[MV] Colde(콜드) _ When Dawn Comes Again(또 새벽이 오면) (Feat. BAEKHYUN(백현))


Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @forreal5001
    @forreal5001 3 года назад +768

    After 8 years of being an EXOL I just relized something : EXO members don't sing for charts . They sing for hearts

  • @love.music4ever
    @love.music4ever 3 года назад +759

    If baekhyun was active he could play this song in his car in one of his lives,and talk about how colde is amazing :)

    • @BaekHyuneewife
      @BaekHyuneewife 3 года назад +28

      Hey!!! Did you have to do this?!! I unconsciously imagined this and now I'm missing him even moreㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ

    • @starlight-zd8fr
      @starlight-zd8fr 3 года назад +4


    • @merrygoround6890
      @merrygoround6890 3 года назад +8

      Oh please don't remind me like that. Makes me miss him more epcially during his night live singing for us😭😭😭

    • @kelye
      @kelye 3 года назад +4


    • @s2ndswa
      @s2ndswa 3 года назад +5

      NO U DID NOT JUST... ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

  • @ariomaharani181
    @ariomaharani181 3 года назад +108

    bet BAEKHYUN sang this song on ONE TAKE like AMUSEMENT PARK!!!

  • @yilecho7108
    @yilecho7108 Год назад +91

    백현선배 제대했으니 둘이서 부른 새벽이오면 라이브 영상 주세요 제바라라라라라라라발

    • @yilecho7108
      @yilecho7108 Год назад

      Me 아직 기다려...

    • @yilecho7108
      @yilecho7108 Год назад

      콜드 Love Part 2 많관부
      그런 의미로 콜드 백현 라이브 영상 어떻게 함 안될까요?

    • @yilecho7108
      @yilecho7108 Год назад


    • @yilecho7108
      @yilecho7108 Год назад

      어제 백현선배 콜드선배 뭐 촬영했다는데 또새벽 라이브 클립이길 간절히 바라옵고 원하고 소망합니다.

    • @yilecho7108
      @yilecho7108 Год назад

      새벽 공기를 빌려 고백합니다. 김희수 변백현... 당신들 내가 진짜 많이 사랑해.

  • @InaLouise
    @InaLouise 3 года назад +108

    Baekhyun, Colde, and Nam Yun Soo in a song. feels like I just won the lottery.

  • @조은비-y5f
    @조은비-y5f 3 года назад +146

    백현 목소리는 밤과 새벽 사이의 짙은 새벽 같고 콜드 목소리는 해 뜨기 전의 어스름한 새벽 같은 느낌.

  • @exofangirl1485
    @exofangirl1485 3 года назад +39

    When Baekhyun said before enlistment he was doing lot for us... He meant it :')

  • @agirllovetolive4196
    @agirllovetolive4196 3 года назад +6

    Come here after baekhyun post

  • @parkloeychan
    @parkloeychan 3 года назад +43

    Baekhyunie prepared a lot before he go to military. If this ain't love...

  • @ayabaekhyunee8603
    @ayabaekhyunee8603 3 года назад +52

    And they ask why is baekhyuneee the best idol and artist in the planet!! See how hard he worked before his enlistment so we won't feel his absence

  • @yoursunshine3146
    @yoursunshine3146 3 года назад +43

    He called as GENIUS IDOL for some reason. That's it.

  • @sunnys8333
    @sunnys8333 2 года назад +71

    나는 이 뮤직비디오가 너무 좋다 똑같은 서울 도심의 모습을 새벽감성으로 다르게 느껴지게 만든 화면들. 이곳에 살고있어도 센치해지는 날엔 어김없이 이 뮤비를 다시본다

  • @didishen
    @didishen 3 года назад +3845

    not me crying over baekhyun’s voice. i miss him so muchhhh! 2023 please come faster ~

    • @The_Timmie
      @The_Timmie 3 года назад +46


    • @isadoraya4047
      @isadoraya4047 3 года назад +18

      @@The_Timmie ya he come in 2023 so sadd

    • @itstimetohajima9524
      @itstimetohajima9524 3 года назад +5

      not sure if its the same acc but i see u in every behind the scenes nevertheless vid i swear hahhahahaha

