9 Hecklers Get Owned - Steve Hofstetter

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 221

  • @stevehofstetter
    @stevehofstetter  3 года назад +36

    If you like this, and want to see my videos before they’re made public, please consider supporting my Patreon. www.Patreon.com/SteveHofstetter

    • @AmberAmber
      @AmberAmber 3 года назад +1

      ❤You Steve!!

    • @hdlivemodels
      @hdlivemodels 3 года назад

      They paid to see an American that's true but they paid with Canadian money so the jokes on you!

    • @marissafrancis-harnetty7432
      @marissafrancis-harnetty7432 2 года назад


    • @fiusionmaster3241
      @fiusionmaster3241 2 года назад


    • @TheSpaceMomma
      @TheSpaceMomma Год назад

      @@hdlivemodelsHuh? Either way he gets the money, tf 😂

  • @NotUnique_
    @NotUnique_ 3 года назад +141

    I'm thankful for hecklers making fools of themselves in front of Steve for our enjoyment

    • @notsure1969
      @notsure1969 3 года назад +4

      And in front of many others too. I bet it doesn't feel great.

    • @fiusionmaster3241
      @fiusionmaster3241 2 года назад +2

      Amen bro

  • @arcanics1971
    @arcanics1971 3 года назад +116

    Stewart Lee has a thing he does with hecklers that I love. Somebody will shout out that he isn't funny or whatever and he agrees. "I know, but what can I do? I haven't been funny for years, but I don't have another job. I agree it's awful. I'd stop but I'm contracted to complete the show." And he keeps on agreeing with them. They get sooooo mad at it too.

    • @Andreas-cs6wg
      @Andreas-cs6wg 3 года назад +4

      Oh, do you have any links to that? I tried searching for "Stewart Lee heckler", but couldn't find it.

    • @VoidZeroNothing
      @VoidZeroNothing 3 года назад +9

      I would also appreciate it if you linked where this was said.
      I would also appreciate it if someone told me who Stewart Lee is. For I do not know.
      Hail Sithis.

    • @waitwhat1029
      @waitwhat1029 3 года назад

      @@VoidZeroNothing ...pretty sure you just won the internet.

    • @judethaddeus9856
      @judethaddeus9856 2 года назад

      Doesn’t sound very funny at all.. maybe he should just stick to the jokes and NOT acknowledging jackasses in his audience; you know, the ones who call themselves funny saying Hofstetter isn’t funny or whatever HOWEVER, they’d paid money to see him.. seems like Hofstetter wins either way

    • @fiusionmaster3241
      @fiusionmaster3241 2 года назад

      @@waitwhat1029 100% he did

  • @KyuubiBloodSucker
    @KyuubiBloodSucker 3 года назад +58

    I really appreciated the lady that just raised her hand during that last bit. She is an absolute angel compared to those wacky hecklers.

    • @FatherDingo
      @FatherDingo 2 года назад +1

      She is still interrupting though, just polite heckle.

    • @fiusionmaster3241
      @fiusionmaster3241 2 года назад +8

      @@FatherDingo Nah, she just wanted to hear the story. I'd say she is just curiosu

  • @nigelmorroll9946
    @nigelmorroll9946 3 года назад +69

    Sometimes i wonder if the hecklers will ever learn. Probably not.

    • @antonyduhamel1166
      @antonyduhamel1166 3 года назад +6

      Hecklers can learn from their mistakes. The problem is DRUNK hecklers. You can't fix drunk.

    • @wackyjacky7259
      @wackyjacky7259 3 года назад +2

      Sometimes hecklers make the show. I mean I agree with you. But at the same time i love watching hecklers get owned lol

    • @CarlaHanson68
      @CarlaHanson68 3 года назад

      No way, there will always be entitled jackasses!

    • @ryanaustin4836
      @ryanaustin4836 3 года назад

      Someone in the room needed to try and be entertaining

    • @nise6699
      @nise6699 3 года назад +1

      @@CarlaHanson68 yeah you can't fix ignorant idiots because their arguments can't be countered because of the fact that they're non-existent

  • @notsure1969
    @notsure1969 3 года назад +23

    Steve is such a great comedic.

