Battlefield 1: New Slug Sjögren Is Surprisingly Good - Tips & Tricks (BF1 Weapon Crate DLC Update)

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @GetGoodGuy
    @GetGoodGuy  6 лет назад +12

    Are you excited about the Sjögren Inertial Slug? Will it replace your go to assault weapon from time to time?
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    • @ok-70707
      @ok-70707 6 лет назад +2

      GetGoodGuy i farted while reading this comment

    • @foresta-2684
      @foresta-2684 6 лет назад

      I loved the original sjörgen and I hope I can enjoy this one

    • @gtxgtx-en6sv
      @gtxgtx-en6sv 6 лет назад

      do you have facebook

    • @martintwins8415
      @martintwins8415 6 лет назад

      GetGoodGuy it is really fun for me to play.

    • @EpicThe112
      @EpicThe112 6 лет назад

      Very good weapon and to me it replaced my go-to slug shotgun the model 10-a (78 rpm) because it has moderately fast fire rate at 164 rpm which is 136 rounds per minute less than the fastest firing slug shotgun model 1900 slug from in the name of the Tsar downloadable content which has 300 rpm. Cons it's missing a One-Shot kill at 0-35 meters unlike Model 10-a.

  • @doomplague5758
    @doomplague5758 2 года назад +2

    You have to admit the 1 shot headshots you get with it are one of the most satisfying

  • @ROY57ON
    @ROY57ON 6 лет назад +18

    I highly recommend lowering the zoom to the lowest option on this weapon. Its weaknesses are manageable that way, while attempting a follow up shot on the highest zoom can be a nightmare sometimes. I think it does 75 damage to the chest at close range from what I saw, so don't prioritise precision with this gun unless you prefer Hardcore.

  • @ReconPro
    @ReconPro 6 лет назад +31

    It's like a weaker RSC.

  • @4FYTfa8EjYHNXjChe8xs7xmC5pNEtz
    @4FYTfa8EjYHNXjChe8xs7xmC5pNEtz 6 лет назад +19

    Still prefer the Model 1900 Slug. Accurate, higher ROF than the 10-A slug, and with 143 max damage, anybody you get a clean shot on isn't going to be walking away. It also has a very clean, minimalist shotgun rib, I can't stand the funky sights on the 10-A and Sjögren slugs.
    Note: You know how cavalry guys sometimes like to just sit on their horse and gaze out over the battlefield for a while? One did that about 2 m in front of me once when I was prone with a 10-A Slug. Had no idea I was behind him. I shot him in the upper back and it literally blew him about 10 ft up in the air, deader than a doornail, armor and all 😂😂

  • @mankeman4460
    @mankeman4460 6 лет назад +2

    Damn that synchronized sliding at 2:40 was so smooth.

  • @ronwholikesbeans4094
    @ronwholikesbeans4094 6 лет назад +14

    It can snipe people, I love it

  • @anaximander66
    @anaximander66 6 лет назад +4

    Alright, you convinced me. I'm going to have to give this one another try. Honestly I didn't put enough thought into the hip fire.

  • @comobodeo2968
    @comobodeo2968 3 года назад +1

    This is the only gun I use on assault, it doesn’t feel scummy to use and it’s good fun

  • @woah8932
    @woah8932 6 лет назад +7

    It is really good but I feel like the a10 slug is just a bit better. Great vid as always

  • @krblack4009
    @krblack4009 6 лет назад +8

    I wish you could remove the optical sights from it.

    • @icebergslim8926
      @icebergslim8926 6 лет назад

      KR BLACK that’s the factory

    • @krblack4009
      @krblack4009 6 лет назад +5

      No the factory version fires buckshot.

  • @cosmicnihilist6729
    @cosmicnihilist6729 6 лет назад +6

    I can't pick up any kills with this I haven't played in a while so I really suck dark souls has taken over my gaming habits lol

  • @brainwasher9876
    @brainwasher9876 2 месяца назад

    The funny thing is that medic's RSC outclasses this gun in every way. It has a larger mag capacity, is also a two shot kill, can two shot much further away, has a higher muzzle velocity, and has much less visual recoil.

  • @icebergslim8926
    @icebergslim8926 6 лет назад +2

    On hardcore this is a beast one shot killl even from farther ranges it’s like playing an aggressive scout

    • @geannogy4519
      @geannogy4519 6 лет назад +1

      Hardcore is the best game mode of bf1, ALL weapons r viable, and the revolvers gets better than primarys at cqb

    • @icebergslim8926
      @icebergslim8926 6 лет назад

      Gean Marcos Cardoso fuck yeah when I’m playing as medic or scout I love using sidearms for mid and close range

  • @freshboiproductions1482
    @freshboiproductions1482 4 года назад +2

    Can I borrow your enemies mine shoot back at me

  • @thndr_5468
    @thndr_5468 6 лет назад

    Part of the reason I like it is the aesthetics and the sound

  • @BADCompanySarge
    @BADCompanySarge 6 лет назад

    Good job covering all these weapons dude.

  • @anthonypinkney1877
    @anthonypinkney1877 6 лет назад +1

    I think the Sjögren Inertial is good but I think i like the model 10 slug better just beacuse it has more damage

  • @jungtarcph
    @jungtarcph 6 лет назад +1

    Also, for newcomers, I suggest NOT to aim aim down sight in close quarter combat. It takes too much time. Just aim and shoot. Ads if you are flanking.

