Dr. Lois Irene Evans | A Celebration of Life and Legacy

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @MarissaLenea
    @MarissaLenea 5 лет назад +507

    A woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised ♡ what a great example she was!

  • @Naofl
    @Naofl 5 лет назад +451

    This is out of reverence and respect, but I had never heard or knew of Dr. Lois Evans, but this video came across my feed. I was curious and went to her page to see who this woman was. Then as I got through to the first prayer of her Celebration, I began to weep and cried out “to God be the Glory!”. I wept bc for so long in my life I had asked God for a Godly example of a mother and a wife and here I am witnessing the Life Celebration of a Godly mother and a wife. To God be the glory bc even in death to this life, what she did while in the land of the living still speaks, and now someone like me can still reap the good she sowed by walking in it and continuing to be encouraged. That’s true legacy. God bless the Evans family and may he continue to enlarge and increase you all with an abundance of peace, protection, and provision.

    • @poet82n
      @poet82n 5 лет назад +11

      Beautiful heartfelt words. I didn't know of her either but glad I clicked on.
      Edit: I realize now who this woman was. OMG! Priscilla's (the lady who played on "The War Room") mother. I know this is tough for them.

    • @nothilemdunge9972
      @nothilemdunge9972 5 лет назад +8

      To GOD BE THE GLORY. To describe Dr Lois Evans, I Loose words, A GODLY WOMAN INDEED😭😭😭😭

    • @MboneNM
      @MboneNM 5 лет назад +1

      @@nothilemdunge9972 indeed!!@!

    • @louannmckethan3350
      @louannmckethan3350 5 лет назад +7

      Dr Evans was a beautiful Godly woman & has a precious family who are full of Godly examples! Check out her daughter Priscilla Shirer (hopefully i spelled that correctly) she has a ton of free stuff on RUclips and also has bible studies u can purchase! You are Blessed with that click, a divine appt was definitely happening to answer your prayers!

    • @Redirecting
      @Redirecting 4 года назад +13

      It was the same for me. I was drawn into this, and tears filled my eyes for a woman I did not know.

  • @karensmith3674
    @karensmith3674 5 лет назад +344

    After watching this, I am recommitting to being the best mother I can be. What a privilege to serve a God who entrusts us with children to raise in His fear and admonition! Praise God for the life, legacy and example of Dr Lois Evans!

    • @amaqueen9012
      @amaqueen9012 5 лет назад +2

      Karen Smith Amen ,I’m with you! Better better better! Johnathan McReynolds has a song titled Better,Powerful.Your comment reminded me of it.lets strive to be BETTER 🙏🏿🤍

    • @lovetha4484
      @lovetha4484 5 лет назад +1

      Same here. Guess who started looking for her books.

    • @wendy___777
      @wendy___777 5 лет назад +8

      Karen, I am thinking the same and want to be the best mom to my three sons. I was also thinking what my boys would say about me when I am present with the Lord. Probably not the best because I recognize that I parent out of fear. I have to trust the Lord more despite the circumstances in my life and their lives. Because of the very nice sentiments expressed by the many people who knew Mrs. Lois, I am going to watch more of her work and see her in action.

    • @kishagreen6809
      @kishagreen6809 5 лет назад +8

      I just want to be a better woman and servant of god. As she was. She clearly set an example.

    • @theperfectimperfectfamily13
      @theperfectimperfectfamily13 5 лет назад

      Me as well

  • @JustGwen57
    @JustGwen57 5 лет назад +287

    Why would anyone dislike this Funeral. I was there and it was Beautiful

    • @qreat_things4846
      @qreat_things4846 5 лет назад +23

      G Loves Quotes people are sad. No one. Should’ve disliked his video. It was beautiful

    • @geraldsomeone7675
      @geraldsomeone7675 5 лет назад +33

      G Loves Quotes, it's all good. God is pleased, she is pleased, her Beloved Family, Loved Ones, Church Family, Friends and complete strangers like me, are pleased. That's all that matters. 🌹

    • @DarknessFalls29
      @DarknessFalls29 5 лет назад +9

      Maybe they disliked certain parts of the service.

    • @amandakurtz7732
      @amandakurtz7732 5 лет назад +16

      Perhaps they are saying sad that she has gone on. Or just they are some really dumb people.

    • @mees2751
      @mees2751 5 лет назад +10

      Sometimes people click the thumbs up button twice because you think it didn't go through and then the second one gives it a thumbs down if you click twice.

  • @kentara_excelsior
    @kentara_excelsior 5 лет назад +406

    Tony Evans raised some kind of family. Wow. The legacy and grace.

    • @eleanorfrazier2325
      @eleanorfrazier2325 5 лет назад +18

      To God be the Glory. Watching the Homegoing of such a elegant, beautiful soul I find myself in a self examination room. To everyone who felt the grace and the Spirit of God during this viewing I pray that we would consider our day of meeting with our Father. How wonderful! Prayers for the family. Truly the legacy of Grace has been displayed and continues to live on through Ministry.

    • @jeanniemarie2058
      @jeanniemarie2058 5 лет назад +4

      Amen !!

