You have to be a certain age to drink. You have to be a certain age to drive a car. You have to be a certain age to legally have sex. Why the fuck is there no age requirement to handle a weapon, let alone a fully automatic one? WTF is wrong with the US? Seriously.
LadyLahdeedah and why the F is a 9 year old, doing target practice with a fully automatic weapon? hell, if you're gonna do target practice, do it with a hand-gun or something with less recoil AT LEAST
There shouldn't be a age requirement the person Firing the gun should be physically capable of firing a gun I'm 13 and I know how to handle a firearm why should I have it taken away from me even if I know how to handle it?
I agree no child should be holding a weapon. I think it should be 16 and up just like they allow to drive at that age. If parents wants her to learn to shoot then start out with a paintball gun or BB gun.
When I was growing in the 80s many children were not allowed to play with toy guns, in order not to encourage them to think that guns were in fact toys, or fun or okay. And I grew up in a MILITARY family! This was the norm, because it was also considered disrespectful since our father's were out fighting wars and being shot at (Desert Storm etc). How did we become a country that has come to glorify the use of guns to the point where children are being encouraged to use firearms outside the context of hunting? She was practicing shooting at a human shaped target... to aim and practice the art of killing a human being... why are we okay with this and why do we defend it? What happened to our society?
I seen this on the Young Turks. Apparently the gun was custom made for her (a pink mini Uzi are something like that?), the sad fact is she's going to have to live with that for the rest of her life. I think the American gun bill/law needs updating, but then how do you do that to a country that was born with the idea that every man should be aloud to own a gun. And also all the public shootings you guys have had. It would be interesting to see what countries have the highest public shootings compared to America.
Kevin Lawson the founders decided that following a war and in a time when hunting was still the primary means of putting food on the table, and when you'd have raiders attack your farm. It's an archaic concept. Being I don't live in the wilderness, in 30 years there is not one situation on my life that would have been improved by owning a gun. Escalation is always going to matters worse, increasing the potential to kill, just means more potential killers.
I can't believe no one is discussing the other tragedy here: that little girl now has to live knowing that she killed someone. Imagine the mental trauma she is now going through.
The question that begs to asked: Why would you deem it necessary to have a *9 year old child* firing a weapon at all? Are we living in some sort of war zone where the probability of a*child* needing to fire a weapon is exceptionally high? Is America so dangerous that a *children* need to learn how to fire weapons? Please, don't attempt to make the argument that this method teaches them respect for guns. You can teach your children to respect the deadliness of ANY weapon without placing it in their hands. Some Americans are just plain crazy.
Teaching a kid to throw a football isn't necessary but lots of dads do it anyway. Just because something isn't necessary doesn't mean that we shouldn't ever do it.
DeadFishFactory I'm confused as it how that really matters. It doesn't matter IF it's just for a fun. Children, *do not* need to handling weapons, period! It's not rocket science.
when i say that girl hold that full automatic i was like, "she is way to skinny to have a gun that has a lot of recoil." i wonder why people even give kids full auto's.
slimjim77M Yeah, it shall not be infringed, for the sake of forming a well-regulated militia. This is obviously not what they meant. The Founding Fathers did not mean for you to be able to walk through Wal-Mart, holding a baby, with a semi-automatic slung over your shoulder.
slimjim77M What part of *well-regulated* part of militia did you forget? And I'm not talking about just being well-equipped with sufficient hardware either.
There are many problems with this just by having a glance: bad instruction, bad recoil management, bad idea on the parents and instructor, and bad weapon to practice with. You can use a full auto airsoft and get the same training. At the very most the child should have shot a 22lr.
Hinerk Schrippe That type of logic is faulty as guns kill 8500 people a year in the US (some are suicides, some are people who shot home invaders, others cops, in additions to criminals, some are accidents, etc..); while car crashes kill 40,000 a year. Yet we don't regualte the drivers as strict as gun owners. Hard data, hard numbers; we teach our children to drive which has risks, and guns (used correctly) possess no greater risk (in reality less than driving). I will agree though kids should probably use pellet or 22 than larger caliber weapons, much like I wouldnt let a kid drive an 18 wheeler. Leftist thinking takes away the peoples guns and freedom; just look at the NAZIS or what Marxists did in Russia.
andrew Hoard First of all, I think that even in the US there are more car drivers than gun owners, at least I hope so Secondly, car ownership has positive sideeffects for society, increased personal mobility and such, while widespread gun ownership doesn't really give you anything positive if you look at the grand scheme of things. I'm aware that some people think that you need a gun to "defend yourself", but I think the fact that in countries like Germany, the UK or Finnland, where privately owned guns are rare, the rate of violent crimes comitted has been dropping for decades proves otherwise. When there are no guns available anywhere in your area, it will be difficult for any possible wrongdoer to obtain one, making knifes or baseball bats way more likely to be his weapon of choice. At this point a simple taser, or a dose of pepper spray is enough to get rid of any attacker (both of which are legal in most countries with limited gun ownership, I think), or just call the police. They are on the scene in less than 5 minutes (where I live at least), and they have guns. Don't think that I'm completely against private weapon ownership though, my uncle is a professional hunter and owns several rifles, all of them safely locked up in a safe at his house. We've been to shooting ranges before and I must say it's hella fun to fire a gun! But still, as sensible adults I think we have to be aware that free access to guns means that not only the "good guys" will have them.
Hinerk Schrippe Hard data time: 98.1% of gun crimes are commited by non registered owners (meaning criminals). As a Canadian kid I used to compete in biathlon, and had I not had a 22, I never would have had scholarship. The positive effects are that the US Constitution was founded on the "Right to bare arms" not for hunting, but the people need equal or greater fire power than the goverment. I share with you a very simple quote from Ghandi: " 'Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look back upon the Act depriving the whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn.''
andrew Hoard Sportsmanship is a completely different issue, and a .22 is hardly what we are talking about when we look at this video or violent crime. A crossbow is more dangerous than a .22, and not even legally a weapon. "equal or greater firepower than the government"? Hardly, unless you make anti-tank missiles legal as well. The only way to overthrow a government by force is either a coup-d'etat, or by large-scale mutiny of the armed forces, at least nowadays. I don't even want to imagine the massacre that would have happened if for example the citizens of east berlin had tried to tear down the wall by force. Civil uprisings seem to be a thing of the past, sadly, in the age of tanks and jet fighters those who want to improve society must look for more clever ways than that. On your Ghandi quote, I know to little about the man to comment on that, when did he say that and where? I'm really interested, because this seems to sort of contradict his popular image.
I'm as pro-gun as they come, search through my comments. However, this was stupid. Having fired literally hundreds of thousands of rounds from full-auto weapons and instructing others, I know that most adults can't handle them safely until they've shot at least hundreds of practice rounds. Big "tough" guys who have been bump firing their cheap AK and M-16 knockoffs think they know the mechanics of shooting a real machine gun - they don't.
Yea this was a terribly stupid thing to do and unfortunately it cost the man his life. I would have liked to see the age limit raised to 16 for full autos at that range.
I have seen people shoot a 9mm and be afraid of the recoil yet they expect a 9 year old to control a fully automatic weapon, ON TOP OF THIS its a fucking Uzi which is shorter, and anyone who shoots guns know the more powerful and shorter the gun is the harder it is to control. I bet these idiots would also give the girl a 44 magnum snub nose and expect her to do well.
