[Where's Shmee] Supercars in the Mountains!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 397

  • @Shmee150
    @Shmee150  7 лет назад +79

    The Where's Shmee Eurotour is now well and truly underway with a trip through the Alps with both the 675LT Spider and TechArt GT Street R towards Italy ready for Cars & Coffee tomorrow. Next stop we'll be making our way back to Germany where the Vanquish lies in waiting at Aston Martin Dusseldorf to continue the adventures. Thanks for following!

    • @shahana6120
      @shahana6120 7 лет назад +1

      Shmee150 where's Shmee? i dunno lol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @kellon.o.g3281
      @kellon.o.g3281 7 лет назад

      shmee guys i am hi

    • @oscarwaites2733
      @oscarwaites2733 7 лет назад

      Using fat rat music are we

    • @AnimilesYT
      @AnimilesYT 7 лет назад

      Shmee150 So many Porsches.. I'm almost more excited to see a Golf GTI than a Porsche due to how common Porsches are... And it is a shame because Porsches are quite cool

    • @AnimilesYT
      @AnimilesYT 7 лет назад +1

      The lyrics at around 9:00 are so fitting! That song is also one of my Favourite songs :D

  • @duledusko
    @duledusko 7 лет назад +91

    Drone footage was on point.

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +29

      Not bad for his first ever go using it, never put it in the air before

    • @Goxilla
      @Goxilla 7 лет назад

      did you guys control it from the driving car?

    • @Yojikman
      @Yojikman 7 лет назад

      WOW Well done!

  • @K46882
    @K46882 7 лет назад +36

    Wow! Very beautiful drone shots and well edited.

  • @jedistarkiller5961
    @jedistarkiller5961 7 лет назад +41

    Its good too see someone use their cars proper like you do tim keep up with the awesome videos you make

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +37

      Thanks for the comment and the support

  • @DahleJohannes
    @DahleJohannes 7 лет назад +11

    I've seen a lot of negativity in the comments on Shmee's channel lately, and I don't understand why.. I my eyes your videos are getting better and better. Love the segments with music and drone footage. People should appreciate the content you produce, and encourage you to keep doing your thing. Not to mention, it's free. Keep it up, Tim! Loving the videos!

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +5

      Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate the support

    • @spadgm
      @spadgm 7 лет назад

      Yeah I dont understand it either, the vids are great, I always look forward to the Where's Shmee tour.
      People just dont seem to get that these videos take time and care to make, and we get them for free!

  • @Egoz169
    @Egoz169 7 лет назад +2

    One of the best videos on this channel, good job, very very good job! Looking forward to the rest of the where's Shmee tour!

  • @MarvinTortas
    @MarvinTortas 7 лет назад +1

    That drone shots with that music... Just magic! Congrats!

  • @darrensowden4637
    @darrensowden4637 7 лет назад +1

    Awesome Tim & Ben........big step up in quality. Stunning!!!

  • @janvandenbos7085
    @janvandenbos7085 7 лет назад

    Very nice again Tim, utterly, utterly amazing cars roads, driving, thanks for sharing Shmee !

  • @aidenblake3080
    @aidenblake3080 7 лет назад +1

    great to see the cars doing what they do best in the mountains shmee and great drone footage

  • @BenM-nv6mu
    @BenM-nv6mu 7 лет назад +1

    Fantastic Drone shots, totally awesome, Respect to my namesake for the piloting! Have a great trip and look forward to the C&C video. Peace!

  • @Sophiacalate
    @Sophiacalate 7 лет назад

    Very cool atmosphere with the music and the drone! 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @birdman1585
    @birdman1585 7 лет назад +1

    From 4:00 to 12:40, are the best 8 minutes and 40 seconds that this channel has ever seen, at least since I started watching you years ago.

  • @alexisserafin351
    @alexisserafin351 7 лет назад

    Loved the drone over the mountains. Keep up the amazing work Shmee and as always thanks for sharing.

