Rod Parsley - The Holy Ghost and Power

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 87

  • @donnabattistoni3076
    @donnabattistoni3076 2 года назад +2

    My grandparents had a huge satellite dish and I would seek out pastor parsley way back in the day
    He has helped me live for 30 + years . And I'm very thankful.

    @ΜΑΡΙΟΣΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΗΣ 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @gailgreen1595
    @gailgreen1595 2 года назад +1

    Ii enjoyed the classic Word of God now and forever God bless you Dr Rod and Mrs Joni Parsley how young you both were 🙏🙏🙏😊😊

  • @kathyrene3586
    @kathyrene3586 4 года назад +5

    I love the praise and worship!!!!! So anointed!!!!!I listen to it over and over again. My daily bread.

  • @davidbarrera813
    @davidbarrera813 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for posting these. God bless you my brother

  • @mrsblue3011
    @mrsblue3011 2 года назад +1

    Wow! The word stands! This message is as powerful today 6/7/12 as it was in 1992. Those were wonderful days it was all so fresh and new. But now we need this precious word more now than ever before. This is real preaching. I won’t say what I think of the church now. Right now I just want to rejoice in the Lord. Thank you Rod Parsley and your beautiful family.

  • @mikesyl2112
    @mikesyl2112 6 лет назад +10

    Great message... I needed that now more than ever.....Thank you Lord for leading me to such wonderful trues

    @ΜΑΡΙΟΣΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΗΣ 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @victornikora2857
    @victornikora2857 Год назад

    What a powerhouse year 92 was!
    Pastor Rod at his finest!
    Fast forward to 2023 the year of the brand new!
    New things will happen in your life, except it☝️

  • @lisataylor709
    @lisataylor709 5 лет назад +9

    Glory,I love this message

  • @Freedom-777-LM
    @Freedom-777-LM 6 месяцев назад

    Dávid Jones ~ I have a question for you! I’m wondering if you happen to have a specific video. It was from the 1990’s, it was a Camp Meeting at World Harvest Church and the speaker was Dwight Thompson. It was an evening service and if I’m not mistaken, and I think the speaker actually had a phone book reading all the different denominations.
    The reason I need to find this video is because my 12-14 year old daughter and I had moved to Ohio so that we could attend church there. I was a student at the Bible college and my daughter was a student at the Christian Academy. Long story short, Dwight Thompson saw my daughter (about 11 years old at the time) dancing and brought her up on the platform so everyone could see her. A little blonde haired girl dancing before the Lord. I purchased those VHS videos but that was a long time ago and I no longer have them. It may have been a Harvest Camp Meeting because she wasn’t dressed in summer clothing.
    I watched the Dwight Thompson Harvest video you have uploaded but it was the wrong video. My daughter is in her early 40’s now with children of her own and I would love to be able to share that video with them!
    Thank you for your time, Lisa ~

  • @sergiomagno6793
    @sergiomagno6793 2 года назад

    Give, give, give,…., thanks Cornelius!!!

  • @gailgreen1595
    @gailgreen1595 2 года назад +1

    Hallelujah I Love to praise His Holy Name Amen 🙏💞🙏

  • @abelabarca8980
    @abelabarca8980 3 месяца назад

    Aleluya cristo viene

  • @delbertpragnell8929
    @delbertpragnell8929 6 лет назад +9

    Wow, what a message!

  • @just-simplymarvelous
    @just-simplymarvelous Год назад

    My holy love.

  • @johnw2026
    @johnw2026 2 года назад +3

    Ain't that Clint Brown leading the music?

  • @mrsblue3011
    @mrsblue3011 2 года назад

    Great times in the Holy Ghost. Clint Brown!

