The importance of choosing YOU ~ Beyond Twin Flame Series

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @wakingup5287
    @wakingup5287 5 лет назад +12

    Thank you :)
    It’s been four years of separation with no contact and I finally woke up to what this is in April. I feel like my twin (who lives in my current city) is close to coming back to me, but I’ve decided to pursue my dream graduate program in a different city anyway. Your advice makes me feel like I’m finally getting it. I knew intuitively when I accepted the admission offer that the lesson was to let go of my timelines and trust.

  • @retiredmona2181
    @retiredmona2181 5 лет назад +3

    I am so thankful to have come across this series of videos. I am 63 and because of a twin connection I got into 4 years ago I am now on a spiritual journey to love myself. I am so thankful and blessed to not have to think there will be a union or that I am to work towards that because he is not doing his work and it is like beating my head against a brick wall. I will be able to truly relax about the twin B.S. Thank you for doing this little series very much appreciated.

  • @beingilluminous
    @beingilluminous 5 лет назад +17

    I appreciate your videos because of my life I identified as more of a DM in a female body. I had no idea of how to embody the divine feminine. I used your readings of DM to work on myself but I appreciate that I may not have clicked on DF readings because I didn’t feel they were my internal worlds and I didn’t know where to look. Thanks to following you, this year, I’ve healed to a wholeness I never knew I could. Watching your videos led me down more paths of self discovery. Thank you for this.

  • @LightandSymbols
    @LightandSymbols 5 лет назад +3

    That's why twin flames should only come into physical union in divine timing. I was given numerous opportunities to be with him but have waited for divine timing which I think is in the next few weeks or days. We are both balanced and on our mission. Trust the Divine.

  • @sarabuettner5810
    @sarabuettner5810 3 года назад +1

    So beautiful. I just asked my guides today to let me know I'm actually making the right decision and following the right path of leaving a toxic marriage and just being me. My twin awoke me a year and a half ago and we've been going back and forth but these videos taught me exactly what I've been feeling. Focus on me. If it's meant to be it will be out something better awaits🙏💕😊 amen!! Thank you for your channel, it was guided to me!!!

  • @tanukibruh9885
    @tanukibruh9885 5 лет назад +1

    I have watched all 3 parts and they resonated with me. Your videos bring in rational and sound ideas to the table, so things are grounded.
    I agree with the 3 vids. What you said has happened. I chose me. I parted with my Twin Flame because she was struggling with mental and spiritual issues and her limiting beliefs. And true enough, massive manifestations and blessings came my way in 2019. I actually met my Soul Tribe as well. Suddenly these people were taking heed of my instructions, listening to my every sharing, asking me for advice, and they look up to me. In many ways I wonder if my Twin Flame was sacrificed and in her place, I was given my Soul Tribe. I met them while taking a course of study and left for a new job, which was also manifested, and which has the minimum pay I have always wanted.
    However, what I really wanted to say is that I've reached a plateau phase. I am hearing from the 3 vids what I already know or has already happened. With all said and done, including inner work and inward reflection, I feel empty. She's out of the picture. I'm growing and growing but she's not. At this rate, if we do meet, our progress would be lopsided, if you know what I'm getting at. I will continue growing everyday but I don't know what can be done with my Twin Flame specifically. It's like I've reached a point where it's "ok, I've pulled my weight, now what am I going to do about the other person?" I'm kinda entrusting her to the unknown. And this is so because she's way behind. We can't just meet on say, next week or next month and resume things. She's a mess. Without bringing her out of the abyss, meeting her is like finding a lost girl who's covered in her shit and crying. So meeting her is not a good thing, and I reflect on this dilemma often.