The parents should be in jail. This is child neglect, plain and simple. No doubt they're at least gonna face a lawsuit by the victim's family. Any person who'd let their NINE YEAR-OLD handle a live gun should have their kids taken away from them.
Nope sorry, your ignorance will not be fed. No charges were brought up. I'm not agreeing with the girl shooting the gun, but for you to say the 9 year olds parents should go to jail is a dumb ignorant response to this entire situation. How the hell do you see the instructors family suing that family?
The Fire Mouse She. Is. Nine. There is no reason she needs to know how to shoot a fully automatic weapon. A rifle for hunting? Sure. Why not. But a fucking uzi? A 600 RMP sub machine gun? No. She does not need to know how to shoot that.
Exactly. Guns are not toys. An Uzi was designed to kill large numbers of people very quickly at a distance. That's it's only purpose. Using it as a children's toy is beyond insane.
buphoon teaching them how to kill at 9 amerikkka is in a mess all on there own. But when you check it out everything amerikkka stole was done so with a gun no surprise here lol
This wasn't an age problem this was the instructor's fault 100% when I take people shooting whether it's my 67 year old gpa or my 7 year old girl it's my range, I'm in control, I'm responsible for making sure everyone's safe.
and when you let a kid use an uzi and it's your brains dripping off the walls, you won't be around to change your mind. At least we wouldn't have to listen to your stupidity anymore. Give a 7 year old a gun...fucking America...
If it wasn't an age problem then why not let a 9 year old drive cars and do other shit because you know their brains are very smart at that age.... It was the instructers fault because he did not have any control of the weapon and gave the girl a uncontrollable weapon that some adults would not even handle well, on top of it you give it to a fucking 9 year old who does not even know how to SPELL fully automatic and you expect the results to come out good? Yes it is a age problem, I own guns and would not let no 7 year old or 9 year old touch any of my guns nor would I show them how to fuck with it. I'll show someone about guns when their brains can think and spell big words, when they know where babies come from then they might be old enough. Fuck it lets give cars to 9 year olds since its not a age problem. Oh wait its only a age problem with cars!!!
10 лет назад+4
right... nothing ever happens until something happens.
he was a gun expert so clearly it was his "EXPERT" opinion to hand an uzi to a 9 year old girl. I mean like what could possible go wrong right.... or as Hillary Clinton would say " What difference does it make"?
i used a firearm for the first time when i was around 5 years old, it was one cartridge and it was done safely. Teaching children how to use firearm is okay but giving a fully loaded Uzi to someone inexperienced is terrible terrible idea. You either use your brain or become candidate for darwin award.
sc18594 *shrug* had your instructor been killed by you in that instance, it would have been his and your parents fault as much as it is in the instance of this child if you ask me. I see where you're coming from, but theres aways a risk. teaching a 5 yo to ride a bike, exposes him the risk of falling and allowing a 5 yo to use a gun loaded with actual bullets, exposes him to the risk of killing, no matter how 'safe' the situation might be. I think we can all agree on that.
I believe the parents should be charged with reckless endangerment. People will offer many dangerous things to children and it is parents who make the decisions. This child will live forever knowing she killed someone. Tell me how that is NOT reckless,
Unfortunately, you are 100% right. The police kill unarmed black men almost everyday in the country, if they live through it, they often end up in jails. I even read a case where a man was charged for marring police equipment by bleeding on it.
Most of these white cops take the job so they can legally kill black men who they have feared since grade school Society like to protect these Rogue cops and pretend that a problem do not exist I live in NYC where the police feel black people has no rights unless they have family in law enforcement and even then it to the bear minimum.The message is getting out and these killer cop are starting to fall be it heads shots in Brooklyn or hidden camera in South Carolina it's going to change soon When a cop realize that one day he can clock in and by the end of his shift he could end up in hand cuffs he will think twice about pulling that trigger.
I am pro gun, but I think TYT is right on this one. A small girl like that shouldn't have a fully automatic gun to shoot. That's just stupid, they should have seen that coming. That said, whether it's guns or anything else, people do stupid things.
TYT is not anti-gun. That is a large misconception (which only gun nuts seem to struggle with). When I tell people in America their guns laws are insane, they accuse me of being an anti-gun fascist. I love guns, and I also love strict gun laws. Pro gun control, anti gun ban, pro guns. That's sthe position of most rational liberals.
Not that I know a lot about firearms, but i have held an empty gun before, yet isn't there stocks for guns like an Uzi to reduce the recoil? Why would the instructor give the girl the weapon without one?
Also, I feel sorry for that girl. She's probably traumatized by that experience. Accidentally killing someone will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Oh that Poor Child! What she has to live w/ for the rest of her life. All because some jackass put a dangerous weapon in her hand. She's only 9 yrs old.
TheBossMan1453 Knives, cars, and guns have different uses.One of those just happens to be purposely made to put holes on a target in a short amount of time with the intent of snuffing its life.
TheBossMan1453 Cost / benefit analysis. Cars enabled humans to double life expectancy and skyrocket our education, medical advancements, technology, etc. Cars have saved far more years of human life combined than what they have cost. Guns however, not so much, the cost / benefit of guns is not so pretty. Countries like Japan and the UK etc are proof that the cost of guns outweighs the benefit when you compare their per capita deaths from guns to the United States. Good game.
Kaere G Plus cars don't fit in your pocket. There's no such thing as a conceal and carry permit for an automobile. Oh, and knives don't travel at mach 3 so... Fail. Kind of amazing how they equivocate. We just need to ban the Second Amendment. It's a different time than it was. A lot of things have changed. Time to get rid of it.
I can't believe how people think enslavement is a step forward, if anything it's a huge step back. With guns we can at least fight back against tyrants when they have military as police.
The second amendment *does not* state the rights of the militia (which is not the military, they are two separate entities) to bear arms shall not be infringed upon. It states *the right of THE PEOPLE to bear arms shall not be infringed upon.*
Some say that guns don’t kill people but in this case the instructor did not shoot himself and the little girl did not shoot the instructor. Do the math.
How is a 9 year old operating a gun? You need to be at least 16 to drive, 18 or 21 to drink. Under age gun operation should be outlawed. This statement is not taking the right from any responsible adult. It's just taking a uzi from a 9 year old who can't even hold the gun straight. I feel bad for the little girl, to live knowing that she accidentally took a life.
That 1500-2000 young girls will now be denied an activity because of the incapability of 1 young girl and the stupidity of 1 unprofessional instructor. The situation is bad no matter how it's looked at.
"That 1500-2000 young girls will now be denied an activity because of the incapability of 1 young girl and the stupidity of 1 unprofessional instructor." - Yes the poor 9 year old girls that will not be able to fire an uzi at this place until they are 12 is so depressing. If only that girl wasn't so incompetent because I'm sure the next 1500-2000 9 year old girls have the capability to hold that gun without losing control.