  • @preplahiem8252
    @preplahiem8252 3 года назад +63

    The three dislikes are probably that last girl and her friends. 😂

    • @Liberanimus
      @Liberanimus 3 года назад +2

      It's 4 more now so that's pretty much all the people insane enough to talk to her for longer than a minute.

    • @Quantum_GirlE
      @Quantum_GirlE 3 года назад +2

      Her only friends 😂

    • @ethics3
      @ethics3 3 года назад +2

      Maybe its from people who saw Steve HATE BAIT a guy in another video , who didn't say anything wrong ?
      That was VERY disturbing behaviour on Steve's part.

    • @amyliaclenny1866
      @amyliaclenny1866 3 года назад

      They weren't her friends. They didn't know her.

    • @preplahiem8252
      @preplahiem8252 3 года назад +1

      Lets just remind everyone that it's comedy.

  • @MythsMana
    @MythsMana 3 года назад +10

    Man, I absolutely love that, I'd never interrupt you intentionally, I'd probably just keep laughing until I have an asthma attack though.

  • @lanceuppercut6168
    @lanceuppercut6168 3 года назад +13

    Whenever Steve takes a drink from his cup/bottle/etc. it's like the "so you have chosen death!" memes. You know sh** getting real! xD

  • @phasm42
    @phasm42 3 года назад +4

    "STFU and leave." - That must have felt good after dealing with that bullshit 😅

  • @darrieldiiulio762
    @darrieldiiulio762 3 года назад +71

    Damn, now ill never know why you're an optimist!
    I just recently came across your material and man you are absolutely hilarious!!

    • @Math.Bandit
      @Math.Bandit 3 года назад +10

      If you're not joking (and sorry for whooshing if you are), he has his most recent comedy special up on RUclips called The Secret Optimist, which starts with that line (and so I assume this was a taping of that special).

    • @FatherDingo
      @FatherDingo 2 года назад

      Instead; Now here is why I hate people

  • @cherylgrec9701
    @cherylgrec9701 Год назад +2

    Steve is the king of owning hecklers! 👍👍👏👏

  • @dexterechiverri6631
    @dexterechiverri6631 3 года назад +5

    Kudos to you! You, having to deal with these assholes, who think they’re in their own living rooms, was entertainment in itself!
    You handled them all beautifully, and it’s nice to see your audience was with you. 👏🏽

  • @loriw2661
    @loriw2661 3 года назад +91

    That last “person”. Wow

    • @jeremyminecraft7145
      @jeremyminecraft7145 3 года назад +5

      The master of air quotes ^^^^

    • @Daneelro
      @Daneelro 3 года назад +18

      The very definition of entitlement. I guess she was at the Capitol, too.

    • @jtmorgan3317
      @jtmorgan3317 3 года назад +2

      You already know she had pronouns

    • @JudgedMentalMusic
      @JudgedMentalMusic 3 года назад

      He pays these people

    • @VeraTheTabbynx
      @VeraTheTabbynx 3 года назад +7

      @@JudgedMentalMusic no he doesn't

  • @dawleymatthew
    @dawleymatthew 3 года назад +9

    The tone of "cause i was talking about fucking films!" 🤣🤣

  • @antonyduhamel1166
    @antonyduhamel1166 3 года назад +17

    During that last clip, I was kinda hoping Steve would've said "oh, I'm the loser? Can a loser do this?" And signal the crowd to start cheering. They all would've done it and it would have been such a great way to vent some steam and humiliate those girls further.

  • @j777
    @j777 3 года назад +5

    People say I have wit, but when I see you, I know they're wrong. Keep up the good work! (and if I get to see you live, I'll shut the f up!)

  • @runicrow7289
    @runicrow7289 3 года назад +6

    Absolute master of comedic timing

  • @lawlmatty712
    @lawlmatty712 3 года назад +4

    I feel like I've seen so many of your videos that only 2-3 of these I hadn't already seen, and I still dye laughing at them

  • @LoneWoIfPack19
    @LoneWoIfPack19 3 года назад +17

    You'd think by now people would have realized that heckling Steve is a bad idea.

    • @joseypussycat9424
      @joseypussycat9424 3 года назад +1

      You would think so but there will always be people who make the wrong decision and get mad at other people for the consequences.

    • @somepunk2541
      @somepunk2541 3 года назад +2

      at a lot of the places where he performs, alcohol is sold so as you may know, overly drunk people and intelligent thinking doesn't exist.