  • @AlphaRed28
    @AlphaRed28 7 лет назад +1

    That was a sensational video. Those drone shots, editing and music really made the whole thing spark. Loved it.

  • @SCDC-Channel
    @SCDC-Channel 7 лет назад +1

    what a beautiful road trip!!

  • @davidweatherburn4477
    @davidweatherburn4477 7 лет назад +1

    Yup, best Schmee video so far. Forgot I was watching something on RUclips at one point. Awesome work, thanks guys

  • @ekam9437
    @ekam9437 7 лет назад +1

    fantastic filming tim. safe driving on your adventure! beautiful road trips

  • @taforth
    @taforth 7 лет назад +1

    Great cars, scenery, cinematography and music 😮

  • @RisingNoxify
    @RisingNoxify 7 лет назад +1

    Lovely editing with the drone shots and the music fits perfectly as well!

  • @mostafamamdouh2247
    @mostafamamdouh2247 7 лет назад +1

    Good job Tim,
    Every thing in this video is perfect music cars the landscape, appreciate your effort

  • @MrSnowy79
    @MrSnowy79 7 лет назад

    Scenery!!!! Always blown away by that part of the World. Oh, and cars!! They're pretty awesome too..

  • @souravpatil9177
    @souravpatil9177 7 лет назад +4

    Such a nice video. The drone shots, editing, the music nd ofcourse the cars everything is just perfect abt this video. Keep it up tim.

  • @modemomo
    @modemomo 7 лет назад

    So happy to see the LT back in content. Absolutely beautiful piece of art and engineering.

  • @ronniematrix89
    @ronniematrix89 7 лет назад

    Great road trip, I can spot the stunning scenery in the countryside. Great adventure. thanks for sharing this upload.

  • @DBStarr7
    @DBStarr7 6 лет назад

    Nicely done! Another 'bucket list' type of drive, for me!

  • @ImDaWoodzy
    @ImDaWoodzy 7 лет назад

    Amazing cars, even more breathtaking scenery. You are certainly a lucky man tim. Thanks for providing us with this upper echelon of entertainment 👍

  • @matthijsn993
    @matthijsn993 7 лет назад +2

    Shmee just leveled up as a youtuber, those drone shots with the editing are orgasmic

  • @imranpatel4612
    @imranpatel4612 7 лет назад +1

    Such a great video with the drone footage. Loved it

  • @Zootopia96
    @Zootopia96 7 лет назад +1

    Now this was a great video. The cars being driven proper, great on board scenes of the cracks and sounds. And the drone footage of the cars driving together was fantastic. Imagine seeing a whole convoy with that drone :O

  • @danzhangmagic
    @danzhangmagic 7 лет назад +1

    holy crap!! the background music at 7:38 really gave me a chill, the timing is perfect..whoever edited this video good freaking job!!!! what a nice video

  • @danzhangmagic
    @danzhangmagic 7 лет назад +1

    omg shmee so far this is my favorite video of yours in 2017, the video editing is off the roof amazing, especially the background music's timing is so perfect, and the choice of the song is also perfect. Also love it so much when you hear the engine sound with the music

  • @Nitrox628
    @Nitrox628 7 лет назад +1

    Congratulations Shmee for these videos with the drone!

  • @MrGerbs76
    @MrGerbs76 7 лет назад +1

    The drone action was great...more please!

  • @wmc9482
    @wmc9482 7 лет назад +1

    Wow, what an Awesome Production, those shots that sound. I cast it to my Home Theater, so good. Oh yeah the cars where great too..............

  • @thomasantunes2241
    @thomasantunes2241 7 лет назад

    The scenes with the drone are insane, so beautiful!

  • @litespeed65
    @litespeed65 7 лет назад

    Excellent video Tim!
    The drone shots and the scene in Seb's car were my highlights.

  • @skrishna44
    @skrishna44 7 лет назад

    thank you TIM for keeping the song..this is 14th time i was listing to it since you uploaded the video..such an awesome song

  • @suyashnagar9689
    @suyashnagar9689 7 лет назад +1

    What a lovely Video and my man Benzeneben your cinematography is on Another level loved the video and waiting for the next videos to come

  • @timsmart698
    @timsmart698 7 лет назад

    One of the best videos you've done, what drone footage!!! Amazing!

