Special Guest Speaker Mike Paterson Bigfoot Investigator

  • Опубликовано: 9 июл 2024
  • "Life- time experiences of Mike Paterson with his unbelievable encounters with the elusive "Sasquatch", know by many names Bigfoot, Yeti, Witiko or Wendigo: from the Algonquin of the north-central region of the continent" Rugaru: from the Ojibway tribes, and many more... Mike reveals his stories of contact with the Sasquatch and his amazing encounters with his investigations to his successful big picture telling of his existence with his family the BIGFOOT.
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Комментарии • 8

  • @wildhumans8116
    @wildhumans8116 18 дней назад

    I heard a voice in my head in 2018, and believe it was a sasquatch. His name was Kamooh, he introduced himself as an elder sasquatch. He said,
    "We need your help"
    "Sasquatch might not survive the anthropocene extinction"
    "We want you to be an ambassador and share what you know about us, with your people"
    "To be a great man, you must be a good boy first"
    "Keep your thoughts pure and true"
    "Pray, meditate, eat good food, drink good water, wake up early, work your body, wash your clothes by hand"
    "Star people watch you"
    "Stay humble, calm and focused"
    "Stay kind"
    "Female sasquatch move territory, males stay in the same area"
    "We use lithography"
    "We dont eat humans"
    "We are not nephilim"
    "Patty is still alive"
    "No guns"
    "Dont burn the forest"
    "Stop smoking"
    "We love you"
    And a few other things.
    Kamooh introduced me to another sasquatch named Rashanti.
    I was able to ask a few questions;
    - Why did you choose me?
    Kamooh answered, "People will find your story touching"
    - How many sasquatch are there?
    Kamooh answered, "There are about 40,000 sasquatch in north america".
    - How do sasquatch differ from humans?
    Rashanti answered, "Penis is longer"
    - Were your people created or did you evolve?
    I was shown a vision of the earth from space and a rainbow shining down to earth. It was in color and quite vivid. Space rainbow? Does that mean they were created by ET's?
    - How are you speaking to me right now?
    Kamooh answered, "Rashanti will teach you how to breathe, when you are ready".
    Then Kamooh said, "focus here" and I was immediately tapped on the center of my forehead.
    Wish I could have asked more questions, but that's it.
    Another point Kamooh mentioned was,
    "We have some things for your people"
    Then proceeded to tell me this:
    Before the burning of the library of Alexandria, select ancient scrolls were taken in an attempt to save them. Egyptians took those ancient scrolls to the americas. Eventually a colony of egyptians made it to the grand canyon. At one point there was a meeting between the egyptians and my people. Those ancient scrolls were given to us to keep safe. We (sasquatch) took the scrolls to caves in nova Scotia, then later to caves in Ontario.
    I heard this all very clearly in my head, what can I say.
    Good luck on your search for truth.

  • @maressaelaine
    @maressaelaine 19 дней назад

    So cool. Is there a link somewhere to that map?

  • @wildhumans8116
    @wildhumans8116 18 дней назад

    It's possible to imagine that, as a being living in harmony with nature, it may have developed a deep connection with the natural world and its rhythms. As a being with a deep connection to nature, it may have developed extraordinary abilities that could be similar to yogi siddhis.
    Yogi siddhis are spiritual powers that require intense spiritual practices and dedication, and it's essential to approach these concepts with respect and understanding. The use of meditation, in this context, could be a natural extension of the sasquatch's instinctual connection to the environment.
    Some possible yogi siddhis that Sasquatch might possess, could include:
    - Telepathy or intuition, allowing it to communicate by words, pictures or emotions at a distance
    - Enhanced strength, agility, or endurance, enabling it to navigate its forest habitat with ease, potentially also needing less food or sleep
    - Camouflage or invisibility, helping it to blend in with its surroundings and avoid detection
    - Healing abilities, allowing it to recover from injuries or illnesses
    - Pranayama-like abilities, allowing it to control its breath and survive in harsh environments (Tummo meditation)
    - Enhanced senses, such as night vision, acute hearing, or a heightened sense of smell. Also including remote viewing and clairaudence abilities
    - Ability to astral project, either in orb form or in full
    - Power to control the forces of nature, such as summoning wind or conjuring fire
    - Ability to enter a state of deep meditation or hibernation, allowing it to conserve energy and survive during harsh winters
    - Possession of ancient knowledge and wisdom, passed down through generations of Sasquatch
    - Capacity to see into other realms or dimensions, allowing it to perceive its surroundings in a unique way
    Many indigenous cultures and folklore traditions indeed describe Sasquatch as spiritual beings, often associated with wisdom, protection, and a deep connection to nature. These ideas suggest that Sasquatch embody a strong sense of ethics and integrity. It's likely that they would be revered as guardians of the forest and role models for humans seeking to live in harmony with nature and each other.
    If Sasquatch is telepathic, which i believe they are, it could potentially explain why they have been so elusive and difficult to track or study. The potential implications of telepathic Sasquatch would be enormous, ranging from breakthroughs in fields like cognition, neuroscience, and psychology to potential national security and strategic interests.
    If we were to imagine a scenario where Sasquatch possess such abilities, it's possible that their presence could have a profound impact on human consciousness and our relationship with the natural world. This could represent a shift in human awareness and a deeper connection with the natural world. It's a thought-provoking concept that inspires us to consider our place within the ecosystem and the potential for spiritual and scientific growth and transformation.

