Daryl Dixon Transformation | TWD

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,7 тыс.

  • @PerryCaulkins
    @PerryCaulkins 2 года назад +37015

    He definitely killed more than the first walker he killed on screen

    • @OuterHeavenMicah
      @OuterHeavenMicah 2 года назад +879

      There was Survival Instinct

    • @bryanthernandez9769
      @bryanthernandez9769 2 года назад +267

      @@OuterHeavenMicah and that cannon

    • @crackerbarrelenthusiast4314
      @crackerbarrelenthusiast4314 2 года назад +246

      @@bryanthernandez9769 yes it actually is cannon

    • @vscevx9371
      @vscevx9371 2 года назад +34

      @@crackerbarrelenthusiast4314 yup

    • @fury9018
      @fury9018 2 года назад +128

      @@OuterHeavenMicah I think if you clear every level in Survival Instinct it's somewhere in thousands of kills

  • @jjbig5k
    @jjbig5k Год назад +6721

    He grew out the hair and stopped being his brothers shadow and it was one of the best character archs I have ever seen

    • @shopo6847
      @shopo6847 Год назад +68

      Character arch? He was great during first seasons with dialogues and conflicts only to slowly became an autistic mute

    • @CrashBoomBang78
      @CrashBoomBang78 Год назад +150

      ​@shopo6847 Are we talking about the same character?? Season 1 Daryl Dixon was a younger copy of Merle; an angry, emotionally stunted man with a wounded inner child who was steeped in toxic masculinity and walked in his racist brother's shadow. Season 11 Daryl is in touch with his emotions, has put the aggression and anger to bed, knows how to connect to other humans, has a soft spot for children and is not afraid to show it to them, makes himself emotionally available by allowing himself to fall in love (three times and counting) despite losing the object of his affection each time, knows true belonging because of his chosen family that he would do literally anything for, and isn't afraid to apologize and admit it whenever he is wrong. That he only speaks when he has something to say and is a lone wolf af heart was always part of who he is, the only character building mistake the writers could've made would be for him to grow out of that. They did literally everything right.

    • @shopo6847
      @shopo6847 Год назад +18

      @@CrashBoomBang78 he is an autistic mute with super strength

    • @CrashBoomBang78
      @CrashBoomBang78 Год назад +63

      @shopo6847 Quality writing is clearly wasted on you, I see.

    • @shopo6847
      @shopo6847 Год назад +26

      @@CrashBoomBang78 quality writting and walking dead should not be in the same sentence

  • @Ghostybae27
    @Ghostybae27 8 месяцев назад +145

    Stop he was that old I thought he was younger like early twenties in season 1 I literally love this man 😭

    • @Dietdrpepsi96
      @Dietdrpepsi96 2 месяца назад +5

      Ikr I thought he was maybe late 20s 😭

    • @Bingobopa
      @Bingobopa 24 дня назад +5

      I thought Merle was his dad 😂

  • @MultiCrazyNoodles
    @MultiCrazyNoodles 10 месяцев назад +321

    Daryl was definitely my eye candy of the show 😍😍😍😍

    • @frankeerobertson8163
      @frankeerobertson8163 8 месяцев назад +1

      Bghf hi

    • @treybowers154
      @treybowers154 6 месяцев назад +6

      It wasn't really Daryl as much as it was the Backwoods Bad Boy vibe was it? Lol back in the day we were called dumb hicks and rednecks but now the ladies love it. Country boy can do plenty more than just survive nowadays huh? 😂

    • @wolfgangfangyt1024
      @wolfgangfangyt1024 5 месяцев назад

      Youre about cringy asf 😂​@treybowers154

    • @ButtNutt179
      @ButtNutt179 2 месяца назад


  • @HxndlesFF2
    @HxndlesFF2 Год назад +151

    It's crazy to think they lived in the apocalypse for 12 Years

    • @nadialattab8790
      @nadialattab8790 5 месяцев назад +7

      Which just became the normal World, after so Long.