    • @mem3769
      @mem3769 5 лет назад +10

      do you mean Tony and Lois Evans? It doesn't sound like he raised them alone.

    • @girumzemichael704
      @girumzemichael704 5 лет назад +13

      Me M A Godly man is worth appreciating, moms are naturally, instinctively “there” for their families, but unless a man is reigned in through submission and service to God, we know how the story goes, otherwise I’m sure the original comment wasn’t trying to take away from Dr Lois’ legacy, no need to turn this into gender competition, here you see two individuals committed to God, each other and the family they have built together.

    • @mem3769
      @mem3769 5 лет назад +2

      @@girumzemichael704 agreed. And i did like Kentara's comment btw.

  • @lechatbotte.
    @lechatbotte. 5 лет назад +411

    Her children shall rise up and called her blessed.

    @CAPONEDELEON 5 лет назад +12

    Pastor Evans, I don't know if you see these or not, but I just wanted to say I was once an abuser of my wife and I went to jail for it. Upon coming out of jail I a friend came and prayed with me and left me a copy of your book Kingdom Man. I was blown away and never saw life like that before. I went on to put into practice what I was learning from you book and I finally stopped fighting God and let Him do in me what He wanted to do. Through what I learned from your book and allowing God, the Lord actually brought my marriage back from the grave. We actually have a marriage certificate a divorce decree and a marriage certificate again, it's a powerful testimony that we share now in our own ministry called Kingdom Legacy Records. The Legacy part really got to me and we have been living our lives for the Lord and the Legacy we leave behind. To hear the amazing words of your children and to see the impact your wife has made, I just had to stop and say THANK YOU, to you and your wife, her fingerprint is on the heart of our restored marriage as well. I just truly felt the need to leave this stone right here too. P.S. I am not a big Physical Book reader, I am a computer guy. In my lifetime I have only read maybe 4 book, the Bible being one and Kingdom Men being another. You never know how your words are going to impact people's lives, but they are, please keep it going.

  • @gennyjoe686
    @gennyjoe686 5 лет назад +134

    I have never watched a funeral service that got me this excited to be a child of God. Thank you brother Jonathan

  • @400BadR3quest
    @400BadR3quest 5 лет назад +512

    And when she had served the purposes of God in her own generation, she fell asleep...🙏🙏

  • @CaptMoo
    @CaptMoo 5 лет назад +200

    How do you know that you are serving God? Simple. Somebody is impacted.
    -Jonathan Evans

    • @lynette4412
      @lynette4412 5 лет назад +3


    • @mrstianna22
      @mrstianna22 5 лет назад +3


    • @kameilmoving4294
      @kameilmoving4294 5 лет назад +1

      Wow..very deep

    • @charlesrobinson1695
      @charlesrobinson1695 3 года назад +1

      YES and the impact goes on and on and on and on one soul 🖤 after another all the year long I'm so thankful for God our Father in Heaven using the Evan's family in ministry for the Kingdom of JESUS 🙏💯🖤🙏 CHRIST Amen Amen Amen 🙏💯🖤🙏

  • @TheRhondaCrockett
    @TheRhondaCrockett 5 лет назад +191

    Only two answers to prayer. Yes & Yes This has forever changed my life.

    • @bonitawright9680
      @bonitawright9680 5 лет назад +14

      Me too Rhonda. Her life and legacy she left inspires me to be more Christ like on purpose.

    • @LRamey
      @LRamey 5 лет назад +4

      Rhonda A. Crockett 🙏🏾 Amen

    • @tonimitchell209
      @tonimitchell209 5 лет назад +12

      It clarified for me the Scripture on the promises of God are yes and Amen. Yes and yes. Healed on earth or healed in heaven. Powerful family of faith.

    • @andreamims3963
      @andreamims3963 5 лет назад +16

      Yes!!... she was either going to be healed or healed, she was either going to be taken care of or taken care of,🤗🤗🤗This perspective blessed me forever🤗🤗

    • @TheRhondaCrockett
      @TheRhondaCrockett 5 лет назад +3

      @@andreamims3963 Yes, Yes, Yes

  • @letecianti109
    @letecianti109 5 лет назад +217

    Even in transition her life is still ministering. Dr. Tony Evans how favored to have loved and lived with such an amazing woman. To God be the Glory!!!

  • @livingvictoriouslywithglo
    @livingvictoriouslywithglo 5 лет назад +176

    I don't know who had the nerve to come and dislike this video." You need Jesus". Rest in Jesus Christ arms Dr Lois you impacted the life of many.... 👏

    • @akclark8841
      @akclark8841 5 лет назад +13

      My thoughts exactly! Just wicked EVIL people

    • @crucian7
      @crucian7 5 лет назад +11

      I thought the same. No shame, no empathy, no dignity, no love. 17 demons so far. God knows who you are.

    • @johndoe4702
      @johndoe4702 5 лет назад +18

      I sometimes accidentally tap the dislike button when I’m scrolling and don’t notice it.
      I will assume that is what happened and not allow negativity to enter my mind

    • @youneekkreations5729
      @youneekkreations5729 5 лет назад +7

      I said the same thing. No respect toward the family!

