42:23 The reason why billionaires shouldn't exist, reminds me of a common bug in computer programming. A "memory leak" is when a program claims memory space but then never releases it, causing the computer to crash. Billionaires are like the memory leaks of finance.
@Aden Jett There you are again bragging about being an online stalker! I guess I’ll just keep reporting you until you disappear, hopefully meaning you’ve been caught😁
I'm a computer tech so I love and appreciate the analogy. There is a political analogy I also like there is a thing called a Christmas tree bill people go around hanging amendments on it try to put a star on top and the tree goes Timber and falls over and never pases. Well our economy is toppling and you got a lot of people trying to steady it with twine and Scotch tape.
Yep, and seeing as this will quickly become the new norm, it is long overdue for our internet providers to improve all of our online connections. These drop outs and drop offs are ridiculous.
@@1MarkKeller more than a year later we’ve only gotten marginally better at these things. Hopefully there is simply a lag time in developing appropriate technology, but I fear it is simply one more thing that separates the haves from the have-nots.
@@SuperManning11 Agreed, the richest nation in the world loves it's economic/social/cultural stratifications. Gotta keep the have-nots hoping and wishing for more.
It gives me a sliver of hope to know that people like Reich, Giridharadas, Warren, Sanders--and others--are out there with only one goal: to speak the truth about how to improve the lives of ordinary people. And they will not stop, either.
Mr Reich, my understanding regarding Warren’s fall is that she stopped advocating for single payer healthcare (Medicare for All) and watered down her proposal. That is what lost her support. I don’t think any progressives saw her as too far left. Quite the opposite.
I would love to hear more about why our time period is similar during the Gilded age. Standard oil (one) vs 10-12 major Corps-Amazon, google, JP Morgan, WPP group, etc. The industrial revolution where the manufacturing meant something vs the modern effort to optimize humans out of work. A 20’s era skepticism of the wealthy class vs the rise of the prosperity gospel-where the wealthy are worshipped. Is our time new? Do any past fixes apply?
A lot of good things came out of the New Deal with Roosevelt. The opposition to the New Deal is what galvanized the hard-right, libertarian/Austrian Economic types to do everything within their power to reverse it's policies, and keep wealth and power in the hands of the minority of white rich men and their corporations.
I love Robert and Annand,Yes.Why do we let the Oligarchy stay in power, even after this terrible exsperience with pandemic which is still around os. The tax low should be changed so everyone benefit. Not just the elite.
The pandemic has validated two progressive policies: one, Medicare for all and two Universal Basic Income! When the vast majority of people lose both their healthcare and income as a result of the depression brought on by the pandemic, the need for both these policies have never been more evident!
Do YOU realize that the money for unemployment is DOLED out and like all insurance its DENY DENY DENY, and hope they give up... I applied on 3/28 and still have not rx'ed any unemployment.
Mr. G. asks a basic question. How say that these people are good people when they do such bad things? I agree with him. Jaimie Diamonds of the world know exactly what they are doing. They are not dumb.
Hi Mildred. I work for a regional privately owned mortgage bank but I used to work for Chase. I think the answer to your question is that there are many people who view business with a very different moral filter. They see it as a competetive game in which he/she who positions themselves at an advantage and can protect their position and score more points are winners and those who can't are losers. (The game Monopoly comes to mind). Personally I think it comes from a lack of empathy and underdevelpoed emotional intelligence but I guess it really stems from an inability to imagine themselves in another person's place. Skills not taught by their parents and behaviors reinforced by their peers.
Mark Keller but even in the club there claim to be some who are Christian yet behave anything but, they scorn at those who have less. Not charitable at all, not if it means having to give away some of their "position". Money=power and power corrupts. They can be proud of their achievement of greed. Capitalism trumps Christianity it seems these days.
@@Anita-md9ze So basically sociopaths and psychopaths run our economic system to everyone's dismay who aren't in the club, and they have the nerve to call themselves Xtians to boot.
@@Anita-md9ze Yes. The other day I was reading about how Southern evangelicals would go to church service at 10:30 am and attend a lynching at 12. How was oit that slavemasters went to church on Sunday and afterward ordered their overseers to whip their slaves until their skins were ripped off? Can anything be more absurd? How is it that billionaires can have more money than they can spend in their lives, yet be utterly immune to homelessness, poverty and the like?
Not so strange when Trump is still getting high double digit ratings within the Republican Party. It's weird only because we can't imagine someone voting against their own self interests. But they do it all the time in order to spite the other side.