    • @KoreanwithBikal
      @KoreanwithBikal 5 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@nadialattab8790 normal as to not having to be afraid of the walkers much but not normal as to how it was before the apocalypse

  • @KingDavid071
    @KingDavid071 Год назад +1842

    He actually killed 72 people. Which is quite crazy, as he wasnt so bloodthirsty as Rick, and Rick only had 54 kills.

    • @im_rus
      @im_rus Год назад +117

      I don't know what to say, but I believe that Daryl killed for his friends and family. I've adored Daryl since season 1, he has cool charisma. I always felt sorry for Daryl, he had a difficult childhood, he was held captive and much more.

    • @westonmeyer3110
      @westonmeyer3110 Год назад +54

      Long range weapon, longer distance covered overall and he was on the show longer than Rick.

    • @pjpexel7212
      @pjpexel7212 10 месяцев назад +20

      he killed everyone he needed to help his friends, and he also killed every saviour he could because... well you know what happened I stopped watching for like 6months after i saw daryl naked in a room i was like hell noooo why they do my boy like that

    • @Xenn_..
      @Xenn_.. 4 месяца назад +4

      Rick in The ones who live killed thousands tho

    • @CrazyCountryCracker
      @CrazyCountryCracker 2 месяца назад


  • @workdayfiddle
    @workdayfiddle 2 года назад +2233

    Crazy how a completely original character who was not in the comics becomes a fan favorite and end up being one of the only ones left who has been there since the beginning.

    • @jamer2010
      @jamer2010 2 года назад +270

      Adding Norman Reedus as Daryl is honestly the only thing that kept the series running so long.

    • @saintshrooms9424
      @saintshrooms9424 2 года назад +98

      It’s because they don’t have the pressure to copy the comics
      Although by the look of the show and the characters killed they should’ve gone with the comic route, especially with Carl and hell even Judith since that added more reality into it

    • @bomorman23
      @bomorman23 2 года назад +16

      @@jamer2010 lol at times it’s the only reason I watch the walking dead

    • @jamer2010
      @jamer2010 2 года назад +18

      @@bomorman23 Same here for me. I loved Glenn too. It was super hard to stay with it after they killed him off.

    • @sunnydelight5255
      @sunnydelight5255 2 года назад +8

      I agree with all of that. It is amazing. I didn’t care for him initially. Was too much into Shane. But now I love his character. He’s someone you’d want on your team.

  • @qquinny_
    @qquinny_ Год назад +6026

    he aged like fine ass wine

  • @АнастасияДудка-ъ8г
    @АнастасияДудка-ъ8г 9 месяцев назад +30

    Пример как человека на котором общество поставило крест - вырос настоящий герой с такими человеческими ценностями !!! Мой краш❤ из всего сериала !

  • @R00TBeeR
    @R00TBeeR Год назад +84

    Bro dropped the coldest Darl Dixon edit and thought we wouldn’t notice 🥶🥶🥶

  • @markflorida4402
    @markflorida4402 2 года назад +17404

    In the first season he literally looked like he was just 28-30. Damn he looks young for a 50 year old man.

    • @wuhlfzebayne
      @wuhlfzebayne 2 года назад +394

      he probably dyes his hair
      edit: nvm i thought we were talking about norman

    • @JT_W
      @JT_W 2 года назад +426

      He's not 50 year old man there's no way

    • @hussainn4741
      @hussainn4741 2 года назад +160

      @@JT_W 53

    • @alexmaurice4274
      @alexmaurice4274 2 года назад +554

      Yeah I always thought he was like younger 30s at the start of the show I was so surprised when I learned his actual age

    • @Yuh_zhimmy
      @Yuh_zhimmy 2 года назад +78

      Y’all seeing something that I’m not??? Cuz he does look pretty old.

  • @zalduna
    @zalduna 2 года назад +5711

    There’s no confirmed age for this, that’s just Norman Reedus’ age

    • @justagamer9544
      @justagamer9544 2 года назад +429

      Yeah daryl is definitely younger than that

    • @jacobmcmahan109
      @jacobmcmahan109 2 года назад +176

      No walking Dead he is confirmed to be in his late 40s to early 50s.