  • @wilclark2272
    @wilclark2272 3 года назад +2

    The last party..., holy crap that was insane! 😆

  • @Aisatsana1971
    @Aisatsana1971 3 года назад +8

    Steve has made so much cash just re uploading heckler compilations lol fair play.

  • @WvlfDarkfire
    @WvlfDarkfire 3 года назад +1

    Dude I don't agree with your politics but mad respect to you as a comedian. You're truly inspiring

  • @redelfshotthefood8213
    @redelfshotthefood8213 3 года назад +3

    Drunk unprepared people vs a sober, practiced, comedian. Narcissists vs comedian. They can’t win, but their mental state won’t allow them to accept that...

  • @Cloudy-tt1vn
    @Cloudy-tt1vn 3 года назад +29

    Man that last woman was completely off her head. She was more annoying than a fly on speed

  • @southsider9638
    @southsider9638 3 года назад +4

    Typical 3rd Grade schoolyard insult; "Where'd you get your hair cut?" OMG, I love this guy. XD

  • @Gary-And-His-Demons
    @Gary-And-His-Demons 3 года назад +1

    First time I've ever heard a comedian being called a "heckler" before! 3:54 The look on your face after you said this was pure smart-assed SMIRK! I don't think that she even realized that you had just verbally cut the legs out from under her! She had no response to that, other than "You think you're funny." I hope that she was drunk, because if not, I feel like we may have been making fun of someone with a learning disability, and nobody wants THAT to be the case.

  • @Quantum_GirlE
    @Quantum_GirlE 3 года назад +2

    Love the compilation! Thanks Steve!

  • @MamaLauren523
    @MamaLauren523 3 года назад +12

    This is one of the reasons I no longer drink. I can honestly say that I have NEVER made a good decision while drunk 🥴

    • @HandledToaster2
      @HandledToaster2 3 года назад +1

      I don't know if you've kept this up for 9 more months but I just wanna say I really respect that decision.

    • @shanematthews1985
      @shanematthews1985 3 года назад +1

      I wish I could blame alcohol, I make terrible choices while sober lol

    • @MamaLauren523
      @MamaLauren523 3 года назад +1

      @@HandledToaster2 Thank you 😊 It's been 5 years since I've had a drink and almost 25 years since I put down the crack pipe! I also turn down all Narcotics. Not even when I broke my ankle and leg. They're just too addictive! Ten days worth would last me two days🙄
      I had to drink on and off before I realized that I couldn't drink "normally" and that alchohol just wasn't something I could handle! Now I'm struggling to quit cigarettes and I will get there too!
      That leaves chocolate and weed and I have no plans to give those up😉

    • @HandledToaster2
      @HandledToaster2 3 года назад +1

      @@MamaLauren523 I'm really proud of that, Lauren. Takes a strong person to reject this stuff. I think you've earned the chocolate privileges though!

  • @stlrsmike
    @stlrsmike 3 года назад +2

    The last one looked like a real blast, lol. Hope the rest of the show went well.

  • @phoebeeuphoric6522
    @phoebeeuphoric6522 3 года назад +3

    These videos never get old ahaha 😂😂😂 so great

  • @LordRain1031
    @LordRain1031 Год назад +1

    "So to answer your question about being an optimist..." 😅😂🤣

  • @MrHelronde
    @MrHelronde 3 года назад +2

    Hi i'm from France and i love your video :D And i wanted to say to you THANKS for subtitles, it's more easy for french or non english speaker to understand you.
    RUclips show me your work and it's hilarious :D Again thanks a lot :D
    (excuse my english if i don't speak correctly, i try :D )

    • @waitwhat1029
      @waitwhat1029 3 года назад +2

      Your English beats my French👍
      Edit: Your English is better than half the Americans I’ve met, now that I think about it. 😉

  • @NewfyManDan
    @NewfyManDan 3 года назад +2

    Omg I that last person was obnoxious!! Steve, you handled that perfectly!! im dead🤣😱 You legit asked them politely to stop and that was plain disrespectful to not only you but everyone else. But I've seen Your videos of hecklers getting owned so you must be used to it lol I'll be the person to share your videos!! Love your sarcasm, intelligence and wit!! your awesome!

  • @co-jt6gd
    @co-jt6gd 10 месяцев назад +1

    That last woman cannot handle alcohol!

