Sam McCall 03-14-08

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024
  • (Credit Holsgem)

Комментарии • 29

  • @godspringirl1
    @godspringirl1 6 лет назад +22

    Wow I felt so bad for Sam, everything and everyone was pretty much coming against her and standing up for poor pathetic Lizard. I liked that Alexis was there for Sam and was willing to get her job back.

  • @kkgg101
    @kkgg101 13 лет назад +23

    Finally a scene with Sam and Alexis that's longer than 10 seconds! Love the two of them, they should have way more scenes together.

  • @lusam1980
    @lusam1980 12 лет назад +21

    so if Liz had been the driver both Jason and Lucky was going to cover it up.I always thought she was the driver because she said she thought she saw someone in the road than there was blood.but it turn out to be Monica I hated this S/l.

  • @nolakiss
    @nolakiss 8 лет назад +35

    Looking back I can't help but notice how hypocritical Lucky, Elizabeth and Jason was and frankly unfair, they were mad at Sam (and I get it) for doing something bad and lying but they were willing to do the same thing against Sam to protect Liz, they are basically saying that Sam didn't have the right to know if it was Liz that hit WTF? I am glad that Sam gave them hell

    • @justlina2769
      @justlina2769 7 лет назад +3

      Did they actually KNOW that Liz hit Sam? What did I miss?

    • @bettyboop90
      @bettyboop90 4 года назад +1

      Just Lina No they didn't even if they did Jason & Lucky would've covered Liz ass.

  • @KeverNero
    @KeverNero 9 лет назад +33

    Why, oh why does Liz get to get away with her shit, but Sam has to pay and pay and pay and pay?

    • @jessiewinter4339
      @jessiewinter4339 8 лет назад +6

      I know! It's so unfair! She got hit by a CAR, and she has to even pay for that! Jason in this year, was honestly a piece of crap. She deserved SO much better than the treatment she received from EVERYONE! She owned up to her mistakes and repeatedly went out of her way to fix them. But Liz? No, no, no. Sam watched a boy get kidnapped. Which is terrible, but she has felt so guilty and continuously apologized and made up for it by saving his life, and even saving Liz and Cam and Jake again in the Cabin Takeover. She has laid her LIFE down to make amends! But Liz? She was gonna hide that she nearly(what she thought) KILLED Sam! She is scum! Pure. Freakin. Scum! Sam has had it rough! It's like she can NEVER catch a break! She dealt with being abused and then taking care of her brother, who was all she had in the world, to losing him and then losing her baby, getting attacked, nearly blown up, kidnapped several times, treated poorly by nearly everyone in town because of the Jake thing...

    • @jessiewinter4339
      @jessiewinter4339 8 лет назад +7

      +Jessie Winter (Which she made up for), and not to mention she nearly fell of a bridge and died, got hit by a car, got shot, which are all really terrible! But she had to deal with the whole Alexis thing and losing her other baby AGAIN!(Which was kept a secret by Liz.) And when she finally got her baby back, he got leukemia. She also couldn't be happy about her baby, because she thought she was raped, and thought her husband wasn't the baby's father, which caused them to separate for awhile. Sam has PAID ALL her life for that mistake she made! And Liz played a big part in making sure that happened. I hate Liz so freakin much! Sam is amazing, and Liz just needs to fall off a cliff and never come back. After seeing all this, and then her hiding Jason's identity, she deserves to leave this show.

    • @justlina2769
      @justlina2769 7 лет назад +1

      Liz did not know whether she hit Sam or not. Big Difference. Plus, how can you say she didn't pay when she went to TELL Sam and was caught by the TMK? No credit for that ?

    • @silvanadenardis2285
      @silvanadenardis2285 7 лет назад +1

      I agree !!

    • @barbarasteuterman2496
      @barbarasteuterman2496 7 лет назад +7

      LIz does get away with everything because she has so many men in her life they all cover for her, pathetic she has free rein to do whatever.

