1 - Jeohunter 3D Dual System

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025
  • Contactati-ne aici: +4 0314380245 +4 0727964452 +4 0764812134
    www.detectoare-... | E-mail: sales@detectoare-metale.ro
    Detectorul de metale JEOHUNTER 3D DUAL a fost proiectat cu ajutorul unei tehnologii de varf si este capabil sa detecteze metale si goluri.
    Apartine categoriei de detectoare de metale ce ajung la adancimi foarte mari si care separa metalele in 4 categorii. Datele cercetarii sunt afisate pe ecranul aparatului in grafic tridimensional in timp real.
    Utilizatorul poate masura adancimea la care se afla tinta in centimetri, fie ca este vorba de metal, gol, obiect mare sau mic.
    Jeohunter 3D Dual System professional metal and gold detector.
    It can reach in great depth up to 12 meters!
    Analysis and metal discrimination, finding objects size, depth and type of metal with great rates of success. Cavity detector, detects also caves, tunnels, up to 10 meters depth. Shows us cavities with great accuracy. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. Real Time 3D Imaging. Reporting Target Diameter and Depths. Real Time Data Transmission.
    It was designed to see the underground and was charged to show the underground!
    It is very good at perfectly performing the task it undertakes; perfection is in its nature!
    Its task to find, regardless of in which environment and under what circumstances the sought target is hid!
    Contactati-ne aici: +4 0314380245 +4 0727964452 +4 0764812134
    E-mail: sales@detectoare-metale.ro
    Addresa: Str. Berzei, nr. 40-42 Bucuresti, Romania

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