  • @belleck9795
    @belleck9795 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for this series. I have been trying to find wisdom in this journey. I am an educated and blessed working-single-mother who happened to be awakened by a TF interaction. It was beautiful. We were college BFFs and then connected after our divorces . In separation now and I am working so very hard to better myself. I will never settle as you mentioned. I believe in the true love that is given by the Divine. I settled with the father of my children and took away his chance at True Love. I am good solo and will continue to learn. Thank you for your beautiful presence and teachings. XO

  • @michaelbrown9891
    @michaelbrown9891 4 года назад +1

    I have been following your readings for many months now. Just came across the twin flame series. I am still in separation although nearing the completion of my cycle. I believe my divine masculine is not far behind. Everything you said on this video is markedly correct. It’s great listening to it after having gone through so much shadow work, transition and transformation. You are one of the few readers who does not suggest that it would be good for us to get involved in other relationships whilst working towards Secret union with our TF. I agree with what you say. What is the point in working towards a high-frequency unconditional love union yet at the same time sharing intimacy with a third party. As TF’s we are already spiritually and energetically in union even though not physically. We need to honour that fifth dimension aspect. That is where we are heading and currently transitioning even without physical union. The gift we have been given must be honoured by our honesty, integrity and loyalty. Dream it - believe it - achieve it. Each counterpart is being guided and taught by both of our higher selves as well as higher spiritual conscious beings. We TF’s are part of a collective of souls in human bodies spiritually connected to a collective of higher conscious beings. We are all souls intertwined. It’s the nearest human experience that brings understanding to the concept and reality of there being only one soul in the universe. We are all one. It gives meaning to the expression - as above so below and also so below as above. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself and my Devine counterpart as well as our higher purpose mission work.

  • @shawaynanicole6977
    @shawaynanicole6977 4 года назад +2

    This is definitely in divine timing. Ive been crying with each of these videos because i know it's true. I just chose to choose myself last night after being hurt again. My tf is still in the beginning stages if working on themselves. The love has been beautiful. But i need to choose me. I have no idea what will happen. My heart is hurting but at the same time i feel whole. It's crazy. We are still in contact they still want to be there for me etc. Thank you for your videos. Im healing im learning and yes it feels great. Yes i would still love a relationship and union with this person but i also know if not there will be better and im open to what comes

  • @theluvqueen5558
    @theluvqueen5558 4 года назад +2

    I have no idea how I missed these three videos of yours I am so glad that I have went back and found these especially this one I am now chosen me I am so detached from having to have a relationship and lotion my company I’m getting back healthy and I’m no longer a codependent relationships as a break away from my full-time job and I self I have also broke away from the narcissistic codependent relationship that I had my whole entire life I’m doing me and it feels so good thank you Erica

  • @zaraalexia7554
    @zaraalexia7554 4 года назад +1

    Being with my twin is like heaven, I know it exists... I won’t settle for anything less than what I know I have experienced

  • @ChristyWilliams44
    @ChristyWilliams44 5 лет назад +5

    I love Serendipity, tooooooo, Erika! Not only is it one of my favorite movies, it's one of my favorite words, too. This resonated so strongly because of all the Serendipity-like things that have happened in my sacred union journey, which is still ongoing. Thank you for all you do.

    @vODDEVILISH 5 лет назад +4

    I am just smiling and nodding all through this video ❤️ 100% truth! 🙏🏻

  • @mareikeyocum4821
    @mareikeyocum4821 3 года назад +1

    I have no words about how much this resonated with me, i felt like i came up with my own thoughts about all this and this was like my confirmation. Im still a work in progress about the fully choosing me and being able to walk and just have trust and faith that whats meant for me will always find its way but its amazing to look back and see how far ive come. Thank you for this beautiful message

  • @joohelenaconrad5760
    @joohelenaconrad5760 5 лет назад +4

    I love this series! In choosing oneself one cannot go wrong! Surrender to the journey of ascension makes you whole... outcome is not important. I fully trust the divine as this means trusting your higher self and the higher self has it all covered ...

  • @ninahelgas
    @ninahelgas 5 лет назад +2

    Listening to this makes me SO PROUD of myself!! Resonated so much, and I've come so far, done so much work with myself, it's incredible. I have really chosen myself, and have trust and faith. I will only have the best, what I'm worthy and deserving of. Not settling!! I'd rather be alone than settle!!
    My TF is on the other side of the world right now, and I'm gonna start a new job here on the opposite side of the world from him, but it's ok. Everything is ok, and I completely trust the divine. 😊💕🌈
    I'm so excited for myself and my future! I have no idea what will happen, how or when, but that's what makes it exciting!! 😄
    And, I'm so excited to hear about your announcement soon!! 😍
    Thank you Erika, lots of love!! 💖

  • @KalyaniChaurasia
    @KalyaniChaurasia 5 лет назад +2

    Many of your videos helped me alot, I am very grateful to be part of this channel. Lots of love 💗💐