  • @caleblennon
    @caleblennon 3 года назад

    When Steve uploads a heckler video on your birthday! 1/22/02. Let’s go!

  • @werner-de-jong
    @werner-de-jong 3 года назад +1

    loving the part where you come back to the questions.

  • @yamitenhi75
    @yamitenhi75 3 года назад +2

    you are by far one of the funniest comics there is.
    also i know you are a baseball fan and it saddens me to say that Hank Aaron just passed away today :(

  • @wintersbattleofbands1144
    @wintersbattleofbands1144 Год назад +1

    They don't get it. He's not a class clown, he's actually intelligent - VERY intelligent.

  • @Douglas-nu2hx
    @Douglas-nu2hx 3 года назад +1

    Love the RUclips channel!

  • @bigal7561
    @bigal7561 7 дней назад

    Hope you come back to Oklahoma. Wife and I had front row seats and loved your new material. Outstanding. Second time I've got to see your set. First was your club in Long Beach before Covid.
    Big fan. Hope you return soon.

  • @2seater_mx5
    @2seater_mx5 3 года назад +2

    i know heckling is not a good thing but oh man i do enjoy seeing you deal with them idiots

  • @dianna959
    @dianna959 2 года назад

    Steve is a legend 🤣🤣 Can’t wait to see him in person 🤩

  • @Greatergood3
    @Greatergood3 3 года назад +1

    He says she has no friends, then she proves it through way of projection

  • @kallehagglund82
    @kallehagglund82 3 года назад

    I tried to adopt Steves persona on stage while working. I must say that when the "big boss" tells you to do something that you have already done and you tell them you've already done it. Your done and out. But it's fucking satisfyingly !! LOL

  • @ThatSarahGreen
    @ThatSarahGreen 3 года назад

    Beautifully done Steve lol!

  • @davidhunt7249
    @davidhunt7249 Год назад

    What a compilation gem.❤😅

  • @RyanCAyers
    @RyanCAyers 3 года назад +1

    The way you handled the people at the end was brilliant!

  • @atypicalhooman
    @atypicalhooman 3 года назад

    Your comebacks are top notch.

  • @MegaNexxxus
    @MegaNexxxus 3 года назад

    To be fair you say you hate hecklers but they are the fuel to your online success as you take them down so hard!!! Lol

  • @TheCollabCurator
    @TheCollabCurator 3 года назад +1

    Great stuff 😆 🤣 😂

  • @sometimesitsnotminecraft3507
    @sometimesitsnotminecraft3507 3 года назад +1

    From 4:35 to 7:15 what happened? Was that earlier in his career or maybe he had been drinking or just off that night? Normally in every video, I see of Steve Dealing with hecklers he is much more collected and efficient when destroying hecklers but that video seems off like he was stumbling or having difficulty coming up with what he wanted to say back so I am curious what the cause is.

  • @cablevamp3163
    @cablevamp3163 3 года назад +4

    I really hate when your videos end

  • @viviancortes5700
    @viviancortes5700 3 года назад

    I'm sooo DEAD 😳😩😭🤣😂🤣😂 these people just set they asses up...n I 😍😍😍 YOUR comebacks...💯💪🏼👊🏼👋👋👋, Can't wait for NOV 2021...your comin' to My neck of the woods... CLEVELAND....😜

  • @johnnysays9629
    @johnnysays9629 3 года назад

    Youre the man bud.

  • @yourlocalanimecritic5633
    @yourlocalanimecritic5633 3 года назад

    The last part was professionally handled xD

  • @TheJPJT1234
    @TheJPJT1234 3 года назад +1

    Oh you don't have friends 😂😂😂

  • @josekanashiro3610
    @josekanashiro3610 3 года назад

    Can't believe how even in comedy shows, KAREN have to be KAREN😱😁😂🤣😱

  • @VoidZeroNothing
    @VoidZeroNothing 3 года назад +13

    I learned a suprising amount about Judaism.
    And apparently that information applies to other religions.
    _I do not know a lot abount religion._
    I'm good at hailing Sithis.
    Hail Sithis.

  • @MCPhaze1
    @MCPhaze1 3 года назад

    I feel like the promoter/venue guest list is filled with people that never heard of him. Hecklers gravitate to this guy

  • @Catzilla931
    @Catzilla931 6 месяцев назад

    How can people decide to go to a Steve Hofstetter comedy show and then HECKLE him?