@@1MarkKeller Repubs are more interested it seems, in cultural issues because they're easier to comprehend. As opposed to simply having a knee-jerk emotional reaction to an issue, talking about policy issues is more complex, takes more time and effort, and the ability to consider issues from more than a black and white, yes or no perspective. It takes subtlety and a wider knowledge base to discuss an issue in depth than most people either have, have the time for, or are willing to research. It's also easier to make people vote for you when you lie about reality to them constantly and they're willing t'o believe the lie and accept it as fact, without ever really looking into it deeply, or considering that they may be wrong. It's also easy to deceive people and get them on your side when they already have an 'enemy' to hate, and you tell them that you hate that enemy too, and let's all hate together. To hard conservatives and libertarians, compromise is also an enemy, so everything is reduced to "you're either with us or against us". Republican voters seem to absorb all of the cultural issues, but never bother looking into what the politicians are actually doing on policy or legislation.
Sweden has more billionaires, per capita, than the United States... So, it’s not necessarily true that you can’t have both a system that allows for billionaires and at the same time fosters more broad based prosperity and growth. The real problem are the false choices that we’re presented with by both ends of the extreme, that act as though it’s a zero sum game and that we somehow have to choose. We don’t! We can have our cake and eat it too if that’s what we really want.
Necro here, but: our system is failing, badly. We just started at a far better place and about a decade later than the US and the UK, but we're heading the same direction. The number of billionaires we have is a symptom of the exact same disease, neoliberalism. And broader, capitalism. Sweden is NOT what it was, I assure you. Have a look at our absolutely ABSURD school system, as an example. It's a disgrace. Social democracy isn't the answer. If you leave capital on place, it WILL corrode and corrupt the system and like the great drake Nidhogg of our old tradition, gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil, capital will eventually bring the whole tree of society crashing down.
Billionaire Bankers don't get as much coverage as say your retailer billionaire variety because their industry is less sexy to the average person. This benefits them as they get away with more crap. This is bad, as the banking and finance sector can fk up the economy much more affecting more of the general populace than say a retailer going out of business would. Anyway, yes- seeing Jamie Dimon in congress being drilled by Katie Porter and seeing his contempt at answering any of her questions gives you chills. Cold, self righteous, condescending- you can see his type have no respect for politics because you'd think during a congressional hearing, anyone would feel more compelled to talk truth and show her position more respect...but no. His type have no respect for the government institution that gives his country its structure in which he operates and the systems he benefits from. It's no wonder, those of power and position behave like they can simply buy a politician as well.
A realization from this conversation ... you know that old trope "greed us good... actually" ? ... well it occurs to me that meeting one's needs is not actually greed. It isn't "greed" until one is accumulating resources resources one can't actually use except to accumulate even more resources (aka "private" property, as opposed to "personal" property which one can actually use). So by this definition the economic aspirations of folks with unmet needs ought not be characterized as "greed" and set up as equivalent to the economic aspirations of those whose needs ARE ALREADY met. There is a fundamental difference between the person that wakes up in the morning and goes out into the marketplace to compete with others to get the things that their family needs to be healthy, happy, safe and even prosperous ... and the person that already has all those things when they wake up and goes out into the market place to compete with others to secure MORE for themselves of what OTHERS need for their families. ... so ... umm ... no .... "greed" is NOT good ... actually.
This is the only way we get to experience Social and Economic Justice plus also Progressive Policies that can bring back 85% of the jobs in Vermont/America. We take over the State Govt. of the lowest populated State which is Vermont. We could take the Governors Office this year if enough people moved there. The Federal Govt. will never be cleaned up without massive Revolution or a 100% strike, I would like to enjoy equality and justice, I am prepared to work hard for it. HOW TO EXPERIENCE OUR PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE OF ALL RACES NOW !! We can have Progressive greatness now, we do not have to play their games anymore. If we all move to one State, we can take over the State Government of a State that we outnumber their voting population in and then implement Sanders policies. Instead of a future promise of a Federal Govt. that is not corrupt, we can build our system of Justice and success in a State and as long as we reject Neoliiberalism and pass strict anti-corruption laws in our State, we can build it NOW, The Governors race is in November in Vermont ( Population 660,000 ), we should plan this now. The Neo-liberals would never allow Progressives to take California. We have our best chance of existing where the rich have little or no interest. We can build up the system we want, it will mean more if we build it ourselves. We don't have 40 years to fight these pure evil people. This is how we reopen our Factories and make higher wages. We will run New Deal Economics plus worker owed Factories in our State. The Car, Home and Health Insurance will be run in our Non Profit Membership Corporations. Insurance will be sold to Progressives in Vermont for cost. We will also open our Middle Class Bank and store our money there. This Bank will loan citizens money just 2% above the Federal loan rate to the bank. If 10 million Progressives move into Vermont the economy will grow quickly as Vermont will build 85% of everything sold in Vermont and the citizens that work in the newly reopened Factories will be required to buy their goods from the other new Factories. Imagine 10 million Progressives all with easy to find jobs and living in a State that exist to serve the population