Ok to explain the player you want to get the objectives done on has to be the one to receive the pass from another player first then let the player pass them and then pass it back to him so if your the one who passes it first and go on a run it doesn’t work you have to let the other guy go on the run
bg itu L1 disettingan controlnya sebagai apa ya bg? soalnya udh nyoba brapa kali tetep ga bisa, L1 X di stik saya passing yang ngeskill gitu loh apa harus saya ubah settingan tombol stiknya bg?
Kesini karna ada objektif ini buat masuk tim besar.
Ok to explain the player you want to get the objectives done on has to be the one to receive the pass from another player first then let the player pass them and then pass it back to him so if your the one who passes it first and go on a run it doesn’t work you have to let the other guy go on the run
Makasih mas, saya 1 season main kebalikan...adeeeehhhhh
Thanks rlly helped as I was doing pass and go but my objectives didn’t go up
Thank you I tried to controll the whole team and it worked
makasih banyak bangg🙏🙏🙏
Namany blm ketemu berarti bang.. kl controling team mah ya mudah one two nya hahaha😢
bg itu L1 disettingan controlnya sebagai apa ya bg? soalnya udh nyoba brapa kali tetep ga bisa, L1 X di stik saya passing yang ngeskill gitu loh apa harus saya ubah settingan tombol stiknya bg?
ditempatku L1 nya sesuai defaultnya.. ngga aku ubah².. harusnya bisa sih, waktu mau passing ke temen, sambil tahan L1
Tq cak
I love you bro
When I do it, it still says 0 how can I fix that? Hopefully you reply
Still up?
sorry I didn't pay attention to the comments.. sometimes, there are bugs in fc.. so if it doesn't work, you have to make a new player career
Thanks bro
No this is broken brother i have tried this. Right now it doesnt count for madrd contract. I think its a bug
Same here
Bang cara cepet naik level player carrer gmn?
training atau dril dimainin bg
Bang Player carer mode bisa di beli ga di manager carer mode?
maksudnya gimana? pemain buatan gitu?
@@RyuGoGamingiya bang
@@RyuGoGamingcara ada aksesoris gimana ya bang ke mode career bisa ngga
Bg tpi obejkitf nya ga ke detect bg pdhl waktu lgi match kebaca
ngga bekerja maksudnya?
Bg cara biar jadi captain team gmna??
Harus jadi starter
kayaknya selain starter, harus loyal dulu sama tim nya.. jadi harus stay lama di 1 tim
gk juga wkwkwkwk hoki hoki an gw baru bikin career baru di barca langsung dijadiin kapten padahal baru pra musim@@RyuGoGaming
astagaa gua kebalik cokk pantes kaga nambh
You play psg, but logo Juventus 😂
Bro u stupid
It's he's path do u play fc24???
Aku gak nambah bang
Cara top corner goal gimana
pas corner, diumpan, trs heading kalo bisa ke pojok atas (kanan atau kiri terserah)
How does he do that someone explain
tebak team?😂