  • @davidsimons1832
    @davidsimons1832 5 лет назад +6

    I love, love, love the music AND the worship!!! And, even SOME (very few!) of the messages that are being taught and drilled into our heads (through brainwashing and indoctrination). However, I don't like the fact that so many "Churches," today, are getting into the whole emotionalism thing. Nothing wrong with worshiping God in an EMOTIONAL way. But, what I mean is that these so-called "Churches" (cults) are TRYING to get you as worked up as they possibly can because they then can MANIPULATE you and your thought processes. And, the more emotional that they can get YOU, the more MONEY they can get out of you. And, the more that they can COMPLETELY CONTROL you. I believe in the Holy Ghost!!!I I believe in emotional worship!!! But, just don't believe in these so-called preachers who are mostly in it for the money and to control people. And, just look at the lifestyles of these "preachers" and that will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about them and what they're REALLY after (the materialistic things of this world and everything that the almighty dollar can buy them). But, ya ever notice how ALL the songs, sermons, etc., are DESIGNED to make ya extremely emotional, just a little emotional, or just calm and relaxed (or even SCARED out of your mind). They're ALL designed to get you just as emotional as possible, though. Manipulation at its finest!!! And, THAT is wrong!!! So very wrong!!! God is good, though. And, these false prophets will have to one day pay for the stuff that they have done down here on Earth. Their clothes probably cost more than most people's houses (or cars or whatever else you'd want to compare it to). And, what did JESUS say about all this?!!? After all, isn't that Who we're trying to model ourselves after?!!? Well, He said, "FREELY have you received, FREELY give." And, it also says that a camel could go through the eye of a needle easier than a rich man could ever get into heaven. So, yeah, I don't think Jesus approved of RICH preachers, either. Remember what He did to the money changers in the bible?!!? They were making money off of Jesus!!! And, He went in there, knocked over the tables, and He even broke out His hand made whip and drove them all out of the Temple (because, "FREELY have you received, FREELY give"). I don't know!!! That's just what the BIBLE says, though. Who really cares what the BIBLE says. Right?!!? Well, that's what they SAY that they go by. But, yet, they're doing the exact opposite of what the BIBLE says. So, yeah, STOP saying that you're following the BIBLE (because you aren't!!!). Have you taken your son or daughter out to the barn and KILLED them (by stoning) when they got out of line and misbehaved?!!? Well, doesn't the bible also say that you are to STONE your children if they act up and misbehave?!!? Well, yes, it does!!! And, the man-made bible says to do a LOT of things that you guys don't do. You CLAIM to follow the whole bible. But, obviously, you do NOT follow the whole bible. When was the last time that you went and SOLD *all* that you have and then given it to the poor (as the bible COMMANDED you to do)?!!? There's a lot more that I could say. But, this should do for now ..... lol. It's ALL about that money, though!!! $$$ Cha Ching!!! $$$ Cha Ching!!! $$$

    • @matthiasrambally1899
      @matthiasrambally1899 4 года назад

      Listen to the man he preaches truth ....if you don't wanna give don't give my experience giving from my salary I have never been in lack ever in my life I am blessed and overflowing .....but don't go up against God's annointed people touch not God's annointed

