#83 Colour Touch Screen TFT LCD for your Arduino - Cheap & Easy

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 312

  • @kristelchelseago5755
    @kristelchelseago5755 5 лет назад +9

    Code explanation starts at: 18:01

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад +8

      You're right, Kristel, I should have book marked this, so as you have kindly done this for me I've pinned your comment to the top. Thanks for this, appreciated.

  • @roberteliassen5020
    @roberteliassen5020 7 лет назад +1

    It's Friday, it's sunny, I have an ice cold lager, and a fresh video from one of my favorite RUclipsrs. Could it be better? I doubt it. Thanks Ralph!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Nice to hear that, Robert, I wish I had a cold lager right now but it's a bit early yet - maybe later, although they do say it's always 5 o'clock somewhere! I hope you liked the video as much as your beer :)

  • @wasanthawimaladharm
    @wasanthawimaladharm 7 лет назад

    thanks Ralph,
    for great video
    i brought few 2.8 and 2.4 LCD 8 months back and followed up every each RUclips videos. non of them worked for me and every time ended up with white screen and frustration. you given & nicely focused the point where i missed # TFT chip driver, # TFT LIBRARY, which was missed by all other you tube LCD ARDUINO tutorials!!!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      That's good to know, Wasantha. I'm glad you've got your screens working now, thanks for posting.

  • @eefoops2u
    @eefoops2u 7 лет назад

    Hi. Ralph, you are doing a great job. I purchased my tft lcds (labelled ZC113200) from ebay.com in April 2016 for $4.14 each and am just now getting them into service. Spent 1/2 day trying to make the current AdaFruit libraries work with little success and it was such a relief to discover your tutorial on youtube. Really fine work maintaining a usable combination of demos and drivers on GITHUB for this particular tft lcd..
    Best Regards,

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      That's a great success story William, I'm really glad it worked out. The price you paid was excellent indeed. They are really useful screens, even more so if they have the touch feature too. Thanks for sharing and posting!

  • @markgilding6500
    @markgilding6500 6 месяцев назад

    Head scratching over Ralph. Thank you for this video. Used libraries from your Github. Switched on worked first time (after installing libraries!) Hoope you are keeping well.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 месяцев назад +1

      Glad you got it working and watch out for splinters 😆

  • @danljohnston
    @danljohnston 7 лет назад

    When I first seen Benny's name on that display, I was thinking "has he taught Benny to touch that"? A Benny time clock! Love that! Hope you share the finished project.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Yes, I'll shared the finished project, as simple as it is, electronically and Arduino sketch wise, although it does use interrupts and an nRF24L01 at both ends so it keeps me busy. In fact, I'd be doing it now if I were not writing this (but don't feel too guilty, it's nice to interact with my Arduinite viewers!) But, regrettably, Benny refused to cooperate with touching that screen so I have to rely on other methods to find out where he is!

  • @ronalddhs3726
    @ronalddhs3726 7 лет назад

    Hi Ralph, It is just short of unbelievable how cheap this components can be gotten for... I bough one of those shields ages ago for a project, but went a different route (as it happens, sometimes); I will now dust it out and give it a play. Thanks for the videos.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      GIve it a good dusting Ray (I think we agreed I'd call you that instead of Mr Salomon, yes?), it will be worth it. As I've mentioned before, if I couldn't get the components so cheaply I wouldn't be doing this hobby, I couldn't afford to! Let us know if you get it working.

    • @ronalddhs3726
      @ronalddhs3726 7 лет назад +1

      Ray is fine Ralph. I will update you on how it goes with the screen (lots of possibilities for the device; I am sure the perfect project will show itself sooner rather than later). I am still to catch on with your Attiny video; keep them coming, we need more people like you in the community sharing ideas and know-how.

  • @tonygoodhew9536
    @tonygoodhew9536 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for this video. It got my AZ-Delivery shield working in 40 mins. Simple examples are much more useful than an 'all the Bells & Whistles' endless scripts. This is great to build on.

  • @sammig1059
    @sammig1059 6 лет назад

    First time I test a display. And with your exelent instruktions it works with no problems. Thank you Ralph!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад +1

      Congratulations, Sam! I'm glad my video was of help to you. Thank you for posting.

  • @JerryEricsson
    @JerryEricsson 5 лет назад

    Sure is wonderful to subscribe to your videos, it seems every time I decide I wish to build a project and need a refresher, or perhaps an introduction to one of the components, I can do a quick search of Ralph's videos and there is always something that will satisfy my need for information. This particular video is filling in the info so I can use my Arduino to set up a touch jukebox for my mom, who turned 93 last spring and moved into a nursing facility after several falls. The falls are under control but she can no longer go home. Sad really, and with both my sisters passing away from lung cancer (great smokers they were, sure glad I stopped!) I am the only child she has left. Sure she has a LOT of grand children and great grand children, however only 2 grandkids live in town, and I have settled back in, parking my RV which was my home for most of the year before the move. Anyhow, back to the project, I have picked up several of those little DF-MP3 players that can be controlled by either an Arduino, or several buttons. I want to make her a sort of jukebox that displays the era of the music, for example 30's 40's or 50's music, then class the music such as popular, country western and swing, or something like that. Using a couple of menu subroutines and displaying the simple menus in fairly large text (her eyesight isn't what it used to be.) This will be mounted in a small wooden box that I will build in my wood shop, the touch screen will be just for selecting the music, I will have a variable resistor for volume, a toggle switch for power and I have a couple small very high quality speakers to reproduce the music. The amp is only 3 watt per channel, but the nursing home has problems with loud music. Her room mate will not be around much longer, as she is on "comfort meds only" now and is failing quickly, however beds in that home never stay empty very long, usually just long enough for the nursing staff to clean the mattress, empty the closet and drawers, and move the new lady in. Again, thanks much, I hope you realize how many peoples lives you have a positive impact on just in situations such as this. My how the world has changed since the 1950's when I was a child.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      The project sounds very worthwhile, Jerry, and as your rightly say, keep it as simple as you can with nice big buttons and on-screen fonts. 93 years old? Even older (only just) than my mum! Sorry to hear about the deaths in you family, I'm glad you seem OK and are enjoying life and my videos too! Keep going, and enjoy what you do.

  • @TheFunkman
    @TheFunkman 6 лет назад +1

    Good audio, clear English. Thank you!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      You are most welcome Rudy Rutenber, I'm glad you like the video. Nice to hear from you.

  • @Friendroid
    @Friendroid 7 лет назад

    The content is very good, therefore adblocking is disable and i watch the ads till the end. The marketing team setup the long con and won.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Thanks for your kind words, Friendroid, and I appreciate that you supported me via the advert too. I'll have a quick look at your channel later too!

  • @RaadYacu
    @RaadYacu 7 лет назад

    A video with a 'touch' of class. I'll need few of these. Adafruit charges way too high for these. In regard to Benny's project, what sensor you referring to to detect in or out? You mentioned PIRs but not clear on details. nrf424 is great for short distance. if you need further, look at HC-12 .

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Hi Raad! Yes I am using two PIRs to detect Benny moving out/in with a bit of fuzzy logic so I know which way he's headed. I'm going to transmit the data using an nRF24L01 just as you say; it's only got to transmit one byte! I hopefully won't need the power of an HC-12 but I will read up on those anyway, thanks for the suggestion.

  • @juanherrero911
    @juanherrero911 7 лет назад

    Excellent video Ralph. When I tried playing with these shields I found some the problems that you mention with touch screen coordinates and the wrong chipset. I will have another look at them again using all the valuable information you've provided for us. Due to how much memory this uses I'm also interested in trying these with more powerful devices such as nodemcu's.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Agreed, Juan, that this did take up a lot of space but I guess that's the price to pay for a colour touch screen! Have another go and see if you can get it working. And good luck with the node mcu's too.

  • @neilbarnett3046
    @neilbarnett3046 7 лет назад

    Returning to this topic, after a break to decorate the lounge, I bought a 2.8" from Elegoo, via Amazon. Actually it was an accident, I ordered something else and forgot I'd put the display in my basket.
    It came with a CD that included instructions and sample sketches that worked and the only difference was the price. For a little over £12, it saved me hours and I can start to build my smart coffee table. I may never finish it, mind, but hey ho, it's off to build I go.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      "...forgot I'd put it in my basket", Neil? Pull the other one! I must say, that's a really good way of ordering stuff, must try that one out on the wife. She may even fall for it, heh heh. But, seriously, that's great that they actually included a CD and proper sketches, most unusual. I'm still intrigued by your Smart Coffee Table project, you will definitely have to share that one in due course. Or put up an Instructable, maybe, doesn't require video, just photos and text. Thanks for the update on this item, good to hear from you.

  • @햄구이
    @햄구이 7 лет назад

    The video is described as easy to understand. But can you explain the 5 inch TFT touch function?
    And explain how to use the library and button functions.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      I don't think I've ever seen a 5-inch TFT for the Arduino, Minsu Kim. You can get them for the Pi (for a lot of money) but unless you're prepared to put in a lot of work you're unlikely to find an Arduino-compatible library. The one I use in the demo here is a 2.8" screen I believe and there are examples of how to generate buttons in the demo code. Did you download it?