    • @nathanjordon6950
      @nathanjordon6950 2 года назад +46

      @@justagamer9544 Nah, he literally has grey in his beard now.

    • @metalcrusader6666
      @metalcrusader6666 2 года назад +106

      @@nathanjordon6950 You do know that Norman is Playing Daryl right? So ofcourse he has grey in the beard

    • @markkars8754
      @markkars8754 2 года назад +29

      @@metalcrusader6666 You know they can change it on screen, right?

  • @zacharycunningham7284
    @zacharycunningham7284 2 года назад +4656

    "Listen here olive oil " best part of the show

  • @nickphaux
    @nickphaux 4 месяца назад +6

    Norman has such a good look for an older man. Like you can obviously tell hes over the hill and see wrinkles and grey hairs even in the first clips, but they suit his face so well!! Ive always thought he was one of the most handsome men in the show🙏🏻

  • @meemelu6291
    @meemelu6291 Год назад +169

    Daryl was the best character on the show there is no argument

    • @Nevets-Steven
      @Nevets-Steven Год назад +6

      Glenn close second?

      @ADOXSHORT Год назад +10

      @@Nevets-Steven rick?

    • @ryanking6105
      @ryanking6105 Год назад +5

      Negan bro

    • @zaysteiner6575
      @zaysteiner6575 Год назад +3

      @@ryanking6105glen > negan even though he starting to grow on me why kill my boy Glenn like that 🤧

    • @mandosoto13
      @mandosoto13 Год назад +5

      Carl grimes is hands down the best character, its been 5 years and i'm still mad they killed him off.

  • @TopMasculinity101
    @TopMasculinity101 Год назад +5487

    Daryl has 72 confirmed Human kills over 11 seasons of TWD

    • @TheF1nalRulér
      @TheF1nalRulér Год назад +209

      Technically he killed more than that with time jumps thrice(9×06, 10C and 11B and C)

    • @Anakin_Skywalker01
      @Anakin_Skywalker01 Год назад +188

      @@TheF1nalRulér He has even more considering that TWD Survival Instinct is still canon

    • @seanlynch8084
      @seanlynch8084 Год назад +60

      Didn't he kill more than that with the gas truck at Alexandria? Just curious. Plus the grenade on the train?

    • @Mxyanorms
      @Mxyanorms Год назад +9

      Carol >>>

    • @moserfamily6624
      @moserfamily6624 Год назад +28

      ​@@Anakin_Skywalker01 Yep, In my opinion TWD survival instinct is one of the best walking dead games made.

  • @SiahSpann
    @SiahSpann 2 года назад +2826

    Daryl was real immature for 41😂😂

    • @ZarChasmOfficial
      @ZarChasmOfficial 2 года назад +230

      I've worked in customer service for years. It's nothing new

    • @f4t4l1st1c
      @f4t4l1st1c 2 года назад +142

      you have to remember he bummed out with his brother before the walkers happened

    • @Carsu12
      @Carsu12 2 года назад +62

      with his upbringing it's not surprising

    • @krimzon2676
      @krimzon2676 2 года назад +75

      I'm not surprised with a guy like Merle as an older brother lol

    • @chandlermackey8964
      @chandlermackey8964 2 года назад +35

      Meth was one hell of a drug before the zombies came around

  • @mariemkhachane2921
    @mariemkhachane2921 2 года назад +861

    Best line was when he called Glenn China man and Glenn said I’m Korean dumbass😂

    • @emilianomiron505
      @emilianomiron505 2 года назад +141

      what made that line even better was when Merle talked about how he wouldn't be allowed at the prison because he, "beat the hell outta the Chinese kid" and Daryl responded with, "he's Korean".