  • @Moxtrox
    @Moxtrox 7 лет назад +1

    Ben's editing makes the videos much more enjoyable. Also, props for hitting the 10k km mark. I didn't hit that in a year with my daily driver.

  • @Lightunseen
    @Lightunseen 7 лет назад

    I could've watch that droid footage with such an awesome music the whole day. Just perfect soundtrack for the scene. :)

  • @MattDL96
    @MattDL96 7 лет назад

    The drone footage and music in this video is spectacular!

  • @92superamerica
    @92superamerica 7 лет назад +1

    Awesome. On of you best videos. Cool cars.

  • @Skillzvideos
    @Skillzvideos 7 лет назад

    loved the efford you guys put into the filming with the drone. you guys did a great Job.

  • @SebDelanney
    @SebDelanney 7 лет назад +50

    Haha 😂 oh you two.
    Clearly still need to get used to having central locking 🙄

    • @jorgefaleromazziotti1174
      @jorgefaleromazziotti1174 7 лет назад

      Seb Delanney to be honest y hated the other lotus, but this one... Wow it's a hell of a car, congrats seb that was a great choice

    • @thedumbtechie
      @thedumbtechie 7 лет назад +2

      Seb Delanney you should change the rims design of the Lotus in coming time. Keep them gold but the design looks ugly

  • @mattobadia
    @mattobadia 7 лет назад +87

    is there actual coffee at cars & coffees?

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +60

      Yes, it's sponsored by a coffee company

    • @mattobadia
      @mattobadia 7 лет назад +2

      awesome! beautiful scenery and cars. makes me want to work hard and be able to do what you're doing one day!

    • @callummongan9722
      @callummongan9722 7 лет назад +2

      Shmee150 when's your Vanquish going to appear on this tour ?

    • @Yojikman
      @Yojikman 7 лет назад

      Which coffee company this time?

  • @warren6815
    @warren6815 7 лет назад

    Those cracks from the LT are absolutely insane!

  • @schumifannreins295
    @schumifannreins295 7 лет назад

    Great visuals, great music! Fantastic video.

  • @LeeWalton_1999
    @LeeWalton_1999 7 лет назад +1

    This is one of my favourite shmee videos

  • @jrazjraz
    @jrazjraz 7 лет назад

    That was a really well put together video Shmee...Great job !!!

  • @thedownshiftchannel
    @thedownshiftchannel 7 лет назад +18

    That's some convoy you had going! Certainly would have opted to take the mountain roads rather than the motorways! Good call!

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +19

      By being just us it gave us the opportunities to get the drone shots so not all bad.

    • @thedownshiftchannel
      @thedownshiftchannel 7 лет назад

      Not at all bad! It's not like those two cars don't make enough of a presence already!

    • @bassiedekoning
      @bassiedekoning 7 лет назад

      thedownshiftchannel h

  • @szilardzubnar9844
    @szilardzubnar9844 7 лет назад

    I've always been wanting you to make this kind of content, you having fun lately with the guys especially with Ben has really made the videos quite a bit more enjoyable! Keep up the great work Tim :)

  • @NekoNoKaze
    @NekoNoKaze 7 лет назад

    The drone fotage was awesome and the music added to it fit perfectly !! loved it hope to see more :D

  • @AutomotiveMike
    @AutomotiveMike 7 лет назад +1

    Which road is THE road to drive into your opinion, in terms of skill, scenery and fun?

  • @melkeraxelsson4582
    @melkeraxelsson4582 7 лет назад +1

    The drone is going to bring another dimension to your videos! Great video Tim!!😎👌🏼

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +1

      Where possible, it takes a lot of work to both film and edit that footage

  • @koenmoors1915
    @koenmoors1915 7 лет назад +1

    you make good videos Shmee really fun to watch!!!