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 4 года назад +1

      Matthias Rambally They quote that man made bible verse out of context so that you WON’T ever question them and so that you never ever try to hold THEM accountable. They want to hold YOU accountable!!! Yet, THEY can’t stand any scrutiny?!!? And, THEY can’t ever be held accountable ... for ... anything?!!? If they’re raking millions and millions of dollars from their congregations, and fleecing their congregations, SOMEBODY needs to stand up to their greediness. And, my bible says that, in the last days, so-called preachers WOULD become “greedy for filthy lucre.” And, Jesus said, “FREELY have you received, FREELY give.” It’s NOT supposed to be a great means to becoming a millionaire or even a multimillionaire. Young preachers, nowadays, have the goal to become just that through becoming a pastor or a preacher. My former pastor had COLLECTIONS of Gucci and Rolex watches!!! Meanwhile, a LOT of people in the congregation went through hell. They went without ... food, medications, etc., etc., etc., They are in it for all the WRONG reasons!!! And, that’s NOT “speaking the truth.” Fear mongering religions (like a lot of Christianity) don’t care about you!!! They only want to control their congregations through fear, guilt, shame, judgment and condemnation. Hell fire and brimstone preaching!!! Ya know?!!? I now have Complex PTSD because of a Pentecostal Church. United Pentecostal Church!!! But, a lot of the Pentecostal Churches are like this. They use mass hypnosis on their congregations, and get them highly emotional, so that you’re a lot more susceptible to the brainwashing, indoctrination, and the hypnosis. And, most of the people in the so-called Church, from my experience, have been nothing but hypocrites. Told me how “horrible” of a person I supposedly was/am because I was/am gay. Was condemned and judged nonstop!!! Caused a LOT of damage to my self esteem and self worth. And, found out later that THEY were having sex parties (orgies, swinger parties, etc.,) right there in the so-called Church. And, also found out that THEY were molesting little kids. Far worse than being who God made me to be - gay. They told me that gays like to molest kids!!! Really?!!? I mean, THEY are the ones who ya need to watch out for!!! They’re the ones who were abusing and molesting children. And, they’ll now suffer for the rest of their lives because some sick and perverted so-called preacher, Sunday school teacher, or whatever couldn’t contain himself and ended up raping or molesting the kids. They are the TRUE monsters!!! Not gays!!! In fact, heterosexual males, who are married and have children of their own, are a lot more likely, according to statistics (not something that I, myself, am saying), to molest. And, that’s NOT saying that most heterosexual men, who are married and have children, ARE pedophiles. They’re not!!! But, most of the people who ARE pedophiles, are also heterosexuals, married, and they have children of their own. And, gays were the LEAST likely to molest. They practically destroyed MY life by acting like I was demented and perverted and like I could definitely be a pedophile. I absolutely HATE anyone who could hurt a child (or anybody for that matter). But, that’s how the so-called Church operates. They can’t say enough bad about gays. And, yet, THEY are out having sex parties, orgies, and even doing the unthinkable, raping and molesting children. Love God, have an AWESOME relationship with Him, but absolutely HATE religion. Religion divides!!! Religion teaches hate!!! Religion is about the so-called preachers getting extremely wealthy. And, that’s ALL they really seem to care about. They use the bible to keep you in line so that you NEVER question, criticize, critique or judge ... THEM. Like I said, they can sure judge and condemn you. But, how dare you correct them!!! No thanks!!! Tired of religion!!! Tired of hurting!!! Tired of the outright greed!!! And, really tired of the abuse of children that goes on behind the scenes that they try to keep hush hush. The so-called Church isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be!!! Just saying!!! So, I’ll just stick with Jesus and be spiritual. No need for a middle man!!! No need for religion!!! And, I can do a LOT MORE good with my money than the so-called preachers and pastors would ever do with that money. I actually HELP people!!! The so-called preachers hoard it all pretty much and usually only want to keep that money for themselves, and their greedy and luxurious lifestyles. Okay, I’m done ranting, now. That’s my two cents, though!!! And, that’s the REAL truth!!!

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 4 года назад

      Matthias Rambally And, I love how you just skipped right over a LOT of what I said in my post. And, only focused on what you wanted to focus on. A lot of so-called preachers are crooked!!! Very crooked!!! And, authoritarian, too.

    • @matthiasrambally1899
      @matthiasrambally1899 4 года назад +2

      @@davidsimons1832 I understand man some preachers are definitely greedy and taking and theiving people's money and that is definitely wrong and they will be judged when they go to heaven and even on earth I agree laws and regulations should be put in place but not all teachers/preachers are like that you can't blanket a whole group of people bc of the few bad ones you encounter that's like saying all muslims are terrorists etc I'm sorry that you got judged etc ...Jesus loves you I do understand what you're saying but at the same time we should be careful in what we say about Preachers etc we don't know the whole truth and what it takes to pastor a church .....I do agree that big churches like this have manipulated people into giving money .....that's why I go to a very small church who preaches bible based sermons ....I have never met Rod Parsley I heard a few messages from him and the man preaches truth maybe he has preached errors I don't know it all...