  • @olivernovelles8609
    @olivernovelles8609 4 года назад

    Hi, Ralph! First of all, thanks for your tutorials, are great and really well explained, I'm learning so much!
    A question about the first sketch: How can I change number of colors in the random color line? I'd like to put less colors than the code. Thank you so much!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад +1

      Yes you can!
      Find the line (around line 95) that says:
      for (int cnt=0; cnt< 20; cnt++)
      and change the 20 to however many colours you want. OK?

    • @olivernovelles8609
      @olivernovelles8609 4 года назад

      @@RalphBacon Great! Thank you so much! (-:

  • @matambale
    @matambale 3 года назад +1

    I realize in Arduino years that 2017 is ages ago, but I couldn't resist writing this comment nonetheless. It's a bit cheesy, but one thing you can do to bring out signals otherwise blocked by a shield is to go old-school and just wire-wrap some wire to those inner pins you need, to bring signals out. You could also replace the headers on the TFT shield with the stackable sort (female atop, long male pins below) - swapping those out is a bit of a job, though, and it'll obstruct any efforts to mount that screen flush with the top surface of a box.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  3 года назад +1

      As it happens I'm using that same screen in my ESP32 Web Radio Project. I've even designed a PCB for it that plugs into the motherboard via an IDC cable. All pins are brought out, just in case. It uses a different library but the screen (apart from a rising cost) is just the same.

    • @jlr3636
      @jlr3636 Год назад

      Could you also solder wires to the correct pin solder joints on the bottom of the board?
      You could also solder male or female jumpers 90deg on the bottom of the board to keep a lower profile and easy connections. A 90deg connection is also easier to solder than straight down.

  • @OnlyforHobbyist
    @OnlyforHobbyist 5 лет назад

    dear Ralph S Bacon,
    thanks so much for your explanation for tft lcd. it is help me alot with my project. but I wonder, how do you define p.x and p.y value for your button?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      When you say "how do you define" do you mean how do I work out the coordinates? If so, it by trial and error! If you mean something else please let me know.

    • @OnlyforHobbyist
      @OnlyforHobbyist 5 лет назад

      Yes. I mean how do you get the value range pf p.x and p.y. by trial and error, can you be more specific?

  • @garybooting_co_uk5866
    @garybooting_co_uk5866 7 лет назад

    Have you tried the Nextion displays? They use serial so all the rest of the pins are free to use. They are also set up using a custom ide.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      I was all ready to tell you, Gary, that at the price these screens go for that it would be unlikely that I'd be buying one any time soon. *However*, that fact that it just requires a TX/RX signal pair (presumably our SoftwareSerial library would cover that) and the fact that there is a free-to-use Windows screen design tool and considerable support (goo.gl/LbvAJ5 ) makes me think that this is something I should be looking at!
      For £11 ($14) I can get a fairly modest 2.4" one. For £52 ($68) you can get a 7" whopper! I'm guessing that if we get one working then any size should work as they all follow the same comms protocol. Hmm, interesting idea, I shall investigate further, thanks for the heads up, Gary!

  • @hollypayne835
    @hollypayne835 5 лет назад

    Hi Ralph, love your videos, really informative. Great source for most of my work; quick question - you speak about linking to another arduino but I've tried an I2C link to another arduino which requires a4, a5/scl sda. But the pin on the touch screen is rest on a4. Any help to figure out where I'm going wrong here? Thanks

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      Without looking at the code (or screen library), Holly, I would check why pin A4 is being used for the touch screen. Was it just an arbitrary decision by me or is that what the library is expecting? Either way, you could just edit the sketch and/or the library to a different pin (A0 springs to mind!) to get round this issue. Does that seem sensible to you?

  • @tseckwr3783
    @tseckwr3783 Месяц назад

    Hey Ralph, Thanks for the info ... AGAIN. I am going to used a few of the MANY UNO's I have to drive these shields.

  • @knightsun2920
    @knightsun2920 7 лет назад +1

    Need more pins? A 74HC165 or 74HCN595 shift register might do the trick.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Indeed, you are one of many suggesting this route so it seems I shall have to experiment and do a video on this too! Thanks for the heads up.

  • @stereomatzel
    @stereomatzel 7 лет назад

    Nice Video, Ralph. I always forget that some displays have touch screens. Thanks for the reminder! Do you know if the libary provides sliders?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Hello stereomatzel, long time no hear! Not totally sure I understand what you mean by "sliders" in this context; perhaps you mean ones drawn on screen, like a DJ's crossfader? I don't think the library I used provided any prepared controls/shapes as such, but I bet there are some out there.

    • @stereomatzel
      @stereomatzel 7 лет назад

      I was always lurking in the shadow. This is an example for a slider/scale: www.python-course.eu/tkinter_sliders.php. Instead of a potentiometer hooked to an ADC pin to controll RGB colors, fan speeds etc. I will do my research on it.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      You could certainly draw this on screen, and let the user use the touch facilities to drag it, but I think that it might all be a bit slow (did you notice how slowly the letters were drawn on the screen in my demo?). Do your research, see what you come up with. Cool!

  • @avejst
    @avejst 7 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing this project. seams realistically, nice

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Thanks Asger, it's a nice screen and is almost implemented for my cat run project. Thanks for posting.

  • @julianblow4739
    @julianblow4739 7 лет назад

    I ended up having to swap out the adafruit libraries for the MCUFriend library. But now I don't know what I want to do with it since it uses up all the I/O pins on my uno.
    I ordered 2 of these from banggoods. Both came without the screen protector's that screens usually come with. No huge problem there since they were scratch free. But one came with misaligned header pins that I had to straighten by hand. So.... yeah. Heed his warning about not forcing your shield. Make sure it does all line up nicely so you don't break anything.

    • @julianblow4739
      @julianblow4739 7 лет назад

      Wait a tick.... I know what to do with it!
      Convince my wife we need a Mega board or two. Mwahahaha >:D

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      That sounds like a cunning plan, Julian! Personally, I'd dedicate a $2 Nano to it as a driver and send the commands via Serial or I2C or something... but Megas are now available from the Far East for $6-8 or so, not a King's ransom these days.

  • @rusty2224
    @rusty2224 7 лет назад

    Ralph, great program. I am a novice programmer, so appreciate the code that works right off the bat. Where is the delay for the touch button appears. Can touch screen be used to turn on outputs on the arduino?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Hey, Rusty2224 (I wonder if there's a special meaning to those numbers?), good to hear from you. A touch screen can be made to do *anything* that a standard push button switch can do - so turning on an output pin is no problem at all. If you look at my demo code you'll spot where the logic is to detect that touch (I seem to recall it was in a 'blocking' loop) - then you can do whatever you want. Does this make any sense to you?

    • @rusty2224
      @rusty2224 7 лет назад

      Ralph S Bacon I'll look. Again not a programmer. Show me an example and then I get it. Any chance a short sketch turning on an LED? No significe to those numbers that I recall anyway...Ha. Thanks so much for the reply.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      For simple example sketches, rusty, look at the examples folder in the Arduino IDE. They start with the BLINK sketch which turns an LED on and off at regular intervals. If you get that working you will have learned more than you realise, especially if you figure out how to speed it up, or do double blinks.

  • @youpattube1
    @youpattube1 5 лет назад

    A very helpful video.
    Suggestion for a new project :
    I am making a weather and potable water pressure monitoring station. It will keep track of things for the last 24 hours.
    But if there is a power blip, the arduino resets and all that data is lost. I would like to avoid spending $75 or more for a proper battery backup unit by utilizing some code and some switches etc. and a standalone battery.
    Any interest ?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      If you look at my latest video #172 you will see a Li-Ion UPS-type adapter that will keep a circuit running for quite a while. It requires a cylinder 18650 Li-Ion battery, 2000mAH would be good (any larger and they are lying, they don't get much larger). I do a much more detailed video on it in video #116. See this product link: www.banggood.com/3Pcs-Wemos-ESP32-ESP32S-18650-Battery-Charge-Shield-V3-Micro-USB-Type-A-USB-0_5A-Test-Charging-Protection-Board-For-Raspberry-Pi-Arduino-p-1448427.html?p=FQ040729393382015118&

    • @JerryEricsson
      @JerryEricsson 5 лет назад

      @@RalphBacon Occasionally I find myself in need of a temporary 3 volts, or around that. I usually go to www.goldmine-elec-products.com/products.asp?dept=1028 and find myself a good used ultracap that I can put in circuit with an 18650 battery that is set to run my device. When I remove the battery to change to a newly charged one, the ultracap will step up and keep my power smooth for a quit awhile. I have tried ones as small as 6 farads, and that seems to work for a short time, my favorite though is the big ones, the last set I picked up from them were the size of D cell Flashlight batteries and are rated at 350 Farad's.

    • @youpattube1
      @youpattube1 5 лет назад

      I did watch 171 & 172. Both were interesting. And thanks for your quick reply.
      But i came away understanding what you were doing exactly opposite to what you said in your reply to my comment. Setting this on/off business aside, It looks to me like you were running off the battery, then as it went flat, you got power from the arduino. That seems like a very uncommon scenario. Why use the battery at all ?

