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  • @The_Mammal_Man
    @The_Mammal_Man 2 месяца назад +9

    Is Aerith alive? Or dead? Is she JENOVA? Or herself? You tell me
    And don't forget to subscribe!

    • @princessofthecape2078
      @princessofthecape2078 2 месяца назад +2

      We don't know the answer, of course... but my personal theory is that the 'death' sequence caused yet another split in universes... or, perhaps more accurately, Cloud to 'universe jump.' Ether way, it's my belief that the Aerith who died was the original Aerith - the character from the first game - and that Cloud is now either in her (the OG) universe, or is in a close copy of it.
      I say this for three reasons:
      First, it would be narrative bullshit to permakill Aerith yet again. Not only does this death lack all of the shock value of the OG (remember: it was originally planned to kill Barret back in 1997, but the team decided that that didn't have enough impact. Aerith's death really was done primarily to stun players), but it robs players of all the agency that Remake introduced and Rebirth expanded (like, for example, putting in all the time to romance characters; what was the point if we're going to get stuck in a reality where Cloud is forced to end up with Tifa again? What about the people who shipped Cloud x Yuffie? Yuffie isn't going to die. Are all those moments just BS?).
      Second, because we know what happens when people in FFVII Remake die: they melt into lifestream, many of them *immediately.* You see it every time Shinra soldiers are killed. And no, this isn't just a 'body sweep' mechanic - the game makes it very clear that these people are dissolving into thin air (recall: Cloud saw the same thing happen on a massive scale when he speaks to 'dream' Aerith in Remake the night after the Sector 7 plate falls. It's a mass-casualty event, and there's a haze of lifesteam over the ruined area during the conversation). I'm not personally of the belief that dead Aerith is going to be able to avert that fate - she's not Sephiroth; she's not so strong-of-will as to avoid merging with the planet. So the very fact that her consciousness is *clearly* hanging around and talking to Cloud would imply that she is in some way not dead.
      Finally, Nomura has said that he wants a 'happy ending' this time - and, let's be honest: Midgar as a wasteland and Aerith dead made the original ending pretty damned melancholy (to say the least). Frankly, for Clerith shippers like myself, it really isn't a happy ending unless she's alive and with Cloud. He's been 'chasing' this girl for almost 30 years now (remember the cameos in Final Fantasy Tactics [where Cloud is looking for AERITH, and not Tifa?] and Kingdom Hearts?) - it's time for those of us who made the choice to romance her to get our payoff (and for those who want Tifa, then give them the alternate ending with Tifa [or Yuffie for Cluffies]). This series is now *about* these alternate realities - there should be a 'happy ending' reality for all parties concerned.
      So, yeah... I think some Aerith is dead, but I don't believe it's ours, and I am going to try to have faith that we'll see her alive again in three years. (Also, Zack is a freaking third wheel. The more Zack we get, the more it erodes Cloud's impact as a character. Remember: Zack's only reason for existing in the OG was to serve as a template for Cloud to model his fake persona on - that's it. We've now taken that bit-part character and exploded it into Cloud 2.0... and I don't *want* more Cloud 2.0).

  • @Mr.Gongaga
    @Mr.Gongaga 2 месяца назад +20

    Is that you?

  • @dream431ca
    @dream431ca 2 месяца назад +11

    Remember in Remake just after the motorcycle battle, you come upon a wall of whispers with a tunnel of light. Through that threshold is a new world (or timeline). Everyone crosses the threshold and continue in a different timeline. In Rebirth at the Forgotten Capital, only Cloud manages to cross the threshold, the others had to keep it open for him. In that timeline, Cloud blocks Sephiroth's sword, allegedly saving Aerith, then the wall of whispers falls, allowing the rest of the party to enter. When the whispers disappear, the timeline that Cloud entered is no longer there, the party will instead encounter their present timeline. Cloud saves Aerith in the threshold. When the threshold disappears, it switches, and Aerith is dead in that timeline, where the rest of the party ends up.
    Sephiroth mentions of merging timelines. What I think is happening, is Cloud knows he saved Aerith, but since only Cloud went through the threshold, those two timelines merged somehow (where Aerith is saved and not saved). This is why only Cloud can see Aerith. This is also why Cloud can only see the tear in the sky in the end cutscene. Cloud is simultaneously in two timelines that have merged.