    • @until.davis.
      @until.davis. 2 года назад +12

      @@emilianomiron505 damn near killed*

    • @iovqk8187
      @iovqk8187 2 года назад +23

      Or when negan saves his life and he’s like “untie me dumbass” 😂😂😂😂

    • @elite.h8742
      @elite.h8742 2 года назад +7

      @@emilianomiron505 then he said whatever 😂😂😂

    • @lynnx5444
      @lynnx5444 Год назад +6

      And than later on I’m the show corrects someone else Glenn is Korean lmao

  • @chassidylindsey4792
    @chassidylindsey4792 9 дней назад

    He is a excellent actor!! I really loved watching the show!! Thank you for sharing this Clip with us!!! 💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @Gwengwengwengwen13
    @Gwengwengwengwen13 Год назад +9

    He aged like fine wine in the summer time😍😍

  • @yuri_lhr
    @yuri_lhr 2 года назад +2896

    carol said something to him meaning he was like "17" when they were in atlanta, it actually makes sense, and she even told him that he was just a "boy" and that he became a man.
    had to edit it cause yeah she didn't say a number

    • @miloexogiantrabbit365
      @miloexogiantrabbit365 2 года назад +165

      If that so that actually mean that he is 29 in the recent season? Not really make sense to me

    • @onlysunshinee8099
      @onlysunshinee8099 2 года назад +270

      Maybe she mean that he act like a 17 , he was older than Glenn and Glenn was Young adult then

    • @vasilvasilev6661
      @vasilvasilev6661 2 года назад +89

      Nah. Daryl was in his early 40's when he first appeared.

    • @DeeboWRLD121
      @DeeboWRLD121 2 года назад +74

      @@vasilvasilev6661 prolly late 30s

    • @aniquinstark4347
      @aniquinstark4347 2 года назад +70

      Norman Reedus was 41 when the show started and I'm pretty sure almost every character is the age of their actor

  • @robsmith6835
    @robsmith6835 2 года назад +114

    Best character in the show hands down... his journey through out the years has been amazing to watch

    • @Marvel_vs_Capcom84
      @Marvel_vs_Capcom84 Год назад

      He isn't the best character in the show it's all opinions, There are alot of great characters in the show , Rick, Shane , carol, Carl, Negan etc

    • @PavolNemec-l4v
      @PavolNemec-l4v Год назад +2

      @@Marvel_vs_Capcom84 Nah in terms of character transformation he is by far the best character in the show. Rick was starting to get boring after s8 tbh and i dont know what would they do with him anyways if he stayed and Carol was very repetetive in what she was doing. Only thing i hated abot Daryl was him throughout All out war but except that he is the best. He is by far the coolest and most unique character in whole WD Universe

    • @Marvel_vs_Capcom84
      @Marvel_vs_Capcom84 Год назад

      @@PavolNemec-l4v Again that's all opinions!

    • @PavolNemec-l4v
      @PavolNemec-l4v Год назад

      @@Marvel_vs_Capcom84 and urs as well😂🤦

    • @Marvel_vs_Capcom84
      @Marvel_vs_Capcom84 Год назад

      @@PavolNemec-l4v Exactly.

  • @thed0nutl0rd60
    @thed0nutl0rd60 Год назад +182

    Bro aged like a fine wine

  • @userremitherat26000
    @userremitherat26000 Год назад +3

    The look Lori gave him when he got up. It’s so funny.

  • @toastface9982
    @toastface9982 6 месяцев назад +2

    Before: He's okay looking.
    After: EHEM... step on me, sir.

  • @Jakki_G
    @Jakki_G 2 года назад +2612

    Petition for Norman Reedus to play John Marston in a Red Dead movie

  • @sangmild387
    @sangmild387 2 года назад +4112


    • @ApostleThe344
      @ApostleThe344 2 года назад +58

      He is

    • @sangmild387
      @sangmild387 2 года назад +4

      @@ApostleThe344 huh

    • @Elicapalot63rd
      @Elicapalot63rd 2 года назад +42

      @@sangmild387 he’s like 53 bro😂

    • @rumbling3991
      @rumbling3991 2 года назад +279

      @@Elicapalot63rd only the actor, the character it self is barely 30 at the start of the show

    • @Luke_existent
      @Luke_existent 2 года назад +88

      ..... Man, i thought bro was like 25

  • @TDog111
    @TDog111 2 года назад +573

    I loved when Darnell asked shanell “Saul this?”