  • @GoddesstoGoodness
    @GoddesstoGoodness 5 лет назад +2

    Your videos have provided so much guidance for me, I have found my purpose that fulfills my highest good. Wow! You're doing so much good for those of us who are able to accept these beautiful messages. Thanks so much.🧚💜✨🦋

  • @donnamichelle4294
    @donnamichelle4294 5 лет назад +4

    This was so Divinely Timed for me. I have chosen me with no back up option and it feels great. I still love my TF and the signs and synchronicities are always making themselves known to me, but I am stepping into that beautiful fool energy with trust and faith in my heart with the Universe. Thank you Erika. And I just noticed rn that the video has ended in 22 which is my number for Fran. Lol! Love Spirit’s sense of humor!! Much Love to you. ❤️🙏✨

  • @kyecarter6671
    @kyecarter6671 4 года назад +1

    When you said “harmonious union” my entire soul smiled!

  • @aluna_m888
    @aluna_m888 5 лет назад +3

    Omg this couldn’t come at a better time...I have chose ME... Thank you so much 🙏❤️

  • @melissab77
    @melissab77 5 лет назад +3

    I absolutely love these videos! I only wish I had them earlier, but I know the timeing for when we get these messages is perfect! I always learn so much or get confirmation that I'm on the right path. The example you gaveof one of the TF moving to another country after living in the same city for a job opportunity happened last month to me and my DM! Whats crazy is, he's in the US and his office his in my hometown, a place he's never been! Its been a huge test of faith and I knew this is such a great opportunity for him! Plus this situation has helped me clear out a lot of past patterns. I pray that everyone has the strength to work throught challenges and to let go of expectations.

  • @JohannaHunt
    @JohannaHunt Год назад +1

    Serendipity is the best movie. I’ve watched it over and over. This is a great video. And a perfect time for me to step away from videos and just let life flow. I’m done being attached. It’s time to fully choose me and just let spirit do his thing. Thank you for your guidance ❤

  • @TheInfinityCircle.80
    @TheInfinityCircle.80 5 лет назад +2

    I watch both sets of videos because I AM both DF and DM. Thank you Erika for your work with the collective.

  • @giftedhandzstudio5733
    @giftedhandzstudio5733 5 лет назад +1

    I️ started this divine masculine and feminine journey like a few months ago when I️ realized I️ was going through a spiritual awakening. Your videos and a few other readers who are more on the spiritual side helped me to realize I️ had to let this person go and become Whole. Which I️ thought I️ was already until he triggered me in so many ways and I️ started to operate more in my feminine energy or tap into it. I️ was a distorted masculine and didn’t even know it. I’ve backed away from the situation I️ broke up with him in July and it was a nasty one. I️ started to work on myself and finding out who I️ am and my purpose and I’ve discovered a lot. Since I’ve stopped giving him attention he was used to he called me this Tuesday and just said how he has isolated himself from the world really and how he had this gut punching revelation. I️ too said these same things when my awakening began. He’s not at the same level as me on this awakening journey i can tell from convos we have which are very rare these days. so I’m not going to just jump back into something. I️ love your combined videos though. I️ use then to not only check up on him but myself and how I’m progressing in my journey to Wholeness. I️ dont ask him about his journey ive detached emotionally I️ feel like that’s the only way he’s going to be able to complete his awakening. I️ cant save him he has to save himself. I️ truly believe we will be together in the end if he surrenders to his awakening but right now I️ just want to discover who the real me is by healing and becoming Whole. Sorry this is so long lol but I’ve just been healing and it’s so amazing to be on the other side of pain and toxic behavior and relationships.

  • @SatumainenOlento
    @SatumainenOlento 4 года назад +1

    Fantastic video! I kind of feel that it would be easier to walk away from my DM than just to stay hanging around. But when I realised that I had accidentally fallen in love with this married man and desided to walk away, that was when Universe did let me know that he is my TF and I am on a journey. And to be honest, this situation is totally out of my hands. I could not make this all up! It's been so Masterfully orchestrated by the Universe before this. But why this video was so fantastic for me was, because I realised how I am so stuck in other aspects of my life. The Universe is giving me a major obstacle course to overcome right now! Testing my faith and how well I follow up guidance and my own intuition! It is a major leap in faith! I do need to remember how to trust the Universe again! I have been living so very small and out of balance too long! It is very important to remember that Universe only wants my very best and give me BETTER. I have been settling in my 3D environment. It all has to go so that the new can come in!! Thank you so much 💕💖💕💖💕💕

