating. Great job guys
hi jocko. im liat from israel. exhausted from going to shelter and back in tel aviv. thankful that my friends parents weren't burned alive although the house is gone - and two kibbutses were burned to the ground in the most horrifying of ways. most of us cant look at the pictures and videos. i wish no harm on the innocents on the other side. we desperately want our women men elderly and children captivated - back! we pray non-stop. if you want to apeak with someone in israel about the situation please let me know. Follow and admire your work.
Always excited for another Unraveling podcast!!!
Are we dismissing the idea that Israeli intelligence allowed this to happen to go full scorched earth?
No one wants to say that out loud, but that is the conclusion I've come to. Maybe they didn't foresee the attack being SO vicious, or SO successful...but I cannot believe no one knew. It doesn't jive.
I'm not. Non-orthodox Jewish lives mean nothing to the Israeli government.
What a podcast, well done.
Just hope America doesn’t get attacked.
Exactly. Americans literally don't understand the potential for escalation here. We think "out of sight, out of mind" but no. Just like we didn't see 9/11 happening, the same could happen with this conflict.
We have no border. It is only a matter of time. We have no protection from our government. The world is falling apart DUE TO weak, criminal US leadership. America is the glue.
best to just stop assisting israel then
@@mmss3199 Assisting Israel has nothing to do with the US being attacked by Muslims AGAIN. They're already in the country waiting on the command from their masters Iran.
You think because paragliders with AK’s aren’t floating over into The States that were not being attacked?
Couldn’t ask for a better way to close out the week
I would encourage everyone to a podcast named CONFLICTED. The episode: What was Hamas thinking. The one of the presenters was a jihadist with Osama Bin Laden and an MI 6 spy at 5he same time. He presents a much bigger picture of the chess board of that area of the world. Well worth a listen!
Great analysis of the the whole thing.
38:20 This could have been resolved SO MANY TIMES since the 1917 Balfour Declaration, WW I & II, etc. In a 2002 poll conducted by PIPA, 72% of both Palestinians and Israelis supported at that time a peace settlement based on the 1967 borders, so long as each group could be reassured that the other side would be cooperative in making the necessary concessions for such a settlement.
Yet peace and cooperation just never seem to make it to the table...and all these "peace" organizations - UN, League of Nations, etc. What exactly are they doing? This fiat financial system is pushing currency in the wrong hands.
No sane people wants to see family & friends die.
this is the best analysis i've seen to date
i would've saved myself at least 30 hours of nonsense if i had watched this 2 weeks ago when it came out
Jocko did a podcast called “never forget the USS Liberty” and then immediately forgot it
#327? Couldn't find never forget the uss liberty just attack of uss liberty. But that wouldn't have sounded as good
Underrated comment
They can't be blamed for the sins of their fathers.
What does "remembering the USS Liberty" accomplish? It was a friendly fire incident, the Israelis apologized and paid reparations to the families. Crying about it now just shows what kind of scumbags Israel has to deal with
@@Skankhunter420Why not? They blame everyone else for their fathers' sins incessantly.
I've been waiting for this podcast
How does splc call these guys anti-semites. They are the most clear headed analysts I have heard on this issue.
Wth 🤦♂️ splc is straight up nonsense but if they call Jocko and Daryl antisemitic they have reached new depths of absurdity.
Finally!!! Much thanks!
It's a win win situation for Hamas because the United States is weak. We abandoned our allies in Afghanistan to torture and death, we gave six billion dollars to a terrorist nation and we left billions of dollars of military hardware in the hands of terrorists in Afghanistan And we never avenged the Americans killed in Afghanistan during the retreat. And Hamas was paying attention
Interesting point.
Not enough people remember this. Not only was Hamas watching. The entire world was watching. This administration is a joke when they try to talk tough. It’s all bs and everyone knows it except the people who vote for them and refuse to see the truth.
You are right. The Biden Administration has ruined America itself, and our reputation.
Hes not wrong
You know that the ratio between the populations is that if this had happened in the US the number of murdered people would have been 36,000
Interesting comparison. Speaking of lose of life, can we compare the abortion rates in the US? Who’s lobbying for abortion rights?
In any situation when pressures become too great without an outlet an explosion will occur. Analogy, a physics example: An explosion happens when some substance undergoes a chemical or nuclear reaction that releases a lot of energy very fast. That energy blasts outward from the source of the explosion in the form of heat and expanding gas.
I clicked so fast hoping to god for an unbiased discussion since I respect Jocko so much, but this was not the case. Bummer.
Unbiased in what way?
Hamas are literally baby killing terrorists who deserve the sword. Do you really think Jocko, a guy who fought and killed terrorists for like 15 years, is going to advocate for an "unbiased" approach
Wake up... Smfh.
Thank you for sharing Jocko! I really appreciate it!
Israel needs 2A.
Actually you just need to stop being occupiers and participants in a genocide.
This is a great conversation.
Can I get a citation on the survey of Gaza school children with regards to what they want to be when they grow up please?
Gun control democrats: Red Dawn is a fiction film. No way would that ever happen in real life. No one needs assault-weapons-of-war!!
Hamas/ ISIS: "Hold my tea." Preps parachutes.
2A supporters: Pretty sure Israeli Gun-control failed and didnt make anyone safer.
@@Horsemanrayonly if Israel keeps disarming their civilian population like Democrats in the US are all about making people more vulnerable. Maybe if Israel would allow firearm ownership and so called assault-weapons. Civilians could be proficient, competent and educated in self defense with their privately owned firearms. And they'd be successful in defending their lives and families with guns. Exactly like the US constituition 2nd Amendment said so.
I’m against gun control, but jamming American politics into this discussion is a retard move
@lucion511 I must say I agree with you. Every Israeli serves in the military at 18. They are trained...or they SHOULD receive weapons training. If Israeli civilians were armed & able to protect themselves in civilian life....this massacre could have been avoided, or at least diminished. The world knows that Americans are armed & ready.
@@djholliday5132yup. If Israelis had more firearms in their possession before the invasion/attack. I guarantee there would be a lot more Israelis alive today. And far less of them captured and taken hostage.
@@Horsemanray The rave...that's a different story. Hamas going house to house and breaking into safe rooms is a situation where being armed could save your life. Especially if you also have a substantial caliber of weapon. I can promise if someone enters my home, it will be defended. I might die fighting for the lives of my husband & children...but I'm taking some bad guys with me and my kids have a chance. An unarmed population has no solution but to hide. An ARMED population can resist in a major way, especially a population in which people over 18 have military experience. 🙏 🇮🇱
Welcome back gentlemen
I have a feeling Isreals victory conditions are gonna be, shall we say pretty harsh lmao
Excellent insight by men who actually do know...