Rodolfo Llinas - What Are Brains?

  • Опубликовано: 23 окт 2024

Комментарии • 154

  • @ElMahdiELMHAMDI
    @ElMahdiELMHAMDI 4 года назад +3

    at 6:10 I believe he says "thinking is a pre-motor event" instead of "primordial event" (as written in the closed captions), for instance, he continues "thinking is internalised movement" (and he insisted on movement in all the part that preceded when comparing animals to plants)

  • @caricue
    @caricue 4 года назад +4

    This Rodolfo guy is very smart and subtle in his views, like a precocious child (in a good way). I can't say that I really got a sense of his view on the contentious issues about brains, but his pointing out that brains are on the front of animals was cool, and the fact that a sedentary creature doesn't need a brain is super interesting. These are the kind of general insights that might inform the speculation about alien life.

  • @luisferNoMyths
    @luisferNoMyths 4 года назад +1

    Dr. Llinás is a real celebrity here in Colombia, he's usually consulted for important issues, even at governmental level. Unfortunately, despite of his celebrity status, I have the impression that his opinions are barely taken into account by politicians.

  • @irfanmehmud63
    @irfanmehmud63 4 года назад +3

    "Now we think because we have brains; but once life made brain by trying to think." ...... Will Durant

  • @alpheiosa
    @alpheiosa 3 года назад +1

    So movement, intentionality and prediction were the purposes to have a brain in the beginning

  • @guillermobrand8458
    @guillermobrand8458 4 года назад +3

    The Brain is an evolutionary invention that arose to manage the actions of the individual's body. To do this, it manages information from the Present, the Past (life experience of the individual) and an eventual Future.

    • @caricue
      @caricue 4 года назад +2

      Hey Guillermo, I don't disagree with your idea, but the wording is suspect. The brain wasn't invented and it is part of the body, so it's probably more accurate to say that humans evolved with a brain that allows them to make intentional and purposeful action. While the human brain is the only thing known in the universe that can truly process meaningful information, which excludes digital computers which do no know meaning, or anything else, most of what the brain does is not information, per se, but conditioning, response and anticipation, which doesn't necessarily involve information. Higher level learning, understanding and projection has semantic meaning as a necessary component, so that would be information processing, but only at this highest level. Swatting a fly, catching a ball or running from a snake doesn't require information by necessity. Sorry for butting in, but information is my prime annoyance.

    • @tomashull9805
      @tomashull9805 4 года назад

      Scientists still can't explain how evolution solved the problem of the interdependence of DNA and proteins (DNA is needed to make proteins, but proteins are needed to make DNA), and you are so sure that brains are evolutionary inventions? Maybe you can help to solve this "simple" mystery first?

    • @guillermobrand8458
      @guillermobrand8458 4 года назад

      @@caricue Hi Steve. I don't speak English, and I use the Google translator. If we consider that all living beings have a common ancestor, wings, legs, eyes, brain, multicellular body, etc., they are "evolutionary inventions". This is what I mean. What differentiates living beings from inanimate matter is the ability of the latter to carry out actions. All brains process information, and they give meaning to the information they process. Even the seed of a tree captures information from its environment, and processes it, which results in the seed germinating. I have a coherent explanation for Consciousness and Being. If you like, I will send it to you.

    • @guillermobrand8458
      @guillermobrand8458 4 года назад +2

      @@tomashull9805 If we consider that all living beings have a common ancestor, wings, legs, eyes, brain, multicellular body, etc., they are "evolutionary inventions". This is what I mean.

    • @guillermobrand8458
      @guillermobrand8458 4 года назад

      @@tomashull9805 I have a coherent explanation for Consciousness and Being. If you like, I will send it to you.

  • @shafu_xyz
    @shafu_xyz 4 года назад

    Intelligence as an advanced way avoiding danger

    • @AlmostEthical
      @AlmostEthical 2 года назад

      And finding resources, and reproducing.

  • @ramseypietronasser2
    @ramseypietronasser2 4 года назад +1

    Can anyone else hear distant howling sound in the recording 9:40 in? Spooky!

  • @nizarmahfoud6796
    @nizarmahfoud6796 4 года назад


  • @jonpaulregan6130
    @jonpaulregan6130 4 года назад

    I wish to believe that the electrical impulse is the spirit because when it fades u cant find it?