  • @brucewoods9377
    @brucewoods9377 7 лет назад

    Very interesting and informative. Something I shall experiment with too

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      At this price, Bruce, it's almost a "no brainer" if you want a colour TFT screen. The limits of it are only your imagination - and time, as it might take a while to create sophisticated visual controls (eg meter dials) but I bet there are libraries out there that will do this for you anyway. Good luck and don't forget to let us know how you get on.

  • @artbecker5618
    @artbecker5618 7 лет назад

    One way to tell if a device driver might be suitable for the display you have is to simply open it up in Notepad++ and look at it. Some of them, but not all, have a long list of which displays they drive. There are lots of display available from China, and they can be dirt cheap. Places like Adafruit can charge 10X of the China cost. I don't begrudge them that, as they have costs to cover (rent in NYC for one), but ...

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Hey Art! This library does support many chipsets it appears; I was just happy it supported the one I had, but it is certainly an easy way to check, so thanks for the suggestion. I know what you mean by Adafruit; on the one hand they are brilliant and obviously help drive the Arduino community along, but, boy, their prices certainly reflect all that effort and then some. I've bought a couple of small Adafruit items just to "give back" as it were, but they don't make it easy, do they?

  • @327kaybee
    @327kaybee 5 лет назад

    Hi Ralph quick thank you for your excellent tutorials. Just watched this thought, could you not fix a tx to cats collar then you can see exactly where he is

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      The trouble with that idea is that a transmitter requires power. Now, I could transmit once a minute or something (with the rest of the time in Deep Sleep) but it's not easy. He actually has a commercial tracking unit on his collar that runs out of batteries every few months but is otherwise not bad. The In/Out is just simpler!

  • @neilbarnett3046
    @neilbarnett3046 7 лет назад

    Far Kinell! It works! Not the touchscreen, but it's there! How amazing are you!
    I have previously spent 2 evenings trying to find something that worked, loading libraries and stuff from all over, I got so confused that I wiped the lot and reinstalled Arduino IDE. Your app worked straight away.....after I had downloaded touchscreen.h and let Arduino move the apps around and deleted a couple of copy folders and deleted a couple of empty folders, but that's almost nothing.
    It's a bit late at night to muck about more, I'll look at the touchscreen bit tomorrow, though I hardly need it for the task I have in mind.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      That's heart-warming news, Neil, and I'm sure you're pleased you got it working at long last. Even if you don't need the touch facility right now why not get it working just so you have experience of it, possibly for future projects? Just make sure your screen really is touch-enabled (some look like the one I used but don't have the touch capabilities). And, of course, let us all know how you get on! Thanks for the great feedback.

    • @neilbarnett3046
      @neilbarnett3046 7 лет назад +2

      (revised version) I have had a few minutes to investigate this morning, I have found something that I hope will inform other users.
      It's easy to spot the four-way strip that leads to the front of the display for the touch grid, as it's separate from the 25-way (or so) strip that leads to the back of the display for the screen control.
      My display is by Sodial, and came from Amazon at £3.67, so maybe the price should have been a clue.... The colours are inverted, easy to cure, but maybe there is an option somewhere in a library. It responds to the 0x9341 ID, but an ID request gives "unknown" from code C0C0, so your sketch worked, but the examples from AdaFruit didn't until I "hard-wired" the code. I can now get the touchscreen to work, after a posting in the arduino forum suggested misc.ws as a possible source and there I found a suggestion that the pins are different, meaning that this needs changing:
      #define YP A1 // must be an analog pin, use “An” notation!
      #define XM A2 // must be an analog pin, use “An” notation!
      #define YM 7 // can be a digital pin
      #define XP 6 // can be a digital pin
      Now your sketch waits for a touch, but I am not convinced by these, yet, since the positioning values are rotated 90degrees, which will just need some time to sort out in between decorating the lounge, which I have been informed is more important.
      Next time, which will be for my permanent project, I'll buy from Adafruit or Elegoo or Kuman, who all provide lots of information.
      No reply necessary and thank you again.

    • @dlinnoedlinnoe
      @dlinnoedlinnoe 7 лет назад +1

      Thank you very much!!! I also have a C0C0 display, and your magic numbers are right on spot!

  • @alanpowell328
    @alanpowell328 7 лет назад

    I bought one of the second type of display you show (Geekcriet 2.8) from Bangood some time ago and re-visiting the advert today I notice that, for that model, they now supply some code to download - with lots of examples and code for the different graphics processor types. It looks like the same product is available with either the STC12LE5A60S2 or the STM32 (STM32F103RCT6). So that will be interesting to try - some sketches don't even use a library - clever these Chinese.
    The screen you feature on the Uno is also Banggood, (2.4 inch TFT) as you describe, but for some reason is currently out of stock. I wonder why....................

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      No library, Alan? Wow, that sketch would be interesting reading. I might just mosey along to Banggood to take a look. Are you saying the other TFT is out of stock due to the "Delia Effect" or have I misunderstood. We could call it the "Benny Effect"! And I *still* get no commission from anywhere.

    • @alanpowell328
      @alanpowell328 7 лет назад

      Hi Ralph,
      I couldn't get it to work - so I moved on but I might go back now I have actually got my TFT working.
      Using the Bangood 2.8 TFT, I eventually found that "tft.begin(0x9325);" works but I can't guarantee that every variant will. Mine does so I'm obviously happy. The basic info can be found in; "Adafruit_TFTLCD.cpp".
      As to the Banggood stocking issue - could be the Benny effect, since it takes a video like yours to raise interest in what is otherwise a fairly specialised piece of hardware. There is also an Instructable on the 2.8 TFT, which I will check out - and report back.
      Kind Regards Alan

    • @alanpowell328
      @alanpowell328 7 лет назад

      The Instructable is by dmainmon;

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Does the 'touch' part work too, Alan, using that identifier?

  • @Steven_Bennett_YT
    @Steven_Bennett_YT 5 лет назад

    Did the coloured pin labels come with the UNO Ralph, or are they available online - thanks?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      The coloured pin labels, Steven, were actually from an ATTiny85 Kit, but prior to that I had stuck a white piece of paper on the side of the header sockets and had written, as neatly as I could, what each pin was. I used a red pen for the +5v. The "professional versions" can be made using a printer though, very easy, a bit of trial and error and that's an evening well spent!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      This page may get you started:

  • @Taran72
    @Taran72 4 года назад

    Thank you for the great video and for providing the code and the libraries. Yes...I am watching this video now in 2020 and the libraries may have changed! :) :)

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад +1

      That's why I include the libraries as a snapshot; it can be most frustrating to recompile a sketch a year or two after it was first done only to find that you now have a gazillion errors because the underlying libraries have changed and are not backward compatible!

  • @wotesi
    @wotesi 5 лет назад

    Dear Ralph,
    Although your video is about TFT screen, let me ask this question - for my DIY Remote Control Unit I have selected Graphic 128x64 LCD screen based on ST7920 chip-set. I decided, that I do not need any color to represent just numbers (e.g. GPS coordinates or altitude of my drone, or temperature), so I needed just big enough screen to show only text and numbers, big enough for easy reading. So I found this library "U8glib.h", which have also definition for my LCD (U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_1X u8g(13, 11, 10); // SPI Com: SCK = en = 13, MOSI = rw = 11, CS = di = 10), which means it will use PINs No. 13, 11 and 10 to connect it. But at the same time I am gong to use nRF24L01 wireless module for transmitting/receiving information. If I understand correctly to connect it to Arduino it uses PINs No. 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Now the question - (it is obvious that both devices uses the same PINs) can I define for my LCD screen any other PINs then 13, 11 and 10 (or they must be SCK, MOSI and SS PINs), say 6, 7, 8? Or I should use PIN extension somehow?
    Thank you for helping me!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      In brief, the Adafruit library does mention that the shield version has fixed pins, but it seems they can be changed by either defining them differently (in the library headers) or just in your sketch. Dig down into the examples and see what you can find. If yours is not the shield version it's more flexible (or, the library seems to allow a wider range of pins) but there's no reason as far as I can see why it has to use the pins you mention.

  • @aspectcarl
    @aspectcarl 7 лет назад

    Yay! got both examples working, where did you get the labels from for your dupont headers Ralph?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Woo Hoo, Result! (As we sometimes say in the UK). Those coloured labels on the side of my Uno came with the ATTiny85 kit from video #82 but I also mentioned and showed that I made my own (far inferior ones) before that (small world). So glad it all worked for you Carl, nice that you posted here thus encouraging others to try it too.

    • @aspectcarl
      @aspectcarl 7 лет назад

      really helpful video Ralph, thank you. I wanted to use the display for a simple work project but I ran into the same issue as you with the display shield covering the prototype shield, I'll have to get some stand off headers as you suggest. really helpful that you place your material on github.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      You've just reminded me, Carl, that I must order more long pin headers. They pins will have to be shortened actually, as they are sized to go through a PCB first then into the pin header sockets. We want to use them just to raise the height of the shield so they are a few millimetres too long. Github is useful not just for you but for me too, easier than trying to share DropBox files as I used to!