    • @princessofthecape2078
      @princessofthecape2078 2 месяца назад +2

      The fact is that there are still at least two Aeriths (and, for all we know, infinite, given that this is a multiverse) out there. Is the third game really going to kill them, too? Is this going to turn into the 'great Aerith cull'...? Aerith death-fest '27?
      At some point, you're talking less Final Fantasy than Final Farce. Already, I get the sense that a lot of people think this thing has crossed that line (I don't, but just look at the reactions to this ending). Murdering the girl in more timelines - in all timelines - would be... really a mistake of epic proportions, I think. At that point, you are taking the most impactful death in video game history and turning it into a twisted joke.
      As long as an Aerith is alive somewhere, she can be shifted back into the story - that's been set up, as you pointed out.

    • @ErenDenizMert
      @ErenDenizMert Месяц назад +1

      ​@@princessofthecape2078Its very easy. Aerith was saved in one timeline by cloud. Sephiroth merges the worlds in the reunion and back she is

    • @princessofthecape2078
      @princessofthecape2078 Месяц назад +1

      @@ErenDenizMert Which I think the game telegraphed fairly strongly given that other worlds' Aeriths seem to share the same experiences/memories as the one in Remake/Rebirth. For some reason, Aerith - and Aerith alone - appears to exist 'beyond space and time.' She's like some kind of anime, multiverse Quantum Leap chick.

  • @Angelalex242
    @Angelalex242 2 месяца назад +13

    Aerith is playing 4D Chess with Sephiroth. She has the white whispers/pieces, he the black whispers/pieces. But she's actually the one at the board, not Cloud. Cloud may be her favorite piece, but...he's still a piece on the board in the cosmic game. Aerith may love him, but she's still gotta place the piece where it needs to be to win.

    • @pipsqueaksgaming7029
      @pipsqueaksgaming7029 2 месяца назад

      They already did the chess thing in kingdom hearts. I don’t think they’ll copy the same story.

  • @MinishDude
    @MinishDude 2 месяца назад +13

    *Spoilers below*
    I thought of it as more like a Schrodinger's cat situation... In the same way we see three separate realities play out for Zack (one where he goes to Mako Reactor and dies, one where he goes to Shinra Tower and dies & one where he goes to the church), when Cloud went to stop Sephiroth he created two realities - the prime timeline where he fails, and a branch timeline where he blocked the sword. Him seeing the crack in the sky at the end indicates that he is straddling the two timelines.

    • @The_Mammal_Man
      @The_Mammal_Man 2 месяца назад +1

      So... We could have a part 3 (while the party is on its way to the northen crater) where Cloud hops from 2 different timelines from time to time (one where aerith is alive and the one where she died). Then we would have a party that trusts and is more chilled with Cloud vs a party that would be completely wary of his schizophrenia.
      And would Aerith go with the party and continue the journey or she would still stay at the forgotten capital?

    • @princessofthecape2078
      @princessofthecape2078 2 месяца назад +1

      @@The_Mammal_Man They aren't going to want to shift a popular character like Aerith out of the story in that way now that they've tossed her a narrative life-preserver. Brie's streams here on RUclips playing Rebirth are evidence of how a huge crowd wants more and not less of the flower girl.
      I personally believe that part 3 is going to be completely off the rails when it comes to plot - there will be some like-moments to check the necessary memberberry boxes (going to Wutai to deal with Corneo, snowboarding in Icicle Inn, and Tifa 'fixing' Cloud), but it seems pretty obvious that a ton of other threads could be present as well (an open war between Shinra and Wutai; the weapons destroying much more than they did in the OG; Rufus not 'dying,' etc.).

  • @sh4d0wfl4re
    @sh4d0wfl4re 19 дней назад +1

    That Meteor detail is actually an amazing catch. Meteor has been shown with visions in remake/rebirth… but it hasn’t been summoned yet (though Aerith and Cloud both knew about meteor at this timing in og FF7, Cloud shouldn’t know about what the black materia does in rebirth)

  • @dasmeister7502
    @dasmeister7502 2 месяца назад +5

    Yeah I think "Aerith" is another of Sephiroth's plots

  • @Sarmeris
    @Sarmeris 2 месяца назад +2

    I am thinking that Aerith is the one who forced her death on Cloud by changing the timeline after she got rescued from the sword strike. She kept saying that, whatever happens, Cloud needed to take care of himself and to not blame himself for what was going to happen.
    She's the one insisting that fate has to be accepted (like in her dream). Sephiroth was betting on it, in a sense, and, that is why he said that he had underestimated her because she was willing to die, again.