  • @tomashull9805
    @tomashull9805 4 года назад +2

    One thing is certain: Human brain uses quantum entanglement for many functions, quite possibly for consciousness and other. When large parts of the brain are removed, or become dysfunctional or damaged, even up to 90%, the brain is often able to compensate for the loss, if its vital parts remain in tacked; i.e. brain stem...

  • @mikedziuba8617
    @mikedziuba8617 4 года назад +1

    In the past, people used to think that the heart was the seat of the human soul. But now, it makes more sense to say that the brain, rather than the heart, is such a seat.
    And in modern terms, the soul can be described as information, which includes your personality, your memories, and your mental abilities that you've developed through experience and education.
    Some people say that there is no such thing as the soul separate from the human body and the brain. And perhaps this is true now. But it doesn't have to be this way. Because information can be encoded and stored in many different media. In its storage form, this information doesn't do anything. But if you can devise an artificial body and brain using biology and technology to download such information and have it function in similar ways to the way it now functions in people, then this will be the full equivalent of the disembodied human soul, that can potentially live after you die.
    The soul question now is basically a scientific and a technological one, rather than a religious one. Because we now have enough science and technology to imagine and understand how it might work. And now it's just a matter of developing the necessary science and technology to make it work more or less the same way that the human soul is supposed to work.
    Someone once said that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. So, what was once magic and religion can become reality through advanced enough science and technology.
    We've learned how to transplant hearts. Transplanting souls will take a lot more learning. But eventually people will probably learn how to do this too. And the thing about the soul is that it might not even need a physical body. You can potentially created a human-like body simulation in some virtual reality and have the disembodied soul function in that simulated body and reality.
    The advantage of a simulated reality is that it can potentially be without limitations. All those things that aren't physically possible in physical reality can be made possible in a simulated reality. So, you can potentially create a kind of heaven, where people go after they die.

    • @caricue
      @caricue 4 года назад +3

      Mike, you go ahead and get the soul transplant first, and let us know how it feels. Since human brains aren't computers, there is no software that can be copied or transferred. Your brain is made of living matter which is why you are conscious and move through the world with intention. You could maybe do a brain transplant with some future technology, but you would want to take along as much of your nervous system as possible if you hoped to remain intact as a person. Just dying a natural death sounds pretty good compared to letting Dr Frankenstein have a go at you!

    • @mikedziuba8617
      @mikedziuba8617 4 года назад +1

      @@caricue People don't do heart transplants, until it's medically necessary. And it's the same thing with soul transplants, that haven't developed yet. Such a thing would be normally done at the point of death, when it's medically necessary.
      Because this will be the way to get resurrected in some altered body and live after you die. Or else, there wouldn't be any point for doing such transplants.
      The human nervous system is just sophisticated machinery that can potentially be simulated and imitated in some other way. The main thing is the function, rather than how this function is accomplished. Because you can accomplish the same function in many different ways, provided that you have enough understanding and enough technology to do it.
      So, in the past for example people used horses for transportation. But now we have cars and other vehicles. And people have abandoned horse transportation. Because modern technology doesn't just fulfill the same function. It fulfills the same function a lot more and better than horses can. So, doing it artificially in some other way can actually improve the function, rather than just replicate it faithfully.
      The same thing might be true for the functioning of the human soul. That's why I say that it might be possible to create a kind of heaven for human souls, rather than simply resurrect people and have them continue to live more or less the same way as before.
      Of course, any new technology requires a lot of experimentation. So, people can first create a heaven for cats and dogs and make sure that it works well enough for them, before they start doing this kind of stuff with people. Animal experimentations has to come first, just like it was done with heart transplants in the past.
      If the initial difficulty of doing something new and technologically advanced had stopped people in the past, then we wouldn't have modern medicine. So, there is a precedent for getting around this kind of difficulty. This kind of thing has been done in the past, and there is no good reason to think that it can't or won't be done in the future.
      When somebody is dying anyway, then such a person might consent for experimentation with his or her soul in an ethical kind of way. So, if the technology doesn't yet work well, then that soul can either be permanently put to rest or saved for the time when such technology is made better. With proper oversight, such experiments can be done ethically. And lots of dying people will probably volunteer for it too. Because this would potentially be their chance for eternal life in some heaven, or at least get resurrected and live again after they die.

