In my opinion, The Lambs: Rose, Lilac, and Blueberry are the best characters! I just love them, they are just incredible, beautiful, and adorable!!!! I'm a Lamb Lover.
based on this, here is the seasons ranked and who your favorite in the season 8=season 7 (ringmaster) 7=season 1 (monster) 6=season 6 (queen of hearts) 5=season 5 (yeti) 4=season 8 (harp) 3=season 4 (sun) 2=season 2 (rottweiler) 1=season 3 (turtle)
21: Chameleon (The best rapper on the show). 20: Sir Bug-a-Boo (Still find it funny how they thought Ray was Ernie Hudson) 19: Orca (Love Mark as a person & as a singer). 18: Cluck-a-Doo (Jenny has lost her rights to make fun of other peoples guesses). 17: Snail (Muppets was my childhood & I never expected this to happen). 16: Piglet (I knew he was gonna win from the minute he sang). 15: Rabbit (For some reason I wish I was Joey). 14: Leopard (He was one of the most coolest & funniest contestants on the show). 13: Banana (Bret Michaels is one of my favorite singer so this one might be a little bit biased). 12: Bull (Team Bull) 11: Fox (His performances felt like they told a story 10: Cyclops (Had one of the most unique vocals on the show, & was hoping to see more of him). 9: Mushroom (I feel like we got to see a different side of Aloe’s voice). 8: Baby Alien (My all time favorite contestant low-key should have made it at least 1 or 2 more rounds). 7: Turtle (I love how he made every song into his own). 6: Hydra: (Was not good, but they had a hilarious charisma to them). 5: Astronaut (Honestly thought he should have won season 3). 4: Ringmaster (One of the most strongest voices on the show). 3: Harp (Amber totally deserved the win). 2: Rottweiler (Chris is still one of the most underrated talents) 1: Raven (Ricki had such a pleasant voice & one of the coolest Costumes season 1). Note: This is just my top 21 favs not as much ranking.
i know this vid was made before then but by far the best performer (or performers) was the california roll in season 9. biggest rigging of a vote i've seen on the show when pentatonix got kicked off by the chick they had already beaten once. you could tell the producers thought the same when they allowed them to perform creep entirely again for their anchor
Sun was Okay.But Jack in the box id say 100 Yes ik But out of Ringmaster Bulldog Queen or hearts Unicorn Skunk Black Swan And Yeti Very random now I would wanna see ur rankijg for them myn is 6-Yeti 5-Bulldog 4-Unicorn 3-Skunk Now if you done that you would have Ringmaster and Queen of hearts BUT ITS THE PERFOEMNCE THEY SING IN WOOOOOOHHH Ringmaster-Falling Down- Queen of hearts -River- 2 Queen of hearts and river 1 RING MASTER !!!!! Congrats Ring master 2nd is good enough hand up if you love jeasus which Loves you 🤚Haev a Great NO Fantastic day aslo these were random contestants but You can choose urs JUST RANDOM Ringmaster was meh Okay
Harp is the best ever and nobody can beat her
The sun
0:50 #120 Raccoon
0:45 #121 Bulldog
0:40 #122 Knight
0:35 #123 Eagle
0:30 #124 Unicorn
0:25 #125 Ice Cream
0:20 #126 Panda
0:15 #127 J.I.T.B.
0:10 #128 Hippo
0:05 #129 Beach Ball
0:00 #130 Phoenix
My top 8:
8: Yeti 🦍❄
7: Russian dolls 🪆🪆🪆
6: Butterfly 🦋
5: Rotweiler 🐶
4: Kitty 🐱
3: Lambs 🐑🐑🐑
2: Ringmaster 🎪
1: Bull 🐂
In my opinion fox is the best
My Top 6:
1. The Lambs 🐑
2. Skunk 🦨
3. Miss Teddy 🧸
4. Kitty 🐈
5. Butterfly 🦋
6. Queen Cobras 🐍
In my opinion, The Lambs: Rose, Lilac, and Blueberry are the best characters!
I just love them, they are just incredible, beautiful, and adorable!!!! I'm a Lamb Lover.
