Would love to learn the language 😊..I'm from SA and I luv your country..My Lesotho found me after 45 years of searching 😢..We met in February this year😊..I didn't even know they existed..it was the most awesome story of my life..that I would love to tell😊..my new Lesotho family is in Butha Buthe..I luv them to bits..It's changed my life..I frequently make trips there to see my family..I luv your country..yourl are blessed with such rich natural beautiful land..I'm crazy about your beautiful mountains.. Lesotho..I love you..🙌🙋👌
We were heading towards that direction but institutes that hold written historical events and statistics of that info are not so cooperating.. The likes of LNDC and the Town city council.
Beautiful but busy place..yep i walked those sreets..love it😊👌💯
Thanks for visiting
Would love to learn the language 😊..I'm from SA and I luv your country..My Lesotho found me after 45 years of searching 😢..We met in February this year😊..I didn't even know they existed..it was the most awesome story of my life..that I would love to tell😊..my new Lesotho family is in Butha Buthe..I luv them to bits..It's changed my life..I frequently make trips there to see my family..I luv your country..yourl are blessed with such rich natural beautiful land..I'm crazy about your beautiful mountains.. Lesotho..I love you..🙌🙋👌
I think we still need to tell a story how maputsoe come about in around 1970 or b4 then
coz its a fascinating story
We were heading towards that direction but institutes that hold written historical events and statistics of that info are not so cooperating..
The likes of LNDC and the Town city council.
Thank you for the information❤
Correction..my Lesotho family found me after searching for 45 years..