    • @huslerk
      @huslerk 5 лет назад +6

      There is always a devil in the midst of everything that is good and sacred! Sometimes people just do things to annoy!! Praying for the Evans Family.

  • @natalieamberger2432
    @natalieamberger2432 5 лет назад +80

    Never knew a funeral could be such a Blessing to my soul....She has left an impact on me and I have never heard of her but only her family wow! What an amazing legacy!

  • @naturallygifted2002
    @naturallygifted2002 5 лет назад +283

    Epic Send off. She’s heal, heal, heal, and safe in her Master’s Presence. She said it herself. No place she’ll rather be.

  • @annapiet1203
    @annapiet1203 3 года назад +31

    Almost two years later, this is still ministering to me, and just to mention I am at the other end of the globe, Namibia 🇳🇦.

  • @createdcreated1977
    @createdcreated1977 5 лет назад +88

    Lost my mom over a year ago....had so many questions as a Believer. That sermon delivered by Bro. Jonathan gave me peace and my answer. God is God..........amen.

  • @catherinemuhindi2087
    @catherinemuhindi2087 5 лет назад +59

    Lord Jesus am a sinner in need of a saviour. Please save me. Today I have victory

    • @ocbfdog
      @ocbfdog 5 лет назад

      Muhindi Atwiine He will to those who are willing.

    • @ccnygirl
      @ccnygirl 5 лет назад +1

      Jesus has His arms open ready to bring you into the family of God. You have confessed your sins and that you are a sinnrr in need of Jesus saving grace.
      This is the start of a new life. A life I pray you hold on to and grow in. I pray yhe Holy Spirit will lead you to a Holy Spirit Filled/Bible believing church. Fellowship with other believers, read the scriptures and pray that you will grow.

    • @afolabiawe4733
      @afolabiawe4733 5 лет назад +1

      I rejoiced with Evan's family with what I am hearing and watching. This is so inspiring and shows that it pays to serve Jesus. RIP

  • @InChristalone737
    @InChristalone737 5 лет назад +85

    God bless Tony and his family. They demonstrate that Christians mourn unlike those who have no hope. Thank the Lord Jesus Christ who gives us the victory and eternal life.

  • @gerellsmall661
    @gerellsmall661 5 лет назад +56

    Kirk was killing those keys. What a Gift Such a Blessing.. Prayers to your Family Dr Evans.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭

    • @lorebay2593
      @lorebay2593 5 лет назад +2

      Gerell small yes, tears and all. I heard of her husband and children and have seen them minister, but I never hear of her until now.

    • @lucirolopez1418
      @lucirolopez1418 4 года назад

      Kirk Franklin is very gifted but more than gifted it's the anointing our Daddy God hand picked him. God bless them all

  • @mamabear5289
    @mamabear5289 5 лет назад +91

    Legacy she left a legacy with her four children!!!! Beautiful family all of them

    • @mlmlsmith2505
      @mlmlsmith2505 5 лет назад +4

      Mama Bear 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @tyrdotson
      @tyrdotson 5 лет назад

      How did she pass ?

    • @mamabear5289
      @mamabear5289 5 лет назад

      A rare form of Cancer

    • @juanitawilliams2887
      @juanitawilliams2887 4 года назад

      Wow I am blessed to be touched by this woman's life..... Guyanese in the hands of the Master.....victory is sure

  • @max15398
    @max15398 5 лет назад +88

    This is a 4 hour testimony and praise and worship service. Simply could not stop watching. I laughed and cried and feel blessed that they have shared this.

    • @day-v3h3d
      @day-v3h3d 3 года назад +2

      Glory to God for this Woman of God! Comfort the Evans family. She is with her Maker now.

  • @tsky86
    @tsky86 5 лет назад +58

    Mrs Lois Evans was indeed a pillar in her home, ministry and community. She left a godly legacy behind...when I think of The Evans family, all I see in Legacy! What a blessing and testimony. And the proud look on Pastor Tony Evans’ face, watching his children giving a tribute to their mom, it was priceless...pure joy 🤗. I pray for God’s comfort for this family in Jesus name.

  • @FarisFlournoy
    @FarisFlournoy 5 лет назад +46

    Kirk is amazing on those keys! I love it!

  • @rapture1949
    @rapture1949 5 лет назад +75


  • @olya8553
    @olya8553 5 лет назад +57

    "She had the most unique calling to women...She'd put a balm on their hurting hearts. She put aprons around their waist, and caused them to love their homes, their husbands, and their families. And she put a Bible in their hands."🔥❤❤Best & most encouraging funeral I ever did see! Your family has been encouraging & inspirational to me through these years! God bless you!!!😘