  • @adriellymartins8730
    @adriellymartins8730 Год назад +9

    Daryl é um dos melhores personagens da série, não há argumento.

  • @NayelyVasquez-ji6bx
    @NayelyVasquez-ji6bx Месяц назад +1

    Daryl Dixon is a legend

  • @tonyaporter4812
    @tonyaporter4812 2 года назад +357

    They literally talked about Daryl being 29

    • @thomaswillard6267
      @thomaswillard6267 2 года назад +5

      Citation needed, because I can find that nowhere

    • @Jimmy911ism
      @Jimmy911ism 2 года назад +3


    • @Wendys___
      @Wendys___ 2 года назад +11

      Also only about 2 years passes between the start and end of the show, not the 12 years it released over

    • @TrefferVLPeace
      @TrefferVLPeace 2 года назад +55

      @@Wendys___ Season 9 alone has a 6 year time jump

    • @TheSalute3397
      @TheSalute3397 Год назад +22

      @@Wendys___ dude, it’s 3 years in universe from season 1 to 9 and then a 7 or so year time jump in that season alone

  • @awolfthatgoesmeow.7691
    @awolfthatgoesmeow.7691 2 года назад +356

    Darryl is 53?!?! holy shit he looks good

  • @elite.h8742
    @elite.h8742 2 года назад +60

    “We are the ones who live”series finale was amazing

    • @HeresneganTM
      @HeresneganTM Год назад +5

      Fr seeing all the characters including me made me cr- wait no I'm negan I wear a fine ass leather jacket I have Lucile and my balls are made of steel!

  • @Laaazzaa
    @Laaazzaa Год назад +13

    Darl has more kills at the beginning than any of the others cos you see him hunting squeerells at beginning so he must have killed some walkers on his way

  • @Lice-s9h
    @Lice-s9h 2 дня назад +1

    He aged like Fine ass wine❤

  • @Charles-zl1ue
    @Charles-zl1ue 2 года назад +20

    Daryl needs nobody, everybody needs Daryl

    • @xpand_wheat87
      @xpand_wheat87 Год назад +1

      Un0rdinary Slaps. Also hey John how's Seraphina been

    • @Charles-zl1ue
      @Charles-zl1ue Год назад

      @@xpand_wheat87 Hi there. She's doing good, thanks for asking.

  • @Avatar_lover-forever_
    @Avatar_lover-forever_ Год назад +25

    He looks so young for 53 😮

  • @louismartin856
    @louismartin856 2 года назад +20

    Bro gotta factor in that daryle has a whole game dedicated to his story

    • @Kaz_15
      @Kaz_15 2 года назад

      Do u know what song is playing in the background?

  • @MDgotgame
    @MDgotgame Год назад

    Bro ngl I spend hours scrolling through your walking dead videos😊

  • @abelixcalvo5864
    @abelixcalvo5864 11 месяцев назад

    I love your videoss❤❤❤

  • @TheAutism-v8z
    @TheAutism-v8z 11 месяцев назад +6

    Literally a legend 🤩

  • @fred-weasleys-wife
    @fred-weasleys-wife Год назад +10

    Daryl probably has 10,000 walker kills with that crossbow

  • @Kays_acc
    @Kays_acc 2 года назад +41

    He looks 30 right now he ages so well

    • @arseface2k934
      @arseface2k934 Год назад +2

      he doesn't look 53 for sure but he definitely doesn't look 30. 40 would be my guess.

    • @ghostlillah
      @ghostlillah Год назад

      @@arseface2k934 It’s called an opinion, other people might think he’s in his thirties while other may think he looks like he’s in his fourties’,

  • @S_Lancaster_222
    @S_Lancaster_222 Год назад

    Love this! Thx!