***** I could name a website where you can "legally of course" see way worse stuff then this, such as terrorist videos or even snuff films. But i'd rather not be responsible for polluting you like I did myself.
about 8 years ago a nine year old boy shot a auto uzi and he couldnt control it causing him to kill him self. just dont give little kids uzis let alone autos
Just don't let kids play soccer. 38 deaths by way of soccer goals since 1979. Seriously though, it's probably more a question of proper instruction than inherent danger. Everyone gets surprised by the recoil the first time they fire a fully automatic weapon and with a kid you'd probably need to help them hold it for safety as well as explaining to them how to burst fire to minimize the impact of recoil. Not that I'd necessarily encourage teaching kids to fire full auto, but I don't think there's anything inherently dangerous about it if one approaches it with baby steps.
Re 2:10 Actually, Iadarola, the shooting rage was being pretty *liberal* (not limited, free, tolerant, broad-minded) with who they allow to shoot fully automatic weapons. Had they been more *conservative* (restrained, cautious, limited, restrictive) about who they allow to shoot fully automatic weapons, there may have been an age requirement and/or other requirements that needed to be met before allowing someone to shoot.
Define "regular"? So law abiding citizens who will follow the laws in a gun ban, while the now militarized police and the criminals who will always have them cause they don't give a shit for laws keep them hmmm? We all have equal rights as citizens, and the badge don't give you more, to bad people dont know about places like , u should check it out, Jammer Out..
as a british citizen i was privilaged to fire an air rifle at 14, nobody under the mental or physical expectations shouldn't be allowed to publicly use a fire arm, such as small untrained average 9 year old girls without the mental capacity to instantly know about recoil push force and loads of other factors which may cause harm, the instructor was cruel to be that stupid causing the girl to commit unwanted murder, hell, when i fired rifle people said wait for me to say "fire" and make sure there's nobody IN FRONT of you. i'm sorry but even at 14 i wasn't mature enough to use a fire arm, i can only assume the age should be regulated and controlled maliciously, dna age scans proofs of age and many documents, once you reach a certain age of course it will be easier. i know americans think showing guns will desensitize them to the threat and make them aware fo it's danger, but it's a fucking gun, parents go ballistic when a kids says "cunt" but if the "accidentally" kill a man, they need to be shown exactly how to use a gun. funny how a world can be against sounds humans make but when a human prevents other form making sound they are treated with special care, i find this world perplexing and very backwards. you can't speak like 10 words but you can fire any killing device you wish.... very stupid if you ask me.
When I was 11 my dad brought me and my brothers out and taught us how to shoot with a .22 rifle. That, I believe, was perfectly acceptable. But I lived in a small country town, where my grandparents actually relied on the meat my grandpa hunted during the winter. We, as a family, were hunters by descent. Not only that, but I've still yet to even hold a fully automatic weapon, and the only ones I've ever seen were behind a glass case. The reason that man died was because he and the others around him didn't take the first, and most important, step towards safety in a situation like that. That being to never hand a small child a fully automatic weapon. Sure, a small caliber rifle isn't completely insane. But he handed her a fully automatic sub-machine gun, he is, more so than anyone else there, responsible for his own death.
TheBossMan1453 I guess you don't do much thinking? There are many many things that children are not allowed to do because they are dangerous and/or because they don't have legal responsibility when something goes wrong. These things include driving, operating heavy machinery, flying, smoking, drinking, porn, etc. Operating a firearm should be on that list.
Same thing over all different use. Say someone breaks into my house goes for my parents and leaves me because I'm the lowest threat guess what at 9 a cup or remote won't do anything, a gun on the other hand is deadly no matter what. Why use a bike when your mom can drive or you can just walk or better matching the situation above, say your parents are unavailable to take you somewhere a little to far for walking why not know how to use a bike
There is nothing wrong with wanting to teach your child to use a firearm to defend themselves but to give any Fully Automatic Firearm to a child is just plain stupidity.
If there where more restrictions on guns this could have been avoided but they are doing nothing you can see thing like this happen over and over again
Raise the age for gun ranges to 12 and the age for using full auto weapons there to 16. Problem solved. Giving a gun to a kid who is neither physically able to control it nor mentally mature enough to understand the danger and follow clear instructions will result in shit like this sooner or later.
That little girls life is forever ruined because her parents don't respect firearms. Having shot an automatic weapon before you feel very quickly that anyone, not just a 9 year old girl, can lose control of the recoil very quickly.
So one 9 year old girl had one horrible accident and everyone suffers there are many kids who can use a weapon safely like the owner gave a good amount of kids her age without having that accident
I remember firing a 12-Gauge when I was about 14 and even then the kickback was hard to control. Also I've heard stories of full-grown adults struggling to control a weapon on burst fire.
When I was I think 12 I shot a couple pistols, a 30yot6 and a few shotguns. We didn't have anything automatic but even i we did I wouldn't have shot it because I knew it would be hard to control
I started shooting at 8. I was NOT given a fully automatic weapon with a full magazine. I was given a pellet rifle that fired a single shot. I progressed from there with firearms safety and training. When done correctly it's safe.
This reminds me of this sketch from Da Ali G Show with the character Borat explaining, "In my country the age of consent has been 11 years old."
I can't imagine the mental trauma that little girl will go through. I'm ok with letting a 9 year old shoot, but a fully auto uzi? Way to parent, mom and dad.
Anyone under the age of 18 shouldn't be allowed to use a gun at all! They are not toys! There are a means of protection and defense. This is absolutely absurd.....
I see a lot of comments talking about how teaching kids respect for a gun at a young age is a good thing, and yet I see a lot of adults who don't even know what that means. Guns have gone from a weapon of extremes and an absolute last resort, to a status symbol, or a toy. For me, I want people to have the right to carry a weapon. But if they treat it like most of theses people do, then they shouldn't get it. If target practice, which should be extremely serious, as one day it might save your life, is fun... You're treating the gun like a toy. If you brag about your gun... It's a toy. If you spend time dreaming up hypothetical situation in which you and your gun save the day, then it's a toy. If you think owning a gun makes you safer, then you're an idiot, and it's a toy. A gun is a weapon. Like a sword, or a bow. It needs to be treated like a weapon. It has to be handled like a weapon. If you are giving a gun to a nine year old, then it's a toy. You shouldn't want to teach kids how to handle a firearm, you should want to change the world so they never have to. I learned how to defend myself with martial arts (judo and kickboxing) and can handle myself in a fight. I also have a taser to protect myself when I'm going into a large city, or any other place I might get jumped. I don't want or need a gun, as it's basically useless to me. In self defense, you only get to react. You can't shoot someone for looking creepy. Only after he has his gun out can you reasonably shoot him. And by then, odds are he is already aiming at you, and will shoot at any unexpected movement. So it makes no difference if you have a gun, or pepper spray, or a taser. If you don't handle the situation right, you are still going to get shot. Another reason why i don't use guns is because they either kill or wound. In self defense, you want to blind, or stun, or otherwise render your target incapable of killing you. Killing them first works, but when no one dies, it's a better outcome. PS, a figgin uzi? What did you expect when you hand a child a fully automatic weapon? a nine year old girl to suddenly be a mini-Rambo and have full control of an automatic weapon?
It's the instructors fault for agreeing to teach children as young as her, it's the parents fault for thinking it's a good idea to have their young daughter learn to use weapons, it isn't the young girl's fault, but this will probably effect her worse than anyone, will probably haunt her forever.
