The limb bots definitely are low key but make up for it when combing into Menasor and I can't wait to have Menasor go up against his rival Superion , who is already looking fantastic .
Yeah they really should have just cut Breakdown's spoiler in half so you could leave it plugged into the backs of his legs and given him an extra gun, I never know what to do with the spoiler and the "axe" combination weapon is really dumb. Apparently the designers wanted to retool him more from Wild Rider but corporate said no, not sure how much that would have improved him but I thought it was worth mentioning. I wound up getting the boxed set with the toy coloring and while I'm usually an animation-accuracy fan, I do really like the extra pops of coloring the team got. Breakdown in particular benefitted since they gave him the Countach windows his regular release lacked.
I had Dragstrip back in the 80's, I think I also had Breakdown, but I wasn't explicitly collecting the Stunticons, and those would've been the only two I had. Little kid me thought the yellow Tyrrell P34 was the coolest car in existence. I did splurge on the Animated Stunti-Con Job box set, and making Dragstrip a girl (an Arcee recolor, so only 4 wheels) was the funniest thing; I'm kind of hoping that if they bring the Stunticons back they keep Dragstrip as female.
So many years ago I worked on a stop motion animation called Prime Time and it's sequel Prime Time 2. In it I voiced RiD Prime and Scourge. The characters voices were based on the cartoon but they became their own personalities as time went by with the projects. Now this is how I still portray Scourge when he decides to grace us with his presence in This Toy Makes Me Happy :)
Break down looks like he's supposed to ? Not his véhicle mode actually, because he should be a Lambo instead of a Ferrari. I hope we'll have an F4-Phantom as Firefly an not the same mold as Slingshot for the upcoming aerial bots...
The black redeco of Dragstrip is one of my favorite things!
It took a lot of will power not to buy it
The limb bots definitely are low key but make up for it when combing into Menasor and I can't wait to have Menasor go up against his rival Superion , who is already looking fantastic .
Yeah they really should have just cut Breakdown's spoiler in half so you could leave it plugged into the backs of his legs and given him an extra gun, I never know what to do with the spoiler and the "axe" combination weapon is really dumb. Apparently the designers wanted to retool him more from Wild Rider but corporate said no, not sure how much that would have improved him but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I wound up getting the boxed set with the toy coloring and while I'm usually an animation-accuracy fan, I do really like the extra pops of coloring the team got. Breakdown in particular benefitted since they gave him the Countach windows his regular release lacked.
2:32 I managed to get Shadowstrip last year at a Ross for………..$8?! I know that’s insane, but was completely worth it.
That's like on sale Beast Wars era pricing! Yeah id have snapped him up for that price no question
I had Dragstrip back in the 80's, I think I also had Breakdown, but I wasn't explicitly collecting the Stunticons, and those would've been the only two I had. Little kid me thought the yellow Tyrrell P34 was the coolest car in existence. I did splurge on the Animated Stunti-Con Job box set, and making Dragstrip a girl (an Arcee recolor, so only 4 wheels) was the funniest thing; I'm kind of hoping that if they bring the Stunticons back they keep Dragstrip as female.
I like the idea, also doing a repaint as Crasher from Gobots feels fitting
I wish breakdown wasn't so hard to find....
Why does Scourge sound like Cookie Monster?
So many years ago I worked on a stop motion animation called Prime Time and it's sequel Prime Time 2.
In it I voiced RiD Prime and Scourge. The characters voices were based on the cartoon but they became their own personalities as time went by with the projects.
Now this is how I still portray Scourge when he decides to grace us with his presence in This Toy Makes Me Happy :)
Break down looks like he's supposed to ? Not his véhicle mode actually, because he should be a Lambo instead of a Ferrari. I hope we'll have an F4-Phantom as Firefly an not the same mold as Slingshot for the upcoming aerial bots...
I'm not a car guy, he looked close enough to me but I get it