    • @nazaninexol7471
      @nazaninexol7471 3 года назад +9

      Best music

    • @nazaninexol7471
      @nazaninexol7471 3 года назад +7

      King byun

  • @binskoral
    @binskoral 3 года назад +109

    baekhyun giving us good music while he's in the military. if that ain't a king things idk what

  • @31xbyun
    @31xbyun 3 года назад +100

    Baekhyun thought of exo-ls even when he enlist . So thoughtful of him. Cant get enough of u😭 we miss u baby

  • @geneofallen
    @geneofallen 3 года назад +2

    ♡♡ Kalpçikler bırakmaya geldim. ♡♡

  • @obsession5221
    @obsession5221 3 года назад +543

    baekhyun is serving the country while serving the music industry

  • @heytherehello1370
    @heytherehello1370 3 года назад +49

    baekhyun is literally the only sunshine in my life right now istg

  • @marlentino02
    @marlentino02 3 года назад +138

    Baekhyun has worked really hard, please give him a lot of support

  • @عباسپورپور
    @عباسپورپور 3 года назад +4

    We are ONE!

  • @ma.alexistejana2660
    @ma.alexistejana2660 3 года назад +581

    Baekhyunnie really prepared a lot for exols, I'm not crying u are

    • @camile7012
      @camile7012 3 года назад +6

      He loves us the most🥺

  • @rodolfoovillajr.909
    @rodolfoovillajr.909 3 года назад +40

    Baekhyun really knows that we will gonna miss him so thats why he left so many activities for us exoL. Thankyou Baekhyun.

  • @karenjoyello9412
    @karenjoyello9412 3 года назад +64

    EXOL's are lucky to have a member who always strive to be with us in a different way to not feel their absences

  • @km_y.c
    @km_y.c 3 года назад +4

    ISFP 화이팅!!!

  • @christinejoynacionales5060
    @christinejoynacionales5060 3 года назад +224

    Everybody say “Thank you Baekhyun and Colde”
    Baekhyun really prepared something every month for the Eris while waiting for his return. Baekhyun our best boy

  • @monikaelia4803
    @monikaelia4803 3 года назад +56

    Baekhyun's voice is the sweetest thing you will ever hear

  • @sreejitabhattacharyya6715
    @sreejitabhattacharyya6715 3 года назад +70

    Colde and baekhyun equals perfection. I don't make the rules ..

  • @ju11na05
    @ju11na05 3 года назад +9

    the ig reels makes me hereeee

  • @greeshexol
    @greeshexol 3 года назад +338

    Exols now: crying over Baekhyun's voice
    We miss u Baekhyunaaah

  • @exokalbiminvokalleri2769
    @exokalbiminvokalleri2769 3 года назад +1632

    Did you guys notice? While Colde’s singing, cold blue-gray color palette was used in scenes... and when Baekhyun came in, yellow-orange warm colored lights appeared. Nice cinematography and great song!

  • @DowithloveEXO
    @DowithloveEXO 3 года назад +4244

    Finally!!! This legendary collab is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!❤️

  • @asinni
    @asinni 3 года назад +5

    I m here for baekhyuns reel

  • @drushyatadepu2253
    @drushyatadepu2253 3 года назад +70

    I refuse to believe that I'm the only one crying hearing baekhyun's voice. I miss him so much

  • @dkshanji
    @dkshanji 3 года назад +71

    colde and baekhyun's voices just melted together.

  • @itstimetohajima9524
    @itstimetohajima9524 3 года назад +85

    guys lets not just compliment Baekhyun! Kim Hee soo/Colde, his voice is so nice and soothing, Baekhyun and his voice together just blends so well and Nam Yoonsu as the guy in the mv just completed it.