  • @robertkent4834
    @robertkent4834 6 лет назад +2

    I have my doubts about this gun. At close range the mp18 can outmatch it and at medium range... it can also outperform it. GGG, can you compare this 2 guns?

    • @robertkent4834
      @robertkent4834 6 лет назад +1

      An smg on the same class. The point is, what advantages has this shotgun over the mp18?

    • @GreatNinjaman
      @GreatNinjaman 6 лет назад +1

      Robert Kent Or, to be fair, any other Assault weapon...

    • @GreatNinjaman
      @GreatNinjaman 6 лет назад +1

      Jaden Calloway In the time it takes the Sjo to get off those two shots, the MP18 would have already shelled out the four necessary shots.

    • @robertkent4834
      @robertkent4834 6 лет назад

      And that's the mp18. Remember the Hellriegel?

  • @henrychan720
    @henrychan720 6 лет назад +2

    What’s the point of a shotgun that can’t 1 shot reliably in close quarters? Might as well just use a bolt action rifle.

  • @fjbh1018
    @fjbh1018 6 лет назад +2

    Some advice Sjögren is pronounced as Her-gren with the H being quite harsh.

    • @GetGoodGuy
      @GetGoodGuy  6 лет назад +1

      Oh really? Damn, I thought I'd nailed it on this one haha. Thanks for the info :)

    • @jungtarcph
      @jungtarcph 6 лет назад +1

      It's Swedish, no it's not pronounced "Her" at all, it is pronounced Shoe-gren. But the ö/oe is pronounced more like "i" in birthday

  • @HEELJezza
    @HEELJezza 6 лет назад

    1:12 It was a *blast*
    I see what you did there.

  • @parkermiddleton1028
    @parkermiddleton1028 6 лет назад

    I remember when this video had the random gameplay piece for a thumbnail before GGG made his regular thumbnail😂

  • @EpicThe112
    @EpicThe112 6 лет назад

    In my opinion it's a faster firing model 10 a slug thanks to its 164 rounds per minute at the cost of missing one shot kill potential which the model 10 a slug has in Ranges of 0-35 meters. Not sure if the fastest firing slug shotgun which is the model 1900 slug 300 rounds per minute can deliver a one shot kill at ranges of 0-35 meters.

  • @don_dombalak
    @don_dombalak 6 лет назад +2

    Damn it's hard to aim in consoles.

  • @isaakwang5112
    @isaakwang5112 6 лет назад

    Also, try not to shoot all 5 shots, since one of the bullets have a diffrent animation that takes longer

  • @jungtarcph
    @jungtarcph 6 лет назад

    I have 980 kills with 1900 slug, Love the slug but you can now for.a while down people with 2 shoots from (reliable) rsc or revolver, so what this better at? Headshot 1 kill?

  • @ParadiseStew
    @ParadiseStew 6 лет назад +6

    never really been a fan of the slug shotguns, just not my kinda weapon/weapons

    • @sharpshot8999
      @sharpshot8999 6 лет назад

      SIiver yeah same their not as reliable as buckshot I find

    • @untypebanalsuryoutube8076
      @untypebanalsuryoutube8076 6 лет назад

      they are a lot more reliable than buckshots, if your aim is on point u won't get bs 8 hitmarkers at 5m and u won't get killed just only because the guy is a bit too far for you

    • @harrisonmueller3601
      @harrisonmueller3601 5 лет назад

      Yes, I’m guessing it’s because of those big ugly optic sights that really just make it hard to maintain relative sight of your targets. The model 1900 slug doesn’t have optic sights though.

    • @Beanpolr
      @Beanpolr 4 года назад +1

      @@sharpshot8999 personally I hate using the buckshot ones because they don't consistently hit right unless you're melee range. I like the slugs because they're great close range and can even out snipe a scout from time to time.

  • @docktorcactusb9770
    @docktorcactusb9770 6 лет назад

    Love ur videos man you make my day

  • @martinmagnusson4087
    @martinmagnusson4087 6 лет назад +4

    The dot is way better... i think

  • @gtxgtx-en6sv
    @gtxgtx-en6sv 6 лет назад

    very good getgood guy i like your video

  • @A.Campbell
    @A.Campbell 6 лет назад

    Bring the wood with the music brother!

  • @صوتالحق-ث1د
    @صوتالحق-ث1د 4 года назад

    I have a service star with it

  • @maarcoo97
    @maarcoo97 6 лет назад

    Its like a WWI Saiga

  • @martinmagnusson4087
    @martinmagnusson4087 6 лет назад

    Fine, i'll give it a try.

  • @yassssermuhamed
    @yassssermuhamed 6 лет назад


  • @lamakabany4942
    @lamakabany4942 6 лет назад

    I thinl it is prenounced horgen or hogen

  • @armagedoc66
    @armagedoc66 6 лет назад

    It has the potential of killing 3 people with a bit help of your side arm. Just a single clip.

  • @gregholman2431
    @gregholman2431 4 года назад

    I haven't used this weapon (yet); but it looks quite good, I'll say. When I first utilized a Model 10-A slug shotgun (some while ago), I was quite surprised by its sheer practical range. The surprisingly distant effective range, alone, of the slug shotguns in BF1 is why I, for one, think that the slug shotguns are probably, overall, the greatest shotguns in the game.

  • @jimruthless
    @jimruthless 6 лет назад

    Brits and tarts really cant pronounce Sjögren. haha