  • @discoverlight
    @discoverlight 7 лет назад +1

    OMG, What an amazing trip you guys just went through, Your channel is the best subscrition I've done in youtube. Wow, you've taken me through the best places of Europe as I just sit in my iMac after work Really really love every video of your channel.

  • @pad3357
    @pad3357 7 лет назад +1

    drone footage was game changing !!!

  • @Circiaify
    @Circiaify 7 лет назад

    I love his McLaren and the colour is just so AMAZING. By far my favourite car he's owned. Totally jelly of these places he goes to in these cars!

  • @mollymarsgal3377
    @mollymarsgal3377 7 лет назад

    You are my favorite youtuber, hands down! Please keep making these awesome videos! Sooooo close to 1million!

  • @kevintitus1290
    @kevintitus1290 7 лет назад +1

    awesome cinematography ..

  • @keitumetsem1344
    @keitumetsem1344 7 лет назад

    Great vid Tim, drone shots and music were beautiful

  • @WhiteShmoo
    @WhiteShmoo 7 лет назад

    These supercars all together remembers me... NEED FOR SPEED! Thanks Tim.

  • @jackwebster9526
    @jackwebster9526 7 лет назад +1

    Oh my the drone work is incredible

  • @wildan2136
    @wildan2136 7 лет назад +2

    i love that drone shot amazing

  • @aumkar2
    @aumkar2 7 лет назад +1

    Great video Tim and the team!

  • @hafnium911
    @hafnium911 7 лет назад +1

    10,000km on the LT in that amount of time plus all the other super cars you own is awesome! Didn't realize it was that hard to get in and out of Seb's lotus too :)

  • @Vampirebear13
    @Vampirebear13 7 лет назад

    E-Type!!!! Drool !!!! In the words of Enzo Ferrari himself, the most beautiful car ever made.(I learned to drive in my brother's 1967 Series 1 XK-E)

  • @chuckjim8281
    @chuckjim8281 7 лет назад +40

    6:03 that was close!

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +13

      For sure, that man needs to be back on his side of the road!

    • @Blade1310
      @Blade1310 7 лет назад +32

      Yes he was a little bit wide, but you shouldn't have overtaken the cyclist when you couldn't see ahead!

    • @vulpesmyrca
      @vulpesmyrca 7 лет назад +3

      that is true!

  • @kennethmore767
    @kennethmore767 7 лет назад

    really great driving shots... awesome content shmee

  • @Elmo-vp9kl
    @Elmo-vp9kl 7 лет назад

    Nice mixup with The drone footage, really good job schmee

  • @MahbubAhmedRishty
    @MahbubAhmedRishty 7 лет назад

    The drone shots were mindblowing. Thousand times better than the still good past drone shots

  • @eduardosalvato6492
    @eduardosalvato6492 6 лет назад

    one of the best videos that you made. and, among the best in youtube. start becoming your fan Shmee!...

  • @johnprout8989
    @johnprout8989 7 лет назад

    That's my favourite vlog of yours Tim in a long long time . Keep it up man

  • @pbutok
    @pbutok 7 лет назад +7

    i would love to see some proper POV shots on your channel shmee, certainly in the car review sections, AutoTopo NL are one of my favourite channels because of thier pov drives and i would greatly apreciate some from you given the amazing cars you get to drive. Great Video ;)

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +3

      The problem is if I upload a POV video (where I would obviously have to drive at exactly the speed limit at a maximum) you would find it really boring and the comments would slaughter me for the lack of excitement in the video without a storyline or something happening.

    • @CinemaUnited
      @CinemaUnited 7 лет назад +2

      Shmee150 Just blur the speed like some youtubers do?

    • @TAEbot
      @TAEbot 7 лет назад +1

      Shmee150 Just blur out the speed... POV shots from the drivers seat are awesome... Do it Lego, please!