    • @judykotun6864
      @judykotun6864 5 лет назад +1


    • @AprilShowers777
      @AprilShowers777 5 лет назад

      Who said that

    • @olya8553
      @olya8553 5 лет назад +1

      @@AprilShowers777 Her family friend Devi Titus

    • @josephneeland1374
      @josephneeland1374 4 года назад +1

      This is the most inspirational and encouraging reflection on and of a Woman After God's Own Heart I have ever read; thank you. And Thank You Mrs. and Doctor Lois Evans and Doctor and Pastor Tony Evans and your entire Blessed Beyond The Curse and Beyond The Grave Family Of The Father's Table in King Jesus Christ Almighty Name AMEN and amen!!! My Wife for Life Trish and I love the entire Evans' Family; War Room and I CAN ONLY IMAGINE with Priscilla Shirer and her new movie that was released last year Overcomer and Anthony Evans' Music of and for God's Melody to get us stirred up to Worship our Living God and Soon Coming King of kings and Lord of lords and Prince of Peace Yeshua Messiah Christ Jesus. And Johnathan and Crystal's Love of Jesus Christ and for their Mom and Dad and their Brother Anthony and Sister Priscilla - TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

    • @tootiesmall816
      @tootiesmall816 4 года назад +1

      Good ceremony nice singing give god the praises god bless the family

  • @kristalmonique
    @kristalmonique 5 лет назад +99

    The most most impactful celebration of life I have ever witnessed.....praying for the Evans family. Your faith in God and family bond is unmatched. This woman accomplished 3 lifetime's worth of accomplishments for the glory of God! Rest well Lady Evans 💜

    • @gracenmercy579
      @gracenmercy579 5 лет назад

      Watch his sermon on New Years, make sure you have a Kleenex box with you. It has really bless my heart and such a reminder

    • @nothilemdunge9972
      @nothilemdunge9972 5 лет назад

      💯 Share the same sentiments🥺

    • @josephneeland1374
      @josephneeland1374 4 года назад


  • @moniquewrites9046
    @moniquewrites9046 5 лет назад +41

    Kirk never had a tight relationship with his biological mom. I can tell Dr. Lois was a mother to him and he is grateful to God for that.

  • @CoCoBliss4
    @CoCoBliss4 5 лет назад +113

    To God be the glory!!!!!! “P.S.- Don’t tell me how to get my glory!!!” Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🙏🏾 Rest in Power Dr. Lois Evans....

    • @Meldiee1
      @Meldiee1 5 лет назад +11

      Yes, I sat back like Jesus okay!!! Lord forgive me when I thought I was running things and trying to tell you how to do it for me!!! #melaniehaveseveralseats!

    • @marycheese8606
      @marycheese8606 5 лет назад +5

      Rest in peace mrs. Evans.

    • @martieparfait4193
      @martieparfait4193 5 лет назад +5

      That part!!! Hallelujah👏🏾🙌🏾

    • @evelyncooley6217
      @evelyncooley6217 5 лет назад +3

      I felt it when I heard it... "P.S." #YesSirLord

    • @theperfectimperfectfamily13
      @theperfectimperfectfamily13 5 лет назад +2

      Hello say it

  • @pamelaperkins2507
    @pamelaperkins2507 5 лет назад +109

    The stories by Lois' siblings are evidence of what takes place when the children are taught to love & serve God at home!

  • @AM-mg7gj
    @AM-mg7gj 5 лет назад +193

    Praying for Gods peace and strength to carry your family through Dr. Tony Evans

    • @Newnewerin
      @Newnewerin 5 лет назад +9

      He is leading while bleeding. Love that comment by Jada’s husband.

    • @frederickweeksjr.1189
      @frederickweeksjr.1189 5 лет назад +1

      @@Newnewerin EXACTLY

  • @Wachera
    @Wachera 5 лет назад +30

    I watched it live from Kenya. This was such a great and beautiful send off. Her legacy lives on. Her impact goes beyond the US boundaries. She was a woman worth emulating. Thank you for reuploading this. Much love and continual prayers to the Evans family.

  • @rosereyes7083
    @rosereyes7083 5 лет назад +72

    I have been ministered through our late Louis Evan's service, thank you Lord for her salvation and thank you for my restoration!!

    • @rochellenurse3664
      @rochellenurse3664 5 лет назад +4

      Amen! The funeral is for the living to be impacted, her work on earth was done. RIP First Lady Lois Evans🙏🙏🙏

    • @rosereyes7083
      @rosereyes7083 5 лет назад +3

      @@rochellenurse3664 Amen sis Amen

    • @whitecrys1
      @whitecrys1 4 года назад +1

      Praise the Lord, Sister Rose. I wasn't looking for this - it was in my RUclips feed -- but I too was blessed by this homegoing celebration. Powerful word delivered by her son.

    • @rosereyes7083
      @rosereyes7083 4 года назад

      @@whitecrys1 yes most definitely!

  • @TheChoralist
    @TheChoralist 5 лет назад +2

    Kirk is WORSHIPPING on that piano you hear me !! Go on brotha ! Them piano keys are praising god and bringing me to tears !

  • @neacee50
    @neacee50 5 лет назад +119

    "I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. " 2 Timothy 4:7-8
    May the strength and peace of God be with the Evans family.

  • @nxtchpforme9154
    @nxtchpforme9154 5 лет назад +18

    I am amazed how eloquently all her children speak. Crystal ain't mo joke. Fully developed. Abundant details delivered articulately without notes.

  • @PEACEofGOD2day
    @PEACEofGOD2day 5 лет назад +50

    Wow. Tears but tears of joy too. Love this family.