  • @OpThomastic118
    @OpThomastic118 2 месяца назад +10

    See, I can subscribe to this theory a bit, even considered it myself on my own time. But, what does not really add up to me is the fact that Aerith gives that very solemn, emotional sounding "Goodbye." at the very end- which just would not make sense for Jenova or anything else to do when Cloud is no longer even there to hear or perceive her in any way.

    • @The_Mammal_Man
      @The_Mammal_Man 2 месяца назад +4

      Still in the OG FF7 something similar happens with "Tifa" (in this point 5:07 ) , when Barret/Red are no longer there to see or ear Sephiroth talking. Then again it was obvious for us viewers that wasn't the real Tifa.
      But with this Aerith at the end of Rebirth, that's not the case. I can only say that the devs did a very good job at not making anything obvious.
      Which means we have no clear answer

    • @Zebuxy745
      @Zebuxy745 2 месяца назад +2

      @@The_Mammal_Man Actually discussed this ending with a good friend of mine and in particular that last line of Aerith's. I actually got to thinking that while the Aerith we see is Jenova messing with Cloud, maybe that final goodbye is the real Aerith. Friend did give me a few points that refute it a little, like if you listen to the JP version the 'Sayonara' isn't nearly as emotionally heartbreaking sad so friend said maybe that "Goodbye" was Brianna White's last recorded line for Aerith and knowing the ending maybe she got emotional knowing she might not be back for the 3rd game.
      Also, in reply to thing about Aerith saying goodbye when Cloud is leaving, there are other moments where Aerith 'talks' to Cloud when he isn't nearby or in a state to hear like in Advent Children when she 'talks' to his dropped in water cell phone and all his voicemails are playing

    • @kamageddynvideochannel3479
      @kamageddynvideochannel3479 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, that's what I have always been thinking is why would Jenova say good by like that, she wouldn't. The Aerith by the waterpool seems a bit off, though. Could one be an imposter and the other one be the real Aerith. The one in the Bronko part seems very much like Aerith. But the one with Cloud at the water pool seems off.

  • @DuffmanChess
    @DuffmanChess Месяц назад +2

    It makes absolutely ZERO sense for Aerith to die. We see in Remake and throughout Rebirth that Aerith, Sephiroth, and even Cloud knows of the OG events. This is evidenced by Aerith giving Marlene knowledge of her death in Remake that was later confirmed in Rebirth. She also gave Red XIII knowledge of the whispers. We know Cloud has knowledge of the OG as he regularly sees glimpses of Aerith's fate in the OG, and in Remake he had an exchange with Sephiroth early in the game in which Cloud says "You're not real. You're dead. I killed you with my..." To which Sephiroth replies "Oh, you need not remind me." Not to mention the numerous other times Sephiroth has alluded to the OG events. Yet the very reason Sephiroth failed in the OG game is BECAUSE he killed Aerith. If Aerith wasn't within the lifestream, then Meteor wouldn't have been able to be stopped as Holy activated too late.
    So you're telling me that Sephiroth is so inept that he knows how and why he failed in the past, yet he is repeating the same mistakes twice? You're telling me that Cloud not only knew about prior events, but actively saw visions of them and he didn't put the pieces together and try to change something? You're telling me that Aerith knew how she died back in the OG and she didn't tell anybody in the party, or take steps to achieve a better outcome for herself? With everything they've changed from the OG, Sephiroth killing Aerith creates massive, unresolvable plot holes.

  • @dikia426
    @dikia426 2 месяца назад +3

    I think there is potential of more than one Aerith showing up here.
    Also the japanese version, Aerith and Cloud's exchange of "you'll be ok getting back?" is exactly the same as the one in Remake (until right before "I'll go with you")

  • @rockkandyplay5692
    @rockkandyplay5692 2 месяца назад +3

    I said this and was told I was wrong. Course there could be so many possibilities. Sephiroth, at the very least, knows something no one else knows. Don't sleep on Sephy. I think we're in for a huge surprise