    • @aspectcarl
      @aspectcarl 7 лет назад

      Where are you going to order the headers from?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      AliExpress has a huge bundle of 20 x 6-pin, 8-pin, 10-pin for about GBP 2.33 (store name is 3 d shopping center). However, that comes on a slow boat from China so I've also paid more than that just for ONE set from eBay (grrr!) just to get the job done this month. Serves me right for not taking note that I was running out of these headers!

  • @jonathanr4242
    @jonathanr4242 3 года назад

    Another amazing video from the master. If RUclips was a university, you'd be professor emeritus.

  • @renjiabarai6196
    @renjiabarai6196 7 лет назад

    Great tutorial Ralph, could you make some more tutorial with lcd and arduino uno r3 like this? Maybe with sensor, humidity and temperature, or etc sensor. thanks for taking the time to make tutorials

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      Already done, Renji. Look at my videos #46, #48 and #52 which display the temperature and humidity on a 20 x 4 LCD (you can ignore the wireless aspect of this project). Not quite the same as using a touch TFT but the code to read the temperature and humidity from a DHT22 is there. Have a look at that first and see if it meets your needs. If not, let me know.

  • @ForeverMods
    @ForeverMods 7 лет назад

    Very comprehensive. Thank you so much !!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Glad you liked it, ForeverMods, it certainly is a nice, relatively inexpensive TFT that gives quite a bit. Just a bit slow, but hey, if I wanted fast I could get a Pi and its TFT screen for 10x the price of this one! Good to hear from you.

  • @Jun0Man
    @Jun0Man 7 лет назад

    The display isn't SPI, it's actually using a parallel interface. It uses the 5 analog pins and 8 digital pins. I think other other display in your video can use spi or parallel. I have the same display which I wanted to use with a wemos D1 but I can't as the D1 only has 1 analog pin. I need to order a spi display instead but of course they don't come as an uno style shield.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      Yes, you're right of course, Chris, I realised after watching the video that although I said "uses the SPI pins" it did not use the SPI protocol. But there are screens that use the I2C / SPI protocol so that's another avenue I may explore, once I get this project in and done. Thanks for highlighting this.

  • @lesliesaunders7625
    @lesliesaunders7625 6 лет назад

    Good stuff. Have you tried out the Nextion displays?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Your reply, Leslie, has reminded me that I do indeed have one somewhere but I've not actually played about with it yet. It's now packed up ready for my big workshop move, so after that, I should be able to find it and experiment (something I've been meaning to do for months, since November 2017). This is...
      This is the one I have: www.aliexpress.com/item/Nextion-2-4-TFT-320-x-240-Resistive-Touch-Screen-UART-HMI-Smart-raspberry-pi-LCD/32669658873.html
      So not exactly cheap, but I'm hoping for an easy implementation and a quality image!
      So thanks for the reminder and thanks for posting!

  • @tomphotog022
    @tomphotog022 7 лет назад

    Hey Ralph would you mind doing a video explaining how to control a servo with a joystick via bluetooth?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Ha ha! How cheeky is that Tom, asking for a complete bespoke system in one of my videos!
      OK, seriously let's consider the steps required here. Firstly, Bluetooth communication (from what? your phone, another device?) is easy and I've covered that in a previous video. Next, joystick control? A real one? Now, this *can't* be your phone after all, in which case why would you choose Bluetooth as the comms of choice here? I'd use something else, perhaps an nRF24L01 transceiver. Possibly even infra-red, if the servo was stationary, that is not on a robot or car.
      And finally, controlling a servo is a whole sketch in itself, which I can't believe I haven't covered (although it got a passing mention in my Stepper Motor videos). But if you get that working as a self-contained project then linking it to something else (which you've yet to specify, as we have now discounted your Bluetooth-enabled phone) is the next step.
      So there are at least 3 (major) proof-of-concept steps to consider here, each one of which you could have a reasonable stab at doing, but the very first (and most important) step is to define *exactly* what your requirements are. What's the project, Tom, that you have in mind?

    • @tomphotog022
      @tomphotog022 7 лет назад

      Hey Ralph thanks for responding back! Not trying to be cheeky just trying to the get the information for my project. Sorry if it was inappropriate. So I am building a BB8 and right now I am working on the head portion of the project. I would like to control it through a joystick wirelessly through bluetooth. I know I could of used an XBEE but I don't have those right now. If found videos of people using bluetooth and servo motors but not how to use it together.
      The hardware I have is 2 (SenMod HC-05 Arduino Wireless Bluetooth Receiver RF), one servo motor, a 2X New JoyStick Breakout Module Shield PS2, Arduino Mega, and an Arduino Micro Pro. Thanks for your help!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      It's not inappropriate, per se, Tom, just that what you suggest is about a month's work! And then some! You can certainly send Bluetooth via an Arduino to another one on your droid but I don't know how that deals with the signal. It's a bit specialised, Tom, best best is to find a forum that deals with this (especially as you have already found videos of people doing this already, they may proffer some clues). All I can say is "Good Luck"!

  • @gazzacroy
    @gazzacroy 4 года назад

    just got one of these wow so much more powerfull than my old commodro plus/4 lol im truly amazed what you can just knock Together with these things. im really enjoying your videos boy it going to take a while to watch them all lol . cool stuff..

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад +1

      Yes, now that there are over 200, self-contained videos you will not be bored during the lockdown! Glad you find them useful. I'm doing another video on this screen (different format) and with a... sorry, no spoilers but QI (quite interesting)!

    • @gazzacroy
      @gazzacroy 4 года назад

      @@RalphBacon cool

  • @abdulrahmanhamdi1782
    @abdulrahmanhamdi1782 5 лет назад

    thanks sir for this nice explanation , i want to write my own tft_library and i want to know the basic operation and control registers .any help?!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад +1

      The best way is to "reverse engineer" an existing library - that way you get to see all the details plus some tips on how to write your own library.

  • @ChagoiSteve
    @ChagoiSteve 4 года назад

    Hi Ralph. Did you determine if the 2.2in screen was 3.3v or 5v Tolerant? I gather from what I've read that the panel is actually looking for something like 3.6v and the VCC in is regulated to that. I've got a 2.8in one Supposed to be 5v tolerant but dubious. The J1 jumper can be shorted out to bypass the regulator and a number of other youtubers say that's what they always do? Mines hooked up to an ESP32 3.3v output seems to be fine so far! but not sure yet if that's how I will use it.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      I'm afraid too much water has flowed under the bridge since I did this video, Stephen, but if it works reliably at 3v3 then keep it at that. I'll be using a different screen (very similar though, just larger) for an ESP32 Internet Radio project which might interest you.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      Update: The screen is currently plugged into an Arduino UNO so it MUST be 5v tolerant, Stephen!

    • @ChagoiSteve
      @ChagoiSteve 4 года назад

      @@RalphBacon Thanks Ralph, Much Appreciated. The one I had delivered has a dead row of pixels! So I don't actually mind if the magic smoke appears.(ebay supplier sending me another). Yes will follow your Internet Radio project with great interest.

  • @wv838
    @wv838 4 года назад

    Hi Ralph, did you ever get that 2.2" screen working with the 5 pin spi connector?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      You mean this screen here? I can't remember how I got it working but work it did. Did I use I2C or something? Sorry, this is an old, old video!

    • @wv838
      @wv838 4 года назад +1

      No worries, Ralph. Not a lot out there for the ili9488 but I found libs at lcdwiki in the end.
      Didn't realise this was such an old video!

  • @marklaurence8504
    @marklaurence8504 6 лет назад

    I loved your informative video, and have downloaded the zip file. and installed libraries in the Libraries folder. I only get ONE FATAL error "touchscreen.h no such file or directory"
    Checked directory specified in error message and file DOES exist.
    Any ideas why the compiler does not recognise the supposed missing file?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Have you included it with chevrons, Mark, like this:
      or did you use quotes around the name? Is the name of the library exactly the same as the folder (case sensitive) in your libraries folder?

  • @tonyswinburne9679
    @tonyswinburne9679 4 года назад

    Hi Ralph, I have used your demo code code on a project, can you please show me how to define a button to press on the TFT screen, not the whole screen. Thanks.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      OK, you are not exactly defining a button, per se, to press, Tony.
      What you do is draw an area of the screen to represent a button but what you press has *nothing much* to do with what you drew. All you are doing is pressing the screen and your code will determine whether your press was within the confines of that drawn button and not somewhere else.
      Example: you draw a 50 pixel square "button" 20 pixels from the top and 20px from the left. Your code can tell you where the press was detected. You now have to say, "Was it within the area 20px from the top and 20px from the left and then within that 50px area of the 'button' I drew". I know, a bit clunky but that's how all touch screens work.
      Your screen press action will work regardless of what you have on screen. Obviously you want it to look like somewhere to press, as per my demo, but it's all smoke and mirrors.
      Normally, there would be an underlying library to draw and recognise touches on various "buttons" but in this sketch I did it the hard way just to show how it all worked.
      Make sense?

    • @tonyswinburne9679
      @tonyswinburne9679 4 года назад

      @@RalphBacon Thank you for the info Ralph. I'm trying to get the touch screen to only work within the button confines.
      If my "button" is drawn at X=220, Y=180, W=75, H-40, how would I configure the line
      #define btnCONTINUE ((p.y < 300 || p.y > 845) || (p.x < 220 || p.x > 300))
      to recognise a press in this area?