in the pursuit of happiness. Vermont's Govt. and workers will support its economy by buying everything made in Vermont as needed. Online orders must come from Vermont Factories also. If you chase the lowest price, you lower the standard of living in your own State. We will also not be buying anything from corrupt neo-liberal corporations. California has the 5th largest economy and is the most Progressive State currently but you have an out of control cost of living and a Republican Lite Governor, Corporate Democrat ( Rep Lite )Senator Feinstein, and Representative Speaker Pelosi is also a corrupt Corporate Democrat ( Rep Lite ). People and Businesses are moving out of California, the corruption will not allow California to continue to grow, The Neo Liberals keep California from being truly great, your homeless problem and inner city problem in because of the Neo-liberal Trickle Down economy. This is the only way Progressives can ever experience the policies we supported through Bernie Sanders. This does not cover everything because of how long it would be to cover how to implement our Progressive Policies completely and thoroughly in the minimally populated State of Vermont (660,000). I graduated first in my Business School at UGA and saved their reputation in the business world. I was rewarded with a CEO mentorship. I will use any and all of my abilities to live in Social Democracy not based on greed. I will take less pay and work more hours to live in a State with honor, ethics and Justice. I will also donate time to build houses. In the Democratic Primary 136,000 Democrats voted in 2015 and 51% were for Sanders in VT. We need to outnumber them in every district to make sure Progressives win and if all Progressives move to this Small State, the number of people needed to generate a very good economy is at least 3 million. Once the Factories are up and running, jobs will be plentiful in a New Deal Keynesian economy that only allows Vermont-American made goods on our shelves. Clothing will be made by Vermont Workers for Vermonters. The local ownership of worker owed Factories will also allow lower prices than Corporate American made goods, Computers will be purchased parts and then American assembled, plus whenever possible the goods must be repairable and not throw away goods, which would create repair jobs. We must be able to move enough people into each district to completely overwhelm the State Govt so it becomes 100% Progressive. This is how we escape the 40 years of traitors sending our Manufacturing to Communist Countries, making themselves Rich and weakening America.
Next on the agenda, The Law " If you want to sell a product or service in Vermont, then it must be made or originate in Vermont." Tech items can be assembled by Americans in Vermont. If it is a Computer or a Cell Phone then the State would buy the version that allowed repairs, and when the product fails, it would create tech repair jobs. A place like Walmart will not exist in our State without meeting required state labor laws and the products they sell must be made in our State. A Non Profit Membership Corporation selling goods will keep them out. Think of all the products currently made in another Country that would now be made in Vermont. Any Transfer Truck or Train that uses our State's roads or tracks must be carrying products made in our State. State tax payers paid for the roads and train tracks, so the products not produced in our State, that travel those roads and tracks owe a transportation tax like the Vermont Tax payers that built the roads and tracks originally. There are laws governing State to State Commerce, so the Laws that can be passed will depend on the current laws allowed between States. Vermont is not only a small State, it also has a small population of 660,000. The only problem the State has had is it had trouble attracting a large enough population, to be able to generate a large economy. If all of us that are sick and tired of the corruption move into the State. The Businesses and Careers we can create would quickly grow the size of the economy and employee pay plus an employment package of sick days and vacation pay would be different from all other Businesses that place profit first, in other States. We will even have to find out what State Laws would be allowed that required News to be true. The FCC had the Fairness Doctrine that accomplished real news until Reagan repealed the FDR era law. This Plan would be alot of work, but far from impossible. The first group to move would have to have resources and knowledge of getting the Factories restarted or Businesses built to support the first Progressives that move. It would be very important for Sanders small dollar donors to move all of their money into our Middle Class Bank. This would provide loans at low interest rates to re-open Factories. The movement can invest in getting the factories and housing built through Non Profit Membership Corporations. We should be able to build everything cheaper when re-opening Factories owned by workers and non profit home building. I am sure experts in all of these fields exist in our movement. I would donate time and take any necessary pay cut to live in a Real Democratic Republic, with a real Justice system, Equality for all and live where greed and corruption are not the motivating factors for helping your neighbor. Success in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is increased in my life by supporting those ideas equally in my neighbors life. I would like to live in a State where the policies and ideas of success are equal among everyone. Neighbors that care about neighbors and not the worship of power and greed and you are judged by your deeds and not the color of your skin. College kids were paid $10 a hour to work at my College. College kids could handle many jobs in the State Govt which would make Govt cost less. The books that K-12 use could be written by College kids, getting a Degree in illustration or writing them could be a Masters project in their degree. There are many ways to save the State money and that means lower taxes but not at the expense of Social Services. There are many ways, to make changes that save money and increase success. The goal is to live in a State that is not corrupt and does not use citizens to feed greed. Also, the cost of housing will be lowered to a fair percentage of wages. All of those reasons are why I would work hard and settle for less to live with Progressives. Plus it would be nice to not see people treated worse than animals. A human being should not be homeless and go hungry or be stepped over on the way to work.