  • @yehet5842
    @yehet5842 3 года назад +183

    Colde x baekhyun is a perfect match like the songs he wrote before for baek and this song slaps it's just "talent x talent "

  • @스엠의노예-t7n
    @스엠의노예-t7n 3 года назад +140

    너무나도 사랑하는 백현아ㅠㅠ 또 너무 좋은 선물 정말 고마워ㅠㅠ 어뜨케 내가 좋아하는 아티스트랑 같이 하다니...정말 오늘도 어제도 진짜 내일도 항상 좋아해 사랑해 고마워!!

  • @cyrusaranda8696
    @cyrusaranda8696 3 года назад +69

    I'm an exol myself but can we appreciate colde? Their voice fits very well together.

  • @nishatsharminnitol7871
    @nishatsharminnitol7871 3 года назад +38

    Crying over Baekhyun's voice will be continued till 2023 :")

  • @gamzekucuk2091
    @gamzekucuk2091 3 года назад +3

    Baekhyun i miss you

  • @yodasbacon8833
    @yodasbacon8833 3 года назад +34

    I wonder if Baekhyun will secretly come here to read our comments? I hope he leaves a comment here himself despite the fact that he’s still serving military time 🥲

  • @aloh5545
    @aloh5545 3 года назад +115

    If it’s colde and baekhyun you know it’s good

  • @뽀짝-y2h
    @뽀짝-y2h 3 года назад +47

    백현아 자꾸 선물 남겨두고 가니까 더 보고 싶다… 노래 제목처럼 유독 새벽에 더 많이 생각날 것 같아

  • @greeshexol
    @greeshexol 3 года назад +4

    Eris are you here?
    This Collab is so great
    Let's give it more views

  • @saunghninwaiwai3197
    @saunghninwaiwai3197 3 года назад +223

    Colde and Baekhyun collaboration is on fire.They did perfect combination of voices. Beautiful song.I like it.

  • @ainatrisyy
    @ainatrisyy 3 года назад +105

    when we thought having song “U” already so sad but having this song makes you crying harder

  • @aleaarsenio
    @aleaarsenio 3 года назад +109

    Crying over baekhyun’s voice.. i miss him so bad~

  • @gabrielastefan9847
    @gabrielastefan9847 3 года назад +3

    Here i am at 3 AM seeking comfort in this song

  • @erikyoong7144
    @erikyoong7144 3 года назад +94

    didn't expect that Baekhyun prepared so much before going to the military

  • @dayamiw5620
    @dayamiw5620 3 года назад +234

    Let’s talk abt how colde’s and baekhyun’s voice compliment each other like wow. This is the collab of the year.

  • @binskoral
    @binskoral 3 года назад +37


  • @sharklynlumbar
    @sharklynlumbar 2 года назад +19

    colde is at it again. i am back after one year and this song needs more recognition. after colde wrote songs for baekhyun, a collab between colde and baekhyun is a dream and it finally came true. the cinematography is amazing, with the blue and grayish theme. every scene is a wallpaper and nam yoon su is perfect for this role. i have a lot to say about this song. the little message in the intermission was a nice touch. i love colde! pls go check out his new song “cat”. he is the one of the kings of kr&b and is pushing new genres in the industry.
    colde will remain was one of my most listened to artists and one of the ones a i respect the most.

  • @sedeffiliz1073
    @sedeffiliz1073 3 года назад +52

    I can't help my tears when I hear Baekhyun's voice because I miss her so much.

  • @mushu3970
    @mushu3970 3 года назад +95

    Baekhyun's voice comes from deep. This boy really knows how to got us.

  • @kyoonglunar5174
    @kyoonglunar5174 3 года назад +87

    the amount of work baekhyun did before enlisting is just unbelievable :( all for his love for us exols !

  • @ainunzahariyahtaufik
    @ainunzahariyahtaufik 2 года назад +3

    We need live session after baekhyun discharge

  • @nisberry6616
    @nisberry6616 3 года назад +259

    이 협업이 제가 바랄 수 있는 전부입니다. 콜드의 독특한 톤이 백현의 꿀 목소리와 너무 잘 어울립니다. 이 노래로 제 마음을 치유해 주셔서 감사합니다. 백현 씨, 퇴근 후에 이 글을 읽고 계시겠지만 몸조심하시고 다음에 또 만나요.