  • @mav29
    @mav29 6 лет назад

    hello sir whats the difference in summary regarding Nextion version tft, im trying to learn how to use the same type of 2.4" tft lcd we have on this video you have, i cant find much documentation regarding connecting it to a wemos d1 and a nodemcu. hope to hear from u ty

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад +1

      I haven't done a video on the Nextion TFT (yet) so I can't really comment on the differences at this stage. I do have a Nextion display though, so I may do a video in the future on it but that doesn't help you now, sorry. Google may be your best friend in this case.

    • @mav29
      @mav29 6 лет назад

      alright no problem thanks sir.. been browsing through you videos, thanks very much
      right now just trying to figure how to configure the 2.4" tft lcd 8bit for my wemos d1r2 ^_^.v..

  • @GTIBert
    @GTIBert 4 года назад

    Nice video
    Where do you get those decals for on the pins.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      You can make your own very easily on the computer, in the same way I do. Very useful.

    • @GTIBert
      @GTIBert 4 года назад

      Thank you for this response.
      Do you have an example to make this yourself.
      I would be very grateful to you.

    • @neilbarnett3046
      @neilbarnett3046 4 года назад

      I put mine in a shared area of my dropbox:
      That should open a read-only version, save it to you drive. Now your only problem is printing them small enough to be 2.54mm high.
      The first sheet is for the chip itself, the second sheet is for the headers on the Arduino.
      I print them on paper and then stick them with Pritt stick, or if I have any, I can use a sheet of self-adhesive labels.

  • @edss.9231
    @edss.9231 7 лет назад

    Hi, please, I need help to understand what pin selects the touch controller?, I can see in the mainboard the pins to select the LCD and SD card, but I would like to know about the selection of the touch controller. Could you explain about it?, I thank you for your help.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      Hello Arduinite! I'm currently on vacation 5,000 miles away from home so I'll have to be brief with these comments until my return, mid-July.
      The touch pins are the ones to the Arduino's analog pins, as far as I recall, but I will have to check this out on my return. Let me know if you still need an answer.

  • @DavidUnderhill
    @DavidUnderhill 7 лет назад +1

    works great but driver on commonly available from eBay resellers marked needed to use the following for setup
    void setup() {
    //the following needed to be changed for correct driver type
    tft.begin(0x9325); // SDFP5408
    //the driver on mcufriend.com boards is IL9325 now NOT ILI9341
    // rotation appeared to be 180 degrees out with that driver as well

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      Excellent information, David, thanks very much for sharing that. It will doubtless help others trying to set up such a screen.

  • @jeanpierrepeiffer8633
    @jeanpierrepeiffer8633 6 лет назад

    Ralph, I bougth some of them on ALi, they all are 8 bit parallel LCD + control lines and the only library i found was, the ADAFRUIT_TFTLCD, but this is incredibly SLOW... compared to other ones which use SPI technology, also on ALi to find and use the library Adafruit_ILI9341 which is for SPI LCD's I believe
    Do you know of a FAster variant of the Parallel library TFTLCD ? I need to update my screen faster.. tnx 4 any tip...
    I am great follower of your transmissions.. ON7MA

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      I'm afraid I don't know of one, but Google may be your best friend here. There are many people who try and improve upon existing libraries (or rewrite them completely) so keep searching, you never know what you might find.

  • @nextwave5164
    @nextwave5164 5 лет назад

    Hi Ralph, So what if you want to press a button then activate a relay or a sensor or something to that affect

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      You treat the on-screen "button" as you would a standard physical switch, no difference.

  • @eefoops2u
    @eefoops2u 7 лет назад

    Sorry to trouble you, but do you know the maximum size in GB of the sd card this little video board can handle? speed range = Class ?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      Tricky one this, William. There is zero information available so we will have to be a bit clever. Micro SD card sockets sold for Arduino/Pi use seem to max out at either 2Gb or, if they are really SDHC (High Capacity) 8Gb. Without actually trying it out it's all a bit hit and miss. That said, you can get an awful lot of data on a 2Gb card (yes, I know, 2Gb's worth! - but that's a lot of text data if you're logging something , for example). I have some micro sockets that allow up to 32Gb capacity card so you just can't tell. I suspect (me being -cynical- realistic that the capacity might be on the lower side).

    • @mannhansen9337
      @mannhansen9337 5 лет назад

      2 Gigs max is correct on Arduino. Inherited from the old PC world (FAT).
      8+3 filename etc.
      If using a BME280 weather sensor you can store many months of data.
      BME280 is a Bosch Temp,Humidity and Air pressure sensor via I2C. Works great.
      If you buy on Ebay make sure you get the "purple pcb" , the are more often real BME280's
      The blue model with sloppy silkscreen is normally BMP280. Only Temp and Humidity.

  • @3dprintertrainer204
    @3dprintertrainer204 7 лет назад

    Can you provide a link to the great pricing Arduino Uno board on ebay you found?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Well, the good news is that the price has dropped for UK buyers, at least. It's now available for around $2.78 (that £2.11) and here's a typical link from AliExpress.com:
      www.aliexpress.com/item/Best-prices-high-quality-UNO-R3-MEGA328P-for-Arduino-UNO-R3-NO-USB-CABLE/32824708026.html but I'm not endorsing (or otherwise) this particular seller, it's just an example, but I hope it helps.
      In case others don't know, AliExpress is a bit like a huge eBay for Chinese and Far Eastern supplies - not just for electronic items, but absolutely everything you could ever think of. They are quite strict with their suppliers, you get ages to raise a complaint and they generally are very reliable. Your money is held by AliExpress until you confirm delivery or your (generous) delivery time expires. It can take a while for things to arrive (sometimes several weeks) but then again I've had stuff arrive this week in just 10 days! Good place to compare prices against eBay and Amazon.

  •  7 лет назад

    i got a 3.2 inch (Not adafruit) and a megga arduino and the display on my tft is backwards any ideas how to fix? (im using a tft shield).

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Hi Jay, sorry you got a backwards (as in mirror) display. Probably means that the library we're using is not the correct one for your TFT. Have a look at the marking on the TFT board and try and identify the main chip; from that do a Google search for a library for that model. The Arduino forum can be a goldmine (forum.arduino.cc/index.php) when searching for these sort of answers, give them a whirl, but be nice, they take no prisoners!

  • @francoisbouffard82
    @francoisbouffard82 5 лет назад

    Hi Ralph, is it possible to drive 2 x TFT screens (0x7575 => HX8347G LCD driver) at the same time on an arduino mega. I searched on the internet but I did not find an answer.
    Thanks for your help.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      This screen shield plugs directly into the Arduino and uses SPI. Another screen (not a shield) that uses SPI should work too as long as it uses a different CS (Chip Select) pin. In my demo I show the sketch with the following defined:
      #define LCD_CS A3
      that is used in this line a bit further down
      Adafruit_TFTLCD tft(LCD_CS,... etc)
      So if you created TWO objects (call them tft1 and tft2 instead of just tft) and had different CS pins defined for both then they should work just fine.
      But the only way to know is to try it, François. Good luck.

    • @francoisbouffard82
      @francoisbouffard82 5 лет назад

      Hi Ralf,
      thank you for your reply.
      In my program I defined like this:
      But in the void setup:
      tftg.begin (0x7575);
      tftg.setRotation (3); // 0 or 1 or 2 or 3
      tftg.fillScreen (BLACK); // clear screen
      tftd.begin (0x7575);
      tftd.fillScreen (BLACK)
      I have mixed display of 2 screens on 1rst screen.
      how to connect the second TFT, I have doubts for the connection.
      Thanks for your help

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      I've just spent some time digging into the Adafruit library for this screen, François. It seems that they never expected anyone to connect more than one screen (at a time) to an Arduino. It uses 12 (or 13) pins to communicate with the screen because it uses 8-bit parallel communication - not exactly standard.
      At this point, I would not proceed, because getting the screen working at all is quite a challenge, let alone two. If it used standard I2C or SPI it would work, I think.
      The way I might approach it would be to use a second Arduino (clones are very cheap, maybe $3) and send the second Arduino the information to be displayed on the second screen. A slave screen, so to speak. That would simplify your code too. At least you know that will work, or you could spend forever trying to get two screens on one UNO working, which, having looked at the Adafruit library, seems unlikely! Keep it simple, that's my motto!

  • @sibaramdatta5625
    @sibaramdatta5625 2 года назад

    Sir I have already purchased a 2.4 inch tft lcd & tested it with the example adafruit tft lcd graphictest is running quite well. But Sir I have uploaded the sketch of yours & after upload the sketch screen shows "setup is completed touch to proceed" & when touch the screen nothing has been changed. Please advise me in this regard how to create touch screen effective.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  2 года назад

      First of all, upload the Adafruit calibration sketch or "phone" sketch that will prove that the touch part of the screen is functioning correctly.
      Additionally, in the "touch" function, place a Serial.println statement so you can tell whether the touch function has been invoked. Do note that the pins on the rear of the screen for touch (SPI pins) are the same as the main board; only the CS pin changes and only one CS can be active (LOW) at a time.