1.) Anyone who is not a legal adult (or at least 16 with guidance) should not be allowed to operate a firearm...that seems like common sense to me. 2.) An Uzi or any rapid fire weapon such as machine guns and assault rifles should be outlawed anyway. Too dangerous and absolutely no practical use. 3.) Don't freak out gun nuts. I'm all for shotguns and hunting rifles, and even handguns with background checks and permits. They actually have practical uses, like game and protection. Everything else can go, including banana clips and silencers.
The real issue they should all be focusing on is the psychological damage this little girl will have knowing that she shot and killed a man for the rest of her life and all of the images and sadness that will bring to her as she grows older and the full impact of it settles on her.
I'm actually concerned about that little girl more than anything. Having to face the fact that you shot another human in the face and ended their life all while being at the young, impressionable age of 9... poor girl. :(
I was at a shooting range where two guys a couple of lanes down had rented an Uzi. This range had a way to protect me and everyone else from automatic weapons. The barrel of the gun was tethered with a steel cable to the stand so that the weapon could not point anywhere other than downrange. The grown men still had the weapon dance in their hands when they fired on full automatic. I am thankful for that cable.
I am a gun owner. My nephews age 10 & 11 came down to visit. I brought out a quarter pound exploding target (yes they are fun) Grabbed my mini-14, racked the slide so a bullet was in the gun and took out the mag for this very reason. Those look and see targets are great for the gun range like they were at. You don't have to wait and go look when the range is cold
Why did he agree to train this little girl? "Oh sure, I'll train your kid, she needs to know how to use automatic weapons in case the terrorists attack."
"Before one may be allowed to hold this weapon, one's arms in this position must be able to resist moving in any direction from this much weight and vibration, and one's grip be maintained."
You have to be a certain age to drink. You have to be a certain age to drive a car. You have to be a certain age to legally have sex. Why the fuck is there no age requirement to handle a weapon, let alone a fully automatic one? WTF is wrong with the US? Seriously.
because...... wait for it
LadyLahdeedah and why the F is a 9 year old, doing target practice with a fully automatic weapon? hell, if you're gonna do target practice, do it with a hand-gun or something with less recoil AT LEAST
There shouldn't be a age requirement the person Firing the gun should be physically capable of firing a gun I'm 13 and I know how to handle a firearm why should I have it taken away from me even if I know how to handle it?
I agree no child should be holding a weapon. I think it should be 16 and up just like they allow to drive at that age. If parents wants her to learn to shoot then start out with a paintball gun or BB gun.
LadyLahdeedah We banned kinder eggs........ Because people started choking on it's contents....... Us american's aren't that.... "smart"...
why is a child firing a machine gun? only in America do they think this is safe
+Scott MacNab yea nevermind the child soldiers all over the world.
+4cyl_LOL the child soldiers are not given a choice and it appears that in the USA, they aren't either. It's "love guns" all the way home.
+Scott MacNab considering the instructor's brain got blitzed I bet they started using blank cartridges in their magazines after this bright idea -.-'
+4cyl_LOL B-but the other kids are doing it!!!
+Scott MacNab And Africa too.
I feel bad for the little girl too, because she has to live with the rest of her live with the burden of killing somebody.
same hear
+DinkyDoes Everything dinky does everything but knowing the meaning of "hear"
That's true.
When I was growing in the 80s many children were not allowed to play with toy guns, in order not to encourage them to think that guns were in fact toys, or fun or okay. And I grew up in a MILITARY family! This was the norm, because it was also considered disrespectful since our father's were out fighting wars and being shot at (Desert Storm etc). How did we become a country that has come to glorify the use of guns to the point where children are being encouraged to use firearms outside the context of hunting? She was practicing shooting at a human shaped target... to aim and practice the art of killing a human being... why are we okay with this and why do we defend it? What happened to our society?
I seen this on the Young Turks. Apparently the gun was custom made for her (a pink mini Uzi are something like that?), the sad fact is she's going to have to live with that for the rest of her life.
I think the American gun bill/law needs updating, but then how do you do that to a country that was born with the idea that every man should be aloud to own a gun. And also all the public shootings you guys have had. It would be interesting to see what countries have the highest public shootings compared to America.
Kevin Lawson the founders decided that following a war and in a time when hunting was still the primary means of putting food on the table, and when you'd have raiders attack your farm. It's an archaic concept.
Being I don't live in the wilderness, in 30 years there is not one situation on my life that would have been improved by owning a gun. Escalation is always going to matters worse, increasing the potential to kill, just means more potential killers.
Cuz shooting things is fun
I blame media glorifying it in music videos an video game.
Call of duty and GTA made everyone wanna play with guns cause its "cool"
Why would ANYONE give ANY type of weapon to a 9-year-old?
Because shooting firearms are fun
MegaMatt this is a 9-year old we're talking about.
so Vinny Kwiatkowski
so its never give a child a gun.
why not? Vinny Kwiatkowski
I can't believe no one is discussing the other tragedy here: that little girl now has to live knowing that she killed someone. Imagine the mental trauma she is now going through.
Lol she probably thinks she's going to hell.
shoudn't have been shooting...
What are you on about she should be proud of herself for getting her first kill. She just needs to aim for the blacks and the mexicans next time.
Tiger Chu Wrong. She just needs to kill more gun nuts/enthusiasts. One down, thousands more to go.
I hope not she was pretty cute
The question that begs to asked: Why would you deem it necessary to have a *9 year old child* firing a weapon at all? Are we living in some sort of war zone where the probability of a*child* needing to fire a weapon is exceptionally high? Is America so dangerous that a *children* need to learn how to fire weapons? Please, don't attempt to make the argument that this method teaches them respect for guns. You can teach your children to respect the deadliness of ANY weapon without placing it in their hands.
Some Americans are just plain crazy.
Thank you
It couldn't just be for fun, because the gun range was part of a tour package. That's just silly talk.
Teaching a kid to throw a football isn't necessary but lots of dads do it anyway. Just because something isn't necessary doesn't mean that we shouldn't ever do it.
DeadFishFactory I'm confused as it how that really matters. It doesn't matter IF it's just for a fun. Children, *do not* need to handling weapons, period! It's not rocket science.
"A man that lives by the sword dies by the sword."
I hope the same applies to sex.
The Internet Warrior Death by Snu-Snu...
Bryan Geonzon that was my favorite episode of future Rama.
Slayer reference?
I guarantee you there are going to be some morons who are going to say "he wasn't using a sword, that's completely irrelevant"
when i say that girl hold that full automatic i was like, "she is way to skinny to have a gun that has a lot of recoil." i wonder why people even give kids full auto's.
Darwin award winner lol
+Vinny “MENTALmidget” Kwiatkowski if the kids in Africa have them why can't we?
+Vinny „MENTALmidget“ Kwiatkowski why should they have a gun anyway? Because murica !!
Some people do the dumbest things
Obviously this is what our Founding Fathers meant by "well-regulated militia."
Shall not be infringed.
slimjim77M Yeah, it shall not be infringed, for the sake of forming a well-regulated militia. This is obviously not what they meant. The Founding Fathers did not mean for you to be able to walk through Wal-Mart, holding a baby, with a semi-automatic slung over your shoulder.
treehuggerkyle And tell everyone who makes up a militia. Tell everybody what the regulations are and who makes the determination.
slimjim77M What part of *well-regulated* part of militia did you forget? And I'm not talking about just being well-equipped with sufficient hardware either.