My top 10
Im going to be ranking each contestant out of 10 instead of ranking them all
Phonixe 3/10
Beach ball 3/10
Hippo 5/10
Jack in the box 3/10
Panda 6/10
Ice cream 5/10
Unicorn 6/10
Eagle 6/10
Knight 4/10
Bulldog 5/10
Racoon 3/10
Mother nature 4/10
Baby mammoth 5/10
Pineapple 4/10
Bear 5/10
Elephant 6/10
Fortune teller 6/10
Lemur 5/10
Gremlin 5/10
Avacode 4/10
Grandpa monster 6/10
Swan 6/10
Lips 5/10
Beetle 6/10
Egg 7/10
Octopus 6/10
Venus fly trap 6/10
Baby 7/10
Robot 5/10
Scarecrow 5/10
Snail 6/10
Dalmatian 6/10
Deer 7/10
White tiger 5/10
Gopher 4/10
Poodle 7/10
Pi-rat 4/10
Giraffe 7/10
T-rex 6/10
Mouse 7/10
Mcterrier 6/10
Cupcake 7/10
Hydra 6/10
Ram 6/10
Penguin 7/10
Hedgehog 6/10
Mummies 6/10
Jester 5/10
Armadillo 6/10
Raven 7/10
Baby alien 7/10
Alien 7/10
Whatchamacallit 6/10
Dragon 6/10
Pufferfish 8/10
Squiggly monster 6/10
Skeleton 7/10
Llama 7/10
Hummingbird 9/10
Taco 7/10
Ladybug 8/10
Mallard 6/10
Miss monster 7/10
Cyclops 7/10
Broccoli 7/10
Cluedle - Doo 7/10
Bride 6/10
Orca 7/10
Crab 8/10
Hamster 7/10
Sir bug a boo 7/10
Caterpillar 9/10
Space bunny 8/10
Panther 9/10
Robo girl 10/10
Seashell 9/10
Black widow 10/10
Kangaroo 9/10
Firefly 10/10
Lion 10/10
Bull 10/10
Rhino 9/10
Flower 10/10
Tree 9/10
Walrus 8/10
Astronaut 9/10
Serpent 10/10
Banna 8/10
Thingamajig 9/10
Jellyfish 9/10
Snowstorm 9/10
Popcorn 9/10
Thingamabob 9/10
Maize 8/10
Robo-pine 9/10
Frog 9/10
Snow owls 9/10
Pepper 10/10
Butterfly 9/10
Mermaid 8/10
Miss teddy 10/10
Mushroom 10/10
Queen cobras 10/10
Russian dolls 10/10
Rabbit 10/10
Prince 10/10
Chameleon 8/10
Ringmaster 10/10
Banna split 10/10
Peacock 10/10
Seahorse 10/10
Black swan 10/10
Flamingo 9/10
Night angle 10/10
Piglet 9/10
Skunk 9/10
Lambs 9/10
Leapord 9/10
Fox 10/10
Bee 10/10
Monster 10/10
Crocodile 10/10
Kitty 10/10
Queen of heart's 10/10
Yeti 9/10
Harp 10/10
Sun 10/10
Rottweiler 10/10
Turtle 10/10
Worst 5
5. Beachball
4. Pineapple
3. Bulldog
2. Lips
1. Venus fly trap (soooo bad)
Honestly half of the contestants of Season 8 are bad like Beetle, Avacado, Hedgehog, Gopher, and like you said Venus Flytrap.
based on this, here is the seasons ranked and who your favorite in the season
8=season 7 (ringmaster)
7=season 1 (monster)
6=season 6 (queen of hearts)
5=season 5 (yeti)
4=season 8 (harp)
3=season 4 (sun)
2=season 2 (rottweiler)
1=season 3 (turtle)
My ranking winner:
8. Firefly🐝
7. Night Angel 😇
6. Monster 👹
5. Queen of Hearts ❤👑
4. Piglet 🐷
3. Fox 🦊🥉
2. Sun ☀️🥈
1. Harp 🎼🏆🥇
My top 10
10. Queen of hearts ♥️
9. Flamingo 🦩
8. Sun 🌞
7. Pepper 🌶
6. Kitty 🐱
5. Lamb 🐑
4. Rabbit 🐰
3. Thingamabob 👹
2. Rottweiler 🐶 (I like Rottweiler)
1. Harp 🎻
Close ones:
Monster 👹 - idk
Fox 🦊 - idk
Turtle 🐢- 11
Crocodile 🐊
Idk yet
Top 5 season 1 - season 9
1.California roll
Why is Ice Cream so low? I really loved it when he singed "Old Town Road.".
Personally, he is my 4th favorite contestant who ever came to this show.