@@Jugivadi take our money from the rich that stole it from us to begin with. You are not listening to the video and you still want to protect the thieves bc U hv been taught that they are the new priesthood.
Gotta say I reject the idea that warren and Bernie "were basically the same thing"..... I like Robert Reich but that cup caking was lame just b.c he knows both of them
I don't watch Maddow anymore. She drags out her speech that is excruciating for me. Let the other shoe drop as it would do in a normal gravity situation. I can't hang on anyone's speech.
I've listened to a lot of discussions with Anand as the main speaker. This combination of both Robert Reich and Anand was the most uplifting, most informative, and with great questions from the audience of all the other videos combined. But I still recommend watching Anand do battle with those "spoiled brats" at Google (he didn't call them that, but I do!) and at the Aspen Institute, too. I'm reading his book - and will add Bob's book as well - but the discussions are really helpful. And here we are in now 2022 - thanks to the complete and utterly evil failings of Donald Trump - still dealing and fighting over Covid-19. It's too disheartening to even describe at this point.
Aqoon la aan iyo siyaasad qarsoon waxba lama bixikaro gaajo ayaa ihaysa markasta waan qaylyayaa aawey xaaladii bani aadanimo aan doonto wax aan caruurta uga dhigo cunto
China is govern by its democracy and polices and it works well for the country. America is govern by its democracy and policies. What is the. Difference and why a life stile of culture to suit each. Democracy
HIs understanding of the 60's is juvenile "hippies!" will-nilly believing whatever they want. ..very Nixonian. I got some Nam era veteran friends and civil rights friends who took baseball bats to the head to protest the bullshit. Meanwhile, I bet he wouldn't shake a stick at a rat eating his eyeball out. He should stay in his lane, his initial ideas are good, but he damn sure isn't no Giridharadas.
We don't need a "minimum basic income", we need a minimum basic productivity for all able-bodied persons, and that would provide a minimum basic income.
@@lunarmodule6419 Actually, it's a question of "Who pays?". We're all in favor of the taxes that mostly other people pay, because we're all greedy, right?
Love you guys, but I hate (on line meetings). They stink. Even real smart people can't deal with the crude primitive communications technology. Where is that Dick Tracey watch, and flying cars they promised us decades ago? Let's get back to on stage live audience discussions ASAP. Great conversation though.
42:23 The reason why billionaires shouldn't exist, reminds me of a common bug in computer programming.
A "memory leak" is when a program claims memory space but then never releases it, causing the computer to crash. Billionaires are like the memory leaks of finance.
Your eloquence is a pleasure to read, While hitting the nail on the head.
@Aden Jett There you are again bragging about being an online stalker!
I guess I’ll just keep reporting you until you disappear, hopefully meaning you’ve been caught😁
I'm a computer tech so I love and appreciate the analogy. There is a political analogy I also like there is a thing called a Christmas tree bill people go around hanging amendments on it try to put a star on top and the tree goes Timber and falls over and never pases. Well our economy is toppling and you got a lot of people trying to steady it with twine and Scotch tape.
My government has failed me and my family. I am beyond anger and sadness.
One of the advantages of talks like this is that they can bring together people in a way that is not constrained by geography
Yep, and seeing as this will quickly become the new norm, it is long overdue for our internet providers to improve all of our online connections. These drop outs and drop offs are ridiculous.
@@1MarkKeller more than a year later we’ve only gotten marginally better at these things. Hopefully there is simply a lag time in developing appropriate technology, but I fear it is simply one more thing that separates the haves from the have-nots.
@@SuperManning11 Agreed, the richest nation in the world loves it's economic/social/cultural stratifications.
Gotta keep the have-nots hoping and wishing for more.
It gives me a sliver of hope to know that people like Reich, Giridharadas, Warren, Sanders--and others--are out there with only one goal: to speak the truth about how to improve the lives of ordinary people. And they will not stop, either.
I agree but the cult called “trump” should frighten us all.
People need to wake up and listen!
It’s great to see Americans relearning how to empower each other
2 great speakers for a more balanced global future
Mr Reich, my understanding regarding Warren’s fall is that she stopped advocating for single payer healthcare (Medicare for All) and watered down her proposal. That is what lost her support. I don’t think any progressives saw her as too far left. Quite the opposite.
