
  • Опубликовано: 13 июл 2024
  • 隱身花蓮鳳林的林田山曾是臺灣第四大的林場,舊稱摩里沙卡(MOLISAKA-即日語'森坂'發音),是臺灣遺留下來最完整、最具特色的伐木基地,無論規模或重要性,都在臺灣林業開發史上扮演了極為重要的角色,見證了那個時代的光輝。走進現今的林田山林業文化園區中,仍然能感受到當年的林場氛圍,除了帶著陽剛味的軌道與機具外,依山而建的木造建築保存得相當完整,濃濃的日式懷舊風情,展現了林田山林場柔美的一面。
    Lintianshan Cultural Park
    Lintian Mountain, hidden in Fenglin, Hualien County, was once the fourth largest forest station in Taiwan and was formerly known as Mpolishaka (pronounced “Morisaka” in Japanese). It is the most complete and distinctive logging base left in Taiwan, whether in terms of scale or importance, and played an extremely important role in the history of Taiwan's forestry development.Visitors to today's Lintianshan Forestry Cultural Park can still feel the atmosphere of the forest farm as it used to be. In addition to the tracks and machinery, the wooden buildings built against the mountain remain quite well preserved, with a strong Japanese feel to them, showcasing the soft side of Lintianshan Forest Station.

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