  • @cdivinetwinmom
    @cdivinetwinmom 5 лет назад +3

    I so appreciate you. This is exactly what is needed. We must always choose ourselves first...always. I can't focus on the relationship because I became so distracted. I just know I'm on my right path for me and I matter most to me. I love my DF. I always will love and appreciate what has happened. I just know I'm supposed to be happy in everything I allow in. I'm not mad at him I have no regrets its just that I see where I'm heading and I want to continue with or without him. Bless you Erika!! Bless your spirit guides because our always right on time.

  • @ering7664
    @ering7664 4 года назад +1

    This totally resonated- I’m good on my own - I doubt I could ever settle for a 3d love/relationship in fact I’d rather be celebrate than settle. Never thought I’d say that lol - I had huge co-dependency issues that I’ve done a lot of work on - still going, still healing. Feel at peace. Thank you Erika 🙏🏻

  • @Candi565
    @Candi565 5 лет назад +2

    I walked away from my twin soul and moved to a new state and was actually pulled to work with a twin soul couple. I was guided to move here.

  • @lsb888
    @lsb888 4 года назад +1

    Thankyou💟 I appreciate all your videos. I came across TwinFlames 02/19 & was overwhelmed. I do agree with our male/female (+ & -) energies within, only I have know this for years. You have been great
    for helping me understand Twinflames.
    I have never loved so deeply or hurt so terribly in my life. I wish not to be together until we both have developed emotionally to an adult level. 😊👍 (i would not survive another heartbreak)

  • @cherylradke8634
    @cherylradke8634 5 лет назад +2

    I just want to thank you for this series. This brought me finality to my journey and I am so very grateful. I have been on my spiritual journey for a while and I have let my twin flame go but not completely because I did not understand that I dont have to be with him. I knew he came into my life so i could grow however I thought it was so we could both grow only he has not and now that I understand this situation and why it has happened I am ready to let him go completely. This is now about me. Thank you so much for clarifying this for me...sorry for the book :). ❤

  • @divinelyguidedsoul8118
    @divinelyguidedsoul8118 5 лет назад

    When my twin left me 25 years ago.. I got stuck in the 3D mindset of settling. My heart was broken.. and I felt as if the love my heart and soul longed for.. was not unattainable for me.. the fairytale love story just wasn’t for me.. so I had better just settle for whatever I could get. This feeling was deeply rooted in me due to childhood trauma. So I met a man a year later.. and as toxic as the relationship was.. I settled. I had found a way to be “happy” in my unhappy world. I even had myself fooled!!! Lol Then my twin came back into my life 22 years later.. and that’s when I realized how unhappy and unfulfilled I truly was!!! By this time I had been with my husband for 21 years.. married for 15.. with 3 children together. I’m so very grateful to my twin for walking away.. even as I cried to him and begged him not to leave me.. again. It definitely wasn’t easy for him.. but he chose to give me the time and space I needed.. before I even knew or wanted to admit that’s exactly what I needed.. to be able to make the decisions that I needed to make.. without any distraction or influence from him. That was very important to him!! I now understand and respect him even more for doing so!!! All he ever wanted was for me to be genuinely happy from within.. not dependent on him or anyone else!!! Loving him has truly brought me back to loving ME!!!! And for that I am eternally grateful!!! My husband and I are now separated and in the process of getting a divorce. My twin and I are not in communication.. in the 3D anyway!! Lol Regardless of outcome I have chosen to follow my heart.. to trust my intuition.. to honor my soul!!! No longer am I willing to settle.. I am worthy and the love I deserve and desire is attainable to me!!! I have released all expectations.. trusting all will unfold as it should.. in divine timing. Maybe my twin & I will reunite.. maybe we won’t.. and either way everything is going to be okay!!! If it’s meant to be.. nothing in this world can stop it!!! And if not.. the universe has something better in store for me!!! This twin flame journey has served as a catalyst for sooo much spiritual growth.. a deep love and innerstanding of self.. to me being able to connect with my soul!!! It truly brings a deeper understanding of unconditional love.. of self.. and others!!!This was a beautiful series Erika!!! Thank you soo very much!!!