  • @chel514
    @chel514 13 лет назад +23

    Awww, That was such a sweet moment between Alexis and Sam:) Best mother-daughter duo in daytime:)))

  • @yaniramartinez3857
    @yaniramartinez3857 5 лет назад +12

    The problem that Jason, Lucky and Elizabeth showed throughout this entire situation in regards to the hit and run was that all of them lack strength of character and moral values. But hey, they feel they have the right to pass judgement on others especially, Sam.
    So, everyone was ok with the cover ups and lies as long as it didn't affect them. That is so wonderful and so nice. Those three during the whole hit and run acted as such hypocrites and then they have the nerves to demand truth,. loyalty and honesty.
    Seriously, they all need intensive therapy.
    First, Elizabeth is a pathological liar and manipulator. Lucky needs to understand the boundaries of his job and stick to them. Finally, Jason needs to examine his soul and think about since when living constantly lying was more important to him than being true to himself or living in truth. Jason has totally compromised himself by living constantly lying. He has lost his moral compass and sense of his core values. Jason the one who never lied and the one who didn't tolerate lies now is living in a web of lies. How is that for ironies or for being in a ln Alternate Universe.
    The problem with what everyone was doing is that once things got out of control there was no turning back. Thank God that this time around Sam is the sane one and the only one that consistently was telling it the way it was.
    Blessed be!

  • @rockprincesslol
    @rockprincesslol 13 лет назад +11

    Ughhhh why did lucky do that

  • @bettyboop90
    @bettyboop90 4 года назад +7

    Ppl need to stop acting like Liz is a victim & Sam deserved everything she got so what Sam conned men outta money that was on them as well as Sam just like Jake's kidnapping was on Liz just like it was on Sam she should've been keeping & eye on her newborn baby but she wasn't just like the other times Jake was kidnapped or hit by a car. As far as Karma go Sam has had her share of it just like being in love with a low down dirty pretender who was in love with Liz a man who gave her up for Liz faster than a New York minute, that's what I loved about Drew he got on Liz's ass for lying & defended Sam to Liz something SB Jason would never do & I know who Sam is no she's not a saint but neither is Liz in fact no damn body in P.C is a saint & I mean nobody.

    • @MelaKB
      @MelaKB 3 года назад +3

      I stopped watching when they brought SB back. Don't get me wrong I don't dislike him my problem is as JaSam fans (and after 07/08 I'm mostly a Sam fan) we put up with a whole lot of shyt. Note the following:
      1. The dumping while she was in the hospital
      2. The constantly pushing her away
      3. The lying at Liz's request (note that I don't blame it all on Lizard, Jason made the choice to lie to Sam)
      4. Jason threatening to kill Sam (not giving Sam a pass on this but pain, that kind of pain can not only emotionally but
      mentally break you and I think that's what happened with Sam)
      5. Jason/Lucky willing to cover for Liz when they thought she was the one to hit Sam. We all know that it was 200%
      bullshyt Jason was spouting about wanting to be sure it was Liz before they said anything.
      7. They manage to get past everything (I guess you could call sweeping everything under the rug getting past). Yet Jason
      was still jumping to Liz's defense. He knew about Liz and Nikolas before anyone and yet when Lucky was rightfully
      alling her on her shyt (let's be clear I had no, absolutely no sympathy for Lucky) Jason not only defends her but goes
      back and whines about to Sam like she should give a damn.
      8. And during all of this he throws out a bunch of "you know I love you right?'s"
      9. And let's not forget the "I'm too busy to go away with you now crap and then running off to "help" Brenda. Bringing her
      back and moving her in with him.
      10. They get married and Franco happens to their honeymoon and Jason who actually told her he couldn't love her child.
      After all this they *"bring"* him back from the dead and place him with Liz. When he finally works free and the blinders are off, i.e. calling Liz on her bullshyt, not letting her disrespect Sam. Not to mention *NOT* being at Sonny and Carly's beck and call. And he apologized, when he made a mistake or felt he was wrong he said so. *HE PUTS SAM, DANNY AND JAKE* *FIRST*. He gets his memories back and soon we find out that there is a baby on the way. *ESTATIC!* Of course our girl can't have a normal pregnancy and delivery, but that's OK. She survived and we got what we were denied when she was pregnant with Danny, he was there from day one, through it all, there was no "could Patrick be the father" crap. Not only that but TPTB rewarded our patience and loyalty by having *him* deliver Scout (but for me they kinda tarnished it by naming her Emily. Nope never forgave her for telling Lizard to go after Jason). Sam's illness, him surviving being shot and the coma. We get all of this for what? *WHAT?!!!* The *real* Jason coming back, Sam and Drew imploding. And what does Jason do? He goes back to putting everyone before Sam (that's how I saw it). Carly's in trouble, she may need to runaway to Canada and Jason who has spent the last 5 years away from the woman he "supposedly" loves and missed so much, away from the son he never got to raise (not that he would have been raising him with CarSon's demand on his time) what does he do? He tells Sam that he'll have to go to Canada with Carly so she'll be OK which to me was a giant *F Sam and Danny* not to mention Jake. So for me at least there was really no redemption for Jason.