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 4 года назад +1

      Matthias Rambally Well, first of all, thanks for being so nice. I’ve experienced mostly really hateful and judgmental people most of my life. That’s really all I’ve ever known!!! And, YOU seem like you actually DO care. And, I really, really appreciate that!!! And, I do agree!!! There ARE some good preachers out there. But, I guess, because of everything I’ve been through, I tend to put all of them in the same basket. And, you’re right, I shouldn’t do that. Also agree that all Muslims are NOT terrorists!!! Most aren’t!!! I think me and you actually believe a lot of the same ways because I pretty much agreed with everything ya said. Just so ya know, though, Reverend Jim Jones, the guy who killed most of his congregation by having them drink the Cyanide laced Kool Aid drink, was a member of the United Pentecostal Church before he started his own little cult. And, he felt comfortable attending the cult. So, that should tell ya everything ya need to know about the United Pentecostal Church. Like I said, I now have Complex PTSD because of everything I’ve seen, heard, and went through, while going there. But, yeah, I definitely agree with you. And, hopefully, I didn’t lash out at you. Sometimes, I get really extra sensitive when people try to talk to me about religion. But, it’s only because I’ve been through so much and I’ve been nothing but judged and condemned by most of the Christians I’ve ever dealt with. So, hopefully, I didn’t say anything that was hurtful or offensive to you. I apologize if I did!!! You seem really nice!!! And, because of everything I’ve gone through, I sometimes make assumptions and form conclusions about people who mean NO harm at all. I think it’s just a defense mechanism or something like that. But, always feel really bad when I do this to someone.

  • @iambobbysootsfrimindysoots9706
    @iambobbysootsfrimindysoots9706 5 лет назад +1

    Gods gospel is the best Jesus is real beyond blessed better pray that you are blessed to be a child of Christ amen

  • @markaraujo06
    @markaraujo06 2 года назад

    i never had a loving biological father.he always hating me but he is so nice to my siater and my brother.his mind his heart always explodes with negatives & threat at me because i am slow and deaf.

    • @SonOfTheLionOfJudah444
      @SonOfTheLionOfJudah444 Год назад

      My brother there’s a Father in heaven that loves you more than you’ll ever know or understand

      @ΜΑΡΙΟΣΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΗΣ 6 месяцев назад


  • @teresalucius8505
    @teresalucius8505 7 месяцев назад

    @ΜΑΡΙΟΣΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΗΣ 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @ruthkuk496
    @ruthkuk496 3 года назад +1


  • @MariaGonzalez-nv3nl
    @MariaGonzalez-nv3nl 2 года назад +1

    He was so young there, but his personality t same.

  • @jarvissamaro1010
    @jarvissamaro1010 4 года назад

    Kai... Rod parsley 🔥 🔥

  • @leviticusgospelmusic5837
    @leviticusgospelmusic5837 3 года назад

    Great message ... Praise the Lord

  • @RobertMuldooJP
    @RobertMuldooJP 10 месяцев назад

    ask how many times he actually read from the bible vs rambling and anecdotal stories...

  • @ivonnebermudez7216
    @ivonnebermudez7216 2 года назад

    My favorite part is: 1:32:01

    @ΜΑΡΙΟΣΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΗΣ 6 месяцев назад +1

    false teachers, false prophets shame on you. God is watching. You better watch out and stop preaching the Prosperity Gospel" repend and return. Your "church is a disko???Enthusiastes is this the way that Lord has taught us to worship HIM? what about the Cross that He carried and taught us all to carry?😢

  • @Laura-fj2ks
    @Laura-fj2ks 3 года назад

    Hallelujah 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼... POWER 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼

  • @jefferydion
    @jefferydion 5 лет назад +2

    Powerful message

      @JACOBISRAELWARD 4 года назад

      DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOST?видео.html

  • @just-simplymarvelous
    @just-simplymarvelous Год назад

    The Best.