  • @MarleneHachey
    @MarleneHachey 4 года назад +1

    HI, just wanted to say how grateful I am for this series. It's Dec 30/19 and I'm testing to see where I'm at on this journey. No triggers, just contentment. As I view readings this week, I want to know if there's something else I need to learn about myself or know. I had a vision of a huge zero in front of me and know that I've surrendered to "que sera sera, whatever will be will be". You've confirmed what spirit has told me, thank you! I really enjoy your teachings, very inspirational! Continue your beautiful work.....I may check in once in a while but really know that I can fly solo now...bless you!

  • @Ninavelli
    @Ninavelli 5 лет назад +4

    I saw the title and I liked right away before watching ! Cause I learned it
    Im choosing me not matter what
    I have to
    Thanks Erika

  • @jamieshepard763
    @jamieshepard763 2 года назад +1

    Thank you thank you thank you. Just watched all 3 videos. U are such a big part of my journey/soul growth. I appreciate you so much

  • @janinekleerup7936
    @janinekleerup7936 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you Erika! Your videos including this series are such a good reality check for me. Sometimes I am on the right path, sometimes you make me aware of what needs some work. Looking forward to the launch - have a great 3 day weekend!!

  • @debmalouin9880
    @debmalouin9880 5 лет назад

    I LOVE The movie Serendipity! Thank you for bringing it up. That is one of my signs. I also Love Kate & Leopold,Sleepless in Seattle & You've Got Mail. What Dreams May Come is Beautiful,but Very hard to watch. I've been single 9 yrs. My twin is one town over.(I moved out of state 16 months ago,he followed. Its been SO VERY difficult & painful to cross paths & run into him w Karmics. It took a long time to work on those triggers & not shut down. I've been doing work to heal & open my heart. I've NEVER felt this kind of connection before & really miss what happens when we look into each others eyes. Its like there's no physical body,no one or thing else exists,no pain. or confusion & there's instant telepathy & knowing. Such Beautiful Love & Peace.
    I recently found I have several"options",but have been more dedicated to my journey. I want The Real thing. I'm aware NO One else could ever compare. My TF does go out of his way to signal me,but hasn't followed thru w any direct communication. I'm praying our Divine timing is very close. I do miss not being w him & hearing his voice,his cute chuckle & his smile & the sparkle in his Beautiful Blue eyes. Highest & Best...Blessings Be Well

  • @kassiakristoff7032
    @kassiakristoff7032 5 лет назад +1

    This is EXACTLY where i am at right now, and the conclusions that i have come to recently. Thank you. So very much looking forward to your new course/program. I'm ready to go deep into the murkiest waters of my soul. 😅🖤

  • @beckyekberg9526
    @beckyekberg9526 3 года назад +1

    Loved these messages was tired of hearing about the masculine 🤣 and twin flames. I feel much more balanced now. I'm looking forward to whatever comes my way in the future 💜

  • @licklegherkin91
    @licklegherkin91 5 лет назад +2

    You are INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much, this video series has been so so reassuring and on point!!! 🙏🏻💓🌈✨

  • @Emeraldheart1021
    @Emeraldheart1021 5 лет назад

    Pausing the video to say that the funny thing is, I think part of my path IS to go out and date other people, even though I don't want to! I guess everyone's path is different. I've been single for 6 years and it has been beneficial in a lot of ways but i also think I've been holding myself back from receiving love and affection. It's like the universe is trying to teach me how to have an abundance mindset and how to get my own needs met and in order to do that, I need to overcome my fears of opening up to the possibility of new connections. My TF is in another relationship and it has been a difficult road to accept that he is not available right now but that he is not my only chance at love/romance/intimacy in this world. Anyway, wonderful video Erika, this series in particular has been fantastic. Thank you! ❤

  • @studioseagraves
    @studioseagraves 5 лет назад +2

    Love this video!! And super excited for the new series. Lol lately I’ve been watching the DF videos only skipping anything DM specific 😂. I have been balancing both my masculine/ feminine sides in terms of work/self care... of course I always have an open heart for my DM. Thank you for your videos and love seeing you on camera!!!!