    • @caricue
      @caricue 4 года назад +2

      @@mikedziuba8617 OK, I get where you are coming from, and you are certainly correct that a person dying would sign up for anything to avoid the great unknown. Like I said, I don't think that humans are machines or computers in any sense, and information is not what a soul or consciousness is. Only living things are conscious or have souls, so transferring your soul into something dead would not make it alive. It might be useful to carry out your proposed experiment in order to throw some light on this matter, but like I said, I won't be the bunny for that hunt.

    • @mikedziuba8617
      @mikedziuba8617 4 года назад

      @@caricue I agree that disembodied information can't be a functioning consciousness. Because this is like a computer program without a computer to run on.
      The functioning of consciousness requires physical machinery, just like a computer program needs to be installed on a computer and run there for its function. And I agree that the hardware required for the functioning of human consciousness is far beyond today's technology. That's why it seems that you would need some kind of magic to make it work.
      But any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic for people who don't understand it. So, if you imagine yourself to be someone from ancient times, before microscopes, telescopes, rockets, and other technologies were developed. Then all of these technologies and instruments would look and function like magic from that point of view.
      And if you can imagine this, then you can also imagine that you are now a primitive man compared to people far in the future, whose technology will also look like magic to you.
      We can now only imagine that the human soul can be separated from a dying human body, stored, and made to function again in some altered body and reality. But what's imagination now can eventually be reality in the future. You can't say this for sure, until it actually happens. But you can find other examples that people have described as magic in the past, and now we have it as reality. A magic flying carpet is an example. Our airplanes function as our flying carpets now. And airplanes are even better than magic flying carpets, because you can't fall off an airplane, and you are protected from the elements, when you fly.
      So, eventually reality can be made even better than imagination.
      But your point that the human soul requires living matter requires some definition of what exactly is living matter? The human body and the brain is made of inanimate atoms that aren't alive in any way. And even the molecules that these atoms make up aren't alive either. People are made up of inanimate atoms and molecules. And it's the right combination of these inanimate atoms and molecules that creates a function we call life.
      Life is a function, rather than some kind of substance or elixir. And function can be replicated in many different ways, given enough understanding and technology.
      People themselves are made of inanimate matter that functions as life. Which means that it is possible to produce life from inanimate matter. And people are an example of this.

    • @mikedziuba8617
      @mikedziuba8617 4 года назад

      @@Graewulfe Perhaps I didn't make it clear in my original post, but my idea was that people would first become like cyborgs with computer technology to assist them with their mental function. And once you are a part computer and part a human being, then it wouldn't be that difficult to record and store all of your habits and ways of behaving, your experiences, memories, and learned abilities.
      I think the sense of self comes mainly from your memories. So, if you can remember your past life, then you are still the same person, after you get reincarnated. And losing consciousness for a while isn't a big deal. Because this kind of thing happens every day, when you fall asleep and then wake up. The unconsciousness of death can also be made this way. Your resurrection would be similar to waking up from sleep.
      Biology isn't designed for this kind of thing. So, people would need to modify themselves first, before this kind of thing even becomes possible.
      Many people nowadays are tattooing themselves all over the place. So, artificially modifying one's body is something many people are in the habit of doing even now. It's like many people are ready even now to start modifying their bodies that might eventually make transferring of souls and eternal life possible.

  • @jamenta2
    @jamenta2 4 года назад +2

    "The brain does not generate thought... any more than the wire generates electric current." ~Paul Brunton

    • @jamenta2
      @jamenta2 4 года назад

      @zempath The quote above is not attributed to Brunton and is not something he would have said.
      "Correlation is not Causation" ~Carl Sagan

    • @Ploskkky
      @Ploskkky 4 года назад +2

      "Somebody else said something else." ~Somebody Else

    • @Ploskkky
      @Ploskkky 4 года назад

      @@jamenta2 "The quote above is not attributed to Brunton and is not something he would have said."
      I think you are missing his point in a quite spectacular way.

    • @jamenta2
      @jamenta2 4 года назад

      @@Ploskkky I wanted to make sure those who are reading it don't misattribute the quote, or even think that is what Brunton implies in his original statement.
      Only a Skeptic would make such a kindergarten jump in reasoning.