  • @juleshenao1507
    @juleshenao1507 Год назад +1

    What song is this? It goes good with the edit👍

  • @dymie_
    @dymie_ 2 года назад +23

    Been through it all lost so much
    Best man to raise up Judith 😢😢😢😢😢😢

    @COMCEPTO 2 года назад +157

    43? Maybe 22

    • @willson7360
      @willson7360 2 года назад +4

      Norman Redus was 43 at the start of filming season 1

    • @wild_jasper
      @wild_jasper 2 года назад +19

      @@willson7360 doesnt mean the character was

    • @Kaz_15
      @Kaz_15 2 года назад

      Do u know what song is playing in the background?

    • @thomaswillard6267
      @thomaswillard6267 2 года назад

      ​@@wild_jasper When the narrtive takes no steps to distinguish the two? it kind of does.

    • @thomaswillard6267
      @thomaswillard6267 2 года назад

      ​@@abrupt9090 Movies where the narrative explicitly tells us that these fully developed adults are meant to be adolescents.
      That never happened in TWD

  • @areldcookie5581
    @areldcookie5581 Год назад +5

    He's a survivors He always have that surviving skill, so he definitely killed more than 1 during the first scene.

  • @jakeforeman6743
    @jakeforeman6743 23 дня назад

    You see him change from a panicked guy trying to open a solid steel door with an axe.... to one the most badass thought through leader.

  • @aoonidao
    @aoonidao 3 месяца назад


  • @littlebirdykirk2347
    @littlebirdykirk2347 2 года назад +6

    in the video game when they said his backstory from before rick and the group it showed he was there when atlanta fell. so hed already killed more than a few before the show even started

  • @crangesmcbasketball1828
    @crangesmcbasketball1828 Год назад +17

    Survival instinct daryl has sum to say about that one zombie kill

  • @Digmer
    @Digmer 2 года назад +5

    Dont forget his hair in season 2 was gorgeous.

  • @lunneovaiphei7778
    @lunneovaiphei7778 5 месяцев назад

    I never expect him to be my fav character this far when I first saw him❤

  • @jensss.
    @jensss. 6 месяцев назад +1

    I love that Norman really looks like he’s actually Daryl lol

  • @vanessamendoza6557
    @vanessamendoza6557 Год назад +15

    Me encantó este hombre desde que lo vi la primera vez en la serie ❤

  • @miloexogiantrabbit365
    @miloexogiantrabbit365 2 года назад +71

    Wait i just realized that this edit mention hes real age not in the story age

    • @thomaswillard6267
      @thomaswillard6267 2 года назад

      They never make a differentiation in-narrative therefore it is safe to assume the actors are the same age as their characters.

    • @TheSalute3397
      @TheSalute3397 Год назад +1

      Check the wiki, Daryl was around 40 already in season 1

  • @rustman3204
    @rustman3204 2 года назад +62

    He was 41?!?!! Had the energy of a twelve year old

    • @ythelldoineedahandle
      @ythelldoineedahandle 2 года назад +1

      I babysat 5 years olds who were more mature than that character.

    • @La-Toilette-mafia
      @La-Toilette-mafia Год назад +2

      but we know he was somwhere around 25-31 in s1
      and its been around 15 years from s1 to s11 so in s11 he is 41-45 years old

    • @barneythethug
      @barneythethug Год назад

      @@La-Toilette-mafiait said he was 41 in s1 😂

  • @Mason69428
    @Mason69428 Год назад

    Love the vids we needed this

  • @YaboyJosh11
    @YaboyJosh11 10 дней назад

    Fire edit🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @mooonarchh704
    @mooonarchh704 Год назад +43

    Best part is when daryl said its darrin’ time

  • @Danyx_XD
    @Danyx_XD Год назад +3

    Daryl, uno de mis personajes favoritos, es un gran personaje😺

  • @marvils3683
    @marvils3683 2 года назад +17

    Bro he's 53? No way

  • @BaltGaltValt
    @BaltGaltValt Год назад +2

    Daryle was like 26 years old in season 1 and was like 40s in season 11

  • @JohnFeldman-ss8jo
    @JohnFeldman-ss8jo 4 месяца назад

    10000+. With the burning in Alexandria and his contribution to Rick's bridge kills it has to be.