An Uzi in the hands of a 9 yr old, what could possibly go wrong?
lmao....whelp the age range just been lifted I bet
lmao!!! I just said it... playing around and they just said it
If she were black, or poor, the little girl would be charged with murder and tried as an adult.
If she was a muslim they would be pressing charges against the little girl. Murder one.
+Daddy P82 maybe because she is a minor and legally the charges would be on her parents not her.
+Tommy Wheeler race has nothing to do with it you leftus racial equally bullshit activist.
LOL, sure..
Instead of millennials they should call us generation victim hood..
no they wouldn't...
There are many problems with this just by having a glance: bad instruction, bad recoil management, bad idea on the parents and instructor, and bad weapon to practice with. You can use a full auto airsoft and get the same training. At the very most the child should have shot a 22lr.
How about "bad idea to train children to fire guns"?
Hinerk Schrippe That type of logic is faulty as guns kill 8500 people a year in the US (some are suicides, some are people who shot home invaders, others cops, in additions to criminals, some are accidents, etc..); while car crashes kill 40,000 a year. Yet we don't regualte the drivers as strict as gun owners. Hard data, hard numbers; we teach our children to drive which has risks, and guns (used correctly) possess no greater risk (in reality less than driving). I will agree though kids should probably use pellet or 22 than larger caliber weapons, much like I wouldnt let a kid drive an 18 wheeler. Leftist thinking takes away the peoples guns and freedom; just look at the NAZIS or what Marxists did in Russia.
andrew Hoard First of all, I think that even in the US there are more car drivers than gun owners, at least I hope so
Secondly, car ownership has positive sideeffects for society, increased personal mobility and such, while widespread gun ownership doesn't really give you anything positive if you look at the grand scheme of things.
I'm aware that some people think that you need a gun to "defend yourself", but I think the fact that in countries like Germany, the UK or Finnland, where privately owned guns are rare, the rate of violent crimes comitted has been dropping for decades proves otherwise. When there are no guns available anywhere in your area, it will be difficult for any possible wrongdoer to obtain one, making knifes or baseball bats way more likely to be his weapon of choice. At this point a simple taser, or a dose of pepper spray is enough to get rid of any attacker (both of which are legal in most countries with limited gun ownership, I think), or just call the police. They are on the scene in less than 5 minutes (where I live at least), and they have guns.
Don't think that I'm completely against private weapon ownership though, my uncle is a professional hunter and owns several rifles, all of them safely locked up in a safe at his house. We've been to shooting ranges before and I must say it's hella fun to fire a gun! But still, as sensible adults I think we have to be aware that free access to guns means that not only the "good guys" will have them.
Hinerk Schrippe Hard data time: 98.1% of gun crimes are commited by non registered owners (meaning criminals). As a Canadian kid I used to compete in biathlon, and had I not had a 22, I never would have had scholarship. The positive effects are that the US Constitution was founded on the "Right to bare arms" not for hunting, but the people need equal or greater fire power than the goverment. I share with you a very simple quote from Ghandi: " 'Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look back upon the Act depriving the whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn.''
andrew Hoard Sportsmanship is a completely different issue, and a .22 is hardly what we are talking about when we look at this video or violent crime. A crossbow is more dangerous than a .22, and not even legally a weapon.
"equal or greater firepower than the government"? Hardly, unless you make anti-tank missiles legal as well. The only way to overthrow a government by force is either a coup-d'etat, or by large-scale mutiny of the armed forces, at least nowadays. I don't even want to imagine the massacre that would have happened if for example the citizens of east berlin had tried to tear down the wall by force.
Civil uprisings seem to be a thing of the past, sadly, in the age of tanks and jet fighters those who want to improve society must look for more clever ways than that.
On your Ghandi quote, I know to little about the man to comment on that, when did he say that and where? I'm really interested, because this seems to sort of contradict his popular image.
I'm as pro-gun as they come, search through my comments. However, this was stupid. Having fired literally hundreds of thousands of rounds from full-auto weapons and instructing others, I know that most adults can't handle them safely until they've shot at least hundreds of practice rounds. Big "tough" guys who have been bump firing their cheap AK and M-16 knockoffs think they know the mechanics of shooting a real machine gun - they don't.
Yea this was a terribly stupid thing to do and unfortunately it cost the man his life. I would have liked to see the age limit raised to 16 for full autos at that range.
Idiots who carry guns are the reason that idiots carry guns.
I have seen people shoot a 9mm and be afraid of the recoil yet they expect a 9 year old to control a fully automatic weapon, ON TOP OF THIS its a fucking Uzi which is shorter, and anyone who shoots guns know the more powerful and shorter the gun is the harder it is to control. I bet these idiots would also give the girl a 44 magnum snub nose and expect her to do well.
The parents should be in jail. This is child neglect, plain and simple. No doubt they're at least gonna face a lawsuit by the victim's family.
Any person who'd let their NINE YEAR-OLD handle a live gun should have their kids taken away from them.
The "victim" did it to himself the parents only took their daughter out shooting
Nope sorry, your ignorance will not be fed. No charges were brought up. I'm not agreeing with the girl shooting the gun, but for you to say the 9 year olds parents should go to jail is a dumb ignorant response to this entire situation. How the hell do you see the instructors family suing that family?
@@logananthonyparker on god
My question is what's the point of teaching her how to use a gun? Are they preparing her for war?
They're preparing for the End Times.
So anyone learning or teaching someone how to shoot is preparing for war?
The Fire Mouse She. Is. Nine. There is no reason she needs to know how to shoot a fully automatic weapon. A rifle for hunting? Sure. Why not. But a fucking uzi? A 600 RMP sub machine gun? No. She does not need to know how to shoot that.
Exactly. Guns are not toys. An Uzi was designed to kill large numbers of people very quickly at a distance. That's it's only purpose. Using it as a children's toy is beyond insane.
Thr r btr things to do for fun.
I'm more concerned about how the young child is doing. It has to be eating at her, knowing she inadvertently caused the death of another person.
Now we all know that you're an idiot.
You need to be 21 to drink a beer, but 12 to shoot a weapon of war? WTF?!?
Not 12! She was 9 years old.
Botmin well, u can teach them if u do it correctly. just dont hand them a fucking uzi and stand beside them
A bb gun, sure, a uzi... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
buphoon teaching them how to kill at 9 amerikkka is in a mess all on there own. But when you check it out everything amerikkka stole was done so with a gun no surprise here lol
A gu yea you're right, just buy them nerf guns, kids dont know the difference
A gu yea i got shot directly in the balls with a BB gun when i was a kid, and look at me now, i'm fine
This wasn't an age problem this was the instructor's fault 100% when I take people shooting whether it's my 67 year old gpa or my 7 year old girl it's my range, I'm in control, I'm responsible for making sure everyone's safe.
Idiots who carry guns are the reason that idiots carry guns.
dude far be it for me to judge your lifestyle but..... accidents happen!!! why would u give a 7 year old a gun?
and when you let a kid use an uzi and it's your brains dripping off the walls, you won't be around to change your mind. At least we wouldn't have to listen to your stupidity anymore. Give a 7 year old a gun...fucking America...