  • @celestrius9197
    @celestrius9197 3 года назад

    I have to admit I'm curious about the rest of the answer about writing for collegehumor. I was watching collegehumor since their first couple years and I don't remember you working for them/didn't realize you were an original writer. Is there a link or recording to the rest of that question that anybody knows about? I'd appreciate it.

  • @flyingdutch9818
    @flyingdutch9818 3 года назад +1

    Well played sir, please come back to Melbourne

    • @stevehofstetter
      @stevehofstetter  2 года назад

      Melbourne show announced! stevehofstetter.com/calendar.cfm?ST=australia

  • @nicoleb581
    @nicoleb581 3 года назад +1

    12:52 I feel like you and Patti LuPone would get along.

  • @codypeterson3074
    @codypeterson3074 3 года назад

    You should like hecklers because you are so good at destroying them

  • @Aurumental
    @Aurumental 3 года назад

    I've had people say things about Americans, and me being American, were talking shit about me, because of me being American, and proceeding to say they aren't racist, when they were talking shit about Americans. I like how he handled, well all of them really but especially those people "joking" about Americans.

  • @refertopfp9627
    @refertopfp9627 Год назад

    This was literally part of a Q&A. How is this heckling?

  • @drampadreg1386
    @drampadreg1386 3 года назад +3

    That last woman was a terrible drunk, she should stick to something that makes her happy not angry in a way that nothing is her fault. That's how alcoholics talk because they are always the center of the universe. But you handled them fine, but just the same I'll have the King talk to them.
    Oops, sorry, that was just on South Park and I guess we really don't have a king.

  • @orangemonks894
    @orangemonks894 2 года назад

    0:16 he was just asking

  • @mattyp313
    @mattyp313 3 года назад

    I could watch hours of this stuff, some people are so dumb and all end up at you shows lmaoo. Any shows coming up in a covid restricted, Michigan? 😆

  • @EmmanuelLambertCanada
    @EmmanuelLambertCanada 3 года назад

    After Covid would be great to see you at Just For Laughs in Montreal

  • @delphinazizumbo8674
    @delphinazizumbo8674 Год назад +1

    Hawaiian shirt = proud boy

  • @Odbarc
    @Odbarc 3 года назад +3

    How often do you get heckled? It seems like every video of you I watch is just you responding to that. (Which is fine.)

  • @pacafada7055
    @pacafada7055 3 года назад

    Thx steve for making me laugh every fking time! 👍 A belgian living in france

  • @ODISeth
    @ODISeth 3 года назад

    I’ve gotta wonder does it ever feel weird owning hecklers who say it’s their birthday? Like I’ve noticed you’re a bit more kind with hecklers once they say it’s their birthday.

  • @timothydonfryii3911
    @timothydonfryii3911 3 года назад

    Is number 7 done in Wichita Kansas?

  • @durzio9630
    @durzio9630 3 года назад

    I'm am optimist because comedy clubs usually have bouncers for people like that last person.

  • @ImJustTen
    @ImJustTen 3 года назад

    I like heckling when comics ask for heckles

  • @lukejones5957
    @lukejones5957 3 года назад +1

    I wanna know why he's an optimist!

    • @ZapperguyLOL
      @ZapperguyLOL 3 года назад

      Then just watch it here: ruclips.net/video/JfMEIPLJyrk/видео.html Steve posted it 2 years ago.

  • @dr.ryttmastarecctm6595
    @dr.ryttmastarecctm6595 3 года назад +6

    Steve, finding you on RUclips has made my Wuhan Bat-shyte Lockdown Derangement Syndrome easier to manage.

  • @billopad9625
    @billopad9625 3 года назад

    I’m starting to notice a theme... you pick up the water bottle, people get slayed ... your friends must shit themselves when you’re thirsty! When the apocalypse is over any plans to hit the uk?

  • @warrenpabbott
    @warrenpabbott Год назад

    Steve, has any of the heckling ever led to confrontations off stage after the show? Cuz I know that heckling irritates you, to put it mildly, but some of these people seem like they could cause a problem. Do you ever have to be escorted out by security?

  • @ribeye6706
    @ribeye6706 3 года назад

    Have you ever been to Maine? I’d definitely leave my house for that!