I would love to hear more about why our time period is similar during the Gilded age. Standard oil (one) vs 10-12 major Corps-Amazon, google, JP Morgan, WPP group, etc. The industrial revolution where the manufacturing meant something vs the modern effort to optimize humans out of work. A 20’s era skepticism of the wealthy class vs the rise of the prosperity gospel-where the wealthy are worshipped. Is our time new? Do any past fixes apply?
A lot of good things came out of the New Deal with Roosevelt. The opposition to the New Deal is what galvanized the hard-right, libertarian/Austrian Economic types to do everything within their power to reverse it's policies, and keep wealth and power in the hands of the minority of white rich men and their corporations.
How is this not more popular?
Illusion is easier to deal with.
I love Robert and Annand,Yes.Why do we let the Oligarchy stay in power, even after this terrible exsperience with pandemic which is still around os. The tax low should be changed
so everyone benefit. Not just the elite.
The first time I heard “rising waters raise all boats” was from Reich during the NAFTA discussions. He is always right.
Not when the yachts have dropped anchor on your boat.
Not if it rises too soon. Then the smaller boats have a bigger chances of sinking.
Capitalism for the masses
Socialism for the bankers and corporations
Excellent excellent excellent. Deep gratitude to Bob in an hour and💕
Haven’t even finished the video and know this needs more views
Books. The love of my life. So many good ones at this time.
The pandemic has validated two progressive policies: one, Medicare for all and two Universal Basic Income! When the vast majority of people lose both their healthcare and income as a result of the depression brought on by the pandemic, the need for both these policies have never been more evident!
Do YOU realize that the money for unemployment is DOLED out and like all insurance its DENY DENY DENY, and hope they give up... I applied on 3/28 and still have not rx'ed any unemployment.
Took me 6 years to get SS Disability. Meanwhile I went homeless.
Watching this in Sept 2020 with no end in sight of this pandemic and want to cry at the deceptions and misunderstaning of the corona outlook...
Mr. G. asks a basic question. How say that these people are good people when they do such bad things? I agree with him. Jaimie Diamonds of the world know exactly what they are doing. They are not dumb.
Hi Mildred. I work for a regional privately owned mortgage bank but I used to work for Chase. I think the answer to your question is that there are many people who view business with a very different moral filter. They see it as a competetive game in which he/she who positions themselves at an advantage and can protect their position and score more points are winners and those who can't are losers. (The game Monopoly comes to mind). Personally I think it comes from a lack of empathy and underdevelpoed emotional intelligence but I guess it really stems from an inability to imagine themselves in another person's place. Skills not taught by their parents and behaviors reinforced by their peers.
@@kimberlyalcazar5308 So basically, sociopaths and psychopaths run our economic system to everyone's dismay who aren't in the "club".
Mark Keller but even in the club there claim to be some who are Christian yet behave anything but, they scorn at those who have less. Not charitable at all, not if it means having to give away some of their "position". Money=power and power corrupts. They can be proud of their achievement of greed. Capitalism trumps Christianity it seems these days.
@@Anita-md9ze So basically sociopaths and psychopaths run our economic system to everyone's dismay who aren't in the club, and they have the nerve to call themselves Xtians to boot.
@@Anita-md9ze Yes. The other day I was reading about how Southern evangelicals would go to church service at 10:30 am and attend a lynching at 12. How was oit that slavemasters went to church on Sunday and afterward ordered their overseers to whip their slaves until their skins were ripped off? Can anything be more absurd? How is it that billionaires can have more money than they can spend in their lives, yet be utterly immune to homelessness, poverty and the like?
Im sayin it. Would there be a better ticket than Giridharadas/Reich 2024?
At this point, these 2 could run 3rd party, and with any coverage, easily win in November.
And there's the trick. Corporate media would never allow coverage.
Wow Great show! Thank you:)
Do you find it strange that only 50% of the people are re-thinking as a result of the pandemic.
Not so strange when Trump is still getting high double digit ratings within the Republican Party. It's weird only because we can't imagine someone voting against their own self interests. But they do it all the time in order to spite the other side.
@@1MarkKeller Repubs are more interested it seems, in cultural issues because they're easier to comprehend.
As opposed to simply having a knee-jerk emotional reaction to an issue, talking about policy issues is more complex, takes more time and effort, and the ability to consider issues from more than a black and white, yes or no perspective. It takes subtlety and a wider knowledge base to discuss an issue in depth than most people either have, have the time for, or are willing to research.
It's also easier to make people vote for you when you lie about reality to them constantly and they're willing t'o believe the lie and accept it as fact, without ever really looking into it deeply, or considering that they may be wrong.