  • @ayesha7oo2
    @ayesha7oo2 2 года назад

    My display does not get such clear output as yours. The texts get overlapped and the fillscreen doesn't work correctly so I get a weird output. Can't figure out what the problem is :(

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  2 года назад

      Are you using the correct library (exactly the same as me?) That is the most likely cause if you have issues with a screen.

  • @tumenbayarmunkhjargal6677
    @tumenbayarmunkhjargal6677 4 года назад +1

    Hello! I want to transmit data from another Arduino via serial. Help me as soon as possible. Thank you.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      Comments on this video is not the place for this comment, is it, Tumenbayer? And anyway, using the Serial (hardware) or SoftwareSerial library connecting two Arduinos together (RX to TX and TX to RX) is very simple. What have you tried and what problems are you getting?

    • @tumenbayarmunkhjargal6677
      @tumenbayarmunkhjargal6677 4 года назад

      @@RalphBacon no problem now, thanks in advance.

  • @douglasthomson2986
    @douglasthomson2986 6 лет назад

    Nice! Could save a load of wiring in push buttons to a project. Does look like a fair bit of coding heartache to get right, but then if it was easy everyone would be doing it. Cheers Ralph.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Indeed that is true, Douglas. If it were easy this Channel would not (need to) exist! Shock! Glad you liked it, it's a nice way to add a bit of Wow Factor to a project. Thanks for posting, nice to hear from you.

  • @rehansayed1046
    @rehansayed1046 5 лет назад

    i am using the same tft lcd display upload a simple sketch as i move my styler in clockwise direction the screen draw an anticlockwise circle as i draw a line bellow the line is drawn on the upper side

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      In the library the x & y coordinates have been swapped; it's a common problem. You may find some lines already commented out there and replaced. Have a good look first and let me know if you fix it.

  • @AbdolazimHasseli
    @AbdolazimHasseli 5 лет назад

    Thanks for the video.
    I have purchased a 3.5" TFT display from mcufriend. Its touch screen uses XPT2046 chip. I was unable to find any library for this TFT display to use its touch screen. Can you help me?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад +1

      The amazing Paul Stoffregen has an Arduino library for this chip/screen.
      Have a look.

  • @mannhansen9337
    @mannhansen9337 5 лет назад

    The demo works great but occupies nearly 24k of memory. How can I print only pure ASCII characters only in
    1 or max 2 font sizes ? Output from sensors etc. No fancy graphics or touch screen keys needed ?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      If you don't need touch screen capability, nor fancy graphics, Mann, then I think perhaps this is not the screen for you.
      I don't have any other libraries that would give you what you want - and I doubt you would find one as the whole point of this screen is that _does_ offer just those features! If you just want plain ASCII why not use a blue 20x4 or 16x2 LCD screen (you can even use big fonts on that screen, see my video #23) and uses hardly any memory up at all. Any good?

    • @mannhansen9337
      @mannhansen9337 5 лет назад

      I have used many of the LCD's you mention with an I2C backpack. The contrast is not ok and the LCD's must be viewed from a certain distance and angle. Cheap modules from EBAY.
      Maybe not passed quality test in the factory ? I like the Mcufriend tft's and will look after some
      smaller font libraries. I'll also give your video #23 a try.

  • @蕭良宇-m8d
    @蕭良宇-m8d 5 лет назад

    Have you ever tried this on the mega2560 board? I could not have the touch function worked.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад +1

      I have not tried it on the Mega2560, no, sorry. Your best friend will be Google to see if anyone has done that.

  • @ecosiabing4528
    @ecosiabing4528 5 лет назад

    hello, how can we connect any sensor to the arduino board along side with the 2. screen ?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      I don't fully understand your question, Ecosia, what do you mean by "how do we connect"? If there are GPIO pins available then use those in the usual way. Or connect the sensor to the I2C bus if it needs it. Can you clarify, please?

  • @olivernovelles8609
    @olivernovelles8609 4 года назад

    OH! I just seen Benny passed away. My condolences. RIP

  • @ankushchakraborty6683
    @ankushchakraborty6683 6 лет назад

    can you make a video on displaying custom bitmaps on oled or display shield by taking external input from a touch sensor using arduino? am actually working on a robotics project and i am unable to figure out how to make a smiley face displayed wen the sensor is touched and then go back to normal face emoji wen the sensor is idle

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Getting it to display is the important thing here, Ankush, not how it is displayed. If you go my GitHub for this video and drill down the following path:
      TFT-LCD-Display-2.4-2.8-Touch-Shield/Adafruit Original Libraries/Adafruit_LiquidCrystal/examples/CustomCharacter/
      You will see how to create custom characters but I'm afraid that's not something I can help you with; you will have to investigate further and try the example and from there work out how to create the ones you need.
      I hope this at least helps!

    • @ankushchakraborty6683
      @ankushchakraborty6683 6 лет назад +1

      Ralph S Bacon thanks alot, its a strt. if I figure it out sure will let u knw

  • @tonyswinburne9679
    @tonyswinburne9679 4 года назад

    Hi, I have a 2.8" TFT shield. When I plug it on to my Arduino UNO Rev 3 it works well with most of the demo sketches out there. But when I plug it on to my Arduino UNO WIFI rev 2 (which I'm told is compatible) it does not. Can you tell me if it will work with my Arduino UNO WIFI Rev 2?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад +1

      I suspect, Tony, that your Arduino UNO WiFi may use some of the GPIO pins to run the WiFi, but those GPIO pins are also required to run your TFT shield.
      If you can dig out the documentation on which pins are being used for the UNO WiFi it may get you closer to resolving this.
      Additionally, remember that the UNO WiFi uses the Microchip ATmega4809 (not an ATMega328P) which is a different chip altogether, made compatible with the UNO REV 3 by a "compatibility layer"; maybe it's not quite as compatible as Arduino (or the TFT manufacturer) had hoped.
      Sorry I can't be of more help.

    • @tonyswinburne9679
      @tonyswinburne9679 4 года назад

      @@RalphBacon Thank you Ralph. I did read that the ATMega328P and ATMega4809 were compatible but I guess you're right.

  • @kristelchelseago5755
    @kristelchelseago5755 5 лет назад

    Can I use the ADAFRUIT library for my 3.2 TFT LCD too?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      I'm afraid I've no idea, Kristel. The best thing is to read the library (.h file) and see whether it mentions you r particular screen (controller chip).

  • @jyvben1520
    @jyvben1520 7 лет назад

    What if the cat stays in the "long" catwalk, not out not in ..., 3 colors (no text) Red: out, Orange : in the catwalk, Green : in.
    2x Pir : one inside, one at the exit ..., touch the screen to show the time/details ... auto-switches back to color

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Yes, you've already identified a, let's say, "edge case" in my design. I'll explain how I'm mitigating this problem in my final video on this project, but as I cannot access the cat flap any more it's always a risk that the device will how "IN" or "OUT" and Benny is not really either - hovering between the two states. Schroedinger's cat, almost? I like your idea of another colour though, I will probably use that, and the idea to touch the screen to show a log I had already come up with (really I did, but probably phase 2) so great minds think alike. Thanks for posting the ideas Jyv, appreciated.

  • @mcocker
    @mcocker 7 лет назад

    Good video again.
    I have 2 or 3 of these screens from various sources, think one was from BangGood and two were from eBay sellers.
    I had great difficulty in getting one of them to work with any libraries I could find, I eventually manged to get a utility to return an identifier for the controller and found that it was not supported by many but found that the MCUFRIEND_kbv library is good at handling these and is already configured for some known things like swapped x or y touch direction and offsets. It can be used with the AdaFruit GFX so no need to learn new functions.
    Just throwing the info in there if others have the same difficulty, I'll see if I can find the offending display model and I'll post a reply if I find more info.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      That's great info Matt, you never know who might read this and benefit. As Art Becker mentioned if you open up the library this one does support many chipsets (for display, anyway, not sure about touch). Thanks again for the info.

    • @mcocker
      @mcocker 7 лет назад +1

      I dug it out, it is a 2.8 inch TFT shield 240x320, the controller is a S6D0154, it identified itself as 0x0154 when queried for the controller ID.
      The other two I have are different controllers and work fine with the Adafruit library, can be such a lucky dip as to what you get even from the same supplier, and they all look the same on the same Red PCB with no identification as to what the controller is. Good luck everybody.

  • @mrt18709
    @mrt18709 6 лет назад

    Hi Ralph, I'm still struggling getting my 2.4 inch TFT to work (shows 0x7575 chip). Can you recommend any other resources to follow up with?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      I'm guessing Adafruit is your best bet, Tait, but failing that Google is your best friend. When you say you are "struggling" what does that mean? A white screen? Nothing appears on the screen?

    • @mrt18709
      @mrt18709 6 лет назад

      Thanks Ralph. Yes, I get the white screen. I've tried all the libraries I can find using Google, to no avail. I've tried programs that tell me the chip in the TFT but the libraries for that don't work either.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      It's probably the hexadecimal code you are using for the screen. I believe I show the library I used which had several hex codes in the underlying files, all for different screens, have a look at the .h or .cpp files. It can be very hit and miss though. And sometimes you never do get to bottom of the problem.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      This web page mentions your chip (you require an HX8347G LCD Driver, apparently):
      (It's in Dutch but Google translates it automatically) - in fact there a couple of libraries there that match your chip.
      Read this post, may point you in the right direction: forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=288475.0
      Perhaps you've tried all this already?