  • @meiko0325
    @meiko0325 3 года назад +119

    Seungmin of Stray Kids already recommending this song. talent recognizes talent.

    • @ffhmrsy2518
      @ffhmrsy2518 3 года назад +9

      Srslyy he is totally baekhyun fanboyy

    • @ericacella1180
      @ericacella1180 3 года назад +4

      Biggest baekhyun Fanboy

    • @TayTayy00
      @TayTayy00 3 года назад +1

      Praying for a SeungJin cover🛐

  • @anushka7063
    @anushka7063 3 года назад +154

    Mad respect to Colde and Baekhyun for giving us this masterpiece.

  • @chloee..
    @chloee.. 3 года назад +4

    Miss Baekhyun hour

  • @Fiona-zu9db
    @Fiona-zu9db 3 года назад +47

    can we talk about how this video is pretty depressing yet so beautiful and aesthetically pleasing…

  • @jinu8209
    @jinu8209 3 года назад +71

    Colde is the one who wrote BaekHyun's diamond, love again, and love scene. Thank you for this collaboration. We have another chance to see Baekhyun collab again.

  • @sedeffiliz1073
    @sedeffiliz1073 3 года назад +213

    Since this song is about not being able to sleep at night when we miss someone, then this song is the song of our every night without Baekhyun.

  • @ancajasmariellarapham.7219
    @ancajasmariellarapham.7219 3 года назад +2

    here because of BAEKHYUN, but I appreciate COLDE 💙

  • @alvinfradana230
    @alvinfradana230 3 года назад +48

    It's weird, this is make me miss baekhyun more

  • @renisaagt
    @renisaagt 3 года назад +214

    Not me crying over baekhyun's voice:""""""

  • @upanddownlikearollercoaste7423
    @upanddownlikearollercoaste7423 3 года назад +100


  • @deviraasdar3948
    @deviraasdar3948 3 года назад +2

    Baekhyun reel got me here again

  • @obsession5221
    @obsession5221 3 года назад +174


  • @WeExistInEveryMomentOfYours
    @WeExistInEveryMomentOfYours 3 года назад +181

    Can we appreciate how both the voices compliment each other? And let’s appreciate the actor too. WOW.

    • @love.music4ever
      @love.music4ever 3 года назад +3

      They match so well

    • @kristtksweetbox758
      @kristtksweetbox758 3 года назад +2

      You know the actor? I've watched him before and trying to remember.. 😅

    • @WeExistInEveryMomentOfYours
      @WeExistInEveryMomentOfYours 3 года назад +3

      @@kristtksweetbox758 yess, he was in extracurricular, beyond evil and some web series.

    • @kristtksweetbox758
      @kristtksweetbox758 3 года назад +2

      @@WeExistInEveryMomentOfYours thankkkksss! Now I remember, he's the youngest policeman in Beyond Evil. 😊😀

    • @RaviSingh-kh2fy
      @RaviSingh-kh2fy 3 года назад

      @@kristtksweetbox758 he's nam yoonsu

  • @zxcvb9361
    @zxcvb9361 3 года назад +117

    백현과 콜드의 조합... 이날만을 존버햇다.... 한 곡에서 두 사람의 목소리를 같이 듣게 될줄야

  • @roisan3230
    @roisan3230 3 года назад +2

    Colder x Baekhyun
    Talent x Talent

  • @geromeacetorres9764
    @geromeacetorres9764 3 года назад +19

    Here comes baekhyun giving music while in the military,,Salute to you!!!

  • @airanicolemacaranas734
    @airanicolemacaranas734 3 года назад +42

    Baekhyun never fails us with his calm voice

  • @thaonguyen7820
    @thaonguyen7820 3 года назад +142

    I know we miss Baekhyunie so much, but Eris please appreciate both of them.

  • @tirzah_mina
    @tirzah_mina 3 года назад +10

    뮤비를 보는데 내 회사 근처, 내 회사길이... 실연하고 이곳을 걸었을 때 생각했던 마음들이 누군가의 노래로 나오다니. 이 길에 내 마음이 녹아져서 누군가의 마음에도 스며들었구나. 반갑고 기뻐요.