    • @jamenta2
      @jamenta2 4 года назад +2

      @Stefano Portoghesi
      Stefano there is no scientific evidence the brain produces consciousness itself. None.
      No matter how many times you insist that it does, science does not back you up.
      Correlation is not Causation.
      Sorry my friend, all you have is dogma - that you confuse with being 'Science'.
      This is the problem with Skeptics like yourself, you do not argue in good faith. You push your Materialistic dogma and ignore everything else.

  • @xspotbox4400
    @xspotbox4400 4 года назад +1

    If brains were evolved to enable organic creatures to move around, why are birds brains so much smaller than those of large and slow animals?

    • @lizzieball3795
      @lizzieball3795 4 года назад

      Because they r in proportion,and it has to communicate processed data to the rest of the animals nervous system?

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @@lizzieball3795 We might argue running is more complicated than flaying, since runner must fast adjust body position in the air so that it land on foot fingers, but how about comparison between brains of a large eagle and a small sparrow? Eagle is heavy, but it's also strong, can fly high and fast. Sparrow is very light, so its muscles can't push large volumes of air fast enough to raise very high in the sky, but look at what this birds can do at low altitudes, how they navigate trough bushes and leaves, how they land on a tiny twig with incredible precision and balance their weight on a thin, waving wire, it takes enormous processing power to counter effects of gravity and inertial mass like that.
      Monkey are much more agile and faster than humans, they move over trees with ease, but their brain is only perhaps a third of human size, so size and ability to move are not correlated in a way he describe in this interview.
      Elephant and wales have the largest brains on a planet, yet they hardly move their large body mass around.
      Only pattern i can see is amount of cells brains can influence, less they are in organs, faster limbs can respond to mental instructions.

    • @lizzieball3795
      @lizzieball3795 4 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 yes I agree with you . I personally think that the brains have to be proportional to the size of the animal,just for the reason why different electric currents require different thickness electric cord gauge. So that the electricity can run thru at the proper current required by whatever machine it's delivering electricty to.
      If the animals brain has to send processed data to the rest of its central ns,peripheral,nervous systems, at the capacity and speed necessary to innervate the torso, then it,and all CNS,PNS components would have to be proportional to the torso size

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @@lizzieball3795 You're thinking in terms of electric current traveling over wires, but nerve cells are not continuous and permanent formations, they consist of many conductive and non conductive elements and cells must be replaced at all times. Have no idea how can body route so many different electric pulses in coherent order, but i'm pretty sure cells are stimulated to receive or emit jolt of charge over parts on cells membrane. Each cell must be trigered by distinctive pulse to became conductive, if true, than complexity must be mind boggling.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @@lizzieball3795 Interesting, i'm not familiar with this hypothesis, looks like many of us have a problem with idea presented in this interview. Don't get me wrong, i like how he connected evolution with ability to move around and find more sources of energy, it's just i can't really visualize amounts of charge and relations of different, carefully selected chemical elements, so your idea seems just as valid to me.
      One thing i know about electricity, source, pulses of energy and destinations must be in conductive sync, every cell must be tuned to biological frequency or who knows what can happen to such a delicate system as that. Here's one example, imagine we drop like a thousand lipo batteries in a basket full with mixture of conductive and isolated sand, than we shake a basket and let it spark, It can't work like that, conductive parts would find channels and discharge many battery cells at certain place, some would ignite and probably caused chain reaction, setting entire basket on fire. Now imagine living cells doing the same, few cells might not hold lots of electric charge, but what happens if many of them short circuit, jolt of electricity would evaporate liquids and cause explosion inside our body. It never happens, so how ever bio electric system works, it's nothing we know from our scientific experience.

  • @jamessmith989
    @jamessmith989 4 года назад

    Their is a supernatural circle phenomenon happening in crop fields all over the world. This duality he speaks of can be seen in some of the formations.

    • @jamessmith989
      @jamessmith989 4 года назад

      @@Graewulfe their are those made with boards and ropes and then their are those that have the blown stalk nodes. With no footprints in or out. Spread over acres of land. Ghosts formations of the same design the next year can be seen after the new crop comes in. The real phenomenon seems to change the soil chemistry.

    • @jamessmith989
      @jamessmith989 4 года назад

      @@Graewulfe "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field" I often wonder if this parable is related.

    • @jamessmith989
      @jamessmith989 4 года назад

      @@Graewulfe some of them on land owned by the military.