    • @mlmlsmith2505
      @mlmlsmith2505 5 лет назад +3

      ThatFree Momma

  • @bettycook6267
    @bettycook6267 2 года назад +1

    She was truly a Proverbs 31 woman of

  • @AlmondJoie
    @AlmondJoie 5 лет назад +30

    "... I don't owe you anything. ... So back up off Me with your entitlement."
    Oh how this touched me! I too am battling cancer, but I'm also homeless, physically disabled, and alone. Dr. told me on Monday that I have cataracts in both eyes. However much time I have left, it doesn't matter anymore. Whatever God allows, my life is not my own -- it belongs to Him. His promise, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you," is all that I cling to in the faith He's given me. My heart goes out to the entire Evans family in their time of grief and unspeakable pain. They are in my prayers for God's comfort and strength. RIP Sis. Evans💔

    • @vimbaimupesa4670
      @vimbaimupesa4670 5 лет назад +1

      Hugs and kisses

    • @londiwezungu7169
      @londiwezungu7169 5 лет назад +3

      May the Lord heal you and be with you in the mist of your trials in Jesus name.

    • @AlmondJoie
      @AlmondJoie 5 лет назад

      @@vimbaimupesa4670 Thank you and may the Lord bless you for your kind words.😁

    • @AlmondJoie
      @AlmondJoie 5 лет назад +1

      @@londiwezungu7169 Thank you! God's healing and divine presence is another opportunity to see Him and His awesome power at work in all of our lives! To God be the glory!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @oluwasimisola5027
      @oluwasimisola5027 5 лет назад +3

      How can I help? Blessings.

  • @michelledonna4831
    @michelledonna4831 5 лет назад +77

    The eulogy itself was powerful and life changing! Just to see their son Jonathan delivered it in the strength of the anointing was epic! That one line “Don’t tell me how to get my glory,” went through me to the point I had to say “YES LORD!” The send off of Dr. Lois Evans was so beautiful and to know to my surprise she was part of my people (Guyanese) took me!

  • @gracenmercy579
    @gracenmercy579 5 лет назад +54

    She love’s the Lord, it was very evident. A woman that fears the Lord shall be praised. She left a rich legacy for her family, Christ is the foundational so vital!

  • @Worshipyoutubetv
    @Worshipyoutubetv 3 года назад +1

    I remember me listen to Dr. Tony Evan's has child in Baltimore, MD on the radio station wrbs... I always set infont of the radio to hear your message has a child.. it was very encourage.. I grew up on the west side of Baltimore.. Martin Luther king Blvd and west fayette st... I never knew you was from Baltimore... wow this is a small world .. both of my parents was into ministry and that was the only station me and brothers was allow to listen too... I send my love to your family. . Rest in the glory of God woman of God...😭😭😭😭😭

  • @dianariley1067
    @dianariley1067 5 лет назад +43

    This should have been televised. For the whole world to see. What a Beautiful Homegoing Celebration. I feel very unfortunate, not having had the pleasure of knowing such a Woman of God. 🙌🏾😊 I started watching her Pastor's Wife's Ministry on RUclips, just a month ago. I fell in love with her sweet , giving, kind spirit. I started watching her fingerprints in her family videos as well. What a Legacy. No more sorrow. Rest on, Great Woman of God.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😊😊😊🌹🌹🌹🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💛In the arms of Jesus! Victory Belongs to Jesus!! May God continue to Bless and strengthen Your faithful family.🙏🏾💛

    • @ilovejesusshorpe8176
      @ilovejesusshorpe8176 5 лет назад +1

      Diana Riley, I echo those words.

    • @nothilemdunge9972
      @nothilemdunge9972 5 лет назад

      Diana Riley I ECHO THESE WORDS TOO🥺

    • @Natasha-oz6ik
      @Natasha-oz6ik 4 года назад

      I said the same..

    • @gillianzohnert2323
      @gillianzohnert2323 4 года назад

      Amen, that's the power of the spirit to influence this generation, even after her death. This would have blessed our generation so much.

  • @lornaphillips5897
    @lornaphillips5897 3 года назад +6

    1 year later this has impacted me...such an example.

  • @jackieduplessy1459
    @jackieduplessy1459 5 лет назад +68

    Love the Evans family - I just love Dr Lois Evans... I will continue to pray and support the Evans family... love Jonathan’s message just powerful!!! Such a beautiful service. Thanks so much for sharing 💕🤗

  • @runnettesalehm6776
    @runnettesalehm6776 3 года назад +3

    I was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer in 2018 and I have been having a rough time since. I have watched sweet Lois Evan's homecoming celebration many times. I find comfort in the knowing and shed many tears for how good God is and how he is faithful and just. I watched Pastor Evan's face as he looked on his wonderful children with pride. Please keep me in prayer, but don't worry "Victory Belongs to Jesus".

  • @bigbejar
    @bigbejar 5 лет назад +4

    Brothers and sisters, I give you Kirk Franklin's worship experience. True worship. We need more of this in the church today!!!! Thank you Jesus. He's not dead!!!! My God bless the Evans family for all their sacrifices for the body of Christ.

