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This is the moment where the Splatoon 2 RUclipsr became a Splatoon 3 RUclipsr
"my competitive good kit is the one I want to have reefslider
Aged very well
18:50 "uh-oh" lmao I have that same exact super jump reaction all the time
I love watching people being excited about what they're doing :)
i always like going back to this stream, it fills my bubble with nostolgia
i’m gonna start doing this too, i really love how excited they all are about the changes and new stuff and getting the game :] it makes me happy too
Hits kinda different after grand fest. I can't wait to be this excited again when splatoon 4 comes out.
When you realize they didnt know it was chara that first match 💀
Returning back to this after Grandfest is something alright, everyone was so pure
simpler times, when crab meta wasn't a thing
This is where it all began... with some of us playing story mode and A LOT of us grinding
The way we just start with Chara coughing-
Dang that's a lot of hours respect. Splatoon is the best kind of series to put it into
".q, jared, and zero" oh boy that squad aged horribly
welcome to australia
The juke box not being there was strange haha
game 2 and u get a dynamo quad lmao
I love it how dynamo and range are his to sons😂
man this happened almost 2 years ago
Is ranked rn just really hard?
I love blaster
I’ve been playing a platoon 3 for 300 hours
Ah, day one of S3, the day where our delusion made us forget about all the problems this game had 😌
I’ve finished story mode
As much as I love Splat3, the stupid rotation system still exists, which really annoys me.
At least there's now 2 ranked rotations at once
@@Nahobinoah ranked mode rotations are fine imo, but the map rotation shouldn’t exist
@@splegoon4289 maybe but if people could choose maps they'd just choose the ones they like
Clearly you haven't played Mario Kart 7 online when the game came out
There’s 3 splatoon 3 ammibos
It’s not chanesaw splatana
man why are you half the comment section 💀love your updates
My guy needs to learn how to stop speedrunning everything lol
You have to stop and change
1st to comment
We do not care
@@severus374 you’re a legend for this one
No you aren’t lol
This is the moment where the Splatoon 2 RUclipsr became a Splatoon 3 RUclipsr
"my competitive good kit is the one I want to have reefslider
Aged very well
18:50 "uh-oh" lmao I have that same exact super jump reaction all the time
I love watching people being excited about what they're doing :)
i always like going back to this stream, it fills my bubble with nostolgia
i’m gonna start doing this too, i really love how excited they all are about the changes and new stuff and getting the game :] it makes me happy too
Hits kinda different after grand fest. I can't wait to be this excited again when splatoon 4 comes out.
When you realize they didnt know it was chara that first match 💀
Returning back to this after Grandfest is something alright, everyone was so pure
simpler times, when crab meta wasn't a thing
This is where it all began... with some of us playing story mode and A LOT of us grinding
The way we just start with Chara coughing-
Dang that's a lot of hours respect. Splatoon is the best kind of series to put it into
".q, jared, and zero" oh boy that squad aged horribly
welcome to australia
The juke box not being there was strange haha
game 2 and u get a dynamo quad lmao
I love it how dynamo and range are his to sons😂
man this happened almost 2 years ago
Is ranked rn just really hard?
I love blaster
I’ve been playing a platoon 3 for 300 hours
Ah, day one of S3, the day where our delusion made us forget about all the problems this game had 😌
I’ve finished story mode
As much as I love Splat3, the stupid rotation system still exists, which really annoys me.
At least there's now 2 ranked rotations at once
@@Nahobinoah ranked mode rotations are fine imo, but the map rotation shouldn’t exist
@@splegoon4289 maybe but if people could choose maps they'd just choose the ones they like
Clearly you haven't played Mario Kart 7 online when the game came out
There’s 3 splatoon 3 ammibos
It’s not chanesaw splatana
man why are you half the comment section 💀love your updates
My guy needs to learn how to stop speedrunning everything lol
You have to stop and change
1st to comment
We do not care
@@severus374 you’re a legend for this one
No you aren’t lol