    • @mrt18709
      @mrt18709 6 лет назад

      Thanks Ralph, The Dutch page looks familiar but I'm not sure about the arduino forum. It's been a couple of weeks since I attempted it so I'll try it again and keep you posted. Thanks for following up

  • @josepheccles9341
    @josepheccles9341 5 лет назад

    When I try the Sample code for the touchscreen I get an error. "Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino UNO"

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      Go to File - Preferences and tick the boxes that say *Show verbose output during* [ x ]Compilation and [ x ]Upload, Joseph. That way you get much more output, but at least it might point you to the error that you can understand and hopefully correct.

    • @josepheccles9341
      @josepheccles9341 5 лет назад

      @@RalphBacon Thank you very much.

  • @raoofnaushad4318
    @raoofnaushad4318 7 лет назад

    Hey Balcon,
    Thanks for your help. But my touch is not working. Why is it so? I think the problem is with the libraby fucntion of touchscreen.h .If so could u show me the actual one. Please.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Are you *sure* your screen supports touch, Raoof? There are so many, almost identical looking screens, some of which do not have the touch functionality (and are therefore a bit cheaper). Check your screen against what you see in the demo. If they are not *identical* then it may not have touch, *or* check out the comments in this video from others, who have had similar problems but have either used different pins or have allocated different pins in the sketch or library.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      I also found this comment by a purchaser: graphics worked all right but touchscreen did not. using library SPFD5408-master: in examples change pins: YP=A3, XM=A2, YM=9, XP=8 in SPFD5408_TouchScreen.cpp change line 163, invert the x value (as has been done to the y value) return TSPOINT(1023 - x , 1023 - y, z); Now touchscreen works.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      See this thread here: forum.banggood.com/forum-topic-99663.html it may help you.

  • @nishanchettri9121
    @nishanchettri9121 5 лет назад

    what if the touch function doesnot work. which pins on the display connect to xm,xp,ym,yp as mentioned in the code .so that i can know what to change in my code.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад +1

      You need to look into the library to see how the touch works and which pin it responds to (an analog pin, certainly). It's not easy but Google might help you.

    • @nishanchettri9121
      @nishanchettri9121 5 лет назад

      @@RalphBacon thank you... Will look into it

  • @tamaraj4500
    @tamaraj4500 7 лет назад

    Hi! I can program one of these to play video, correct? Thanks!

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Not a chance, Tamara! The Arduino doesn't have the processing power to display video files of any kind. A Raspberry Pi could do it though, with one of their screens, but not an Arduino. It *can* display .bmp photos though, although the quality of this screen is nowhere near as good as the one in your phone. But then again, it didn't cost anywhere near that either! Great question that others may have wondered about too, thanks for posting.

    • @tamaraj4500
      @tamaraj4500 7 лет назад

      Thanks for replying, do you know what type of raspberry pi I need?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      Given that you are newcomer to the Pi World, I would go with a model that has lots of support, like the new (and powerful) Pi 3 Model B, although the Model 2 might suffice too. But don't let me push you down a path that's wrong, ask again at the forum stuffed full of Pi experts: raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/

  • @mauriziomoris769
    @mauriziomoris769 5 лет назад

    Hi, Very Good video
    Is sketch Good also for 3.5 TFT LCD?
    Tg Very much

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      Impossible to say, Maurizio. The trouble with these screens is that they (or the driver chips) can change without warning. What works for one screen may not work for another. the only way to ensure success is to read the comments of others before purchasing to ensure a driver / library is available.

  • @CompetcCoIn
    @CompetcCoIn 5 лет назад

    Getting Mirror image of all the text. Can you tell me why what I have done wrong?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      Firstly, have you the exact same screen that I used? Even a minor difference in model number can make a difference.
      Secondly, did you use the libraries on my GitHub from when I did this video, specifically because I knew those versions worked just find (with the demo sketch)?
      I use the following libraries from my GitHub:
      If you answer yes to both these questions we will have to investigate further!

    • @CompetcCoIn
      @CompetcCoIn 5 лет назад

      @@RalphBacon The problem got resolved after I resinstalled the libraries Thanks for the reply

  • @bsamsungsamsung1445
    @bsamsungsamsung1445 6 лет назад

    Hi, I have a 2,2 TFT LCD with 16 pins and I don' t know how to connect to arduino UNO. Do you know how to do it?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      The best way of identifying an unknown screen, Bsamsung, is to look at each identifying marking on the screen and use Google to try and narrow it down. If you get even close you might get some bits working then you can experiment with others in the same family of screens until you find the exact model. That's what I do, so good luck!

    • @buiciucdaniel6794
      @buiciucdaniel6794 6 лет назад

      I have identify the pins bu I have white screen. I had instal and drivers too.

  • @DirtNerds
    @DirtNerds 5 лет назад

    do they make a mounting bezel for those displays?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      Truth be told, it's unlikely. Whilst you can fit them quite successfully into an acrylic case (either transparent, so no cutting required, or coloured so you would have to cut out an accurate opening) other options include 3D printing. If you have no 3D printer (I don't) then there are people out there willing to create something for you, for a fee. Check out Thingiverse first to see whether someone has already designed one! www.thingiverse.com/

    • @DirtNerds
      @DirtNerds 5 лет назад +1

      @@RalphBacon bummer i guess it is time to sit down at the 3d printer computer

  • @joymakerRC
    @joymakerRC 2 года назад

    Love your face as Always Mr. Bacon. Thankyou

  • @theabsar
    @theabsar 3 года назад

    I am getting an error "fatal error: TouchScreen.h: No such file or directory"
    I can't seem t find this file any where, please advise

    • @bgable7707
      @bgable7707 3 года назад

      1. Search the entire hard drive from C:\ or / (Linux) for the file name. 2. Enable "Show verbose output during compilation" under File > Preferences. This will display the library directories included to resolve / search for the needed files to include during the compile.

    • @theabsar
      @theabsar 3 года назад

      @@bgable7707 Thanks but I solved the problem by installing older libraries that had the required files...

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  3 года назад

      I see you have resolved this, good job!

  • @bhagyashrirajput3357
    @bhagyashrirajput3357 3 года назад

    Can u plz tell me which library file are needed to download for this TFT display to do its simulation in Proteus.Can u plz give exact link for this TFT library where I can download it and then add it in proteus.plzzzz

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  3 года назад

      I'm afraid I have never used the Proteus Design Suite (which I assume you are referring to)? This channel is primarily aimed at the Arduino environment (and related microcontrollers that can use the Arduino IDE).
      Perhaps you could find a forum for users of the Proteus and ask this question?

    • @bhagyashrirajput3357
      @bhagyashrirajput3357 3 года назад +1

      @@RalphBacon kky .Thank you

  • @googleuser6875
    @googleuser6875 6 лет назад

    I just received a 2.4 inch display and tried to get it going on the Uno. There's not much on the board to identify it but it is a Mcufriend display. It simply had printed on the back of the board "www.mcufriend.com" "tftlcd for arduino uno (spiflash). Several videos say to use the mcufriend_kbv library for this display along with the adafruit gfx library after installing them I tried running the graphictest under examples which gives blank screen, serial port output reports:
    Serial took 0ms to start
    ID = 0xC0C0
    That's it and the screen stays white. Is there some configuration I have to do or is this screen not supported? Any help greatly appreciated.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Tricky one this. There are so many variants of these screens that what works with one won't work with another.
      That said, if you inspect the library file(s) you may notice some comments in the code that suggests you can try x, y and z depending on the model of your TFT screen. That, and Google everything in sight and try all suggestions - I had to do this once and it took forever to track down the correct settings in the library.
      That's all I can suggest. And this is exactly the reason why I don't buy any TFT screen unless I have a working library for it (no help to you now, but others reading this may pause and reflect!).

    • @mannhansen9337
      @mannhansen9337 5 лет назад

      Try to install the MCUFRIEND library written by David Prentice. You find it in library manager.
      David has fixed many of the white screen problems. Mcufriend use different control chips for nearly every model of display. My 2.4 inch display uses ILI9341 reported as 0x9341 and works with this demo.

    • @mikelee1906
      @mikelee1906 5 лет назад

      I am attempting the same with the same display. Tried the mcufriend_kbv library, MCUFRIEND library written by David Prentice, TFT_LCD_Display_2.4_2.8_Touch_Shield_master, 053-Touch-Screen-TFT-LCD, 2.4inch_Arduino_HX8347G_V1.0, Adafruit_GFX, SPFD5408_master. Tried modifying parts of code from the mcufriend.com. No luck. Been at it for about 8 hours watching videos and trying things out. Did you ever figure it out?