    • @jamessmith989
      @jamessmith989 4 года назад

      @@Graewulfe at the time I was researching the largest was spread over 66 acres. (The butterfly formation)

    • @jamessmith989
      @jamessmith989 4 года назад

      @@Graewulfe if I remember correctly these events were foretold in the bible. But also there's video of objects defying the laws of physics.

  • @saammahakala
    @saammahakala 4 года назад +1

    What are brains?
    Organic Central Processing Units.
    What is the heart in comparison to the brain metaphoric or otherwise?
    The heart is an engine which reflects the cycles all physical universes undergo.
    Which one tethers the Soul containing consciousness?
    Since life forms made up of Mineral, Vegetable and Animal serve the purpose of holding and releasing Soul vessels used for evolving the consciousness/awareness/character contained within., it depends on the form being inhabited.
    For the Animal form, it is the _____ that tethers one's Soul.
    That's the only place truth can be determined., in oneself or another.
    When an individual is of higher learning that is.
    If one is in possession of an inexperienced Soul, then they'd easily confuse their conscience., if they've developed one, with that of their bodily desires., so in that respect, you wouldn't want to follow what your _____ says.

  • @holgerjrgensen2166
    @holgerjrgensen2166 4 года назад +1

    The brain is a highly developed being, but it is in a lower developing-circuit, (organ-circuit) our body, (organism-circuit), mirror the organ-circuit. The Brain is Intelligence-being, presenting the fourth developing-zone of six.
    We are Gravity-beings, second developing-zone, close to become Feeling-beings.
    Well this might sounds weird for most of you.
    But from our perspective the brain is just like a radio, and we know that the programs is Not in the radio, but works through the radio. So the consciousness is Not in the brain, but works through the brain. Where is the consciousness, well, we know that it is always Here and Now, but it actually seated in our consciousness-structure, in some above physical organs/bodies.
    The closest doctor-science had come to this, is the 'Deep-sleep-periods', which actually is our 'Night-Bodies'.
    Well, just to give a tiny idea of the real perspective, about earthlings and their brains

  • @randykuhns4515
    @randykuhns4515 4 года назад

    The brain, in the organic body, is the organ we manipulate organically to control the body we reside in, to be able to put our thoughts and ideas out to others and to use this physicality idealistically to embrace others in Love and to put forth effort in caring for them as needed in a fallen world, Having, and working out ideas we know impacts others in good ways, ...But because we DO have free will, we can also choose not to care,.... to even do what we all know is evil,....
    we have been given this body , and in this fallen state, we are allowed to choose through our freewill by having been blinded to the knowledge of God, therefore we can either go all out and serve the flesh, or can look at the marvel of this world and see God, and thus Seek and follow Him through Faith, thereby weeding out those who choose see this marvel of a universe and all its wonders and beauty and still conclude the flesh is all there is.

  • @bobsmith7396
    @bobsmith7396 4 года назад

    Cells “ decide” to make organs / guess lucky for us,eh?

  • @jonigomez7250
    @jonigomez7250 4 года назад +2

    Brains are receivers and everything is about frequencies

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      Controller more likely, brains doesn't generate energy required for body movement, but they do shape and channel electricity to body parts. It's like a moon landing, entire rocket was completely automated by a simple computer, using only few watts of power, just enough to push valve control switches on a very powerful rocket.