  • @EmmanuelLambertCanada
    @EmmanuelLambertCanada 3 года назад

    As a Canadian I am ashamed of those hecklers yet ...like you say: You got this ;) Love your work man!

  • @VoidMySoul
    @VoidMySoul Год назад

    Im Canadian and I 100% agree with what Steve said. Whoever said Canada has the friendliest people have clearly never been to Canada. My mother is the nicest person in the world meanwhile my “father” is an absolute ignorant piece of $$H!!T so Id say we are atleast 50/50 decent people and thats being modest

    • @wombatmats
      @wombatmats Год назад

      This is very true. IMO, the friendly Canadian stereotype is BS. As an American living in a part of Asia that has a pretty sizeable presence of Westerners, I've met several dozen Canadians. Just like Americans, Brits, Aussies, etc., some Canadians are cool, but I've also met a decent amount who were dirtbags. Over time, I've learned that prejudice is A-okay so long as it's directed at Americans.

  • @tumsthegunslinger4086
    @tumsthegunslinger4086 3 года назад +1

    Steve’s cool

  • @Jimreb80
    @Jimreb80 3 года назад

    I love you man. So quick off the top of the head come backs. I dream of being a stand up comedian. Done hundreds of open mic nights, crappy clubs, fail bombs, and applauded encores. I just love making people laugh. Even if it is at the expense of making me look like an ass. lol Comedy is subjective. You get it or you don't.. I appreciate you!

  • @ericluchinski
    @ericluchinski 3 года назад +1

    I want to know why you're an optimist...

  • @dominicmarsano2161
    @dominicmarsano2161 2 года назад +1

    Found you Steve, cause I was watching Trump supporters making a fool of themselves....Excellent videos man.

  • @kahamarca
    @kahamarca 3 года назад +2

    Getting owned.. A weird expression if you think about it. Last time people were owned in this Country we had a war over it... 😜

    • @gnashattack1
      @gnashattack1 3 года назад


    • @kahamarca
      @kahamarca 3 года назад

      @@gnashattack1 I am saying the expression is silly as the word itself means ownership just like racist fucks used to "own" slaves once

    • @gnashattack1
      @gnashattack1 3 года назад +1

      @@kahamarca yeah but that's such a weird analogy to make

    • @kahamarca
      @kahamarca 3 года назад +1

      @@gnashattack1 A play w words nothing else based on history aaand I was bored 😉

  • @floorticket
    @floorticket 3 года назад

    Turn the tables and do "Owners Get Heckled" where you make fun of the comedy club's proprietor.

  • @BigSnipp
    @BigSnipp 3 года назад

    I just found that Steve is opening a comedy club in Pittsburgh. Welcome to the Burgh. We have many Jews, by the way :)

  • @dabadore.
    @dabadore. 3 года назад

    Every time a Canadian or Mexican says something negative about America, i remind them that they are also Americans, they just are not U.S. Citizen.

  • @dukeetannerpuppypd2275
    @dukeetannerpuppypd2275 3 года назад

    You can visit me every day that there's no way that I want to become a comedian I love you man comedic what the f***

  • @Eggbert1868
    @Eggbert1868 3 месяца назад

    I just found your channel. Do people actually show up just to heckle you?

  • @shanedittmar2524
    @shanedittmar2524 Год назад

    You are hi-lar-ious!!!

  • @shikadragon
    @shikadragon 3 года назад

    Loser: *calls a guy who has over $200 in cash in two different currencies each in his wallet a loser*

  • @SEUnlimited4444
    @SEUnlimited4444 3 года назад

    "Comics work hard to make people laugh." That line had me rolling.😂😂😂

    • @flickbread
      @flickbread 3 года назад

      I bet your jokes are really funny too

  • @thekatt...
    @thekatt... 3 года назад +1

    On behalf of the Canadian troublemakers ...I'm sorry, eh.

    • @ethics3
      @ethics3 3 года назад

      Why do Canadians always think they need to announce that they are Canadians ? WE DON'T CARE !

    • @Mines00
      @Mines00 Год назад

      ​@@ethics3Ethics, your American is showing.

  • @devilsadvocate1597
    @devilsadvocate1597 3 года назад

    12 ppl ended up on tape here on the wrong side of Sir Hofcofefe!