  • @marylynchministry6273
    @marylynchministry6273 2 года назад +1

    praise the Lord this is too Pastor Ron parsley pastor I hear you believe in the holy Ghost speaking in other tongues, 😛 that the spirit gave utterance, 🗣️ but there is more to receive the holy Ghost, you must be born of the water 💦 and of the spirit, you have to put on the whole armor of the Lord Jesus Christ to withstand the wild of the devil 😈 there is more than receiving the evidence 🧾 of the holy Ghost, Pastor Ron parson please read the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38 and this is for the followers and the viewers all of you that want to be complete filled with the holy Spirit, according to the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38 👑 kjv Bible, then Peter said unto them, repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift 🎁 of the holy Ghost, first 39 for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are a far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call, verse 40 and with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying save yourself from this untoward generation, 🌍 verse 41 then they that gladly received his word were baptized, and the same day they were added unto them about 3,000 souls, verse 42 and they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread 🍞, and in prayers, verse 42 and fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs we're done by the apostles, in verse 38 this is Peter one of the apostles, telling the people how to receive the holy Spirit, because they had asked him and the other apostles a question, ⁉️ that's in verse 37, they asked the apostles what must we do ⁉️ this is when Peter told them the first thing to do was to repent, the second thing Peter told them to do was to be baptized every one of you, and he told them what name to be baptized in he told them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ why ⁉️ this means for the remission of sin to be moved only when you get baptized in water 💦 you can get baptized in the river where water is, or you can get baptized at your church where they have a baptism pool, or wherever there's water enough to be emerged meaning go under in water 💦 this is how your sins will be washed away by water baptism, the third thing Peter tell them to do to be complete and receiving the holy Spirit, he tells them they shall receive the gift of the holy Ghost, with the evidence 🧾 of speaking 🗣️ in other tongues 😛 that the spirits gave utterance according to the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 2, now they are complete having the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they stayed under the apostles doctrine this mean the teaching and the preaching of the apostles, and God bless the church because he added the people, Peter also he warns ⚠️⚠️⚠️ them to save their self from this untoward generation 🌎 meaning being separated from the things of the world, Peter let them know who all this promise is for all that the Lord our God shall call, and although that are fall of meaning people of other nations that was not of the nation of Israel, but now the same God of the Jews other nations can have the same God of the Jews for salvation, verse 41 when they heard the words of Peter they gladly received his word and was baptized, you did hear this comment if you truly want to be saved sanctified and holy, are you glad to hear the words that are coming out of my mouth 👄 from God's word that you will be baptized first after repenting then being baptized this means in water 💦 and feel with the 🎁 of the holy Ghost, this gift is a gift from God that he promised to those that believe that he is the son of God which mean you must have faith and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, every singing the holy Spirit you must stay under the teaching and preaching of the apostles doctrine, which is only one doctrine that is of the apostles and the preaching and teaching of apostle Paul, and when receiving the holy Ghost you must be broken 💔 heart and a contrite spirit😢, to show God true repentance, after they have received the words of apostle Peter and other apostles and has been filled with the holy Spirit book of Acts chapter 2 verse 2 and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind 🌬️, and it feels all the house 🏡 where they were setting, verse 3 and their appear unto them clothin tongues 😜 like as fire, 🔥 and it set upon each of them, verse 4 and they were all filled with the holy Ghost, as the spirit gave them utterance, 🗣️ this means the spirit of God gave them this utterance, 🗣️ which is the evidence 🧾 that you have the spirit of God 🙏 When you speak in other tongues 😛 the spirit gave them this utterance, they were all filled with the holy Ghost the Lord filled them by his spirit with the holy Ghost, in Acts chapter 2 verse 47 praising God, and having favor with all the people, and the Lord added to the church 🏡 daily such as should be saved, means after they receive the holy Spirit according to the word of the Lord, they were praising God and they have favor with the people, and the Lord added the people to the church 🏡 this is why the church was open every day, that the Lord will give people a mind to go there for their soul to be saved, the Lord sent the people in because the Lord know the heart and the minds and their thoughts of people, so if there's anybody out there they truly want the spirit of the Lord it is in the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38, and in the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 2, and in the book of Acts chapter 1 verse 8 but ye shall receive power, after that the holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses until me , this mean after you have received the holy Ghost you going to have power but it's after you receive the holy Ghost to be a witness, this mean after you receive the holy ghost you can have this power of God, 🙏 and you will be a witness for the Lord cuz this power come from God, and after you receive this power you can be a witness to witness to others to receive the same power, and this is the only way to the Lord and this is the only way to receive the holy Spirit, in the book of Ephesians chapter 4 verse 5 one Lord one faith one baptism this mean is only one way to receive the holy Spirit in one way to go, pastor Ron parsley I want to ask you a question do you believe in water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the mission of sin, ⁉️ according to the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38 I believe you believe in receiving the holy Ghost with evidence 🧾 of speaking 🗣️ in other tongues 😛, do you teach or preach on people receiving the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the admission of sin according to scripture in the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38, I believe you teach on the holy ghost in the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 2 I believe you do, Pastor Ron parsley please email 📨 Mary Myles, I would like to know the answer to the question I'm asking on the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38 people's souls need to be saved and hear the truth of the Gospel, so will you please email me concerning my question to you ⁉️ I would love to hear from you to know what your answer is, because we have to be complete one without the other this means a person is incomplete, this is why Peter in the book of Acts told them they had to be baptized in Jesus name for the mission of they sin, and receive the gift of the holy Ghost first after repentance, we have to do it all to receive the holy Spirit having the holy Ghost and repentance is not enough, we have to be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins to be complete, one without the other you're not complete, it's just like when you're driving your car 🚗 with only two or three tires on it think about that, how far do you think a car can make it like that ⁉️ not very far so it is in the spirit you have to have it all put on the whole armor, Peter told them all what they needed to be filled and complete with the holy Spirit that same scripture go for us today to receive salvation, viewers and followers please take heed to the scriptures therefore the saving of your souls, Because in these last and evil 😈 days we're going to need the power of the holy Ghost to make it, and the water baptism to wash our sins away, so please find a church 🏡 that teaches and preaches the apostles doctrine they will baptize you in water in Jesus name, and they will lay hands 🖐🏾🖐🏾 on you to receive the holy Ghost by prayer and the laying on of hands, love 💕 from Sister Mary Lynch ministry, doing the work of evangelist and I'm working right now, for somebody soul through the scriptures according to the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38 soul be saved that is my passion for souls to be filled with the holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus name, peace ✌️ from our Lord Jesus Christ and savior 🙏 be blessed Pastor Ron parsley and viewers and followers, all of you feel free to email if you would like to know more about receiving the baptism in Jesus name and receiving the holy Ghost, and thank you for your email in advance, And if there's any misspelled words please will give me take it for love thank you,

    @ΜΑΡΙΟΣΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΗΣ 6 месяцев назад +1

    show feelings and zero action and true belief. Away from the real CHURCH Protestants, Pentecostians, divided for ever and ever😠

  • @jamesharvey7492
    @jamesharvey7492 11 месяцев назад +1

    Feels more like a circus. I think the unsaved people are disgusted with this kind of thing.maybe this is geared for christians only. Emotional manipulation to fleece the flock.

  • @brendaaraujo7393
    @brendaaraujo7393 4 года назад +1

    You want a to be filled with the holy spirit read your bible and pray... And when you've done that live that life.. And keep reading and praying. Get on your face...and pray this what satan has put in the churches lack of knowledge of God so sad to see..

      @ΜΑΡΙΟΣΤΣΙΜΠΙΔΗΣ 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @thetruth6872
    @thetruth6872 5 лет назад +3


    • @briankristensen349
      @briankristensen349 4 года назад +2

      Translation ...
      Chocolate from Toko in Afrika ...... or something...

  • @abelabarca5202
    @abelabarca5202 4 года назад +1


  • @elnoramerriweather
    @elnoramerriweather 5 лет назад +2

    Coming with demonstration and power not eloquent in speech

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 4 года назад +1

      Elnora Owens Merriweather You meant to say, “Coming with great demonstration and emotionalism?!!?” That’s what it really is!!! They get ya all worked up, emotionally, and then ya FEEL something. Then, they convince ya that what ya felt was God (or the Holy Ghost). Pure adrenaline rush!!! Pure emotionalism!!! Now, once we got ya just as emotional as we could possibly get ya, we’re going to pass the offering plate around. Please DON’T forget to pay all your tithes, offerings, special offerings, building funds, brand new carpet funds, pastor appreciation gifts that you might want to give me, etc., etc., etc., (can’t EVER give too much, ya know). It’s all about that money, too!!! That and the control that they can attain over you and everything that goes on in your life.