It's also easy to deceive people and get them on your side when they already have an 'enemy' to hate, and you tell them that you hate that enemy too, and let's all hate together.
To hard conservatives and libertarians, compromise is also an enemy, so everything is reduced to "you're either with us or against us". Republican voters seem to absorb all of the cultural issues, but never bother looking into what the politicians are actually doing on policy or legislation.
@@katepanthera7265 Yes, basically put, their *feelings* don't care about the *facts*
In northern and mid Europe we have social democracy, its not perfect but its a lot better than the American system.
The critique of the haves from the Cape. Classic.
Whistle blower!!
Sweden has more billionaires, per capita, than the United States... So, it’s not necessarily true that you can’t have both a system that allows for billionaires and at the same time fosters more broad based prosperity and growth. The real problem are the false choices that we’re presented with by both ends of the extreme, that act as though it’s a zero sum game and that we somehow have to choose. We don’t! We can have our cake and eat it too if that’s what we really want.
Necro here, but: our system is failing, badly. We just started at a far better place and about a decade later than the US and the UK, but we're heading the same direction. The number of billionaires we have is a symptom of the exact same disease, neoliberalism. And broader, capitalism.
Sweden is NOT what it was, I assure you. Have a look at our absolutely ABSURD school system, as an example. It's a disgrace.
Social democracy isn't the answer. If you leave capital on place, it WILL corrode and corrupt the system and like the great drake Nidhogg of our old tradition, gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil, capital will eventually bring the whole tree of society crashing down.
Billionaire Bankers don't get as much coverage as say your retailer billionaire variety because their industry is less sexy to the average person. This benefits them as they get away with more crap. This is bad, as the banking and finance sector can fk up the economy much more affecting more of the general populace than say a retailer going out of business would.
Anyway, yes- seeing Jamie Dimon in congress being drilled by Katie Porter and seeing his contempt at answering any of her questions gives you chills. Cold, self righteous, condescending- you can see his type have no respect for politics because you'd think during a congressional hearing, anyone would feel more compelled to talk truth and show her position more respect...but no. His type have no respect for the government institution that gives his country its structure in which he operates and the systems he benefits from. It's no wonder, those of power and position behave like they can simply buy a politician as well.
A realization from this conversation ... you know that old trope "greed us good... actually" ? ... well it occurs to me that meeting one's needs is not actually greed. It isn't "greed" until one is accumulating resources resources one can't actually use except to accumulate even more resources (aka "private" property, as opposed to "personal" property which one can actually use).
So by this definition the economic aspirations of folks with unmet needs ought not be characterized as "greed" and set up as equivalent to the economic aspirations of those whose needs ARE ALREADY met.
There is a fundamental difference between the person that wakes up in the morning and goes out into the marketplace to compete with others to get the things that their family needs to be healthy, happy, safe and even prosperous ... and the person that already has all those things when they wake up and goes out into the market place to compete with others to secure MORE for themselves of what OTHERS need for their families.
... so ... umm ... no .... "greed" is NOT good ... actually.
This is the only way we get to experience Social and Economic Justice plus also Progressive Policies that can bring back 85% of the jobs in Vermont/America. We take over the State Govt. of the lowest populated State which is Vermont. We could take the Governors Office this year if enough people moved there. The Federal Govt. will never be cleaned up without massive Revolution or a 100% strike, I would like to enjoy equality and justice, I am prepared to work hard for it.
We can have Progressive greatness now, we do not have to play their games anymore. If we all move to one State, we can take over the State Government of a State that we outnumber their voting population in and then implement Sanders policies. Instead of a future promise of a Federal Govt. that is not corrupt, we can build our system of Justice and success in a State and as long as we reject Neoliiberalism and pass strict anti-corruption laws in our State, we can build it NOW, The Governors race is in November in Vermont ( Population 660,000 ), we should plan this now.
The Neo-liberals would never allow Progressives to take California. We have our best chance of existing where the rich have little or no interest. We can build up the system we want, it will mean more if we build it ourselves. We don't have 40 years to fight these pure evil people.
This is how we reopen our Factories and make higher wages. We will run New Deal Economics plus worker owed Factories in our State.
The Car, Home and Health Insurance will be run in our Non Profit Membership Corporations. Insurance will be sold to Progressives in Vermont for cost. We will also open our Middle Class Bank and store our money there. This Bank will loan citizens money just 2% above the Federal loan rate to the bank. If 10 million Progressives move into Vermont the economy will grow quickly as Vermont will build 85% of everything sold in Vermont and the citizens that work in the newly reopened Factories will be required to buy their goods from the other new Factories. Imagine 10 million Progressives all with easy to find jobs and living in a State that exist to serve the population in the pursuit of happiness.