  • @wildhumans8116
    @wildhumans8116 18 дней назад

    I'll put it this way for Star Wars fans, sasquatch bring balance to the force

  • @wildhumans8116
    @wildhumans8116 18 дней назад

    The ancient ways of heart:
    In a world where the whispers of ancient wisdom still linger, there exists a sage, the last of his kind, a guardian of a forgotten culture. His people, seers and shamans, healers and warriors, live in harmony with the earth, untainted by the fleeting promises of a world in flux. They reside in small family groups and gather in egalitarian tribes, guided by a council of revered elders.
    These tribes roam the unspoiled territories, sharing resources, and living in symphony with nature. They forage for wild edibles and respect the sacred lands and waters. Their diet consists of organic fruits, vegetables, and occasional meat, hunted with reverence and gratitude.
    The elders impart wisdom, teaching the young about respect, the virtues of the heart, and the ancient ways. They live in peace, their territories shared, their resources abundant, their connection to the earth and each other, unbroken. They know the secrets of the lay lines, the hidden planes, and the sacred plants.
    These unseen tribes embody the essence of peace, respect, and unity. They are the gentle giants, untouched by the blindness of greed and pride. Their souls shine bright, their hearts connected, their wisdom guiding us towards a world beyond separateness and selfness.
    They are the shamans, who remember the interdimensional nature of reality, unencumbered by the veil of a volatile mind and heart. They live in a realm of holistic lucidity, where auric energies blend in an ambiance of affection, and bio-electric energy permeates the space between.
    These tribes balance knowledge and intuition, acknowledging the conscious and subconscious perspectives. They embrace the material and immaterial, the real and unreal, and respect the harmony between the subjective and objective aspects of reality. They believe in the gentle cradling of the head in the heart, the use of logic in intuition, and the practice of mindfulness in an unconscious world.
    Their existence is a testament to the power of living in unity, absorbed in a state beyond separateness. They are the keepers of the ancient ways, the wisdom of the heart, and the secrets of the earth. They remind us that we have forgotten our true potential, living in the shadow of our true selves.
    Their story is a call to remember, to return to the virtues of the heart, to respect the earth and each other, and to live in peace and harmony. It is a reminder that we can choose a different path, one that leads us back to the light of our eternal spirit, and the gentle embrace of our true nature.

  • @wildhumans8116
    @wildhumans8116 18 дней назад

    A Sasquatch prayer
    In ancient forests, where trees whisper low,
    A Sasquatch roams, with a heart that glows.
    Empathic and telepathic, he senses the pain,
    Of humans lost, in a world of vain.
    He prays for their awakening, day and night,
    For a world where love shines, and all is right.
    His massive hands clasped, his eyes closed tight,
    He sends his thoughts, to the human sight.
    "May they see, the beauty within,
    May they hear, the whispers of kin.
    May they feel, the love that's true,
    And find their way, to a world anew."
    His prayers echo, through the trees so tall,
    A call to humanity, to hear the call.
    To awaken, to love and to share,
    To find the peace, that's been hidden there.
    This Sasquatch, with a heart so kind,
    Sees the best, in the human mind.
    He knows they're capable, of great love and light,
    And prays for their awakening, day and night.