If it wasn't an age problem then why not let a 9 year old drive cars and do other shit because you know their brains are very smart at that age....
It was the instructers fault because he did not have any control of the weapon and gave the girl a uncontrollable weapon that some adults would not even handle well, on top of it you give it to a fucking 9 year old who does not even know how to SPELL fully automatic and you expect the results to come out good?
Yes it is a age problem, I own guns and would not let no 7 year old or 9 year old touch any of my guns nor would I show them how to fuck with it. I'll show someone about guns when their brains can think and spell big words, when they know where babies come from then they might be old enough.
Fuck it lets give cars to 9 year olds since its not a age problem. Oh wait its only a age problem with cars!!!
right... nothing ever happens until something happens.
if guns don't kill people, why is this gun expert dead?
He's not dead, he just has an excess of freedom.
People kill people guns dont fucking grow legs and walk up to a guy and shoot a round off, shut up or grow a pair
nick kuttian Funny how you didn't address his point -.-
he was a gun expert so clearly it was his "EXPERT" opinion to hand an uzi to a 9 year old girl. I mean like what could possible go wrong right.... or as Hillary Clinton would say " What difference does it make"?
The gun was fired by a person. Which means the person killed him. Not the gun, but the person who controlled the gun.
i used a firearm for the first time when i was around 5 years old, it was one cartridge and it was done safely. Teaching children how to use firearm is okay but giving a fully loaded Uzi to someone inexperienced is terrible terrible idea. You either use your brain or become candidate for darwin award.
sc18594 *shrug* had your instructor been killed by you in that instance, it would have been his and your parents fault as much as it is in the instance of this child if you ask me.
I see where you're coming from, but theres aways a risk. teaching a 5 yo to ride a bike, exposes him the risk of falling and allowing a 5 yo to use a gun loaded with actual bullets, exposes him to the risk of killing, no matter how 'safe' the situation might be. I think we can all agree on that.
I believe the parents should be charged with reckless endangerment. People will offer many dangerous things to children and it is parents who make the decisions. This child will live forever knowing she killed someone. Tell me how that is NOT reckless,
Unfortunately, you are 100% right. The police kill unarmed black men almost everyday in the country, if they live through it, they often end up in jails. I even read a case where a man was charged for marring police equipment by bleeding on it.
Most of these white cops take the job so they can legally kill black men who they have feared since grade school Society like to protect these Rogue cops and pretend that a problem do not exist I live in NYC where the police feel black people has no rights unless they have family in law enforcement and even then it to the bear minimum.The message is getting out and these killer cop are starting to fall be it heads shots in Brooklyn or hidden camera in South Carolina it's going to change soon When a cop realize that one day he can clock in and by the end of his shift he could end up in hand cuffs he will think twice about pulling that trigger.
I am pro gun, but I think TYT is right on this one. A small girl like that shouldn't have a fully automatic gun to shoot. That's just stupid, they should have seen that coming. That said, whether it's guns or anything else, people do stupid things.
TYT is not anti-gun. That is a large misconception (which only gun nuts seem to struggle with). When I tell people in America their guns laws are insane, they accuse me of being an anti-gun fascist. I love guns, and I also love strict gun laws. Pro gun control, anti gun ban, pro guns. That's sthe position of most rational liberals.
Not that I know a lot about firearms, but i have held an empty gun before, yet isn't there stocks for guns like an Uzi to reduce the recoil? Why would the instructor give the girl the weapon without one?
Lets ignore the age of the girl and just say don't give an Uzi to anyone with spaghetti noodles for arms. It won't end well for you.
someone should edit a hijab in there and see how people react to it
What the FUCK is wrong with America?!!!
Yet another reason that I'm glad to live in Canada.
Also, I feel sorry for that girl. She's probably traumatized by that experience. Accidentally killing someone will haunt you for the rest of your life.
I'm happy I live in Canada too :)
But fuck france canadians tho :P
I'm considering moving there, you know, before I get shot. :D
And the Darwin award goes to......
I feel awful for this poor girl - the adults got exactly what they deserved for being stupid.
+RUFF- The Gene Pool corrects its own errors.
+Deborah Barber Who really NEED a Uzi... Crazy people ? Mob killers ?
@@ianbattles7290 parents? they did nuthin wrong. instructor? L
Oh that Poor Child! What she has to live w/ for the rest of her life. All because some jackass put a dangerous weapon in her hand. She's only 9 yrs old.
I have been given a knife for cooking, a car for driving, and a gun for fun all dangerous but believe it or not i was EDUCATED on how to use them
TheBossMan1453 Knives, cars, and guns have different uses.One of those just happens to be purposely made to put holes on a target in a short amount of time with the intent of snuffing its life.
TheBossMan1453 Cost / benefit analysis. Cars enabled humans to double life expectancy and skyrocket our education, medical advancements, technology, etc. Cars have saved far more years of human life combined than what they have cost. Guns however, not so much, the cost / benefit of guns is not so pretty. Countries like Japan and the UK etc are proof that the cost of guns outweighs the benefit when you compare their per capita deaths from guns to the United States. Good game.
Kaere G Plus cars don't fit in your pocket. There's no such thing as a conceal and carry permit for an automobile. Oh, and knives don't travel at mach 3 so... Fail. Kind of amazing how they equivocate. We just need to ban the Second Amendment. It's a different time than it was. A lot of things have changed. Time to get rid of it.
I can't believe how people think enslavement is a step forward, if anything it's a huge step back. With guns we can at least fight back against tyrants when they have military as police.
+martha jane ya it might have been etter to start out wit something small
+owenredeyedsquid cyan a nerf gun?
+Tommy Wheeler I think they mean "powerful" not in comparison to other rounds, but since she wasn't able to control the recoil.
A 9 year old should NOT be using an uzi. Theres no reason for it. Wtf is wrong with America?
Well, The Second Amendment Right has been twisted to be "Everyone is allowed to own a gun." Yet it says only the Malita (Military) is allowed guns.
The second amendment *does not* state the rights of the militia (which is not the military, they are two separate entities) to bear arms shall not be infringed upon.
It states *the right of THE PEOPLE to bear arms shall not be infringed upon.*
We are fun crazy nothing can change it.
+CapTonLoner GUN not fun.
Some say that guns don’t kill people but in this case the instructor did not shoot himself and the little girl did not shoot the instructor. Do the math.
How is a 9 year old operating a gun? You need to be at least 16 to drive, 18 or 21 to drink. Under age gun operation should be outlawed. This statement is not taking the right from any responsible adult. It's just taking a uzi from a 9 year old who can't even hold the gun straight.
I feel bad for the little girl, to live knowing that she accidentally took a life.
In America... A nine year old girl can legally shoot a sub machine gun. Yet she can't legally buy a kinder egg. Think about that!
I can understand teaching your kid to shoot, something like a .22 LR. But to start them out with a machine pistol? WTF were they thinking?
That wouldn't make it any better, kids aren't supposed to use guns. For the same reasons they can't drink nor drive a car.
Well then why don't we ban adults from using guns and alcohol and vehicles. They can still get in accidents.
Seriously? That makes no sense what so ever.
Well if were so worried about accidents why not ban everything from everyone?
Wait I'm confused... Why the hell are you reporting on this story twice...
TYT is so anti-gun. When they "report" these stories all they do is flip out.
