With this arrangement of HMI being the Modbus Serve, is it possible for the HMI to read values from the Arduino? This example is purely for the hmi to provide data to the Arduino right? I am likely missing something obvious but I appreciated this video a lot and I appreciate your help. Cheers
would you please provide an example, to use Weintek HMI with modbus rtu or tcp communication method to Arudino MKR1010 or Opta, to modify wifi connection for Arduino MKR1010 or Opta collecting to Arduino cloud. Thanks.
In the future we will try to make tutorials with other Arduino products as well. At the moment we only have guides for the Arduino Uno (hobbyist) and Opta (industrial).
With this arrangement of HMI being the Modbus Serve, is it possible for the HMI to read values from the Arduino? This example is purely for the hmi to provide data to the Arduino right? I am likely missing something obvious but I appreciated this video a lot and I appreciate your help. Cheers
would you please provide an example, to use Weintek HMI with modbus rtu or tcp communication method to Arudino MKR1010 or Opta, to modify wifi connection for Arduino MKR1010 or Opta collecting to Arduino cloud. Thanks.
Can you provide an example for the sensor reading? Maybe the sensor data will be displayed to his HMI. Thanks
We will be publishing other Arduino related content in the near future and will try to cover this topic in our next tutorial. Thank you for watching!
Is there a platform where I can chat with Weintek technical support (free/paid)? I need urgent help
If you are based in North America, please contact support@weintekusa.com for assistance. Thank you for choosing Weintek!
Why always UNO? How about Serial2, Serial3 of Mega 2560?
In the future we will try to make tutorials with other Arduino products as well. At the moment we only have guides for the Arduino Uno (hobbyist) and Opta (industrial).