  • @lisaoconnell9257
    @lisaoconnell9257 5 лет назад +3 much resonates here round trusting and having faith in the Devine plan! I have a far deeper knowing and trust that when I can keep in my own lane re all my own self discovery and healing of old patterns whilst being in separation from my own twin flame that all will come into balance perfectly as I go along. DM is my greatest catalyst for sure, meeting him was mind blowing and has been inner and outer life changing.
    I fully trust I will have all that is meant for me in life as I come / move fully into balance...including the most beautiful partner to share this life with 🥰 🔥 🔥🥰
    The rewards are manifesting everywhere in my 3D now rapidly.
    I am here to learn to live in unconditional love and acceptance and to share all from that.
    My twin will walk alongside as we support each other to live in our own fully sovereignty. He is doing his own healing and growing through it all.
    I trust the universe has held me in my world following my path alone here for the past 6 mths to allow the space for healing and growing into this stronger more focused human where letting go of any outcomes whilst having deep love and forgiveness of all is the key to unlocking the Devine Blessings available. Unpack the old to allow the new ❤️
    I’m feeling fully ready to go to the next level and test all my newer ways of learning out 💪and, I am being guided gracefully through to the next levels! much good in it all, we are so incredibly blessed 🙏🙌🕊❤️💡🥰

  • @MW-mu6xo
    @MW-mu6xo 5 лет назад +1

    U rock. Very recently, I chose my ascension journey over my twin flame journey. All about surrender...and I'm so thankful to seeking embodying unconditional love being the path teaching me/'forcing' me to me surrender. I respect how u are helping fellow #lightworkers !! Namasté 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💓

  • @janelbiang1733
    @janelbiang1733 5 лет назад +2

    I just love this series they are so so so so resonant THANK YOU!

  • @lachumelita
    @lachumelita 5 лет назад +1

    I’ve been following your videos for months, It’s been difficult but I’m ok and as soon as I see him I will know what I have to do, But me, myself , have grown so much through your guidance, and mucho preparation. Where I am a strong person with the capacity of not being dependent to anyone but myself., my door will be open and depending when he comes in , I have to feel if he has grown or still in a phase of blindness, if not I’ll live my long waited happiness to the full, because the universe has brought this to me., I’m an older person but happy I’ve lived this experience. I’ll keep making myself better and giving people what they need when they come to me . September 19 , my new me.,

  • @jasminoliver9522
    @jasminoliver9522 5 лет назад +1

    Yes I and my Twin have broken apart after a very intense relationship, we both lost ourselves and now I need to choose me. Moving to a new state and my DM is working on his emotional self as well. Hopefully, this comes together, anything can happen, and time does not exist.

  • @marieanne6600
    @marieanne6600 5 лет назад

    When I evaluate all things that happened to me regarding relationship I'd never coneback to my partner because they're not deserve to be love. I move away from them totally they're comes back. Now when I spiritually awakend when I met my DM, this is my first time that I obsessed because when I met him I told to myself that this time I want to listen to my heart because there's a lack in my LIFE. My HAPPINES yes ! I manifested this to happen and I know its intense and so much drama healing because his situation is toxic. I am patient and I know its DIVINE timing. I need to move on and TRUST to the DIVINE that's what Ive done before. And now I knew the key to law of attraction and how the UNIVERSE works on. Thank you ERIKA for the advices and to this reading. It cleared my mind and gave lessons. Much power and light. ❤💡💐👍

  • @connectwithBettina
    @connectwithBettina 5 лет назад

    ohh Erika twin has been back for a couple of weeks after massive cheating in the past .... he wants us but still can't really commit .. so I told him what I needed from him and that I CHOOSE ME" literally.... I feel this fear that he will leave again but I CANNOT not choose me anymore..... Can't settle for bread crumbs anymore.... You are truly wonderful.. Thank you for guiding us on this incredible and sometimes difficult journey... Much love

  • @laurenmichelle1782
    @laurenmichelle1782 5 лет назад +1

    I loved every word of this video, such resonance with your words,🙏 🙏

  • @RH-ul2bc
    @RH-ul2bc 5 лет назад +1

    These 3 videos resonated with me so much. I have been letting spirit guide me and have been blessed many times. Each time I learn more. Psychology and spirituality are such a profound pairing. I have a codependent past and so this does concern me a little. I think things are slowly changing for me as I learn to trust and pay attention more. Thank you for sharing these messages! ❤💕