  • @agnessmutisa639
    @agnessmutisa639 5 лет назад +34

    I have no more prayers to offer God for Lois because they have all been answered now Louis is completely healed and she is in a safe place.God is great

  • @Spazzycat14
    @Spazzycat14 5 лет назад +140

    Condolences to you are you family. The vessel is retured to the earth, but her soul rejoices in glory.

  • @gennyjoe686
    @gennyjoe686 5 лет назад +20

    Wow, what a way to be sent forth. At the end, my emotions changed from sadness to victory. I realized that at the end of the day as believers we are not disadvantaged. This is what my funeral service to be like: A reminder that Jesus Christ has won.

  • @berniceperry2864
    @berniceperry2864 5 лет назад +73

    Mrs. Evans Was Awesome Lady . And Our Brother Pastor Evans . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your two sons to your two daughters you grandchildren glory be to God we will see our sister again .

    • @veronicanapper4417
      @veronicanapper4417 5 лет назад +1

      My sincerest condolences to you and your family. Thank God that we do not mourn as those who have no hope! For you shall see her again during that GREAT gettin up morning!!

    • @colettebeamon7575
      @colettebeamon7575 5 лет назад +1

      I didn’t know Pastor Tony Evans wife went too Glory but too be absent from the body is too be present with the lord The family has my sympathy keep your eyes unto the hills your help will come from the lord. And God bless you Kirk

  • @SherylCurry
    @SherylCurry 4 года назад +1

    I've watched the homegoing celebration of DR. LOIS IRENE EVANS and I feel that I KNOW this powerful, people loving, God fearing, outspoken, unafraid, servant of God, wife, Mother, Sister, Grandmother, and friend!
    I can't wait to meet you!
    I'll look for you when I get HOME.

  • @juandajohnson1538
    @juandajohnson1538 5 лет назад +27

    Dr Lois Evans, an epic example of the virtuous woman.

  • @lhposey3719
    @lhposey3719 3 года назад +8

    This funeral brings me peace I watch it often for strength and the whole family is warriors for Christ

  • @feliciabanks2586
    @feliciabanks2586 5 лет назад +139

    Grateful they shared this moment because they didn't have to. Covering the Evan's family consistently. This is the residue I want to leave on this earth 😇 Rest with the father Ms.Evans 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️😔 #IShallWearACrown

  • @orzyrok6849
    @orzyrok6849 4 года назад +1

    Besides everything I thank our great GOD ALMIGHTY for blessing the planet with such a wonderful family. Tony Evans will always be the intellectual preacher I know. Being the first black PHD grad in Theology in America he lived a humble life and continue to serve his God, his family and community faithfully. With a supportive wife who stands by him nothing separates the two. Such legacy is a living symbol of how children are raised to fear God. Thank you Dr and Mrs Evans. Thank you Dr Tony.

  • @evelynj.amponsah8417
    @evelynj.amponsah8417 5 лет назад +61

    What a Celebration of Life, job well done my faithful servant. Amen.

    • @mlmlsmith2505
      @mlmlsmith2505 5 лет назад +2


    • @olasmith8367
      @olasmith8367 5 лет назад +2

      Such a beautiful lady so sory to here of her passing.she is in the Fathers arms now

  • @chimaodionye260
    @chimaodionye260 3 года назад +1

    I praise God for the Life of Dr. Lois Evans and the Legacy she left behind. I didn't know her or heard about her from this side of the world. Sometime ago I watched the movie war room, got to know Priscilla and have been following her teaching from Going beyond ministries, a teaching that has impacted so much in me as a person, then read about her bar ground knew her father and mother and have watched their bible teachings. I have have checked so many teachings of Dr. Lois's pastor's wives ministry which has rich messages. Even though she has gone, her legacy continues to impact people around the world. We praise God for her life as a mother, wife and her ministry. May God continue to bless the Evans family.

  • @chocopurpleluv
    @chocopurpleluv 5 лет назад +50

    Continuing in prayer for the Lord God to bless the entire Evans family with His strength, comfort, and peace. Thank you for sharing this beautiful celebration of Dr. Lois’ life legacy.

  • @ForessaAnn
    @ForessaAnn 5 лет назад +6

    I've been listening to Dr. Tony Evans since I was 10 and I'm 45. I feel like a part of the family. May God's peace that surpasses all understanding cover you all every second of every day. I love you all sincerely and I pray for God to heal your hurting hearts and fill you with encouragement. We will see Dr. Lois Evans again! OH HOW WE WILL REJOICE!

  • @sherricooks5975
    @sherricooks5975 5 лет назад +51

    She gave God praise literally all the way to her transitional stage. Such a beautiful homegoing service for a beautiful spirit, beautiful woman of God, inside and out. ❤

    • @rrr2087
      @rrr2087 2 года назад

      You could and probably would too if you were on your dying bed and knew without a doubt you were going to die physically wouldn't you too give God praise up to the very end if God gave you that opportunity, ?😁 I know I would 😄

  • @selinalihanda937
    @selinalihanda937 5 лет назад +22

    1 Corinthians 15-57
    O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Rest in Power Dr. Lois.

  • @truthbetold9781
    @truthbetold9781 5 лет назад +30

    I commend her son's, all of her kids. Took strength beyond themselves to sing and preach in honor of their mom. Praise the Lord!