    • @pierrestober3423
      @pierrestober3423 4 года назад +1

      You're not saying anything at all. Clearly, this isn't a scientific statement that could be backed up by evidence. It's just some vague intuitive you have, that if examined carefully makes non sense.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @D L Luke People don't understand electricity, obligatory primary school system is still in a steam engine age, no matter modern tools, appliances, lights and computers. It's because steam can be easy demonstrated, by changing aggregate state of water in from of the kids. But how can you show electricity, it's invisible and is everywhere, can't be explained by words. So they tell kids stories about a flow of force, they make them solve equations and plug in some light bulbs, like this supposed to help them visualize the way of electromagnetic gears and springs.
      Electricity doesn't flow, for start, it's everywhere, can only accumulate potential and discharge until force get balanced out exactly and locomotion suddenly stop. Nothing can move without potential, but electricity didn't go anywhere, charged battery weight just the same as empty one, potentials on both side of the wire can only became equal, never empty, like devoid of electricity.
      This is just example of a simplest connection, when we have a larger electric charge on one side of the wire and less on other, but biology doesn't work like that. There are no wires, conductive pathways get formed according to chemical reactions inside cells, those also being electric phenomena in nature, but in form of different kind of force. Each cell us constantly exchanging charge with closest cells, amount of pulses change, rate and amplitudes also change, cells move around and establish new links as they go, thousands of cells can clamp together and form large scale conductive channels or fragment strong pulse into tiny jolts, no electrical engineering teach bio electrical mechanics simply because nobody understand how body is powered, me included.
      If you know more, i'm very sure many people would be grateful for your ultra advanced, highest end research insights.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @UCuAjL0mSRBM-rvxbPUPiScA Let me correct your statement a bit, electricity is a flow between two different potentials, not of potential, because electrons surround every atom in the universe and are always present.
      Wood can be quite conductive if wet or full of water, this is why lightning explode a tree when it strikes, because water inside evaporate in split second and hot gas expand rapidly. And lightning find trees because they are tall and moist. Plastic can also be made conductive, it depends on what do you mean by plastic, what kind of polymers you have in mind.
      Water is a special case substance when it comes to electricity, clear water is a bad conductor, but salt water is full of minerals and therefore packed with electrons. Glass is even more weird, doesn't conduct electricity when it's cold but became a good conductor with higher temperatures.
      If you think you know what electricity is, believe me, you don't, no matter your education or expertize, nobody knows. Body electricity is a problem in it's own class, if we would know, we could charge our mobile phones with a sandwich.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @D L Luke OK, i'll hide under a young, fresh and tall tree when next storm hits, will let you know how it goes if i survive.
      Next gen mobile phones will be made from transparent, conductive plastic, btw, including battery.

  • @TheGreatAlan75
    @TheGreatAlan75 4 года назад

    The brain alone explains consciousness. Remove the brain, you're no longer conscious.
    It's that simple.
    Just because we don't have an equation or theory of how the brain gives consciousness, it doesn't mean consciousness is fundamental and space and time aren't real 🙄 as some scientists hypothesize.

    • @lizzieball3795
      @lizzieball3795 4 года назад +1

      Or, maybe brains are the vehicle by which we receive and process "consciousness". If everything that we consider as "matter" comes down to frequency, e ergy waves, then what if consciousness is also a frequency and the brain happens to be the organ that receives and processes the data transmitted by the frequency,then it transmits the processed data to the rest of the body via the nervous system?

    • @zane62135
      @zane62135 4 года назад

      @@lizzieball3795 Not buying it. My experience of "consciousness" doesn't give me abilities that would require such a fantastical explanation. All I can do is move around in 3D space, take in input (sounds, visual information, etc) and then I can replay that information in my mind and combine that information to produce new information. Nothing all that impressive. I don't see any reason to think that the brain is anything other than a complex machine. We are already simulating very crude versions of neural networks and they demonstrate pretty incredible human-like qualities -- they can play video games, they can solve problems, they can drive, etc. No need to tap into some nebulous field of consciousness. Yes, obviously we don't have it all figured out but I think that there is enough evidence to suggest that our brain is a machine that operates according to the same laws as every other macroscopic object.

  • @chrisc1257
    @chrisc1257 4 года назад +1


  • @ioannisioannou7518
    @ioannisioannou7518 4 года назад

    It’s even simpler imo. Evolution stumbled upon association. From there on the rest (as meaningful and important to study and understand) is all epiphenomena.

  • @johntexas8417
    @johntexas8417 4 года назад

    Just started the video and now writing. Right off the back I say the brain is a receiver and transmitter. Let's see if I'm key-rect

  • @tomashull9805
    @tomashull9805 4 года назад +2

    "..Cells decided to make organisms..."? Wouldn't cells need some kind of a brain to decide to make organism??? This issue must be another evolutionary paradox... lol

  • @cvsree
    @cvsree 4 года назад +1

    Consciousness -> mind -> brain
    It's very low in the chain of command

  • @rebeccarebunny2026
    @rebeccarebunny2026 Год назад

    Whenever I hear a materialist, I can only think that the poor person must have the most sterile subjective experience (aka "qualia").

  • @Boogieplex
    @Boogieplex 4 года назад

    This guy seems pretty intelligent,but man is his accent hard to understand.