Figure out how good singing sounds
My ranking (Whitout Cluddle-Doo)
129) Jack in the Box
128) Beach Ball
127) Phoenix
126) Racoon
125) Pineapple
124) Avocado
123) Knight
122) Lips
121) Gremlin
120) Bear
119) Elephant
118) Bulldog
117) Eagle
116) White Tiger
115) Ice Cream
114) Hippo
113) Dragon
112) Hedgehog
111) Pi-Rat
110) Snail
109) Robot
108) Beetle
107) Unicorn
106) Lemur
105) Venus Fly Trap
104) Milkshake
103) Scarecrow
102) Dalmatian
101) Gopher
100) Ram
99) Llama
98) Grandpa Monster
97) Fortune Teller
96) Panda
95) Penguin
94) Jester
93) Octopus
92) McTerrier
91) Mother Nature
90) Hydra
89) Swan
88) Baby Mammoth
87) Giraffe
86) Baby Alien
85) Mummies
Pretty Good
84) Skeleton
83) Deer
82) Squiggly Monster
81) Armadillo
80) Taco
79) T-Rex
78) Cupcake
77) Poodle
76) Alien
75) Cyclops
74) Raven
73) Egg
72) Mallard
71) Baby
70) Orca
69) Watchamacallit
68) Broccoli
67) Walrus
66) Hamster
65) Ladybug
64) Sir Bug'a Boo
63) Hummingbird
62) Miss Monster
61) Mouse
60) Banana
59) Spacebunny
Very Good
58) Rhino
57) Bride
56) Pufferfish
55) Rabbit
54) Caterpillar
53) Crab
52) Seashell
51) Panther
50) Peacock
49) Robopine
48) Frog
47) Kangaroo
Love them
46) Mermaid
45) Maize
44) Snowstorm
43) Night Angel
42) Pepper
41) Snow Owls
40) Thingamabob
39) Black Widow
38) Flower
37) Lion
36) Astronaut
35) Thingamajig
34) Tree
33) Russian Dolls
32) Serpent
31) Charmeleon
30) Jellyfish
29) Banana Split
28) Robo-Girl
27) Mushroom
26) Piglet
25) Butterfly
24) Bee
23) Yeti
22) Leopard
21) Monster
20) Fox
19) Miss Teddy
18) Firefly
17) The Prince
16) Lambs
15) Queen Cobras
14) Popcorn
13) Flamingo
12) Crocodile
11) Kitty
TOP 10
10) Black Swan
9) Queen of Hearts
8) Bull
7) Turtle
6) Rottweiler
5) Skunk
4) Seahorse
3) Ringmaster
2) Sun
1) Harp
21: Chameleon (The best rapper on the show).
20: Sir Bug-a-Boo (Still find it funny how they thought Ray was Ernie Hudson)
19: Orca (Love Mark as a person & as a singer).
18: Cluck-a-Doo (Jenny has lost her rights to make fun of other peoples guesses).
17: Snail (Muppets was my childhood & I never expected this to happen).
16: Piglet (I knew he was gonna win from the minute he sang).
15: Rabbit (For some reason I wish I was Joey).
14: Leopard (He was one of the most coolest & funniest contestants on the show).
13: Banana (Bret Michaels is one of my favorite singer so this one might be a little bit biased).
12: Bull (Team Bull)
11: Fox (His performances felt like they told a story
10: Cyclops (Had one of the most unique vocals on the show, & was hoping to see more of him).
9: Mushroom (I feel like we got to see a different side of Aloe’s voice).
8: Baby Alien (My all time favorite contestant low-key should have made it at least 1 or 2 more rounds).
7: Turtle (I love how he made every song into his own).
6: Hydra: (Was not good, but they had a hilarious charisma to them).
5: Astronaut (Honestly thought he should have won season 3).
4: Ringmaster (One of the most strongest voices on the show).
3: Harp (Amber totally deserved the win).
2: Rottweiler (Chris is still one of the most underrated talents)
1: Raven (Ricki had such a pleasant voice & one of the coolest Costumes season 1).
Note: This is just my top 21 favs not as much ranking.
Please note that this is strangely one of the hardest choices in my life.
@@superkingdynamic1863 it’s ok, it’s hard for me too
@@superkingdynamic1863 Watchamacallit robbed Baby Alien and I agree he should’ve stayed 1 more round.