  • @BG-pr1rx
    @BG-pr1rx 5 лет назад +21

    This broke my heart like I loss my moms.. praying for you and your family Tony Evans.. I’ve been struggling with my faith lately last few months hearing her legacy strengthen my faith. She still blessing people in her death!! Prayer going up

  • @roninissi9979
    @roninissi9979 5 лет назад +8

    In her death she ministered as much as in life. I spent four hours watching this whole video. I cried, I laughed, I worshiped and made new resolutions for my life and ministry. This can only be God. I pray for the entire family. Blessings to you all. Glory be to God. ❤️🙏🏾.

  • @patricesneed1149
    @patricesneed1149 4 года назад +1


  • @jeannet7443
    @jeannet7443 5 лет назад +33

    "When we all get to heaven we'll sing and shout the victory."

    • @gillianzohnert2323
      @gillianzohnert2323 4 года назад

      May we start singing now as we bring Heaven to earth!

  • @gsjustice4905
    @gsjustice4905 5 лет назад +35

    Church started at 3:30:00 younger brother Evans has preached the gospel, he glorified the Lord! Hallelujah!

    • @latressamotton2314
      @latressamotton2314 5 лет назад

      Gwendolyn Swatts listen!!!! He did!! I bypassed everything else to get to this word!! This word blessed my heart!

    • @danaguthrie2037
      @danaguthrie2037 5 лет назад

      Gwendolyn Swatts were e I’ll

    • @whitecrys1
      @whitecrys1 4 года назад

      Yes indeed he did preach the gospel! GLORY!!! Had never heard of him before, but my my my ... the anointing is heavy upon him.

    • @_M4Muna_
      @_M4Muna_ 4 года назад

      Amen! Hallelujah🙏🏾

  • @Meldiee1
    @Meldiee1 5 лет назад +10

    Thank you Evans family for allowing us to share this wonderful occasion with you. Ms Lois, I have never met you, yet you have made an impression on me via watching your lovely celebration of life service. How I want my life to reflect the love of God in living color like how you did. To be a great wife, mother, child of God and person. To properly balance everything. Lord may I leave such a legacy of love honor and joy. May God bless each of you. Pastor Tony we love you sir.

  • @mariej4448
    @mariej4448 4 года назад +1

    My mother passed away in February 2014 and today was the first time I have ever felt the power of healing taking place in my heart. I kept wanting to see this beautiful celebration of life and I am so very happy God quieted my day for me to see Mrs. Evan's celebration ❣ I was truly, truly blessed by Rev. Jonathan's message. Wow!! He summed it all up for me!!

  • @qreat_things4846
    @qreat_things4846 5 лет назад +26

    🎶 🎼 I sing because I’m happy. I sing because I’m free. His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me
    This song is so beautiful it had me In Tears

  • @marypayne2588
    @marypayne2588 5 лет назад +26

    This family is the real deal!!
    Bless you all ♥️♥️

  • @charlanascorner
    @charlanascorner 5 лет назад +48

    This is beautiful, such legacy & love. Continued prayers for the Evans family.

    • @POV00005
      @POV00005 5 лет назад +4

      She is beyond beautiful. I will pray for the family as well.

    • @RJN8580
      @RJN8580 5 лет назад +3

      Amen 🙏

  • @loricadue1730
    @loricadue1730 3 года назад +1

    Beautiful & an angel now!

  • @NathalyPaul
    @NathalyPaul 5 лет назад +100

    My condolences and prayers goes to the family.

  • @kitumbui_nancy
    @kitumbui_nancy 4 года назад +1

    I love this family for free ❤️😘. Love from Kenya 🤗. Talk of the racists and anti Christ disliking the video,, you have your reward

  • @gregorymurdock8551
    @gregorymurdock8551 3 года назад +6

    I and my family have been so very blessed through the years by this wonderful Godly family. My prayers for peace and comfort and to continue serving our Mighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....Thank you Evan's family

  • @maureenanyango422
    @maureenanyango422 3 года назад +2

    Victory belongs to Jesus Christ

  • @monicaperry9020
    @monicaperry9020 5 лет назад +158

    Jonathan preached her service. She would have been proud

  • @lindacaffrey3268
    @lindacaffrey3268 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you for the privilege of being a part of this beautiful vision of her life and her service to God. It touched me in so many ways but I was profoundly struck by your beautiful children and the words they spoke and sang. What a blessing! I wish I had the privilege to have met her but through all of you I rededicated my life to Jesus! The victory is Jesus!

  • @sylviawright5373
    @sylviawright5373 4 года назад +3

    Kirk Franklin put his heart soul and tears into this one! What a phenomenal performance by the choir and the chorus group!

  • @jennifermurai9716
    @jennifermurai9716 4 года назад +1

    This is more than a home going celebration.... God comfort this family.... iam changed by watching this. what a woman ... what a legacy ... what a family ....