  • @tyleracuna2567
    @tyleracuna2567 2 месяца назад +1

    You have no idea how much I can’t wait for Part 3

  • @robertjones3489
    @robertjones3489 2 месяца назад +1

    Trolls when Cloud sees Seph: "He's alive."
    Trolls when Cloud sees Aerith: "She's dead. He's imagining her. It's Jenova."
    Trolls when Zack is alive yet again: "..."
    Aerith tipped off (terrier) Marlene that Cloud needed a cure, because "he never makes it in time" and Marlene tipped off Zack. Zack then went to Hojo, who probably had access to Genesis (who Minerva cured) in Deepground. When Cloud remembered Zack far earlier in the plot than OG, this meant the cure was working - no Mideel scene needed. He was cured enough to block Seph from striking (beagle) Aerith. He wasn't the puppet Seph expected. That's why Seph said he underestimated her.
    But Seph had a counter. He moved Barret and all to the "world between worlds", the OG world, where the true black materia is, where of course he struck (a puppet of) Aerith, where Cloud gave a monologue without crying, where there's a crack in the sky. Remember he twice sent Zack to another world just by swinging his sword. Beagle Aerith possessing her OG body to speak to Cloud is the same thing Seph does with the black robes. Tifa saw static when seeing both Aeriths, before being fully moved to OG. After the battle, Cloud picks up beagle Aerith and tells her to wake up, but Barret and Tifa are with OG Aerith.
    In plain English...Seph can't kill anyone or burn down their village. The Gi(ants) were right: it's an eternal dream. The Lovecraftian nightmare consumes you.
    1. Rabbit portraits in the inns
    2. Daisies in Aerith's inn rooms, next to her reunion flowers in the ending
    3. Look how Aerith's hands are like "rip and tear" when she says "rip em off" to Corneo.
    4. 3/3/2020 = Remake original release date. 3/20/2020 - Doom Eternal / Animal Crossing release date
    5. On 3/19/18 in Shonen Jump, Oda said he played Animal Crossing. Do the math.
    6. Doomguy destroys mako reactors.
    7. Nomura created his own Doomguy named Jack Garland.
    Any questions?

  • @ShinraElectricPowerCo
    @ShinraElectricPowerCo 2 месяца назад +1

    This is Aeris from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirs

  • @Ohne_Silikone
    @Ohne_Silikone Месяц назад +1

    She is dead, but her lifestream presence is still in contact with Cloud, and just noticeable for Nanaki. Whether he really sees her or can talk to her I don’t know for sure. This might also be a representation of her presence. At the same time it is clear to me that the reality of the loss of Aerith hasn't really sank in yet. What might play a part is that Cloud seems to dissociate a lot: emotionally, repressed memories and maybe here the full extent of reality. Appart from being traumatised by watching his mom burn to death, there are more reasons to that, but that will play out in part three. Sephiroth tries to play with that and by controlling Cloud, tries to make him insecure about himself and his emotional identity, but in all his introverted repression, Cloud clearly shows emotions like sorrow, being elated, care for others: the way he clenched his fists in remake at Jessie's side, the way he bottles it up as he seems unable to save anyone. People talk a lot about the losses Barret and Tifa endured, but Cloud was there right along with her. I really appreciate how the writers portray this more covert traumatic response that plays hide and seek with the one living through it. They make the viewer live through it alongside Cloud as a broken narrator. Dissociation can be very alienating like this to the point where you start to question yourself, importance, meaning and reality of things that happened. Yes the end is confusing, like it should be.