Giving a child an Uzi is a horrible idea... Yo have a right not to agree with them 100% on gun control...
goldeyeblue Twice just to make sure they got their agenda across...
Giving a 9 year old child an Uzi to fire... what could possibly go wrong?
The issue is not about guns. It's about GIRLS. Never give a girl a gun.
She's a girl. So of course this happened.
Why you saying like this way?
Obvious Troll is obvious.
He should have stood his ground
to soon!!
That 1500-2000 young girls will now be denied an activity because of the incapability of 1 young girl and the stupidity of 1 unprofessional instructor.
The situation is bad no matter how it's looked at.
A young child with an uzi tragic accident has happened before. It was a matter of poor safety policy because they were aware of the potential risks.
"That 1500-2000 young girls will now be denied an activity because of the incapability of 1 young girl and the stupidity of 1 unprofessional instructor." - Yes the poor 9 year old girls that will not be able to fire an uzi at this place until they are 12 is so depressing. If only that girl wasn't so incompetent because I'm sure the next 1500-2000 9 year old girls have the capability to hold that gun without losing control.
is there any place i can get the full video without it getting cut off??
why do you want to see that? thats really weird dude...
mhmm. You're really weird
I want to see this as well.
I want to see it too. Live Darwinism at it's best. I want to see how fate thins the ignorant herd...
***** I could name a website where you can "legally of course" see way worse stuff then this, such as terrorist videos or even snuff films. But i'd rather not be responsible for polluting you like I did myself.
If only there was a good 9 year old with an Uzi were there to stop this bad 9 year old with an Uzi
about 8 years ago a nine year old boy shot a auto uzi and he couldnt control it causing him to kill him self. just dont give little kids uzis let alone autos
Just don't let kids play soccer. 38 deaths by way of soccer goals since 1979.
Seriously though, it's probably more a question of proper instruction than inherent danger. Everyone gets surprised by the recoil the first time they fire a fully automatic weapon and with a kid you'd probably need to help them hold it for safety as well as explaining to them how to burst fire to minimize the impact of recoil.
Not that I'd necessarily encourage teaching kids to fire full auto, but I don't think there's anything inherently dangerous about it if one approaches it with baby steps.
Gnomefro There's a big difference between giving a kid a ball to play with and giving them an Uzi to play with.
Gnomefro Dude honestly that was a weak effort at making a point...
If kids aren't aloud to drive a car until 16 a kid shouldn't be able to fire gun either.
Re 2:10
Actually, Iadarola, the shooting rage was being pretty *liberal* (not limited, free, tolerant, broad-minded) with who they allow to shoot fully automatic weapons. Had they been more *conservative* (restrained, cautious, limited, restrictive) about who they allow to shoot fully automatic weapons, there may have been an age requirement and/or other requirements that needed to be met before allowing someone to shoot.
See, the problem in this video is there wasn't enough GOOD 9 year olds with guns to stop her....right conservatives?
full autos shouldnt be able to be owned by regular people
Define "regular"? So law abiding citizens who will follow the laws in a gun ban, while the now militarized police and the criminals who will always have them cause they don't give a shit for laws keep them hmmm? We all have equal rights as citizens, and the badge don't give you more, to bad people dont know about places like , u should check it out, Jammer Out..
Oh my goooddd jammer you're so stupid -.-
Why the fuck would you need an UZI to fight police or criminals?!
I guess this is an example of a "well regulated militia" right? Was soccer camp not available?
as a british citizen i was privilaged to fire an air rifle at 14, nobody under the mental or physical expectations shouldn't be allowed to publicly use a fire arm, such as small untrained average 9 year old girls without the mental capacity to instantly know about recoil push force and loads of other factors which may cause harm, the instructor was cruel to be that stupid causing the girl to commit unwanted murder, hell, when i fired rifle people said wait for me to say "fire" and make sure there's nobody IN FRONT of you. i'm sorry but even at 14 i wasn't mature enough to use a fire arm, i can only assume the age should be regulated and controlled maliciously, dna age scans proofs of age and many documents, once you reach a certain age of course it will be easier.
i know americans think showing guns will desensitize them to the threat and make them aware fo it's danger, but it's a fucking gun, parents go ballistic when a kids says "cunt" but if the "accidentally" kill a man, they need to be shown exactly how to use a gun.
funny how a world can be against sounds humans make but when a human prevents other form making sound they are treated with special care, i find this world perplexing and very backwards. you can't speak like 10 words but you can fire any killing device you wish.... very stupid if you ask me.
When I was 11 my dad brought me and my brothers out and taught us how to shoot with a .22 rifle. That, I believe, was perfectly acceptable. But I lived in a small country town, where my grandparents actually relied on the meat my grandpa hunted during the winter. We, as a family, were hunters by descent. Not only that, but I've still yet to even hold a fully automatic weapon, and the only ones I've ever seen were behind a glass case. The reason that man died was because he and the others around him didn't take the first, and most important, step towards safety in a situation like that. That being to never hand a small child a fully automatic weapon. Sure, a small caliber rifle isn't completely insane. But he handed her a fully automatic sub-machine gun, he is, more so than anyone else there, responsible for his own death.
What happened to giving a kid a Zapper, a SuperScope 6, or a Menacer. Parents these days are raising their kids all wrong.
Yes make sure they never think and only fear
I guess you don't do much thinking? There are many many things that children are not allowed to do because they are dangerous and/or because they don't have legal responsibility when something goes wrong. These things include driving, operating heavy machinery, flying, smoking, drinking, porn, etc. Operating a firearm should be on that list.
9? fucking 9 years of age with a gun? Damn!
because they want to and it makes them happy
Why teach a kid to ride a bike?
Lol the guy above tried to relate two totally different things and failed
Same thing over all different use. Say someone breaks into my house goes for my parents and leaves me because I'm the lowest threat guess what at 9 a cup or remote won't do anything, a gun on the other hand is deadly no matter what. Why use a bike when your mom can drive or you can just walk or better matching the situation above, say your parents are unavailable to take you somewhere a little to far for walking why not know how to use a bike
TheBossMan1453 Bike and gun? Really? One is a deadly weapon. The other is a vehicle.
Southern American: Yeah, I have this M4A1 for home defense. No warning shots here.
Canadian: Yeah, I have this 308. for hunting.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to teach your child to use a firearm to defend themselves but to give any Fully Automatic Firearm to a child is just plain stupidity.
Americans need guns more than ever, If only the instructor has guns to protect him from the 9 year old girl....
The Fault in Our Laws
Murican idiot*
Yep, Murica 'gin.
are they gonna ban guns now ?? pffff NO, are they gonna do anything ??? hmmm... HELL NO
If there where more restrictions on guns this could have been avoided but they are doing nothing you can see thing like this happen over and over again
+Enigma Enigma How about we ban everything with choking hazards too.
I'm not saying ban, but they need to do something, more strict rules or something wtf are the government is for if they cant solve this problem
Raise the age for gun ranges to 12 and the age for using full auto weapons there to 16. Problem solved.
Giving a gun to a kid who is neither physically able to control it nor mentally mature enough to understand the danger and follow clear instructions will result in shit like this sooner or later.