    • @mannhansen9337
      @mannhansen9337 5 лет назад

      Do you get any output on the screen at all ? Or is it white all over ?
      I assume the tft is properly inserted in the UNO, correct way ?. Not any misaligned pins etc ?
      Try starting all over with the demo's in David's Example folder without modifying any code.
      Also take a look in the Terminal output screen and see what the test outputs. Display model
      etc. Take a look in the Arduino Forum and search for MCUFRIEND.
      There is a lot of people having trouble with Mcufriend tft's. They are low cost yes, but I would have been rich if I got $1 for every hour I've spent troubleshooting these tft's.

    • @mikelee1906
      @mikelee1906 5 лет назад +1

      @@mannhansen9337 I have never seen so many people have so many issues with one device. It is incredible the amount of people that have issues on the forums!! Usually my determination pays off but this time may be different. I think it is defective. When I switched the ID to 0x9325 it displayed a blue slowing changing into a pink back to blue. It looked messed up. A lot of artifacts. Blotchy. Static. Nothing even close to the test patterns I have seen.
      And it cycles through the process in the Serial monitor correctly. Yes it is seated correctly. I have been building computers for about 10 years so I have that down. Went on easy. No problems. Pins look great. I ran the LCD_ID_Readreg . I thought about posting that and some pictures on the Arduino forum where David helps out people. But I only paid 10.99 US on Ebay. I was up until about 4 AM working on it. Started at about 2 PM. I initially saw the rough looking pattern about 2 hours into it. I am taking a break from it. Feels like I have compiled a thousand sketches! Might still try posting to David. Might go the Adafruit or Elegoo wrote. Pay a little more. Have heard no problems with them. Thanks for the reply! I do appreciate it!

  • @CrizzyD91
    @CrizzyD91 7 лет назад

    Is that the Mac version of the Arduino IDE?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад +1

      No, its a different IDE called Sublime Text 3. I've done a video on it, see video #69. It has several advantages over the standard Arduino IDE, if you're ready for an upgrade!

    • @CrizzyD91
      @CrizzyD91 7 лет назад

      Ah excellent, I'll be sure to check the video out!

  • @alexanderburkert3167
    @alexanderburkert3167 6 лет назад

    Dear sir, Ive downloaded all the libraries as requested, but when I upload my Arduino UNO i have the following message:
    Invalid library found in /users/myMac/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TFT-LCD-Display-2.4-2.8-Touch-Shield-Master:
    and i cant find whats the mistake , would you please help me out?
    Thanks in adavnce

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Alexander, when you download (and subsequently unzip) the library, it is usually appended with "-master". Remove that, so the file (and the library folder within it) is just the library name without "-master". Whether this is causing the error I don't know but you should do this anyway.
      If you subsequently remove this folder (temporarily) does the error go away?

    • @alexanderburkert3167
      @alexanderburkert3167 6 лет назад

      Dear Sir;
      Yes I noticed that and I have changed the folder name properly, however still having the same problem. I have deleted all the libraries and re-installed again, and still the same problem.

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Where are you downloading the library from, I'll take a look?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      alexander burkert 1 hour ago
      from github.com/adafruit/TFTLCD-Library
      I've had a look and it seems fine. Do the following. In the unzipped library: remove everything *except* files ending in ".h" and ".cpp" (header and c++ files). There are a few. Does the error still occur?

    • @johnwoodcock4798
      @johnwoodcock4798 5 лет назад

      Ralph S Bacon “

  • @ejb1011
    @ejb1011 7 лет назад

    Would this LCD work with an Arduino Due?

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  7 лет назад

      The Due is a 3.3 volt chip so won't interface to 5-volt peripherals easily, and it has an ARM chip (not an AVR) so some of the libraries may not work with it. I'm not saying it definitely won't work but I'd be cautious about the 3.3 volt limit (you don't want to damage it by connecting it to 5v pins or bus) and even then it may not compile - and given the problems many people have had with the libraries for this touch screen I'd be amazed (but pleased) if it were to work. Best I can say, Ed, sorry.

  • @zeistgeist1105
    @zeistgeist1105 4 года назад

    great but got error to compiling for board

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      What error are you getting exactly (copy/paste here)?

  • @alhasan838
    @alhasan838 Год назад

    How can I create an interface with an image matrix

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  Год назад +1

      I don't even understand your question so I guess I am not the person to ask on this occasion, sorry about that.

    • @alhasan838
      @alhasan838 Год назад

      Thank you

    • @alhasan838
      @alhasan838 Год назад

      @@RalphBacon A certain image from when one of the buttons is pressed💜

  • @neilbarnett3046
    @neilbarnett3046 4 года назад

    In case anyone is really struggling:
    I used an IL9341 TFT shield from Elegoo, (via Amazon), they support the product well, but it still didn't draw the right way up on the sketching sketch. I fixed it, so this is a read-only link to my working version for the Uno:
    So this is (mostly) NOT my code, it's from Elegoo, though it bears a striking resemblance to other sketchpad TFT programs! Their libraries and sample code are available at: www.elegoo.com/download/
    I make no claims other than "it worked for me" and "that was a year ago."
    Smart coffee table is still on hold, Ralph, I'm still painting the lounge and then it's the hallway before the carpet goes into holes...

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      Life has a way of getting in the way of Arduino projects, Neil. I had to decorate the entire house two summers ago. 12 hour shifts but it got done! Not much else did though. Thanks for the link to the TFT code, it will appear in Google search results before you know it, helping others. Cool.

  • @jonyjohan8958
    @jonyjohan8958 5 лет назад

    Specified folder/zip file does not contain a valid library

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад +1

      Sorry to hear this Jony, which link are you clicking on (in my GitHub presumably)?

    • @jonyjohan8958
      @jonyjohan8958 5 лет назад +1

      The problem has been resolved .. By unzip the files and add them manually to Arduino libraries 👍@@RalphBacon

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks for that Jony, glad you got it resolved.

  • @ZoomAffaire
    @ZoomAffaire 6 лет назад

    Merci pour le tutoriel et ce que tu peux nous faire un autre tutoriel pour un écran lcd tactile avec un menu ou faire fonction un moteur avec des button sur l’écran

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  6 лет назад

      Je suis vraiment désolé mais je ne peux pas concevoir de circuits sur mesure. Mais je vais ajouter ceci à ma liste de suggestions! En attendant, essayez de demander aux experts à forum.arduino.cc J'espère que cela aide.

  • @gazzacroy
    @gazzacroy 4 года назад

    making a little game of hangman and simon says games using this and an uno.. lots of head scraping lol but getting there it's a real pain trying to find the commands for these things but looking into the c'files you can find the commands in the end. real good fun cool :)

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      But that way you will have LOADS of experience in programming these things - and in programming in general. It's absolutely the only way to get "good" at this malarkey!

    • @gazzacroy
      @gazzacroy 4 года назад +1

      @@RalphBacon i make you right i learned more in the passed few days wow still very into coffee theo :( lol... again sir thanks for your videos and certainly help me with pointing me in the right directions cool. :)

  • @srotogargees1791
    @srotogargees1791 5 лет назад

    ...still trying the same cheap probably a 8bit 2.4" tft which worked on UNO to work on esp32 R32 a uno style board , with MCUFRIEND_KBV lib...easier but expensive Nextion are better option with only 3 wire...or mybe a bigger 4 wire i2c OLED with 1000x1000 pixel...and those UNO boards should have lower sided male pin extended for 2 x18650 battery in series 8.4 dcv stepped down to 5v and connected lower side to 5vin..etc on uno (a rechargeable battery shield)...with solar rechargeable (+) & (-) terminals

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      Certainly in the intervening 12 months (or more) since I did this video other screens have surfaced. I even have a Nextion screen waiting to be examined! Powering your UNO with LiPOs is quite easy with a simple LiPO buck-boost devices, I showed a Wemos one recently, gives 3.3v and 5v from a single LiPO that is constantly being charged.

    • @srotogargees1791
      @srotogargees1791 5 лет назад

      @@RalphBacon ...yeah i got that part...but what i meant was ... a plug.n.play version of battery shield it does not matter if it was a LIPO or LION..connected on the lower side of the microcontroller...someone have to invent one simplified version of those... and with the display...i would prefer to invent a UNO sized somewhere around 7 cm x 4cm with multiple button on A1 pin...whoever can do it would be a rich in near future...

  • @Althu-blog
    @Althu-blog 5 лет назад

    Am from India wery naice sir am happy to watching this video sooper

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  5 лет назад

      Glad you liked it, thanks for posting.

  • @amruthanair9988
    @amruthanair9988 4 года назад

    which is the link here

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      The code and stuff can be found here: github.com/RalphBacon/TFT-LCD-Display-2.4-2.8-Touch-Shield
      Let me know if something is not right!

  • @qzorn4440
    @qzorn4440 4 года назад

    is your cat anything like "benny hill tv show"? and another great video... this would be a nice nano-tft ts-display project? thanks...:)

    • @RalphBacon
      @RalphBacon  4 года назад

      My (late, hugely missed) cat is nothing like the Benny Hill show as he was so laid back he slept most of the day. As for the request do you mean a Nano using a very small TFT?

    • @qzorn4440
      @qzorn4440 4 года назад

      @@RalphBacon Hi Ralph, I think for a Kicad pcb with maybe an Arduino-Nano and a small 1.5 to 2.5 TFT touch-screen would provide a good amount of cpu power for a universal project for fun. thanks.