    • @Ohne_Silikone
      @Ohne_Silikone Месяц назад

      To me this game appears to be way more than your run of the mill RPG where bad stuff happens and you kind of watch from a factual third person perspective how protagonists respond to that. Yes, you get that with Tifa and Barret, Dyne, Yuffie and also with Aerith. I like how they all have different ways of dealing with their trauma rounded out by their charackter design. Tiffa has a more hesitant contemplative approach, Aerith seems to handle it by being proactively positive, playfull and impulsive, but underneath she has complete grasp of what her trauma encompaces. Barret adopts a hands on approach and directs his rage in outright battling that what hurt him, whereas Dyne is the flip side of the same coin as he takes out his anger on innocent bystanders. One is driven by accountability, the other by irresponsibility. Yuffie is an interesting one, since she is clearly working through things from a simplified absolute idealistic childs perspective that is also very materialistic and protection driven: If I had all the materia in the world, I could protect myself and my loved ones from being hurt ever again. Of course that is nonsense, but something very fitting for a teenage mind to cling on to. I also find it endearing that she still seems to struggle whith the idealistic concept of fareness (Aerith dying "is not fair"). What these have in common is that they are all offferd through third person observations.
      Cloud his trauma response is way different in that it is offerd through an unreliable first person perspective. Cloud thinks himself to be the tough one and doesn't even realise or outright blocks out that he suffers from Trauma. In remake he is introduced as being haughty and uncaring: he is Ex-Soldier and only cares about the money. That what doesn't affect you can not hurt you. Tifa finds this to be unsetlling, because this is not the Cloud she has known, so she takes him along and he becomes her ´project´. Cloud starts noticing that things ar not right, confesses that to Tifa, but still keeps denying it at the same time. He doesn’t know what he experiences in this dissociative split mind of his. Even in the forrest with Aerith after all that has happened he still keeps up that he is fine. This, along with his trial in the temple is just the introduction. all the while the flashbacks he has start to tell a different story, that all is not well behind that huge emotional wall of his. He knew Zack, indeed how could he forget that? These realisations frighten him, so he kind of blocks them out. As Aerith dies he kind of breaks and along with him the player falls in and out of reality. The world he sees has a great rift and while it might be really there in some level of reality, I rather accept it as something symbolic for Clouds mental state. The dissociative world in himself is ripped up. Before his date with Aerith she warns him to "not look up, because he would not like what he would see". I gather she would be warning for the comet that must be there approaching somewhere also, but he only sees the rift that that splits his dissociative mind. After her death he alone sees the same rift and warns the others to "not look at it, because it is just an illusion". All the while a broken Cloud is a dangerous Cloud, because off balance he can be easily manipulated by Sephiroth. In that respect the scene in the void is also very important. Sephiroth places himself in front of the specific portal Cloud will fall through, because he knows that Cloud will strike him. Thus he gives him "his blessing." He guides him back into this world to be reunited with his body. and indeed in what way did Cloud get the "real black materia counterpart" from the void? only time will tell.

  • @freddiem2021
    @freddiem2021 2 месяца назад +27

    That is Aerith. Cloud created a timeline where he saves her but died in his current timeline.

    • @The_Mammal_Man
      @The_Mammal_Man 2 месяца назад +4

      So you're saying this is the Aerith from the other timeline, that Cloud is talking to right?
      Then based on this, I would assume that what Cloud saw in the last cutscene was Aerith just walking around in the other timeline.

    • @Eduardo-ll7eg
      @Eduardo-ll7eg 2 месяца назад +1

      @@The_Mammal_Manassuming this is a multiple realities scenario, idky but he’s the only one that can see both realities, it’s trippy, like putting two pictures over each other that are the same but slightly different so when mashed together you see the differences.

    • @pipsqueaksgaming7029
      @pipsqueaksgaming7029 2 месяца назад +1

      She seems to be acting out of character for aerith. She’s talking about stopping a meteor that hasn’t been summoned yet. Also, she says she wants cloud to stop sephiroth when earlier she told him not to go after sephiroth and to let her handle it and take care of himself. Very unlike her to do that.

    • @princessofthecape2078
      @princessofthecape2078 2 месяца назад +2

      @@pipsqueaksgaming7029 That was the original plan, though - going back to the OG, Aerith went to Shell Village to summon holy, and that was supposed to 'take care' of the problem (remember also in the OG that she tells Cloud to 'leave Sephiroth to me' before leaving the party). It didn't work, but Aerith didn't know that (and she wouldn't know it in any split reality in these games, either).
      Holy was intended to obliterate meteor and destroy Sephiroth's means for achieving his goals. Aerith at this point in the plot - all plots - would consider it a sure thing (after all - she just gave up her damned life to cast the spell). Yes, later the lifestream had to intervene to truly pull off the trick, but Aerith would have no idea at this juncture that such a thing was possible or pending.
      So, actually, it is totally in line with her character and thinking to discourage Cloud from pursuing Sephiroth - she doesn't want him to get hurt, and she thinks the war is already essentially won.

    • @dalegleneagles5072
      @dalegleneagles5072 2 месяца назад

      @@Eduardo-ll7eg plus Cloud's already doing this every time he sleeps. He doesn't do this in two places while awake (presumably, if that's what he's indeed doing) until after he goes into the multiverse floor hole. It's like the ability to see whispers in Remake - couldn't do that until Aerith touched him. It's not just Aerith but the rip in the sky too.