  • @DC-yw5yg
    @DC-yw5yg 2 года назад +14

    Name of music? pls

  • @rhaevan.maniyara
    @rhaevan.maniyara 2 года назад +10

    I think Darryl was in his mid or late 20s in S1..
    Norman was 40 or something, yes...
    But I doubt Darryl was also that old.. no way..

    • @realBOTRIP
      @realBOTRIP 2 года назад

      I'd disagree with Daryl being mid or late 20s in S1 he looks older sounds older aswell

    • @rhaevan.maniyara
      @rhaevan.maniyara 2 года назад +2

      @@realBOTRIP no older than early 30s...
      that's gotta be it

    • @SiahSpann
      @SiahSpann 2 года назад

      @@realBOTRIP did you see how immature he was

  • @avtomat6471
    @avtomat6471 2 года назад +17

    Nah bro he wasn't 40 in season 1 and he was like in his late 20's/ early 30's and he ain't 53 now.

    • @eraldorh
      @eraldorh 2 года назад +1

      He is 53 is real life....

    • @Toysforlife_farmer
      @Toysforlife_farmer 2 года назад

      @@eraldorh yeah that’s what I was going to say

    • @SiahSpann
      @SiahSpann 2 года назад

      @@eraldorh the character isn’t the same age as their actor💀💀💀
      For example: in cobra Kai Sam larusso is in high school while the actor is 26 irl

  • @SpeedyCODM
    @SpeedyCODM 6 месяцев назад

    S1 daryl really loved swinging his arm around

  • @petergust3607
    @petergust3607 Год назад +1

    Dude he came back from an extended hunting trip when we first saw him, he probably killed like 50 already.

    @SIMONGHOSTRILEYMWII 2 года назад +9

    Soundtrack from Total Overdose

  • @arrowhammer5586
    @arrowhammer5586 2 года назад +4

    Can somebody please tell me what the song is in the background

    • @thomaskub9468
      @thomaskub9468 2 года назад

      Did you find it Im still searching for it

    • @alechboy3578
      @alechboy3578 2 года назад

      @@thomaskub9468 Return of the tres and something closer can also be considered lonely shepard

  • @Zombie-hunter.
    @Zombie-hunter. Год назад +9

    I am pretty sure he was like 31 in the show in 2010 then 42 in season 11

  • @Love_Rosem1997
    @Love_Rosem1997 4 месяца назад +1


  • @Sprooki-q3t
    @Sprooki-q3t 5 месяцев назад +1

    He's so cool😂😂😂❤❤❤

  • @JakeOllieB
    @JakeOllieB 2 года назад +5

    His age isn't confirmed.
    He has confirmed walker kills prior to his first on-screen appearance.

    • @waterhotter9668
      @waterhotter9668 2 года назад

      The video game of him and his brother escaping shows Him killing like 2,000 and then getting away on a evac helicopter

  • @koks8862
    @koks8862 2 года назад +4

    what kind of music is that

    • @nate7010
      @nate7010 2 года назад +2

      Return of tres tres deliquentes

    • @junebug8530
      @junebug8530 Год назад +1

      @@nate7010 tysm

  • @Larsd69
    @Larsd69 2 года назад +5

    Imagine someone watches the whole series and counts the exact amount of walkers killed by Daryl. Massive respect if someone did that

    • @ythelldoineedahandle
      @ythelldoineedahandle 2 года назад

      Loads of time on their hands

    • @Larsd69
      @Larsd69 2 года назад

      @CrimsonPlayz good luck buddy

    • @billycherokee7630
      @billycherokee7630 Год назад

      But there’s a game that shows his entire backstory and he kills thousands of walkers before Atlanta.

  • @GxldenYT_
    @GxldenYT_ Год назад

    The amount of people that didn’t play survival instincts is criminal .