  • @shasimmons1906
    @shasimmons1906 5 лет назад +76

    Our deepest heartfelt condolences. Mrs. Lois will be missed but we know her LEGACY will continue!! (Thank you for re-posting the video.)

    • @BloomwithChi
      @BloomwithChi 5 лет назад +1

      She will be truly missed! My thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones. I pray God comforts and strengthens them all.

  • @maryshelton1216
    @maryshelton1216 5 лет назад +2

    Pastor Tony it was this time last year my mom and father died . It has only been by the grace of God that brought me through it all. Let the God of all comfort you at this time. We love you and your wonderful family sir.

  • @cmw332
    @cmw332 5 лет назад +83

    Kirk and them singers went in.

    • @gideonwilliams9449
      @gideonwilliams9449 5 лет назад +2

      CM Watkins yesssss!

    • @valrierolle9356
      @valrierolle9356 5 лет назад +4

      What Joy when the saints of God goes home rest in piece lady Evans sympathy to all the family stay strong Pastor Evans you made my life a blessing thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @lynette4412
      @lynette4412 5 лет назад

      "went in?"

    • @Denesha0123
      @Denesha0123 5 лет назад +1

      👏👏 yes lord

  • @marissab.8542
    @marissab.8542 5 лет назад +13

    How beautiful are the feet of those that serve. Sis Lois served well to the end. I wept as I heard her children rise up and call her blessed. Rest in heavenly peace Mom Lois.

  • @elizabethsakala1913
    @elizabethsakala1913 5 лет назад +74

    And now she's in a better place having run the race well and finishing her course. She sings songs of praise with Wynter Pitts and the holy angels 🙌🙌

  • @jess_Knows
    @jess_Knows 4 года назад +1

    Those Evans kids are amazing!!! What an example!

  • @PurpleIphone7
    @PurpleIphone7 5 лет назад +14

    This is the Best Homegoing Service, I have ever witnessed.

  • @QueenTreviorOfficial
    @QueenTreviorOfficial 11 месяцев назад +1

    Dr. Lois Evans, you are always my hero.

  • @nxtchpforme9154
    @nxtchpforme9154 5 лет назад +35

    The ladies sang beautifully. Kirk did his thing.

  • @jkel4395
    @jkel4395 5 лет назад +19

    Must see 3:30:00 until the end... Psalm 127:3 children are a heritage from the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he shall not depart from it. What a beautiful Eulogy from her son. Life goals... Leaving a legacy of loving the Lord with my children.

  • @cedrpg017
    @cedrpg017 5 лет назад +75

    My heart goes out to the family

    • @dinbarretto9955
      @dinbarretto9955 5 лет назад

      What a legacy! God be praised. What a beautiful family of believers! God has a beautiful purpose for everything and Jonathan said it so well!

    • @TheReallDonaldTrump
      @TheReallDonaldTrump 5 лет назад

      How did she pass?

    • @cedrpg017
      @cedrpg017 5 лет назад

      @@TheReallDonaldTrump Cancer

    • @TheReallDonaldTrump
      @TheReallDonaldTrump 5 лет назад

      @@cedrpg017 you know what kind?

    • @MsObsidianReloaded
      @MsObsidianReloaded 5 лет назад

      @@TheReallDonaldTrump I read some places it was biliary (bile duct) cancer and other places gallbladder cancer...they maybe related because the gallbladder is near the liver

  • @catinamoore7131
    @catinamoore7131 5 лет назад +12

    Our First Lady, makes me want to run this race even harder for the Lord. She has been such an example to every woman around her. Thanking God for the life of Sis Lois Evans! We love you all Pastor.

  • @HeyErinLady
    @HeyErinLady 5 лет назад +14

    Took me all week to watch -- WORTH IT 🙏♥️✝️

  • @sofumba
    @sofumba 3 года назад +2

    What a beautiful Home Going Celebration for Dr. Lois Evans. My Mom transitioned on December 9th, 2019, so I understand how they all were feeling. She too was a great Woman of God, and well beloved by Family and all who knew her. I also sang at the Celebration, and it was one of the most difficult things to do, because she was my #1 Fan who always encouraged me. Beautifully done be all of her Children, and Anthony did a wonderful job!! I was her heart too, out of the three of us.....

  • @lidyanaredeemed9848
    @lidyanaredeemed9848 4 года назад +8

    What an incredible family they are. Dr. Evans true man of God!! The Lord really blessed them❤️

  • @Krfran14
    @Krfran14 4 года назад +1

    Wowwww... That Eulogy though...?!!! I didn't have any idea who this family are as I'm from London so have only heard of Dr Tony Evans once watching a kirk Franklin video, YT had this as the next video so I randomly watched and I couldn't stop. The worship the tributes and then the Eulogy...my goodness.. I'm astounded. Every child of this couple is anointed and gifted and you are your mothers truest legacy. Beautiful. Rest in Peace Dr Lois Evans xxx

  • @stephaniecannon410
    @stephaniecannon410 3 года назад +4

    One day we all will see the KING 👑 and our loved ones and we'll all walk around heaven and Praise the LORD. 🧡🌹🧡☺️🎉🔥🔥🔥