Vermont's Govt. and workers will support its economy by buying everything made in Vermont as needed. Online orders must come from Vermont Factories also. If you chase the lowest price, you lower the standard of living in your own State. We will also not be buying anything from corrupt neo-liberal corporations. California has the 5th largest economy and is the most Progressive State currently but you have an out of control cost of living and a Republican Lite Governor, Corporate Democrat ( Rep Lite )Senator Feinstein, and Representative Speaker Pelosi is also a corrupt Corporate Democrat ( Rep Lite ). People and Businesses are moving out of California, the corruption will not allow California to continue to grow, The Neo Liberals keep California from being truly great, your homeless problem and inner city problem in because of the Neo-liberal Trickle Down economy.
This is the only way Progressives can ever experience the policies we supported through Bernie Sanders. This does not cover everything because of how long it would be to cover how to implement our Progressive Policies completely and thoroughly in the minimally populated State of Vermont (660,000). I graduated first in my Business School at UGA and saved their reputation in the business world. I was rewarded with a CEO mentorship. I will use any and all of my abilities to live in Social Democracy not based on greed. I will take less pay and work more hours to live in a State with honor, ethics and Justice. I will also donate time to build houses.
In the Democratic Primary 136,000 Democrats voted in 2015 and 51% were for Sanders in VT. We need to outnumber them in every district to make sure Progressives win and if all Progressives move to this Small State, the number of people needed to generate a very good economy is at least 3 million. Once the Factories are up and running, jobs will be plentiful in a New Deal Keynesian economy that only allows Vermont-American made goods on our shelves. Clothing will be made by Vermont Workers for Vermonters. The local ownership of worker owed Factories will also allow lower prices than Corporate American made goods, Computers will be purchased parts and then American assembled, plus whenever possible the goods must be repairable and not throw away goods, which would create repair jobs. We must be able to move enough people into each district to completely overwhelm the State Govt so it becomes 100% Progressive. This is how we escape the 40 years of traitors sending our Manufacturing to Communist Countries, making themselves Rich and weakening America.
Next on the agenda, The Law " If you want to sell a product or service in Vermont, then it must be made or originate in Vermont." Tech items can be assembled by Americans in Vermont. If it is a Computer or a Cell Phone then the State would buy the version that allowed repairs, and when the product fails, it would create tech repair jobs. A place like Walmart will not exist in our State without meeting required state labor laws and the products they sell must be made in our State. A Non Profit Membership Corporation selling goods will keep them out. Think of all the products currently made in another Country that would now be made in Vermont. Any Transfer Truck or Train that uses our State's roads or tracks must be carrying products made in our State. State tax payers paid for the roads and train tracks, so the products not produced in our State, that travel those roads and tracks owe a transportation tax like the Vermont Tax payers that built the roads and tracks originally.
There are laws governing State to State Commerce, so the Laws that can be passed will depend on the current laws allowed between States. Vermont is not only a small State, it also has a small population of 660,000. The only problem the State has had is it had trouble attracting a large enough population, to be able to generate a large economy. If all of us that are sick and tired of the corruption move into the State. The Businesses and Careers we can create would quickly grow the size of the economy and employee pay plus an employment package of sick days and vacation pay would be different from all other Businesses that place profit first, in other States. We will even have to find out what State Laws would be allowed that required News to be true. The FCC had the Fairness Doctrine that accomplished real news until Reagan repealed the FDR era law.
This Plan would be alot of work, but far from impossible. The first group to move would have to have resources and knowledge of getting the Factories restarted or Businesses built to support the first Progressives that move. It would be very important for Sanders small dollar donors to move all of their money into our Middle Class Bank. This would provide loans at low interest rates to re-open Factories. The movement can invest in getting the factories and housing built through Non Profit Membership Corporations. We should be able to build everything cheaper when re-opening Factories owned by workers and non profit home building. I am sure experts in all of these fields exist in our movement. I would donate time and take any necessary pay cut to live in a Real Democratic Republic, with a real Justice system, Equality for all and live where greed and corruption are not the motivating factors for helping your neighbor. Success in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is increased in my life by supporting those ideas equally in my neighbors life.
I would like to live in a State where the policies and ideas of success are equal among everyone. Neighbors that care about neighbors and not the worship of power and greed and you are judged by your deeds and not the color of your skin.