    • @os2171
      @os2171 4 года назад

      You have to hangout with a more diverse group of people. Only then you’ll realize the truth: you’re really not racist, you’re just ignorant of all the other possibilities.

    • @Boogieplex
      @Boogieplex 4 года назад

      You haven’t a CLUE who i hang out with. You know ZERO about me.
      Why does everyone bring “racism” into the conversation? He simply has a very heavy accent that’s somewhat difficult to understand....its that simple. Im not ignorant,im not racist, im just speaking the truth.

  • @nayanmipun6784
    @nayanmipun6784 4 года назад

    Eben Alexander case and other NDE cases are interesting as it proves the non locality of consciousness

    • @nayanmipun6784
      @nayanmipun6784 4 года назад

      @D L Luke non locality of consciousness is true as per evidence as per the scientific method, this experience is even is the same at par with the science of the tectonic plates of continents (which are slow), NDE people can inspite of being physically unconscious can see the activities (say in the operation room) as they float out side of their body, for now please keep traditional religion out

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @@nayanmipun6784 When patient is in coma, that doesn't mean all his senses are completely dysfunctional. People can heat sounds or smell things, imagination does the rest, visualizing typical hospital space and position of people in the room talking aloud. When it comes to details, all those NDE experiences are flawed in many way, they're more like a lucid dreaming than real observations from aetherical body. Lucid dreaming can be a very powerful event who never thought such vivid and realistic dreams are possible. Why brains under traumatic conditions switch to half awoken state, that's more interesting question.

    • @glynemartin
      @glynemartin 4 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 _"When patient is in coma, that doesn't mean all his senses are completely dysfunctional."_
      The senses are still functional because the "marriage" of biology and life is still there.. When life goes, so does everything else. Therein lies the secret.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 4 года назад

      @@glynemartin Life goes when some cell transmit dead signal and all other cells around start to die suddenly.

    • @glynemartin
      @glynemartin 4 года назад

      @@xspotbox4400 _"Life goes when some cell transmit dead signal and all other cells around start to die suddenly."_
      If you're considering a single cell organism that is inapplicable...single cell organisms are alive too and to die they do not require a signal from any other cell.
      What is the source of life within a single cell organism?

  • @oskarngo9138
    @oskarngo9138 4 года назад +1

    Not Special and Over Rated!

    • @tanshihus1
      @tanshihus1 4 года назад

      Oskar Ngo: You mean Rodolfo's simple explanation of the brain's purpose or the idea that your need of three square meals a day is the only thing separating you from becoming a sea squirt?

    • @oskarngo9138
      @oskarngo9138 4 года назад +1

      A little bit of both!
      I hear from many popular media sources/people that (our) brain is “Special” and it will make humans immortal by taking us into
      interstellar space like Star Trek; etc.
      As an engineer; I know this to be fiction!
      This mass “brain washing” by Star Trek Fiction; is just as dangerous as following 16th century Church dogma!

    • @tanshihus1
      @tanshihus1 4 года назад +1

      @@oskarngo9138 Your intelligent response makes me happy that I decided to comment. I agree that we are not anymore special than any of the other social mammals. Llinas seems to imply just as much although Robert decides to let it slide during his interview.
      By the way, I love the story of the sea squirt in that brain researchers can't resist the little animals that turn into plants. As it turns out, sea squirt sliced thin and served with a red pepper paste is absolutely delicious. Peace to you.

  • @bajajones5093
    @bajajones5093 4 года назад

    call Sandhguru this man is clueless.

    • @bajajones5093
      @bajajones5093 4 года назад

      Actually thanks. Sadhguru is correct. Thks

    • @glynemartin
      @glynemartin 4 года назад

      @@VictorHugo-ph5bw prove it...

    • @glynemartin
      @glynemartin 4 года назад

      @@VictorHugo-ph5bw In other words, no explanatory proof to back a baseless claim. Just like most vacant brained RUclipsrs...
      Top of the week to ya...

    • @glynemartin
      @glynemartin 4 года назад

      @@VictorHugo-ph5bw _"U should give him your money..."_
      If you know of anyone who did ...who felt defrauded afterwards, just link the evidence...or just be really silent...

    • @glynemartin
      @glynemartin 4 года назад

      @@VictorHugo-ph5bw I never said what i needed or not. I don't have a guru. You called a man a fraud without evidence...that's a form of defamation, libel as it were...