    • @elnoramerriweather
      @elnoramerriweather 4 года назад +1

      @@davidsimons1832 It is about a relationship with YAHUSHA HA'MASHIACH JESUS CHRIST and he is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 4 года назад +3

      Elnora Owens Merriweather And, the so-called Church whipping you into an emotional frenzy. And, they call that the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And, don’t get me wrong. I believe in the genuine baptism of the Holy Ghost. BUT, a lot of the so-called Churches use highly emotional music and preaching to whip people into an emotional frenzy. And, then, they take the tithes and offerings when they got ya just as emotional as they could possibly get ya. It’s a known fact that people give a LOT more when they are emotional. And, Pentecostal preachers try to get ya extremely emotional. The more emotional, the better!!! Or, so they say, anyways. And, God don’t have NOTHING to do with that!!!

    • @elnoramerriweather
      @elnoramerriweather 4 года назад +2

      @@davidsimons1832 why do you think God closed the church because God want a relationship he's sick of all of the foolishness

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 4 года назад +3

      Elnora Owens Merriweather You’re probably right!!! I agree with you!!! It’s nothing but foolishness!!! And, you actually seem like a really NICE person. I’m sorry if I lashed out at you!!! I’ve been through hell and back with the cult I grew up in. Went to a United Pentecostal Church!!! Very authoritarian type of cult!!! Fear based religion!!! Now have Complex PTSD because of this so-called Church. And, have known pretty much only extremely hateful and judgmental people in the UPC. So, I’m really sorry if I was a little harsh with you. And, I apologize. Don’t even realize that I’m doing that sometimes. Just been through a ton of emotional, psychological, and spiritual abuse. And, overwhelmed!!! So, sometimes I just assume that everybody’s the same exact way (judgmental and hateful). But, there are some really GOOD people out there (like yourself) who really do care. And, you’re not hateful or judgmental at all. God bless you!!! ❤️

  • @nancymwewa9009
    @nancymwewa9009 11 месяцев назад


  • @paolod2623
    @paolod2623 4 года назад +1

    When this man talk in another tongue it’s not Holy Spirit but him mind spirit , please ask God about the true , in this time most people fake man of God

    • @paolod2623
      @paolod2623 4 года назад

      Yes I believe , pray God and ask Him to receive revelation dreams about true.

    • @tiffanymorgan6562
      @tiffanymorgan6562 3 года назад +1

      @@paolod2623 DUDE are in DANGER of committing the unpardonable sin which is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost! Be careful what you say!!!!

    • @paolod2623
      @paolod2623 3 года назад

      @@tiffanymorgan6562 i know what I talk about,
      Ask God if is true or fake , he answer you ,
      God is live , he talk with as
      When you want know something, ask God he show you in the visions or some dreams what you want know . God love’s you he drive you in the his way

    • @midnight8687
      @midnight8687 3 года назад +1

      @Paolo D'apolito are you for real? I guess you know nothing about another tongue or the Apostolic Pentecostal faith. It's not for everyone ;)

    • @paolod2623
      @paolod2623 3 года назад

      @@midnight8687 ask God about truth

  • @isusiestedomnulflorentin5913
    @isusiestedomnulflorentin5913 4 года назад +1

    God have mercy how can anyone believe that this is from the lord Jesus Christ!! This proud and worldly!! Where is the holiness in this people!? All the fake pastors they preach power !! Not holiness but the lord Jesus anything he do is to make us holy and to make us believe!! Ooo what a blasphemy where is preaching the cross!? If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; doctrină sănătoasă
    6:4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings.
    6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself

    • @tiffanymorgan6562
      @tiffanymorgan6562 3 года назад +1

      That is what Pastor Parsley has been preaching for over 40 years-holiness, the cross of Calvary, salvation only found in Jesus!

    • @lilyvillalba78
      @lilyvillalba78 3 года назад

      You dont understand his message that’s why you criticize the preacher. That’s the way how to preach powerfully, he must speak loud with conviction. Not dying, ineffective and powerless like other preachers do.

    • @romaletucker418
      @romaletucker418 Год назад

      @@lilyvillalba78 Actually the bible says to preach the WORD!!!! And this wicked false teacher has been deceiving you and others for years!!!!