    • @Skillzvideos
      @Skillzvideos 7 лет назад +1

      pbutok autotopNL im actually dutch i don't know if you're dutch but love the fact you're a car enthousiast. like me

  • @TheHondamayhem
    @TheHondamayhem 7 лет назад

    brilliant video and music when cars are being recorded by the drone

  • @cj41079
    @cj41079 7 лет назад

    Awesome drone shots....love it shmee....feel like im there with u thank u :)

  • @jellev.d.a.4119
    @jellev.d.a.4119 7 лет назад +1

    There is a reason why my name is Jaguar E, for me it's just the best looking car ever produced. A true classic!

  • @TheBongReyes
    @TheBongReyes 7 лет назад

    Even with the 720S coming soon to buyers. 675LT is such a marvel. Can't imagine owning one, always great content Shmee. Monaco videos will be highly anticipated as always.

  • @stephenmorgan5414
    @stephenmorgan5414 7 лет назад +2

    Damn that Porsche is quick the 675 was not pulling away at all!

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +5

      All is a little bit sensible and controlled on public roads, would be interesting to see them give each other a run on a race track

  • @davideleonardi8269
    @davideleonardi8269 7 лет назад

    Thank you so much for the photo i have taken with you today! And btw there is an amazing hill climb car event called trento bondone on those twisty road

  • @mikolajberesniewicz6943
    @mikolajberesniewicz6943 7 лет назад

    Drone shots = new level of awesome in the Shmee150 channel

  • @BurOzt
    @BurOzt 7 лет назад

    Very nice video Shmee, drone shots are really cool.

  • @himmelfisken
    @himmelfisken 7 лет назад +1

    Best video in a long time, music choise was great aswell :)!

  • @NoahsSupercarsPlus
    @NoahsSupercarsPlus 7 лет назад

    Good god! The drone shots are stunning!

  • @Yojikman
    @Yojikman 7 лет назад +1

    Very nice video Tim!

  • @willywillywillywillywilly
    @willywillywillywillywilly 7 лет назад +1

    The fact that Tim leaves the factory screen protector on the central screen is probably a nice selling point for the second buyer. They get to be the one to peel it off and feel like at least part of the car is brand new to them. It's probably a very small thing for Tim that's worth thousands of dollars in resale value.

  • @battyflaps5410
    @battyflaps5410 7 лет назад

    How awesome would it be to be holding the camera for schmee in the passenger seat. Serious that must be one of the best things ever

  • @tincars740
    @tincars740 7 лет назад +1

    "The noice of that car....and the castle over there is awesome" :D
    By the way drone shots really worked out great. Adds some new perspective to your videos. Hope to see more of that in the future !

  • @opalei
    @opalei 7 лет назад +1

    i envy you man! amazing video's. when i win the lotery i will join u in all the amazing roadtrips! keep it up!! ✌

  • @DJ_NOOB
    @DJ_NOOB 7 лет назад +4

    "Do grown men fit in this car?" LOL nice one Ben.

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +1

      That was good wasn't it

  • @jedistarkiller5961
    @jedistarkiller5961 7 лет назад +13

    Tim where is the Vanquish

    • @Shmee150
      @Shmee150  7 лет назад +35

      It's currently on display in Aston Martin Dusseldorf! I'll be there to collect it and drive it for the next few weeks or this tour very soon

  • @Oli4vn
    @Oli4vn 7 лет назад

    Ben is an amazing editor! love the added drone shots!

  • @rjwakeman
    @rjwakeman 7 лет назад

    Some great drone edits, really adds great depth to the videos :)

  • @jakeburns3912
    @jakeburns3912 7 лет назад +1

    I love the spec on your lt!!!

  • @studiolezard
    @studiolezard 7 лет назад

    Hah! I drove the same road around Lago di Garda back in 1990 in a rented Fiat Uno. Loved it.

  • @buck101850
    @buck101850 7 лет назад +1

    Another really good one.

  • @Christophe87
    @Christophe87 7 лет назад

    At the middle of the video, I wanted to say "you need drone footage" .. then the drone arrived ! So nice ;)

  • @FrankTuk
    @FrankTuk 7 лет назад +1

    production value on point