  • @NuRm69
    @NuRm69 Месяц назад

    I feel this is Omni-Artith creating a false reality for Cloud to help him cope with his failure to save her.
    I think eventually that will go away in part 3, and send him into even more insanity, leading to the eventual life stream sequence

  • @Centrioless
    @Centrioless 2 месяца назад +1

    Hehehe... there was a comparison video between a smiling (ghost) aerith in forgotten capital and a smiling sephiroth during nibleheim incident. It was uncanny

  • @coreymartin6486
    @coreymartin6486 Месяц назад

    Tbh, I don't see the point of the multiple timelines idea in the remake if they weren't going to make a major change to the end.
    Without a major change to the ending of the original FF7 game, the multiple timeline plot would just seem like a needless and ultimately pointless addition, a convoluted plot with no purpose or payoff.
    My guess? Aerith and/or Zack will be present in the end with the last remaining timeline.

  • @handokohanny239
    @handokohanny239 2 месяца назад +1

    Maybe the real answer will pop up in part 3😂

  • @TheOmegaDragon
    @TheOmegaDragon Месяц назад

    Imaginary girlfriend? Been there.

  • @user-vj6ul5ly7z
    @user-vj6ul5ly7z 2 месяца назад

    The way Tifa runs to aerith (already knowing she was probably dead) and then stops shocked, the way everyone is acting in the end. Aeirth telling cloud it's okay no matter what he does, the point i think in the last scene Cloud transformed the transperent materia into black (just my theory) i have a feeling Cloud killed Aerith. And when Tifa confirms his memories aren't real AND possibly that he killed aerith... this will destroy Cloud's mind. But probably all our theories will not be true lol

    • @princessofthecape2078
      @princessofthecape2078 2 месяца назад

      I don't think the party would stay with Cloud if he killed her. These are good people. Hallucinations are one thing - murdering your companion is something else.

    • @user-vj6ul5ly7z
      @user-vj6ul5ly7z 2 месяца назад

      @@princessofthecape2078 look at the scene where he killed the black robed man. The camera is showing the party over his sholder everyone looking judgemental. Now looknat thebshot where he lays down aerith before fighting Jenova. Over his sholder and the party looking at him the same way... almost identical shot but without Aerith

    • @princessofthecape2078
      @princessofthecape2078 2 месяца назад

      @@user-vj6ul5ly7z You don't think they'd so much as scream? Attempt to restrain him? Earnestly pause the adventure afterwards to get him immediate help?
      If your companion has *murdered* a party member, you can't just continue with them - holding out some kind of baseless hope that you're not next. There's having faith, and then there's being ridiculously stupid. Aside from Tifa, the best these characters have known Cloud for is a month (and some a lot less). Barret and Red XIII might regard him as a friend; Yuffie potentially a lover... but to the degree that they would be willing to bet their lives; bet the fate of the planet, on him not murdering them?
      Moreover, why would Squarenix want to 'Luke Skywalker' their most valuable asset in the worst possible way? Cloud is their most beloved character - you want to eternally taint that individual by making him a killer? A killer, no less, of an innocent and defenseless girl in the midst of prayer?
      No. Sorry. I'm going to need more than some disappointed expressions to go on.

    • @ugh5281
      @ugh5281 2 месяца назад +1

      @@user-vj6ul5ly7z i don't think they'd go that dark over the simple fact that it'd make cloud an irredeemable character (even if he was being controlled, it would still be too dark especially considering how cloud is SE's poster child) plus i also think if cloud were to learn that he was the one that actually killed aerith i don't think he'd never be able to recover from that, like ever lmao. don't forget that aerith is not some random NPC, she's one of the main characters, she's someone important to cloud and the party as well as a possible love interest for him. the dude was ridden with guilt and depressed in AC due to zack and aerith's deaths and also due the fact that he was not capable of saving aerith, do you really think he would recover from learning he was the the one that actually killed her?
      do i think there's a chance that in pt3 the party starts doubting cloud and wonder if he was the one that did it, especially since they were not there to see it happening? that's possible for sure. however i think that's as far as they'll go, doubt him for a moment... i don' think there's any chance for him to be the one that actually killed aerith unless they are planning on making cloud go on a very dark path and possibly kill him by the end (which there is no chance of that happening because like i said he's SE's poster child and a beloved main character)

  • @areheptus6566
    @areheptus6566 2 месяца назад

    Now I want to ask who am I ? Am I Jenova ? Or a Jacka...