    • @_lina9610
      @_lina9610 3 года назад +2

      이 노래가 거름망이 되어 행복한 기억만 떠오르길 바라요 :)

  • @exofanforever4144
    @exofanforever4144 3 года назад +62

    Finally, it's here....Baekhyun's voice. I miss you so much BAEK.

  • @excelt1cutie
    @excelt1cutie 3 года назад +61

    not gonna lie, THIS IS PLAYLIST-WORTHY. This is my vibe in music!

  • @boboxiann7819
    @boboxiann7819 3 года назад +229

    Colde and Baekhyun's voice together is a blessing

  • @patataasada1194
    @patataasada1194 Год назад +33

    Honestly I think this song is really underated. The video, the instrumental, the lyrics, the cinematography and their voices, everything matches as completed puzzle , without having to force anything to make it good. This is just a colab between talented people, I extremely love everything about it.

  • @cynnez
    @cynnez 3 года назад +71

    I wil never get enough of Baekhyun's agelic voice.

  • @nanbyun5903
    @nanbyun5903 3 года назад +33

    I'm a fan of International
    My brain does not understand the lyrics, but my heart understands with all its being

  • @sisameseeds
    @sisameseeds 3 года назад +23

    hearing baekhyun's angelic voice is making me cry fr ㅠ.ㅠ

  • @عباسپورپور
    @عباسپورپور 3 года назад +2

    Baekhyun is Baekhyun:)

  • @exo_tvx5q296
    @exo_tvx5q296 3 года назад +87

    Baekhyun is here..once again to save our day..n this tym with colde:))

  • @dylanlee7
    @dylanlee7 3 года назад +149

    Baekhyun and Colde's voices are so addicting and pleasing to ears

  • @ronakazizi640
    @ronakazizi640 3 года назад +30

    Baekhyun prepared so many things for us before his enlistment to military

  • @민서-h2q
    @민서-h2q 3 года назад +46

    와 백현이 목소리.. 콜드 목소리가 합쳐져서 진짜 감성적인 노래가 만들어진 듯 너무 좋다.... 새벽엔 이거다

  • @khatungmadebbarma2800
    @khatungmadebbarma2800 3 года назад +110

    No one :Exol's crying over Baekyunee's sweet voice and missing him Iike hell

  • @nanay1639
    @nanay1639 3 года назад +152

    baekhyun's voice. the production. colde's tone. chills.

  • @exosara6837
    @exosara6837 3 года назад +158

    Exo-l: baekhyun good singer and dancer and visual and good for everything
    Baekhyun : yes i am

  • @cherrieannrutao3653
    @cherrieannrutao3653 3 года назад +183

    This song deserves a lot of views. A masterpiece

  • @farhanaazilah9479
    @farhanaazilah9479 3 года назад +62

    Baekhyun really prove that he is capable for all genres

  • @husnaanith
    @husnaanith 3 года назад +64

    colde is such a talented gem, and having baekhyun really amplifies this song

  • @yurie_002
    @yurie_002 3 года назад +185

    Because Baekhyun is the master of music, anyone can not hide his talent.
    For me, Legend means Baekhyun.
    왕자님이 그리워요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @sofiadeviana210
    @sofiadeviana210 3 года назад +2

    Im here again after watch MV D.O rose
    Eri fightingg!!!

  • @maravillacob
    @maravillacob 3 года назад +116

    Honestly Colde and Baekhyun is a winning combination. Diamond, Love Again, Love Scene and now Dawn Comes Again, all feel like their own music genre that can only come when you combine Baekhyun and Colde, it's always fresh, always emotional but not overwhelming and addictive at how easy it's to hear it.

  • @baekoolight929
    @baekoolight929 3 года назад +200

    Byun BaekHyun's Vocals never disappoint.

  • @xiumin_lovely5643
    @xiumin_lovely5643 3 года назад +64

    Baekhyun keeps me waiting and thirsty for himself by his voice T_T

  • @anggun9462
    @anggun9462 3 года назад +23

    The title :"when dawn comes again" also me : always listen to this song at midnight