  • @pennyarthur2278
    @pennyarthur2278 4 года назад +1

    Oh the irony! I’m a firm believer that you never get what you’re not ready for... whether you like it or not 😬. And that includes information. You, Erica, are the “Tarot” personified. You are the Tower, The Judgement, The Devil 😏 The Cups, The Empress 🥰. You absolutely speak the truth. Cutting through the bullshit to what is 🙌🏼
    I never signed up for this journey, nor consciously would I, yet here I am 🤔. You posted these videos 2 months ago, yet I have only just “found” them now hmmmm.... Tonight, while driving home, I had a conversation with the universe. I told them “I want to get back to me”, “I was in such a good place before all ‘this’ happened, I want to get back to being ‘me’ “ ... and you, beautiful lady have just explained what that means... TO CHOOSE ME! And tonight, I chose me, and you just confirmed it 😇. Damn straight I’m on the right path... 222, 333, 777, etc, signs and synchronicities... yep, I see your signs universe, and I raise you 😋

  • @danielleparillo1910
    @danielleparillo1910 4 года назад +1

    I needed to hear this today. Thank you as always.

  • @marciachappell2773
    @marciachappell2773 5 лет назад +1

    Just what I needed to hear today. Thank you ❤

  • @maiyasanchez7371
    @maiyasanchez7371 3 года назад +1

    These videos have been so helpful. Thank you💗

  • @angelaartist6263
    @angelaartist6263 5 лет назад +2

    Love this series! Yes self choice. Thank you

  • @karynahb
    @karynahb 5 лет назад +1

    thank you so much for this video...
    Was so important for me.
    Lot´s of LOVE Erika

  • @elizamotta13
    @elizamotta13 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you Erika💗🙏🎇, so grateful for these videos and for you! These videos have helped me in so many ways thru my own awakening and acension, and it was exactly what my heart needed to hear today🎇🙏💚🔯☯️. So many blessings and love ur way always🌈💛🤗😘

  • @metalheadtarot7564
    @metalheadtarot7564 4 года назад +1

    You just have me the answers i was looking for thank you

  • @kevinvj1437
    @kevinvj1437 5 лет назад +1

    I really love your videos :) Have followed you for about 6 months, but not commented until now. You`ve been helping me a lot on my way, so thank you so much. Again a very good video :)

  • @sherbsville
    @sherbsville 5 лет назад

    ty so much, i never thought id be at this point, but here i am. im kinda stunned tbh lol. btw ure looking radiant in ure incredible sanctuary! 💞💖💞

  • @lookbeneaththesurface4376
    @lookbeneaththesurface4376 2 года назад

    I'm so glad I found your channel.

  • @moniadoghri1425
    @moniadoghri1425 5 лет назад

    You are sooo funny Erika... It is about the other person while having a financial and health crisis... you R spot on every time! 157%. Lots ofi light and love dear friend

  • @Valencenliberty
    @Valencenliberty 5 лет назад +1

    thank yu I needed to hear this. I will not be going out with anyone else. I work on me for now, guess we don't want to saym as we wait I mean we really maybe waiting still living our own life

  • @melaniehoeber
    @melaniehoeber 5 лет назад

    True talk🌟Big Big thanks🦋🙏🏼

  • @tamarabraam6539
    @tamarabraam6539 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so very much for this - so profound and exactly what I needed to hear today... loads of love

  • @sarahbrown1881
    @sarahbrown1881 2 года назад

    Excellent advice. Honouring yourself first. Thanku very much appreciated and exactly how l feel about these relationships. Hate the label "twin flames" hope it gets dropped. So filled with specialness and expectations. Don't think l ever agreed with one soul splitting, just doesn't sit well. The truths are starting to come out in a number of places now. About time.

  • @metay4183
    @metay4183 5 лет назад

    I went on a celibate for 2 years after I let go of my 1st DM who is married. Then I prayed. I said, "I am ready for someone now, I have a space already in my heart." And then now this other person came. I am heavily confused. The intensity is even more. This journey including a death of a karmic partner too. It seems like it is my other divine counterpart... It is been a long journey. Now I choose myself again.