  • @Advorsaeresdocet
    @Advorsaeresdocet 2 месяца назад +6

    He didn’t create a goddam timeline, aeriths spirit is protecting his psyche while cloud refuses to accept that she died, she appears as Alive to protect his mind, part of this is him hallucinating as well as Aerith showing herself to him in ghost form

    • @kirkcarmouche3357
      @kirkcarmouche3357 2 месяца назад +3

      He quite literally created a new timeline by saving her from seph lol it’s probably all up to the players interpretation atm tho until part 3 comes out

  • @najmussaqib7055
    @najmussaqib7055 2 месяца назад +8

    I am sensing a Zack and Aerith DLC.

    • @The_Mammal_Man
      @The_Mammal_Man 2 месяца назад +2

      How funny. I was thinking the same thing

    • @ErenDenizMert
      @ErenDenizMert Месяц назад +1

      Would not make any sense. They obviously wanna keep it a secret till the 3rd game

    • @The_Mammal_Man
      @The_Mammal_Man Месяц назад +2

      Yes, this dlc (if it's planned) would be after the 3rd game. Since the devs already confirmed there wouldn't be one for Rebirth.

    • @NuRm69
      @NuRm69 Месяц назад +1

      they already have that, it's called Crisis Core

  • @Kr4wln
    @Kr4wln 2 месяца назад +2

    This is creepy

  • @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft
    @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft 2 месяца назад +2

    is tifa going to save cloud in part 3

    • @The_Mammal_Man
      @The_Mammal_Man 2 месяца назад +2

      Indeed she will
      (Unless the devs, for some reason, decide to change that part of the story of course)

    • @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft
      @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft 2 месяца назад +1

      @@The_Mammal_Man you do know that if they change it then they ruined it

    • @BinnThereDoneThat
      @BinnThereDoneThat 2 месяца назад +3

      @@RyanOstrowski-eh6ft How would it ruin it? They've already stated that they're going down the multiverse route so the ending most likely won't be the same as the original which gives us endless possibilities. The fact that Aerith MIGHT still be alive makes me believe it wont be Tifa that saves him and something else entirely which could be 100x cooler.

    • @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft
      @RyanOstrowski-eh6ft 2 месяца назад

      @@BinnThereDoneThatwell then no one else is going to buy part 3 then because no one else likes multiverse games anyway

    • @BinnThereDoneThat
      @BinnThereDoneThat 2 месяца назад +1

      @@RyanOstrowski-eh6ft well that's just not true 💀, the whole Final Fantasy franchise is based in different eras and timelines. This is nothing new to us

  • @lunad.05-10
    @lunad.05-10 2 месяца назад +1

    No matter what happened aerith and zack are gone, we can't change that,
    But atleast they are together in the lifestream,
    Same with tifa and cloud they are alive and looking forward to find their happiness together ❤.

  • @Molii2006
    @Molii2006 2 месяца назад

    This is only my opinion:
    We know that Sephiroth manipulates Cloud through Jenova cells, but this isn’t what is happening here. My point is, I don’t know how, but Aerith is “manipulating” Cloud, making him believe that she is still alive, so when he falls in Lifestream, he finally can see the truth about everything and go for Sephiroth. This has to be for an important reason that we don’t know yet.

    • @robertjones3489
      @robertjones3489 2 месяца назад

      But Zack is still alive? Stop trolling.

    • @dalegleneagles5072
      @dalegleneagles5072 2 месяца назад

      The important reason is sales. Think about it, they couldn't outright kill her or save her; and couldn't have ended Rebirth on any other story point.

    • @robertjones3489
      @robertjones3489 Месяц назад

      @@dalegleneagles5072 They outright saved her in a way trolls can't admit. It's so funny watching you all in denial, while the truth is literally inches from your BS.

    • @dalegleneagles5072
      @dalegleneagles5072 Месяц назад

      @@robertjones3489 I haven't looked for a while, but one translation of the Ultimania had Nomura saying Cloud saved her. Another translated it differently, but not sure if this made it to debate. I think she'll show up in the terrier timeline (flowers coming back to life, etc). Might not be right away in the next game. But my point is they can't keep her obviously alive until the trolls buy the next game (plus the control over surprise element).

  • @seanowens1073
    @seanowens1073 2 месяца назад

    She died that aerith is a ghost watch advent children

  • @HerryTCO
    @HerryTCO 2 месяца назад

    Why are her eyes purple in the thumbnail? To farm clicks?

  • @phantomgamer252
    @phantomgamer252 Месяц назад

    Chill the fuck out. This is just Aerith from the Lifestream conversing with Cloud's already detoriating mind.