    • @bettyboop90
      @bettyboop90 3 года назад +2

      @@MelaKB I know I'm being a hypocrite here bc I loved SB Jason during 04- the first half of 06' then once he got with Liz things wasn't the same I hated him bc of the person they turned him into just to be with Liz also the person they turned Sam into bc of her love for Jason. Ppl say that Sam didn't love Jason bc of the things she did to him but love & hate are two powerful things & jmo but I think you can love a person and still hate them when you're in pain & you'll hurting. As the saying goes it a thin line between love & hate and as terrible as the things Sam did I think she has always loved Jason more than he loved her that's why I loved how Drew quit the mob to put Sam & the kids first, I loved how he was there throughout Sam's pregnancy & got to deliver his own baby, how he laid into Liz about knowing who he really was for months & how he defended Sam to Liz after learning she told the truth & not Liz & how he apologized to Sam on how he treated her. I just wonder why the writers never could let those things happen with SB Jason every happy event in their lives was turned into crap, all the fights, snatching away from each other was ridiculous.Since SB Jason's return I've been on the fence about Sam being with him but I liked that for awhile I seen Jason from 04'-6'in him & to be honest I want Sam with Jason but his conversation with Sonny on 12/11/20 told it all even though he loves Sam and their kids but his first family & priority will always be the Corinthos that's just how it is. This part isn't for you Mela B but to all the ppl who's going to come at me bc Sam did break it off first but Jason is where he truly want to be at & doing what he loves best. Sorry Mela B about my long rant & I know I said a lot of the same things you said but that's bc I agree with you 100% and want to express why I do agree with you. 😊

    • @MelaKB
      @MelaKB 3 года назад +2

      ​@@bettyboop90 *Exactly!!!!* WoW!!! To me that means he *cares* for Sam and the children but he *loves* Sonny, Carly and the mob. Sad he still hasn't grown any. I just hope they don't have him bouncing to Liz again, cause that would really be an ass move. I mean he could barely be around Sam after he thought Franco raped her, so for me putting him back with Liz would not only be lazy writing, but a slap in the face to JaSam fans (which they have no problem doing) as she's spent years being Franco's bed buddy by choice.

  • @bettyboop90
    @bettyboop90 4 года назад +4

    Sam shouldn't have got back with Lucky or Jason especially Jason we all knew Lucky always wanted Liz unlike Jason who pretended to love Sam until he didn't.

  • @iacobus4227
    @iacobus4227 Год назад +2

    “So what if this case went on the books as unsolved? Would that be possible?” So sick of Liz manipulating every man she gets with.

  • @sassounezaza2228
    @sassounezaza2228 10 месяцев назад +1

    😂That firing was the funniest. Sam was hilarious

  • @sarahsoper2508
    @sarahsoper2508 5 лет назад

    Poor pitiful Sam always the victim. Maybe this is payback for all the people you used and conned to get money to support your self and your brother instead of getting a job or heaven forbid two if need be and make your own money in stead of stealing it from rich men!!!

    • @dcharizard0696
      @dcharizard0696 5 лет назад +8

      Her father taught her as a child how to be a grifter and a con woman. She conned these men when she was between the ages of 20 and 22. She eventually got her act together, and at this point she has been incredibly apologetic about her past for years. Her daughter died, the daughter she was supposed to adopt taken, she's been attacked beaten battered. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this being her getting what she deserves. I think her karma had been evened out quite enough by this point

    • @MelaKB
      @MelaKB 3 года назад +1

      And *IF* we're talking about people getting payback, whenever it hits Liz......

    • @lily-ellar7903
      @lily-ellar7903 3 года назад +2

      You can’t say anything. How about you go back to 1997 and look how Lizard was acting, if you ask me she was acting like a spoiled teenage brat bear in mind she was 17 at the time as well, she didn’t have a job, didn’t have friends, didn’t have money, everyone hated her. Sam at 17 on the other hand had gotten out of her abusive parents house, saved her brothers life (more than once), was able to get her brother into a special school, made all the way to New York AND made a whole new life without an help from anyone.