College kids were paid $10 a hour to work at my College. College kids could handle many jobs in the State Govt which would make Govt cost less. The books that K-12 use could be written by College kids, getting a Degree in illustration or writing them could be a Masters project in their degree. There are many ways to save the State money and that means lower taxes but not at the expense of Social Services. There are many ways, to make changes that save money and increase success. The goal is to live in a State that is not corrupt and does not use citizens to feed greed. Also, the cost of housing will be lowered to a fair percentage of wages. All of those reasons are why I would work hard and settle for less to live with Progressives. Plus it would be nice to not see people treated worse than animals. A human being should not be homeless and go hungry or be stepped over on the way to work.
Raised my ✋ for everything but the news... the news was poison except some online.
The system is broken.
It’s the haves and have not system.
And as to why they have been disempowered
How would we pay for Medicare for All ? By not paying for what we have now.
Perfect, use the money you're spending on health care now to pay for it.
Easy- tax the well- to-do. It’s what all other civilized countries do and they are doing far better than America in all social outcomes.
ALL developed countries do it. Its not perfect, its a bit different in each place. But its there and it works.
@@Jugivadi take our money from the rich that stole it from us to begin with.
You are not listening to the video and you still want to protect the thieves bc U hv been taught that they are the new priesthood.
good conversation but buying a gd webcam would do justice
Gotta say I reject the idea that warren and Bernie "were basically the same thing"..... I like Robert Reich but that cup caking was lame just b.c he knows both of them
Warren is a faker. Only concerned with her career.
I don't watch Maddow anymore. She drags out her speech that is excruciating for me. Let the other shoe drop as it would do in a normal gravity situation. I can't hang on anyone's speech.
I am going to suggest that the answer to the question Anand asks at 50:51 is that they are exhibiting the symptoms of 'white privilege' on steroids.
I've listened to a lot of discussions with Anand as the main speaker. This combination of both Robert Reich and Anand was the most uplifting, most informative, and with great questions from the audience of all the other videos combined. But I still recommend watching Anand do battle with those "spoiled brats" at Google (he didn't call them that, but I do!) and at the Aspen Institute, too. I'm reading his book - and will add Bob's book as well - but the discussions are really helpful.
And here we are in now 2022 - thanks to the complete and utterly evil failings of Donald Trump - still dealing and fighting over Covid-19. It's too disheartening to even describe at this point.
Just imagine a decent health policy. Such billions are spent annually and health care is no better.
How does the market for illegal drugs exist?
What is your point?
They talk as if the market or the economy is like the law of gravity!!
Gravity is just a theory. Part of Einstein's General Theory Of Relativity. You need a different analogy.
@@AZOffRoadster Heu... Newton maybe. And its a law not a theory.
Way too many people running for the nomination. Split the vote leaving super centrists what they wanted...Biden.
All part of the corporate Dem plan.
The problem is Neoliberal policies that is not going allow anything to be done.
Trump gave himself the tax cut.
Aqoon la aan iyo siyaasad qarsoon waxba lama bixikaro gaajo ayaa ihaysa markasta waan qaylyayaa aawey xaaladii bani aadanimo aan doonto wax aan caruurta uga dhigo cunto
China is govern by its democracy and polices and it works well for the country. America is govern by its democracy and policies. What is the. Difference and why a life stile of culture to suit each. Democracy
Luuqada magaranaayo ceebkasta anaa leh
The recording of this video ,was the worst I have ever heard,watched,. Don't you check it before you post. To bad I wanted to watch
HIs understanding of the 60's is juvenile "hippies!" will-nilly believing whatever they want. ..very Nixonian. I got some Nam era veteran friends and civil rights friends who took baseball bats to the head to protest the bullshit. Meanwhile, I bet he wouldn't shake a stick at a rat eating his eyeball out. He should stay in his lane, his initial ideas are good, but he damn sure isn't no Giridharadas.
18 US Code 2384 Seditious Conspiracy
The unruly lyric temporally cry because anteater pharmacologically cry but a available anethesiologist. alluring, colorful rainbow
Shine on Jamie Diamond.
We don't need a "minimum basic income", we need a minimum basic productivity for all able-bodied persons, and that would provide a minimum basic income.
How many waitress and waiter openings do you think there are? There sure as hell aren't any manufacturing jobs.
We need to tax all stock market transactions.
@@lunarmodule6419 Yeah, in fact we need to tax all transactions, period.
@@clarestucki5151 Im a bit more in favor of income taxes then comsumer taxes because the same rate is applied to everyone. Its a question of balance.
@@lunarmodule6419 Actually, it's a question of "Who pays?". We're all in favor of the taxes that mostly other people pay, because we're all greedy, right?
Love you guys, but I hate (on line meetings). They stink. Even real smart people can't deal with the crude primitive communications technology. Where is that Dick Tracey watch, and flying cars they promised us decades ago? Let's get back to on stage live audience discussions ASAP. Great conversation though.