Dewalt DCS391N SAW

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @Jako-fh8zg
    @Jako-fh8zg Год назад +1

    Thank you mate, this helped me (a beginner) out a lot 🙏👍👍👍👍

  • @TheTrainstation
    @TheTrainstation 3 года назад +1

    Thanks mate, I couldnt find the place for the black thing either glad to see i wasnt the only one lol

  • @MrM-sz5tn
    @MrM-sz5tn 7 месяцев назад +1

    Can i give you a thousand likes, every F*** didnt show the sppndle lock even the manual didnt. You saved me alot of crying! You lej subbed just for that.

  • @jaspersbloke
    @jaspersbloke 2 года назад +1

    Not the best design but it’s got it where it counts and the combination of Dewalt quality, 3 year guarantee and the fact that I already have batteries make it a no brainer. Depth adjustment is unfriendlbut when it’s set, it’s set and never moves. It does like to eat 5ah batteries but apart from that it’s taken everything I’ve thrown at it so far, including 2 8foot oak table tops cut to size, no drama. Never used the included blade though, stuck a 48t in straight out the box and it gives a finished edge every cut, if I need to do any rough work I might change it out.

  • @arnelcastillo918
    @arnelcastillo918 2 года назад

    Hi! Do u need to continusly press d safety lever to operate til d end of d cut or can u let go of it once d blade starts spining so u can hav a better grip on d handle wid ur thumb?

    • @docsworld9707
      @docsworld9707  2 года назад

      You can release the safty once the motor has started.

  • @finosstation1702
    @finosstation1702 3 года назад

    hi, i saw that on your channel you have a honda cb 400 twin. I have a problem with the carburetors, could you tell me how many turns the two needle screws must have?