  • @qwertyuiop1920
    @qwertyuiop1920 7 месяцев назад +1

    thats alotta crossbow bolts he gotta pick up💀

  • @evelynewatterlot1155
    @evelynewatterlot1155 Год назад +3

    Daryl est incontestablement le meilleure personnage de la série ❤

  • @보우야하루미치
    @보우야하루미치 Год назад +3

    데릴는 같이있으면 엄청 든든하다 ㅎㅎ

  • @Layan--..--
    @Layan--..-- 2 года назад +4

    What's the beat?

  • @skator7356
    @skator7356 Год назад +1

    damn at first he was a wining red neck dude

  • @teresamariecaglehitt
    @teresamariecaglehitt Год назад +1

    He went from being a boy to a man everybody wanted around ♥️

  • @TheCrabThatGotSuckedIntoADelta
    @TheCrabThatGotSuckedIntoADelta 2 года назад +12

    I always guessed his S1 age as like 36-38, making him around 50 now

    • @Henry23852
      @Henry23852 2 года назад

      i dont believe anybody ever clarified his age so we just assume he's as old in 2010 as Norman Reedus was in 2010

    • @rumbling3991
      @rumbling3991 2 года назад

      @@Henry23852 Norman Reedus was a 41 year old man playing as a 17 year old in the start

    • @Henry23852
      @Henry23852 2 года назад

      @@rumbling3991 Can I get proof on that? I find that very hard to believe.

    • @rumbling3991
      @rumbling3991 2 года назад +1

      @@Henry23852 i was wrong , they made daryl the same age as norman when it started

    • @Henry23852
      @Henry23852 2 года назад

      @@rumbling3991 yeah i heard that 17 rumour around but i never found anything. it wouldve been really weird tho bc season 1 Daryl did not look even close to 17 lol

  • @Daragh360
    @Daragh360 2 года назад +4

    Darnell is my favourite character def

  • @clarencehenson5320
    @clarencehenson5320 Год назад

    I liked his brother too I was mad when he was gone but I understand he got alot roles to play in Hollywood

  • @OliviaKibbey
    @OliviaKibbey 2 месяца назад

    I literally love him sm 😻

  • @Spanish_or_vanish_bi-
    @Spanish_or_vanish_bi- 4 месяца назад

    He grew like fine wine meanwhile Abraham and Glenn grew like mashed potatoes

  • @ashtonbarwick6696
    @ashtonbarwick6696 4 месяца назад

    The rpg shot was cold asf

  • @icecreamandbubba6456
    @icecreamandbubba6456 5 месяцев назад +1

    Season 1 Daryl Dixon - Season 10 Daryl Dixon

  • @marthasiahay2713
    @marthasiahay2713 2 месяца назад

    Daryl Dixon is indeed the character who kills the most zombies

  • @kmng3127
    @kmng3127 Год назад +1

    Yo yo don't mess with them😮

  • @liminalspace1285
    @liminalspace1285 Год назад

    There’s an entire game that is cannon of Daryl’s journey through the first few days of the infection and he kills quite a few, he was one of the first in the group to look for the quarantine zone in Atlanta which is where he meets the rest of the group. Games nearly impossible to get a new port of though so I suggest checking out a RUclips breakdown of it if your not interested in a clunky arcade shooter (still a great game)

  • @suraimasvlog3598
    @suraimasvlog3598 6 месяцев назад +1

    He's my favorite in TWD.

  • @DarkGT
    @DarkGT Год назад

    Impressive that he became a storm trooper, but still was about to hit anything.

  • @caseyguilfoyle4580
    @caseyguilfoyle4580 Год назад +2

    I refuse to believe Daryl Dixon(Not Norman Reedus) was already in his 40s in season 1.

  • @LindakaterineZapatabohor-xp7iq
    @LindakaterineZapatabohor-xp7iq 9 месяцев назад +1

    Daril Dixon mi amor platónico de la serie me encanta su personaje el mejor ❤️‍🩹❤

  • @m_rkroblox2888
    @m_rkroblox2888 Год назад

    i wanna know how you know how many kills he got. there might be a website or something that says but if its just ClashedPR counting them by going through the episodes then im kinda impressed with the dedication. love the vids anyway!