In a COUNTRY that VALUES the RIGHT to have a GUN more than the LIVES of it's OWN CITIZENS, this doesn't SURPRISE me at all. SHAMEFUL!!!!!!!!
no loss there
I feel terrible for that little Girl. I can't even imagine how this is going to affect her entire outlook on life...
That little girls life is forever ruined because her parents don't respect firearms. Having shot an automatic weapon before you feel very quickly that anyone, not just a 9 year old girl, can lose control of the recoil very quickly.
I'm 238 lbs of pure muscle, and I remember how powerful the recoil felt when I first used an uzi at a gun range
I wasn't allowed to cook on the stove until I was 15. Wtf is she doing with a gun.
I can not imagine the trauma the little girl is going through.
So one 9 year old girl had one horrible accident and everyone suffers there are many kids who can use a weapon safely like the owner gave a good amount of kids her age without having that accident
She definitely shot before he meant her to, but she's 9 years old. He should have put the gun back on safety immediately after the first shot.
I remember firing a 12-Gauge when I was about 14 and even then the kickback was hard to control. Also I've heard stories of full-grown adults struggling to control a weapon on burst fire.
When I was I think 12 I shot a couple pistols, a 30yot6 and a few shotguns. We didn't have anything automatic but even i we did I wouldn't have shot it because I knew it would be hard to control
+RMJungleBerry 12ga recoil is far greater than 9mm rapid. on the order of magnitudes
+4cyl_LOL loser
I started shooting at 8.
I was NOT given a fully automatic weapon with a full magazine. I was given a pellet rifle that fired a single shot. I progressed from there with firearms safety and training. When done correctly it's safe.
This reminds me of this sketch from Da Ali G Show with the character Borat explaining, "In my country the age of consent has been 11 years old."
Lmao! A teenager cant drink beer but a kid CAN learn to shoot a gun. I don't get this country.
That poor 9 year old may live in regret for the rest of her life from this accident
I can't imagine the mental trauma that little girl will go through. I'm ok with letting a 9 year old shoot, but a fully auto uzi? Way to parent, mom and dad.
"Maybe we shouldn't give machine guns to children"
Mind blown by radical proposition!
Anyone under the age of 18 shouldn't be allowed to use a gun at all! They are not toys!
There are a means of protection and defense. This is absolutely absurd.....
Unfortunate that the instructor was killed, but do you see how close she came to shooting herself.
I see a lot of comments talking about how teaching kids respect for a gun
at a young age is a good thing, and yet I see a lot of adults who don't
even know what that means. Guns have gone from a weapon of extremes and an absolute last resort, to a status symbol, or a toy.
For me, I want people to have the right to carry a weapon. But if they
treat it like most of theses people do, then they shouldn't get it.
If target practice, which should be extremely serious, as one day it might
save your life, is fun... You're treating the gun like a toy.
If you brag about your gun... It's a toy.
If you spend time dreaming up hypothetical situation in which you and your
gun save the day, then it's a toy.
If you think owning a gun makes you safer, then you're an idiot, and it's a
A gun is a weapon. Like a sword, or a bow. It needs to be treated like a
weapon. It has to be handled like a weapon. If you are giving a gun to a
nine year old, then it's a toy. You shouldn't want to teach kids how to
handle a firearm, you should want to change the world so they never have
I learned how to defend myself with martial arts (judo and kickboxing) and can handle myself in a fight. I also have a taser to protect myself when I'm going into a large city, or any other place I might get jumped. I don't want or need a gun, as it's basically useless to me. In self defense, you only get to react. You can't shoot someone for looking creepy. Only after he has his gun out can you reasonably shoot him. And by then, odds are he is already aiming at you, and will shoot at any unexpected movement. So it makes no difference if you have a gun, or pepper spray, or a taser. If you don't handle the situation right, you are still going to get shot.
Another reason why i don't use guns is because they either kill or wound. In self defense, you want to blind, or stun, or otherwise render your target incapable of killing you. Killing them first works, but when no one dies, it's a better outcome.
PS, a figgin uzi? What did you expect when you hand a child a fully
automatic weapon? a nine year old girl to suddenly be a mini-Rambo and have full control of an automatic weapon?
It's the instructors fault for agreeing to teach children as young as her, it's the parents fault for thinking it's a good idea to have their young daughter learn to use weapons, it isn't the young girl's fault, but this will probably effect her worse than anyone, will probably haunt her forever.
1.) Anyone who is not a legal adult (or at least 16 with guidance) should not be allowed to operate a firearm...that seems like common sense to me.
2.) An Uzi or any rapid fire weapon such as machine guns and assault rifles should be outlawed anyway. Too dangerous and absolutely no practical use.
3.) Don't freak out gun nuts. I'm all for shotguns and hunting rifles, and even handguns with background checks and permits. They actually have practical uses, like game and protection. Everything else can go, including banana clips and silencers.
6:09 ''This actually blew my mind"
Nice pun there my friend.
My 8 years old boy fires an AR15 with no problem next week Ill teach him to fire a roket launcher. Everybody is invited to the BBQ
The real issue they should all be focusing on is the psychological damage this little girl will have knowing that she shot and killed a man for the rest of her life and all of the images and sadness that will bring to her as she grows older and the full impact of it settles on her.
As much as I feel bad for this little girl, I gotta say, him saying "full auto" just before he got shot was pretty hilarious.
That's nothing I let my 6 year old shoot a 500. Caliber revolver every day
There's nothing wrong with kids shooting guns that are easy to control, such as a rifle. However, a 9 year old should never use an automatic weapon.
I have a 1-year old. Why isn't the NRA helping me find a .50 caliber machine gun for her to use??
I'm actually concerned about that little girl more than anything. Having to face the fact that you shot another human in the face and ended their life all while being at the young, impressionable age of 9... poor girl. :(
People who believe a nine year old should use a machine gun shouldn't be allowed to be parents.
The first gun anyone should fire, is not a fully automatic one.
No child or teenager. Nor some grown men should be shooting a full auto. Are we really this stupid?
who the fuck would give a child a uzi an extremly fast and powerful gun that the average person cant control accuratley.
I was at a shooting range where two guys a couple of lanes down had rented an Uzi. This range had a way to protect me and everyone else from automatic weapons. The barrel of the gun was tethered with a steel cable to the stand so that the weapon could not point anywhere other than downrange. The grown men still had the weapon dance in their hands when they fired on full automatic. I am thankful for that cable.
Using the phrase "Blew my mind" is more apt than you'd think.
"Alriiight, full Auto."Weeee, isnt this fun? You cant teach em early enough i guess. Next time give a grenade to a toddler and see what happens.
I am a gun owner. My nephews age 10 & 11 came down to visit. I brought out a quarter pound exploding target (yes they are fun) Grabbed my mini-14, racked the slide so a bullet was in the gun and took out the mag for this very reason. Those look and see targets are great for the gun range like they were at. You don't have to wait and go look when the range is cold
Why did he agree to train this little girl? "Oh sure, I'll train your kid, she needs to know how to use automatic weapons in case the terrorists attack."
Why should a kid be allowed to shoot guns? Its like asking them to drive cars at 9
"Before one may be allowed to hold this weapon, one's arms in this position must be able to resist moving in any direction from this much weight and vibration, and one's grip be maintained."
Obvious question: what is a nine year old girl doing anywhere near a deadly assault weapon on a firing range?