  • @baljithayre1252
    @baljithayre1252 5 лет назад

    Bless you for your Service

  • @meravwilk5199
    @meravwilk5199 5 лет назад

    Very enlightenment video! thank you. 🙏😊

  • @fairyclaire6460
    @fairyclaire6460 5 лет назад

    I love this. His "other" is addiction: His relationship with video games, beer and smoking which always came before me. I chose me

  • @patod5392
    @patod5392 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you Erika, great video as always!❤️

  • @pennystarshinex9331
    @pennystarshinex9331 5 лет назад

    Hi lovely. First of all I am so glad I signed up to your channel . Secondly I have watched all 3 videos. And found them really resonating with my journey. I live in the Uk. And have got no one to talk too Who is a twin like me. As when I met this man. My whole world changed. I recognised him in a dream I had 39 years before. I only knew him from 2004 to 2006. And didn’t know about Twin Flames. I thought he was a soulmate. As I went back to another time when he kissed my hands. I had closed my eyes. I won’t go into detail of what I saw. It was Victorian times. The dream was 15th century. I have written stories about it. I left a letter for him in 2006. He was in a relationship. I felt the same feelings around me in 2016. It was then I was guided to RUclips and twin flames. I know now that was our frequency. There is more. But it would take too long to explain. So thank you. And can’t wait for what your next video. 🔥🔥💕

  • @alexanderh9878
    @alexanderh9878 2 года назад

    Watching this in 2022, thank you!

  • @normalimbaga2253
    @normalimbaga2253 3 года назад

    Thank you for your reading thank you your advice thank you so much

  • @ccurtiz
    @ccurtiz 5 лет назад

    I love seeing your face more than just your hands. But I love your channel regardless.

  • @verabelsclair
    @verabelsclair 5 лет назад

    extremely helpful and resonant, thank you. also I love your aside 😉

  • @amishadewduth695
    @amishadewduth695 3 года назад

    Thank you ❤ need to watch this video a few times

  • @JohannaHunt
    @JohannaHunt 3 года назад

    I love that movie too. All time favourite

  • @zaraalexia7554
    @zaraalexia7554 4 года назад

    Yes interesting.. walking away with no other option. That is what I am being asked to do.

  • @kylecollins1045
    @kylecollins1045 3 года назад

    Thank you 🙏🏻 Erika

  • @jewell8892
    @jewell8892 5 лет назад +1

    This was beautiful ❤️🙏🏻

  • @fairyclaire6460
    @fairyclaire6460 5 лет назад

    My favorite movie is also Serendipity!

  • @hollywinterstein1882
    @hollywinterstein1882 5 лет назад

    Serendipity is my favorite movie! I love your readings

  • @StephanieMilligan
    @StephanieMilligan 5 лет назад

    Thank you once again!! Much Love to you!

  • @jenniferwatson1206
    @jenniferwatson1206 5 лет назад

    Thanks always helpful

  • @gargeepandey803
    @gargeepandey803 5 лет назад

    Thank you

  • @lexychance4028
    @lexychance4028 5 лет назад

    You are so refreshing. 💖

  • @rosamundperry
    @rosamundperry 5 лет назад

    Length of time 22:00 love it!

  • @AngelicSunFlame
    @AngelicSunFlame 3 года назад

    I didn’t want love. It was two months after my husband passed away when I had this soul Recognition. I thought I had PTSD and going crazy.

  • @Roseeeee11
    @Roseeeee11 5 лет назад

    Thank u ❤love & light♾

  • @reneprivatemail.3303
    @reneprivatemail.3303 5 лет назад

    Your right its the truth :) 13:13 and 33:33 ..

  • @Mslivibivi
    @Mslivibivi 5 лет назад

    I am now turning off the Devine masculine and start to wonder why the divine masculine seems always to get the limelight!

  • @matarikitamaiti3493
    @matarikitamaiti3493 5 лет назад

    Can there be more than one twin flame? Confusing a bit.

  • @cameliaturda6472
    @cameliaturda6472 2 года назад


  • @lizaloren5865
    @lizaloren5865 3 года назад


  • @maartje19581
    @maartje19581 2 года назад


  • @Cristina-1989
    @Cristina-1989 3 года назад


  • @staramorae
    @staramorae 5 лет назад


  • @Ihaveatemple_recommend
    @Ihaveatemple_recommend 4 года назад +1