My top 10 as of S8:
10. Prince
9. Kitty
8. Russian Dolls
7. Yeti
6. Queen of Hearts
5/4. Harp
4/5. Crocodile
3. Turtle
2. Bull
1. Rottweiler
Prince *(Cheyenne Jackson)* & Kitty *(Jackie Evancho)* have a duet on RUclips singing 'Say Something':видео.html
I don’t like this ranking
My Top 10 :
10 . Russian Dolls🇷🇺
9. Lambs🐑
8. Queen Cobras👑🐍
7. Queen Of Heart❤
8. Banana Split🍦🍌
7. Seahorse🌊🐎
6. Rottweiler🐶
5. Flamingo🌸
4. Harp🎵
3. Black Swan🦢⬛
2. Ringmaster🎪
1. Sun☀️
12:04 The golden winner border
i know this vid was made before then but by far the best performer (or performers) was the california roll in season 9. biggest rigging of a vote i've seen on the show when pentatonix got kicked off by the chick they had already beaten once. you could tell the producers thought the same when they allowed them to perform creep entirely again for their anchor
Aw yesssss Turtle NO. 1
129. Beach Ball
128. Jack in the Box
127. Raccoon
126. Lips
125. Knight
124. Pineapple
123. Phoenix
122. Avocado
121. White Tiger
120. Bear
119. Gremlin
118. Unicorn
117. Beetle
116. Bulldog
115. Hydra
114. Penguin
113. Hippo
112. Snail
111. Baby Mammoth
110. Lemur
109. Swan
108. Venus Flytrap
107. Elephant
106. Baby
105. T-Rex
104. Hedgehog
103. Jester
102. Ice Cream
101. Panda
100. Mother Nature
99. Fortune Teller
98. Grandpa Monster
97. Robot
96. Eagle
95. Pi-Rat
94. McTerrier
93. Octopus
92. Alien
91. Poodle
90. Deer
89. Raven
88. Gopher
87. Armadillo
86. Scarecrow
85. Egg
84. Skeleton
83. Mouse
82. Milkshake
81. Ram
80. Llama
79. Whatchamacallit
78. Dalmatian
77. Cupcake
76. Dragon
75. Mummies
74. Hamster
73. Giraffe
72. Squiggly Monster
71. Miss Monster
70. Ladybug
69. Cyclops
68. Baby Alien
67. Mallard
66. Taco
65. Sir Bugaboo
64. Broccoli
63. Flower
62. Pufferfish
61. Space Bunny
60. Bride
59. Rhino
58. Chameleon
57. Firefly
56. Snowstorm
55. Kangaroo
54. Robopine
53. Snow Owls
52. Jellyfish
51. Walrus
50. Mermaid
49. Orca
48. Miss Teddy
47. Crab
46. Seashell
45. Pepper
44. Thingamajig
43. Mushroom
42. Caterpillar
41. Black Widow
40. Frog
39. Astronaut
38. Robo-Girl
37. Thingamabob
36. Hummingbird
35. Skunk
34. Bee
33. Night Angel
32. Lion
31. Tree
30. Rabbit
29. Peacock
28. Banana Split
27. Yeti
26. Panther
25. Serpent
24. Banana
23. Queen Cobras
22. Maize
21. Butterfly
20. Lambs
19. Leopard
18. Black Swan
17. Kitty
16. Piglet
15. Monster
14. Flamingo
13. Queen of Hearts
12. Prince
11. Sun
10. Seahorse
9. Harp
8. Russian Dolls
7. Crocodile
6. Popcorn
5. Bull
4. Fox
3. Turtle
2. Ringmaster
1. Rottweiler
Bull should be higher on this list
Giraffe is better than Mouse
Sun was Okay.But Jack in the box id say 100 Yes ik But out of
Ringmaster Bulldog Queen or hearts Unicorn Skunk Black Swan And Yeti Very random now I would wanna see ur rankijg for them myn is
Now if you done that you would have Ringmaster and Queen of hearts BUT ITS THE PERFOEMNCE THEY SING IN WOOOOOOHHH
Ringmaster-Falling Down-
Queen of hearts -River-
2 Queen of hearts and river
1 RING MASTER !!!!! Congrats Ring master 2nd is good enough hand up if you love jeasus which Loves you 🤚Haev a Great NO Fantastic day aslo these were random contestants but You can choose urs JUST RANDOM Ringmaster was meh Okay
Sir Bug a Boo is better than Seashell
Bee is better than Kitty
I would of put JITB or Beach Ball at 132
Raccoons worse
Leopard that high????
This list is automatic F if you have Flower above Bull and Thingamajig above Serpent
Lambs have no right to be ranked that High
Bride is better than Hamster
There’s 132
No? There’s definitely only 130 as of season 8
@@bigbrocol1908 I added there’s 132 wrong
@@michaljarecki6775 idk
@@SunnyMedusaGumballBoombox 12 (season 1) + 16 (season 2) + 18 (season 3) + 16 (season 4) + 14 (season 5) + 16(season 6) + 15 (season 7) + 22 (season 8) + 1 (Cluedle-Doo) = 130
@@bigbrocol1908 blah
Beach ball Is last not pheonix
Raccoon is
Best Male Contestant is Fox and Female is Harp
Space Bunny is better than Firefly
I 🇷🇺
Mcterrier is better than Cupcake
Every masked singer México contetant ranked
Not everyone watches Mexico tho
@@SunnyMedusaGumballBoombox what?
@@SunnyMedusaGumballBoombox why
@@ferchopalacios3568 I don't watch it, I will make videos of USA, UK, AUS, BEL, and maybe GER
@@kae- that is not fail