For some reason, when I run the zalman-tdm.exe program, I get the error “it is impossible to start the service from the command line or from the debugger...”, etc. and the screen on the system unit accordingly does not work. Don't know what the problem might be? .NET framework 4.8 installed
완성된 빌드는 "영이네컴퓨터" 네이버스토어에서 구매가능합니다. 😊 🛒
For some reason, when I run the zalman-tdm.exe program, I get the error “it is impossible to start the service from the command line or from the debugger...”, etc. and the screen on the system unit accordingly does not work. Don't know what the problem might be? .NET framework 4.8 installed
We have never experienced this problem. Please contact your point of purchase.
P50이 크나요 아니면 P30이 크나요
P50은 풀사이즈(미들타워)이고 P30은 미니타워(M-ATX) 규격입니다. 실제 크기도 P50이 더 크고 무겁습니다.
메인보드 B650 , B650E 이렇게 있는데 E 가 붙고 안붙고의 차이가 뭐죠 ?
E가 붙으면 상급 보드입니다